women & children’s shelter of barrie annual general …€¦ · message from the executive...

Women & Children’s Shelter of Barrie Annual General Report June 2014

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Women & Children’s Shelter of Barrie Annual General Report

June 2014

Message from the Executive Director

June 30, 2014 marks the end of my six years as Executive Director of the Women & Children’s Shelter of Barrie. And what a six years it’s been. I’ve had the privilege of witnessing growth in the agency as we strive to provide additional services and programs to women and their children in the Barrie community who have had to live with abuse and violence. Our profile in the community has grown over these years leading to an increase in donations, fundraising events and needed support for us and for the women we serve. We have established or re-established connections with our community partners and continue to speak out for our clients in a variety of settings and contexts. Our expertise is more recognized now and requested on a more frequent basis. And we have joined forces with our sister shelters to lobby more effectively for government funding. It feels like I’ve been in a whirlwind of activity since 2008 when I first walked through the doors of WCS.

I’m amazed at the changes that have occurred in such a short time. Technology continues to develop and now smart phones replace cells and tablets replace laptops. The dark side of social media has become more evident in particular the abusive way that it can be manipulated to oppress women and cause harm to those targeted. Language has taken on a new meaning with texting and privacy and is becoming less and less of a value to be protected and cherished. Cameras are no longer necessary and phones can be used to snap photos, take videos or record conversations. In such a fast changing technological world it’s become challenging for shelters to keep up with and understand the ramifications of these changes for the women who utilize our services. Always able to speak and define a common language, the shifting communication landscape is testing our ability to adapt and modify the way we provide service. In many ways this is exciting and presents more varied styles and methods to reach women in our community who most need our services. However, it also speaks to the ability of agencies, like ours, to adapt and adjust to the ever changing needs and lifestyles of our clients and the world in which they inhabit.

I like to think that we’ve come a long way since shelters first opened their doors more than 35 years ago and that women are less victimized and more respected and treated as equitably as their male counter parts. However, I’m constantly reminded of the brutal and cruel ways in which women have been abused by those they love or respect, not only in our society or culture but throughout the world. I listened to a talk show not that long ago on HBO, Real Time with Bill Mayer who has political and media guests on his show. They were discussing the violence perpetrated on women in Muslim countries and compared what happened in these countries to the level of abuse and violence perpetrated on women in our more western, Global North countries. It was clear that they ‘missed the boat’ in their western perceptions. Sure, women in our society can go to school freely and find work and be a participating member of society. In other cultures these avenues are closed to women and girls. But don’t let’s kid ourselves that the abuse is less here because it’s less seen. It’s more subtle but just as damaging and controlling. Think of the battle raging now in the US around women’s reproductive rights, the media images of ‘feminized’ women and girls, the overt cyber bullying and sexting abuse of young girls, predatory cyber-trolling of underage girls and boys by pedophiles and the death, disappearance and lack of concern by our police forces and politicians for hundreds of missing aboriginal women and girls. And I could go on!

But, to a great extent, we have ‘come a long way’. We have achieved much since the early days of ‘Mad Men’ and the restricted positions that women held in society. However, like all oppressed groups, we cannot rest on our successes and let the subsequent generations forget where we came from and what we had to do to reach our current state. We cannot pause; we need to continue to remind the community that violence against women exists and, in particular, we need to engage men in the effort to reach gender parity. Our voices are not enough – we need the voices of men and boys to proclaim the rights of all and speak out when they witness injustice, violence or oppression. I believe we have begun this partnership and I’m excited about a future when we will all stand together as equal partners and raise our collective voices as we loudly speak out on behalf of human rights for everyone.

Peace,Lynda MuirExecutive DirectorWomen & Children’s Shelter of Barrie

Message from the Chair – Ing Brown

Another year has come to a close. The time always seems to fly. More this year than the others it feels. This will be my 7th year serving on the Board of Directors. But in actual fact it’s been twenty years since I first began a relationship with the Shelter when I first walked in with two young children. I didn’t realize then that I would be starting a relationship that would span two decades. My success story has been shared with women many times so that they would realize that they were safe, could start again, and that the Shelter would help them.

Serving on the Board for seven years has taught me what a sound Shelter we have operationally. What great front line workers and a fantastic Outreach Office we have. I am honoured to be a part of it all. On December 6th at Barrie Public Library I welcomed everyone to the event. I spoke as Chair on this solemn occasion and reminded everyone about what we were commemorating and to remember not only those that died in Montreal, but all of the women before that and since. I rose again part way through the evening and grabbed my second set of notes. This time speaking as a survivor and what that feels like on this the 20th year since I left the abusive situation, an anniversary that I mark quietly each year in celebration of having found the courage to start again. Thanks to the Barrie Public Library for having graciously allowed us to hold our event there. It seemed the perfect place where so many words that affect peoples’ lives exist in books. The words of all who spoke affected everyone that night. I continue to be moved by women who speak about their personal experiences. I know the courage it takes. But as much courage as it takes, so does the heart also lift, open and ease with the telling. I’ve been telling for 20 years. I’ll continue to tell for as long as my story is needed.

