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Page 1: WLC CAREER GUIDE JUNE2013 - ACWM · The Australian Institute of Weight Loss Consulting are proud to offer the Diploma of Weight Loss Consulting in conjunction with Registered Training



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Page 2: WLC CAREER GUIDE JUNE2013 - ACWM · The Australian Institute of Weight Loss Consulting are proud to offer the Diploma of Weight Loss Consulting in conjunction with Registered Training


Congratulations on taking your first step

towards an exciting new career as a

Weight Loss Consultant A Weight Loss Consultant can make a real difference by helping so many people to succeed in their lives. We all know people who help others achieve their goals, inspire friends and family to persevere in the face of adversity, and refuse to allow them to wallow in the seeming security of a mediocre life or career. They inspire others to greatness by gentle persuasion, constant encouragement or, at times, a more confronting inducement. Perhaps you know someone like that? Or perhaps you are someone like that which is why you are reading this publication?

Imagine the satisfaction you will get from directly improving the success of your clients with your new skills and knowledge. The Weight Loss Consulting industry offers exciting careers and business opportunities both now and in the future. This guide has been designed to help achieve your new career goals.

The Australian Institute of Weight Loss Consulting are proud to offer the Diploma of Weight Loss Consulting in conjunction with Registered Training Australia. This world class qualification gives you everything you need to start a full time or part time career or business as a Weight Loss Consultant.

If you need any further information, or have any questions, our Careers Team are here to help you.

Yours in education,

Sonja Bella CEO / Founder


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What is Weight Loss Consulting? It’s a myth that the reason so many people never accomplish their weight loss goals is because they don’t really want them or don’t want them badly enough! Weight Loss Consultants understand that. People use Weight Loss Consultants for the same reason they use sports coaches or personal trainers - they want someone to work with them, to encourage them, to push them. It’s easy to find excuses for not losing weight when you don’t have someone to push you - not as easy when your Weight Loss Consultant keeps you accountable with weekly meetings and measuring your results! Weight Loss Consulting can cover virtually every aspect of a person’s health and fitness– every goal that they might aspire to. Weight Loss Consulting is helpful for reducing weight, reducing fatigue, increasing vitality, increasing enthusiasm for life, regaining life-balance and the acquisition of specific skills and knowledge. Weight Loss Consulting can be this adaptable because it is not concerned with any one type of delivery or specialised training. It focuses on enablement, reflection and empowerment, and meeting each client’s needs as they go on their own real-life journey. In brief:

Weight Loss Consulting aims to draw out a person’s potential rather than input knowledge from outside

It develops rather than imposes It reflects rather than directs Effective Weight Loss Consultants enable people through education and

support mechanisms Weight Loss Consulting is reflective and flexible - it allows for personal

transition on an individual basis Weight Loss Consulting makes no assumptions - it’s not judgmental, nor is it

prescriptive or instructional Empathy is central to the Weight Loss Consulting process Good Weight Loss Consulting seeks to help the other person gain a better

understanding of him or herself Many people enter the Weight Loss Consulting profession having been assisted first, enjoying and benefiting from the experience, and feeling inspired to help others in a similar manner. Weight Loss Consulting offers a potentially rewarding additional or alternative career to people in all walks of life.  

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What do Weight Loss Consultants do? As a Weight Loss Consultant, your role is to provide objective, unbiased feedback to your clients and to determine the best course of action to meet your clients’ individual needs. Friends and family members, well-meaning as they may be, often think that they know what is best for someone else. However their ideas can conflict with what the individual believes is best for him or herself. Hence Weight Loss Consultants free their clients from expectations imposed on them by others. People sometimes spend their entire lives doing what they are told they should do, or what their parents or society expects of them. What about doing what they really want to do? Some people have been caught up in this cycle for so long that they are not even sure what they want. But they can still find out. Weight Loss Consultants do not have an agenda. They leave that up to the client. What one person’s idea or concept of their ‘ideal’ weight or body shape is may be completely different to yours In addition, Weight Loss Consultants help people who have tried ‘everything’ even at the cost of not enjoying what they are doing, to actually finding a balance between the outcomes they want to achieve and the activities, food and lifestyle factors they also enjoy. Their weight loss plan may not be full of only things they enjoy, but striking a balance is important for continuity and commitment. Another big issue in Weight Loss Consulting is helping people prioritise and helping them to find balance in their busy lives. Weight Loss Consultants report that a lot of their clients are already successful people, many whose upper level positions in the corporate world have left them feeling isolated and stressed with no time to put proper plans in place to look after their health and well-being. Another common group of people who Weight Loss Consultants find themselves helping are busy mothers and fathers who equally need to find the balance between juggling family commitments, having the energy and stamina to fit all of the day’s activities in as well as feeling good about who they are and how they look.

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What does a Weight Loss Consultant need to know? Weight Loss Consulting can be effective in many situations, for example in helping a person’s general fitness level and development, for achieving personal weight loss or just nutrition advice in general. Whatever the reason for working with a Weight Loss Consultant and whatever the outcomes the client wants from Weight Loss Consulting, a common feature in all Weight Loss Consulting relationships is that Weight Loss Consulting is a two-way process. The two-way partnership is a main attraction for people to Weight Loss Consulting. Both the Weight Loss Consultant and the client benefit. Professional growth for the Weight Loss Consultant is a huge aspect of learning how to be a better Weight Loss Consultant. Indeed most Weight Loss Consultants find that they themselves have been through their own personal journey, before starting to help others to do the same. An excellent Weight Loss Consultant finds out new things about themselves and is on a continuous learning journey. Indeed, becoming a Weight Loss Consultant means a lifelong quest for personal excellence. For many this quest is the motivation to become a Weight Loss Consultant in the first place. Helping clients discover their goals in relation to health, fitness and general happiness, and helping them to get there is now a proven methodology. This methodology is fuelling the increasing popularity of professional Weight Loss Consulting.

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Significantly, good Weight Loss Consultants are never motivated entirely by money. The very nature of Weight Loss Consulting means that it’s a profession that is centred on ‘making a difference’ and helping people. When the Weight Loss Consultant’s focus is on making money, not surprisingly, the client exits the relationship because of feeling a lack of concern for them and their situation. Happily the trend indicates that Weight Loss Consultants who enter the profession mainly for financial gain leave Weight Loss Consulting quickly - which helps to maintain the integrity of the Weight Loss Consulting profession’s reputation. Common factors and reasons for a Weight Loss Consultant entering the profession:

They like people and want to bring out the best in them They want to do something more fulfilling in their lives They want personal and financial freedom Their family, friends and colleagues previously turned to them for advice and

help - they have natural ‘people’ skills. Weight Loss Consulting entails helping yourself grow and become more self-aware whilst at the same time, helping others to overcome problems in their lives and achieve their dreams.

How Does Weight Loss Consulting Work? Weight Loss Consulting can be conducted either face-to-face or on the telephone/via Skype. There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches. The former sacrifices time for personal relationship. The latter allows more time whilst lessening the chance of gaining real personal intimacy. Many Weight Loss Consultants use a combination of both methods, depending on the client and their situation. For example, telephone Weight Loss Consulting is very convenient for people with a busy lifestyle or for Weight Loss Consultants who want to reach further than just their local community Many Weight Loss Consultants work in their own business. Being self-employed has its advantages:

Having the luxury to choose the hours you work, where you work and how much to charge for your service is a huge motivation for anyone considering joining the profession.

Weight Loss Consultants can choose how many clients they want - one client, or twenty.

If you are working from home, there are no overheads involved - a big incentive for people who want to enter the Weight Loss Consulting profession with little initial outlay.


