worship with us!96bda424cfcc34d9dd1a-0a7f10f87519dba22d2dbc6233a731e5.r41.… · worship &...

2-3 Worship and Learning 3 Servant Schoolhouse 4 Faith Walk & Talk 5 Ministry & Mission 6 Congregation News 7 Children’s Ministry 8 Junior/Senior High Ministry 9 Outreach & Fellowship Events 10 Calendar of Events 11 Worship & Music Ministry inside this issue By Now You’ve Heard the News — Pastor Eric If you’ve been able to make it to worship the last few Sundays, then you’ve heard the news. The news that we are embarking during the month of October on planning for next year and inviting everyone to make a pledge/commitment to The Lord’s ministry through Servant of Christ. Here are some of the ways your gifts make a difference: help form a child’s identity as a child of God in Sunday School. Encourage young people in their faith during the critical years of Confirmation. In Senior High young people are given opportunities for fellowship and growth. Adults are educated and encouraged in their faith. Incredible local agencies like C.E.A.P. and C.R.O.S.S. are served. Missionaries are supported, future pastors are trained, Camp Wapo is supported. Excellent staff are trained and equipped. People are ministered to in times of great joy and suffering in life. The homeless are housed; homeless young people are housed and given new skills — FOLKS THE LIST IS EXHAUSTIVE AND I’VE JUST SCRATCHED THE SURFACE!!! As you receive your financial commitment packet I hope you will take just a moment or two to read through it carefully and will take a leap of faith and increase your commitment for 2018. We are blessed that generosity is part of the culture here at SOC. Please consider for 2017 making a pledge and also becoming part of the Simply Giving electronic option. Joan and I have been giving electronically now for a number of years and it is soooo easy. Your gifts, given generously and joyfully (see 2 Corinthians 9:6-8) really do matter and really do make a difference. I know sometimes it’s easy to think they don’t but each gift makes a difference. They help us reach our goals and help us to continue to be fiscally responsible as a congregation. Imagine for a moment with me what if: What if we each took a leap of faith in our giving in 2018? What if it was a joyful leap? What if instead of thinking about what we don’t have we focused on what God has blessed us with? Incredible things have been done and can be done by you the faithful followers of Jesus at Servant of Christ. I’m really excited for this fall and can’t wait to see you in worship this Sunday! Blessings, Pastor Eric Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. — Psalm 95 verse of the month THE SERVANT SPIRIT October 2017 Worship With Us! Sunday Worship Services are at 9:00 & 10:45 a.m.

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2-3 Worship and Learning

3 Servant Schoolhouse

4 Faith Walk & Talk

5 Ministry & Mission

6 Congregation News

7 Children’s Ministry

8 Junior/Senior High Ministry

9 Outreach & Fellowship Events

10 Calendar of Events

11 Worship & Music Ministry

inside this issue

By Now You’ve Heard the News — Pastor Eric

If you’ve been able to make it to worship the last few Sundays, then you’ve heardthe news. The news that we are embarking during the month of October on planning for next year and inviting everyone to make a pledge/commitment to The Lord’s ministry through Servant of Christ.

Here are some of the ways your giftsmake a difference: help form a child’s identity as a child of God in SundaySchool. Encourage young people intheir faith during the critical years ofConfirmation. In Senior High young people are given opportunities for fellowship and growth. Adults are educated and encouraged in their faith. Incredible local agencies likeC.E.A.P. and C.R.O.S.S. are served.Missionaries are supported, future pastors are trained, Camp Wapo is supported.Excellent staff are trained and equipped. People are ministered to in times of greatjoy and suffering in life. The homeless are housed; homeless young people arehoused and given new skills — FOLKS THE LIST IS EXHAUSTIVE AND I’VE JUSTSCRATCHED THE SURFACE!!!

As you receive your financial commitment packet I hope you will take just a moment or two to read through it carefully and will take a leap of faith and increaseyour commitment for 2018. We are blessed that generosity is part of the culturehere at SOC.

Please consider for 2017 making a pledge and also becoming part of the SimplyGiving electronic option. Joan and I have been giving electronically now for a number of years and it is soooo easy.

Your gifts, given generously and joyfully (see 2 Corinthians 9:6-8) really do matterand really do make a difference. I know sometimes it’s easy to think they don’t buteach gift makes a difference. They help us reach our goals and help us to continueto be fiscally responsible as a congregation.

