world travel awards africa gala ceremony programme 2008

Africa Gala Ceremony 2008

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Programme from the 2008 World Travel Awards Africa Gala Ceremony


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Africa Gala Ceremony 2008

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President of the World Travel AwardsOur first regional gala ceremonies: Tourism - a great success story for Africa

It is with great pleasure thatwe welcome you to the WorldTravel Awards 2008: AfricaAwards Ceremony as it makesits debut here in Durban,South Africa.

Durban, with its radiantgolden sands and lush sub-tropical greenery has alwaysbeen a special destination.The pride of the Zulu nation,the city has evolved intomuch more than a seasideplayground. It is anenchanting, vibrant, historicgateway to a subtropicalparadise, all of which makes itthe perfect setting for thisyears World Travel Awardsevent.

In 2007 alone, nine milliontourists visited South Africa

which is eight percent morethan in 2006 andoutperforms the globalindustry by more than twopercent. In the 15 years sinceSouth Africa embraceddemocracy, tourism hasbecome one of their biggestbusiness success stories.

With the 2010 FIFA WorldCup on the horizon bothSouth Africa and the vastcontinent it is representingcan look forward to a realboost in profile. Our WTAevent will also focus the eyesof the world on Africa and itsmany successes.

Congratulations to all thosepeople who are receivingawards and to those thathave made this evening

possible. Celebrating andpromoting excellence andinnovation in the tourism andtravel trade is the spirit of thisregional gala event - soplease enjoy yourselves withthis in mind, for we value yourtremendous achievementsand what you have done forour industry.

Thank you all for being herewith us on this very specialevening.

Sincerely yours,

Graham E. CookePresident and FounderWorld Travel Awards

Dear friends,


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CEO of ICC Durban

The ICC Durban welcomesthe World Travel Awards. Weare proud to be chosen asthe host venue for the AfricaAwards Ceremony and tokick off the start of theGrand Tour.

This illustrious event willafford the City of Durban theopportunity to not onlyshowcase this wonderfuldestination but will alsohighlight both the beautyand diversity of the provinceof KwaZulu Natal.

We are pleased to be hostingthe celebrated delegation ata time when the ICC Durbanis abuzz with Indaba, themost prestigious event in thetourism calendar.


Miller MatolaCEO of ICC Durban



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With our mobility solutions foryour holiday and travel needs.

Europcar’s many mobilityservices are intended to makethis easier. With great rates,special equipment, 24hr service,and insurances – just aboutanything you could require


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AboutWorld Travel Awards

In its fifteenth year, the WorldTravel Awards acknowledgesand celebrates thoseorganisations who have madethe greatest contribution tothe global tourism and traveltrade. It also recognises thosewho are driving the industryto greater heights andinnovation.

Attended by top executives ofwinning companies, the WorldTravel Awards ceremonies arehighly regarded andestablished as forums thatbring together all areas oftravel and tourism inrecognition and celebration oftheir achievements.

With votes being cast entirelyonline by 165,000 travelagencies and professionals inover 200 countries worldwide,it is a truly comprehensiveand independent survey. In2007 the number of peoplevoting was up by 12 percent

compared to 2006.

For the tourism trade, winninga World Travel Award is morethan an award, it is a personaland reliable endorsementfrom the thousands ofprofessionals from around theglobe.

This level of accountabilitymakes it one of the highestaccolades in the travelbusiness and is why the awardceremony is broadcast by BBCWorld (British BroadcastingCorporation) and othernetworks to over 254 millionhouseholds worldwide andattended by the industry'sglobal decision makers.

The World Travel Awards hascontinuously evolved,expanding the number ofawards as the industry hasgrown. There are now over1,000 different categories - anunderstandable number

seeing how the industry hasdiversified and given the factthat there were over 3,600different nominees this year.

In response to increasingglobal concern overenvironmental issues andclimatic change, the WorldTravel Awards introducedGreen Categories to theaward scheme in 2007 toreward those companies whoexcel in ecologically friendlypractices.

The prestigious awardsscheme is also evolving withthe new media age and isnow more accessible via theweb and social networkingsites. Video clips andinterviews from the pastceremonies are now availableon a YouTube channel thathas now been launched

To celebrate the 15th Birthdayof World Travel Awards, the2008 Grand Tour will bebigger than ever before withmore exciting destinationsand a dazzling array of star-studded events, kicking offhere today in Durban,continuing through Sydney,Shanghai, Poprad, Crete, Riode Janiero, London, AbuDhabi, Las Vegas andculminating in the GalaCeremony in the Turks &Caicos Islands.

This year independent votingby the industry will again seekout those companies whoexcel in the world of traveland tourism. The industry isconstantly moving forwardand evolving and World TravelAwards continue to honourthe best that the world has to offer.

