world colors-odai hatem


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• What is the color ?

• What is the color property ?

• What is the color systems ?

• Color wheel .

• Complementary Colors

• Color Combinations.

• Colors meaning & effects .

• Colors in website designing.

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•Color is the perceptual characteristic of light described by a color name. Specifically, color is light, and light is composed of many colors—those we see are the colors of the visual spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet.

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• Chroma: How pure a hue is in relation to gray .

• Saturation: The degree of purity of a hue..

• Intensity: The brightness or dullness of a hue. One may lower the intensity by adding white or black.

• Luminance / Value: A measure of the amount of light reflected from a hue. Those hues with a high content of white have a higher luminance or value.

• Shade: A hue produced by the addition of black.

• Tint: A hue produced by the addition of white.

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• Subtractive Color. When we mix colors using paint, or through the printing process, we are using the subtractive color method. Subtractive color mixing means that one begins with white and ends with black; as one adds color, the result gets darker and tends to black.

The CMYK color system is the color system used for printing.

Those colors used in painting—an example of the subtractive color method.

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• Additive Color. If we are working on a computer, the colors we see on the screen are created with light using the additive color method. Additive color mixing begins with black and ends with white; as more color is added, the result is lighter and tends to white.

The RGB colors are light primaries and colors are created with light.

Percentages of red, green, & blue light are used to generate color on a computer screen.

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Secondary color s::Those colors achieved by a mixture of two primaries.

Primary colors :Colors at their basic essence; those colors that cannot be created by mixing others.

Tertiary color s:Those colors achieved by a mixture of primary and secondary hues.

Complementary ColorsThose colors located opposite each other on a color wheel.

Analogous Colors:Those colors located close together on a color wheel.

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The colors that are positioned opposite one another are complementary colors.

Complementary colors bring out the best in each other. When fully saturated complements are brought together, interesting effects are noticeable. This may be a desirable illusion, or a problem if creating visuals that are to be read.

The Ocean

The Ocean

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The Ocean

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Monochromatic Relationship Colors that are shade or tint variations of the same hue.

Complementary Relationship Those colors across from each other on a color wheel.

Split-Complementary Relationship One hue plus two others equally spaced from its complement.

Double-Complementary Relationship Two complementary color sets; the distance between selected complementary pairs will effect the overall contrast of the final composition.

Triad Relationship Three hues equally positioned on a color wheel.

Analogous Relationship Those colors located adjacent to each other on a color wheel.

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• Warm colors : Warm colors are based on yellows, oranges, browns, yellow-greens, and orange-reds, colors. Warm colors have a tendency to be aggressive and exciting, so it's best to apply them in small doses.

• Intermediary colors :Purples and greens are intermediary colors that are either warm or cool, depending on amount of red or yellow they have in ratio to blue. If the color contains less blue then it is leaning towards a warm hue, and if it has more blue then it is more towards the cool side.

• Cool colors :Cool colors are based on blues, greens, pinks, purples, blue-greens, magentas, and blue-reds. Cool colors tend to be soothing, calming colors and can be used in large amounts.

• Neutral Colors :Neutral Colors include white, black, gray and colors that contain a large amount of gray. Neutral colors are great for back-grounds and for enhancing the effect of warm colors.

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1. Blue represents peace, tranquility, calm, stability, Harmony, unity, trust, confidence.

2. Black represents power, sophistication, formality, elegance, anonymity, unhappiness wealth, mystery, fear, evil also.

3. Green represents nature, health, good luck, renewal, youth, vigor, spring, generosity, fertility, jealousy.

4. Orange represents energy, balance, warmth, enthusiasm, vibrancy, flamboyancy.

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1. Purple represents royalty, spirituality, nobility, ceremony, mystery, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment .

2. Red represents love, danger, desire, speed, strength, violence, anger, and blood.

3. White represents purity, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, humility, innocence youth, birth, good, and marriage.

4. Yellow represents joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, and cowardliness.

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• Two colors from different segments of the color wheel are contrasting colors. From example, red is from the warm half of the color wheel and blue is from the cool half. They are contrasting colors.

• Colors can contrast in hue, value and saturation.

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• Contrast of hue is what relates most directly to the color wheel combinations described above. The further away from each other two colors are, the higher the contrast. This means that the complementary color combination has the highest contrast, while the analogous combination has the lowest. For text, a contrast of hue alone is usually not enough to make the text as legible as wanted. In that case, you might want to combine contrast of hue with some other form of contrast.

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• Contrast of Tint and ShadeContrast of value is very efficient in creating large contrasts. The biggest contrast of them all-- black and white-- can be said to be a contrast of value. In general, large differences in lightness are considered to be pleasant for the eye, but low contrasts of value can also be useful for more subtle differences-- for instance, in a background.

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• Contrast of SaturationContrast of saturation is often best for design aspects that do not require a lot of emphasis. A set of colors with different saturations set against a grey background can be interpreted as transparency. This is something that can be used to interesting effect.

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You can make your photos more striking by increasing the color contrast. Below is an example that compares the color contrast. With less color contrast, the image will look dull and quiet. High color contrast makes photos look striking.

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• A website is basically a marketing tool, representing the companies, products and services it is also a reflection of the companies personality, ideologies and philosophies. It is definitely a heavy burden to carry for a mere website, but it dose. Huge corporations spend millions of dollars to determine the perfect color for the branding and packaging of their product. This is due to the fact that the perfect blend of colors increases the profitability of their product. The same rule applies to the designing of your website.

• Color impacts your user on many psychological and physiological levels. Your site's color scheme can have a dramatic impact, either positive or negative on your potential success. Color is an important element of website designing. In Website designing of color is as critical as the design of graphics and layout.

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• Once a visitor has come to your site you have around 8 to 10 seconds to visually appeal to the user and turn them into customers. Since Color affects our feeling, perceptions, and interactions, you can use colors to feel a user feel welcome, comfortable, relaxed, and secure.

• Before choosing the colors of your website it is important to get a basic understanding of color and its effects.

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• To create a good website, the website designer needs to know what affect colors can have on people. People subconsciously react to colors & associate them with different emotions and feelings. Colors don't just stir up emotions & feelings that might influence how a site is seen but they can also be cleverly used to direct users to specific sections of your site.  

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Green is linked with nature, peace and jealousy. It is also a truly relaxing color and is perfect to

use for a relaxing effect

Blue is most commonly associated with business sites as it's a strong color that's

associated with confidence, coldness, depression, water and peace. The color blue is linked with confidence, loyalty and coolness. It's the best-known color in the world and it's

used by many companies to create a feeling of strength & confidence.

Black is linked to feelings of mystery and refinement. For more detail go to. An extremely popular color in design and photo web sites, it can be used effectively to contrast and liven up

other colors.

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COLORS IN WEBSITE DESIGNING Grey can be associated with respect, humility,

decay and boredom. It's used a lot to form shiny

gradients in website design to give a

professional, ordinary feel to a site. Darker shades of purple

can be very deep and luscious. It is linked to

royalty, spirituality, arrogance and luxury.

Lighter shades can represent romance and

delicacy. It's a color that's not really used much on


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