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Weight Loss Consultants are attracted into the profession because it gives them:

Accelerated personal growth and understanding of self. A lifelong journey of personal experience and learning. The ability to enhance any job-role in any organisation in any industry. A right and good purpose and meaning in life, measured in real value terms of

effort and reward, not lost in a daily fog. Weight Loss Consulting brings out the best in people and motivates them to be the very best in whatever they do; weight loss and feeling good about one’s self has been proven to have a roll on effect in other parts of people’s lives. The ability to help people make lasting, positive changes in their lives is very special. Good Weight Loss Consultants have this special ability and it is therefore no wonder that people are attracted to the Weight Loss Consulting role. Little can compare to really making a difference in another person’s life. Typical motivations for becoming a Weight Loss Consultant are explained in this example: “It’s a wonderful experience when a client makes a breakthrough, has a ‘light bulb moment’ and takes action on something they have been putting off for a long time. It’s a fantastic feeling for both me and them.” (Pam Lidford, a UK-based qualified Weight Loss Consultant and trainer)

What are the typical challenges of Weight Loss Consulting? On a day-to-day basis, Weight Loss Consultants face many challenges. Since Weight Loss Consulting is an ongoing process, it means continuous development and a significant learning experience for Weight Loss Consultant and clients alike; it’s important to learn from ‘mistakes’ but the key to this is also realising that these aren’t actually ‘mistakes’ or failings in the first place. What many people regard as mistakes are lessons, experiences and opportunities to learn and develop. A Weight Loss Consultant must demonstrate resourcefulness and help people to see that even if they think they have failed in the past this has no bearing on what they can do in the future. Listening is the most important ability and behaviour of a Weight Loss Consultant. This takes patience, tolerance and practice, especially in order to develop real empathetic listening techniques. Communicating fully and expertly is a quality that most good Weight Loss Consultants will possess. Listening and identifying the key drivers and motivators of a client, and any underlying needs and desires, are key attributes and methods of successful Weight Loss Consultants. This skill is central to truly helping people reach a successful outcome.

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Understanding the client’s needs is also pivotal to the Weight Loss Consultant-client relationship and a prerequisite for avoiding difficulties in the Weight Loss Consulting support process. It is essential that Weight Loss Consultants, consult, and do not give advice. There’s a huge difference between consulting and advising. Weight Loss Consulting is centred around the client; whereas advising tends to be based on the beliefs, values and opinions of the advisor. In this respect a Weight Loss Consultant is most certainly not an advisor. The Weight Loss Consultant’s role and the Weight Loss Consulting concept are to help find a solution that fits with each particular client’s set of needs, lifestyle factors, limitations, desired outcomes etc. This is a fundamental principle for a successful Weight Loss Consultant as is recognising the Weight Loss Consulting requires a multi-faceted approach and not a ‘one size fits all’ program.

Is Weight Loss Consulting the right career for me? Weight Loss Consulting is unlike training, advising or providing a professional service in which work is completed on behalf of a client. The qualities required for good Weight Loss Consulting are different from those found in these other discipline areas.  

Listening In Weight Loss Consulting, listening is more important than talking. By listening, people can be helped to overcome their fears, be offered complete objectivity and given undivided attention and unparalleled support. This leads to the intuitive questioning that allows the client to explore what is going on for them. Communication skills Weight Loss Consulting is a two-way process. While listening is crucial, so is being able to interpret and reflect back in ways that remove barriers, pre-conceptions, bias and negativity. Communicating well enables trust and meaningful understanding on both sides. Weight Loss Consultants are able to communicate feeling and meaning as well as content. There is a huge difference. Communicating with no personal agenda and without judging or influencing, are essential aspects of the communication process especially when dealing with people’s personal anxieties, hopes and dreams. Good Weight Loss Consulting uses communication not to give the client the answers but to help clients find their answers for themselves.