Travel industry'sequivalent tothe Oscar's....”Wall Street Journal

“ Highestaccolades in thetravel business”“ Driving the industry

to greater heightsand innovation”“

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Very warm welcome to the attendees and big congratulations to the winners

this evening.

Gearhouse - South Africa’s Leading Technical Supplier

Gearhouse is a proud sponsor of the World Travel Awards Africa Ceremony.

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The History


94 Hollywood 95 New York 96 Las Vegas

98 Bahamas 99 London 00 Jamaica

02 St Lucia 03 New York 04 Barbados

06 Turks and Caicos

97 New York

01 Malaysia

05 London

07 Regional Events Turks and Caicos

Middle East & Africa Europe & Green Americas Asia, Australasia & Indian Ocean

Grand Finale

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Norwegian Salmon

Served with coconut salad

Sweet chili pesto and youngbaby leaves

Light mango dressing


Hot starters

Beef filet skewers withpeppercorn sauce

Potato and pea samoosaswith tamarind glaze

Greek spinach and fetacheese triangles

Seafood spring roll



Chicken Crown

Served with yam potatocroquette and Rooibos jusenhanced with ginger

Pumpkin mash and fieldvegetables



Selection of delegate sweettreats

Fruit flan, coconut milk tart,Amarula mousse served withMango cheese cake

Freshly brewed coffee andhouse selection of teas


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Treasured Time. Our promise to you.

Time is our most precious commodity. How and with whom we choose to spend it, is perhaps one of the most important decisions we make in our lives. At Rotana, we have

chosen to acknowledge this fact by embracing the challenge of making all time spent with us, Treasured Time. This means that we pledge to understand and meet the individual

needs of all who we deal with. In so doing, we strive to continually build long-term relationships with our guests, our colleagues and, of course, our owners and partners.

Visit us during ITB in hall 22, within the Middle East Pavilion.

PO Box 43500, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesT: +971 2 644 4412, F: +971 2 644 4413, [email protected]

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Treasured Time. Our promise to you.

Time is our most precious commodity. How and with whom we choose to spend it, is perhaps one of the most important decisions we make in our lives. At Rotana, we have

chosen to acknowledge this fact by embracing the challenge of making all time spent with us, Treasured Time. This means that we pledge to understand and meet the individual

needs of all who we deal with. In so doing, we strive to continually build long-term relationships with our guests, our colleagues and, of course, our owners and partners.

Visit us during ITB in hall 22, within the Middle East Pavilion.

PO Box 43500, Abu Dhabi, United Arab EmiratesT: +971 2 644 4412, F: +971 2 644 4413, [email protected] WORLD TRAVEL AWARDS AFRICA GALA CEREMONY 2008 15



La Motte Sauvignon Blanc

Moreson Chardonnay

Jason’s Hill Merlot

La Motte Millenium


Selection of soft drinks, spiritsand beers are available.

Please see to your waiter fortoday’s selection.


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The Legend Group proudly introduces the Legend Golf & SafariResort to be opened in 2008. This unique, Big Five resort is thelatest development within the 22,000 ha Entabeni SafariConservancy situated in the malaria-free Waterberg region of theLimpopo Province. The first of its kind in the world, the resort willepitomize the unique lifestyle of the bushveld. The design andlayout of the resort has been undertaken in such a manner as tominimize the impact on the natural surroundings and preserve thepristine bush environment, thus making the resort one of the mosteco-friendly in Africa. An exceptional, residential estate, comprisingprivately owned lodges will be complemented by an 18-hole PGAChampionship Golf Course, Recreational facilities, Wellness Centre,Boutique Hotel, Field of Legends Sporting facility as well asConference and Banqueting facilities.


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Gala Show Host


Gerry Rantseli is a SouthAfrican television presenter,host, MC and businesswomanbest known for co-hosting thefirst season of the realitytelevision competition BigBrother South Africa, in 2001.

She uses her public profile asa celebrity to get involved inas many social projects aspossible. She has assisted asan Aids Ambassador for thePresident's Office andfrequently helps organisationslike Reach for a Dream andthe Orlando Children’s Home.

Recently, at the invitation ofthe Minister of Health, Gerryassisted in highlighting theplight of those struggling withTB, HIV and Aids. In 2001she was appointed Head ofTelevision and Broadcastingfor Allenby Campus.

Gerry is determined to inspirean interest in the artsamongst young people andto encourage creativity as ameans of expression whilealso instilling a culture of

leaning and teaching business skills to equip youngperformers and artists for thefuture.

