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  • 8/2/2019 Working Paper#10


    Working Paper #10

    Ms. Sol G. Paulino

    Dynamics of Educational Leadership

    1. Why Leader Integrity Matters to Followers

    Integrity is one of the positive traits for an effective and good leader. Personal integrity represents an

    honest, reliable and trustworthy person. If you are a leader; then you will bring along that good trait intoyour leadership style.

    It is a blessing for an organization to have such a leader in their organization. Having many integrity

    leaders will indirectly shape up the organization to be an integrity organization; be respected by employees

    and public.

    Why integrity is very important to leadership? Since integrity is a trait that exists from innerself; as a leader, you only can prove your integrity by the actions that you took and the

    decision that you choose. Integrity speaks by itself and it reflects on all your actions anddecision. A leadership that built with integrity normally is part from an integrity organization;they can be confident that an individual with flawed character will not last long in theirorganizations; as it goes to the good people, will not stay for long in bad organizations. Asthe result; only integrity people will be working in the integrity organization.

    When the organization's leadership is based on integrity, employees will have that security feeling in them.

    Your people will trust you as their leader and also trust the organization they are working with. Since youhave that trait, you will be more open and in truth to accept any genuine critics and openly accept them as

    a positive feedback; and always try to improve. When a leader accept openly to the genuine critics and

    negative feedback; and when your people saw the way you react to the critics, they will also be moreacceptance and be more openly to accept mistakes and critics. This is called a 'leadership by example'. It is

    easier to work with people who are ready for improvement and not afraid of receiving any negative

    feedback. For employees, this type of working environment will create a peace of mind and minimize

    stress, anxiety and worry at the workplace. With a lesser stress; you will get more productivity. So, it is awin-win situation; benefit to your organization and to your people.

    With integrity in leadership; also mean to provide a real value of services with honesty and confident.

    Your leadership style will adopt the quote that is saying 'Honesty is the best policy'; and you respect thatpolicy. By being honest, your organization and the top management will trust the details of reports that

    produce by you, trust your dealing with sub-contractors and trust the way you manage your people. Every

    management and share holders are aware that by having integrity leaders with their integrity leadership;

    they can trust and believe that their organization is in the right hand, and will be successful. That is thepower of having leaders with their integrity leadership, especially in the long run.

    Without integrity, employees have no faith, no trust and are always be mistreated. The management can

    expect a high employee turnover rate. Public will talk. Organization will get bad name and reputation.

    Likewise, If the organization only focus on sales target; but neglect on the attitude, character and habits oftheir leaders and their untrustworthiness leadership, it's a bad sign. It a signed of failure.

    So, organization should have integrity in their leadership; have the correct mindset at a certain core belief,

    values and principle. It is very important value compared to anything else. Everybody should develop thatmindset; especially those who lead the organization.

    What does it mean to have integrity?

    When you take a look at Maslows hierarchy of needs, you will realize that ontop of the pyramid rests the most difficult states which is self-actualization. The needof self-actualization can only be attained when you have fulfilled all the other basicneeds like food and water, transportation and housing, safety, the need to socialize,love and relationships from families and friends and your very own self-confidence.

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    When you are very clear about what you want in life, you become more and moreself-actualized rather than drifting around aimlessly.A self-actualized person also develops his own sets of principles or rules of livingthat forms the foundation his or her integrity.

    So what does integrity has to do with a leader?Followers always look towards their leaders with a glimmer of hope. They oftenexpect their leaders to be heroes performing miracles in the drudgery of life andsaving them in their times of need.They look highly towards their leaders and most important of all, they expect theirleaders to act consistently all the time!Make no mistake about it; it is not easy being a leader. You are constantly

    scrutinized as a leader you better think twice before picking your nose in publicbecause many eyes are watching you!If you want to become a leader, you must always maintain your integrity atall costs.If people expect you to be honest, then you must always be honest. If people expectyou to maintain a certain level of morality, make sure you show it.You must be very careful because when your followers notice a decline in yourintegrity, a few things might happen:

    Your followers will become very confused. Because they have entrusted theirhope in the leader and if you as a leader has failed them, they might becomelost

    Your followers will lose hope. The most important thing a leader must do whena crisis happens is that they must keep their hopes ALIVE at all costs! Failureto do so will result in mutiny or the screams of bloody murder!

