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SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM The Rural Distribution Project Construction~Investment Project. Tuyen Quang Province Volume 3 Managemelnt Plan Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

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Page 1: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige


The Rural Distribution Project

Construction~Investment Project. Tuyen Quang Province

Volume 3

Managemelnt Plan


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Page 2: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige


The Rural aistribution Project

Construction Investment Project Tuyen Quang Province

Volume 3

Management Plan


Prepared by

No 1. Power Constructiori Consultina


Page 3: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

I 'hc l lural Dis~ril)uIic~n l'uycn Quang I'l.ovinrc t .. I ~ n v i ~ ~ o ~ ~ r n c n l ; ~ l I l a n ; ~ g c n ~ r ~ ~ f I'lan .


PART I . PROJECT DES'CRIPTION ................................................ 2 7 1 . Project Overview ..................................................................... ......

2 . Rural Distribution Power Network Project (RD) ........................ 4 ................................................................................ 2.1 Objectives of the Project: 4

.............................................................................................. 2.2 Capital sources: 4 ................................................................................ 2.3 I<xecutions in scqi~ences: 4

2.4 Rcquircd materials a id inacliiiics: ........................................................... ....... 4 ................................................. . 2.5 Allaterial - to - works tral?spoi-tation manners: 5 -

3 . The Tuyen Quang Distribution Power Networli Project ............ s 3.1 l'uyen Quang general instruction ............................................................. ....... 5

............................................................................... 3.2 'Tuyen Quang pro-ject site 7 4 . Legal foundation ............................................................................ 7

................................................................ 4.1 Vietnamese Laws and Regulations: 7 ........................................................................ ; 4.2 The Word Balk safety policy: 7

.............. PART 11: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS DEFINITION 8 PART 111: MITIGATION PLAN TABLE ....................................... 13 . ................................................................... 1 Mitigation plan table 13

2 . . The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige discovciy ............................................................................................. 16

.......................................... PART IV . PLIBLIC CONSU LTATIQN 17 . 1 Public consultation methods: ...................................................... 17

2 . Realized public participation: ..................................................... 18 3 . Announcement ............................................ I ................................. 30 1 . Provincial People's Committee ..................................................... I

32 PART V: MONITORING PLAN ....................................................... 1 . Example environmental terins of reference for SIMC .............. 33 2 . Monitoring plan table .................................................................. 34 PART VI: CAPACITY BUILDING ................................................. 70 PART VJI: IMPLEMENTATION ARRANGEMENTS ................. 72 PART VIII: MONITORING AND REPORTING SYSTEM .... :.... 74 - PART IX: COPY O F ENVIRQYMENTAL CERTIFICATE ....... 73 c-> PART X: APPENDIX ........................................................................ 76

'1 . Anex A - Pro-ject area ...................................................................................... 76 2 . Ai~cx B - List of establisliing EMP .................................................................. 76 3 . Allex C - Public consultation list .................................................................... 76

Page 4: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige


I . PI-oject Overview I

1 I . llsojcct title ( T l ~ c Rural l)ist~-ibution Tuycn Quang pl-ovincc (RD) 1 3. Psogrammcd title


3. New- construction 01-

1 rehabilitation prolect n

I'l-o.jcct location

~ t . District. lowm (s)

iii. l'sovincc

Commune 1Vo1ig Ticn cornmill-lcs

Ham J',; \ Bacli Xa. I'an Yen communcs

1;di;;;; 1 1 Thai Binli. Tan 1,ong. Tsuns hlon. Chan


1 district 1 I-loa. Tan An. Tan My communes I Son Duong Trung \'en. l1I1u L~long, Dai Pliu, Mil111

district 1 717~:~~~l~. l<Ii:111g Nl~at. I Ioj, 1 10:i.. TLI

1 voltage (MV) line 1 1 1 . 1,cngth and voltage of medium

1 1-hi 1111 COIIIIII iilles

- New-constr~lctiol~: 38.35 I,ln

1 3. Estim;~ted nunlber and height 1 - Quantity: 500

2. Widtli of Right of Way (ROW)

substation (s) . .

5. Total c a l ~ ~ c i t j of tlie , - C'apacitj : 4,5 I0 L\rA

- Widtli of MV line: iiom 2111 to 4m


substations 7 7

6. The beginning and the ending - I he beginning: 1 oU constr~~ctioll stapc

- Thc eliding:

QIV120 10 (rnpntlq/\ car)

7. Im~~lemcnt construction in

rainy scason

8. Numbcr o r pro-ject affected

9. Total land required for the 1 -I:~i~por:~r~ : 15.3411~1 1 projcct

- Permanent: 0.1 7 2 8 1 ~ 1 I

- So l I'ov rr ( ' ~ ~ r ~ s t r u c t i o n Consulting (10, I,td.. I';tgc 2

Page 5: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

- - -- -- -

~ l o d u c t i v e land 7 c r n a - y : 1 5.34ha ' rcquired for pmject - -. -- --

1 I. Total planted forcst land -Tc~~ipora~-y: Oh11 .- ~. - . ~ - -.-

12. Total i~ ldus t~y land -1'emporary: Oha

13. Total residential land -Te~l~porary: Oha

1 14. Total others ( -1'emporary: 0ha I 1

16 Is tlicrc substation or pa11 ol'

IiOW in the 300111 radius ol'

historical monument or templc, .-7

pagoda or other cultural heritage sitc'?

l'otal pro.ject cost (VNDkUSD) exchange rate: 16.1 10 VNDIIISU.

-- N o l I'OVCI. <'o~ist~.r~ction C'onsulti~ig C'o. I,td.. I';IXC 3


15 -ls there substatioil or part of IiOW in the 3km radius of nature reserve or nature forest etc? n ~l

Page 6: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

2. Rural Distribution Power Network Project (RD)

2.1 Objectives of the l'roject:

- IiehabiIitating and extending the po\\!cr nct\worlis in rural areas required the

accclerating additioilal charge. strengthening capacjty of thc distribution

net\vorks to meet the additional charge deiielopnle~~t dcmand and ensure the

electrical supply quality. -. - Giving su1~~~o1-t to the power distribution companies to overcolhe o\~crload.

network blocking in the rural powcr distribution s>.stem by upgrading and

extellding the distribution networks. mecting the additional charge demand.

ensuring the electrical supply cluality. rcducing t11e distribution losscs,

reinforcing the safety and reliability of distribution Ihr customers. iinpro\iing

the power busiiless efficiency.

2.2 Capital sources:

- Loan of about VND 1.700 billion,s (eclual to LISII 107 millions) ~'SIJIII LIIC World Bank, VND 1.000 billioils for MV power nct\sorks and thc last for I-IV

power networks. This loan is l i~r ccluipmcn~ ~~urchase. building and


- Domestic countei-j~ai-t capital of' about LrSD 53 millions to cover taxcs. Ices

and others costs.

- The powcr companies that arc pro.ject investors \sill borrow monc!. fro111 the

above loan for investmcnt, post-in\~cstment I?o\'erty management and

operation of the MV po\.zier net\vorks.

2.3 Executions in sequences:

- Substations: land space t:ll,covcl. -- tcinj,oral>, caiiip setting - mnchii~cs and -\

11uman resources mobilization - loundation levcliiig - substation assembling

and wiring.

e - L,ines: pole foundation pit digging - materials transporting to works - pole

erecting - installing line components.

2.4 Required materials and machines:

Cement. sand. stonc. steel. poles. cranes, capstans. concrete ~ ~ ~ i s c r s . \,ehiclc. trucks ...

Sol I'o\\cr C'onslruction <:ol~sillti~~g Co. I.tcl,. I';igc 4

Page 7: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

'l'hc I111ral 1)istribution l ' u j c n Quang I ' ru~incc t I ; ~ l \ i r o n n ~ c ~ ~ t ; ~ l h l a n ; ~ g c ~ ~ ~ c n l l'l;~n

2.5 Material - to - works transportation manncrs:

Manual and ~nachine-made

3. The Tuyen Quang Distribution Power Network Project

3.1 Tuyen Quang general instruction Natural characteristics and current cn\,ironn~cnt

c/ P I ~ ~ : s i o . y r a ~ h ~ ~ m7d yo17t1la/ion

1-uycn Quang provi~~ce'located in the I1ighland of thc Noilllern side. Its nah~r:~l

area is 5.868 square kilometer. the total pol)ulatio~~ is 727,751 pcrsoi~s. i t is

located in the Northwest and Victnamesc Northcast. Tuycn Quang has

geographical characteristics as in tllc latitudc ol'21°30' to 22"40' nortli and in the longitude of 104~53 ' to 1 0 5 ~ 3 ~ ) ' East. Its bordcrs 1 la Giang province in the North. Bac Kan, Cao Bang and Thai N g u ~ e n pro\'ince in the East. Ycn Bai

Z - ~xovince in the West, Phu Tho province in the South.

Its infrastructure structure is being upgraded. expended cn renewed. making it more advantages for economical exchanging \sit11 the rcst nation. region and

international community. 7%

l'ujien Quang has complicated tcl-i.ai11. di\iiclcd b~ ilcllsc sjrstcm 01' l-i\/crs and

high mountain ranges, especially north of pro\/incc. Gradually lowering the southern, i t has ~nountainous area and valley along the rivers. T u j m Quang's

topography is divided to three regions:

1. Mountainous regions oS Tuyen Quang in thc North include of Na

Hang, Chiern Hoa, Ham Yen and Yen Son's north district, The altitude is

widespread from 200 to 600 meters and gradually lowering from the

southern average of 25'.

2. .Hill and mounlainous iniddlc 1-cgiom incluc'lc of Yqn Son':, south

district, Tuyen Quang Town. and Son Duong's north districl, Thc altitude is

\!ridespread lo\ver 500 metcrs and . Gradually l~\ \~cl . ing from the noi-th~.est

, to thc Southeast. ~ h c slope is lo\vel. than 25".

3. Mountainous rcgions of Tuycn Quang in thc south incluclc of Son

Duong's south district, has its midland a-ea.

Rol I'on ci. ('onstruclion C'c~nsulling C'o, LII,~,. 1';1gc 5

Page 8: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

'l'lic I(11rii1 Distribution T u v c n Ouanz 1'1.ovinc.c + L~iivironnicntaI Rlana~clncnt l ' l e ~ i

Tuyen Quang has featurcs of hot-wet. tropical and monsoon climate. I t has two

distinct seasons ill the year. 111e winter is cold - hot and dry; the su111111el. is hot-

\vet and rain. This features is very suitable for grow up. devclop of tropical crop

plants. The annual average te~~lpcrature is about 32°C - 2 4 " ~ . The a~inual averagc rainfall is 1.500 to 1.800111111. The average humidity is 85%).

~ a t u r a i resource

Because of hot-wet, tropical and monsoon clinlate bccon~ed thick layer of cover - land of Tuyen Quang and thc tliicl\ laycr of floristic coml~osition so degcncmtc of land that solily. l'uycn Quang's land rcsourcc includc main group: rcd-ycllo\v soil on cobble, degenerate soil, its arca is 389.834 ha. accounting for 67.2 per cent

~iatural land area; infei-tile soil on sandstone. its arca is 66.986 ha. accounting lor 11.55 per cent natural land arca; rcd-yellow soil on Macadam. its arca is 24.168 ha. accounting for 4.1 7 per cent natural land area; red-yellow soil on degenerate


soil, its area is 22.602 ha, accounting lor 3.89 pcr ccllt natural land arca: alluvial soil. its area is 9.621 ha. accounting for 1.66 per cent natural land area; lo\sr-lying

land. its area is 8.002 ha, accounting lor 1.38 per cent natural land area; :soil clse

accounting for slnall area. I11 sumnlary. land rcsourcc is vcrjr rich of kii-~d. good quality.

Tuyeil Quang's forest area is about 357.354 ha. In there. natural forest area is 278.606 ha and artificial forcst rn:a is 69.737 ha. Rate of cover is o\.er 5 1%. Natural forest play a role of protecti\~c forest. its arca is 31 3.849 ha. ac(:ouiiting

for 74.4 per cent natural lorcst area. Copsc\vood. its area is 44.840 ha. accounting

for 15.6 per cent natural forest area, else forest is plantation. its area is 28.917 ha. accounting for 10.05 per cent natural forest area.

