worcester polytechnic institute · 2015-03-19 · accomplish this we will survey the literature...

Worcester Polytechnic Institute Interdisciplinary Qualifying Project Visualization for Finite Element Method Education Authors: Donald Bourque Stephen Kelly Date: December 4, 2013 Advisor: Prof. Nima Rahbar

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Page 1: Worcester Polytechnic Institute · 2015-03-19 · accomplish this we will survey the literature relevant to the role of visualization in education. The literature will span cognitive

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Interdisciplinary Qualifying Project

Visualization for Finite Element Method Education

Authors:Donald BourqueStephen Kelly

Date: December 4, 2013Advisor: Prof. Nima Rahbar

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In this project, common practices for visualizing scientific data were studied. Inaddition, the science of cognition and data display was reviewed. The resultsof this investigation was applied to augment a Civil Engineering introductorycourse on Finite Element Method at WPI. Software enhancements allowed threedimensional visualization for simulation of engineering structures. The researchon cognition and data graphics was used to improve understanding of these vi-sual aids. The plotting function, developed in MATLAB and Julia environmentsduring the course of this project, can help all students visualize the results oftheir numerical codes.


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1 Introduction 1

2 Literature Review 12.1 The Theory of the Finite Element Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.2 Visual Cognition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.3 Data Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22.4 Data Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.5 Scientific Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3 Programming Languages in Scientific Computing 43.1 MATLAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43.2 GNU Octave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53.3 Scilab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.4 R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63.5 Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73.6 Julia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83.7 Review Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

4 Results and Discussion 104.1 MATLAB Plotting Modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104.2 Julia Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124.3 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

4.3.1 IPython Multi-User Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164.3.2 IJulia for Coursework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

5 Conclusion 17


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List of Figures

1 The MATLAB graphical user interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 The Octave graphical user interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 The Scilab graphical user interface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 A demo of the IPython notebook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 Visual performance benchmarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Initial Truss Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Initial Deformed Truss Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 3D Simple Truss Visualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 3D Simple Truss Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1410 3D Simple Truss FEA Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1511 Output of the Truss FEM code in IJulia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

List of Tables

1 Representational Frameworks for Shape Information . . . . . . . 22 Performance benchmarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


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1 Introduction

Visualization is an integral part of conveying scientific data. In the educationalprocess, visualization serves a key role in illustrating objectives and results,increasing the connection and understanding of course topics. With the growthof computing technology in the past few decades, it has become increasinglymore feasible to perform numerical analysis and generate intricate and dynamicvisuals.

An important numerical method in engineering has been the Finite ElementMethod, often abbreviated FEM. When this technique is applied to solve prob-lems it is called Finite Element Analysis, or FEA.[1] These abbreviations willbe used throughout this paper. Finite Element Analysis is used extensively tostudy structures and materials. WPI offers courses in mechanics of materialswhich study the analytical construction and modeling of engineering problems.These courses traditionally blend many problem solving techniques. [2] We willstart by considering the cognitive aspects of these courses, particularly on thevisualization of computational results.

The objective is to further understand the role that visualization plays inthe educational process of the Finite Element Method. We will be focusing onthe final aspect of visually presenting the resulting numerical data. In order toaccomplish this we will survey the literature relevant to the role of visualizationin education. The literature will span cognitive science to graphics design. Afterbuilding a collection of cognitive considerations, we will look at varying softwarepackages. It is important to note that the great diversity in numerical softwareleads to many considerations.

2 Literature Review

2.1 The Theory of the Finite Element Method

FEA traces its roots back to the work of Richard Courant, with his paper Varia-tional methods for the solution of problems of equilibrium and vibrations, whichestablished the theoretical basis for the method.[3] In this seminal work, he laysout the mathematical framework for reducing a problem existing on a boundaryinto a variational problem existing on a discrete mesh. This method for solv-ing partial differential equations drew on many previous techniques by earliermathematicians. A variational problem is concerned with the minimization andmaximization of integrals of unknown functions. An integral of an unknownfunction is called a “functional”. In most systems, Hooke’s law applies, thuscreating a linear system if all properties are uniform. In most natural systems,the properties are non-uniform, and therefore non-linear. Klaus-Jurgen Bathe’sbook on non-linear FEM elaborates on the differences from linear problems andnumerical techniques available for such systems.[4]

Many of the courses concerned with material mechanics and Finite ElementAnalysis at WPI are taught for linear systems. This makes the material ac-cessible to the students and presumes a knowledge of basic linear algebra. Inaddition, students are taught how to construct problems from an analyticalsymbolic representation into a discrete problem for computation. As such, wewill carry this consideration into our analysis of software packages.