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Rapport-building A Weight Loss Consultant’s ability to build rapport with people is vital. Normally such ability stems from a desire to help people which all Weight Loss Consultant tend to possess. Rapport-building is made far easier in Weight Loss Consulting compared with other services because the Weight Loss Consultant’s only focus is the client. When a Weight Loss Consultant supports a person in this way it quite naturally accelerates the rapport-building process. Weight Loss Consultants motivate and inspire people. The ability to do this lies within us all as it is borne of a desire to help and support. People who feel ready to help others are normally able to motivate and inspire. When someone receives attention and personal investment from a Weight Loss Consultant towards their well-being and development, such as happens in the Weight Loss Consulting relationship, this is in itself very motivational and inspirational. Curiosity, flexibility and courage Weight Loss Consulting patterns vary; people’s needs are different; circumstances and timings are unpredictable. Therefore Weight Loss Consulting relationships do not follow a single-set formula. Remembering that everyone is different and has different needs is an essential part of being a Weight Loss Consultant. Ultimately everyone is human so Weight Loss Consultants take human emotions and feelings into account. Weight Loss Consulting is client-led, which means that these emotions have to be tapped into from the very beginning of the Weight Loss Consulting process. So having the flexibility to react to people’s differences along with the curiosity and interest to understand fundamental issues in people’s lives are also crucial in Weight Loss Consulting. The Weight Loss Consultant’s curiosity enables the client’s journey to be full and far-reaching. Both Weight Loss Consultant and client are often surprised at how expectations are exceeded and how much people grow. All of this does take some courage. Weight Loss Consultants generally have a strong belief in themselves, a strong determination to do the best they can for their clients and a belief or faith that inherently people are capable of reaching goals themselves.

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Typically good Weight Loss Consultants will use and follow these principles:  

Listening is more important than talking.

What motivates people must be understood.

Everyone is capable of achieving more.

A person’s past is no indication of their future.

People’s beliefs about what is possible for them are their only limits.

Weight Loss Consulting does not include criticizing people.

All Weight Loss Consulting is completely confidential.

Some people’s needs cannot be met by Weight Loss Consulting and Weight

Loss Consultants recognise clients with these additional needs.

Becoming a professional Weight Loss Consultant is a significant way to develop experience, character, humanity and to add a rewarding new perspective to one’s own journey in life. Typically seeking a new outlook on life, a willingness to learn and a passion for helping other people are the first steps in the process towards becoming a Weight Loss Consultant. Learning to provide Weight Loss Consulting support to others generally involves a lot of learning about oneself. Weight Loss Consultants almost always find that they have had to explore and resolve a number of personal issues themselves before they are ready to begin helping others to do the same. Some of this experience can be surprising. It can also be a little scary! But it is usually ultimately rewarding. This makes becoming a Weight Loss Consultant a very deep, valuable and meaningful experience. Consider your answers to the following questions?  

Are you committed to living a fulfilling and successful life?

Do you love working with people?

Are you committed to helping people work through their weight loss


Are you a good listener?

Do you have a particular group of people that you are committed to making a

difference to?

Is your attitude ‘I’ll see how it goes’, or will you do everything in your power to

be the best possible Weight Loss Consultant, to promote your Weight Loss

Consulting business and to make it as successful as you can?

Are you prepared to invest the energy and money in order to make a well-

informed decision?