I also attended International Women’s Day and had invited one of my daughters to the event. Booths on one side of the hall with inviting products and services, food was available and wonderful uplifting speeches of individuals who have triumphed. Not necessarily survivors of domestic violence but survivors of life. Survivors of struggles, and triumphs over those struggles. Women who are strong and resilient. Who never thought of themselves as strong. We are strong. We continue to overcome all kinds of obstacles each and every day. It was wonderful listening to the speeches. My three year old granddaughter felt compelled to get up and dance with me to the great musical artist. She is the reason I continue to do this. I serve so that my children might always know there is a place for them to come. So that my granddaughters know that Gramma helped women who needed a place to stay that was safe.

I stood up to speak, thank all of the vendors and the caterers and to mention my Mother. Emalyn, my granddaughter, thought it best that she come with me when I delivered my speech. I stood up and looked down at her and realized that delivering the speech sitting at the edge of the stage with my granddaughter and my daughter kept things real. I spoke of my Mother, an immigrant who left Estonia when the Russians invaded her country, and who stayed at an internment camp in Germany before being able to come to Canada with $2 in her pocket; the latter given to her by someone on the ship before they docked in Halifax. She didn’t become a doctor or lawyer, but she worked hard her entire life, raised three children, saw two grandchildren almost grow up before she passed away. A strong, resilient woman with a work ethic that she passed down to her children and grandchildren. Memories that we continue to speak of on a daily basis. A perfect woman to speak about on International Women’s Day. So many women whose stories will never be told. Who have triumphed over tragedy and gone on to THRIVE, not merely survive.

From left – Cindy Korpatnicki, Ing Brown, Lee Abrahami, Wendy Burgess, Rob McLeod, Holly Sanford, Sue Gillies, Georges Olivier

This year as Chair has been bitter sweet. Our tireless Board of Directors has worked long hours to bring on a new Executive Director to replace our Lynda who is retiring this year. Many long hours of interviewing by our HR Committee found someone that we hope will take the Shelter boldly forward. With special thanks to Lee Abrahami, Wendy Burgess, and Georges Olivier for the hours of dedication it took to hire a new Executive Director. The task we had at hand was not an easy one. How can we hope to fill shoes that Lynda Muir walked in for six years? The hard work, dedication and devotion to her job has always been apparent to everyone that has been blessed to know her. Thank you is not adequate. Let the gauntlet be passed to Claudine Cousins, and may the rest in retirement Lynda, be an easy, joyous and peace-ful one. You will be missed.

I want to say a thank you to all of our Board Members for the fantastic job that they have done this year - Sue Gilles the Vice Chair, Lee Abrahami, Wendy Burgess, Georges Olivier, Cindy Korpatnicki, Rob McLeod and Holly Sanford, our newest Board Member. Thank you all for your diversity and support of the Shelter over this year. With diversity comes understanding. It is wonderful to see the coming together of people from all walks of life for one common goal.

A huge ‘thank you’ to all of our generous donors who have supported WCS all these years. The women who grace our Shelter thank you for having a safe place to stay with front line workers to help them; a chance for their healing to begin.

Thank you to the city of Barrie, whose unwavering support is made evident by all who attend our events. As this year comes to a close, I look forward to seeing where the new year will take us. Thanks to All


CHILD & YOUTH WORKERS Marie continues to work as a Child and Youth Program Worker full time, Ruth has stepped down from her position in September and is now working as relief so she can further her education as she works on completing her Bachelor of Social Work. Jenn has been working at the shelter as a relief worker since February 2012 and in October accepted the full time position of Child and Youth Pro-gram Worker; please join me in welcoming Jenn into her new position.

Marie continues to focus her learning on Autism and attended a workshop along with Ruth; Addressing Sleep Disorders in Children with Autism and other Special Needs to support the growing need of families we serve. Marie has also completed training to be a facilitator for the Sunbeams program in partnership with the Ontario Early Years Centre Marie is finishing her first 10 week session May 1st, running a group with 5 children between the ages of 3-5yrs, supporting them through grief of the separation of their parents. Marie also attended a workshop of human trafficking and internet safety as well as a one day workshop on self care.

RECREATION & PROGRAMMINGDuring the summer, families had the opportunity to participate in several different activities planned by the Child and Youth Program Workers including outings to Canada’s Wonderland, Elmvale Zoo, Rounds Ranch, Cineplex theatre, local parks, and swimming at the recreation centre which wouldn’t be possible without the generosity of our community supporters. Other planned activities included outside water activities, large outdoor painting canvasses, scavenger hunts, crafts, baking, movie nights, and games nights.

Dreams Take Flight included the shelter again this year in their 1 day trip to Disney World’s Magic Kingdom in May 2013. Ruth was given the privilege of escorting four children from the shelter on this amazing and life-changing trip!

Throughout the school year, children and their mothers participated in planned evening activities such as swimming at the Holly Recreation Centre, going to the movies, Mom and Kids Cook Together, bingo nights and life skills groups. Help with homework and a healthy after school snack is also provided by the Child and Youth Program Workers throughout the week.

