world danxia landforms

世世世世世世 World Danxia Landform s

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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Danxia landformDanxia Landform is a relatively new kind of landform having been defined and recognized internationally in the last few years. It refers to various landscapes found in southeast and southwest China that “consists of red bed characterized by steep cliffs”. It is a unique type of petrographic geomorphology found in China. Danxia landforms are formed from red-colored sandstones and conglomerates of largely Cretaceous age. The landforms look very much like karst topography that forms in areas underlain by limestones, but since the rocks that form Danxia are sandstones and conglomerates, they have been called "pseudo-karst" landforms. The Danxia landform is named after Mount Danxia, one of the most famous examples of the Danxia landform.


Seven Most Beautiful Danxia Landscapes in China

中国七大丹霞地貌 1 Mount Longhu 龙虎山2 Mount Langshan崀山3 Zhangyi 张掖丹霞地貌4 Chishui Danxia 赤水丹霞地貌5 Dajin Lake 大金湖6 Mount Wuyi武夷山7 Mont Danxia 丹霞山

Danxia Landform is widely distributed In the world

Though the Danxia landform is named after Mount Danxia, one of the most famous examples of the Danxia landform, it is also widely distributed in the world. The known number of sites with well developed Danxia landform in other regions and countries already amounts to 51, in 19 countries.For example, Arches National Park of USA centralizes the most Stone Windows and natural bridges, natural arches, similar to Danxia Landform.

Arches National Park美国拱门国家公园

丹霞地貌在全世界各处广泛分布丹霞地貌在全世界广泛存在,已知其他 19 个国家共有 51 处丹霞地貌。虽然这些国家的术语不叫“ Danxia Landform” ,但都属于丹霞地貌。

Bruce Canyon布鲁斯峡谷

National parks of England and Wales

布雷肯烽火台英国 - 威尔士国家公园

Bamiyang, Afghan 巴米扬(阿富汗)

Sigiriya Lion Rock  , Sri Lanka锡吉里耶狮子岩 (斯里兰卡)

Chishuia Danxia landformThe formation of the Danxia landform can be dated back to the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods about 100 million years ago. It covers an area of over 1,000 square kilometers. The collapsing and weathering of a thick layer of red quartzose formed the area’s unique landscape, including amazing valleys, sheer precipices and rushing waterfalls. Formed of sandstone, the Chishui Danxia landform is situated where the Sichuan Basin meets the Northern Guizhou Plateau, an area of humid weather and dense vegetation.


Elephant Trunk HillElephant Trunk Hill is located between the southeast of Guilin City and the western bank of the Li River. It is the Guilin's best known sight and owns a charming flavor in sunrise and sunset arousing your imagination.The hill is originally named "Li Hill," "Yi Hill" and "Chenshui Hill." It has three hundred and sixteen million years of history. This hill got its name as it resembles elephant leisurely sucking water from the river with its long trunk. With an elevation of 200 meters, the hill towers 55 meters above the water measuring 108 meters in length and 100 meters in width.


Zhangye Danxia Landform

Zhangye Danxia Landform

The World Heritage Committee is including China's Danxia landforms on the World Heritage List. The decision was made at the committee's 34th meeting on Aug 2nd 2010 in Brazil.Danxia Landforms consist of red sedimentary rock and steep cliffs. They are located across six Chinese provinces, including Guangdong and Jiangxi.

联合国教科文组织于 2010 年在巴西召开的第 34 届世界遗产委员会上将中国丹霞地貌列入世界遗产名录。丹霞地貌系指有陡崖的陆相红层地貌,位于广东江西等六个省。

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