M~I~CI 'CII I - ~ S ~ I I I . C * ~ :

Mineral resources in Tuycn Quang have not becn deeply and tl~orouglily suiveyed. But with low rcsei-ves. and low exploitation productivity.

Tuyen Quang has lots of potcntials for tourist devclolqment. Some outstanding places are Na Lua thatched roof and klong Thai templcs. Tan Trao bai~!~~an trcc. this place. in ti~ile war against 1-rencli colonialism. -1'uyen Q u a n s 131-ovince has secure area.

To I I'cnvcr <'onstruttion Consulting Co,,. l'i~gc 0

Page 9: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

In addition. i t has Nri Hang ccologicril tou~- i s~ arca. I-lam Yen. Dum mount. My Lam spa.

3.2 Tuyen Quang project site

. - I hc 'fi~yen Quang RD Prqjcct is sclicclulccl to rcliabilitatc. upgrade ancl cupansc

the MV pourer networks in 5 districts in Tuyen Quang named: Tuycn Quang

town. I-Ian1 Yen, Yen Son. Chiem I-Ioa, and So11 DUOII~, improviiig the -. - distribution business seivices of Tuyen Q u a y MV po\ver network, ineeting the

local's de\~elopment.

4. Legal foundation Project legal framework

"-.- 3.1 Vietnamese Laws and Regulations: - The 3005 Environment Protection Law.

- The Decree No. 80/2006/ND-CP dated 09/08/2006 by the Vietnamese

Government specifiing the implcmcntation of son~c articles of The Law on

Enviroment Protection.

- 'I'he Dccrce No. 8 1 /2006/1\JD-C'1' clatcd OO/OX/3006 by thc Viclnamcsc

Covcmment on punishment of administrati\,c \'iolrrlion o r en\;il.oiimcntal

13rotection aspect.

- Circular No. 08/2006/TT-13TNMT dated 08/00/2006 by the Natural 1i~:surces

and Environment Ministry on implcmentatioi~ 01' stlratcgic cnvironmcntal assess,

cnvironmcntal impact asscss, and cnvironmcntal protection commitment.

- The Decree No. 106/2005/ND-CP dated 17/08/2005 by the Vietnamcsc

Go\erninenl spccifying the implc~~~entation 01' some ~~rl ic lcs of The Electricity

Law on safety protection of HV power netu.orli \sorlis.

- The Decree No. 24/2000/ND-CP by the Victnamcsc Government specifying the

implementation of The Foreign ln\~cslmcnt L,a\\ regarding cn\~irc~nmcn~

protection. - l'he current Vietnamese Staildards. ,-.

' 3.2 The Word Bank safety policy:

- 01' 4.01 Environmental asscss.

- 01' 4.04 Natural residence areas.

- OP 4.1 1 Cultural poverty. - BI' 17.50 Public Inforn~ation

Page 10: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige


Impact 1 potential 1 Commcnt , 7 (about ratc and lcvcl of impact)

temporary or p e i ~ ~ ~ a n e n t land acquisition Sor Right

Of Way (ROW), substation I

expaiisio~l or access road ~

2.. Soil erosion, sediment gc~ieration and surfacc

water turbidity caused by


Construction r~hasc

- The flora on the wholc communes in the 11ro.ject sitc is aflected. Most of the

imlwcls arc ca t~wd by land accluisilion

lor ROW and polc lo~~ndations. l'he

construction approach does 1101 tahc

account of thc access road in the design

slagc because tlic malerials arc manually

transported fro111 thc main roads. Total

estimated land area im pactcd

(pcrmancntl tcmporaly impacts) is:

I .738m'/1 53.400111~. of which the detail

numbers are (permanent1 temporary I


- Iticc: l.3001il'l 02.0401~'

- Fruit trecs: 625 comprise trees

Thus. the main quantity of affected flora

are c0111priscd of rice and fi'uit trees.

Tllereforc. these impacts do not cause so

much adverse impacts on the Tu)cn

Quang natural enviroiu~~ent.

- During construction procesr;.. the

amou~it 01' soil and rock csca\ratcd Ibr

making the M V and LV polc loundation

is aboul 3.398 111' in which 596 1113 is

used for filling up pole foundations. The

rest 5.681 mi ol' its residuc u;ill be ~.cmo\~cd lo lill i n the llollo\v plirces or

thc arcas wllcrc do not cause mud \?illen

erodes. .I-lle place used to bc 1711ed the rcsiduc ol'soil should bc 1,crrnillcd by

the local autlioritics. The esca~\!ation should be implcmcnted in d ~ y season to

Page 11: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

3. Affects on air quality li-om vehicle and

equipment exhausts and

dust generated by

construction activities.

I \

1 4. Noisc generated by

- -- --

aioid crosion~?lic h4V and I,V to\vcr

i'oundations in this pro-jcct have relati\.e

small depth (under 1.5111). The soil in this

project site is at level 3 or 4. According

to tlie standard of sector. wit11 this soil

level i t ilccd no[ build c~i ihanl~mc~-~t . It

means that the soil of tlie l'oundation is

not eroded/scdimeiited/lai~dslided at thc

above depth lc\:el.

- During thc slagc of investigating and dcs ign in~ locations of the to\vcr

Soundation, tlic l a ~ e r structure arc tahcii

into account to a\ oid constructing on the

land arcas crocl~ble or with untight

structure. ncarbj strcam. rivcr \vlierc are

eas) to landslide and affcct 011 the

foundation positions. Thus. sedi~nent

gencration caused h ~ , soil crosion has

been also limited at the lowest le\!el in

(he iii\/cstigati~o~i :~nd design stngc. ~ - During construction proccss. tlie / exhaust luiiie d~sclialge Sro~n \ chicles

and machines used for transporting

materials on the national or provincial

\vajrs is able to limit or control. 111 tlic I a r c a s f i~r ~ r d m t 1 1 ~ main roads. the

malcrial is mainl!~ manually transported

so it does not cause an) a d ~ e r s e aii'ccts

on the en\ irorimcnt at all. D11ring con\trl~ct~on ~xl.iocl. only cranc gcnc.ra(cs

cxha~rst, noise but tlicse impacts arc ablc

to mitigate.

- Dust generated d u r i n ~ tlie conslruction

pcriod may cau\c little effects on

I rcsidenccs i11 communcs in the project


- l'ransportatioii occurs in a short time so

tlie impact Ie\~cl is limited.

- Noise 1naJJ causc negative efi'ccts on td

Page 12: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

vehicles and equipilleilts i~sed during constructioi~ time.

5 . Al3ects on cultural vestiges through dircct p!lysical disturbance or 011

the surrounding areas.

residential areas of the pro-ject site. so it is necessary to control that noisc to avoid l)ossiblc bad cfTccts 011 the rcsidcnts.

- lhe proposcd construction plan has been released to avoid working at night i11 the area nearby the residents.

7 .

- I his prqicct clocs 1101 aff'cct on c1.1lt~1ra1 \~cstigcs or si11.roi111di17g areas. 1-acluall~.. thc pro-ject arca has soillc historical places as Na Lua lhatched roofand I-long Thai tcmplcs. l an Trao banyan trec ctc. But the survey sho\zed that thc possible ~lfkctcd ncrlrcst al'c'i \zould bc o\lcr 3hm far li-om thc existing historical monumdnt community. Therefose. the 11ro.ject does not afl'cct tlie scenery of cultural vcstigcs.

6. Affects on ecological sesenlc through direct pl~ysical disturbance or on thc su~.rounding arcas.

7. Contamination of soil, air or water fi-om using or leakage of hazardous ~naterials includiilg PCBs.

r 7

luyen Quang has the Na Hang ecological tourist area. I-Iam Yen. Durn mount. My Lam spa. This is the prirncval I;)l'csl hill (he clistancc 1-1-0111 the ~)l.c!icct sire to rhis Sorcsr is OVCI- 3hn1.

- PCBs ]lave bccn forbidden to use for electric matcsial and equipnlent for a long timc.

- Environ~ncntal affectcd - materials dischargcd during tlie construction time as disposal oil. chemical are so little that they don't causc any bad erects on t l~e local enviroqincnt.

- During construction process. thcre isn't disassembling 01' old transfi)~-mers t11ercfi)rc risk of hazasdous materials

1 1 1 ( lcakagc. including I'CBs docsn't occur at 1

8. Affects on traffic due to coi~structioi~ activities nearby public roads.

- Constri~ction acti\pities maybe cause el't'cct on pi~blic transpoi-tation in the nearlj~ \\.l~olc roads in the province because this pro.ject is developed i n 23 C ~ I ~ ~ ~ I L I I ~ C S over Tuyen Quang province. Rut in fact. thcsc activities onl!. impact

Yo1 l'on el- ('onstt-uction ('o~~sulti~~:: ('0. 1,ltl.. l'ilgc 1 0

Page 13: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

9. En\~ironmental illlpacts

caused by using worker

camps set during


10. ~i.~i;ts by gathering workers to local



on intei--commune roads. The national and provincial roads are less aj-Tected because thc pro.ject is mainly developed in the communes that have not been co~llpleted po\\icr networlis. Fui-ther more. inost coi11il1ilnes are located in low pol7ulation dcnsity areas and not cl,osc to the national 01. provincial ways.

- l'hc impacts are minor. because the

C ~ I I I I ~ are built on the fa l lo \~ far from

the residential nr-eas. In case tile camping

site is closed to tlic rcsidcnlinl arcas. thc

construction worliers will stay at hiring

house or with local family. Tl?e camping

sites will exist parallel with thc pro.jecl

schedule. The sanitation facilities with

required conditions will be built. The

freshwater rcsource is from well. stream. ,7

I . 1 hcrc must be measi1re:s Sor

clcaning 1113 solid water and collcctir~g


!4'~>1.licrs gathcr in~ to \ Y O ~ ~ S 1113!' j ~ ~ r t l y

cause ncgativc cl'lbcts on thc local

community but not so much. Due to

working particularity, the worker amount

and the wol.liers' staying time \\:ill be

decided by the in\~estor and the

contractor so t l~at it will not negatively

cause life. culture. activities of both

wnrkcr-s and locals.

I 1 . Other elTects - Solid waste ariscd by Jbundation


- l'hc project \\'ill not harm existing I rcscrvcs :~nd historical moni~menh and

cultural \*cstigcs. Howc.\lcr. during

conslruction. solllc relics ma), be fhund

/ in the csca\~ation proccss. --

Operation pliasc

12. Exposure to EMF - > 1 X - I 1icl.e arc no i1111,acts h e c a u i e t h c

Page 14: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

- - -. . - - PIS exceeding the i G i g 1 1 slage is i n co~llpliancc w ~ i h 1 tllc I Vietnamese go\/erment1 s I I 1 regulutio~ls on tccll~liqilc o l design I standards.

1 13. Affects on flora and

I fauna from vegetation

1 maintcnance activities.

- l'hcrc arc some slnall iinpacts (luring

sitc clearance. Any trces higher thiln 31n i~ndcr the I<0Mrs should bc cut 011..

Cutting oSl't11c trees on the IiO\4is is also

I I I \:' 1 considered in thc construction stage. I 1 - 1 .' 1 1 Pla~ltiog low crops around tllc to\\cr / T l~ltcrlerei~ce wi1.h radio.

TV or other

Ihundations asc not forbidden

- 'I ' ll~ impacts are minor bccausc 111c i I dcsign is in coml)liance with the line I

15. Affects on public

.health, safety and security.

1 communication ineans 1 1 - No impact becai~sc all possible afl'ected

houses have been relocated and

l'orbidden to build in t11c area of clcctric

magnetic licld. An! \l here has thc -P/L tra\ crscs. pcoplc \\i l l bc tlnincd and prc-

\vanled in an clcctrical security program.

I'hc operation and dcsign mcasurcs arc

strictly obc\,cd on t i ~ c rcquircd standard

in order to I\cc.p salkt? lor people.

