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Workshop: GeoNetwork for dummies, or how to setup and use an SDI in 3 hours Instructions page 1 of 20 Except where otherwise noted, content on this document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License - 2012 Installation Screenshots Insert the CDROM and open the Software & In- stallation page under GeoNetwork opensource 2.8.x pre-release Click on the Windows installer icon to launch the installation process. (In case the installer downloads to the PC, start it from there) Installer name: geonetwork-install-2.8.x_pre-release.exe Follow the default installation process Note: Install in c:\geonetwork on Windows Vista and not in the default c:\program files\ Note: Make sure no other web server is running by trying to connect to http://localhost:8080 (for example GeoServer) Purpose Guide you through the process of installing GeoNetwork opensource and familiarize yourself with configuring and using the software. Focus will be on: Introduction to GeoNetwork opensource Installation & basic configuration Harvest from a remote CSW server Configure GeoServer and create a Web Map Service Harvest metadata from the Web Map Server Create a multilingual metadata record

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Installation Screenshots

Insert the CDROM and open the Software & In-stallation page under GeoNetwork opensource 2.8.x pre-releaseClick on the Windows installer icon to launch the installation process.

(In case the installer downloads to the PC, start it from there)

Installer name: geonetwork-install-2.8.x_pre-release.exe

Follow the default installation process

Note: Install in c:\geonetwork on Windows Vista and not in the default c:\program files\

Note: Make sure no other web server is running by trying to connect to http://localhost:8080 (for example GeoServer)

Note: Make sure no other web server is running by trying to connect to http://localhost:8080 (for example GeoServer)


Guide you through the process of installing GeoNetwork opensource and familiarize yourself with configuring and using the software.

Focus will be on:

Introduction to GeoNetwork opensource

Installation & basic configuration

Harvest from a remote CSW server

Configure GeoServer and create a Web Map Service

Harvest metadata from the Web Map Server

Create a multilingual metadata record

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Starting the web server Screenshots

After the installer completed, you will find a group of GeoNetwork shortcuts in the Start Menu of Windows

First select “Start Server”. You should see a small application item appear in the toolbar.

You can click on that application to see the status of the web server startup process.

The server is ready once you see the “Started SocketListener” string.

You can now launch the “Open GeoNetwork opensource” applica-tion in the Start menu.

You should now see the GeoNetwork application in your browser.

You will notice that you can’t use the application yet. The metadata templates and sample metadata still need to be loaded.

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Configuring GeoNetwork Screenshots

Log in using the username admin and password admin

You will see a new Administration option in the menu . Select it to open the administration page.

To configure our system we will:

- Change the password

- Change the user information

- Change the Group properties of the default group

- Load the Templates

- Load the Sample metadata

- Change System Configuration properties

- Change the Organization logo

You can open the Manual for details on each parameter to change. To open the Manual, select the “Help” button in the GeoNetwork menu.

Note: Some screenshots will differ from the new user interface of version 2.6.0

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Create a new user group and a new user - Administration

Read the section on User and Group Administration and perform the following steps:

Change the password of your account (default password is admin)

Update your contact details as Administrator in the User management section

Change the Sample Group name to “foss4g2011” group (No spaces in the name!).

Translate the Group name foss4g2010 in the localization panel. This will ensure that the Group name is correctly displayed (you can also translate group names into other languages if useful).

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Add a new user with the Profile of Content Reviewer

Load Templates and Sample Metadata

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Configure the basic application settings - Basic Configuration

Read the section on System Configuration

Change the General site parameters for your system where needed. Ignore the server and Intranet settings since they require information from a network administrator and apply only to server installations.

Enable the INSPIRE option. This will provide the user with INSPIRE specific search criteria in the Search panel on the Home page.

Skip the Proxy configuration, Email notification and Removed data configuration parts

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Read about the user self registration, but ignore the LDAP and Shiboleth authentication for this workshop.

