world bank · loan from development partner ......

.. Gove rnment of the People's Republic of Bangladesh Local Government Engineering Department Emerge ncy 2007 Cyclone Recovery and nestoratioo Project Worksh op Bhaban (Level-3), Agargaon, Sher-e-Hangla Nagar,Dhaka-1207. Project Financial Statement 30th June, 2014 R sou rces Government of Bangladesh Loan from Development Partner 1JDA Credi t-4507 80} Loan from Development Partner (IDA Credit-4819 80} (G ran t from GFDRR, TF-93588) (Grant from BCCRF TF-99305) KfW BMZ-No- 2011 97 680 Other resour ces ( Bank interest f or KfW fund) Cash opening ba la nce Total resources E:x_tt el'\diture and Cash 1. Goods 2. Works 3. Co nsultancy Service & outsourcing staff 4. Incremental operatng_ cost Total Expend it ure cash Closing balance l m12_res t Account Operat in g Account (RP A) (IDA Credit-4507 BD& IDA-4819-BO) Operating Account (RPA) (Grant from GFDRR, TF-93588) Operating Account (R PA) I (G ra nt from BCCRF, TF-99305) KfW BMZ-No- 201 1 97 680 0Qerating Account (GOB) Total Cash Balance Total Expend iture & Cas h (Md . .._ miin) Auounn "1 00 7 Cyclone Rec ,;ery & ••oject l ClD HQ, A.g.rQa on, Oh .J k.t. Cumulative Prior Period 1 171.93 2 37, 168.63 3 - 4 925.48 5 8,074.81 6 2 059.29 7 48 400.14 983.02 42,994.57 2, 676.79 487.55 47 141.93 - 862.86 395.35 - 1258..21 48,400. 14 J. (Figure in Lakh Taka) , Current Period CUmulative Current Period 68.05 239.98 9,195.71 46,364.34 11,843.79 11,843.79 - 925.48 5,130.83 13 205.64 1,968.32 4 027. 61 8. 61 8 .61 1,258.21 - 29 473.52 76 615.45 15.67 998.69 27 133.85 70,128.42 1,036.40 3,713.19 187.1 3 674.68 - 28 373.06 75 514.99 - - 696.68 696.68 - 403.78 403.78 11:00.46 1100.46 29 473.52 76,615.45 Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

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Government of the People' s Republic of Bangladesh Local Government Engineering Department

Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and nestoratioo Project (ECIU~P)

Workshop Bhaban (Level-3), Agargaon, Sher-e-Hangla Nagar,Dhaka-1207.

Project Financial Statement 30th June, 2014

R sources

Government of Bangladesh Loan from Development Partner 1JDA Credit-4507 80} Loan from Development Partner (IDA Credit-4819 80} (Grant from GFDRR, TF-93588) (Grant from BCCRF TF-99305) KfW BMZ-No- 2011 97 680 Other resources ( Bank interest for KfW fund) Cash opening balance Total resources

E:x_ttel'\diture and Cash 1. Goods 2. Works 3. Consultancy Service & outsourcing staff 4. Incremental operatng_ cost

Total Expenditure

cash Closing balance lm12_rest Account Operating Account (RPA) (IDA Credit-4507 BD& IDA-4819-BO) Operating Account (RPA) (Grant from GFDRR, TF-93588) Operating Account (RPA) I (Grant from BCCRF, TF-99305) KfW BMZ-No- 201 1 97 680 0Qerating Account (GOB) Total Cash Balance Total Expenditure & Cash

(Md . .._ miin) Auounn Ofllc~r

lm~rgenc_y "1 00 7 Cyclone Rec ,;ery & ~esteration • •oject l ClD HQ, A.g.rQaon, Oh.J k.t.

Note~ Cumulative Prior Period

1 171.93 2 37, 168.63

3 -

4 925.48 5 8,074.81 6 2 059.29

7 48 400.14

983.02 42,994.57



47 141.93




1258..21 48,400.14


(Figure in Lakh Taka)

, Current Period CUmulative Current Period

68.05 239.98 9,195.71 46,364.34

11,843.79 11,843.79

- 925.48 5,130.83 13 205.64 1,968.32 4 027.61

8.61 8.61

1,258.21 -29 473.52 76 615.45

15.67 998.69 27 133.85 70,128.42

1,036.40 3,713.19

187.1 3 674.68 -

28 373.06 75 514.99

- -696.68 696.68


403.78 403.78

11:00.46 1100.46 29 473.52 76,615.45


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Typewritten Text
Typewritten Text

F:\A ud

<Jovernment of thc Peortc· ~ Republi .: o f Ban laJcsh

Local Government Engineering Department

Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Resto ration Project (ECRRP) W ork ·hop B haban ( Levcl -3) . Aga rgaon. "her-e-Bangla Nagar.Ohaka - 120 7 .

1. Government of

Notes To Financial Statement 30th .June. 2014

Fund are allocated b} the Government of Bangladesh to • ver GOB s sharL of elig ible project expenditures, as specifi ed in th <.. Project P roforma and in the Annual Development Programme for each year of the project. Any allocated funds that have not been expended b' the ~;nJ of a f iscal year lapse and must be returned to GOB. ( iOB contribution to the project since inception a re a~ follows (In Lakh Taka )

(Fiaure in Lakh Taka) Inception to For the year Inception to

30th June 2013 2013-2014 30th June 2014 Disbursements by GOB 17 1.93 75.00 246.<)J

l .ess: Refunds to GOB 6.95 6.95 Total: 171.93 68.05 239.98 2. Loan from development partner:

ThcWorld Bank has provided fu nds to lh project to cover tt' s s ha re o f eligible project expend itures . These funds . which musl be repa id In IDA af r the: conclusion of the pr ject, have heen drawn by the project in itccordance with the following withdrawal pwced ures (In Lakh Taka).

Inception to For the year Inception to 30th June 201] 2013-2014 30th1une20 14

lnnial Deposit (Advance) lOA -4507 8D:4819-BD 5 21 1).40 - 5.216.40 f:FnR R r. r~n t TF-91'iRR - -BCCRF Grant TF-99305 I 440.00 - I 440.00

KfW Grant BMZ-No-201 1 97 680 - -Sub-total of initial DePOsit 6 656.40 - 6 656.40

DPA (Direct Payment) -RP/\ (SOE Procedurt.)(IDA Credit-4507 8D) 31 952.23 9 195.71 41 147.94 RPA (SOE Procedure)(IDA Credil -4819 BD) II 843.79 I I 843.79 RPA (SOE Procedure) 925.48 - 925 .48 lfi rant fmm C:H1RR T F-91'\RR\ RPA (SOE Procedure ) ':1,634.81 5 ,130.83 11.765 .64 (Grant from IICCRF. TF--99305)

RPA (Non SOl ProcedUJ ~)

KfW Grant 8MZ-No-201 1 97 680 2,059.29 1,968.32 4,

n-.hers (Bank lntere!>! K1W fund) -Sub-total replenishment 41,571.81 28,138.65 69,710.46

T otal: 48 228.21 28138.65 76.366.86

3.0ther resources

Other resources cons ist of the following :

In For the year Inception 1o

30th June 20 13 2013-2014 30Lh June l014 Project Revenues

[ >.change gains;losses(Rank lnteres.t KfW fund) 8.61 8 .h l

Total: - 8.61 8.61


ThL pmjo.:.:t m • intain~ tw l.l bank a • um~. an CO ASA bank ace wnt , o r revo lving fu nd. which is k.:pl a t Ban~l desh Kre~h i Bank to ho ld funds advanced } IDA, and an< perati ng account ing, w hich is kept at ;., comm rcia l hank to ho ld funds ad vanced ~ c;oB Year end cash balances were as fo llows (In Lakh Taka).

Inception to For the year Inception to 30th June 2013 2013-2014 30th Jone2014

CONT ASA Account -0 ldting Account (RPA) 862.86 1+96.68 1>96.(,~

lf.JDA Credit-4507 HI>) () r.tting 1\ · unt ( RPAJ - -ICGrdnl from GH>RR Tf - 135~b ) Opd.,ting Ac "t>unt (RPA ) 395 35 403 .7S -103 .78

'I Grant from 13( 'CR I· 1"1·-'8305) Op~rating l'll"Count (GOB) I Total: 1,258.21 1,100.46 A.I 00.46

it FAPA D ... 1~ ,1 4 \ qt;es on Fin a ncial re po rt f ,.~1 J~-~ - I

Au it opinion E

We have audited the Statement of Expenditure ( SOE) of the Emergency 2007

Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Project (ECRRP} financed by IDA under Financing

Agreement No-4507.BD/IDA Grant TE-093588-BD and KfW BMZ-No.2011 97 6080

for the yl.!ar ended 30th June, 2014. Withdrawal applications were submitted to the

International Development Association (IDA) and KfW for reimbursement/

replenishment of expenditure in accordance with the IDA "Financing Agreement" and

Kfw agreement signed on November-23, 2008 and 03-12-2012 respectively.

The audit was conducted following International Standard on Auditing

Accordingly, it included such tests of accounting records and supporting documentation

review of systems of Internal Control, so far exists, adopting necessary auditing

procedures that we considered essential under the circumstances.

1. The particulars of withdrawal on the basis of SOE as submitted to the Audit Teams are shown in enclosed Statements.

2. Withdrawal Applications were submitted by the Project authorities (PCMU, LGED, BWDB & DMB) to the World Bank, Chenni, India and particularly LGED submitted withdrawal application to KfW grant for reimbursement/ replenishment of fu nd for the year 2013-2014

3. The presentation and submission of claim to IDA and KfW by the Project authorities on the basis of SOE were valid and supported documentations.


In our opinion SOE can be relied upon to support the applications for credit

disbursement by the IDA and KfW for expenditure incurred for the purpose of the

Project as specified in the particulars of withdrawal applications.