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Table 1: Representational Frameworks for Shape InformationName Purpose PrimitivesImages Represent continuous

color intensity.Discrete hue and satura-tion values

Sketches Geometry and organiza-tion of color intensitychanges.

Boundaries (lines), paths,and discontinuities.

2.5D sketch Describe orientation, fieldof view, and depth of sur-faces

Surfaces, depth, and dis-continuities.

3D model Describe orientation ofshapes and volumes in ahierarchical manner

Meshes, axes, and shapeprimitives

2.2 Visual Cognition

A significant portion of this project will consist of refining the visual elementsused in an educational process. Multiple books were found to be of great usein understanding the cognitive reactions people have to visual representations.Robert Solso’s book, Cognition and the Visual Arts helped in understandingboth the cognitive and psychological effects visuals can have on the mind.[5]While the book is ultimately a treatise on how cognition can be easily under-stood through the visual arts, the material still proves relevant to our study. Inparticular, Solso starts with an explanation of a cognitive information processingmodel, establishing a lens through which we can understand how reactions arisefrom observation. This model is validated through analysis of both the physicalstructure of the human eye and the physics of light. A historical account ofartistic techniques is presented which helps develop the reader’s understandingof cognitive aspects of arts as they were developed.

David Marr was a neuroscientist who pioneered studies in vision and informa-tion processing. His posthumously published work, Vision: A ComputationalInvestigation into the Human Representation and Processing of Visual Infor-mation [6] discusses a framework for extracting shape information from images.This framework, summarized in Table 1, offers a valuable perspective on howinformation can be encoded in images. The presented hierarchy is helpful forunderstanding the representational difficulties with imagery. Marshall McLuhandescribes this as the difference between ”hot and cool” media. [7] In this case,a ”hot” media is one which engages the viewer’s senses in a way that allowsanalytic understanding of a scene. A ”cool” media is one which gives the user apassive experience. This can be illustrated further in the context of a 3D scene.A ”hot” 3D scene would allow camera movement (panning and tilting) whichallows the user to gain perspective. A cold scene is one which does not allowthis movement, which means the user has a more passive experience with theinformation.

2.3 Data Representation

Edward Tufte’s seminal work, The Visual Display of Quantitative Informationserves to illustrate the role accurate portrayals plays in perception of data.[8] In


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particular, Tufte’s thesis is that data cannot be absorbed from data graphics,rather graphics serve best to show relations between data. This is a worthyconsideration for our project. Not only should all graphics generated by thesoftware we use present the data in such a way that allows for a proper in-terpretation of the data, but all graphics should also promote the viewer tocompare different levels of the data. Tufte lays out and describes many guide-lines for doing exactly this in two of the sections in his book; one on graphicalpractice and one on graphical integrity.

Tufte’s section on graphical practice is about how data can be represented.A time-series plot is the most common graphic used today as it is particularlyefficient and effective at presenting information when the passage of time isimportant.[8] For instance, businesses and affairs in economics, statistics, andmeteorology will often use time-series plots to track recent and long-term trends,predict future states and behaviors of the data, and lastly to present this in-formation in an easily understood manner to colleagues, co-workers, and thepublic.

Another powerful method is discussed is the use of data graphics. Due to themodern advancement of technology, computerized graphics can hold tremendousamounts of data. This method powerfully encourages pattern abstraction byallowing the viewers to have an broad look at the information. The viewerscan compare and contrast similarities and difference among the data points andtake away meaningful conclusions that would be impossible for other methodsto portray. There is no other method for the display of statistical informationthat is as powerful as a data graphic.[8]

Tufte’s section on graphical integrity is about how to accurately representthe data to allow for a proper interpretation of the data. For instance, a graphicwill not distort the information if the visual representation of the data is consis-tent with the numerical representation.[8] This is rather clear, but graphics areconstantly between manipulated to sway how the data is interpreted, causingfalse conclusions which usually are to benefit some group or cause. Tufte dis-cusses guidelines on graphical integrity, especially when considering perspectivewith 3D graphics. These precautions and guidelines are important in order tomaintain a proper interpretation of the data among the viewers.[9]

