working process

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Post on 23-Feb-2018




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  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    First, I am creating the floor and just one wall to get the understanding of how all these objects will be

    positioned in the scene. The wall will include a window and it will be positioned behind the character,

    so everything in the room will get bright summer sun. This light will really get the positive vibe

    working and the feel of interrupted lunch will be right there in the scene.

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    The window is made from simple rectangular shapes and default glass material which you can find

    inside Sketchup. Just draw a shape on the wall and paint it with material. Plus I have made these

    preparations for the other 3 walls of this room, but I have not pulled them up because there is no

    need for that now. But for additional information you can look at these red walls at the right that is

    how they will look after I will create the objects and characters I need.

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    The next step is to show you where I want to place my character, the Angry Boss. He must standing

    with his back to the window and he will be looking at disaster that is happened to him in the middle of

    the working day. So there are two red rectangular shapes are where his feet should be.

    Yeah, he will be standing right there and yelling NOT APPROVED!

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    Can you imagine a character which head will be shaped like this?

    Yeah, draw a very primitive profile of the human head with the Line tool and pull it to the side. This is

    how my character design works, I use the same approach in my vector graphics. All you need is nose,

    open mouth and a very rough, Neanderthallike forehead. Humans with a rough shaped forehead are

    very dramatic personas and they always draw attention. So, you got the basic shapes and you can

    start improvise! Come on, create something on top of it!

    The eyes of my human characters are simple white hexagons, but I am often scale these shapes to

    make faces more emotional and assymetric. The teeth are just pulled rectangular shapes which were

    painted in some really good white color, this boss must know where to buy a REAL toothpaste. The

    haircut is just randomly drawn on the basic shape with the Line tool, painted in brown and pulled with

    the idea of a boring workaholic man haircut in mind. The eyebrows are assymetric, too.

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    There is not much I can tell about the characters legs, because otherwise I need to explain why he is

    wearing only socks and no footwear at all. And more of it, why he is wearing very old socks with holes

    in them.

    But, in technical terms they are very basic shapes painted in white, grey and pink. There is some

    asymmetry to this, too. I have used the Line tool with all this beautiful snapping to XYZ axes to make

    these sloping lines. Main tools are still the same as we go.

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    On top of this I have created very weird shape angry boss torso with these weak shoulders. I wanted

    to make the overall feel chaotic and at the same time make him strong and angry like a real man he is.

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    For the dramatic effects I have added these flying cheese snacks in his left hand. Also there is his

    beautiful tie present from his wife, and this marker in his pocket. Just some little details to make

    him even more boring than he is.

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    So, if we combine all these shapes in a very complicated order, we get the real Boss character.

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    Let me show the simple lighting that will go with this scene. Imagine that all you have to do is place a

    direct source of light beneath the character and max out the intensity. I didnt believed it myself.

    I have created a simple brown table to see the differences in the picture more clearly when I turn on

    the light. Below you can see the position of the light source and some renders where it is turned off

    and below them the ones with the full force of light. You can already see the juicy colors appearing

    in the scene.

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    And what about juicy pink that nearly hurts your eyes? Yeah, the alien mushroom is in the scene. I

    was trying to create an object which really confuses the mind of a viewer. But I was using only simple

    shapes and just a few colors.

    In the upper part of this illustration you can see a fully completed object with these basic shapes

    located to the right side. Two little hexagons and the main shape of a mushroom: lower basic shape is

    completely flat, and the other one is just a little bit bit pulled on Y axes to show you the volume and

    the structure of it. And that is an important part of the modeling process.

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    I am partially erasing the edges to create broken forms out of the pulled shapes in Sketchup. Just use

    the Line tool to create a shape and then erase the face of an original object to create a new one.

    This is like if you hit a tree branch with an axe, you see how one wood part is disappeared and there is

    a clear mark of your evil deed. This alien mushroom is evil, too I am showing you the tech details of

    its structure, you can see how it was pulled up and there is a spherical source of light on the bottom

    to enhance the evil visual effect.

    The main structure is surrounded by many semiopaque shapes these are alien mushroom little

    brothers and they always follow him everywhere. These are isolated parts of the most complex object

    in the project, rendered:

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    And this is the placement of the alien mushroom in the scene, right in front of the angry boss you can

    see a hole in the ground. It is a real disaster in the office.

    Some extra shots are the ones with only one white material applied to all objects in the scene, and

    the view from within the hole. Like if you have falled into a tonnel and looking up.

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    So, you have seen the main characters and got some understanding how are they made, now lets

    take a look how a fully completed scene looks without them! What an unexpected turn, but we are

    ready for this.

    You can see a typical office with a lot of boring things in it. I was trying to remember all of them from

    real life and make them immortal in this virtual cabinet. Take a look at these walls which I have

    painted in some calm violet color:

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    There is some graphs (I think the red means bad things), a grey trash can, a fire alarm, an orange

    carpet; there is a big map on the wall with some notes on it, some boxes on depressingly empty shelf,

    some official diplomas and certificates. For me, it brings some of the best memories of a good day in

    the office.

    If you have noticed, there is something can be seen outside the room these skyscraper things, why I

    did not tell about them before I showed you the final scene.

    These are just grey rectangular shapes and they are very boring if you look at them closely, but they

    are very important, they give the feeling that normal city life is going on outside the scene. No weird

    alien encounters have been reported.

    I didnt even add some details to these things, they are just grey blocks. Pulled rectangular shapes.

    But they get the work done, they are skyscrapers now. If you look from inside the room.

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    My favorite object in this scene is this orange carpet I have already mentioned because of the juicy

    color and the second reason it was pure fun to make it. Just draw the spiral with the Line tool and

    pull it. I like how deformed it looks, like in classic cartoons.

    The lamp on the table was very entertaining, too. I have added the details no one would care about to

    look. The red insulating tape and the glass material within the lamp itself.

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    The other things on the table are easy accessible for the viewer the gigantic phone and the big


    All of them located near the human character and they are a part of his life. And this cup is epic.

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    The distortion on the monitor screen is made to enhance the effect of the stopped time, like if you

    take a real photo of a computer screen, you will see all these lines and the image on monitor will be in

    bad quality. But maybe on some of the snapshots you can slightly see that boss is using an operating

    system with some familiar interface! Hmm

    Ok, no time for commercials, lets finally add our beloved characters one by one!

    This is looking really strange, where is our leader? Did he cowardly escaped?

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    No, he is just fine. Cheese snacks and this strange substance in his cup are doing what they always do!

    Keeping the work in the good rhythm!

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    Check some additional snapshots to understand a distance between characters and the placement of

    all these objects.

  • 7/24/2019 Working Process


    One wall is removed because there is nothing on it and you can watch it like if you are visiting them: