words of wisdom from seo

Words of Wisdom from an SEO Expert to all Graduates Search Engine Optimization is like being in school forever.

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Post on 17-Aug-2015



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Words of Wisdom from an SEO Expert to all Graduates

Search Engine Optimization is like being in school forever.

Congratulations, Graduate!

No more late night study groups and no more projects! All those years of hard work have finally paid off!

But your journey is just

beginningAlthough you can

say goodbye to school-related

stress, new challenges await.

It’s a cycle – just like SEO.

Just when you think you have search

engine optimization

figured out, a new update challenges

that idea!

That’s why no one really

graduates from SEO: you just keep learning day in and day


Hello Late Nights and Early MorningsSEO can be just as

demanding (if not more!) as most schools. In fact, most of your time will be

spent monitoring the Web for data and trends.

Optimization Experts are

always learning new skills and

gaining plenty of knowledge.

An SEO consultant for example, will

have knowledge in

the following…


Social Media

Content Development

Web Design

Online Reputation

Website Auditing

Market Analysis

Team Management

Wow – those are a LOT of skills!Once you graduate,

you will also need a good set of well-rounded skills to

get ahead in your career.

Be like an SEO Expert:

NEVER stop learning! Pick up a book or

read about current events online.

Challenge what you know:

Perform experiments from time to time

to test your theories. Don’t be

content with mediocrity!

Maintain Relationships:

Life on the Web is hard – but even more so in real life. Keep real

friends close no matter the distance.

Be honest!A lot of people will try

to deceive you or you could be tempted

into cheating to win. A true SEO expert is

as transparent as his strategies – don’t

give in!

Settle for nothing but excellence.You are what you do:

so if you are consistently good,

then you will eventually become


Be flexible:

Some nights, you’ll need to stay up late to finish

work – but don’t stress! Help is always

available if you just ask for it.

Plan ahead:

Many things can go wrong in an SEO campaign – but

with careful planning, any

problem can be easily resolved.

Work hard – but play hard, too!SEO experts also know

how to unwind. Otherwise, where will

we get our brilliant ideas? Try a vacation or a short walk at the


It won’t always be easy…Nothing ever is. But what matters most is

how you get up and try again. A true SEO expert knows that a solution can be found as long as you don’t give up.

So, what are you waiting for, Graduate?

Celebrate with your friends and family as you enter another stage in your life.