worldly thoughts. i. worldly discord this means war! 1. jn.15:18-19, hatred as true now as then “i...

Worldly Thoughts

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Post on 17-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

Worldly Thoughts

Page 2: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

I. Worldly Discord

Page 3: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

This means war!

1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred

As true now as then

“I support tolerance so muchthat I won’t tolerate you!”

Effects of pressure to conform:1. Some will fall

2. Some will rethink their position3. Some will stand for truth

Page 4: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

This means war!

1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred

2. 1 Jn.4:5, “of” the world (Jn.18:36)

3. 1 Jn.5:4, overcome world

As true now as then

Page 5: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

I. Worldly Discord

II. Worldly Definition

Page 6: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

What is worldliness?

1. Not universe or earth, Ps.8:3

2. Not mere people, Jn.3:16

3. Worldliness is . . .

1System of evil

2Controlled by satan

3Dangerous to souls

Page 7: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

Worldliness is . . .

1. Antagonism: “…that which is hostile to God, i.e. lost in sin, wholly at odds w. anything divine, ruined and depraved” (BDAG). Jn.8:23

2. Apathy: The system of practices and standards associated with secular society (that is, without reference to any demands or requirements of God (L-N)

Page 8: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

I. Worldly Discord

III. Worldly Dangers

II. Worldly Definition

Page 9: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

1. Cares, Mt.13:22 Hears Word; cares of life (worry of the

world) choke it out

2. Gains, Mt.16:26

Can lead to . . .

1. Obsession: ignore God, family, soul (Mt.24:38-39)

2. Attachment: Amos 6:3-7

Page 10: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

3. Applause, Ro.12:2 The world's smiles are more dangerous

than its frowns

4. Wisdom, 1 Co.1:20-21, 26-28; 3:19Worldly thinking:

No God

No Standard

No Word

No Hope

No judgment, no guilt, no conscience, no rules,

no accountability,no restrictions

Page 11: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”


1. Willing to retain this ‘wisdom’ as death approaches?

2. Willing to live with this ‘wisdom’ now?

Dominated by “I think”“I feel”“I like”

“I want”

How to condemnanything?

Mass murder?Slave trading?

Page 12: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

5. Friendship, Ja.4:4 2 Tim.4:10

6. Pleasures, 1 Jn.2:15-17

We can be swallowed up by . . .






Page 13: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

Love not the world (1 Jn.2:16)

Lust of the flesh, Mt.5:27-28 Lust of the eyes, Josh.7 Pride of life, Ja.4:16, pride in

possessionsLk.12:20-21, evil behavior with

something he already had

Page 14: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

7. Secularism, Jd.19 Sensual – see 1 Co.2:14

“You don’t know everything”

Don’t abandon what you know because there are things you don’t know

“Does not receive the thingsof the Spirit of God”

2 2 4+ =

Faith, Repentance, Baptism, Marriage, Sin, Hell

Page 15: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

7. Secularism, Jd.19 Sensual – see 1 Co.2:14 Ph.3:19 “…they mind earthly things.”

This is all they think about.

“Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth” – Col.3:2

Page 16: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

Worldly dangers summarized

Cares, Mt.13:22 Gains, Mt.16:26 Applause, Ro.12:2 Wisdom, 1 Co.1 Friendship, Ja.4:4 Pleasures, 1 Jn.2:15-17 Secularism, Jd.19

How can things that

look so harmless,

be so dangerous?

Page 17: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

I. Worldly Discord

II. Worldly Definition

IV. Worldly Directions

III. Worldly Dangers

Page 18: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

What to do with the world?

1. Preach the gospel, Mk.16:15-16

2. Be good example, Ph.2:15 (3:20)

3. Do not compromise, Tit.2:11-12

4. Remain pure, Ja.1:27

Unspotted: 1of sacrifices, w/o defect; 2of character, pure, w/o fault

Page 19: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

Respectable worldliness

A Christian works, enjoys recreation, cares for family… 1 Co.7:32-34

Lk.14:20; 1 Co.10:33; Ep.5:28-29 But neglects his soul

Page 20: Worldly Thoughts. I. Worldly Discord This means war! 1. Jn.15:18-19, hatred As true now as then “I support tolerance so much that I won’t tolerate you!”

You might be worldly if . . . You go days at a time w/o studying Bible You go long periods w/o praying You enjoy travel / recreation, not assemblies You attend, but prefer other places / things You praise actors, politicians, criticize church TV shows, talk radio, etc. ‘thrill your soul’ Sin does not bother you as it once did