Configure the CSW server

Read the section on CSW Server Configuration

Make sure you select the appropriate user in the CSW configuration section. Fill out extra information that will be served to users through the GetCapabilities request of the CSW service.

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Change the Organization logo

With every metadata result a logo is displayed to quickly inform the user what Organization provided the information (see the picture below). We will change this logo so it reflects our own Organization or Company.

Using the file manager (Windows Explorer) you will open the location c:\geonetwork\web\geonetwork\images\logos

You will find two logos in that folder. One with the name dummy.gif and one with a long character string (e.g. 67e10f08-49d3-4639-ae07-a36a20537212.gif). This last file is actually named after the UUID (a global unique identifier) that was generated for your particular installation.

We will replace this file with a logo image for our own Organization. Make sure the new logo has exactly that same name. (First rename the current logo by adding _backup or so to the filename).(You can find some logos on the CDROM under web/images/logos if you have nothing else at hand)

When doing a new search, you should see the new logo instead of the default dummy

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Quick Start Guide - Getting started.

We now have a GeoNetwork system that can be used. There are many more options that have not been covered. Details can be found on the project website.

For now, read the introduction of the Getting Started section and perform some basic searches.

Also select the Advanced search options and look at the different additional filter criteria provided to you. If you enabled the INSPIRE option in the System preferences you will see a dedicated set of INSPIRE search fields.

Harvesting Management - Harvest metadata from a CSW catalog

It this exercise you will retrieve metadata records from a remote catalog into your own local GeoNetwork catalog. Although a proprietary GeoNetwork to GeoNetwork harvesting proc-ess will give better results due to some advanced capabilities, we will demonstrate harvesting of metadata from an OGC-CSW server because it is fully standards based.

If you are not logged onto your GeoNetwork application as Administrator, please do so first.

Proceed to the Administration - Harvesting management page

We will use the following CSW URL:

Select Add to insert a new Harvesting task

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Select the Catalog Services Type

Fill out the properties of this harvesting task. Use the default interval for now and Add a search criteria with Free text natuur to limit our search (and load on the server)

Add Privileges for All and select all checkboxes

Save the configuration

You will now need to Activate and Run the harvesting task. Select the task and hit Activate. Then do the same and hit Run. You can hit the Refresh button from time to time to see if the task was completed. When successful your catalog will have harvested over 40 records from the NGR catalog.

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Configuring GeoServer Screenshots

Open the GeoServer administration in-terface. In a new browser window go to http://localhost:8080/geoserver

Login (top right) using admin/geoserver as the username and password.

Select “Contact Information” and fill out your Contact Information. This will be used to display the default contact de-tails of the map server to clients through the GetCapabilities document.

Submit the form when finished.

We will now configure some metadata re-lated to the Web Map Server (WMS).

Select “WMS” and fill out some informa-tion. Ignore other settings for now (and join a GeoServer workshop or presenta-tion for those ☺ ).

These details will also become part of the GetCapabilities document.

Submit the form when finished.

Note: You can do the same for the Web Feature Service (WFS) and Web Coverage Service (WCS), but we’ll concentrate on the WMS part for now.

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Setting up the new WMS layer

We’ll now configure the WMS layer.

Select “Stores” > “New”

Select “Shapefile” and set the Feature ID to “capitals” (screenshot)

Write a short description

Set the path to the data set file:data/captl_pt/Captl_pt.shp

Select “Save”

Give a Name (without spaces in the name!). For example: capitals_of_africa

Fill out the title, Abstract and Keywords.

(You can copy example text from the blue box on the next page)

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Setting up the new WMS layer

Enter the Declared SRS (EPSG:4326)

Hit the <Compute from data> and <Compute from native bounds> links to fill the Bounding Boxes.

Select the appropriate Style (capitals) and an alternative style (point) in the Publishing tab.

Hit “Save” when done.