STUDENT PLACEMENTSWe apply annually for funding for a summer student through Human Resources Development Canada, Summer Career Placement Program. This year our program had one college student; Celina Thompson who worked along side the Child and Youth Program Workers to create and implement our summer recreation program to provide the children and teens residing at the shelter an exciting and activity filled summer they would not forget.

We also had Lindsay, a 3rd year Child and Youth Worker student from Georgian college who was with us 2 days a week from September until mid April and did a wonderful job with the children and creating fun learning activities and information boards.

THANK YOUWe want to deeply thank our community partners who have donated their time and resources to helping our children and youth. You have all made a difference in the lives of the children and youth who resided in the shelter this year. Our community partners include:

• Rounds Ranch • Elmvale Zoo • Canada’s Wonderland

• Dreams and Wishes • Dreams Take Flight

• Brent McTavish: He charitably fundraises each year to send one child to Camp Simpresca each summer. What a wonderful way to impact a child’s life.

• Norm Hobbs: He generously gives up his Christmas Eve every year to be our Santa Claus and hand out gifts to all the children living in the shelter. We appreciate his generosity and commitment to ensuring each child feels safe and cared for during the holiday season.

• George Martin & Simcoe County Airport Shuttle Services: George annually donates a van and his time to safely transport the Dreams Take Flight group to the airport and back. We value his continued commitment!

Empowering women and their children through the great outdoors

OLE Final Report – Sept 2013 by: Linda Ivsins, Outreach Group Facilitator

The OLE program continues to increase in numbers and commitment level of the participants. This year we returned to Bass Lake Provincial Park near Orillia with with 5 women and 12 children. With five team leaders, we had 20 people camping. Initially we started the group with 10 families and each of these families completed the Discover Canoe Clinics with the Barrie Canoe and Kayak Club. Some of the families were unable to attend the trip but all were exposed to a new skill and outdoor experience with their children. We have now had over 125 women and children through the OLE program since 2006.

This year our theme for OLE was Transformation and we learned about the life cycle of the butterfly. Heather Willett of Butterfly Kisses runs an educational program and volunteered to teach our group about the butterfly and in particular the monarch. She encouraged us to look for larva and caterpillars and assisted us with identifying and raising the creatures. We had hope to find the Monarch caterpillars and raise them to butterflies that would could release at the end of our program. Unfortunately the plight of the Monarchs has been well documented this year and we were not able to find any.

We had a kind donor who gave us a butterfly for each OLE family to release at the end of our program during the BCKC Annual Barbeque and Corn Roast.

“We were very grateful to be able to end our program with the release of the butterflies you donated. Women and their children were able to recognize their achievements and feel more confident to face their new life together in a healthier, happier way. Like the monarchs, these families have faced challenges and struggled to transform their situations often with painful loss and on-going hardships. It was heartening to see the families make their wishes, let go of their past and like their butterflies, be set free.“


Some of our usual donors helped us out this year including Chappell Farms and Costco! However we were most excited to find a partner with the Barrie YMCA. I had applied to Cathy Mills for Jumpstart program monies and she was able to sponsor our children through HealthStar for clinics and camping expenses. She did confirm that JumpStart will sponsor the OLE program in future and has offered some money this fall for additional programming or equipment costs. We also received in kind support from Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC). They collected used camping items from their patrons and their store returns and donated it to OLE. They also offered us an opportunity to fundraise through a barbeque at their store.

With this additional support, we were able to stay on budget this year. Our leaders all took some additional canoeing courses so we could be more helpful to Marilyn Clark who has been our trip leader for several years. I leave you with her reflections on OLE 2013 as well as one of our participant’s thank you note.


Dear Linda/Dorothy/Alison/Julia, Thank you so much for all you do for the women and children related to the OLE program! I thoroughly enjoyed the great group we had this year, and wish to also thank you very much for the thermos – someone was listening! I loved it and the picture and note which accompanied it was delightful. I know the Club was grateful to receive the thank you card which Emma created. I have scanned it for our Club records. Emma has a wonderful talent for drawing! I’m so sorry I missed the closing celebration. I hope you will consider this email my thanks to all of you ~ looking forward to next year’s program.

Warm Regards, Marilyn ClarkCourses Coordinator - BCKC

Legal Resource Advocate Report

Legal assistance and information is provided to abused women, to assist with the process of moving through various levels of the justice system. • Legal information and support • Legal referrals , but NOT legal advice • Accompaniment to legal appointments and Court Support. Please contact: Legal Resource Advocate at (705) 721-9977 ext. 22

I have seen many changes during my tenure at the Outreach Office, but the most recent change is the increasing frequency of elder abuse. Stats dated 2011 report 75,284 seniors In Simcoe County and the number is predicted to increase in 2031 to 164,257.

Elder abuse comes in many forms, physical, emotional, sexual, neglect, mental, psychological and financial. The abuse could be caused by a family member, a friend or someone the older person relies on and who usually has control or influence over the victim. It is seldom reported because of fear of being institutionalized, embarrassment, guilt, shame, fear of punishment by the abuser, and lack of awareness of community resources.

