world's simplest electric train - · world’s simplest electric train c. criadoa)...

World's simplest electric train C. Criado and N. Alamo Citation: American Journal of Physics 84, 21 (2016); doi: 10.1119/1.4933295 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the American Association of Physics Teachers Articles you may be interested in The Simplest Demonstration on Acoustic Beats Phys. Teach. 53, 32 (2015); 10.1119/1.4904239 Balanced polarimeter: A cost-effective approach for measuring the polarization of light Am. J. Phys. 83, 91 (2015); 10.1119/1.4896747 Simple, simpler, simplest: Spontaneous pattern formation in a commonplace system Am. J. Phys. 80, 578 (2012); 10.1119/1.4709384 Umbrella Coil Phys. Teach. 46, 443 (2008); 10.1119/1.2981299 Saw Blades and Resonance Phys. Teach. 43, 282 (2005); 10.1119/1.1903813 This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. Reuse of AAPT content is subject to the terms at: Downloaded to IP: On: Tue, 29 Dec 2015 06:34:55

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Page 1: World's simplest electric train - · World’s simplest electric train C. Criadoa) Departamento de Fisica Aplicada I, Universidad de Malaga, 29071, Spain N. Alamob) Departamento

World's simplest electric trainC. Criado and N. Alamo Citation: American Journal of Physics 84, 21 (2016); doi: 10.1119/1.4933295 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the American Association of Physics Teachers Articles you may be interested in The Simplest Demonstration on Acoustic Beats Phys. Teach. 53, 32 (2015); 10.1119/1.4904239 Balanced polarimeter: A cost-effective approach for measuring the polarization of light Am. J. Phys. 83, 91 (2015); 10.1119/1.4896747 Simple, simpler, simplest: Spontaneous pattern formation in a commonplace system Am. J. Phys. 80, 578 (2012); 10.1119/1.4709384 Umbrella Coil Phys. Teach. 46, 443 (2008); 10.1119/1.2981299 Saw Blades and Resonance Phys. Teach. 43, 282 (2005); 10.1119/1.1903813

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Page 2: World's simplest electric train - · World’s simplest electric train C. Criadoa) Departamento de Fisica Aplicada I, Universidad de Malaga, 29071, Spain N. Alamob) Departamento

World’s simplest electric train

C. Criadoa)

Departamento de Fisica Aplicada I, Universidad de Malaga, 29071, Spain

N. Alamob)

Departamento de Algebra, Geometria y Topologia, Universidad de Malaga, 29071, Spain

(Received 17 February 2015; accepted 28 September 2015)

We analyze the physics of the “world’s simplest electric train.” The “train” consists of a AA

battery with a strong magnet on each end that moves through a helical coil of copper wire. The

motion of the train results from the interaction between the magnetic field created by the current in

the wire and the magnetic field of the magnets. We calculate the force of this interaction and the

terminal velocity of the train due to eddy currents and friction. Our calculations provide a good

illustration of Faraday’s and Lenz’s laws, as well as of the concepts of the Lorentz force and eddy

currents. VC 2016 American Association of Physics Teachers.



A recent video on youtube shows how to build the“world’s simplest electric train,”1 consisting of a cylindri-cally shaped battery straddled by two magnets, that movesthrough a coil of wire. According to youtube, this video hasbeen viewed nearly ten million times, giving some indicationas to how captivating this simple device is. In this article, weanalyze the dynamics of this system, including calculationsthat illustrate Faraday’s and Lenz’s laws, as well as incorpo-rating the Lorentz force and eddy currents. Over the years, alarge number of publications have appeared that describesimple electric motors, beginning with the classical Faradayand Ampere homopolar motors,2–4 and that provide applica-tions of eddy currents,5–12 including electromagnetic brak-ing, levitation, induction furnaces, and the curious behaviorof a magnet falling inside a conductive non-magnetic metaltube.13–21 The electric train we study in this paper is relatedto both the classical homopolar motors and the eddy-currentsexperiments.

The materials required to assemble the train are a battery,two strong magnets, and a long piece of copper wire formedinto a coil. Figure 1 shows the train we constructed usingspherical magnets and a 41-m long piece of unglazed copperwire with a total resistance of 3 X. The wire is wound into aleft-handed helix with 597 turns of radius R¼ 1.1 cm, result-ing in a finished coil length of 170 cm. The average separa-tion between turns is s¼ 2.85 mm, and the resistance for oneturn is approximately 0.005 X. The power source is a AAalkaline battery with a nominal voltage of 1.5 V, onto theends of which we attach two spherical NdFeB magnets of ra-dius a¼ 0.95 cm and residual magnetism Br¼ 1.24 T.22 Themain reason for using spherical magnets is because of thedipole field existing outside such a geometry. Moreover, thespherical shape allows for a smoother motion through thecoiled wire. To improve the stability of the arrangement, wehave inserted washers between the battery and the sphericalmagnets.