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What are the job and business prospects for Weight Loss Consultants? Weight Loss Consulting does not carry the stigma that therapy does. Men in particular are often reluctant to see a therapist and even more reluctant to admit to seeing one. But Weight Loss Consultants report that their clients are about evenly divided between the genders. Over the past decade, the number of self-employed individuals has skyrocketed. Surveys indicate that more than half of the population is not satisfied with their jobs, their lives or both. Some are disillusioned, feeling that their employers do not value them and subsequently come to the conclusion that they owe them no loyalty. Some want the independence and flexibility that self-employment offers. Others want the enjoyment of facing new challenges and responsibilities. Whatever the reason, the trend is evident. Perhaps this is one reason why so many people are turning to Weight Loss Consulting. Weight Loss Consulting is about getting the very best out of someone and enabling them to make decisions that will improve their health, well-being and ultimate their life. Weight Loss Consultants are hired for very many different and diverse reasons, for example, so that people can improve their health and fitness, feel more accepted at work, improve their relationships with family and partners, or from a desire to ‘look good. The profession is growing and Weight Loss Consulting is becoming widely acknowledged because people realise just how effective Weight Loss Consulting is. The Weight Loss Consultant’s role is to work with clients to help them find the most suitable method/s for weight loss to suit their particular set of needs and desires. Their motivation comes from working with a Weight Loss Consultant who is him/herself an upbeat, positive role model. In this way Weight Loss Consulting is a unique way of developing people. Weight Loss Consultants agree that helping clients to reach their full potential through this approach produces great satisfaction.

Weight Loss Consultants come from backgrounds as varied as these and the list is certainly not exhaustive:  










Human Resources

Personal Trainers

Voluntary workers

Charity workers

Emergency services

Service industries

Armed forces

Prison Service

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How much can I earn from Weight Loss Consulting? Often a Weight Loss Consultant’s first experience of Weight Loss Consulting or their first client will be someone already known to the Weight Loss Consultant. Many other Weight Loss Consulting relationships will result from recommendations or referrals from existing or past clients. Integrity and trust are significant factors in successful Weight Loss Consulting relationships, so it is logical that personal referrals and introductions are at the start of many Weight Loss Consultant-client relationships. It is a fact that most Weight Loss Consultants are recommended by existing or past clients. Aside from this, Weight Loss Consultants can and do market their services like any other professional provider, using a variety of appropriate methods, including internet websites, directories, brochures and leaflets. Many Weight Loss Consultants offer free trial sessions. Many people in business, institutions, management and organisations of all sorts learn how to become Weight Loss Consultants so as to enrich their existing roles with the very special skills, methodologies and philosophies that Weight Loss Consulting entails. As a Weight Loss Consultant you can charge $75 - $150 per session or $750 to $1500 per month depending on the frequency and level of support and service you provide to your clients. As an example, if you charged 10 clients an amount of $1000 per month, you would earn $10,000 per month or $120,000 per year. Publicity from various media also helps to spread the word and promote the reputations and availability of many Weight Loss Consultants. Weight Loss Consulting is very a popular subject, so practising Weight Loss Consultants can receive a lot of media interest. Weight Loss Consultants are seen by the public as having special skills that not everyone has - so it’s not unusual to see Weight Loss Consultants being interviewed on local radio or asked for their advice in newspaper articles, etc. The reputation of Weight Loss Consulting is growing along with the use of the concept. As such Weight Loss Consulting is becoming increasingly associated with modern recognised requirements for success in life, work, business and organisations. Notably the qualities of excellence, integrity, humanity and facilitative learning (as distinct from traditional ‘training’) are recognised. Scientific research will improve understanding of the profession including the processes performed, thereby elevating the reputation of Weight Loss Consultants themselves. We will progressively understand more about why Weight Loss Consulting works so well, and more about human behaviour and human response in the Weight Loss Consulting context. There will be a clearer definition, understanding and acceptance of life and its role in helping people to reach their weight loss goals.