Imagine for a moment with me what if: What if we each took a leap of faith in our giving in 2018? What if it was a joyful leap? What if instead of thinking aboutwhat we don’t have we focused on what God has blessed us with? Incredible thingshave been done and can be done by you the faithful followers of Jesus at Servantof Christ.

I’m really excited for this fall and can’t wait to see you in worship this Sunday!

Blessings, Pastor Eric

Come, let us sing for joy to theLORD; let us shout aloud to theRock of our salvation.

— Psalm 95

verse of the month



October 2017

WorshipWith Us!Sunday Worship Services are at 9:00 & 10:45 a.m.

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worship & learning


Prayer Resourceson the WEBVisit our website for a resource onprayer. Go to www.elca.org/prayerwhich is part of the ELCA website. Thepage provides resources for individualsseeking to expand their prayer life. Contents of the page include medita-tion, healing, prayer requests, dailyBible readings and a short coursecalled “Prayer 101”. This is an EXCELLENT resource, check it out!


Servant of Christ Mission —Making DisciplesWe are committed in every aspect oflife to encourage the ministry of thecongregation and individuals to grow in the following biblical marks of discipleship: Prayer, Weekly Worship,Biblical Literacy, Spiritual Friendship,Serving and Giving.

our mission

Bringing Communion to People in Their Homes!Please let Pastor Eric or Pastor Melissaknow if there is a Servant of Christ member unable to attend worship due tomedical reasons. The Pastors would behappy to bring communion to them intheir home. Just call the church office at 763-427-5070.


Upcoming Preaching ThemesSunday, 10/1 “Formed to Be Generous”Text Genesis 28:10-22Theme Jacob had an amazing dream with a promise from God. Because of

that dream he made a conscious decision to become generous because of God’s promises.

Questions to Think About as You Read:

1) Why do you think there are lots of churches and a number of colleges named “Bethel”?

2) Can you name some specific instances where you were generous to others or someone else was generous towards you? What was that feeling like?

3) How do/could God’s promises form us in terms of our relationship with money?

Sunday, 10/8 “Offering as Formation Faith”Text Exodus 36:3-7 Theme In this passage we see an incredible picture of what happens when

everybody responds to God’s call.

Questions to Think About as You Read:

1) Why is it so challenging for many to make a link between faith and financial gifts?2) If Moses and his friends were a “church” what do you think the attitude of that

church might have been like?3) Why is the word “freewill” so important when it comes to the offering?

Sunday, 10/15 “Formed to Have Generous Hearts”Text Luke 12:13-21Theme This passage along with many others tells us about Jesus’

understanding of the role possessions and our attachments to them play in our lives. In a society where often more and bigger are better he calls us to stop and think about to what and whom our hearts are really attached.

Questions to Think About as You Read:

1) Have you ever saved a bunch of stuff because it was so important only tocome to understand later that it wasn’t really that important after all?

2) In what ways do we in our society try to “build bigger barns”?3) What do you think is the antidote for this kind of materialism?

Sunday, 10/22 MEA & Minnesota Adult & Teen ChallengeThe 40-50 voice choir members from Minnesota Adult & Teen Challenge will beleading worship at both services. Be sureto invite your friends and family for an opportunity to hear how God is working in the lives of people as they live the storyof the Bible to become like Jesus!

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worship & learning


Sunday, 10/29 “REFORM THIS!!!”Text Romans 3:19-31Theme The words from this passage are words that Martin Luther found

difficult to digest but ultimately illuminating for his breakthrough discovery that changed the face of Christianity around the world. The world is still impacted by Luther’s contribution to The Reformation.

Questions to Think About as You Read:

1) How does Romans 3:23-24 serve as a foundation for understanding Jesus?2) Google “The Reformation”: How did it contribute to Christianity?

Men’s Breakfast — October 28Calling All Men: Mark Your Calendars for Saturday, October 28! There will be amen’s breakfast at church from 8-9:30 a.m. with guest speaker, Vince Millerfrom RESOLUTE.org.

NO COST FOR THE BREAKFAST!!! However, please RSVP by filling out the Opportunity form in the Sunday bulletin — so we know how much food to prepare.Vince Miller will:1) Share his remarkable testimony2) Talk about his passion for helping men mature in faith3) Present a plan to help men take the next step from wherever they’re at

right now.