Some services available are: • Emergency Services - 911, • Women & Children’s Shelter of Barrie - 705.728.2544, • WCS Outreach Office - 705.721.9977, • Assaulted Women’s Helpline - 416.863.0511, • Francophone Services - 705.797.2060,• Crime Stoppers – 1.800.222.8477, • Aboriginal Legal Services - 416.408.3967, • Senior Safety Line - 1.866.299.1011 available 24/7 and available in 150 languages, • Advocacy Centre for the Elderly - 416.598.2656, and • ARCH Disability Law Centre - 416.482.8255• Live Answer 211 Helpline.

The Ontario Network for The Prevention of Elder Abuse (ONPEA) has officially changed its name to Elder Abuse Ontario (EAO), heralding a new era of greater community visibility, clear communication, and new directions.

For more information about Elder Abuse Ontario, please contact: 416.916.6728 or [email protected] or www.elderabuseontario.com 234 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 500 Toronto, ON, M4P 1K5

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, wear something “purple” on June 15th 2014.

December 6, 2013National Day of Remembrance andAction on Violence Against Women

The Women & Children’s Shelter of Barrie held a day of remembrance on December 6 tohonour all the women and children who have died across the province as a result of gender-based violence. The event was held at the Barrie Public Library and was open to the public. Barrie’s new Chief of Police, Kimberley Greenwood, spoke about what this day meant to her. We also had two survivors speak about their experiences and how WCS had helped them along their healing journey. Those in attendance were clearly moved by the courage of these two women who have chosen to speak out about their experiences.

Violence against women is a community problem, not a woman’s problem, so it’s always inspiring to see members of the community in attendance at this event for without their support our voices would be lost in the wilderness. Thank you to all who attended and to those who came and found the doors locked because it was after hours at the library and we didn’t have the foresight to have a person on door duty. Although you were not at the event, your presence was felt.

The Youth Outreach & Awareness Program (YOAP) experienced a remarkable year of development and growth. As the coordinator of the program I continue to be inspired and motivated by the commitment of our community to work towards ending violence in our families, schools and communities.

Our healthy relationship, violence prevention program has eight different topics that can be provided as a single lesson or an eight-lesson program. We offer two programs, one developed for secondary school grades 9-12 and the other for elementary grades 7/8. February 2014 marked the beginning of the program being offered in elementary schools. At the time of this report we have provided 7, eight lesson programs to elementary schools in Barrie.At the programs inception in secondary schools beginning in September 2012 the requests most often were for single lessons. As the school year continued and relationships were built with teachers and students, more requests were made for the entire eight-lesson program. This year we experienced an astounding increase in the requests for the entire program. The graph below depicts the number of individual lessons provided in both the single lesson format (blue) and eight-lesson format (red). Research shows that, the impact of programs increase with multi lesson and multi year models.

The 2013/2014 school year, concluded with a total of 344 lessons being provided.

Feedback from teachers and students continues to be positive:

Administrator/Teacher“The students are loving the program, they are very engaged, can we book

you now for next year?” “This is an excellent program, it is great to have outside agencies give the

students these messages”.

Students“I love it when the Power Program is in our class”

“I think every student should have the Power Program”

Youth Outreach & Awareness Program

Numerous community partnerships have been formed that have expanded the development of our program. Georgian College is a large supporter of our recruitment and training of volunteers. The Aids Committee of Simcoe County has joined with us offering their input in program development, training and support facilitating the program. Nantyr Shores Secondary School supported our program this year by operating an awareness building fundraiser. The leadership class engaged young men in their school to participate in a “Walk A Mile Fundraiser” raising almost $400.00, at the same time demonstrating the importance to bringing awareness to ending violence in schools.

The program would not have reached this level of success without the dedication of the numerous volunteers who have committed their time to training and presenting this program to our youth. I am inspired daily by their contribution to our program. It takes an entire community to create change and these individuals demonstrate leadership, commitment and dedication to working towards ending gender-based violence. I simply cannot thank them enough. The following volunteers have participated in providing presentations in the classroom this year. I simply cannot thank them enough.


Cate Tilden, Gaye Sclater, Jennifer Pilkey, John Peacock, Dylan Neumann, Heather McKnight, Anne-Marie McAllister, Clare Marshall, Kerren Klekner, Maggie Kitchener, Will Kitchener, Andrea Gonzalez, Aaron Green, Caroline Doherty, Jana Douglas, Liane Costin, Brier Bimm, Dale Boyal, Sheri Astorion, Karyn Cooper, Nicole Alexander, Jessica Yourkin, Joanna Shaw, Lisa Goodridge, Rebecca Lormand, Shelley Maeck, Bonnita Parent, Dorothy Coad, Michael Raftis, Kirsten Ruby, Matt Shaw, Liza Simcoe –Kim, Stefani Trigiani, Renee Wazbinski, Kelley WilkeyWithout ongoing financial support, this vital educational program will not be able to continue past this year. YOAP is one of the few programs within the agency that does not receive sustainable government funding. We were able to create, launch and develop the program with a 3-year Trillium grant but the funding comes to an end in October, 2014. We are cautiously optimistic that we’ll be able to continue this highly successful and effective program into 2015 through various grants and with the generous financial support of the community.