Leland Wilkson’s The Grammar of Graphics draws significant inspirationfrom Tufte’s work, but coalesces the details into a more technically relevantmanual. [10] This monograph introduces the idea of a syntactic structure under-lying the design of graphics for visualizing data. The syntax is what ultimatelyforms the grammar of the implementation. This idea is valuable towards ourwork, since it allows us to create extemporaneous environments for data pre-sentation. Wilkison’s work is also useful to our study since the approach istextual. Throughout the book, he develops pseudo-codes that can translateinto other programming languages. In fact, it his proposed workflow has beenimplemented in multiple programming languages including, R, Python, Julia,and C. His work is qualified by experience writing an object-oriented graphicsystem for a commercial company. It should be noted that The Grammar ofGraphics centers mostly of the display of datasets in two dimensions, howeverthese ideas are extensible to 3 dimensions.


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2.4 Data Interpretation

Until relatively recently in human history the communication of quantitativedata resided in tables. In 1786, a Scottish economist named William Play-fair, published his ”Commercial and Political Atlas” which is widely thought tobe the first use of diagrams to convey data.[11] In particular, his goal was tolengthen the impression the data had on the reader. J.H. Lambert used graph-ics to show the relation between two data sets. We can draw two immediatebenefits from graphical representations. First, they are significantly more im-pressionable on the reader. Second, graphics show relations between data notreadily evident with other representations.

We can uncover two important considerations for education from these twobenefits of graphics. We know that the interpretation must be invariant amongeach reader, and that it should encourage the students to inspect the relationsbetween the different layers of the data. This requires simplicity and a completeunderstanding of all quantities and measures. [12]

2.5 Scientific Visualization

Many works have been published in the past two decades about scientific andcomputer visualization. Around the early 1990’s 3D graphics became practicalto use on a personal computer. Thus, many scientists now had more toolsfor displaying data aside from traditional 2D methods. The blossoming of 3Dgraphics helped grow many industries. Helen Wright makes very clear thereis a distinct difference between computer graphics and computer visualization,saying that visualization is an interactive process to understand what producedthe data, rather than the means of presentation.[13]

3 Programming Languages in Scientific Com-puting

Scientific computing environments vary with language structure and develop-ment ecosystems. In this section we will explore different scientific computingpackages and describe their relevance to FEM education. The compiled listwas selected for both the accessibility to a novice programmer and communityprovided libraries. There are many programming languages available, and evenmore which are domain specific to FEA. As such, we recognize that the com-puting language is a vehicle for generating results and graphics. This reviewwill help establish some considerations in choosing a computing environment.


MATLAB is a proprietary software package and language developed by TheMathWorks, Inc. The standard environment allows for numerical and graphicalprogramming.[14] The programming language was innovative when introducedin 1984 due to an interface with high performance linear algebra libraries writtenin FORTRAN such as LINPACK, and now LAPACK.[15] MATLAB features aninterpreter for mathematical operations which makes this possible. The notionof an interpreted language for mathematics was pioneering at the time, and has


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Figure 1: The MATLAB graphical user interface.

lead to much of the market dominance MATLAB experiences today. 1 Thelanguage syntax and structure is designed for vector and tensors as the mainprimitives, which aids in representational brevity for FEA software.

As of this writing in 2014, WPI Computing and Communications Centerprovides support and network installations for MATLAB on campus. The Sci-entific/Engineering Software Applications (SESA) group at WPI also teachescourses multiple times per term on MATLAB from the introductory to advancedlevels.

The MathWorks has developed extensive libraries for scientific and engi-neering applications. In addition the community contributes code through theMATLAB file exchange.2 The MATLAB development environment provides agraphical user interface (GUI) and extensive support for 2D and 3D graphics.Figure 1 shows the MATLAB user interface.

3.2 GNU Octave

GNU Octave is a interpreted language for numerical computing. It is releasedas free and open source software under the GNU GPL.[16] The language is verysimilar in structure to MATLAB and the language developers treat incompati-bility with MATLAB as a bug. [17] The most recent release in December of 2013introduced compatibility with a graphical user interface. This significantly im-proves the user experience and makes the environment more conducive to rapidprototyping. [18] A screenshot is shown in Figure 2.