It’s Fall Fun at Servant Schoolhouse PreschoolIt’s October! Leaves are turning color and falling to the ground, soon there will be a distinct “chill” in the air. Our sciencetable will be full of pumpkins, gourds, acorns and Indian corn! All of our friends are welcome to bring signs of fall they findwhile outside! We will also be making our own applesauce for snack one day! It always smells so good after making it withour fresh apples!

We are also going to be talking and learning about spiders, bats and pumpkins! Do you know what is inside a pumpkin? It is a fun question to ask! Some believe that is where you will find a pumpkin pie!

At the end of the month we will be having our Halloween party! All the children will be in their costumes and we will parade around the church for parents and staff to see!

Before snack each day we recite a short prayer together:

“We pray for peace, good food and happiness for all the children of the world. Amen.”

Stop by and see us anytime! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Diane at [email protected].

Diane Poling, Director/Teacher

Lent Testimonies!Though it’s only October planningis already underway for Lent 2018.If you know someone (perhaps it’syou) who you think would have animportant testimony to shareplease contact Pastor Eric byphone 763-427-5070 or email [email protected].

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The Gift of Grace — Pastor Melissa

“Since all have sinnedand fall short of theglory of God; and theyare now justified by hisgrace as a gift, throughthe redemption that is in Jesus Christ..”— Romans 3:23-24

After centuries of han-dling and mishandling,most religious wordshave become so wornout nobody’s much interested any more. Not so with grace, for some reason. Incredibly, even related words such as gracious and graceful still have some of thebloom left.

Grace is something you can never get but only be given. There’s no way to earn it or deserve it or bring it about any more than you can deserve the taste of raspberries and cream or earn good looks or bring about your own birth.

A good sleep is grace and so are good dreams. Most tears are grace. The smellof rain is grace. Somebody loving you is grace. Loving somebody is grace. Have you ever tried to love somebody?

A crucial difficulty of the Christian faith is the assertion that people are saved bygrace. There’s nothing you have to do. There’s nothing you have to do. There’snothing you have to do.

The grace of God means something like: Here is your life. You might never havebeen, but you are because the party wouldn’t be complete without you. Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don’t be afraid. I am with you.Nothing can ever separate us. It is for you and the sake of the world that Jesusgave his life.

There’s only one catch. (You’re thinking… I knew it was too good to be true!) Theonly catch is that like any other gift, the gift of grace can be yours only if you’llreach out and take it.

On second thought, maybe being able to reach out and take it is a gift too…

Please help dwell in the gift of grace as we celebrate the 500th anniversary of theReformation on October 29th at 9 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.

Thankful to be living by His grace, Pastor Melissa

faith walk & talk


Lifetree Café October Topics

Lifetree Café is an hour-long experience where you can

meet with others to discuss a variety of engaging topics.

It usually meets in the FellowshipHall from 7:00-8:00 p.m.

Questions? Contact the Church Office 763-427-5070.

Oct. 3rd: Making Life’s ToughestDecisions: Dealing with dilemmas

Oct. 10th: When Religion Hurts:Toxic Faith

Oct. 17th: The 60 Minute Guideto Greater Confidence: How totalk to anybody, make, friends,

and get the job you want.

Oct. 24th: The Black and WhiteTruth About Racism: Will we ever

live in a colorblind world?

Oct. 31st: Mysteries of Mental Illness: One woman’s struggle to

regain her life.

bible studies

Young at HeartYoung at Heart will meet on Monday, October 2nd at 11:30 a.m. in the Family Room at the back of the Sanctuary. We’ll continue our study ofPaul’s letter to the Romans. We’ll bereading and studying Romans Chapter 9.Don’t forget to bring your lunch.

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Your Financial Gifts to SOC CHANGE LIVES!!During Hurricane Irma USA Today ran an article that spoke of the important role religious groups play in rebuilding people’s lives and communities in the wake ofnatural disasters.

SOC, as part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, helps supportLutheran Disaster Response — one of the most respected relief agencies in thecountry. All of your contributions to SOC designated “Hurricane Relief” go to long-term relief efforts for hurricanes Harvey and Irma. 100% of your contributiongoes directly for relief efforts. Pretty Amazing!!