In 2002 SoulmateProductions headed by Gerryand Alex Rantseli gottogether with publishinghouse Carpe Diem Media tocreate an inspirationalpublication called SoulMagazine, of which Gerry wasan Editor. In 2004 SoulmateProductions launched itspersonal developmentdivision aimed at creating anetworking and trainingenvironment in which womencan grow and develop theirskills but also to develop theleaders of tomorrow. InAugust 2005, she wasappointed the Patron ofOthandweni Children’s Homeand 2006 saw Gerrylaunching CinnamonCommunications (Learn, Growand Experience the Essence ofLife). She has been apresenter of the DStv channelONE Gospel since 4November, 2007.

Gerry Rantseli

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Gala Show Entertainment


For each of the sevenmembers of Freshlyground,this band is about more thanmusic. From each of theirbackgrounds comes a uniqueversion of “being African”.When they rehearse, each oftheir styles, flavours, coloursand attitudes is swirled into aprocess not unlike nuclearfission - and the result is notunlike an atomic blast. “Sheerexuberance”, “passion”, “red-hot energy” are the first thingsthat come out of reviewers'keyboards, closely followed by“honesty”, “depth” and“integrity”. The individualityof each member is part of thecreativity in each track andtune. The process of reachinga consensus is democratic.And the results have beenastonishing. Freshlygroundadds violin and flute to thefamiliar band instrumentationof bass, drums, keys andguitar, and sometimes throwsin the mbira, a traditionalAfrican “thumb piano” andsax. So typical of Africangroups, their dance routinesare loosely choreographed toallow space for spontaneity,which comes with live-wireenergy. “Forget about your

destiny, get off your feet andlive!” the lead singer Zolanisings, and she knows exactlyhow to make an audience gowild.

Everywhere they go,Freshlyground are a sensation.In South Africa audiences ofevery race cram in to seethem. Old people get up anddance. Hip black teenagerssing to their lyrics. White kidsemulate their moves. The verypresence of this band in SouthAfrica is the promise of aharmonious future. But theydon't sit still for the picture.Sony BMG have lured them tothe UK and Europe, wherethey're set to release“Nomvula” in July. There willbe concerts in the UK, France,Italy, Germany and Belgium.They'll be drawing the crowdsas they go, making surprisinglygood impressions, remarkablylarge impacts. That's whatthey've done all along.Bridged historical divides,defied musical stereotypes.And it's about time an Afro-pop band took some ofAfrica's magical music to theworld.

Sterling EQ was formed in May2007 and has become one ofSouth Africa’s most soughtafter new groups, havingperformed at high profileevents like the ShopriteCheckers Woman of the YearAwards and the DimensionData Pro Am 2008, as well ascorporate events forcompanies such as ABSA,Hollard, Standard Bank, BMW,Maserati and many more.

Following in the footsteps ofVanessa Mae and BOND,Sterling EQ adds anotherdimension by including theelectric flute. As with theseinternational acts, therepertoire makes reference toClassical themes, however,Sterling boasts a world-first inthis genre by adding aspecifically South Africanflavour.

In their individually capacity,Sterling’s members arerenowned performers withmany years of experience, andvarious accolades to theirnames. Combined, theSterling performers are avirtuoso tour-de-force. Theirshow is an original andmesmerising collaborationthat has been met with praiseand enthusiasm from critics,fans and clients.

In response to the growingdemand from new fans,Sterling is currently recordingtheir debut album with therenowned producer, Gabi leRoux, who made his name inthe South African musicindustry as Mandoza’sproducer. His diverse creativityand experience ensure thatSterling’s recorded offering willbe a much-anticipated newrelease.


Sterling EQ

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Welcome to AquaCityResort, Slovakia. The world's leading green resort,saving you money by being greenAquaCity is virtually self-powered, using freely availablegeothermal water and the sun's energy, saving around27 tonnes of carbon emissions each day and millionsof euros in energy costs each year. By using greentechnology to heat and power the resort, these costsavings are ploughed back into first class hotel andleisure facilities to offer a fun and affordable waterpark,spa and holiday destination. But it's not just about green energy.AquaCity is a fun and relaxing placefor a day trip, a holiday, businessevent, party or celebration. With 14indoor and outdoor geothermalpools, a fabulous spa centre withinhalation rooms, saunas andrelaxation areas, two award winninghotels, a restaurant, bar areas, meetingrooms and kids' play areas, AquaCity offersaffordable luxury, at the same time as minimising theimpact on the planet

How to get thereAquaCity is located in the north east of Slovakia,immediately south of the High Tatras Mountains.