    Your followers will become very angry at you because like it or not, theexpectation of you to be consistent is VERY HIGH. You can never escape it!

    So if you want to be a leader, think of your followers if you are ever tempted to

    compromise your integrity (e.g. bribery, laziness or even adultery).

    2. Cultivating People Skills in Your Leadership

    (The Vital Role of Relationships in Leadership)

    For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done to you. (John


    Clearly, no one exemplified people skills better than Jesus, Himself. Everywhere He

    went people followed Him. Why? Because it was obvious that people were His passion.

    He met their needs wherever He encountered them. Jesus touched people physically,

    spiritually and emotionally.

    The basis of leadership is people. An old Proverb states, He who thinks he leads, but

    hasno followers, is only taking a walk. If you cant relate with people, they wont follow

    you. Relationships will make or break a leader over time. Effective leaders dont focus

    on themselves and their own success. They are others-minded. To them, success means

    developing people.

    Four Truths about Leadership and People

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    1. People are a churchs most appreciable asset.

    2. A leaders most important asset is peoples skills.

    3. A good leader can lead various groups because leadership is about people.

    4. You can have people skills and not be a good leader, but you cannot be a good leader

    without people skills.

    LUKE 10:30-37Jesus told this story in response to a man who asked, Who is my neighbor? He spoke of

    a man who was robbed and beaten alongside a road and left for dead. Soon, a couple of

    religious leaders walked by, but never stopped. It is likely they were on their way to

    some religious activity. Then, a Samaritan came by and helped the man, caring for him

    until he was well again. Jesus then asked: Who was the neighbor in this story?

    He taught that relationships and ministry are not confined to your immediate circle of

    friends (Luke 10:36-37). He taught that relationships are more important than many

    spiritual activities we practice (Matthew 5:23-24). He also taught the truth below.

    The Way You See Yourself Is the Way You Serve Your People

    The story of the Good Samaritan illustrates how we treat others based upon how we

    see ourselves. Notice the different ways the victimized man was treated in this story


    They used people.

    They manipulated others.

    They saw the man as a victim to exploit.


    They were law keepers.

    They were pure.

    They saw the man as a problem to avoid .


    He was despised.He knew how it felt to be ignored.

    He saw the man as a person to be loved .

    As a leader, you will be tempted to do all three of these in your ministry: exploit, avoid, and

    love people. The goal is to look past their faults and see their needs.

    Leadership Is Relationships

    Years ago, several Christian leaders met together in a summit. Their goal was to summarize

    the Christian faith into a single sentence. They actually took the goal a step further. They

    summarized Christianity into a single word. The one word they chose is relationship.

    People dont care how much you know, until they know how much you care.

    -Dr. John C. Maxwell

    A Definition for Spiritual Leadership

    Four Word Pictures:


    (Good hosts take initiative and make others feel comfortable.)

    As a leader, you must host the relationships and conversations of your life. Leaders

    are not guests in relationships. Knowing what a good host does in his home, we

    ought to be able to do it with people everywhere.


    (Good doctors ask questions. They probe until they see the need.)

    As you attempt to discern peoples needs, ask questions until you discern their condition.

    Only then do you try to address their needs. Dont give a prescription before a diagnosis.


    (Good counselors are active listeners and interpret what they hear.)

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    As a leader with solid people skills, you must become an active listener. You should

    non-verbally communicate that you understand the person and identify with him.

    We earn our right to speak by listening.


    (Guides dont merely fellowship with others; they get them to the destination.)

    A leaders people skills must result in his ability to take people to a destination. Ourpurpose is not to be liked by people, but to take them on a journey and to reach a

    goal they might not have reached alone.