1 designing slnndarcls. I

16. Impacts on water

quality because of

discharge of empIoyee

sewagc (project's

, substations only)

1 17. Contamination of soil. 1 1 air or water from use of 1 hazardous materials

including PCBs

1'8. Noise generated ii-om 1 substation operation

- No impact. because this i the

transmission linc pro.jcct. There is 110

\vorher.s ne\r accanmodation.

not i~ sc hazardo~~s materials.

I X - No impact. As the capacity 01. 1\11: I 1 1 substation in tllc j)roject site is small. the 1 I I noisc is not big enough to ham1 the I

1 surrounding en\ ironment. A - - L p - - - --- J

Page 15: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

. f l l c l l ~ ~ r a l I ) istr ih~~t ion '~'II!CII Quang I ' r o v i ~ ~ r c + I C I I ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I I ~ I I ~ Z I I \I~II;IECIII~II~ I ' I ~ I I


1 . Mitigation plan table

Issues Mitigating Measu rc Responsib

ility I

I wlien I clearance for IXiglit oT Way (ROW) takes


. Construction phasc

Utilizing hand clearing a\Aiay \~egqtation i I' possible. Avoid cutting trees 01- damaging the surrounding florq beyond ROWS.

1:orbidding io lire trees and others clurinz ci111i11g and clearance.

.r Using tlie existing roads for transporting. I T tlie ~~ro j cc t i~scs Ilic Iemporary :icccss ro:~tls d u r ~ ~ i g tlie co~~struction time. it then needs to recover tlie roads as the original stale. avoiding causi~ig bad impacts on cul-relit cnvironnicnt and llic people's living.

l,nsu~-ing to rcslk)rc ~ l i c dis~urbccl nrcas \ \ . i l l 1

11ativc species cxis1in.c i n Ilic ~ ~ ~ ~ o v i n c c .

Contractor I

r bidding 1 price I Included in contraclor bidding pricc

Contractor 1

3. Runoff sedimcntatio n and Soil Erosion

As excavating tlie soil of tlie pole foundation. building the drainage ditches al tlic erodible and limiting excavating \ ~ r k in the rainy season.

Using embankment Tor anti-erosion. I

Minimizing choosing pole foundation at slopc land areas.

Replant the vcgctation with ~lativc species as soon as possible in slop land areas exca\!ated lo build pole foulidation.

The residue of soil should be remo\/cc! to tlic areas that are permitted by tlie local nutlioritics.

-- -. --

Included ill

contractor hidding pricc


Page 16: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

Issues Mitigating Mcasul-c

4. Air Pollution

Ensure that all machineries using combustion engines have a valid operating license during tlie pro-ject schedule.

I,nsurc tI i ;~i all t~-i~cks,Ir;~nsl>o~.l ins (11131~

materials toilio111 tlic proit?.. silts ;ire CC)VCI.CLI.

Spray water to the dusty areas (constructio~i site. roads etc.) in Iwt, dry, and ~ ~ i n d y conditions.

tlie anti-wind clothes should be put at the places \vliere have strong wind to avoid dust.

Avoid burning ~.cmo\~ccl \/cgclaliol~ ~ I ~ r i ~ i g t l~c construction time.

No cost C'ontractor

~l.anspo~-tin 9 (11ii t

5 . Noise

disturbance due to constructio~i and transpol-t ing Iiieans.

All construction activities are conducted during daytinie hours. I n case of e\;eliing construction, prenotification and approval h! ;iI'I'cctcd I O C ; I I are required.

I-his impact is ilnavoidable. .fIie mitigation nieasure is to try to sliorteri the construction time and avoid transporting at tlie rush hours.

tlie construction activities arid transpol-ting

7. People' safety due to


7 7 I lie transporting means should he marked h!' the name and synibol of tlie proiect.

- - - -

8. Safety and sanitatioli at' worLer's camping sitcs

. - Assigning \vorhers to direct traffic \\hene\cr- t~.ucks go in \+o~.l\s or stop for unloatling materials.

Limiting the speed of' transporting means i n areas near the pro-ject site and set t~ng railings and risk plates at tlie under-construction pole roundations. -- - -- --

Improve construct~un L I I ~ I ~ ' ~ ~ i s s 0 1 ' e~iviro~imental ' protection h j disseminating requirements on environlnent protect~on fixctl In the contract.

1 l~icluded in colitractor hidding price


I I'ointing out the detail pli111 011 \+astc \+;~tcr I I

treatment such as: drainage trcncli, sanital-! / landfill, building isolated latrilies and dispose I solid waste ill ~ ~ r o p c r places.

) ~l i c~uded in cohtractor's cost.




Giving 01lt tlie measures of pre\~enting esplosi\,e and [?re at camps.

K o l I'on er C o ~ ~ s l r ~ r l i o ~ ~ C:onsulli~~:: Co, I,ld,. l'agc 14

Page 17: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

i Issues

9. Effects on undiscovered cultural vestiges.

Mitigating Measure

111 the case of discovering tlie u~idergrou~icl ilems or vestiges. tlie measures regulated by certain processes placed in tlie Emergent! Rcsi?onsc Plan.

Itespoosi b Cost

10, Solid sewage arising in the construction scliedulc

-Phe cost will be accounted into the arising cost and to (lie additional cost later.

The q~lalitity of;.tlie solid sc\ziage arising in {llc construction schedule is rclali\ic small. l'lie otlier sewages should he cleared off hy tllc construction u n i t according lo tlic agrecnlcnl sirrned wit11 the local authorities.

. 1 Requesting :111d rc~lli~lcli~ig \+orhcrs OS ci~rrj i112 Conlradict 1011 out measures to ensure sanilatio~i in \vo~.hs : I I ~ ( I

I betiveen I at camps. and licaltli~~ lil'est! Ic. 1 E~nplo)~ing local workcrs for simplc opcratio~\s.

Operation l>hi~sc

1 No cost 1 l'ci I

I . 'frce cutting

2. Wastes (dirty water. oil discharged during tlie operat ion time)


Do not cut trees belo\$ lllc minimal Iicigllt requirement

Effects of oil discharge li-om additives in tlic operation time is verJ8 little small. ~ ~ i c dirt!, water will be accessed before discliargi~ig to the surrounding areas.

Page 18: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

2. The response plan table in case of emergency - cultural vestige

Circumsta~~ccs 1 . Discovering cultural or -

arcliaeological-valued vestige \vIiile digging

.- Actions p8 I ) l i c s p o r l s ~ --

- .l'lic contractor prolccl:, actual slale of executing spot and reporl to tlic Execution Supervisio~l Unit. llie 17,lcclrical Cornpan). tlielgcal muscum and tlic local Dc~;~~ . l~ i i cn l of Culture and Information. - Giving vestiges found to Ilie local muscuIii / cultural adrn~nistrali\,c agcncj. + Considering to decide rnovi~lg 011

diggi~ig or \topping to li~rlher investigale. + 7171ie Icader of tlie local Dcpart~iiellt of Culture and Information is respons~blc for managing discovered vestiges under Article No.21 of Decree No. 9112002 specifying the implc~i ic~i~a~io~i ol' 1 ' 1 1 ~

Culti~ral Heritage La\\.

Contraclor, Supervisio~~ Consultant!, lo co- orclinale. Contractor

2. Disco\icring tomb wliile digging

3. Complaints about c~lvironment issue related to operations.

- Protecting acti~al state and repolling to the local autl~ority. - Dclining llle solulions and assig~inic~it~ of concerned individuals. linietahlc and replaced site ifavailal-,lc. - Carrying out instant repair measures if possible. - Taking note i n tlie cxecutibn journal. - Discr~ss the issue wil l1 the co~itl-actoritlie

Contractor Contractor, *rile Electrical (~ompany and the local

execution or operation. 4. Accidents related to

lo the nearest health care base if 11cccssa1-jz. - Laying do\vn the plate of "danger area". - Making a report of llie accident.

local authority ill case ofconllicl. autliorit\. - First arid instantly removing tlie

5 . Discovering explosive ' materia Is

- Protecting the actual state (scenc). - Reporting to the local autllorit!,. - Contacti~ig wit11 local ~nilitary u n i l to ash for suppoll.

nearest residential communit!~: Investor, Contractor: llic local autllority. Contractor and tlie local autlio~.itj, lo co-ord inale.

Page 19: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige


1 . Public consultation methods:


Public Notice 1 Date(s) of notice I -


I'i~Olic I

annon~lcementl announcemen radio


Location of noticc '

Date(s) o i notice I

Name of newspaper 1 -

-;, -

Newsletter I

Public meeting


Date(s) sent


- N nm her sent

Not - Arca of

Numbel. sent

Area ~Edistribution

Feedback sought

(Yes 1 No) sougl1t ( Y c5 I

- No) -- --

Mceting minutes Issucs discussed

1 dust ililpacts


Attcndces C PCs

Page 20: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

( Invitees

1 i~~i io~l . f i ~ l l t ,

Ynulll Union.

1 Local

1 invitation 1 I I I

I Agenda attaclle;d (YesINo)

Fatherland Front Youtl~ IJnion 1-ocal residents

2. Realized public participation:

- I-leld tllc pi~blic participation ~ n c c t i ~ q s :

+ Held tlie meetings at district-level in all districts pal-licipating in tlie pro.jccts.

The participators included: the rcprescntativc of district I'PC. pro.jcct's commune

I'coplc Committees, llie No1 I'owcr Constri~clion C'onsulling Co.. Ltd.

+ Held the ~neetings at all pro.ject communes. Thc participators included: tlie

l.cpresentative of commune people committcc. Women's Union. Yoi1t11 Union.

representative of possible all'ccted liouscholds and the No1 I'o\vcr C'o~lstl-i~ction

Consulting Co.. Ltd. I

+ The meetings aimed to introduce 111c project. cn\~ironmental impact issues.

opinions and measures to mitigate, and ot1ie1.s opinions of'the pal-ticipatol-s. l'lierc

are many opinions at the meetings. tlic mains ase: the contractors try to n\.oid

norking at night as noise may cause bad cl'lkcts on tlic rcsidcntial arcas: tlic.

\/eliicles have to be covercd: thc roads have to be spitted water during

transportation period: the height limitation of trees planted in the ROW: the

rcscttlcmcnt pol icy. f

Page 21: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige


District and

Quang 1 Town


I sang I la

Nong Tien


Tsang Da

Consultation site

CPC's 1-1Q

Consultation 1 time

Nong Tien

(position) i i i

I I --

11.04.?008 I 1 . Ngo Ba C;mb - - No co~nlnent

! 5. I'llam l ' h i Van - Fl-'s , C ~ I O ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ I I I

6. I N o hli1111 - , I-Ioiiseholds'


i 7. Vuong Van l'ao -

1 Ilouseholds'

12.04.3008 I I. 13ui Minh ~ l u c - i - A \ . o i d i n $ crop

Vice-chairman o 1'

C U I ~ ~ I ~ I L I ~ ~ pcoplc's

cr~nimitlcc (CI'C's


2. Duong Van \linh -

I CV0.s chairman.

S o l I'oncl. < ' o ~ ~ s l l - u c t i o ~ ~ C'ol~sultill:: ('0, I.ld,. 1';1gc 10

Page 22: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige


hol I1u\\cr Construction Consulting ('0.,. I':cgc 20


I ' ro\ , i~~cc + I < I I V ~ ~ O I I I I ~ ~ I I ~ : I ~ -. ~ I ; I I I ; I ~ C I I I C I I ~ I '~ ; I I I


1 4. I.,C lIii 1 - WU.S

I chairmall I / 5. I3ui Chi I3ac - I'F's


6. Do thi Tliu I-lang -

-. CYU's secretary. 7. [Ha Tun11 Don-



8. Nong Van I3inli -


'l'l~e I tu r ;~ l I)islribulion


Hanl Yen

Bacli Xa

C o m ~ i i ~ ~ n c


Tan Yen


71'uycn Quang

Bacli Xa


-- CPC's HQ

Tan Yen



1, Nong Van Nam - - Asking for

or appropriate

1 c o ~ l l ~ i i u ~ ~ c ,,cople.s

(CI'C's committee


2 . f ran Yuan I-loa -

i CVO's chairman

conij>cns;~tion policy fc)r households ai'fected by land and Ijrm

! 1 p r o d ~ ~ ~ e effects.