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Weight Loss Consultants do not need to be a specialist in any particular field. That is not to say Weight Loss Consultant do not benefit from having expertise in a particular field. In fact approaching Weight Loss Consulting from a particular expertise or niche is becoming more prevalent among newly-trained Weight Loss Consultants. For example there is already a considerable Weight Loss Consulting presence and influence in the following areas:

Nutritionists / Dietitians Psychologists Life Coaches Personal Trainers / Exercise Physiologists Beauticians Pharmacists Nurses

There will always be a demand for good Weight Loss Consultants and because Weight Loss Consulting skills are so transferable, the Weight Loss Consulting capability is hugely valuable for all sorts of other jobs and roles. In the future Weight Loss Consulting is likely to incorporate and attract skills, resources and new Weight Loss Consultants from many different areas, such as: teaching, human resources, training, health care, nursing, the armed forces, the police, counselling and therapy, etc. The very nature of Weight Loss Consulting means that Weight Loss Consultants will recommend it as a career. Weight Loss Consultants are passionate about what they do and want to ‘spread the word’ about the benefits of Weight Loss Consulting from both the Weight Loss Consultant’s and the client’s perspective. Most Weight Loss Consultants would recommend a career in Weight Loss Consulting without a moment’s hesitation. Helping people to be the very best they can be, touching people’s lives, as well as guiding them to help them reach their goals provides immense job satisfaction. It is likely that demand for Weight Loss Consulting will not be met by the available supply of Weight Loss Consultants for many years. Compare this with management consultancy which has been established as a service area for many decades and is relatively well-supplied with management consultants. Weight Loss Consulting is a much newer discipline. Weight Loss Consulting is fast growing and still relatively under-supplied which is why many people are attracted to learn how to become a Weight Loss Consultant either to become a professional in their own right or to add Weight Loss Consulting skills to their existing role capabilities. People seeking new career direction or seeking to add new skills to an existing professional service capability are increasingly turning to Weight Loss Consulting. Weight Loss Consultants come from all kinds of backgrounds and professions. Not surprisingly, Weight Loss Consultants tend to like people and many Weight Loss Consultant come from ‘people’ and ‘caring’ professions.

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How do I get qualified as a Weight Loss Consultant? Learning to be a Weight Loss Consultant is a serious step and a serious commitment. It involves changing and setting new personal goals, way beyond learning a new skillset or beginning a new career. Accreditation and standardisation of Weight Loss Consulting skills and qualifications are increasingly becoming formalised all over the world. Whilst there are a number of organisations which provide training to become qualified as a Weight Loss Consultant, there is some way to go before Weight Loss Consulting standards reach international harmonisation and uniformity.  

The Australian Institute of Weight Loss Consulting can provide you with qualifications in Weight Loss Consulting that are to the highest standards as well as designed to suit your personal goals, experience and budget. Our courses are fully flexible allowing you to get your qualifications without giving up your day job.

Diploma of Weight Loss Consulting The Diploma of Weight Loss Consulting (Dip. Weight Loss Consulting) is designed to provide you with the opportunity to build a solid career or business as a Weight Loss Consultant. The subjects have been carefully chosen to provide a deeper level of understanding of human behaviour in addition to the key principles of Weight Loss Consulting. The Diploma is the entry level qualification for people who know that they want to enter a part-time or full-time career or business in Weight Loss Consulting.

Please note that the information provided in this course outline is indicative of the curriculum at the time of printing. The Australian Institute of Weight Loss Consultants undertakes continuous improvement in line with the requirements of Registered Training Australia and in line with the Australian Skills Quality Authority.

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Subject Information:

RTAAILC01A Utilise relevant psychological based models in understanding human behaviour.

Psychology is the study of animal and human behaviour. This course will develop your ability to analyse aspects of a person’s psychological state and apply derived knowledge to motivate that person. This provides a solid introduction/foundation for further studies of psychology covering the nature and scope of psychology, neurological and environmental effects on behaviour, personality, consciousness, perception, needs, drives and motivation. This unit gives you an interesting and informative start to the exciting field of psychology. This subject is perfect for students who want to gain a strong foundation in psychology and understanding people and provides an outline of the most common models used in coaching.