While we aren’t “hands on the ground” we can support those who are. Any check in the offering marked “Hurricane Relief” will be forwarded to Lutheran Disastermarked “Hurricane Relief” will be forwarded to Lutheran Disaster Response. If you’d like to give directly please google Lutheran Disaster Response.


Servant Supper! — October 22, 5-6:00 p.m.The SOC Red Hatters will be serving the meal this month. We send home a bag of breads/bagels from Panera and toiletry items. We encourage everyone in thiscongregation to come and enjoy a meal with people in the community. Invite afriend or a neighbor. All are welcome, and we would love to fill the fellowship hall! If you or your group would like to volunteer for one of the months this year, wewould love to have you. Contact one of the names below and we will set everythingup for you. Thanks to the many wonderful volunteers that have made this beautifulmission possible here at Servant of Christ!

— Diane Engle, Liz Doering, Carolyn Schlitter, Tammy Lund

ministry & mission


bible studies

6 a.m. Wednesday Women’sBible StudyWomen of all ages are welcome to joinour group every Wednesday morning atour new location of Servant of ChristLutheran Church. We will meet in the office conference room. Don’t worry ifyou. Don’t worry if you cannot stay forthe whole hour/come and go as yourschedule allows. For further questionscall the church office at 763-427-5070.Remember, God loves each one of us.You are precious in His sight.

6 a.m. Friday Morning Men’s Bible StudyAll men are welcome to join this groupevery Friday morning at 6:00 a.m. for Bible Study, hot coffee, lively discussions, and fellowship. We meet atchurch in the Family Room at the backof the Sanctuary. We are currentlystudying Jeremiah.

Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study ResumesThe Saturday morning Men’s bible studywill meet on Saturday, October 21stfrom 8-9:00 A.M. in the Family Room at the back of the Sanctuary. We’ll continue our study of the Gospel ofJohn and we’ll pick up with John 15. If you’ve never tried this study beforegive it a chance. You’ll meet some newfaces and get into God’s word at thesame time. See you then!!

Adult Education Opportunity“By Heart: Conversations with Martin Luther’s Small Catechism”This study will explore scripture and tradition. For example, the Ten Commandments as cited inExodus 20 or the Apostles Creed as we have itfrom the Christian tradition. It will include Luther’sexplanations of the scripture or doctrine from the Christian tradition. It willalso include the “backstory” of Luther’s own life and times, the fertile soil ofthe Reformation itself.

This study will be offered Tuesday’s at 9:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. for sevenconsecutive weeks: October 3, 10, 17, 24, 31st and November 7 & 14th.Please sign up on the sheet in the outer narthex or contact Pastor Melissafor more information.

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congregation news


40 Year Anniversary, Thanksgiving Eve!Hello Servant of Christ! This year is a huge year. Not only is it the 500th year celebration of the Reformation, but it is Servant of Christ’s 40 year anniversary. Woohoo! To celebrate we will be having a traditional thanksgivingdinner and service during our Thanksgiving Even service, Wednesday, November 22nd. Why Thanksgiving Eve? That is the day that our churchdoors opened 40 years ago.

The dinner and service is open for anyone in our congregation that wants toattend — just give us a heads up if you and your family are coming so wecan plan for how much food to provide. We’ll have sign-ups for the dinner(again, to get an estimated head count) and sign-ups to bring a dish. The dinner and service combined willlast 1.5 hours; times are TBA.

40 years is a BIG deal, and we want to celebrate! Join us as we eat, sing, hear stories from people in thecongregation, and hear from our pastors. This will be an event youwon’t want to miss. Keep your eyes on the website, November newsletter,and on our website for more information to come.

Baptism Class — October 1 & December 3 at 12 NoonLearn about the meaning of baptismand how to arrange for a baptism hereat Servant of Christ. We invite all agesto be baptized. Classes are held on the first Sunday every other month at12 noon in the Family Room at the backof the Sanctuary.If you have further questions orwould like to RSVP for a BaptismClass please call the Church Officeat 763-427-5070.

New Member Class & Lunch— October 8 at 12 NoonThe next New Member Class & Lunchdate is: Sunday, October 8 at 12 noonin the Fellowship Hall.

Let us know if you are interested in joining our church by filling out theblack Friendship Folder.

Please be sure to include your contact info so we can either contactyou by phone, email or letter in themail. If you have further questions orwould like to RSVP to the New MemberClass & Lunch please call the ChurchOffice.