1 6. I'lian Van (Suang -

1-1 ouscliol ds'


18.4.2008 1 . Nong Manli


coinmulie ----

17etlp1e.s 1 __I ~ .. ~

3. Vuong l'hi Thu - - Avoiding crop

CYU's sccrctar!. I time duri~if the

4. -rl.:111 (2L,:llls -

I;IY's chairman.


implementation in order lo

5. Ngo Van Dung - 1 1 reduce ~icgali\~e

I3o~1seJiol ds' ) effect 01: h m rej)rcsentati\le

Page 23: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige



coni~iiittcc (CPC's


1 2. Ng~ljcli Ngoc Nhat

CVO's chairman

3. l'ha~ii 11o1ig Q~lali -

T\ C1:O's chairman

j 4. I'liani Van Man11 -

FF's chairman

6. La Thi Du - C'YU's


7. 'fran Van .l'hanIi -

I louscl~olds'


. -

1 . Chu Van Sang -


2. Luong Van Nghia -

Cl;O's chainiian

3. Ngu).en Minh Sang -

5. Nguycn ?'hu I'IILIC -

C'Y U's sccrclar!

6. TI-LIOII~ Quang l'uc -

CVO's chairman -

I . I'san ' I 11; Vinl~ -


3. Ngu!.cn Fl-li~~!8 Vict - --- - -- - -

- Suggcs?ling the project's early implemc~itatio~i - Asking for appropriate compensation polici\ Ibr l~ouseholds affected 11). land and Iinii produce cffecls.


policy 1'01,

land and Iarlii - - .-

N o 1 I'OHCI. ( ' o ~ ~ s t r u c t i ( ~ n Consulting ('o, Lttl.. I'agc 2 I

Page 24: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

-- ) producr cfi'ecls.

3. Nguyen Van 'rat - - A\'oidin~ crop

CI'O's ch~~i rman ti~iic during the pro-iec t''j

3. T~an Viet I-lung - i~ilplemeiltatio~l

FF's chairman in ordci to

I 5. I rrui I liruili Ngan - reduce negative

CYU's sccrctar~ effect on Sam

-. 6. Pliam Tlii Mat - producr.

Wll's chainnau

7. Nguycn I<im I hanh -



CI'C's 1-IQ


. Trung Moil




C'lian Son

~ I


1 iouscliolds'


4. Ma, Xuan ~ l l a l l \ l - effect on fwm

1-1;'s cliairmr~n product..

5. Kliuo~ig Kim Thoa -

1 ('Y [ J . \ \ cc rc la~-~

-- -- - -- - -


I comninlie people's 1 c~iiiiiiittcc (CPC's 1 Vice-cl~air~lla~l)

2. Ngoc Dii~li Dan - -- -- __IL_____-

rcprcsentati\ c

1. Pham Ngoc Loi -


co 111 111 u ne pcoplc's

( CPC ' s committee


2. 1.3111 Q i ~ a ~ i p I'lioog -

CVO's clia~s~ii,ln

3. Dang Phc C'ong -

, CFO's chairn~an

- Suggesting the prc'.jectt's early

implcmentatioii - A\loiding crop time during the

Iwiwt,, implementation in ol-dcl to reduce negati\~c

Page 25: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

CVO's chairman

3. Nguyen Dilc Du -

('I:O's cliair~iian

4, Kliong Tlii 'Tan -

Wll ' s chairman

5. I'ham INgoc I loa - I louseliolds'


6. Vu Xuan 7 1 ' l ~ a ~ ~ l ~ -

I lollsclloltlx'

rcpresentati\~c - -


An Tuong

CPC's I-IQ 1 . I-Ioang I-luu Ky - 1 - Asking for I Vice-chai~man of

commune pcople's

committee (CPC's


2. ~ g i ; ~ e n Xuan Tuyen

- C170's ch:lirman

3. 'I'rici~ ' l ' l ~ i ' l ' r a~~g -

appropriate compensation policy for households affec tec-l by land and farm protI11cc1 crli'cts. - A\.oicling crop

Wll's chairman 1 tinic during tile ( I

4. Dao Xuan Trung - I PO.iect's ! CY U's sccrcta~.! - I I iillple~ile~ltatio~l I

6. Nguycn Thi Ngo - 1 p'odllcc.


5. Nguycn h4a1111 - FF's


rcpresc~~ta t i~~e - 1 - 1 -- -

1 , Dan: I I3nn A\joiding crop

in order to reduce negative effect on farm

Vice-chairman ()j. ( time during the I comlnunc lxoplc's

co11lmi ttcc ( C'l'C's


3. Ngu!cn Van Son -

C'\'O's chairman

3. Do Xuan Hong -

pro~jcct's in~plcmcntation i n order to reduce ncgati\/c cl'fcct 011 farm produce.

Page 26: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

'l'lir 1l11r;ll I ) i s l r i l~~~fiot~ l'uycn Qutltlp I1ro\,incr + -

I<n\~i ror~~i ic~i l ;~ l Rlsna~r t t~c t l l I'I;III



-- -. - -. -

. N~LI!~CII Npoc T I I F - - - - - - - -



'l'an My



1 1


FF's chairman

5 . Ninli 717ii 1\;i1;111

WU's cIiaim1an

6. Trinh Dicu ?'huan -

CYIl 's sec~-ctar!,

7. I~loac 7'hi 17uan -

I Iiouscliolds'

rcprcscn tative

8 . Au Ngoc Nllu - ~ : I-louscliolds' , r c ~ ~ ~ ~ s c ~ i ~ a ~ i v ~ i

_1--- 1

I ~ ~ ~-. --

CI'C's I-IQ I . Quan Van 71'icli -

Tan My V icc-c1iairm;ln

col1imilnc early

(CI'C's committee

, ! Vicc-chairman) L t I

I QLI:II~ l l i i Nlio -


Quan l'hi Mao -

1 C170's chairman

1 4. Quan 1711i I - l m n - -

I WlJ's ~l1airm;ui

Tan An

implemc~ilalion - Asliing Ibr appropri;.~te compclls~ltion

I ' policy for

jiouse]lolds afieclcd b!. Ia~id and [arm ~ ~ r o d i ~ c c cllkcls.

ici'cs policy f ~ i r I co~iimi ttcc 1 liouseliol~ds 1 Vice-chaii-man)

( affcclcd 131 L . . . - - ~ .. .- !

Vice-chairman of

C O I I I I I ~ L I I I C ,,cel,le.s

5 . Ma Val1 110


rcpl-csc~~~at i \~e . .

6. l ong Call -1-a - 1 ' I-Iousehnlds'

appropri;~te coiiipcnsation

C P ~ HQ 25.04.2008 p.-ppp--. -

I . 1.inIi Cnng i.llinli - 1 - Asking lbr

Page 27: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

Sol I'onrl- C ' o n s t l - ~ ~ ~ l i o n C:onsulli~ig C'o, I.trl.. I ' a ~ c 2.5

I'llc I < u ~ . a l 1)istl-ihutio~l l ' u ~ , c n Qu;ing I'r.ovil~cc + -- I , ; I I ! ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I I ~ C I I ~ ~ I ~ ~ I ~ L I I ~ I ~ C I I I C I I ~ I'I:III

land and Iirm

chairman producc cfikcts.

3. 113 l'lii Mni - CYU's

i sccrctary


'l'rung I-loa


> I .I,






- I



I I - - - ~. ~

CPC's I-1Q

Trung 1-loa

CPC's HQ 16.04.2008 - V m o comment 1

Minh Quang cli;~ir~ii;~~i o(' C'OIIIIIILIIIC

pcoplc's coliiii~ittcc

r, (CI'C's Vice-chairman) 2. Ma Dinh Kl ion~ -

1 FF's chairman 1

I 7. Ma ?'hi Ninli - \+'U's I - chairman

4. Moi Iloa Vicn - 1 1 C'Y Ll's scc~.ctar\~ I

- Suggesting the prc).ject's

" ~ I - v implcm~~ntation - Asliin;; Ibr ap l~ro l~ ia tc

, policy h r \ l o ~ j ~ e h ~ , l d ~ afii-cted by land anti Farm product eificts.



23.04.2008 / 1 . Nguycn Van I lung --

-. of

comrn~lr~c pcople-s


( Cl'C's I comnlittec


?.Luc Van Tan- C1;O.s

1 ~ ~ i a i r ~ i i i ~ l ~

3. Luc Van 71'hanh -

1'1:'s chairman

I-la Du!1 7r~lict -

5 . Ma Tlii Khan11 -

Mil J's chairmail

6. 1 l o 1 . 1 C'\iO's

I chairman

1 I-louscliolds'~

rcl31-cscntativc ~ 8. Nong I-lung -

I lo~~scliolds'


Page 28: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige


t1a Lang

5 , h4a Van Vi~ili -



6, h/lung l'lii l loa -



14.042008 1 1. Ilinh Xunn LLI - 1 - Suggesting

-. V ice-chair~iian o[ the prcjcct's

commune people's

com~niltcc (C'J'CVs


2. Ngi~).en t i l i n ~ ~ l ~ 'l'icp -

C'VO's clinirmun

( 3 . Nong Van 'l'ri111i -

I CJ:O's chairman. 4. 'J'ricu flii .l'i~?en -

\VLI's chairman. I

5 . a 1 a - I-I--s I -

early implementatio~i - A\!oid~ng crop time during ~ l ic ~3rojcc t's implcmcnlatioii in order to redi~ce negative el'Scct on Iarm j>rodi~ce.

1 6 . lonng Van l lii~at - 1 1 1Joi1sclio1~Is~ I

. A

1 (CPC's 'Vice-cliairman) ) i~nplc-mentatio~i - Asking Ibr 1 2. M;I Van L a w -


i a p p l u p ~ ' ~ ~ ~ t e 1 C\lO.s chairman I compensation 1

3. Luu Van Oong -

CFO's chairman

4. Triei~ 71-lii 1-1:11ig -

1, \ 1's cliairnian

5.1 loan: Van 1 itan -

poliq. for households affected b j lalid and l i~r~i i l~rodiicc ~cfkcts. - Avoiding crop

Page 29: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

I i h.Quan Van Cliicu - ! ~Wiect 's 1 I

1 F l ' s chairman i11ipIelii~ntation 1 in order to i 7. I,LILI 1-11111 lJoi -

reducc ncgati\~c

( oil lilm 1 rc~x*cscnta~i\ c 1 produce i 8. Tran Van Clinu - 1

1. Truong Val1 Klioi -

Vice-cliairm~ui 01'

c01111ii~1nc ~'col~lc's

committee (CPC-s


2. Ngu!~en Van Gin -

CVO's chairman

3. 1 l a lT:111 I ~ l l ~ ~ l l g -

C ' l . 0 ' ~ chairmall

4. I,c Tlii 1-Iang - WU's


5 . Lanli I l o ~ i ~ Doan -

1-1:'s chairman

I . La Tai Ba - Vice-

chairman ol' commune

peoplc's commit~ee

1 i n ordcr to 1 2. ~ g 6 Minli I-! - 1 I reduce ncgati\lc

i CVO's chairma11 effect on farm ? I . - -7. Iloang Kliac Loi - producc.

- Suggesting the pro.icct's earl) implemenlation - Asking Ibr appropriate compeusation policy Tor l~ouseliolds ani.c led hj. l~ l~ id and farm produce cSTects.


- A\loidiiig crop time during tlic project's

<'l*O.s c l ~ a i ~ 111~111

4. 1.c ,'hi Ngoa~i -

\4'CJ 's chairman

5. l,c Tlii Que - C'Yll's


Page 30: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige


1C11ang Nhat


hlinh Than11

6. Nguycn X ~ i a n IIoa -

11;'s cliairnian

7. 1,uong 'ficn hlinh -

I louscliolds'

rcp~.csen tati\fe

8. 1,ang Van C'hoang -

I louscliolds'

rcprcscntali\ c

- No comment I

7. 1-10 Tlii 'I'hvi - WU's ~ - 1 chairman 1

1 4. I la '171ii 1,icIl - CYL1.s , i scc~'cLar!