The magnets are nickel-coated, allowing for a closed cir-cuit to be formed between the battery and the portion of thecoil between the magnets. Once the magnets touch the coil,the assembly is immersed in the magnetic field of a finite so-lenoidal current. The magnetic field B produced by the sole-noid interacts with the magnetic dipole moment m of the

spherical magnets, giving rise to a force that moves the train.The arrangement of the battery and the magnets, and thedirection of the field created by the current in the solenoid, isshown in Fig. 2. Note that the two magnetic dipoles point inopposite directions. We will show that if m and B point inthe same direction, the force on the magnet is in the directionof increasing B, whereas if they point in opposite directions,the force is in the direction of decreasing B. As we will see,this directionality is important for explaining the motion ofthe train. (We note that only one magnet is necessary for themotion to take place, as long as the other end includes some-thing to close the circuit.) Once the train begins moving, itwill quickly acquire a terminal speed due to eddy currentsappearing in the coil. The force due to these currents is in theopposite direction of the train’s motion and is proportional toits speed.

The force on the magnets due to the helical current will becalculated by two equivalent methods. In Sec. II A, we calcu-late the force as the gradient of the potential energy of a per-manent magnetic dipole in a magnetic field B. In Sec. II B,the same result is obtained by calculating the Lorentz forceon the solenoid due to the magnetic field of the magnets, andthen invoking Newton’s third law to get the force on thetrain. In Sec. III, the force on the train due to eddy currents iscalculated, which then allows us to determine the terminalvelocity of the train.

The analysis presented here is within the capabilities ofstudents in a first course on electromagnetism. We have

Fig. 1. Photograph of the “train” arrangement and of the coiled copper wire

(the “track”).

21 Am. J. Phys. 84 (1), January 2016 VC 2016 American Association of Physics Teachers 21

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Page 3: World's simplest electric train - · World’s simplest electric train C. Criadoa) Departamento de Fisica Aplicada I, Universidad de Malaga, 29071, Spain N. Alamob) Departamento

included a sample problem in the Appendix related to thecalculations shown in this paper.



The force on the train due to the current in the helix willbe calculated using two different methods. The first involvestaking the gradient of the potential energy function.

A. Gradient of dipole potential energy

For a spherical magnet of radius a and (uniform) magnet-ization M, the magnetic field inside is given by B¼ (2/3)l0M, with a magnitude equal to the residual magnetism22

Br¼ 1.24 T. Meanwhile, the field outside is that of a puredipole23 of magnetic moment m¼ (4/3)pa3M, with a magni-tude, in this case, of m¼ 5.31 A m2.

The potential energy of a permanent magnetic dipole m ina magnetic field B is given by23

U ¼ �m � B: (1)

In our case, we have two spherical magnetic dipoles, d1 andd2, with their centers located at O1 and O2, respectively (seeFig. 2). We consider a right-handed reference frame with theorigin at O1, the x-axis in the direction O1O2, and the y-axisopposite the direction of gravity. The distance between O1

and O2 is L¼ 7 cm, and in this interval, there is an averageof N¼ 24.58 turns of wire.

In the specified coordinate system, the dipole moment ofthe magnet at O1 is m1¼ (m, 0, 0) and the dipole moment atO2 is m2¼ (�m, 0, 0). The force on a magnetic dipole isF¼�rU, where U is the potential energy given in Eq. (1).If B¼ (B1, B2, B3) is the magnetic field created by the currentI along the helix, then for dipole d1 we have U¼�mB1(x)while for dipole d2 we have U¼mB1(x).

Now, the magnetic field B at a point x¼ (x, 0, 0) on theaxis of our helix h is given by the Biot–Savart law24 as

B ¼ l0I



dx0 � x� x0ð Þjx� x0j3

; (2)

where l0¼ 4p� 10�7 N A�1 is the magnetic permeability offree space, and the integration is over the helix specified by

x0 ¼ ðx0;�R cosðkx0Þ;�R sinðkx0ÞÞ; (3)

with 0 � x0 � L and k¼ 2p/s¼ 2pN/L, s¼L/N being the av-erage separation between turns (see Fig. 2). A straightforwardcalculation of the first component of the above integral gives

