wondrous strange movie for theme[1]

Wondrous Strange Friends last a while, Love lasts forever....

Upload: mswilsonri

Post on 23-Jun-2015




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This is a ppt made by one of my students to show the main theme of her book.


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Wondrous Strange

Friends last a while, Love lasts forever....

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It was love at first sight...

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You are the reason I’m living...

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You are the only thing in the world that matters to me...

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You were like a blue light flashing through everything else...

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My mysterious stranger...

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Everyday I dream about her...That lovely face...Her soft flowing hair...

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He fills my heart as if writing on paper...

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From the moment I met you I couldn’t get you out of my mind, and when I did you just kept on coming back like fog on a window in the window...

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You shine like the sun...So pure, just like your heart...

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There is no way to explain how I feel...

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Your always there for me...

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You are like the other half of my being...

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Your circle surrounds me with love...

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Your heart is like my sky...

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If only you can see how much I love you...

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Please, don’t ever let go...

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Your heart guides me through the deepest darkness...

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Your heart surrounds me...

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There is only one person who is really understands me enough to hold the key to my heart...

That one person is you...

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You make every day of my life bearable...

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My heart is yours...

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The first moment I saw you it was like you were the most beautiful thing on the face of the Earth...

And you are...

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My heart will be with you forever...

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Two people walking in the sunset...Never will they stop believing...Kelley...Sonny...

Friends last a while, but Love lasts forever.

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References1. RebeccaJBuckley2. Photography By Shaeree3. thomas.merton4. Zenera5. millzero.com6. Stacy Lynn Baum7. Creativity+ Timothy K... 8. Shanissinha_ 9. AYUMi ~ PHOTOGRAPHY 10. suchitra prints(Away for...11. mohammadali 12. WTL photos 13. ishkamina 14. kelvin255 15. Stephen Poff16. Cayusa 17. Damselfly5818. Pictr 30D