-~ ~ 5 . I I L I ~ I I ~ \<i111 0 ~ 1 1 c , -

1 I louscliolds' 1

1 rcprcsc~~t:~ti \~c - -. -

24.04.2008 I . Ma Van f i c n - Vice-

1 -I. 17ricu Van Son -

1 C'YLI'S secrctlrr! I - h4a V:ln hlinli -

13- - - -

7l - Asliing lor ZI]3pr0~3riilk compc~~sat ion policy Ibr l~ouscliolds afj'ec tccl b! land and farm ~ ~ r o d u c c ~cl'fects.

Page 31: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige


Phll Luong

Dai Pliu I 1 Vice-chai rliia~l of I

com~iiillec (CTl'('.s

1 Vice-cliail-~iis~i)

-. 1 2. Plia~ii Npoc Dunn -

, CFO's chairman

3. I'lian 'l'hanli Nyan -

C'1:O.s cllairman

4. I loang I'hi Dung -

Wll's chairman

5. N g i ~ ~ c ~ i ,41111 I lung

- C'\'lJ's sccretar!

0, Ngnyen Van X~lan -


8. Tran Van Sill11 -


I Phu Luong Vice-chairman 01. 1


-7. N ~ L I ~ C I I I h i M L I ~ I I -

- - -. - - - - - - - -- -

- AsLiliy i@r appropriate compe~isation 1,olic~ 1'01. houseliolds alEclcd b\ land and fariii 171-oduce effects. - A\ oiding crop tilnc during the ~>ro.ject's iniplcnicntation in order lo reduce ncgati\ c cfl'cct on fal-rn produce.

- Suggesi ing the l~rqject's car! y i~ilplemc~itation - Asking for appropriate compcns,ltion polic> jb11, lio~~scliol~Js aJTec tcd 11)

land and lann jxoducc c,frccts.

Page 32: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

CPC's I-1Q

Tsung Yen

I i WLI's chairman I I

I 7. \I l l Duc ll l lu - I I

I I S . Ilnong \Ian llai - 1 i 1 1

I \/ice-chairman 1 appropriate I 1 cOIllIllLII1c (,co(>Ic's committee (CI'C's


I 2.Nong Van I,i~at - I

i C'VO's chairmn~l I ? 1 -3. M:I tlong Cll~~!;cn -

compc~~>,alion polic). Ibr households afkcted b!, la11d and fi~riil p~-oducc elf'ccts. - Avoiding csop

1 in order 1.0 1 5.Mn Van ilc - 1 1 rcducc nc.gati\.c

: I-louscllolcls- I cr~cct o n filsrn

3. Announcement

-. Ihc lvoject \vill get the in\jcslmcnt license right alicr iclcntification of prc,ject

It,cation. design. capacit) and tcchnolog!. meeting thc environmental a11d

rcscttlemcnt rcquirelnents. To inliIrm [he rccluiremcnt of 01' 3.01. 1'CI \ \ i l l

perform the ibllowing issues:

- 13rovides Vietnamese \~crsions ol'EI~11' and FS to c l ~ c l ~ p~.oicct district and ~~rovincial people committcc (1'1'C').

Sol I'oner C ' o ~ ~ s t ~ . u r t i o ~ ~ C'ons~lllin:: Co, I':ICC 30

Page 33: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

- Informs o n ~ l i e local Iie\z;spapcrs ancl mass m,cclia rn;ul!. t i l l ~ ~ ~ \villiin 2 months.

'I'his announcement talks about EMI' ancl 1:s a~id is al\va)rs maintained during ad~ninistrative working hours in locality. Specilically as urnrking M-ith:

I . Pr~\~incial People's Coinmittec'.

2. District Pcoplc's Committee.

'3. l'rovincial Power Service Center. I

Vicinnlilesc and English versions 01. lihlI" \,ill hc suhmitkd to Victn:lm

inlormation develop1~1eii'1'Centcr at 63 I,y 71'l~ai I7o - I-I;unoi for reviewable by

NGOs and the public.

Page 34: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige


1 Construction - Apply proposed e n v i ~ . o ~ ~ ~ n c ~ l t a I nlitigation

/ Contractor I measures in the construction phase ~ - Itcport to I'MU tllc applicntiorl ol' tllc 1

i 1 en\~ironnie~ltal mitigation nleasures. , 2 Technical ) - Monitor (by obscr \~a~io~i ) ant1

supervisor of tllc c~~;irc)nnlcntaI l ,ara~~~ctcrs suygcstcd by EMP report:

Sel out the super\/isor repoll to I'M( - J Monitor (by c,hscrvatio~l) and :~sscss

I~~clepenclent c i~\ l i ro~in~c~llal q ~ ~ a l ~ t ) hascd on paran~ctcrs Monitoring suggested bb EM I' 1.epol.t.

1 ! (SIMC) 1 comment. assessment of local peoplc on 1 I

1 ( administration en\ ironmcntal ql1 it! based on paranlctcr\ 1 1

I . .

! .. . 1 environmental management oftlie PI-ojcct. ' - . I 4 i Cornm~~ne ' s 1 - Monitor (by observal io~~) and assess

1 1 1 suggested by EMP report. 1 1

- Refer lo

11 1 - Take pall ill pi~hlic participarion 1 1

-- - R o l I ' o ~ c r C o ~ ~ s l r u r l i o n C o ~ ~ s u l l i ~ i g ( ' o . I.tcl,. 1';i:c 32

Page 35: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

1 . Example environmental ter~ns of reference for SIMC

The Safeguard Independent Monitoring Const~ltanl \ \ i l l :

1 . 1 \Jisually looking at the constructioo sites ant1 nlnkiog notes to the related en~~ironmental issues as fol lo~+~s: General clean-up after cgnstruction \\orking. Excessive clear cutling o f trces beyond IXOM' i n communal or fijrcst land, Measures taken by tlie contractor for cleaning 1111 \\ood!- rcsiducs aficr tree cutting Status o f access roads (have they been closcd i f in n ~,rotectctl area. are they still being used

- and to \\/hat extent, lio\v are they being controlletlimaliagc'd and b! \\,horn), Application o f mitigation measures for or sign o f soil erosion along 'I'il. tlilc. to trcc cutling antllor aroilnd to\i;cr foundation Status of re-vegetation in tllc ROW and tower t'otrnclation Impacts on construction works (level o f noise. dust. and danlnge lo roi~tls due to carll~\vorl,s and transportation o f building materials) Status o f constructio~i \vorker camps and sallitatioll facilities f ~ r Illcm

$-* Proper distance between thc lioi~ses and TIL. Status o f iniplemcntation o f safcty nicnsures (signboards. rcstrictcd zone. fences, isolation ctc.)

1.2 C o ~ ~ d u c t public consultatio~l to: ,Assess tlie level o f involvelnent by t l ~ c local a~~ t l~o r i t i cs ill dcillillg \$.it11 e ~ i ~ i r o ~ i ~ l l e ~ i t ~ ~ l issiles (dust. noise. and damage to roads due ro lhc transpo1.1 ofcollstrilclion niaterinls. tree cuttiny on public lallds and protcctcd arcas). Identify any other cnviro~lmc~ltal igsucs and cn \ ; i~ .on~ i ic~~t ;~ l com~,Iaints I' IIlc [)I>.

Report on responses (ifan!;) li.on? apl~l.ol~riatc. local ailtho~.itics 011 c~lvironmc~llal coli~plnillls 01. lion-compliance

Page 36: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

2. Monitoring plan table

Where is tire ptrr(rltteter to he

rirortitoretl P

I ] o~ is tire ptrrtr~trc!cr to

11c rtronitoreti?

Phase1 Environr~ie ntsl Isslre

Right of M1 ay (ROW) Clearance

Clearing technique Along the IiOW In the cleal-ancc process

-'fhc way lo acccss Ij!e flora. - tloul ~liucli i~llpacts 011

the flora when do clcarance?

Along route of access road

l'cmporar)' ' Access Roads

Use of existing roads Visual obse~. \~:~l io~i

In case ofconstri~cting new temporary access road, it will affect on productive land becailse of temporary lalid

~t rllc constructic~n site of acccss road

( acquisition. Runoff. 1 Level of soil erosion and


Ic\'cl ol'surhcc

b! soil erohion. espcciall! in

The Construction Site and l i O W are in or along lo :uny ncigllbol-ing Iil~e, :~t~\ili ;~ry subs. neighborilig areas. surface of water near rullol'f \~,aterlb\+ I .

Onco/~nontIi - In heavy

rain cclnditic)ns or j t~s l aticl' lllc construction process and at tlie flrsl year of impIcm~:ntatio 11.

rain! conditions. - Mitigation lllcahilrcs applied b j contractor. V~SLILII obsc~ \ ation

Sedimentati on and Soil

Air I'ollt~tion

sedimentation caused by pro.jcct activities

- Check thc covers of the vellicles. - Chcck the dry lcvcl of the surface road when si~pposed that the transport will cause

In dry scasol~s and windy collditions

dusly. / Noise level

c q i ~ i p ~ i i e ~ ~ l

At the edge ol ' t l~c const~~uclion silc

At lhc ncar.csl population cclltcr.

sc~isil>lc mcaxures at the con\tri~clio~l site.


Page 37: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

\Y hc11 is tlrc l)crrcrrrretcr

1 '0 11c

Wllerc is tlrc llcIrtrmrter to hc

rrrorritor~~cl P +")rrjtorc(l?

From the

f l o\v is tlr e pcrrrrlrrctrr to

he rrrorritorcd?

in the project site and campsites' sanitary and safcty ,

management ,

obsc~.\,at ion Impacts caused by construction workers camp sites Impacts caused by sdid waste fiom

beginning to the cncl of thc campi11.g timc.

- . -- - - -

at the temporary I Visual pppppp

dispersion or current of water oricllted to the surrounding areas and other places.


1 after - digging obsc~.\-ation ( land gathering 1

sites diccinc


ljlcctric and t magnetic field intensity

.I _ _ _ - - - --

A I I of I Electric il~ld 1 ROW 1 ~nagnctic field. I In opcratio~i phase and i f , tbere arc complaints

1 (at some points I mctcrs along tI1c route)


Level of Monitoring Table

1 During c u n s l ~ - i ~ c t i o ~ ~

2 I'ower Network Project Construction a i d opcration 1 1 montliil t ime ,

1 Management Board --

T T G n c i a l ~nnu&111ci11 F\ All thc issues rc'latcd to

MV . --

1 Constroction and opcs:ltion

during construction and 6.

opcral~on ,;soccss - -- I --

i s x ~ ~ e s rclatcd to 1 montIi/ 1 time!,


I montl~ll timer

5 Colllmullc's

administration I

1 cnvilonmcnt of thc pl.qicct 1 1 opcration process


Page 38: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige


(For colitractors - Tahlc \'.I )

PI-oject title: l'rqject locatiorl: Name of Conirne~icemc~rt of Project rcpor-t or ri~o~itlily I-eport: Date of report:

Corrstrricfio~r ~llrtrsc . -.

Effects on the flora caused by land acquisition - - -. I - - - I

3 Air pollution caused by \~ehicle and machinc c\hausts and gathering ofmatcrials and after-dingctl soil. --+--

1 4 ( Noise caused by vehicles and machineries --- I

1 5 ( Impacts on undiscovered underground historical and 1 1 1 1 cultural properties. -- ---- I 1-4

1 r--- 6 k o i l conla~ni~laiion caused -- b>, bar;~rdnus ~. \vnslc -~

I Limiting traffic disturbance and 1.nacl clamage. !I+

Nanie of person prepared this Rcport: Titlc: Address: Tcleplio~ie:



Environmental impacts caused by using \co~-hers' c a m E

Cheching the solid \ \ a sk collection during thc construction Ilrocess

Page 39: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige


(This Rcport can bc used for Project r n a n a g e ~ ~ ~ c ~ l t unit's stafl';~nd indcpendcnt n~onitoring consul ta~~t - Sanlple V.2)

Projcc( titlc: 1'1-ojcc( loc *;I 1' 1011:

Typc of Report: Monlhlj. report (I'csliUo): Iccport lo EVN (I'esJNo):

,Report lo the WB(Yes/No):

Datc of report: ..

