workplace wellness program statistics you need to know

Stress, a key lifestyle factor targeted by many workplace wellness programs, COSTS U.S. BUSINESSES AN ESTIMATED $300 BILLION ANNUALLY in lost productivity, absenteeism, accidents, employee turnover, medical costs, and more. Health Advocate Workplace Wellness Program Statistics You Need to Know The VAST MAJORITY (90%) OF ORGANIZATIONS with workplace wellness programs in place would increase their investment in their wellness programs if they could better quantify their impact. SHRM Companies that implement an effective wellness program realize: The Institute for Healthcare Consumerism Worker stress accounts for 20% of direct costs and is associated with high job turnovers, strikes, work stoppages and absenteeism. CIGNA 20 % 83% of American employees are stressed by at least one thing at work. Health Advocate 83 % 43% of companies estimate their average PRODUCTIVITY LOSS stemming from employees’ concern over personal issues is between 11% AND 30%. The Institute for Healthcare Consumerism In 2014, 76% OF EMPLOYERS offered some type of wellness program to their employees. Despite the benefits of workplace wellness programs NEARLY A QUARTER (22%) OF COMPANIES do not offer them due to the difficulty in quantifying the return on investment (ROI). The Institute for Healthcare Consumerism But only 18% OF THESE ORGANIZATIONS conducted an analysis to determine the ROI for its wellness initiatives. SHRM NEARLY 70% OF EMPLOYEES would participate in workplace wellness programs if provided by their companies. The Institute for Healthcare Consumerism An average $5.93 TO $1 savings-to-cost ratio 59% OF COMPANIES agree that workplace wellness programs can help reduce costs. The Institute for Healthcare Consumerism $ 3.27 $ 2.73 MEDICAL ABSENTEEISM FOR EVERY DOLLAR SPENT ON A WELLNESS PROGRAM, THE COST FALLS: Health Affairs By 2018, obesity-related healthcare expenses will cost the U.S. $ 344 BILLION ANNUALLY. National Association for Sport and Physical Education AN AVERAGE REDUCTION OF: 26 % in health costs 30 % in workers’ compensation and disability management claims 28 % in sick days

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Post on 07-Apr-2017



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Stress, a key lifestyle factor targeted by many workplace wellness programs, COSTS U.S. BUSINESSES AN ESTIMATED $300 BILLION ANNUALLY in lost productivity, absenteeism, accidents, employee turnover, medical costs, and more.Health Advocate

Workplace Wellness Program Statistics You Need to Know

The VAST MAJORITY (90%) OF ORGANIZATIONS with workplace wellness programs in place would increase their investment in their wellness programs if they

could better quantify their impact. SHRM

Companies that implement an effective wellness program realize:

The Institute for Healthcare Consumerism

Worker stress accounts for 20% of direct costs and is associated with high job turnovers, strikes,

work stoppages and absenteeism.CIGNA


83% of American employees are stressed by at least

one thing at work. Health Advocate


43% of companies estimate their average PRODUCTIVITY LOSS stemming from employees’ concern over personal issues is between 11% AND 30%. The Institute for Healthcare Consumerism

In 2014, 76% OF EMPLOYERS offered some type of wellness program to their employees.

Despite the benefits of workplace wellness programs NEARLY A QUARTER (22%) OF COMPANIES do not offer them due to the difficulty in quantifying the return on investment (ROI). The Institute for Healthcare Consumerism

But only 18% OF THESE ORGANIZATIONS conducted an analysis to determine the ROI for its wellness initiatives. SHRM

NEARLY 70% OF EMPLOYEES would participate in workplace wellness programs if provided by their companies. The Institute for Healthcare Consumerism

An average $5.93 TO $1 savings-to-cost ratio

59% OF COMPANIES agree that workplace wellness programs can help reduce costs. The Institute for Healthcare Consumerism




Health Affairs

By 2018, obesity-related healthcare expenses will cost the U.S.

$344 BILLION ANNUALLY.National Association for Sport and Physical Education


26%in health costs

30%in workers’

compensation and disability

management claims

28%in sick days