New members will be received October 29 at both worship services.

Electronic GivingWould you find it helpful to have your offeringsdebited directly from your bank account as youprobably do with other obligations? Servant ofChrist offers electronic giving for those of youwho wish to have contributions transferred electronically to the church’s account. ElectronicGiving is a convenient way to keep up with your intended offerings. Simply complete and return an electronic giving authorization form located at the kiosk inthe Narthex or go to www.servantofchrist.com and click on the giving page.

Peaceful Prayer in the GardenThe Prayer Garden is available for all to comeand RestR PrayU Reflect$. The prayergarden is located on the south side of thechurch and is always available for quiet timewith God. You are invited to come and spendsome peaceful moments and enjoy the beautyof the flowers. Spend time alone or with a small group of friends to meet and praywith God.



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children’s ministry from Anne

We’re back in action! Sunday School is up and running. We’re excited as partnerswith you, in developing your children’s faith formation. We want to equip and empower each child to be a confident, compassionate, committed disciple of God.There is nothing more important than the legacy of faith you will leave them!

If you have questions as the year goes on, please feel free to contact me. Anne Larsen at 763-427-5070 or [email protected].

Sunday School is UnderwayA Big Thank You to All!Thank you to everyone who madeRally Day a wonderful day for all!The food, volunteers and donationswere all appreciated. It was great to see the SOC communitycome together to enjoy a day offellowship. Congratulations toCalvin for going all-out to win thePie Eating Contest!

Mark Your Calendars for These EventsFamily First SundaysThese Sundays are for 1st grade through 6th grade. On these Sundays parentscome with their children to class. As families, you experience and grow in yourfaith together. This year our theme will be MARTIN LUTHER. The dates will be November 12, January 21 and April 10.

First Communion Class for students5th grade and olderThis class will take place with Pastor Ericon February 11th at 1:00 p.m. Pleasecontact Anne Larsen if you are interestedin having your child attend the class.

First Communion Classes and Service — 4th Graders• Classes will be February 25, March 4, 18, and 25

• Classes take place after 10:45 a.m. service in the lower level

• First Communion classes are for 4th grade students. If you have an older studentinterested in a one-time class please contact Anne Larsen

• First Communion Service for 4th grade will take place on April 8th

Stepping Stones of FaithStepping Stones of Faith take place on Sundayswhen we take a few minutes in service to recognize where children are in their faith journey.On each of these dates, the children come withtheir class to service and we give each child a gift and a blessing. The children return to theclassroom with their lessons.

October 8 — 3rd gradeJanuary 28 — 1st gradeFebruary 4 — KindergartenFebruary 25 — 2nd gradeApril 15 — 5th gradeMay 13 — 6th grade4th grade Stepping Stone is the First Communion Sacrament

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junior/senior high ministry from Calvin & Mary

EQUIP Parent Nights are Back!Hey parents of Confirmation students, EQUIPParent Nights are back in action! Woohoo!EQUIP stands for Encouraging QUality Interactions in Parenting. 4 times a year wewill be inviting a guest speaker to come in andspeak on a certain topic. Come at 5:30 p.m.for pizza, hang out in large group that starts at6 p.m., and sneak out a bit early at 6:30 p.m.for the guest speaker. Below are dates and topics; parents are asked to come to 2 of 4 EQUIP Parent Nights.

October 11th – Social MediaNovember 29th – Plans, Prospects and PrioritiesJanuary 24th – Healthy RelationshipsApril 18th – Drug and Alcohol Use and Abuse

Junior High Church Takeover — Friday October 6thOn Friday, October 6th we’ll be having a fun night where we will take over thewhole church, play games, eat food, watch movies, have bonfires…basically we’ll do anything our little hearts desire. These nights are FREE and friends are encouraged to be invited. Takeover nights go from 7-9 p.m. and happen periodically throughout the year. We hope to see your junior highers there!

Turkey-Lurkey-Loo All-Nighteroo — Friday to Saturday, November 10th and 11thYour favorite all-nighter is backand better than ever. Turkey-Lurkey-Loo is an all-nighterwhere we go to mystery locations throughout the night.We start in the evening on Friday the 10th and stay up all night until the morning of the 11th. Cost is $35, friendsare welcome to come. Registration will be availablelater this month.

