women in politics- michelle l

By: Michelle Lang

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Page 1: Women in Politics- Michelle L

By: Michelle Lang

Page 2: Women in Politics- Michelle L

Marion O’Neill

•When asked if she thought a woman president would be beneficial for America, why or why not, Marion said, “Yes, only if she is the most qualified person for the job. Gender does not matter, character, experience and quality of a person does.”

Page 3: Women in Politics- Michelle L

Michelle Fischbach

•President of the Senate

•First woman President in the State’s history

•Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to interview her as she was busy.

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Senator Amy Koch talking with Senator John Howe

•Koch is the first female senate majority leader in our state’s history

•Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to interview her either due to the amount of work she had to do

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Amy Strenge-Legislative Assistant

•When asked if she thinks a woman President would be beneficial for America, Amy said, “ Yes, it would break the glass ceiling for women.”

•Also, when asked how does she think society feels about women in power she wrote, “It depends on the position, if it is a State or Federal position, it doesn’t matter, but the office of US President still matters.”

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Minnesota State Senator- Dan Hall

•When asked if he thinks society would support a female president he said, “Yes, we have and have had women seeking the endorsements of their parties for the office of President. I believe that in the next 50 years we will have a female President. All we have to do is look to the examples of this State. For the first time in this State’s history, the Senate has elected a female Senate Majority Leader and a female President.”

•Dan Hall was very open about his answers including that women have faced a big obstacle of women only being at home.

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Freshmen Senators

•This is a picture of incoming freshmen senators.

•Even though it is a small number, look at how many women were elected. (6)

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Press conference

•Amy Koch at a press conference surrounded by her many colleagues.

•Many of the women you see in this photo are either Senators ore Representatives.

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Signing a bill

•The woman on the far right is Jennifer Berquam, the Committee Administrator for this bill

•Everyone who is present is someone who helped write the bill and/or organize the bills track through the Senate, and helped bring this to the Legislator’s attention

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Sources My camera

Marion O’Neill’s camera