I c / 1 ; 1 t _I - - L -

During Construction I

_1 i-

Surface water ~nrhidil?. and soil srosio~l ---- 1 --A I

,*.Ii Noise level I

-4 ~ ~

Dusl level I 7---

! I

-1'rcc culling and access roatls ) management and coll(rol

I I - ..-

<-, ..

' I

Solid \\asrc and site cleaning up olicr 1 1 1 ~ construction I

I --- I

WorLcrs' sanital ion facil ilics and \nScl? mana&u11c1il - - I 1 7 1 Tninsportation distorbancc

I -- 1 8 1 Road ciegradatio~i

1 10 / Conslruction lilalerial management I

I _i____-____ 1 1 ( Impact on wild life and natural resources 1 I During operation

I +A 1 I3 l~iillncl on wild life ant1 n ; ~ l n r ; ~ l ~ C ~ O L I I C C 1 I - A 1

Rcpol-t prepared by: Position:

-- Sol I'o\i c r ( 'onstruclion C'o~~sul t i~~. : C 3 0 , 1,Icl.. I':lyc 37


Page 40: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige


(This Iteport can be used for 1'1-ojcct m;~nagcment ur~il's staff ar~tl intlcpcndrnl nlonilorir~g consultar~l - S;~olplc V.3)


Projccl title: I'ro.icct lor:~lion :

1 1. 1 Transportation lliealis or prolecl activilio

1 _I ~ I I C I . C ~ ~ S C dust Ievcl ill cn\ ' iroli~iic~i~ - - -


Dale of ~.cpot-t:

I'ransportation means or projccl acti\~ilics tliat increase noise level AP----

"i, I~rtl)(~cts/"titig(~tio~~ rrre~~srrrcs

' 12 I Pr4ect activities t l i 9 o l l u t e the loc;ilfs rivers. p011+ 1 --

corrrrrrcrrrt.~ /I)'


lie pro-ject's trcc culling \ + i l l cai15c cl'lL'cls on rhc local environment

Pro-ject activities that create effects on agricultural or


6 1 Pmject activities tliat cause effects oli culu~ral 1 1 ' ~ Ibrt~~lies -- -- - -I


1 7 1 Tlic project' e~ecutioli cause effects oli traffic

rcl" ~rtc~tiiws

flic prc!jccl causes bad cl'kcts bcc;~nsc ol'solicl ;uicl liciuid wastes

1-lie prqiect causes impacts of social slid lahou~. health issues.

1 13 1 Using material against increase of d'fect of S I O I ~ .

I flood. chemical uollution 1 1 1 Measill-es to reduce dust

management practicc ~- ~ I activities will cause some certain cffccts 1

~- . --- -

cause cl'l'ccls on I ro;tds and streets I


Id 01 licrs --- Rrcornmendation (if available): Datc: - 'I'hc comnlnne repl-csentative"~ signatu~-c

Measures against erosion and sedimentation

1 I - lp-


Page 41: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige
Page 42: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

- . - m

6 y, +, > 0 'z C I C % g o o > g g O o a

$!,+ ' O X Os 0 0

Page 43: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

- 2 F 7

2 -11 - .< - - c; 7

C - c; + - - 'U = 7 - I= - .- , 7 - I,

r, u 7 - rj . - - C; - u - 7 - . - 'I' ?J . - - c; r - Y 7 - u S 7 - - . - 0 0

:IJ - - .- 4 - . " 'A - . 0 - . - * .= - . P

2 .L 0 - cl

Page 44: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige
Page 45: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige



Page 46: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

'l'lic I t ~ l r a l 1)istribution . I '~lycn Quiing I'rovi11c.c + I ~ ; ~ i ~ ~ i r o ~ i ~ ~ i c ~ i t a l R l a ~ i a ~ c ~ i i c ~ i t I'lali


hol I'c~r!cl. Construction Consultin:: ('0. 1-ttl,. I';ICC 75

Page 47: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige


I . A~ie-Y A - Project nren Aifnp

2. Airex B -List ofestcrblislrilrg EMP

I . Ngiiyen An11 Duc: Head of Consulting -1'~~c~jccl manager I 3. C h ~ i van 1 lung: I)csignc~' o f Cons~~lting

3. DLI Van Bac: l>cSigncr of C O I I S L I ~ ~ ~ I I ~

3. Aria- C - Prrblic colr.srrltntio~r list

- \(I l I'ov o. <'onstrurtion Consulting <'I), I.(tl.., I ' ; I ~ C 70

Page 48: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

( Al l l~ex A: PROJECT AREA MAP --p-p-ppp J

Page 49: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

Existing and proposed protected areas in Tuyen Qua ng province Ccic khu tdio v@ hien c6 va d6 xugt d finh Tuyen Qunng


Vegotat ion typo I KiCu d n g Evergreen foresifFIVnglh~.fdngxanh Cani fern us fares1 W ng la kim Deciduous fore5 1 f W n g rung I i (k hop) Semideciduous foresl I W ng nira rung la Limeslone foresi / W n g nlji d i Bamboo I W ng ire nira Plan lalion forest / W ng l&ng Grassland and scrub f &I l&ng Agric ullural land f &I nong ng hiep Waler bodies f Mdl nlldc Mangrove f ~ n g ' ngap man Melaleuca / W n g Iram

Legend I Chu giii Pmlecled area / K hu b&o Pro vi ncial border / Ran h gi&i lin h

I-w- Dislricl border / Ran h gidi hufi n

Commune with Sub-Project I Cac xa thuoc dqan

Page 50: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige
Page 51: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige


I . Anti Duc: I Icnd of Consulting -I'l.c!jccl manayel

2. Ch11 van 1-Jung: Designer oSConsulting

3. Du Van Bac: I.>esigncs ol' Consulting

Page 52: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

uq BAN NHAN DAN CONG H O A ~ X A H ~ I C ~ l j N G H ~ A V I ~ T NAM HUYEN HAM Y$N Doc lap - Tq do - Hanh phuc - I

'h ,L I I

S6: ) 1. ' /UBN D-TNMT


Cha dq An: L ~ 6 i dien phan phoi n611g tho11 tinh Tuyen Quang thuQc DU hn lu'fi di@n phiin ph6i n6ng th6n (RD)

(tl-en djabhn thi trail Tan Yen va xa Bach Xa, huyen Ham Yen)


Didu 1. Ngriy 25 thing 8 n i n ~ 2008. Chli du tin la: Dien luc Tuyen Quang d5 c6 Vin bin sb 1524lDTQ-QLXD ngay 25 thing 8 niim 2008 ding kjr b in cam kgt b6o ve 1n6i truirug c6a du i n Lubi dien phan phiii n6ng th6n tinh l'uyen Qua~ig tliuQc Du i n lu.ili dien phan phbi n6ng th6n (RD).


Dicu 2. Chu du. Bn c6 trich nhiem thuc hien dfing vh dAy (Pi nhilng nei dung v$ b io vc m6i trubng neu trong bz~n cam ket bho ve m6i tmdng; NQp phi cam kgt b io ve m6i t r u h g khi du Bn thuc thi.

Dieu 3. Bin cam kgt bbH ve moi trubng c6a du i n 1B co sir de c i c co quan quin 19 nhh nu& v6 bHo ve m6i trubng gidm sBt, kidm tra, thanh tra viec \h\cc hien b6o vc 1n8i trubng cua du An.

'I'M. UY BAN NHAN DAN H U Y ~ N Noi nilan:

, - Sil TNMT; - CI., CAC I'CI'; - tlicn llrc Tuyen Quang; - I?Ilbng 1'N 6r MT;

' - Luu.VT-UBND. ?G

<.-=:- --- Has Van Tien

Page 53: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige
Page 54: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

CONG HOA );A HOI CHU N G H ~ A \ ' I ~ T NAM 4 Doc lap - Tu' do - Hanh phuc

----- ***----- BTBN BAN 'TI-IAh4 \ 7 , 4 ? V C ~ I N ( : I ) ~ W C ;


I . Thanh phan tham du :

1 . Dai dien chu dAu tu --I

Ong ( Ba ) .............................. Chuc vu : ..................................

2 . Dai dien dun vi tu v5n - / \ /

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o n g ( ~i ) . .\/$7j--. . t:?. .. c h ire : ! /!a+?. .& ........ 3 . Dai dien UBND sii !y/. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

o n s ( ~i ) . . ..& 4.. A&. .K. ~ h i t c \;" : . .!. ..: !$. .. .a. ,YL .............

4 . Dai d i e d nguiri d h g dau cac nhom dan tQc thidu so ( n6u c6 ) . . . . .......... ' . o n g ( ~i ) .... ~ * . .M.. .U ~ h r i c Y? : ./I&. hi. .:f.u$-.

o n s ( B;I) . %iij .... kaulc:..N,.tJ ._., Chrrc : . . . . .!?&. .*. . .A!@?:. .-....

5 . Dai dien cac hQi dvan the dia phuung . . . . . ........... ( Bh ) .. N.*. . .\w . ny; ci1uc \," : LM.. .m.. . . . . . . . . . onr , ( ~i 1 ... '.&. . . .TYJ.CP. .. ~ b l i c iry : .i:.lkf .ht. .(~Y~I.s "$

...... .. Ollc- ( He ) .t-(-C. f.G. Cl1itc \,I1 : .. . cj.G. .. .:L:. .N.&. :. . . . 5

... . . .. . . o n s ( ~ 2 . .I M'+. . .K.. Iiyii. ... ~ h L i c \!u : .(I:/&!. A. I E. d~r . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ong ( B i ) .............................. Chuc :

7 , Ong ( Rh ) .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chuc \,LI : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.............................. Ong ( B i ) Chuc \.LI : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.............................. Ong ( B i ) Chitc vv : ..................................

6 . Dai dien clic hQ gia dinh: . 2J . ngu.5, trong db sii nguiri d i n tQc thie?u si; : . .f&. ... 9' .. I1 . Nvi dung tham van :


I . Dun I!; t u vat1 thong bao vB : ,

- Noi dung d u An ( I3 do dau tu. q u y mo c6ng trinh. \ P I rri hu6ns rl~ydn .... )

- Chinh sach d6n bb. rai djnh cu, chinh sach mdi t r - ~ r h n ~ . chinh sic11 d6i \!6i ng~rdi dan roc

thieu sd cua Chinh phii Vicr Nam.

,- hl?c 1ii.11 cua cllir~li gi2 tic. clC?ns in01 rlubng lit \ f i i i. hii.11 r l r \,;I'II ci~;t ngui~i dill \,;t cC?ng dCjng.

dk xuitr c i c g i i i ph6p zi ini rliiiu clic ric dons tieu c ~ t c ticrn r;t~ny \ '$ moi truCsng ( bao gbm mdi

rruhns r ~ r nhikn v i xii IiQi ).

2 . Y kii'n tharn 1.cii1 c i a cur~g ddr~g :

2.1. Ng~tb i d i n trong \.ilng c6 dons f tham gia thltc hien c l u i n klibnz '? cci : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..:

Kh6np : ............ .: Ke'u khon:. V i sao ? ........................................................................

Page 55: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

2.2. Tham \~bn c b con$ dong \ r e nhung t i c dons tic11 cuc \.i mhi trudnp ( bav gom c i moi

trubng t u nhi&n t.8 xZ hoi : moi t r u h g sinh.\hjli. moi t r ~ d n g \'&t 19, truyen thong van ho6 va

...... sinh hoat c o n s dong ) :

+ TruBc khi xi!. d$g

.. . . . . ha%. ,&3. . I n BI. c&. silnb. .A/. . . . . . . . . . . . I

. . . . . . . . . . . .@'. . &h.. A*/. . ....................................... Y


. . . ............ an.. & .mi$. .A? .A: &J '7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ............... ............

+ S a u khi xay d q g xonc PI -

. .................... . .. . ....... ........... &I., .,& : J&.. 0 ~ . ,k/. &J.. u v . . . . . . . . .smfi.. ..A&?. .& ... Yih. A&/. . am.. ..~.6a>:. . .,+.A?.<. ..................