    A leader should take the appropriate role according to the needs of the person they are

    leading. Our job is to connect with people, so that we can take them on the journey.

    What Every Leader Should Know about People


    *Key Principle: Hurting people hurt people. Secure people offer security to people.

    a. Most people are insecure, in some area of their life.

    b. Most insecure people are looking for security.

    c. A secure environment is provided only by secure and confident people.

    Think of ways to encourage one another, do outbursts of love and good deeds. (Hebrews



    *Key Principle:To deal with yourself, use your head. To deal with others, use your heart.

    When You Affirm and Honor Someone with Your Words

    a. Make them sincere. Be genuine about what you say.

    b. Make them specific. Be pointed and specific about what you say.

    c. Make them public. Share the honoring word in front of others.d. Make them personal. Get beyond general gratitude; speak personally to them.

    Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one

    another. (Romans 12:10)


    *Key Principle: The key to today is a belief in tomorrow.

    Everyone lives for something better to come. Where there is no hope in the future,

    there is no power in the present. Years ago a study was done to see what effective

    pastors had in common. They had one common characteristic. Each of them said that

    their main goal every Sunday was to offer hope to their people.Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The unfailing love of the Lord never ends!


    is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each day. (Lamentations 3:21-23)


    *Key Principle: To connect with others, understand the keys to their heart.

    Knowing the key to someones heart:

    a. What do they talk about?

    b. What do they cry about?

    c. What do they dream about?

    d. What do they laugh about?

    e. What do they plan about?

    Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. (Romans 12:15)


    *Key Principle: Most people can steer the ship; a leader helps chart the course.

    a. Leaders must know the way.

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    b. Leaders must go the way.

    c. Leaders must show the way.

    The elders who are among you I exhort, I who am a fellow elder and a witness of the


    of Christ, and also a partaker of the glory that will be revealed: Shepherd the flock of God

    which is among you, serving as overseers, not by compulsion but willingly, not for dishonestgain but eagerly. (1Peter 5:1-2)


    *Key Principle: People must be ministered to before they can minister.


    Their situation is unique. Put their people first.

    Their problems are the biggest. Know their peoples needs.

    Their faults should be overlooked. See the total picture.

    Their time is most precious. Love people to help them grow.

    Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.

    (Philippians 2:4)


    *Key Principle: What gets rewarded, gets done.

    An Experiment

    Years ago, an experiment was conducted to measure peoples capacity to endure pain. How

    long could a bare-footed person stand in a bucket of ice water? It was discovered that when

    there was someone else present offering encouragement and support, the person standing


    the ice water could tolerate the pain twice as long as when there was no one present.

    put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one

    another. (Colossians 3:12-13)8. PEOPLE WANT TO . HELP THEM WIN.

    *Key Principle: Reach out and help others achieve their goals. Victory has a

    thousand fathers, defeat is an orphan.

    Question: What do these words have in common?

    * High morale * Enthusiasm * Momentum

    * Optimism * Energy * Excitement

    N O T E S

    Answer: Victory. Everyone wants to be on a team that experiences victories and

    reaches the goal they are pursuing. Leaders provide this for others.

    Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall,one

    will lift up his companion. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10a)


    *Key Principle: Practice the 101% Principle with people: Find the 1% you have in

    common with someone, and give it 100% of your attention.

    Gods Word is all about community from the Garden of Eden in the beginning, to

    the city of God in the end. We were never intended to take the Christian journey

    alone. The New Testament teaches us we are members of one another. The word

    saint (in the singular form) does not appear once, in the New Testament. The

    word saints (in the plural form) appears many times.

    And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all


    members rejoice with it. (I Corinthians 12:26)


    *Key Principle: People do what people see.

    A Life Example:

    The early followers of St. Francis of Assisi wanted to know what to do when they

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    went out into the streets to minister. Preach the Gospel at all times, St. Francis

    advised. If necessary, use words.