RTAACWLC02A Understand the principles of nutritional science

Understanding the principles of nutritional science is the cornerstone to success as a Weight Loss Consultant. The fundamentals which determine a healthy diet and assist in weight loss must be able to be identified in order to successfully advise clients on a suitable weight loss strategy; a diet which meets both nutritional requirements for good health and the right energy balance to induce effective weight loss. In this unit you will gain a thorough understanding of what nutrition is, how the body converts food into energy and the complex processes of the body’s digestive system.

RTAACWLC03A Undertake an initial weight loss consultation

Undertaking an initial weight loss consultation is the first step in helping clients on their journey to weight loss success. As a Weight Loss Consultant you will be working with a wide range of unique clients, all of which will need to be coached differently to gain effective results. Learning how to communicate with your clients effectively and evaluate their needs in terms of medical, health, lifestyle and weight loss is the key to their success. At the outcome of this unit, you will be able to conduct an initial weight loss consultation which includes medical screening, goal setting, food and activity analysis, reviewing lifestyle and cultural factors and performing different forms of progress measurements.

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RTAACWLC04A Advise on appropriate diet, nutrition and weight management products and services within recommended guidelines

On completion of this unit, you will understand the need to view weight loss as a multi-disciplinary field and what options, services and programs are available to you as a Weight Loss Consultant to either advise your clients of, refer your clients to or work with to achieve the best outcome for your client’s weight loss goals. Diet, exercise, surgery, social, psychological, emotional and other factors all come into play on your clients journey, and understanding all of these components is crucial to your success as a Weight Loss Consultant and the success of your clients.

RTAACWLC05A Undertake regular weight loss consultations

This unit combines all of the skills and knowledge from previous units and ties them together to provide a complete strategy within the Weight Loss Consulting context. At the completion of this module, the Weight Loss Consultant will have a more detailed understanding of what is required to perform ongoing weight loss consultations, from motivational strategies through to developing a series of educational and support resources for your clients.

RTAACWLC06A Design, plan and deliver group weight loss consultations

Delivering regular group weight loss consultations has been proven to increase the adherence and therefore the success rate of weight loss among weight loss clients. The social and support network created in this environment is conducive to creating a sense of community and belonging. As much of weight loss is about emotional support, this module will provide you with the tools and structure to design, plan and deliver your own group weight loss consultations within a guided framework.

RTACUS402A Address customers’ needs.

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to manage the ongoing relationship with a customer, which includes assisting the customer to articulate their needs, meeting customer needs and managing networks to ensure customer needs are addressed. No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this unit at the time of endorsement.

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RTAREL401A Establish Networks.

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to develop and maintain effective work relationships and networks. It covers the relationship building and negotiation skills required by workers within an organisation as well as freelance or contract workers. This unit applies to individuals with a broad knowledge of networking and negotiation who contribute well developed skills in creating solutions to unpredictable problems through analysis and evaluation of information from a variety of sources. They may have responsibility to provide guidance or to delegate aspects of tasks to others. The ability to establish a range of networks is critical for the success of a Weight Loss Consultant and their clients.

RTASMB403A Market the Small Business.

Plan, implement and manage basic marketing and promotional activities. This is a foundation unit that covers general and basic marketing and promotional activities that do not require detailed or complex planning or implementation. The information included in the unit provides the opportunity for our students to develop a marketing plan designed to attract potential Weight Loss Clients.

RTAMKG413A Promote Products and Services.

This unit describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to coordinate and review the promotion of an organisation’s products and services. This unit applies to individuals with a broad knowledge of the promotion of products and services specific to an organisation. The information in this unit provides the Weight Loss Consultant with the ability to convert potential clients into paying clients by utilizing appropriate sales conversion strategies. 

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About the Australian Institute of Weight Loss Consultants

Our Mission The Australian Institute of Weight Loss Consultants is committed to raising the profile and improving the standards of Weight Loss Consultants in Australia.  

Our Vision

By 1st July 2017 Weight Loss Consultants will be recognised as a profession within the allied health industry.

Our members and graduates include a passionate and powerful group of people committed to working together to stem the tide of global obesity.

