workout12 contact

When things get up close and personal your body is the only thing that keeps you alive. The Close Contact workout transforms you into a living, EUHDWKLQJ JKWLQJ PDFKLQH 7KH PRYHV DUH ELRPHFKDQLFDOO\ RSWLPL]HG The results are a workout that pushes strength, speed, power, agility, coordination and control. Not quite the perfect workout but darned close. Instructions: Repeat each move with no rest in between until the set is done, rest up to 2 minutes and repeat the whole set again 3, 5 or 7 times GHSHQGLQJ RQ \RXU WQHVV OHYHO :KDW LW ZRUNV /RZHU DEV IURQW KLS H[RUV GHOWRLGV REOLTXHV DEV TXDGV glutes, calves, hamstring, triceps, lower back, cardiovascular system, DHURELF SHUIRUPDQFH 92 0D[ Make it better: Stay on the balls of your feet throughout the workout. Not only will it challenge your balance and train your core, it also allows you to control the power output of your body better. Make it harder: Practice the combos in slow mo before you start the workout. Then when you perform them go for fast, strong, crisp movements, exhaling forcefully at every contact point and pushing your endurance levels, in the process. Perfect for: Single-minded, determined, lone-warrior types ready to clean out entire buildings, full of hostiles, on their own. Plus, it’s great for that fun workout that makes it easier to play mind games and says it’s OK to have LPDJLQDU\ IULHQGV RU RSSRQHQWV MXVW WKLV RQFH Focus: High Burn 27 Close Contact

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Post on 05-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Workout12 Contact

When things get up close and personal your body is the only thing that keeps you alive. The Close Contact workout transforms you into a living, EUHDWKLQJ�ͤJKWLQJ�PDFKLQH��7KH�PRYHV�DUH�ELRPHFKDQLFDOO\�RSWLPL]HG��The results are a workout that pushes strength, speed, power, agility, coordination and control. Not quite the perfect workout but darned close.

Instructions: Repeat each move with no rest in between until the set is done, rest up to 2 minutes and repeat the whole set again 3, 5 or 7 times GHSHQGLQJ�RQ�\RXU�ͤWQHVV�OHYHO�

:KDW�LW�ZRUNV��/RZHU�DEV��IURQW�KLS�ͥH[RUV��GHOWRLGV��REOLTXHV��DEV��TXDGV��glutes, calves, hamstring, triceps, lower back, cardiovascular system, DHURELF�SHUIRUPDQFH��92��0D[���

Make it better: Stay on the balls of your feet throughout the workout. Not only will it challenge your balance and train your core, it also allows you to control the power output of your body better.

Make it harder: Practice the combos in slow mo before you start the workout. Then when you perform them go for fast, strong, crisp movements, exhaling forcefully at every contact point and pushing your endurance levels, in the process.

Perfect for: Single-minded, determined, lone-warrior types ready to clean out entire buildings, full of hostiles, on their own. Plus, it’s great for that fun workout that makes it easier to play mind games and says it’s OK to have LPDJLQDU\�IULHQGV��RU�RSSRQHQWV���MXVW�WKLV�RQFH���

Focus: High Burn

27 Close Contact

Page 2: Workout12 Contact