Alison WilliamsYouth Outreach and Awareness Program Coordinator

Transitional Housing and Support Program Report

My experience with Transitional Housing & Support through Women & Children’s Shelter of Barrie:

My experience with the Transitional Support team was fantasic. Dorothy was so helpful, and very supportive. There had been a mix up with my file at the Social Housing Department and she coordinated everything between myself and housing and I ended up getting my choice of residence in a few weeks time. She also helped me with groceries and baby supplies at a time when I needed help most. She was just so fantastic, I really appreciated her assistance.

My experience with Group through the Women & Children’s Shelter of Barire Outreach Program:

I have attended three closed groups and I have to say that each and every time I have learned something new. Linda as the group facilitator is amazing!!! If not for this group, I don’t know how I would have gotten through my rough times. I would highly recommend this group to anyone. I just love it, and Linda so much!


not by chance; to make changes, not

excuses; to be motivated and not

manipulated; to be useful, not used.

I choose self-esteem, not self pity; to listen to my inner voice, not the

random opinions of others.

Winter Sponsorship Program 2013

What an exciting year the Winter Sponsorship Program has had. This is the second year that we have partnered with the Barrie Examiner and what a wonderful opportunity this has provided our women and children who struggle at this particularly stressful time of the year.

The media coverage led to an increase in the number of donors who participated in the program this year. The ease of dropping off parcels or gift cards improved and streamlined the process significantly.

We are so grateful to the Barrie Examiner for their support and willingness to make this a successful and effective program. And we are always moved by the generosity of the citizens of Barrie who reach out to others during the holiday season. The number of families that we are able to sponsor has grown over the years since we first began the program. As we all know, the holiday season can be a very expensive time of the year and it is particularly stressful for parents who do not have the resources to meet the needs of their families during this time of the year. Women on fixed incomes or working at minimum wage jobs are taxed with trying to stretch their meagre cheques to accommodate presents for their children and holiday meals for their families. I’m sure you can imagine what it’s like to have children asking for expensive presents that are out of the reach of their mothers to obtain them. We all want to give our children whatever we can to make them happy and to ensure that they don’t feel that they’re treated differently than other children.

Through the Winter Sponsorship Program, Women & Children’s Shelter has been able to somewhat ease this holiday stress to and assist mothers during this very challenging time of the year. However, we couldn’t do it without the continued support of the community.

I’d like to take this opportunity to express a very warm and sincere ‘thank you’ to everyone who participated in the program this year. Words cannot convey how much your generosity is appreciated. And finally, we eagerly look forward to another partnership year with the Examiner. Truly, the success of the program would have been muted without their participation. Many thanks.

TD Bank Winter Sponsorship

I am Pam.You may not know me personally, but you saved my life.

Four years ago my 20 year marriage came to an abrupt and violent end. A�er charges were laid, arrests completed, I began my own powerful journey from an abused, broken

woman to a successful survivor.I was directed to the women and children’s shelter where my recovery gently began. �rough the support of the shelter I was taught many valuable coping skills, helping

tremendously as I adapted to my new circumstances.I can’t express enough how truly grateful I am for all the support I so desperately

needed. �rough your many supports like a�ordable housing, group support, and personal counseling I have been able to survive my abusive relationship and come out

feeling empowered. I am an honor graduate of Georgian College, receiving awards along the way, and have

moved forward as a full time Patient Service Clerk on the Cancer & Palliative Inpatient unit of our very own community hospital, the Royal Victoria

Regional Health Centre here in Barrie!You believed in me, walked beside me, and encouraged me.

My Success is your successI am Pam - a survivor

Personal Re�ection

Base Borden, Dragon Boat Proceeds

1157774 Ontario Inc1820990 Ontario Incorporated2125117 Ontario Limited50 Plus Social ClubA.A.A. BarrieAbe & Ken's AutoAcadia Car ClinicAcadia AutoActive Beauty Supply OutletAdam SheppardAdam Tan DentistryAdelle McAffeAGF Investments Inc.AKN Automotive Ltd.Al's Tire CentreAl & Janet PantingAl BeacockAl MarionAl TurcotteAlan KalideenAlex WilsonAlfred WatsonAlice WarmanAlisa AugerAlissa DiBellaAllan ElleryAlliston Radiator & Mechanical ServicesAltered Spaces 1Amanda TaoylorAMJ Auto SalesAmy StevensonAndrea DickinsAndrew PartridgeAndy and Mary FlamentAndy TichelaarAngela IgnotoAngela McMullinAnn-Catherine or Wayne HartlingAnna CaliaAnne DonnellyAnne GrahamAnne Lafortune

Anne MollerAquamartArmand Auto BodyAshley BrownAthletes ChoiceATMS Fire Protection Services Inc.Auto-Tech N` TireAuto DoctorAyesha ShabooBarbara MartinBarrie Bridge ClubBarrie Civitan ClubBarrie Covenant CRCBarrie FordBarrie Free Methodist ChurchBarrie Jiu JitsuBarrie MompreneursBarrie Welding & MachineBarrie Women’s ConnectionBarry GilbertBay City SMSBeach Road AutoBeachcomber Hot TubsBed, Bath & BeyondBell, Book & CandleBernadette SauveBernice KennedyBernice Tattersall

