working together

Together Everyone Achieves More There is No “I” in Team

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Post on 08-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Working Together

Together Everyone Achieves


There is No “I” in Team

Page 2: Working Together

Team Work means working together – a joint effort or cooperation.

•We are not a team if we do not work together ! •We are not a family if we do not help each other !•We can take better care of our Guests visiting our resort when we work together !

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Working Together is Good, Because:

1. It makes a good Resort and working place

2. We can work better and faster3. We save time4. Communication is better when

we work together5. It always helps to give better

service to our guests visiting our Resort

6. It helps us learn from each other7. Together we can get better ideas8. We can all do more together

9. Its fun to work together !

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Why we cannot work as TEAM

•Inconsistency in team membership•Lack of Time•Lack of information sharing•Presence of Conflict•Lack of coordination and follow – up•Work load•Personality- Attitude, Ego, Lazy, etc•Poor communication•Trust/Believe- among each other

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Team GoalsThe first step of an effective Team is to determine mutual team goals.

•What are the goals of my company?

•What are the goal of my Team?

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Task RolesBy clarifying your own role in your team, including your needs and expectations, then sharing this understanding with your other team members you have a better chance at improving team effectiveness.

•What is my role?

•What are my responsibilities?

•What are my needs from my team?

•What does my team needs from me?

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Team EffectivenessBeing part of team involves participation. There are some fundamental elements to participation.They are:•Interaction

•Information Sharing

•Influence over Decision Making

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Team SupportTeam members have an important responsibility in supporting each others in many areas…

•Social Support

•Emotional Support

•Informational Support

•Appraisal Support

•Development Support

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Characteristics of an Effective Team

•Clear Team Goals•Valuing Differences•Shared Resources•Information•Effective Communication•Training•Feedback•Guidance•Support•Trust•Respect

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The Final Word on TeamworkIn order to achieve our goal of Total Guest focus we must work in Team. We must respect our colleagues, understand the different needs of our colleagues and overcome differences to create an environment where together we constantly strive to deliver the best possible experience to each and every Guest.

What happens to a group that does not work as a Team?

When a group doesn’t understand Team, an attitude is create d . This attitude can cause a negative high conflict situation because departments start blaming and accusing other of mistake and actions.

The result of this attitude and lack of teamwork , is reduced productivity and low morale. This atmosphere is very clear to guest, and can create a very negative impression in the guest’s mind. Remember the people are the reason guests return to our resort. If the guests sense the bad atmosphere among staffs, they will leave with bad feelings. A bad attitude has a negative effect on your ability to serve our guests.

How ever by working as a team, productivity improves through increased co-operation and reduced competition. Team members see the common goal they have and the need to assist each other in achieving that goal. We cannot operate alone in this resort, we rely on every person to provide quality guest attention. If one person let us down the team suffers, and ultimately the guest suffers.

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Mutual respect, Understanding and co-operation among team members will create an environment where coming to work is happy experience. When we work in a happy environment we can focus our energies and time on ensuring that every guests is treated to the best experience.

Finally don’t forget to smile.

It makes you look Better!

Thank you Jamyang Choden Dhensa Boutique Resort