    And you should follow my example, just as I follow the example of Christ. (I Corinthians


    ASSESSMENT: What do you struggle with most in relationships? Now, list some people whom

    you believe God is challenging you to host and lead more effectively.APPLICATION: How can you begin to overcome these struggles, and connect with these


    3. Qualities of a Good Leader

    Competitiveness, well disciplined, honesty, etc are some leadership qualities which make the

    person stand out in the crowd. Just being a good visionary is a thing of yesteryear! Today

    effective leadership includes lot more than just being a good visionary or a good orator.

    Listed below are some of the must-have qualities of a leader...a good leader to be precise.

    Communication Skills

    Effective communication skills are undoubtedly the most important leadership traits to excel

    in any field. The person shouldn't just have ideas, but should also sport the means of

    communicating these ideas across the table in an effective manner. Read more on

    leadership skills.


    A person thriving to become a good leader should be competent enough to take on any

    odds. Decision making matters, and decisions should be purely based on rational thinking

    instead of emotions. Giving up is a sign of weak leadership, which doesn't just affect the

    individual but also tends to hamper the morale of the team.


    One of the most important quality in the leadership qualities list is honesty. The person has

    to be honest to himself, his team as well as his goals. Deceit will only call for ire from the

    team, and this will in turn affect the output of the team.


    Intelligence is bound to reflect on the performance of the individual as well as the team he is

    leading. Being well updated about the ongoing trends can turn out to be an added

    advantage, especially when it comes to opportunities of climbing the hierarchy ladder.


    Laid back attitude is meant for losers, not leaders. Discipline in both professional as well as

    personal life is one of the best leadership qualities a person can inculcate within himself. It is

    also one of the simplest measure to achieve success in various walks of life.


    A successful person is the one who takes a calculated risk where others back off. The leader

    should be courageous enough to identify opportunities and strike gold whenever possible. At

    the same time, he has to raise the bar and always thrive for better.

    Goal Oriented

    A good leader needs to be a good visionary. He should be able to set long term goals and

    more importantly implement all the measures required to achieve these goals. In leadership,

    achievements do matter, and the bigger they are the better.
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    A good leader motivates his followers and team to achieve the next best thing. He should be

    inspiring, in fact a person worth idolizing for his team. His words as well as his actions have

    to motivate the people around him. Read more on leadership roles.

    Broad MindedBeing broad minded can help the leader to keep calm even in rough times. He should be

    open for ideas and suggestions, even if they come from his juniors. Unnecessary hassles and

    ego problems should be strictly avoided.


    Consistency is yet another important leadership trait which makes the person stand out in

    the crowd. Once in a while profits don't matter to an organization as much as long term gains

    do. Consistency for a significant period can ensure these long term gains. Read more on

    what makes a good leader.


    A good leader is always dedicated to his team as well as his work. He demarcates a proper

    difference between his professional and personal life. The aim should always be to perform

    better than the last time, whilst staying focused on the very goal.


    Although not one of the popular leadership characteristics, humor is perhaps by far the best

    way to relive stress as well as to counter hostility. A good leader should know how to use

    humor to boost the morale of his team and solve conflicts within the team.

    These were some of the most prominent leadership qualities and skills one needs to have inorder to become a good leader. Other than these qualities of a good leader, he should

    always have the determination to cover the extra mile. Note that it isn't just important to

    have all these leadership traits, it should be the right blend of them all. All the efforts

    combined can bring out the best in you, in fact the leader in you!

    4. Top 7 Steps To Becoming A Great Leader

    1. Be great follower. The first thing they teach the new cadets at West Point is to followdirections!

    2. Set your heart on leading people to greatness, not on your own personal greatness.3. Learn from every situation you are in, good or bad. Then you can repeat success and

    avoid the mistakes you have made.4. Listen to your trusted advisors. Leadership isn't always being right yourself. It is

    sorting out the opinions and choosing the right one.5. Lead by example. People will do what you say only if you do first. Teddy Roosevelt

    was known for leading in battle.6. Take the hardest jobs and give the easier ones to your followers. They will know it -

    and respect it.