The Octave language is often cited as a free alternative to MATLAB. Thisis possible because it leverages many of the same underlying libraries. WhileOctave is compelling due to the cost, there are some drawbacks, particularlyin usability and performance. The developers are actively working to address




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Figure 2: The Octave graphical user interface.

these issues. Usability is being improved with the aforementioned GUI andperformance is being improved with a Just-In-Time compilation technique.3

3.3 Scilab

Scilab is an open source computing environment for scientific and engineeringcomputations. It is released by an academic consortium under the CeCILLlicense which is compatible with the GNU GPL.4 The associated language isdesigned for numerical computing and shares many similarities to MATLAB,and Octave. This leads to some possibilities for compatibility. The developersare actively trying to build open and license-free standards for scientific com-puting. This has led to significant popularity within European universities.[19]Figure 3 shows the user interface. Scilab is in direct competition with Octave, asit seeks to displace MATLAB with a free alternative. This is a common themethat will be developed later in this paper.

3.4 R

R is an open source scripting language designed for statistical computing. Whilethe language and libraries are not generally oriented towards FEM, the languageimplementation and graphics packages can serve as reference implementationsfor open source scientific computing. 5

The computing language R uses a package known as ”ggplot2” to cre-ate graphics. The library is based off of the aforementioned Grammar ofGraphics.[20] As such, we could expect the plotting package to produce effectiveand accurate visuals given proper arguments. However many of the libraries,and equally the community, built around R are focused towards statistical com-puting. The language features first-class data containers which are analogous



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Figure 3: The Scilab graphical user interface.

to objects. It also features vectors and vectors operations for improving codeperformance. RStudio is an IDE which provides easy interface to ggplot2 andpackage repositories. 6. R is gaining popularity in recent years as a numericalcomputing environment.

3.5 Python

Python should be noted as distinct in our list as it is designed for systemsprogramming. This means the language was designed to interface with operatingsystems and perform file manipulations. As a systems language, Python canharness tools for documentation and library creation. The language was firstrelease in 1991 by Guido van Rossum.[21]

The Scientific Python 7 project provides high performance utilities and ser-vices for numerical and scientific computing projects. In addition, all theseprojects are open source and have companies willing to provide support andconsultation. Companies well known and respected are Enthought and Con-tinuum Analytics. Notable software under this project is NumPy, MatplotLib,and IPython. NumPy provides wrappers for high performance vector opera-tions, through LAPACK and OpenBLAS wrappers. This is similar to the otherlanguages mentioned here.

Matplotlib is an extensive visualization suite capable of 2D and 3D graphics.[22]The facilities Matplotlib provides are highly comparable to MATLAB. IPythonis a web-based tool for running Python notebooks. [23] It allows for multiplemedia representations within a single document. The notebook allows a userto render LaTeX, Markdown, and images. In addition the cell-based utilitiesallows code to be run and debugged effectively. Figure 4 shows a demonstrationof the various media utilities available. The development team has decoupledthe notebook platform from the language run in the cells by the kernel. They



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Figure 4: A demo of the IPython notebook.

also have an extensive roadmap for development which will be discussed in latersections.

3.6 Julia

Julia is a programming language first released in early 2012 by a group of de-velopers from MIT. The language targets technical computing by providing adynamic type system with near-native code performance. This is accomplishedby using three concepts: a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler to target the LLVMframework, a multiple dispatch system, and code specialization.[24] The syntac-tical style is similar to MATLAB and Python. The language implementationand many libraries are available under the permissive MIT license.8

Benchmarks have shown Julia can consistently perform within a factor oftwo of native C and FORTRAN code.9 This is enticing for a Finite ElementAnalysis and numerical computation, as the code abstraction can grow organi-cally without performance penalty. In fact, the authors of Julia call this balancea solution to the “two language problem”. The problem is encountered when



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Table 2: Performance benchmarks.

abstraction in a high-level language will disproportionately affect performanceunless implemented in a low-level language.