Now we can test our service. Go to the “Layer Preview” > Select the OpenLayers gn:capitals_of_africa preview. (screenshot)

Metadata related to the Cities data set

Title: “VMap0 Capital Cities”


“Robust derivative of VMap0 - Ed5 data layers with harmonized encoding. The CAPTL_PT shapefile data layer is comprised of 55 derivative vector framework library features derived based on 1:1 000 000 data originally from VMap0, 5th Edition. The layer provides nominal analytical/mapping at 1:1 000 000. Data processing complete globally, this is an African subset. Acronyms and Abbreviations: VMap0 - Vector Map for Level 0.”


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Setting up the new WMS layer

If you see the dotted map shown here, you

succeeded! ☺

Setting up harvesting of the WMS Service metadataSetting up harvesting of the WMS Service metadata

Select “Harvesting” and “Add” an OGC Web Services harvesting.

Fill out the form:

Name: My GeoServer

Type: OGC Web Map Service (WMS) Ver-sion 1.1.1 - preferred

Service URL: http://localhost:8080/geoserver/wms

Select all import options

Select to run only once

Add privileges for the “All” group.

When finished, Save the harvesting.

We’ll now use this service in our GeoNetwork catalog to automatically generate new metadata records.

Switch back to the GeoNetwork window and open the “Administration” page.

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Setting up harvesting of the WMS Service metadataSetting up harvesting of the WMS Service metadata

Once added, we now have to start the har-vesting process.

Select the harvester we just added and hit “Run”. After some time, hit “Refresh”, until you see a time under “Last run”.

Let’s look at generated results in the catalog now, by doing a simple Search from the Homepage. Under Options, select Sort by change date. This will list the newest data first.

If all worked well, you should see the meta-data for the three layers we now have run-ning on the embedded GeoServer.

Clicking the Interactive Map button will open the layer in the Map Viewer as shown here.

You can also expand the metadata record and read all information that was added to the map layer in GeoServer.

Notice the link to the Service metadata record and all WMS Server information that was used to generate the metadata record.

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Creating and Editing metadata in GeoNetwork

We will create a new multilingual metadata record now, add a thumbnail and link a Service metadata to this record.

Select Administration > New Metadata and then select the Template for Vector data in ISO19139 (multilingual). Hit Create.

The Editor will open with a basic metadata record to be filled out. Start changing information in the template for your “Core dataset”.

At the bottom of the page you can first remove the languages that are not relevant for your purpose and possibly add a new language. Use the small x to eliminate a language. Use the + to add a new language. Save and close the record to propagate the change and reopen the Editor again.

Using the drop down selection boxes you can change the language of a field you want to fill out. Then fill the field with the required text.

Fields in English

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Fields in French

In the Tutorial “Mastering Advanced GeoNetwork” you will learn how to enable the Google Translate function to allow automatic translation of text.

Select the Bounding Box using the interactive map. You have several options to create the bounding box that is valid for your data. Here, simply select it from the drop down menu or draw it manually using the Draw Rectangle tool.

If you added a Place keyword for this record, you can generate the bounding box using the Compute Extent function under Other options. Make sure the metadata has been saved before computing the extent.

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Add a thumbnail using the Thumbnail wizard under Other options.

Select an image of your data (use any image you want for now) and add it as Large and Small preview.

Once saved you see the result and can go back to editing.

If your metadata is complete, you can validate the structure and content of it by selecting the Check function at the top of the editor.

The result will be displayed in a popup validation report.

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The last step will be to link this metadata record to a Service metadata record, namely the one we automatically generated from the My GeoServer content.

Select the Link Service Metadata option.

Search for services by Clicking the small Magnifier icon. Select the service My GeoServer and then Create Relation.

The relation has been created

You can now see the relation once you Saved and Closed the editor.

Finally you will need to set the privileges for this metadata record. These can be set by selecting Privileges from the “Other actions” button.

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Select all privileges for this record to make it available to All your GeoNetwork users.

Also set the Categories that your new record should become part of.

This concludes the Workshop GeoNetwork opensource. Thank you for participating!

The GeoNetwork development team