Our Generous Supporters 2013-2014

Beverly ClarkBeyan AgnewBill DrummondBilly WilsonBMO Financial GroupBNI Ontario Central North RegionBob SturgessBrad CookBrad HainesBradley DibbleBrenda BrownBrenda CockburnBrenda Lee MacDonaldBrent MortonBrian BaleBrian Burlock

Bridget ConradBruce DennisonBruce GoddardBryan UnderhillBurkitt Computer Corp.C.C. Tatham & Associates Ltd.Can-SaveCanada's WonderlandCanadian Crane & Hoist Manufacturing Ltd.Canadian Women's FoundationCar WorxCardocsCarline MufflersCarol AlexanderCarol ChapmanCarol HoweCarol ThibeaultCarole LowtherCarolyn FosterCarolynn W YeatesCarolynne ForcierCarrol Gilbert-PasrkowskiCassie DupuisCentennialCentral United Church Finance CommitteeCEP Local 714Chris DempsterChris Dousette (Honda)Chris GariepyChris GrantChris KennettChristie ClarkChristina DiganChristine McGeachyCI InvestmentsCIBC Asset ManagementCIBC Wood GundyCindy N JamiesonCindy PeachThe Mady Centre - City of BarrieClair RobertsonClaire Powell and Ken Gordon

Jennifer Aldrich bakes cakes for the children staying at the

shelter over their birthdays.�ank you, Jennifer!

Claude LebeauClear Air SolutionCloset InteriorsClubLinkCNFIU *Colin TaylorColleen ParrColleen StevensCollier Street UnitedCollier Street United Church WomenCollingwood Automotive Repair & ServiceComet Chemical Company LTDCordino's Fine Meats&DeliCori StrathdeeCory JonesCountry Auto ElectricCounty of SimcoeCraig GouldingCraig MolnarCravings Corp.Creemore Automotive&TransmissionCrl SherdownCrown Hill Womens InstituteCrystal CummingCubcare Creations Inc.Cyndi HillierCynthia BarretteCynthia HawboltDan AlfondDan BoothDarlene LoystDarlene StoneDarlene TurgeonDarryl SimpsonDave EdwardsDave HendersonDave LelieverDavid ArmstrongDavid HallettDavid HammersDavid ShawDe-Anna Moreau

Deacons First CRCDebi Newman - ArbonneDebbie WilsonDeborah BantingD. EdwardsDeena DecostaDennis GelchristDennis HallamDennis RobinsonDerek SpenceDiane BraonleyDiscovery Child Care CentreDIY Arts CollectiveDok AutoDon BuchananDon DownerDon KomarechkaDon MarchantDon MonteithDon SawyerDonna GartnerDonna ChantlerDonna CopelandDonna HarveyDoreen BrittDoris MooreDoris SchusterDorothy HillDoug BowieDoug MurphyDouglas OsborneDr AhmedDr. Gail ChurchillDr. Gary S. Ford DentistryDr. Howard BloomDr. Jan P. MoreauDr. Jessica ClarkDr. Rebecca Kershen HulbertDr. Shannon CauseyDreams & WishesDrew CulosDrs Dickson Korkola & Haines

Dump n MoveDuncan ScottEckert Auto SalesEd KedhaneEdward BanwilleEdward GorrellElaine EveEleanor GibsonEleanor SweezieElizabeth BrawnElmvale Flos Fire AssociationEmmanuel Baptist ChurchER Automotive RepairErika GarrettErin CraigExtreme Collision CentreExtreme Imaging Inc.Farm Business Consultants Inc.Fed. Superannuates National Assoc.First Christian Reformed Church of BarrieFitzgerald FamilyFrances LeggattFrancine McKenzieFrank GuidoFrank GoydosFraser BoucherG.D. Coates SuzukiGale BaleGalina JohnstonGareth EvanGarry BardGary YorkeGaven BlackGCIC Ltd.Genevieve SelkGennifer LynchGeorgian Chevrolet Buick GMC Inc.Georgian CollegeGeorgina HagenGerry CalhanGerry WebbGinn Family Foundation

Glen ConnorGlenn BoucherGlenn HarperGlenn ShawGolden GriddleGord JacksonGrace United ChurchGracyana LassakGrant ThorntonGraydon OldfieldGreg FergusonGreg LarmandGreg MoffattGregory CampbellGus KoutoumanosGuy DesrochesGuy KerrGwen DeGrootHairscape SalonHalina Neter

Hand Stamped SentimentsHans GeilerHarold McMasterHarvey`s MidlandHawkestone Construction Group Ltd.Hawkestone Service CentreHeather & Wayne DunnHeather BellerbyHeather BrouaerHeather GittingsHeather J ZabaHeather RosierHeather WillettHeinz AppelbaumHelen & Ronald CouttsHelen ShaughnessyHillsdale Service CentreHolly Auto Service CentreHolly MartinHomeland Auto ServiceHomeSenseHope Macdonald