Opinion status: U qualified. ' '31 · r'L-:11-f

(Ald. A1amun-Ul-A1annan) J Deputy Director

For Director General Foreign Aided Projects Audit Directorate

Phone: 9331027.

Summary of Withdrawal Application (SOE)

Fiscal Year : 2013-2014

Project: Emergency 2007Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Project ( ECRRP): Project Corrdination and Monitoring Unit ( PCMU)

Lender/ Donar: IDA/ World Bank Loan: IDA 4507 80 and IDA 4819 BD

Amount Claimec

Application No. Date Category Taka PCMU -22 12-Sep-13 2(D) 15000000.00 PCMU -24 26-Dec 2 (OJ 10000000.00 PCMU -26 4-Mar-14 2 (D) 1 0000000.00 PCMU -28 25-May-14 2 (D) 5000000.00 Total 40000000.00

~mount Receivec Difference

Taka Taka 15000000.00 0.00 1 0000000.00 0.00 1 0000000.00 0.00 5000000.00 0.00


P an- .. 1 :t

GQ\(t r , r ;• 't to! ·• o:

Au t . 01. We have audited the Special Account Statements CONT ASA Accounts bearing STD

NC No.031436000741 with Janata Bank Ltd. Sher-e-Bangia Nagar Branch, Dhaka, for

PCMU Part. STD A/C No.4101-0320000744 and STD NC No.4101-0320000780

Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Kawran Bazar Corporate Branch, Dhaka, STD 004001589,

Janata Bhaban Corp.Br. Dhaka for LGED Part. STD NC No. 360001002, Agrani Bank

Ltd., Ramna Corporate Branch, Dhaka for BWDB Part and STD NC No.

0665360004Hl, Agrani Bank Ltd., Mohakhali Branch, Dhaka for DMB Part of

"Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Project (ECRRP): Project

Coordination and Monitoring Unit (PCMU), LGED, BWDB Part & DMB Part" as of

30th June , 2014 and the year then ended under IDA Financing Agreement No. 4507-

BD. 4819-BD, GFDRR Grant Agreement No. 093588, BCCRF Grant No. TF-99305 &

KfW BMZ no.2011 97 680.

02. Our audit was carried out in accordance with International Auditing Guidelines.

Accordingly our audi t included such review of system of internal control, test of the

accounting records and supporting documentation. verification of accounts balances

and other auditing procedures that we considered necessary under the circumstances.

03. The accompanying Special Accounts Statement was prepared on the basis of cash

deposits and withdrawals for the purpose of complying with the above Financing


04. In our opinion the receipts were properly accounted for and withdrawals are made for

the purpose of the project in accordance with the Financing agreement, the special

account statements, the opening and closing balance and the accounting activity for the

year ended 30-06-2014 are on the basis of cash deposit and withdrawal.

Statement enclosed.

Opinion status: Unqualified. 6 /· I z_;-/1 (Md. M amun-Ul-A,fannan)

Deputy Director For Director General

Foreign Aided Projects Audit Directorate Phone: 9331027.

' .

Emergency 2007 Cyclone Recovery and Restoration Project (ECRRP) Project Coordination and Monitoring Unit (PCMU)

Special Account Statement

For the year Ending : 30/06/2014 Account No. CONTASA: STD-031436000741 Deposito_ry_ Bank : Janata Bank Address Sher-E-Bangia Nagar Branch. Planning

Commission Area, Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangia Nagar Dhaka

Loan/Credit No. IDA Credit No. 4507 BD and 4819 BD Currency_ BD Taka Part-A: Account Activity Beginning Balance (1-7-2013) 340.35 Add(+) 1. Total Amount Deposited by the World Bank 400.00 2. Total Interest Earning if deposited into Bank Account Deduct(-2_ 0.00 1. Total Amount withdrawn for eligible expenditure 585.06 2. Total service charges if not included in the above mentioned withdrawn amount. 0.00 3. Ending Balance (as per Cash book) (30/06/2014) 155.29

Part-8: Account Reconciliation: 1. Total amount Advanced from the beginning of the

1 project (30/06/2014) 3656.70 2. Less: Total Amount accounted as eligible expenditure by World Bank 3374.35 3. Equals: Present outstanding amount advanced to the Special Account at fiscal Year end {30/06/2014) 282.35 4. Ending Balance of Special Account at fiscal year ended 30/06/2014 155.87 5. Plus: Amount withdrawn but not yet claimed for documentation as eligible expenditure 127.06 6. Plus: Amount claimed but not yet credited Application .. . NA ... Amount .... NA. ... 0.00 7. Less: Interest earn ings (excluding of tax and Charges) (If included in Special Account) 0.58 8. Plus: Service Charge {If not included in lines 5 and 7) 0.00 9. Equals: Total Advanced to Special Account to be acounted for at FY end 30/06/2014 282.35

fiJ2 t l{ f oE(/1--;

Dr M d. Jnhir'l , o.·er.: GElflE:ra'- -

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