2.3. Tham vdn clia con: dong ve n h m g t i c dong rieu cuc tiPm ring ( c 6 thk s i y ra ) ve m6i "' . t r u h g va cac g i i i ph6p p i im thiku : I

+ Trudc khi xa!. d g g , I

/ ~ l i ; ~ . . .an&. . .A* ........................................................... .;. ....... .............. I


2.4. DGi \1di n h h ~ ho co n h i 6. c6nz rrinh hinh l a n ~ an toin ciicn, n t h k! rhuht cho phlp, c6

dong 9 su dung nhitng bien p h i p ho tro.phbng chon? ch5y no [hay th6 c i c $hi phjlp di duilui *

chuydn kh6np ? c 6 : ....... ,k ........ : Khonz ................. NEu k h 6 n ~ rhi vi sao ?

2.5. I\iTzirbi d i n \'i Irons \,hnz d u i n co don? [ham gia c(,nz rlic zihrn thiz~.l ric don:; :-:,;',;

trubnp nhu : i ) L i m bilih noi si)i dims cons trinh. thu $om r i i [ I I ~ I . chi'[ bin \ 2 cliln: nai I-

d ~ n h ; i i ) Cam kt?'[ .rh!rc hien c i c quy djnh i .2 hinh Ian: an ro3n 1ird.i dicn ( I I / I I ( X l r C j l ~ ~ d ~ i ! s ~ ,

11-bug c d . ~ lu l , ncirn ho\. . .\.cis . d!r~lg c d l l g 11.ilz1l ....) : i i i j Thuc hisn con: t i c phbng ch6nz ch iy l 1

c i c tai nan d o dien piat ra ?

Page 56: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

2.6. Ngirbi d2n \,a cong dong trong \runs du i n c6 dong tham gia cong t ic s l am s i t mOi

t r u h g \.di chu thau trong loin bo qu6 rrinh truirc khi x t i ~ ~ dung sau khi say d ~ _ c k6t thuc

kh6ng ? .

Co : ........ .: Khony : . . . . . . . . . . . .: Nfu kh6ng thi \li sao? . . . . . . . . . . .I.. ....................................

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.7. C6c IC, kifn tham \an khac c ~ i a n,oudi dan \*i cons dons :


'111. %' ki6n binh l u s n ( nh$n xCt. d6nh g i i ) vh d6 ruiit cria Tv s5n ( c i c ker qud [ham v j n

nCu tren, d$c bier l i giai phiip g,iim thiku cric t i c dong ~ I C L I CLIC ti6m tang \re m6i tr-irbng ) :

Page 57: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

COYG HOA XA HOI C H ~ NGHIA VI$T NAM Doc lap - TK do - Hanh p h i ~ c

----- ***----- ~ 4 1 2 ~ B A N T I T I ~ I I J--~:x r<x; 1 1 6 ~ ~


I . ThBnh phan than1 d u : -. 1.. Dai dien chit dau tLr

Ong ( Bh ) .............................. Chlic vu : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2 . Dai dien dm vi tu \ i n ,- o n s ( ne ) . .%:.. ,hh2..Jrf&uj. :;, ~ h l i c 1:" : . . .&dm. . A;. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

......................... . ... 3 Dai dien UBND a2 .T&. L~liuic.:. d .. .,........... ~ n g ( ~i > ..k...m.-..%.. ~ h l i c vu : .cTL/D.ND.&".

4 . Dai dienl ngubi dimg dau cac nh6m d a n tQc thidu s o ( ncu c6 )

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . On. ( sa ) .............................. C ~ U C vu :

o n s ( Bi ) .............................. Chhc vu : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 . Dai dien cac hoi doan the dia phucmg ,

. . . . . chhc l.u : C T L ~ B N D A&'.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0a . ( ~i ) . . . . . Chirc 1.u : .M.X7&

. . Chirc If! : +/A. C C B ~ . . . . . .

. . Ch lic 1," : .H& w. . . . . . . ... J .. . . . . . . - . Ch hc 1.1, : PNd.

. . . . Chhc 1-u : . T r / ........

Ong ( Bh ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ctiirc 1.11 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ong ( BB ) Chuc :,LI :

6 . Dui dien cac ho pia dinh: dJ/Q/. ... ngubi, trong dri 56 ngu0i d i n toc thidu s6 4.x

1 . Dun vi t u ail t h o ~ z g bcio v(;' :

- Noi dung d~ an ( 1$ do ddu tu. quy 1116 c@ng tr-inh. 1.1 tl-i hu8ns tu!,?'n .... )

- Chinh sach den bu. t i t i d/nh cu, chinh sAch moi trtrhns. chinh i i c h doi vdi r:-

t l ~ i $ ~ so ciia Chinh phu i'ict Nanl.

,[I I U \.t?n cila nguhi clan - MLIC tie11 cua danh gii tic dorig moi trirhns l i 1-in hi"'

dP xu$t cbc ~ i i i p h i p s i i m thigu c i c ~ i c dong ti2i1 circ tizm tAng 1.; moi tr~rhng (

11-irhng tu nhien vh x2 hoi ). 1

2 . j' kie'rl t h a m 1.cii1 crin c6,1$ cl6rrg :

7.1. Nzirdi dim rrony \-ung co d6ng ttiarn zia thuc hien d ~ r 211 hhi3n; ? c6 : 5.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KtiOn~ : : X;iu k h h n ~ . Vi sao 7

Page 58: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

2.2. Tharn van ci)3 cons dong VP nhlrng t i c dons tich cuc \.? m6i [rub'np ( bao gom c i rnoi

trirhng t? nhien vB x5 hoi : m6i t r u h s sinh . thai. + moi ' t rubns \,;it 19, t r r~yin thong van ho i i.a

sinh hoat con: dong ...... ) :

I Trudrc khi xi!' dlmg

. . C ~ % . . . , ,&$. ch&.. A&.. . a$ . . -R '~ . .&:. ~ A I I . . C$ .s~nii..&/ . . . . . . . . . . . I

. . . . . . . . . . . .Ja.. ki). . .A&. ..&l:..u)tj&..&r/). . .k9. m.:. ................................... v

. .. .A+. .diq ..&.i &J ............

...................................................... . ............

+ Sau khi xiiy dung xonz '7 -

........ . . . .. a). .,& Qk$.. .&%. ki. . o a . ..,hi.. .&[. UV.. ....... ...........

. . . . . . . . . . .Q&. . ,.fid?. .& . yib . &/. .a[. . ../I ha&. . , ~ . ~ I J M I . . .................

2.3. Tham van cba cong dong vC nhCing t i c dong tieu cuc ti$m ring (-c6 th6 xily ra ) ve mBi

. t r u h g \/A c6c g i i i phap s i i m thiku :

+ Tru8c khi xa!. dm: , ....................................................................................... ..............

+ Sau khi xA\: dun: son: f n J n -

. ~ n h . . .A+. .. .QE:. . A?. . .~ii.... . .m.-. .,A&. .. m u . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ai;b

2.4. Doi v6i nhCin2 ho co nhh 6, con? trinh hinh lang an toin di2n. n2.u k y thu<it chn ph6p. cb

dong 9 sir dlmg nhCin2 bien phhp ho trg phbng chon2 ch iy no [ha!. thg c i c g i i i phiip di dbildi

....... ........ ................. chuye'n kK6n: ? c6 : )r : Khons N&u khans [hi iri sao ?


2.5. Nziriri d i n Irons \%n2 d u i n co dong !; [ham ~ i a ~611: t ic ziilrn t h i i i ~ 1.h~ don: :.:I::,:

truhng nhu : i ) LBm sach nai xAy dlmy cong trinh. thu sorn r i c thii. chdt b~in \ ~ e dilnp nai 1- ',

dinh: i i j Cam kc51 rhuc hien cdc qu! djnh i .6 h3nh Inng an toin Iudi dien ( i l l l l f X . l i f i l ~ : diiqi.

[I-61rg cti!. Id11 izcim hu!. .v,iy t l!f i12 cdii:? ii.ii~ll ....) : l i i ) T h ~ r c hicn con: tlic p h o n ~ cln6ns ch5;; i 7 , . l

c i c tai nan d o dien gi$r s a y ra ? 1

C6 : . p . . . . . .: Kh6nz : . . . . . . . . . . . .: Keu kh6n; 0 ttii i bao? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 59: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

2.6. Nguui d i n \ p i cong dong trong \runs du i n co dong y tham gia cong t ic giam s a t mbi

truhg v6i c h i thau rrong toin bQ qua trinh truuc khi s i y dung \.i sau khi xriy d q g ke't thuc - ' 0

kh8ng ? . . . c

.................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . C6 : . . . . . . . . . : K h 6 n y : : Ndu kh6nr t h i v~ sao!


2.7. Cric 9 kien tham \.an khac c i a nguui dan va cons don2 :


111. Y kien binh lu$n ( nhan sit, d inh s i b ) va de xu5t cua Tu vi'n ( v6 C ~ C kkt q l i i :ham vgn

neu tren. dgc biet ili 2ia1 ph ip g i im th iku cac t i c dong ti?^, cLrc tiem l i ng v& m6i trlr&;!g ) :

Page 60: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

CONG HOA x.% H ~ I CHG BGHIA VIET NAM Doc lap - Tu do - Hanh p h i ~ c

----- ***.--_-- BIRN BAN THL4R/I \'AN CON(; t16lj~


I . Tlihnh phan tham d u : I

1 . Dai dien chu dau tu -. '

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 n g ( BB ) ........................ .:. ... Chuc :

2 . Dai dien d m vi tu \ . in I

N C - .. .. . . . . . . . . . . o n g ( BA ) fi, / . f i~ i .b~ . . .Nri%.2 CII uc \,y : c/r~ir;h .* r Y Y

3 . Dai dien UBND x6 ........ .L?@;1(;6.. %%. ........................... d

. . .. bns ( ~ ; 1 ) . . l \ r ~ ? ~ ~ . . ~ & . N a m vv : .c; I?&.. .aa~f~. XQ.

4 . Dai dien/ ngubi dimg dau cac nhorn d8n toc thieu so ( ne'u co I

.............................. Ong ( Ba ) Chuc vu : ...........................

On: ( Bh ) .............................. Chirc \:u : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 . Dai dien cac hoi doan the dia phuong

. . .ons ( Bii ) ..fl(.6~ ..@&I. . .N~M. . . Chhc : .c,%&. .h!8NZ?. ~ o " J r/ On? ( ~ i i ) . . r~a .a . . . x$Q&. . . . Hoa' c~iirc \ ,u : . C.T'(kf.. .P-~.ET.&. .XS . . .

n R -

.......... Ong ( ~h ) . / .~ao . . .. .@cad.. . .Ec! ChGc : [email protected] 09% J . .. . .. 0 n g ( BB ) . l i~k?~? .r/i,.'. . f l ~ . u . . 4 . Chuc 1," : . ./?L'. ;/Td .&.q.@

Ong ( Bit ) ...................... ' . . . . . . . . Chuc \.11 : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ong ( Bh ) .............................. Chuc \'LI : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.............................. Ong ( Bi ) Chuc : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

.............................. Ong ( Bh ) Chuc 1.u : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 . Dai dien chc hQ gia dinh: .(r/ii::. npu.3, trong dd sG np~rbi d i n tnc tliie'u i-: 4 91

1 1 . NQi dung tham van :

I . Dm v i tu ISU'II flzorrg bao vh :

- NSi dung du i n ( 19 do ddu ru, clu!~ n16 c6ng ~1-inh. \ , I 11-i h i rc i .11~ [u!,?'n .... )

- Chink1 sach d in bu. tlii d/nh cir, chin~:sricli rn6i rruhns. chinh sich diii \ d i :._

thieu so c i a Chinh phu Viet Nam.

- Myc lieu cua din11 z i i t ic dorig mbi 11-udn; lir \,di ki2'11 r i r \ . i l l c i ~ a nsudi dAn I

d6 x ~ ~ c i t C A C giii piiiip ~ i i m tli i&u c5c ric d$ng [ icu cuc riem ~ i t n y \,i ~ n o i [I-uhn;; : rruang ru nhien vB xii hoi ).