The visualization tools available within the Julia ecosystem are weak as ofthis writing in Spring of 2014. There are promising projects that show thismight not be the case in the future. In particular, four Google Summer of Codeprojects for Julia have been funded by Google to allow student developers towork on visualization tools.10

While the language is in active development, it has been designed to takeadvantage of code written in other languages. Julia has bindings using LLVM forPython, C, and Fortran. A polyglot environment is not conducive to uniformstructure and comprehensibility, it allows stable code to be used from otherlanguages. Notably, MatplotLib is accessible from Julia.

Recent developments to the IPython notebook have allowed other languagesto interface with the rendering framework. The Julia community has created aversion called IJulia that is compatible with IPython. Professor Steven J. John-son at MIT has compiled a compelling demonstration of the facilities availablewith IJulia11.

3.7 Review Conclusion

Our analysis of the available programming languages lead us to the followingconclusions. First and foremost, there are many excellent languages for numer-ical computing. Language choice has many aspects. In order to find a gooddirection in which to proceed, we need to focus on our target audience.

Many of the computations that will be done in the FEA courses at WPIwill be low on resources. Performance is not an immediate concern, but itprovides an avenue for technique scalability and experimentation. The Juliacommunity created performance benchmarks using various numeric program-ming languages. 12 The results can be seen in Table 2. A visual representationis given in Figure 5. The graph is particularly insightful, as it shows the dispar-ity in performance between many languages relative to native C performance.Julia provides fairly consistent performance relative to all other languages, whileFORTRAN is remarkably superior for some computations. This illustrates whymost linear algebra libraries are written in FORTRAN and C.

To conclude, we would like to address the development environments aroundeach language. The screenshots in Figures, 1, 2, and 3 appear remarkably




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Figure 5: Visual performance benchmarks.

similar. Each development team followed a similar paradigm for interfacingthrough a Read Evaluate Print Loop (REPL). In MATLAB, Scilab, and Octavethey provide the REPL in addition to variable display, command history, and afile browser. This general paradigm is excellent for experimentation. MATLAB,due to its availability and training support at WPI campus, was thus chosenas the primary programming language for development in this project. Julia,due to its comparable performance and recent emergence in the opensourcecommunity, was also chosen for experimental development in this project.

4 Results and Discussion

Given our understanding of the proper practice of graphics, we are left with thequestion of the proper representation of FEA information. The Matrix Anal-ysis of Finite Element Structures course at WPI examines trusses and beams- two common problems in the Finite Element field. Through the study ofFEA, students formulate element stiffness matrices for 2D and 3D trusses andbeams. Applied forces cause reactions and deflections of the elements, and thisis information that could be greatly benefited by a data graphic.

4.1 MATLAB Plotting Modifications

At first, the code for MATLAB visualization of the trusses and beams could onlyhandle 2D structures since 3D visualizations in MATLAB are not easily done.An example of a 2D truss with the original code can be seen in Figure 6. Thevisuals used for the boundary conditions of the truss elements follow standard


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Figure 6: Initial Truss Visualization

graphical practices in engineering and an applied force vector is visualized atnode 3.

The resulting deflections of the truss members are shown in Figure 7 withthe original truss shown in blue and the deformed truss shown in red. The useof color in a graphic can be a very effective means of visually distinguishingcommonalities between the represented data. In this example, the use of coloris very intuitive and promotes understanding of the visual.

The 2D visualization code was expanded to plot 3D trusses as well as exhibitother added features that promote comprehension and provide more informationon the data. The boundary conditions of the undeformed 3D truss can be seenin Figure 8 and the undeformed and deformed 3D trusses can be seen in Figure9. The force vector in Figure 8 has been made red to stand out from the trussand the color of the undeformed truss members has been changed to black. Now,color is used in the deformed truss in Figure 9 to show whether the members arein tension (red) or compression (blue). An accompanying legend insures properinterpretation of the color usage.

A large part of the reasoning behind developing better visualization capa-bilities in this project was to encourage the students to draw meaningful con-nections between the topics discussed in class, the Finite Element code they’vebeen writing, and the resulting visual graphic. By comparing the 3D truss ex-ample figures, one would expect that the red force vector in Figure 8 wouldpush node 4 by some amount in the force vector’s general direction. It couldalso be reasoned that the truss members 1 and 2 could become compressed


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Figure 7: Initial Deformed Truss Visualization

while truss member 3 becomes extended. All of this logic can be confirmed by avisualization generated by correct code. Inconsistencies between the producedgraphic and an expected result would prove that either the student’s code isnot correct or that the underlying concepts taught by the course are not fullyunderstood. Visualizations can be used by the students to easily verify whethertheir reaction calculations make sense.

