workshop using open source software for mobile data collection workshop - andrew faust

Using Open Source Software For Mobile Data Collection Andy Faust, GISP North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission WLIA Annual Conference Lake Geneva, Wisconsin February 13, 2013

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  • 1. Using Open Source Software For Mobile Data Collection Andy Faust, GISP North Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission WLIA Annual Conference Lake Geneva, Wisconsin February 13, 2013

2. Agenda Overview of the ODK Project Backend Storage Options Install ODK Collect Design Custom Forms Data Collection Analyze / View / Export Data Questions / Review 3. Open Data Kit Open Data Kit (ODK) is a suite of tools that allows data collection using mobile devices and data submission to an online server, even without an Internet connection or mobile carrier service at the time of data collection. Created by developers at the University of Washington's Computer Science and Engineering department , Members of Change, and Google. Open Data Kit is an open-source project available to all. 1 4. Open Data Kit 2 5. Open Data Kit (ODK) is a free and open-source set of tools which help organizations author, field, and manage mobile data collection solutions. ODK provides an out-of-the-box solution for users to: 1. Build a data collection form or survey online web application (XLSForm is recommended for larger forms); 2. Collect the data on a mobile device to send it to a server. The application on the device; 3. Aggregate the collected data on a server and extract it useful formats 3 6. Aggregate provide blank forms to ODK Collect, accept finalized forms (submissions) from ODK Collect and manage collected data, visualize the collected data using maps and simple graphs, export data (e.g., as CSV files for spreadsheets, or as KML files for Google Earth), and publish data to external systems (e.g., Google Spreadsheets or Google Fusion Tables). 4 7. Aggregate ODK Aggregate can be deployed on Google's App Engine, enabling users to quickly get running without facing the complexities of setting up their own scalable web service. ODK Aggregate can also be deployed locally on a Tomcat server (or any servlet 2.5-compatible web container) backed with a MySQL or PostgreSQL database server. 5 8. Install Aggregate Run web application on Googles server Once you are signed up you need to create an application, so just click on the button Create an Application and give your application a name (called application identifier). This name needs to be unique among all users applications, so it might take a while to find a unique one. Save your new application. After you have created your first application you need to specify your cell phone number. Google will then send you a SMS with a code that you enter into their site. This confirms that you are the owner of this Google App Engine account. 6 9. Overview of ODK System Server Forms Builder Collect Data Store Mobile Collection XML Forms App Engine Local Server Form Hub ODK Build XLS Forms XML Text Numbers Date Pictures Video Sound Barcodes 7 10. 8 11. 9 Verify your Google App Engine Account 12. 10 Enter Verification code 13. 11 Sign in to your Google App Engine Account using your Gmail Account 14. 12 15. 13 Remember this for install wlia9999 16. 14 17. Download ODK Aggregate v1.2.0 windows-installer.exe 15 18. 16 19. 17 1 2 3 4 20. 18 1 2 3 4 21. 19 1 2 3 4 22. 20 1 2 3 4 23. 21 Online web application to create forms. You must register for a free account to use Build Can be used to create basic survey forms 24. 22 Create a basic text question. To add new fields to the survey select type from bottom. 25. 23 Add a numeric question. 26. 24 Add a media question to take a picture 27. 25 Add a question with select multiple 28. 26 Add question with choose one 29. 27 Save form and export to App Engine Enter App ID from page 13 30. 28 Sample Form on App Engine 31. 29 Backend Options Google App Engine Local Server PROS PROS PROS No Hardware Required More Control Free Low Cost More Secure Easy to setup Easy to setup No Hardware Required CONS CONS CONS Cost Cost Loss of Control Loss of Control Hardware Required Less Secure Less Secure Harder to setup Form Limitations 32. 30 XAMPP is a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package consisting mainly of Apache and MySQL database. XAMPP can be helpful to get your own local server up and running. 33. 31 34. 32 35. 33 36. 34 37. http://localhost 35 38. 36 39. 37 40. C:xampptomcatlib 38 41. 39 42. 40 43. Type = cmd CD C:xamppmysqlbin 41 44. 42 45. 43 46. copy the ODKAggregate.war to the webapps directory of the Apache Tomcat installation 44 47. 45 48. 46 Formhub uses the ODK source code to create an online application that can be used for free 49. 47 Create formhub sign in 50. 48 Fill in registration and wait for email confirmation 51. For help: 49 Sign in and give formhub a try. 52. text Text input. integer Integer (ie, whole number) input. decimal Decimal input. select_one [options] Multiple choice question; only one answer can be selected. select_multiple [options] Multiple choice question; multiple answers can be selected. note Display a note on the screen, takes no input. geopoint Collect GPS coordinates. image Take a photograph. barcode Scan a barcode, requires the barcode scanner app is installed. date Date input. datetime Accepts a date and a time input. audio Take an audio recording. video Take a video recording. calculate Perform a calculation. Question Types 50 53. start Start date and time of the survey. end End date and time of the survey. today Day of the survey. deviceid IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity) subscriberid IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) sim_serial SIM serial number. phone_number Phone number (if available). Metadata 51 54. 52 Survey tab Were database fields and questions are added to your survey. 55. Column Description name name of database field (no spaces in field name) label What is displayed on the screen hint Hint that is displayed on the screen constraint constraint used to validate input.example: . > 0 and . < 120 constraint_message constraint message displayed if constaint is not met required "yes" if the input is required appearance numbers, maps, year, annotate, draw, signature, compact default enter a default value calculation displays a value calculated from another field choice_filter Used for Cascading Selects Survey Tab Column Definitions 53 56. 54 Choices tab Were selection list are located 57. 55 Settings tab Were name and version of form are set 58. Choices Tab Column Description list_name option from the select name value that is added to database label what is displayed on survey screen Settings Tab Column Description form_title Form Title form_id Form ID public_key Public ID Key used for encryption submission_url Submission URL version Form Version 1.the form ID should be short (ideally < 10 characters). 2.the form ID should be unique within your organization. 3.the form ID must not contain any spaces or punctuation characters. 4.the form ID should contain only alphanumeric characters and the characters '_' and '-'. 5.the form ID should start with a letter. may be useful to add a version designation (e.g, "medinfo-01") to aid in version tracking as you revise your forms. 56 Form ID yyyymmddnn yyyy = year ie. 2013 mm = month ie. 02 nn = form iteration within the given day 59. 57 Sample Survey ODK_WorkshopformWLIA1.xls - survey tab 60. 58 Sample Survey ODK_WorkshopformWLIA1.xls - choices tab 61. 59 Sample Survey ODK_WorkshopformWLIA1.xls - settings tab 62. 60 Samples shown using local server used for Wisconsin Hazard & Assessment & Mapping (WHAM) 63. 61 Pie Chart Display Example 64. 62 Map Display Example 65. 63 Publish to Google Fusion Tables or Google Spreadsheets 66. 64 Publish to Google stay active and live. As new data is collected it is pushed to Fusion tables or Spreadsheets 67. 65 Google Fusion Table 68. 66 Google Fusion Table Map Display 69. 67 Change Info Window Pick what fields are displayed 70.

{Address} Description: {Description}
Amount: {Amount}
Insurance: {Insurance}
Classification: {Classification}
Municipality: {mcd}
Photo1 Photo2 Photo3

68 Change Info Window Custom using HTML 71. 69 Custom Info window displayed 72. 70 Change Info Window Pick what fields are displayed 73. 71 From Aggregate to CSV 74. 72 From Aggregate to CSV 75. 73 KML to Google Earth 76. 74 KML to Google Earth 77. 75 Data displayed in Google Earth