Kempenfelt Rotary Holiday Donation

Horizons NetworksHuronia Christ Catholic ChurchHwy 400 TransmissionHydro OneIan M InteshIan MayhewIan McKearnenIan StuardInnisbrook Golf Course LimnitedInnisfil Chapter #162Irene CrawfordIwona SucharzewskiJ M ProjectsJ W WalkerJ&S AutoJ.A. SasseuifleJ.P.`S Service Centre Inc.Jaana HancockJack LeSageJackie LearyJacob KepecsJacqueline HolmesJacynta McLeodJames WoottonJami SuterJan & Ray MartinelliJanet BighamJanet KunJanet PattersonJason HurdleJason LatimerJay CowandJeff AbbottJeff JoanisseJeff MitchellJen PollitJennie HoekstraJennifer MacEachernJenny HallJerry's Body ShopJesephine WarnerJessica Duiker

Jessica MurphyJill CaronJim EdwardsJim KargesJim McTaggartJim ThomsonJim TuttleJoanne ChandlerJoe FickerJoe FinleyJoe HurdleJoe HynesJoedel ConcepttonJohn DaleJohn GarnerJohn GauntJohn HurdleJohn KellyJohn McKenzieJohn Nyhof

John Paul LeblancJohn SlackJohn WilcoxJonathan BrunerJoseph BrouilletteJoyce ThomsonJRH ToolsJudy IrvineJudy KreloneJudy McKayJudy TantaloJuliann M BusseyJulie CarthewJulie DavisJulie MoldenJunior BlakeK StrangK. DalzeilKaren BurtonKaren CalwellKaren EilersenKaren Hammond

Karen JonesKaren PearsonKaren ShamasKaren ToulouseKatharine KooyKathleen AustinKathy M ParliamentKathy SkinnerKatie MacDonaldKatie MurphyKatrine LarorgueKeeley AllingtonKeith or Susan BoyceKelley HoggarthKelly MeyerKelsey CollinsKempenfelt Bay School *Kempenfelt RotaryKen PrestonKen & Denra McDonaldKen & Donna O'BrianKen BrittKenneth TaylorKim BreedonKim ColweuKim DrennanKim HigginsKim LathmoreKimberly MacKenzieKirstie ByrneKoppenol's AutoKorleen SmithKristie McDonaldKristin FrenchKristinaKristina McLenaghenKurtis SarjeantL ThurlowLarry HigginsonLashLaura Ashby

Laura JohnstonLaurie CummingLawrence HoubenLawrence NormanLeah EustaceLeanne LuckLee PackLeena NarsinghaniLefroy -Belle Ewart LegionLeo LanzaloneLesley UniacLeslie MarjerrisonLife 100.3Lillian GilbertLinda DufourLinda F WilsonLinda Laforge - KoebelLinda PearceLinda Walton & Cali GloverLions Club of BarrieLisa Collins-OfrenchukLisa LabrecqueLisa MathersonLisa SpauldingLisette HughesLloyd AtkinsonLloyd MalloryLogan`s Golden MileLorenzo MasciouLorie ChryslerLorinda WeatherallLorna BoydLorna D GoodingLorna PayneLouis YonLubo BenediktyLucky Souls TattooLucy NabessLyn MonovanM CookeM R Auto ServiceM Schuster

Magggie ShawMagie McCarthyMajor Eric SimardMaranatha Church of GodMarc`s Auto RepairMarguerite HandyMaria DeathMaria E PintoMarie KavanacaMarilyn CarmanMarisa DosreisMark BloxamMark RavenMarlene MarionMarsha RenaudMarten NieuwhofMary-Anne VilleneureMary & John BreezeMary Ellen VarneyMary Henderson

Mary Jane PatersonMary LesageMary Lou & Charless RuttanMary Riggin-SpringsteadMaster MechanicMatt HarlonMaurice MinerMcKay's MechanicalMeineke Car Care CentreMelissa WalonskiMhai O Mhai BeadsMichael & Cheryl FergusonMichael DÀmatoMichael PalmerMichael RyanMichelle MackieMidasMidhurst Oil-Tech & Car Care CentreMike the Mattress GuyMike AdamsMike BlaisMike Crowther

Mike DoveMike GilbertMike KosticMike MaloneyMike MurphyMike RussellMike SlaneyMike WarnMikes Service CentreMimi LeeMister TransmissionMoffatt's MazdaMountain Equipment Co-opMoxie's Classic GrillMPACMr. John BovilleMr. Ryan McMinnMrs. Susane Borg-PetleN.V. ME (Barrie) Inc.Nakonechny FamilyNancy LaubeNapoleon Appliance CorporationNathan PritulaNeil Foord-KelceyNick LecuyerNicole CloseNicole CoteNicole JoyNora GavarreNorth Shore KustomsNorthern PrintworxNorthern Promotion Inc.Northern Safety LimitedNorthwest Barrie United ChurchNubert ElliotOK TireOntario Beta Beta MasterOntario Power Generations Inc.Original MondosOrillia Steer & Stop