2 . Y k i ih Ilzan~ IY~'II c ~ i a cQng clbng :

2.1 . N~i rb i dan Iron: \run: c6 dbnz j~ tham ~ i a rhuc hi<n d q :in lili6ng '! cti : . . . . . . .

Khong : ............. ; NQu kh6ng. Vi hao ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 61: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige



2.2. Tham \f in c h con: dong 116 nh3ng t i c don: tich cgc 1.; moi truung ( bao gom ca moi

t r u h g tu n h i h vB x2 hOi : m6i truh: sinh.t_hii. m6i truunz \$I 13, truyen thong van ho i va

...... sinh hoat cQng dong ) :

+ TruBc khi xay d y g I

. . . . . . cha%. .,&% . c ~ ~ ~ . . .It&. .sib.. /RL?. .&I. n c2;. i r ! ~ h . .&f . . . . . . . . . . . I

.................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . Ja' .. a i). . A*/. . .&r:. . ti&. &Q. . . . h K M* 1 . d ' . " '

. . . .. ... . . . . ............ &.I &J I ....................................................... .. ............

+ Sau khi x i y dqng xon" - . . . . . . ....... ........... I a). .{!? .&~ . +&I.. ,$Rck.. .l$c~. 0 .a . .kF. . o R ~ ~ . mq..

. . ..................... ......... .311$ .... ,. .... .& ... ~ b . . mi$. .m/. . ./I. R q ' ., r;r '

2.3. Tharn vgn cha con: dong v$ n h h g t i c dons ti&u cuc tidm tang ( c6 thk x i y ra ) vd moi I ~ r- - . trutmg vii c i c gi i i phip s i i m thiku :

+ Trudc khi xay dung , I ................................................. ... 6 . . ......................... .I.. ..............

................................................................................................................. I

+ Trong khi >;a? dung '

f ... . . . . . . . . . co . . dc. :. A{:. d.4.. a i j c ~ j l /b&. . k ~ . . . wq..

n - 1


................. I

n...;Qq..w .........i;......................................................... - + Sau khi x iv dqng xong

2 .> . fin!?. . .A+. . d:. . A'$. 02 .&!./.&. .. d;. ...................


2.4. Doi vdi nhh : ho co nhh 6, con? trinh hinh lang an toin di5n. ngu k l t h t ~ ? t cho phkp. c6

dong 3 sir dung nh3n2 bien ph6p ho trq phonz chon2 chAy no [ha!. th2' c i c gidi phdp di duildi

chuye'n kh6ng ? c6 : ....... ,k ........ ; Khbnz ................. NEu kh6ns~ rhi ~i sao ?


2.5. Nfi[di d i n v i irons \.uns du i n c6 c 1 6 n ~ f [ham zia c 6 n ~ tic siirn thiEu t ic dong :.:.ll.!'

r r~rung nhu : i ) L i m s9ch nui s%y dqn: cong trinh. r h u :om rlic rhii. chiit b h 116 d i ~ n s nui (:;.': .

djnh; ii) Cam 1;Et th~rc hien cdc q u y djnh 1.6 I r i n h 12112 an rain JirCsi di5n ( 1 1 l l l f k11Cj17: dl/?(.

11.(!11g c~i) ' 1611 lldrn hii). .:.iiy d!f112 c61l3 11-ilz11 ....) : i i i ) Thtrc hien cons thc phonz chdnz chG>/ I!.:?

c i c tai n+n d o dien si3r :&!, ra ?

Page 62: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

2.6. Nsub'i dAn 1.i cons d o n s rrong \-ilng d u An c o dong Q :ham gia cong t ic gi5m siit mbi

truong \fBi chu rhiu rrong t o in bo q u i rrinh rrudc khi say d u n s \.(I sau khi sAy dung k6t rhilc . k h a n s ? .

C o : . . . . . . . . .: Kh6ng : . . . . . . . . . . . .: Nk'u kh0ng [hi \#i sao? ....................................................

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.7. C i c 9 ki6n rham \*Ln khhc ciia ngub'i dlin \!i cong dong :


111. i' kihn binh lugn ( nh$n xet . din11 g i i ) vli d c xuii't ciia TIJ. diin ( clic I;?'[ c j u i than^ \:in

n$u rrkn. d3c bier 18 giai phap g i i m rhieu cAc tac dong tieu cuc tiem r ing \ l e m6i tl-~rbng ) :

,_ ' , . , , ,

M I D I ~ N C H ~ N H Q L ~ Y P N DIA I'Hli'ON(;: kldr f . 1 i l L t " -Daa-Daao m *

,;:&7;3Q;i; ....

1. ' , ," . ..... . n: ..,

' A ' 4 . ; -

, , ,," %,: - . . , ' '

' ...&......... , . ..



Page 63: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

a COYG HOA XA HOI CHU N G H ~ A \'I$T NARl Doc lap - TU do - Hanh phuc

- - - - - ***----- BIBN BAN TH4M I T ~ ~oh'(; D ~ N R

ITE DANH GIA TAC DONG RIOI r r ~ l l i ) ~ ~ .

1 . Thanh phan tham du :

1 . Dai dien chu dau tu -.

Ong ( Ba ) .............................. Chlic vu : ..................................

2 . Dai dien don vi tu van ,-, , . 9'

o n g i ~i ) . .O. TPIIP~?. . ~4~ C~IUC : . ~ i t rk. . $0.~. . . . . . . . . . . . .

3 . Dai dien UBND ~a . . . 1.m.h . .$&.. . . . . ............... Y I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o n e ( Bh ) . . . .&q 2 . . L?A ... CGX Chlic \," : &cIL$..

4 . Dai d i e d ngubi dling d6u cac nhom dhn tQc thie?u so ( neu co ) ,: *

Ong ( ~i ML& r\tr ..~&4'. ~ h u c \!y : .................................. . .... .....

o n g ( BB ) .. .L!&ny.. . V-.. .+a. ~ h u c V ~ I : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

5 . Dai dien cac hQi dohn the dia phucrng

"Y .. L,

b n p ( ~i ) .N [iJ...)cG~...fiu ~ h d c r ru : . .C.Cd.. M Z T . G.. .~o,.. o n 8 ( B3 ) .zNl?$. . %I.. . & U Q ~ 9 CIiCrc \,!I : . , , I . . 8 . . phL( .A'%?.

. ... . I <

. " + - o n r ( B ~ I ) .H .u*. \ / n u I .QQ.. C ~ G C \.u : . . ; li;,.. .C & .

h . .

Ong ( Ba ) . y .me.. . Hi!. . h n . . . . . Cliirc \ru : . .c.P/~$. .. .44 . NO; . . . .

Onp ( Bh ) .............................. Chuc \ ,u : I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ong ( B i ) Chirc \'LI :

.............................. Onp ( BB ) Chuc \.u : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ong ( BB ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chuc vu : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 . Dai dicn c5c hQ gia dinh: ..#.... ngubi, trong db s6' ngu.i~i d i n tQc t h i h sd : . A t . . . . . . 11. NQi dung tham van :

1 . 0071 I?! t u rat1 thong Oao re' :

- N<)i clung clu An ( lf do ddu tir. cluy 1n0 c6r12 trinh. \,I 11-i Illrii~ly ruyi'n . . . . )

- Chinh sach den bu. t i i djnh c ~ r . chin11 s5ch m6i trutinz. chin11 srich ddi \!Bi ngudi d i n 10c

thidu sd cua Chinh phu Vier Nam.

- MLIC [ii'i~ cua din11 y i i t i c di>np m0i 11-u'bny 111 \,di $ k i t n t i r \.;in c i ~ a nzu;-ii d i n \,;I tori: don:.

d e xuLir c i c g i i i ph ip 2iirn thi6u cAc tAc donz l i i -LI cuc ri im tiuny \,$ moi truivng (, hao y6m m@i I

tr.irhnp tu nhien vA xii hoi ).

2 . Y kiP'tr thnm ~ G i i crin cQ,,g c6ng :

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1, Ngirtii clAn trong v u n ~ c6 clon: 9 tham _cia thuc hien dlr An I;Ii@ng ? c6 : .:

Page 64: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige


2.2. Tham cy3 cgn: dong \ r C nhChg d i don: rich cuc \.P rnoi rrudng ( bao gom c i moi

trirang tu nhiCn v B x i hQi : m6i trubf7: sinh-thai. m6i trubn? v+t 19, truyen thong van h o i \.a

sinh hoar cons dons ...... ) : I ,

+ Tru6c khi x i ! d ~ m g

. . . . . . . . . . . . R$I. .R&. ..a;b.. cbL4. .&:. . nb i . c a i . ri:nh. .&I

............ Ja...&h...nrdf...&I '..ulti+.chj,.... mu .................................... + Trong khi xa!. dung

d" " '


. . . . . ............ Pi m.lccj;. :dd aL.. .il&aot). &? .A*. 9 A+. .$i+.. .A . .. - , '3 ....................................................... ............ .

+ Sau khi x i y dung xonz q *

. . . . . .. ........... &$. ,e ,B%. ,$db . . p ~ c c . . ou.. L%. .ot;'{. mq.. .......

. . . . . . . . ~ i u f i . . . . .&. . nb. . mi%. w ; . . ..nRa>:. , . , ~ . ~ . P / M I ...................

2.3. Tham van cba cons dong ve n h k g t i c dong tieu cuc tiem thng (-c6 thb x i y ra ) ve mBi

. t r u h g v i c6c g i i i phip Si im thiku : I

+ Tru6c khi xa!'

.............. /c&$ .. .......................................................................

+ Trong khi >;a!- dung

. . . . . . . . . . ................... . .. n - J co:. ,,


........... &% .. . . . . . . . ;; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

+ Sau khi xa\: dqng song n / ys. c\ -

.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ ~68.. .,I+. .. .a:. . A?. . OZ.. . .9.. .. . m . - . . L . ~ . mu..

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.4. Doi \rui n h k ? ho co nhh 6. c6ny trinh hinh Ian2 an t o h rjicn. nk'u ky thi19r cho phkp. c6

d6ng $ sir dung nhk; . bicn p h i p hd trq phbn? chon? ch iy n6 [ha!. the. cdc gi i i ph ip di dbilc'li *

chuyin kh6ng ? c6 : ....... $ ........ : Khonz ................. Nli'u khons thi sao 3

truang nhu : i ) Lirn sach nui s d y dun? con? ~ r inh . thu sorn rric rhdi. ch$r b in dilng nui 17 :;

djnh: i i j Cam k h t h ~ hien c i c qulf djnh v; hhnh Inns an tohn lir6i di$n ( 1 1 1 : l f kl1di7: dil?,(.

[ I . ~ ~ I I : { cdy ldr1.11citn ha!- stiy c i ( f 1 1 ~ rci11: ~ I Y ' I I I ~ ....) : i i i ) Thuc hicn cbnz t ic phhnz ch6nS chi!, IT::,

c i c iai nan d o die11 si4r say ra 3

Cd : .?. .... .: Khbng : . . . . . . . . . . . .: n!t-11 khbne tli; 1'1 sao? ................................................

Page 65: World Bank Document -… · The response plan table in case of enlelgency - cultural vestige

2.6. Ny.flii dan cons dons Irons ;.ui~g d u i n c6 dong 4; t h a n _ria cons t ic gi im sit moi

t ruhg j16i chu thdu trong toiin bQ qua trinh truuc khi xAy duns 1.i sau khi s a y (dg-~g k& t h ~ c

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

2.7. CQc lj kien tharn \ , in thric cua nsuui dim 1.2 cons don: :

111. i' kicn binh lugn ( nh4n skt. d inh gili ) vh d i xuiit cila 'Tu. vgn ( 1.6 ccic kS't cluii tharn \:$n

neu tren. d$c bict la giii ph ip giirn thiku cric tlic dong tieu cuc tiern tang I,& ~noi tl-uun: )

t)Ar D I ~ N n'cu01 uixc; u.irr c:ic NHOM L)-J.~I's :

D-T Tc$- - D-i r n ~ g .-

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