4.2 Julia Implementation

During the review of the MATLAB plotting function, some idiosyncracies werenoticed with the MATLAB language. In particular it became difficult to designuser interfaces. We were also driven by the cognitive and user experience aspectsof the MATLAB experience to find an alternative. Some outside work lead tothe use of IJulia. This environment was very excellent to present both equations,code, and visuals in a single document.

We started to port some basic Finite Element computation code over toJulia. For the most part, syntactic differences were the main challenge. TheJulia manual has some through observations on the differences from other lan-guages.13 Some additional obstacles were slightly more grammatical. Julia’sJIT compiler requires variables be preallocated. In MATLAB this is a perfor-mance optimization, however in Julia it is a requirement. The process of portingthe code strengthened our understanding of the operations involved.



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Figure 8: 3D Simple Truss Visualization


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Figure 9: 3D Simple Truss Example


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Figure 10: 3D Simple Truss FEA Data


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Figure 11: Output of the Truss FEM code in IJulia.

After the numerical computation porting was complete, visual utilities hadto be made. Fortunately Julia includes many plotting utilities. One of the mostadvanced is PyPlot, which is a wrapper for MatplotLib, a plotting utility writtenin Python. The function calls to MatplotLib are very similar to MATLAB. [25]Again, this made the porting process very easy.

4.3 Future Work

4.3.1 IPython Multi-User Support

The Sloan Foundation granted funding of 1.15 million USD for about two yearsof development to IPython.14 With this funding the development team decidedto target 4 releases every 6 months. This started with a 1.0 release in August2013, followed by a 2.0 release in April 2014. The grant objectives are as follows:refinement of the IPython notebook through interactive utilities and variousexport formats (LaTeX, PDF, HTML, Presentations), support for languagesother than Python, and support for multiuser notebooks.15 With the release ofversion 2.0, all of these goals except for multiuser support have been realized.

In addition, these changes are to support a pilot of an applied statisticscourse at Stanford. The 3.0 release of IPython will preview initial support formultiuser notebooks. The developers state that the environment will map one-



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to-one to a Linux host. This means integration with the WPI Unix accountsshould be straight forward. A student might login with Shibboleth and anIPython notebook would start in their account (/home/user/ipython).16 Aswith most open-source and pro bono projects, the development is driven bythe needs of the users. As such, IPython is being developed to suit universitycoursework in the 2014-15 academic year.

4.3.2 IJulia for Coursework

With the PyCall package, Julia and IJulia can take advantage of all improve-ments to the IPython environment. The roadmap for IPython is compelling,and will enrich the user experience with IJulia. Courses in numerical and highperformance computing have been taught using Julia at MIT, Cornell, Stan-ford, Pennsylvania State, and Western University Canada.17 While this palesin comparison the amount of courses taught with MATLAB, open computingecosystems are clearly gaining momentum. At the end of this summer we believethe facilities available in Julia and IPython will meet and exceed those availablein MATLAB.

Early adoption of IJulia in coursework will both be challenging and enriching.Most of the challenge lies in establishing infrastructure and course material. Thesimilarities between MATLAB and Julia, along with the roadmap of IPythonmake these less concerning. On the other hand, the student only stands to gainfrom the switch to an open source and web-based computation environment. Afree language, both in license and cost, lets the student apply their skills outsideof corporate and academic organizations without financial concern. In addition,web notebooks mean a student does not have to invest in an expensive computerto complete homework assignments.

5 Conclusion

The study of visualizing scientific data has lead to the development of utilitiesall students can leverage for their courses. Our exploration of computing tech-nologies lead us to possibilities for future improvements in the coursework. Inthis project, common practices for visualizing scientific data were studied. Inaddition, the science of cognition and data display was reviewed. The resultsof this investigation was applied to augment a Civil Engineering introductorycourse on Finite Element Method at WPI. Software enhancements allowed threedimensional visualization for simulation of engineering structures. The researchon cognition and data graphics was used to improve understanding of these vi-sual aids. The plotting function, developed in MATLAB and Julia environmentsduring the course of this project, can help all students visualize the results oftheir numerical codes.



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