    7. Stay focused on the future. The endgame is what you are playing for, even as youoperate out of the present.



    an adaptation from the work of John Maxwell & the leadership skills of Darek Nowakowski
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    Becoming an effective leader is a lot like being in the stock market. You dont make your fortune in a

    day; you make it daily, a little bit at a time. What matters most is what you do day after day, over the

    long haul. The secret to leadership success is investing in your leadership development, much likeletting your assets compound. The final result is Leadership Growth over time.

    Leaders arent born; their made. The process of leadership is long, complicated and has made

    elements. Respect, dignity, discipline, people skills, vision, emotional strength, opportunity,preparedness and experience are just some of the intangible elements which come into play when

    talking leadership.

    We can, over a period of time, increase our leadership potential if we can understand and accept the

    five levels of leadership. They are:

    Level One Leadership From Position.

    This is the basic level of leadership. At this level people follow you because they have to. Your ability

    to lead people is totally geared to your position and does not exceed beyond the lines of your job

    description or the authority granted to you by the company and your boss. Your security with the

    company is based on title and position, not talent.To be an effective leader at this level know your job, be prepared to accept responsibility, exercise

    authority with caution, assess the strengths and short comings of your people, do more than what isexpected and challenge people with interesting and tough assignments.

    It is important that we recognize that Positional Level is the doorway to leadership and every

    successful leader must pass through this doorway

    Level Two Leadership From Respect.

    At the respect level of leadership people follow you because they want to. The core of Leadership

    From Respect is that people want to know that you care, before they care about what you know. Peoplesee you as a professional partner, sharing the same goals and the same challenges along the way.

    Leadership will flourish at the respect because respect will breed lasting trusted professional

    relationships and that, in turn will provided the basis for effective leadership.To be effective at the respect level, possess a genuine concern for your people. It is important that you

    see life through their eyes. Deal with wisely with difficult people and make employees successful by

    setting them up for success.Since leadership from respect is built on professional relationships, it forms the foundation for

    leadership success.

    Level Three Leadership From Results.

    People follow you because of what you have done for the company. People admire you for your

    accomplishments and respect your tenacity. At this point leadership becomes fun. Going to work is

    fun, work related challenges are seen to be opportunities for a more stable work environment and alltasks have a purpose in the minds of the employees. Good things happen at the results level. Making

    profit, low employee turnover, higher employee morale and solving problems with ease are some of

    the items that become evident at this level.To be an effective leader at this level be prepared to initiate and accept responsibility for growth by

    developing a purpose and seeing it through to completion. Develop accountability for results,

    beginning with yourself and ending with your people. Make the difficult decisions that will result in

    positive long term gains while championing change as a change agent and understanding the process ofchange.

    Leadership from results is built on admiration for the leader.

    Level Four Leadership From People Development.

    People follow you because of what you have done for them. It is a leaders responsibility to develop

    their people to do the work that is expected to contribute future growth opportunities to the companyand the people who serve it. People are loyal to you because they see first hand personal growth

    opportunities for them as well as, the company. Leadership success is underscored by a win win

    scenario and a high commitment to success.To be effective at this level place a priority on developing people. Focus your attention on the fact that

    people are your most valuable asset and your leadership success will depend on your ability to

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    surround yourself with an inner core of competent people who compliment your leadership style and


    Leadership from people development is built on loyalty.

    Level Five Leadership From Mentorship.

    People follow you because they respect you. As a leader you are bigger than life and your success isshown through a life of accomplishments. People seek you out after you have left the company

    because you have left an indelible mark on the organization and the employees. Although less than five

    per cent of all leaders will get to this level of leadership (John Mayberry from Dofasco, DarekNowakowski from Con Agra and Clare Proctor from E.D. Smith come to mind) it is a level worth

    striving for.

    In summary, everyone can become a better leader. It is important to keep in mind that the higher yougo up the leadership scale, the longer it takes to accomplish results, the higher the commitment will be

    and it is imperative that we know what level we are on with our people and the company