In the past we’ve gone toBrunswick Zone, Grand Slam, Coon Rapids Ice Center, Andover Community Center,Andover Movie Theater, played frozen turkey bowling, dressed people up asturkeys in a costume contest, decorated cupcakes in our own cupcake wars, wenton a “wild turkey” scavenger hunt, done a photo scavenger hunt, played real lifeclue, played dodgeball in the basement, played board games, colored, played sardines and SO MUCH more! See you there!

— Calvin

October ScheduleOctober 4th - 6-7:30 p.m.October 11th - 6-7:30 p.m.October 18th meet at church at 6 p.m., we’ll head to Totino Grace forthe 7 p.m. varsity football game andthen back to Church for a bonfire,smores and games!October 25th - 6-7:30 p.m.

Check out the Senior High page on theChurch’s website. The most current andup to date info will always be there!

The Pumpkin Patchis Back!We will be selling pumpkins October15th-October 30th! This is a fundraiserfor our 2018 summer Missions Trip!Come and get one or more!

6K Run and Walk forHomeless YouthMark your calendars for Saturday morning Nov. 4th 9:30 a.m.-12 noonfor the 6K run and walk at Elm CreekPark. Servant of Christ is partneringwith Avenues to bring awareness to the6000 youth a night who experiencehomelessness! You can find the link to register on our Servant of Christfacebook page. We are also in need ofvolunteers to help with check-in or tohelp direct runners on the course. Ifyou’d like to volunteer please contactMary. We would love to see as many ofyou there as possible!! If you have anyquestions ask Mary or Calvin.

— Mary

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outreach & fellowship events


Scrapbook & Craft Weekend — Oct. 6-7th 3:00 p.m.Do you have some vacation photos thatneed to be added into your photo albumor scrapbook? Are you getting a jumpstart on your Holiday craft or gift projects and need a quiet secretiveplace to work? Look no further — we have just the space you need!!

Come join us downstairs in the YouthRoom. Bring your scrapbooks/photo albums, sewing, card making crafts,beading, yarn etc… stay the whole time or come and go as your schedule allows.For more information please call Teale Colston at 763-427-3598 or Karen Capra at 763-712-0939.

The 6th Annual Rhythm-n-Q’s Fundraiser — October 14thGod’s Guys Productions presents the 6th Annual Rhythm-n-Q’s fundraiser to be held at SOC on Saturday, October 14th. Event tickets include a Chicken & Ribs dinner from Q-fanatic BBQ & Grill, voted “Best BBQ in Minnesota” by WCCO viewers, and live musical performances from THE LOCALS (Music Variety). Eventtickets are $25 and available at the church office and between services startingearly September. Tickets are limited and the event has sold out the past 3 years, so don’t wait! A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the 2018 Youth Mission Trip.

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calendar of events


Brookdale-ChamplinWorship ServicesOn the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 2:00 p.m. Pastor Melissa Maltman or Pastor Eric Walbolt leads worship for the residents and visitors at the Brookdale-Champlin Senior Living Complex. The worship service is open to all who wish to attend. If you knowsomeone there, please feel free to invite them. Current worship servicedates are listed below.

Tuesday, October 10Tuesday, November 14Tuesday, December 12

Oct 1, Sunday 12 noon Baptism Class

Oct 2, Monday 11:30 a.m. Young at Heart/Family Room

Oct 3, Tuesday 9:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Martin Luther Study

Oct 6, Friday 3:00 p.m. Scrapbooking begins7:00 p.m. Junior High Fun Night

Oct 7, Saturday 3:00 p.m. Scrapbooking ends

Oct 8, Sunday 12 noon New Member Class & Lunch/Fellowship Hall3rd Grade Stepping Stones of Faith Gift/both servicesSunday School Choir/both services

Oct 10, Tuesday 9:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Martin Luther Study

Oct 12, Thursday 10:00 a.m. Quilting Group/Fellowship Hall6:30 p.m. Townhome Meeting/Fellowship Hall6:30 p.m. Rhythm-n-Q’s Practice/Sanctuary

Oct 14, Saturday 6th Annual Rhythm-n-Q’s Fundraiser

Oct 17, Tuesday 9:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Martin Luther Study

Oct 19, Thursday MEA Break starts

Oct 21, Saturday 8:00 a.m. Boy Scout Clean Up8:00 a.m Men’s Bible Study

Oct 22, Sunday MN Adult & Teen Challenge/both services 5:00 p.m. Servant Supper (Red Hatters)

