workplace 2020 – what the next 5 years will bring and how to prioritize our actions - jason...


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Post on 23-Jun-2015




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Workplace 2020 – What the next 5 years will bring and how to prioritize our actions - Jason Averbook, Chief Business Innovation Officer, Appirio How do you prepare? How do you prioritize? How do you keep your organization from falling behind? Join Jason in this interactive session to find out! The world of business and jobs, HR and workplace technology has changed forever ... The last 5 years have brought considerable change to the world of HR and workplace technology in all aspects of the field; from the people required to make it work, to the processes that our consumers are demanding of us, to the technology available to us in the marketplace. So while many of us are trying to figure out what to make of the past five years, the next five will be even more important as we prepare for the biggest changes to the world of work that we have ever experienced in our generations. During this plenary session, Jason Averbook will cover the importance of starting with a strategy and for the HR function to truly understand what the needs of the business are not just today, but looking into the crystal ball and aligning the expectations of the business with that of the function. This strategy includes continuing to retool its skills and capabilities, rethinking how it delivers value to its consumers (the workforce), and how to leverage technology to drive engagement within the workplace. At the same time business strategies and expectations of the HR function are more agile than ever, new models of work continue to emerge such as how to leverage the “crowd” to get tasks done, a breaking down of traditional organizational and job structures as well as changing the way we rank and measure the workforce today and into the future. Lastly, the technology that is available to the workplace has never been more “ready” for all of this change, but we continue to find that the way we leverage and measure the value of our technology investments still rings of “old school efficiency gains” and ROI calculations.


  • 1. We Havent Take Actio Jason Averbook @jasonaverbook