wonderful amegreen

WONDERFUL AMEGREEN CRYSTALS Amegreen are beautiful stones that are a combination of Purple Amethyst Crystals, Prasiolite... (Green Amethyst), and White Quartz. They have a lovely balancing vibration that blends the energy of some of the most powerful quartz crystals. This combination creates loving compassionate energy, emotional healing and stimulates psychic abilities. Amegreen stones look lovely, and they have an amazing soft calming energy. Where Does It Come From These lovely stones are found in Africa... in an area where both Amethyst Crystals and Prasiolite occur in combination with White Quartz. Through the process of heat naturally within the earth... possibly from volcanic activity, Purple Amethyst crystals may be transformed into Green Amethyst or into Amegreen, which embodies both colors of the Amethyst. Many specimens show quite obvious bands of color... with the Amethyst often occurring in a distinct chevron pattern. In some stones it is quite easy to see the distinct colors... but others do not have the obvious color bands but demonstrate merged colors of the different types of quartz. I have found that the energy is the same, regardless of whether they occur in distinct bands or merged... although it is an individual choice as to which type you prefer. Amegreen Combines Purple Amethyst and Prasiolite The energy of the Purple Amethyst that is embodied within these stones, creates a connection to the higher chakras... from the third eye right up to the higher transpersonal chakras. The Prasiolite energy brings high vibration energy down from the higher realms to the heart... grounding this into the physical... then continues to take the energy down to the solar plexus chakra. The white quartz emanates the pure white light of the Divine realm.

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Post on 19-May-2017




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Page 1: Wonderful Amegreen


Amegreen are beautiful stones that are a combination of Purple Amethyst Crystals, Prasiolite... (Green Amethyst), and White Quartz.

They have a lovely balancing vibration that blends the energy of some of the most powerful quartz crystals.

This combination creates loving compassionate energy, emotional healing and stimulates psychic abilities. Amegreen stones look lovely, and they have an amazing soft calming energy.

Where Does It Come FromThese lovely stones are found in Africa... in an area where both Amethyst Crystals and Prasiolite occur in combination with White Quartz. Through the process of heat naturally within the earth... possibly from volcanic activity, Purple Amethyst crystals may be transformed into Green Amethyst or into Amegreen, which embodies both colors of the Amethyst.

Many specimens show quite obvious bands of color... with the Amethyst often occurring in a distinct chevron pattern. In some stones it is quite easy to see the distinct colors... but others do not have the obvious color bands but demonstrate merged colors of the different types of quartz. I have found that the energy is the same, regardless of whether they occur in distinct bands or merged... although it is an individual choice as to which type you prefer.

Amegreen Combines Purple Amethyst and PrasioliteThe energy of the Purple Amethyst that is embodied within these stones, creates a connection to the higher chakras... from the third eye right up to the higher transpersonal chakras.

The Prasiolite energy brings high vibration energy down from the higher realms to the heart... grounding this into the physical... then continues to take the energy down to the solar plexus chakra. The white quartz emanates the pure white light of the Divine realm.


If you are looking for ways to relieve stress... they will aid the healing of emotional problems... including depression... as they connect you to a beautiful heart based loving energy. The vibration

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of Prasiolite within this stone accentuates a strong vibration within both the heart chakra and the thymus chakra... and encourages you to feel strong compassion for those around you.

Why Would You Use ItThis Green Amethyst energy also vibrates within

the solar plexus chakra to activate the will.

This may strengthen your will-power and encourage action... as this chakra is the seat of personal power.

All quartz crystals are strong amplifiers of energy. The energy of the higher realms is brought through by the vibration of the white quartz within this stone, and this combines with the loving heart based energy of the Green Amethyst.

This allows you to live your life day by day, using this highly spiritual and loving energy.

How Will It Help YouThis variety of quartz is a strong aid to assist you to develop psychic powers. It is primarily the vibration of the purple Amethyst Crystals that creates this... as this energy within the third eye chakra and crown chakra takes the energy to the soul star chakra, then up through the higher transpersonal chakras to connect with the Divine mind.

Once you commence using Amegreen... and begin to bring information down from spirit... you may discover that you experience a strengthening of your intuition.

If you are just beginning with developing intuition, you may find that the process moves along more quickly.

This lovely crystal is also known to stimulate psychic visions... as it embodies the same strong energy that the Purple Amethyst has to encourage a range of psychic gifts.

Its vibration also enhances creativity and inspiration... and you may feel inspired to take steps to make changes in your life.

This is heart based creativity, that brings a compassionate and loving vibration into the process... and it encourages you to be guided by and with Divine love.

How To Use It

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This is a powerful asset for meditation and for healing... as it creates a powerful connection with the higher realms. Use it to do a daily crystal meditation... as during meditation it creates a deep relaxed stillness... that aids you to communicate with spirit.

24Amegreen ~ Has chevrons and the three colors are clearly defined

Amegreen has a unique energy, that uses the connection with the pure white light of the Divine realm to ground this into the heart and higher heart to allow you to live your life in alignment with Divine will.

Through the Amethyst Crystal energy within it, it allows you to use the violet flame healing vibration. This energy will heal you both physically and spiritually.

This amazing healing energy that is embodied within all violet flame stones... including Amegreen... is overseen by the Ascended master, St Germaine.

St Germaine and his followers used the violet flame energy to cleanse themselves of negative vibrations, and this is still used today.. and it creates a powerful healing outcome.

This amazing spiritual flame was and is associated with protection from negative entities... and transmuting negativity into the light. This may assist with relationship issues as it will help you to voice your personal emotions in a compassionate and loving manner.

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A Sweet Balancing Vibration

24Amegreen with merged colors

These lovely stones have a sweet balancing vibration that blends the energy of some of the most powerful quartz crystals.

Through the combination of these vibrations within the Amegreen quartz crystals... a loving compassionate energy is created that will aid with healing and assist the development of psychic powers.

The energy of all three of these powerful stones combine beautifully in this stone... with the vibration of Purple Amethyst, Prasiolite and White Quartz together creating an impressive stone that emanates a surprising energy to connect you with the Divine realm.

Combining It With Other StonesUsing it with Amethyst Crystals or Prasiolite may accentuate this energy within the Amegreen. They also combine well with other quartz varieties... including Ametrine,Aqua Aura Quartz and Lemurian Quartz Crystals.

Ametrine Aqua Aura Quartz Golden Lemurian

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