Oct 24, Tuesday 9:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Martin Luther Study

Oct 29, Sunday Blessing of the QuiltsReceive New MembersJoyful Noise Choir Sings

Oct 31, Tuesday 9:30 a.m. & 6:30 p.m. Martin Luther Study

Nov 4, Tuesday Wedding Scheduled

Upcoming October & November Events

You can download an SOC monthly calendar from our church website (www.servantofchrist.com)

Ongoing EventsSundays:Worship Services9:00 a.m. Traditional10:45 a.m. Contemporary9 & 10:45 Sunday School 3yr-6thChildcare available for infants through 3 year olds

Mondays:6:30 p.m. Celebration Choir Practice/Fellowship Hall7:00 p.m. Contemporary Team Practice/Sanctuary

Tuesdays:11:00 a.m. Staff MeetingNoon Bulletin Deadline7:00 p.m. Lifetree Café (begins Sept 5)*7:00 p.m. Al-Anon*7:30 p.m. AA Meeting

Wednesdays:6:00 a.m. Women’s Bible Study/SOC5:30 p.m. Pizza6:00 p.m. Confirmation7:00 p.m. Senior High Group Meets

Fridays:6:00 a.m. Men’s Bible Study/ Family Room

*Not a church function

Holy Communion Services are 1st & 3rd Sunday

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worship & music ministry from Susan & Cathy

SOC Celebration ChoirHave you listened to the choir and said to yourself “that lookslike fun”? Well we think singing to the Lord is fun and so muchmore. If you are interested in a short-term commitment theChristmas choir might be a good fit for you.

Christmas ChoirRehearsal ScheduleMondays October 21st - December 2nd. We also have a Saturday morning rehearsal on Dec. 7th with our concert onDec. 8th. AND we will be singing 1-2 more times during theyear if you are available (no new rehearsal — just show up onSunday morning).

Susan HuemannMusic Ministry [email protected]

Praise Him Through Song1 Praise the LORD.Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him inhis mighty heavens. 2 Praise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. 3 Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him withthe harp and lyre, 4 praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with thestrings and pipe, 5 praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals.— Psalm 150:1-5

Praise the Lord that we can worship God through music, playing instruments, clapping and dancing. The fall worshipmusic teams are up and running in full swing! Let me take amoment to introduce you:

Band for September, December, January, March and MayGreg Poling on drumsBrad Baker on bass and vocalsAr Stevens on electric guitar and vocalsCathy Yseth on keys and vocals

Band for October, November, February, and AprilBrad Campbell on drumsTom Rennaker on bass and vocalsAr Stevens on electric guitar and vocals

Our vocalists this year are:Hannah Larsen, Tammy Hansen, Keira Moore, Kathy Sorenson and Heather Bates

We are excited that Keira Moore has started two children’schoirs this fall. You will hear the children of our church sing atleast once a month this year. It will be a delight to have themmore involved with our Sunday morning worship servicesthrough song.

It is an honor to be able to worship our Lord through song.May your year at SOC be filled with uplifting music, heartfeltworship, community spirit and meaningful prayer time.

Cathy YsethContemporary Worship Music [email protected]

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740 East Hayden Lake RoadChamplin, MN 55316

Time Value

church contacts

Servant of Christ Lutheran Church740 East Hayden Lake Road, Champlin, MN 55316Phone: 763-427-5070 Fax: 763-427-4379Website: www.servantofchrist.com

Pastor Eric Walbolt: [email protected] Melissa Maltman: [email protected] Larsen, Children’s Ministry Director:

[email protected] Konop, Junior High/Confirmation Ministry Director:

[email protected] Monsrud, Senior High Ministry Director:

[email protected] Huemann, Choir Music Ministry Director:

[email protected] Yseth, Contemporary Music Ministry Director:

[email protected] Gallagher, Nursery Care Ministry Director

Servant Schoolhouse Preschool 763-427-7765Diane Poling, Director: [email protected]

Church OfficeTammy Lund: [email protected]

Sunday Worship — 9 & 10:45 a.m.Sunday School 3 year olds through 6th gradeChildcare available for infants through 3 years old

Rhythm-n-Q’s Fundraising EventSaturday, October 14

Remember to invite a friend to Servant of Christ!



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