wonderland plant guide

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  • 8/9/2019 Wonderland Plant Guide


    w o n d e r l a n d

    Plant Guide

    Plant donation, wisdom, and love-flled labor shared by guest and permaculturist:

    Ly nda Ch iCk

    [email protected]

    photography/design by Krupa Jhaveri

    July 2010

  • 8/9/2019 Wonderland Plant Guide


    General Information& Care InstructionsTheWonderland roofdeckisalreadyabeauTifullivinggreenspace

    mc m l l f. a w l l , f c

    xm w c c fll

    c. g xc cll c. t

    m c / lck f ml fc c

    , w, c lm. t f ck cl m xm l wc x. t cm lck w

    f lz ck c m (e x

    ) k (s x).

    Cl f l ml, cl l

    l, ml l . al l wll cll l j

    ; w, f , m l kl m x

    . F c, m , lk cl, c m w ll lf-

    and return the following year. Perennials will die off with the rst frosts, but they

    wll f .

    bc f xm f, l wl l q mc m w

    f w ff m. a m f w

    f fl l-w w lf , k

    Generally, thisGardenwillrequiredailywaterinGunlessthereisrain

    al, m l q l q f w, l w

    w m. W l m f k, / . rl cl f m

    m w, l c f lw l/ l.

    g lc f , c, . i j

    f ck , cm f ck l

    fll l.

  • 8/9/2019 Wonderland Plant Guide


    Thehydrangea is aperennialfloWeringbush. M

    l z f a, z 6. al

    c l fll , w w l , l

    xm f f ck q q w

    l w ffc f . i l l

    , m cm ck fm . t l

    cl f l h. acc l

    duce blue owers, neutral soils produce very pale cream petals, alkaline soils result in pink or purple owers.


  • 8/9/2019 Wonderland Plant Guide


    LicoricealongWiThThe salvia, m cmml m

    f hlcm . t l wll l W

    w f z 6, f wll l l l. i f

    l, l wll c f ck. i w w l m

    alm c c, cl fc w

    l mcl l. t l rf mk

    f m, c lm l

    mk f l l l. t l

    l wl w fc.

    SalviaTheWord salviameans sage,

    cl . t f ck ml

    l. i l m fm l. i wll lm f

    year, and it tends to attract bees and butteries with its beauti-

    ful purple owering stems. This species is not to be confused

    w sl m!

  • 8/9/2019 Wonderland Plant Guide


    HerbsinTheTallTerracoTTapoT w


    w. d xm ,

    l f wll. a

    f xml c f -

    c w w w .

    i , ll c cl-

    w. t w -l. t l ll w,

    wll l f

    l. t lw w cl

    beginning to ower and eventually pro-

    c .


    basilis an annualculinaryherb

    in ThisclimaTe, lk sl,

    l m fml. y

    m f lc , m-

    l f w . pck f

    x , l,

    f , , c.

  • 8/9/2019 Wonderland Plant Guide





    lavenderis fairlydroughTTeranT, m wll

    wl . i w

    wll c . sw

    lc l f

    l. t

    l l .


    The phoTosaboveareamix of

    Wild floWers w w a. W w f m

    ower to begin to identify them. Mint

    l cl mc-

    l . t l -

    l clm.

  • 8/9/2019 Wonderland Plant Guide


    everygardenshouldhavesomemysTery, f ck xc. t l ml l a

    lkl l l, ll fml. i m

    lm x . t l f m. e

    cll c c lk c , k

    leaves all year round. This one is likely a type of r tree, but its e

    identity is unknown. And nally, the edibles! The peppers were so

    c f l a c. t

    kw, w ll lck l l wll c m

    c x m.

    MagicSproutsThisplanTeris TheresulTofWild

    experimenTaTion. Lf c

    ck w k

    lc l. pl w

    cl cl z , , lflf m -

    . i

    m w. Wc

    w w wll c!



    & Peppers

  • 8/9/2019 Wonderland Plant Guide


    Basil & Peppersa beauTifulmarriageindeed!

    bl w wll . c, l m m , -

    m w l c . p f

    fml l w m, l . n

    l m cmml kw . sm cmm

    fll c mk, cc, ll.

    asmenTionedabove, m l l l f

    fml. h w : fk, w

    wll c l m f lc, lm c

    m, wc l c-w f.


  • 8/9/2019 Wonderland Plant Guide


    nepeTa is an aromaTic pere


    lovely blue violet owers accen

    fl. r

    fl xc

    m f l. t l

    l , m l

    ing, cut off spent owers, and cut

    l 2/3 l Jl. n


    w f ck.



    Theroofdeckis homeTo TWo ilexglabraaka inkberry

    holly. Wl ll s

    alc , mzl . t l

    were pruned signicantly to encourage new growth and are doing

    well. At some point they wil l produce small creamy white owers,

    wll m-am. t l , f m.

  • 8/9/2019 Wonderland Plant Guide


    Petunia& Vine

    peTuniasareafavoriTein Theannualgarden. t cm

    m cl, l f f ckof c, ll q w c l-

    f . t w ml

    clm. i w f fl wll wll w


  • 8/9/2019 Wonderland Plant Guide





    c w z 1-11. t l, c w

    f ck, l, lm

    m l l m.


  • 8/9/2019 Wonderland Plant Guide


    y m ,


    the harvest can be either owers or weeds.

    Wm fm w w w w .

    Will iamWordsWorTh