B1 xð Þ ¼ l0I





x� x0ð Þ2 þ R2

h i3=2

¼ l0IN


xffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffix2 þ R2p � x� Lffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi

x� Lð Þ2 þ R2


1A: (4)

Observe that this expression for B1(x) is completely general,valid for any finite separation between turns—we do notassume the usual approximation that the turns are closelyspaced (ideal solenoid).24

By taking the derivative of Eq. (4), we obtain

dB1 xð Þdx


¼ �dB1 xð Þdx


¼ l0IN



R� R2

L2 þ R2ð Þ3=2

" #: (5)

The force on dipole d1 is then given by

F 0ð Þ ¼ �dU xð Þdx


¼ mdB1 xð Þ



; (6)

whereas for dipole d2 it is

F Lð Þ ¼ �dU xð Þdx


¼ �mdB1 xð Þ



: (7)

Using Eq. (5), we see that F(0)¼F(L), so the total force F isgiven by

F ¼ CI; (8)


C ¼ l0mN



R� R2

L2 þ R2ð Þ3=2

" #: (9)

B. The Lorentz force

We can also calculate the force on the train due to the cur-rent in the helix using the Lorentz force. The total magnetic

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of the train. The direction of the electric current on a portion of the coil due to the battery, the magnetic dipoles, as well as the mag-

netic field B produced by the current are shown. The north and south poles of each magnetic dipole are denoted by N and S, respectively.

22 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 84, No. 1, January 2016 C. Criado and N. Alamo 22

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Page 4: World's simplest electric train - · World’s simplest electric train C. Criadoa) Departamento de Fisica Aplicada I, Universidad de Malaga, 29071, Spain N. Alamob) Departamento

force F on the helix h due to the field B created by the twomagnets is given by the Lorentz force as23

F ¼ I


dx0 � B: (10)

In our case, due to the symmetry of the configuration and thedirection of the current (see Fig. 3), the total force is in thenegative x-direction. In cylindrical coordinates (q, h, x), wehave dx0 ¼ dq q þ q dh h þ dx x and B ¼ Bq q þ Bh hþBx x, where q; h, and x are unit vectors associated withthese coordinates.

To get the force in the x-direction, we need to take the x-component of the cross-product dx0 � B, so

F ¼ I


Bh dq� Bq q dhð Þ ¼ �IR2pN




Bq dx; (11)

where we have used the fact that q¼R and x¼ (L/2pN)h onthe helix, which gives dq¼ 0 and dh¼ (2pN/L)dx.

To calculate Bq(x), we first calculate the radial componentBq1(x) due to dipole d1 at a point of horizontal coordinate xof the helix. The magnetic field of a dipole of moment m at apoint b is given by23

B ¼ l0

4pb33 m � bð Þb �m½ �; (12)

where b ¼ jbj and b ¼ b=b. Thus, the radial component Bq1

due to dipole d1 is given by Bq1 ¼ B � q. For d1 we then get

Bq1 xð Þ ¼ 3l0mRx

4p R2 þ x2ð Þ5=2; (13)

while for d2 a similar calculation gives

Bq2 xð Þ ¼ � 3l0mR x� Lð Þ4p½R2 þ ðx� LÞ2�5=2

: (14)

Substituting Bq¼Bq1þBq2 into Eq. (11), we then find


2L� 1

R2þ x2ð Þ3=2þ 1

½R2þ ðx� LÞ2�3=2

( )L





R� R2

L2þR2ð Þ3=2

" #¼�CI; (15)

with C given by Eq. (9).Thus, by Newton’s third law, the force on the magnet is

along the positive x-axis and is the same as calculated in Eq.(8), as expected.


Due to the motion of the magnets through the coiled wire,eddy currents will appear in the coil. These currents producea magnetic force on the train that opposes its motion. Thisforce increases with velocity, and therefore, the velocity is aself-limiting physical quantity. From this fact, we deducethat the train will reach a terminal velocity v.

Eddy currents are formed only when the conductor allowsclosed loops of current to flow. In our case, eddy currents willappear only in the section of the coil between the magnetsbecause the battery acts as a low resistance conductor.Therefore, the eddy current IE will be calculated as the ratioof the net electromotive force (emf) E over this section of thecoil to the total resistance RT of the closed circuit. We can cal-culate the emf E by summing the corresponding emf contribu-tions E1 and E2 due to the dipoles d1 and d2, respectively.