Three times weekly flights from London Luton toPoprad with Sky Europe

The world’s leading green resortEurope’s number one eco

Poprad - (8min)Kosice - Poprad 125kms (1hr 50min)Krakow - Poprad 160kms (2hr 20min)Budapest - Poprad 330kms (5hr)Bratislava - Poprad 340kms (4hr 30min)Vienna - Poprad 390kms (5hr)


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Award winning AquaCityAquaCity is the world’s leading green resort, winner of the World’s first greenTravel Award, nominated as the British Guild of Travel Writer’s top overseasdestination and accredited to the highest standards of environmentalmanagement. It was the first destination in Europe to be given Green Herostatus and has achieved both Green Apple and Live Earth accreditations.

leading green resortE -holiday destination

AQUAPARK Poprad s.r.o., Sportová 1397/1, 058 01 Poprad, Slovak Republic

Tel: +421 52 7851 111 Web: Email: [email protected]


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World Travel AwardsCelebrating 15 Years of ExcellenceWorld Travel Awards is the most prestigious, comprehensiveand sought after awards programme in the global traveland tourism industry.

Established in 1993 toacknowledge and celebrateexcellence in all sectors of theindustry, World Travel Awardsare recognised as the hallmarkof excellence, with the winnerssetting the benchmark towhich all others aspire. TheWall Street Journal recentlyheralded the World TravelAwards as the "travel industry'sequivalent to the Oscars".

World Travel Awards is proud ofits impartial nature and thecomprehensive process of itsvoting programme. Votes arecast by an audience of 167,000travel agents and tourismprofessionals from 198participating countries. Votedfor by industry peers, this levelof accountability makeswinning an award the greatestform of recognition in thetravel business.

Attended by the industry’s keydecision makers and figureheads, Word Travel Awardsbrings together all corners ofthe globe and all areas of traveland tourism to celebrate bothindividual success and thecollective achievements of theindustry.


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World Travel AwardsGrand Tour

Africa Awards Ceremony Durban, South Africa12th May

Australasia AwardsCeremonySydney, Australia10th June

Asia & Indian OceanAwards CeremonyShanghai, China19th June

Green Awards CeremonyPoprad, Slovakia20th September

Europe Awards CeremonyCrete, Greece3rd October

South America AwardsCeremony Rio de Janeiro, Brazil21st October

World Travel Awards GalaReception London, England9th November

Middle East AwardsCeremonyAbu Dhabi, UAE27th November

North America AwardsCeremonyLas Vegas, USA3rd December

World & Caribbean GalaCeremony Turks & Caicos Islands12th December

The Word Travel Awardsattracts an unprecedentedamount of both trade andconsumer media coveragespearheaded by BBC World –our global media partner –whose coverage spans a globalaudience of over 274 million.

In recognition of “15 Years ofExcellence”, World TravelAwards has expanded itsportfolio by adding a GrandTour of Regional Awards torecognise winners in their ownterritory.

Regional Awards will be stagedin each key geographic region,culminating in the World TravelAwards Gala Reception inLondon on the eve of WorldTravel Market and the GalaCeremony in Turks & Caicos inDecember.

In addition, the growingimportance of sustainability isrecognised in the launch of theinaugural Green Awards takingplace in Poprad, Slovakia andexcellence and innovationwithin the online travelindustry will be celebrated atthe Online Travel Awards inBangalore, India.


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Thank you to our partners

World Travel Awards teamwould like to thank all ofour sponsors and partnersfor their everlasting supportand firm commitment tomake this event a greatsuccess. Our heartfeltgratitude is extended toICC Durban, GearhouseSouth Africa and CapeMedia. Our very specialthanks goes to John Elfordat J P E Communications.


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World’s No 1Online & Hard Copy

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World Travel AwardsTeam

President & Founder Graham E. Cooke

Senior Vice President David Falcon

Executive Vice President &Event DirectorManon Han

Director of Global ProjectTony Pancaldi

Global Sales & MarketingDirector James A. Khan

Directors, Global BusinessRupert DanielsSion Rapson

PR DirectorJane Larcombe

Sales Director Tony Prince

Commercial ManagerChristopher Frost

Head of BusinessDevelopmentKhalil El-Mouelhy

Sales ExecutivesAntonio Castro Neves Christopher Courtney

Media Production ManagerLaura Tavernor

Event ManagerScott Holland

Event Organising ExecutiveRosalyn Newbery

Event Production ManagerAndy Beardmore

Event & Marketing ManagerNora Suwaidi

EditorsAnton StrackAlex Lewis

Official Photographers Mark Hakansson Gareth Morris

Online Media PublishingBen Roberts

E-Commerce ManagersKelly Footit Hayden Pitout

Systems Administrators George Cooke Joe McCann Tom Fogarty

Financial AssistantXiaolam Tang

Creative Director Mike Gibas

DesignersAdam Williams Mark Askam Jackie Maddocks

World Travel Awards 12-16 Laystall Street London EC1R 4PF United Kingdom T +44 (0)20 7925 0000F +44 (0)20 7925 [email protected]

Copyright © World Travel Awards 2008


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