P. StenzelPak Insurance Group Ltd.Pamela CudmoreParamount AutoPat BrennerPat DupinsPatricia ClarkPatricia GuinnPatrick MurphyPatsy McCarthyPatterson's Service Centre Inc.Paul CranneyPaul TomaszewskiPeggy DugganPeggy HuglesPepsico CanadaPeter & Heidi PassPeter & Nihan McBridePeter CaprarellaPeter DuivenwoordenPeter DunnePeter LabrecquePeter MaddenPeter SmithPeter SudeykoPetroff's GaragePhae & Chris NeilsonPierre MakariansPierre YellePizzeria ItaliaPrecision Auto SportsPrecision Nutrition Inc.Pro-Tech TireQuentin KeanR.D. Cook InvestmentR+R auto RepairRachel RenaudRae Chiropractic Professional Corp.Randy MooneyRandy ParsonsRayanna ParkinRebecca Garland

Rebecca Orgill TonerRebecca ShaveReitmansRenne RobertRhonda LeboeufRichard McNamaraRichard MireaultRichard PayneRick BrownRick TurolaRMA KarateRob BarrRob BradenRob GagneRob GrahamRob PachecoRobert JohnstonRobert MarshallRobert OldfieldRobert PhilipRoberta CardiffRoberts CollisionRogan GillespieRoger DeyRoger or Fredda FrenchRon NorthmoreRonald BaudreaultRory MacDonaldRose CambourneRosemary GillanRosilyn CraigRoss FarrantRoss WattRoula LoweRovena NadolskiRoyal BankRussell PriceRuth GuerinRuth LannoRuth SissonsS GarnerSamuel Lowry

Sandra NobleSandy HerrygersSandy & Doug ShieldSara BenediktsonSara ThornSara TriskleSarah ClarksonSarah DickeySarah DobsonSarah TaylorSarah TomaszewskiSaverio Di MondoSchmidt & Shaw Ltd.Scotia BankScotland Tire & AutoScott McLeanSean FitzgeraldSean SmithShane MayesShane SukhuShannon RipleyShari BaumanSharon CoombreSharon WynnSharrol B.V.Sheila NandermanSheldon HargraveShelley & Robert GilbertShelly LesperanceSheri BesseSherry BeauregandSherry HubbertSherry LithgowShirley ForlerShirley McCauleyShona PajorSigns In InnovationsSilvia LavnesSilvie LaffinSimcoe County District School BoardSCETFSimcoe Oil Lube

Simoro Golf & Ladies LeagueSkinner Ink TattoosSmiles Per Hour Inc.South Springwater Fire Fighters Assoc.Southview TooSpencer KendallSt. John Vianney CWLSt. Johns ACWStand 'n' Ready Property MaintenanceStacey PozzoStayner Auto Centre Ltd.Stella GanStephanie CrawfordStephanie LampronStephanie McKeeStephanie Quirion & Berangere DavidStephen DobsonStephen GageSteve ReynanSteve WestonSteven J RichardsonStewart EstenStreamline CollisionSue ElliotSummer PlewesSusan WilcoxSuzanne MurphySwitzer Auto RepairSylvie LabrosseT LewisT WilsonTabatha DuchesnaTammy CupelloTD BankTed ShierTelus Communications CoTelus CorporationTeresa HedleyTerri MacDonaldTerry AdkinsTerry JohnstonThe Albarrie Foundation

Valerie HooperValerie GlassValley Auto TechVanessa BechtoldVanessa MorrellVic`s Auto FixVicky MeyerVince's PetVivian PapaizVolkmar SchwarzWanda CenaWanda DickeyWanda LemayWaverley LandingWayne CraftWayne HaleyWDM Auto & CycleWendat Community ProgramWendy ClineWessam AutoWhite Rabbit Treatment HomesWild Wild WestWilliam J LeslieWilliam KlapperbeinWilliam LochmanetzWillisWilson The Law PracticeWinnersWINGS & HerosWomen's Association Essa RoadWomen to WomenWright's Plumbing Inc.Yan GrzelaZenetec CollisionZvonko Kurkic

The BarringtonThe Brumara FoundationThe Catholic Women's League of CanadaThe Coffee BouquetsThe Cooper Shop IncThe Estate of Phyllis HutchinsonThe Family Auto CentreThe Faris Team CorpThe Little Grape That CouldThe Melody in MeThe Nymark FoundationThe Tonglen FoundationThe UPS Store #156Theresa HargraveTheresa PanentTherese CamberTika ValentinoTim & AJ SquiresTim MenziesTim PiesleyTim SchlittTim WatsonTim WoodwardTimothy CowlingTina LeeTodd BourgonTodd McDonaldTom's AutoTOPS 4317 StroudTracey RandemTracy HotleTracy KellyTracy L JohnsonTranscom Worldwide (North America) Inc.Turney Lee-BunTurtle BeattieTyler BraunTyler MatherTyler SturgessUC Baby 3D UltrasoundUnited Way of Durham RegionUnited Way Toronto