We begin by applying Lenz’s law to dipole d1: E1

¼ �d/1=dt, where /1 is the magnetic flux of the field cre-ated by dipole d1. The surface whose boundary is the closedloop is a helicoid H (see Fig. 4), which has the parametricequation rðx; qÞ ¼ ðx;�q cosðkxÞ;�q sinðkxÞÞ, for 0� x�L,0�q�R, and k¼ 2p/s¼ 2pN/L. The magnetic flux throughthe helicoid of the field B produced by dipole d1 is given by/1 ¼

ÐHB � dA, with

dA ¼ @r

@x� @r


� �dx dq ¼ kq;�sin kx; cos kxð Þ dx dq:


Assuming the train is at the location shown in Fig. 2 attime t¼ 0 and moving with a constant speed v in the x-direc-tion, the field B of dipole d1 at a point (x, y, z) of the helicoidwill depend on time, and, using Eq. (12), is given by

B r tð Þð Þ ¼ l0

4p x2 tð Þ þ q2½ �3=2

3mx tð Þx2 tð Þ þ q2

r tð Þ �m

� �;


where r(t)¼ (x(t), y, z) is the position vector of a point of thehelicoid with respect to the position of d1 at time t. Note that

Fig. 3. Schematic of the train with some lines of the magnetic fields created by the magnetic dipoles. The radial components Bq1 and Bq2 of these fields on two

turns, as well as the Lorentz forces F1 and F2 on a differential element of these turns due to Bq1 and Bq2 are also represented.

23 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 84, No. 1, January 2016 C. Criado and N. Alamo 23

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Page 5: World's simplest electric train - · World’s simplest electric train C. Criadoa) Departamento de Fisica Aplicada I, Universidad de Malaga, 29071, Spain N. Alamob) Departamento

r(0)¼ (x, y, z) represents an arbitrary, time-independentpoint on the helix at time t¼ 0, and given that the trainmoves with speed v in the positive x-direction, we havex(t)¼ x � vt so that dx(t)/dt¼�v. (This is simply a statementthat points on the helix move with speed v in the negative x-direction with respect to the train.)

The emf E1 thus generated by dipole d1 will be

E1 ¼ �d/1 tð Þ

dt¼ �


dB r tð Þð Þdt

� dA: (18)

Using the chain rule, we have

dB r tð Þð Þdt

¼ �vdB1

dx; 0; 0

� �; (19)

which leads to

E1 ¼ vðL





dxkq dq dx

¼ vl0mN








q 2x2 � q2� x2 þ q2ð Þ5=2

" #dq dx

¼ vl0mN







x2 þ R2ð Þ3=2

" #dx

¼ � 1

2vC; (20)

where C is given by Eq. (9).A similar argument for dipole d2 leads to an identical

expression for the emf E2, as expected by symmetry.Therefore, the eddy current is given by


RT¼ 2E1

RT¼ � C

RTv: (21)

As can be seen in the above equation, the eddy currentopposes the current produced by the battery. By Eq. (8), thetotal electromagnetic force on the train is given byF¼C(Iþ IE). The terminal velocity is found when the totalforce is zero, that is, when

C I � C


� ��MglK ¼ 0; (22)

where Mg is the weight of the train and lK is the coefficientof kinetic friction. Therefore, we obtain a linear relationship

between the terminal velocity v, the open-circuit voltage ofthe battery V, and the effective total resistance (whichincludes the internal resistance of the battery) of the closedcircuit RT

v ¼ 1


� �V � MglK


� �RT : (23)

The above equation can be used to calculate the velocity vfrom the values R¼ 1.1 cm, L¼ 7 cm, N¼ 24.58, M¼ 77.5 g,V¼ 1.51 V, m¼ 5.31 A m2, lK¼ 0.45, and the value of RT.To estimate the coefficient of kinetic friction lK, we used adischarged battery in the train and measured its accelerationthrough the helix when pulled by a hanging weight.Unfortunately, it is difficult to estimate the value of RT dueto the instability and jumps of the contacts between the mag-nets and the coil. We have estimated its value by summingthe battery’s internal resistance of rint¼ 0.31 X (see Ref. 25),the resistance of 24.58 turns of the copper coil (0.123 X),and the estimated contact resistance of the magnets. To esti-mate this last resistance, we have measured the voltage at thebattery terminals while current is flowing through the coiland the train is held still, obtaining 0.94 V. Using Ohm’slaw, we get RT � rint¼ 0.511 X, so the approximate valuefor the contact resistance is 0.388 X. Thus we obtainRT¼ 0.821 X and, using Eq. (23), calculate a terminal veloc-ity of v¼ 86 cm/s. This calculated terminal velocity is a littlehigher than our measured value of v¼ 69.5 cm/s. We believethe difference is due to the contact resistance being slightlyhigher when the train is moving due to the changing pointsof contact. Agreement with the measured terminal velocitywould require a contact resistance of 0.413 X (givingRT¼ 0.881 X).26

Given the difficulty in establishing some of the parametersin our model, we consider the agreement between the meas-ured and observed terminal velocity to be quite good.


