worst month to start a resolution

It’s almost 2014, and you have resolved to turn a new leaf. After the excesses of the past two months, you are ready to eat right and move more. I applaud you for your resolve, and for your renewed commitment to health. However, I also believe that January is the worst month to start a resolution. Here are my top 10 reasons why January is the worst month to start a resolution: 1. Do you enjoy spending 20 minutes looking for a parking spot at your local gym at 4am in the dark and cold morning, only to wait 40 minutes in line to use the treadmill? 2. Do you like battling the winter advisories and parking restrictions to make your fitness classes? 3. If you have leftovers from your holiday celebrations, are you ready to pitch them all in the trash? 4. Do you know how hard it is to find local and fresh produce in the middle of winter? 5. If you’re a fan of comfort foods, can you picture going cold turkey during the coldest month of the year? 6. Do you love spending money on the various weight loss products/programs that are overwhelmingly offered this month? 7. Do you have the right warm weather gear to take your fitness outside? 8. Can you devote extra time to planning your meals ahead of time, so you avoid impulse eats? 9. Do you struggle with waking up early or staying up late in winter? 10. Did you know that most animals prefer to hibernate in winter? I’m not saying you should ditch your weight loss goals. What I am saying is you should reflect on the patterns that got you where you are today. Check out my health checklist from last week. Use this checklist to identify why you are struggling with a healthy weight. I will expand on each category of the checklist during January, so you have even more tools to improve your health for 2014. Once you’ve had a chance to rest and reflect, then you will be equipped to tackle that New Year’s Resolution in February. After all, February is all about heart health. Love yourself enough to rest this January. Have you struggled in the past with keeping your New Year’s Resolutions?

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Post on 09-Aug-2015



Health & Medicine

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Page 1: Worst Month to Start a Resolution

It’s almost 2014, and you have resolved to turn a new leaf. After the excesses of the past two months, you are ready to eat right and move more.

I applaud you for your resolve, and for your renewed commitment to health. However, I also believe that January is the worst month to start a resolution.

Here are my top 10 reasons why January is the worst month to start a resolution:

1. Do you enjoy spending 20 minutes looking for a parking spot at your local gym at 4am in the dark and cold morning, only to wait 40 minutes in line to use the treadmill?

2. Do you like battling the winter advisories and parking restrictions to make your fitness classes?

3. If you have leftovers from your holiday celebrations, are you ready to pitch them all in the trash?

4. Do you know how hard it is to find local and fresh produce in the middle of winter? 5. If you’re a fan of comfort foods, can you picture going cold turkey during the coldest

month of the year? 6. Do you love spending money on the various weight loss products/programs that are

overwhelmingly offered this month? 7. Do you have the right warm weather gear to take your fitness outside? 8. Can you devote extra time to planning your meals ahead of time, so you avoid impulse

eats? 9. Do you struggle with waking up early or staying up late in winter? 10. Did you know that most animals prefer to hibernate in winter?

I’m not saying you should ditch your weight loss goals. What I am saying is you should reflect on the patterns that got you where you are today. Check out my health checklist from last week. Use this checklist to identify why you are struggling with a healthy weight. I will expand on each category of the checklist during January, so you have even more tools to improve your health for 2014.

Once you’ve had a chance to rest and reflect, then you will be equipped to tackle that New Year’s Resolution in February. After all, February is all about heart health. Love yourself enough to rest this January.

Have you struggled in the past with keeping your New Year’s Resolutions?