The motion of the “world’s simplest electric train” hasbeen studied. The force on the train is due to the interactionbetween the magnetic field created by the current in thecoiled wire and the magnetic field of the magnets. We havecalculated this force in two different ways. Eddy currentsdue to the motion of the magnets have also been calculated,and we have shown how such currents result in the train

Fig. 4. Illustration of the closed loop (thick black line) formed by the coiled helix h, the magnets, and the battery. H is the helicoid through which we calculate

the magnetic flux. The curves q¼ constant and x¼ constant, their tangent vectors, and the vector dA are also represented.

24 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 84, No. 1, January 2016 C. Criado and N. Alamo 24

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Page 6: World's simplest electric train - · World’s simplest electric train C. Criadoa) Departamento de Fisica Aplicada I, Universidad de Malaga, 29071, Spain N. Alamob) Departamento

having a terminal velocity. The value calculated for this ter-minal velocity agrees well with the observed value.

The materials used in this experiment are readily avail-able, and the theory is accessible to students of electromag-netism at the undergraduate level, providing a usefulexample of the electromotive force on a magnetic dipolesubject to a divergent magnetic field.


This work was partially supported by the Junta deAndalucia grants RNM-1399 (C. Criado), FQM-192 (C.Criado), and FMQ-213 (N. Alamo), and by the Ministerio deEconom�ıa y Competitividad grant MTM2013-41768-P (N.Alamo). The authors also thank the reviewers for pointingout some important points that have improved the paper.


We provide here a sample problem (and solution) relatedto the calculations in this paper that is appropriate forstudents.

Problem: Calculate the force on the train due to eddy cur-rents by using the fact that the power dissipated by this forceis equal to the power dissipated by the eddy currents.

Solution: The power dissipated by the force FE due toeddy currents is P¼ vFE, and is equal to the power dissipatedby the ohmic losses of the eddy currents; that is,

P ¼ vFE ¼ �I2ERT ; (A1)

where RT is the total resistance of the closed circuit, andIE¼�Cv/RT is the eddy current calculated in Sec. III. Wethus obtain


v¼ �C2v

RT; (A2)

which coincides with FE¼CIE as obtained from Eq. (8).

a)Electronic mail: [email protected])Electronic mail: [email protected] “Worlds simplest electric train” video can be found on youtube at

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the eddy current brake,” Eur. J. Phys. 33, 697–707 (2012).22Technical information on the magnets used in our experiments is available

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New Jersey, 1999).24E. M. Purcell and D. J. Morin, Electricity and Magnetism, 3rd ed.

(Cambridge U.P., UK, 2013).25The internal battery resistance rint has been calculated using Ohm’s law by

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the battery terminals for an open circuit voltage, and for a known load re-

sistance RL, respectively.26Although in this paper we have assumed that the center of the spherical

magnets are on the axis of the coiled wire (what we have denoted the x-

axis), we note that this is only an approximation. In fact, because the ra-

dius of the magnets (a¼ 9.5 mm) is smaller than radius of the helix

(R¼ 11 mm), the centers of the magnets are R – a¼ 1.5 mm below the x-

axis. We have investigated how this fact affects the terminal velocity. To

accomplish this, we have repeated all the calculations taking this fact into

account, and integrating numerically. The calculation of the field due to

the current of the battery in any point x¼ (x, y, z) of the interior of the

coiled wire is given by using Eq. (2). We have numerically calculated the

force on dipole d1 by using F1 ¼ �rð�m � BÞx¼x0for x0¼ (0, �Rþ a, 0),

performing the gradient before numerical integration. For dipole d2, we

get F2¼F1, and for V¼ 1.51 V and RT¼ 0.846 X, we have found the total

force on the two dipoles F¼ 2F1¼ (0.383, 0.00, �0.037) in Newtons.

Note that in addition to the driving force in the x-direction, the force has a

small lateral component, which is due to the left-right asymmetry of the

coiled wire. The terminal velocity v calculated with this corrected force

now increases by 11.1%. We have also numerically calculated the effect

of the correction on eddy currents. When both corrections are taken into

account, the value of v increases by 8.8%. We conclude that the asymme-

try of the magnets location results in an error of less than 10% when using

Eq. (23).

25 Am. J. Phys., Vol. 84, No. 1, January 2016 C. Criado and N. Alamo 25

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