Weight Loss Consultants have bridged the gap that exists between the weight loss, fitness and medical industries.

The community regards Weight Loss Consultants as the first choice for people looking for the right weight loss advice.

The Australian Institute of Weight Loss Consultants is recognised as the leading provider of weight loss education in Australia. 

Our Values

Leadership Passion Integrity Community Transformation


More information If you are interested in more information on becoming a Weight Loss Consultant, contact the Careers Team on 1300 969 367 or visit www.weightlossInstitute.com.au

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Frequently Asked Questions When can I enrol? As the course is delivered online, you can enrol and start learning immediately. You will be sent login details so that you can undertake the course at your own pace from wherever you are – at home, at work, on holidays or anywhere you have access to the web. When can I start? You will be able to start your course no later than 2 working days after you enrol. Our education team will contact you to get you set up for this course. You need to make yourself available for this call. How much does it cost? The Diploma of Weight Loss Consulting is $3950 and we do also have a student payment plan available. After completion of module 4 you will be given your Certificate of Weight Loss Consulting and can start practicing as you make your way through modules 5 and 6. At the completion of module 10 you will receive your Diploma of Weight Loss Consulting. What are the methods of payment for the course? We accept Visa and Mastercard. Where do I login to do the course? Your course login information will be provided to you by email. Can I login whenever I want? If you have a computer or a suitable mobile device and a good internet connection, you will be able to complete your course anywhere in the world. What’s the course about? The Diploma of Weight Loss Consulting provides you with the skills and experience to start a career in Weight Loss Consulting either as an addition to your current role or as a separate business opportunity. The course covers aspects of human behaviour and motivation to give you a greater understanding of people, how they think and how they act (or react), what motivates them and what makes them afraid of change. You will be provided with a Toolbox of Templates to get you started including a design for your first and subsequent Weight Loss Consulting sessions. You will also gain business skills in addressing customer needs, marketing your services and establishing business networks. The Diploma in Weight Loss Consulting has been designed to ensure that our students have the knowledge and skills needed to be a successful Weight Loss Consultant upon graduation.

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How is the course run? The course is delivered online by our partner organisation Registered Training Australia (RTO #32403). You will receive all your learning materials via email and have access to the same materials online. You have access to a team of fulltime educators and student support administrators to assist you in your studies via telephone and email. During the course, you need to take on two Weight Loss Consulting clients so that you can apply the theory learned throughout the course to real life situations. You are required to keep and submit for assessment a journal of 6 sessions with these two individual clients over the period of your training. Once you are deemed ‘Competent’ by the course assessor, this completes the requirements for graduation. Where are the classrooms? There are no classrooms. All your theoretical learning is conducted online. If you need support, a dedicated education and student support team are available to answer your queries by phone or email. They are there to help you walk through any difficult parts of your study, and set you back on the right path. They are only a phone call or email away. Are there any software requirements to complete course? All you need is Microsoft office and Internet Explorer. Although we recommend you use Mozilla Firefox for a better learning experience.

What times are telephone and email assistance provided? Telephone and email assistance is provided by Registered Training Australia (RTO #32403) during business hours Monday-Friday 9am-4pm. You will receive a response to your query that same day or if not possible, within 24 hours (except on weekends). How much time does the course take to complete? The course consists of 10 subjects which take approximately 60 hours each to complete (600 hours in total). Depending on your circumstances e.g. whether you can devote full-time or part-time, you may complete the course in 3 – 12 months. How much time do I have to complete the course? Students have up to 12 months to complete the course. However if your circumstances change during that period, or there are exceptional reasons why you need to take longer, an application for extension can be made. But there are no guarantees, so you need to progress as fast as you can to complete the course in 12 months. Do I have to do module 1 then 2 etc or can I skip between different modules? Course modules are designed to be completed in order. This will best help you learn the materials. Do I have to pass a test or complete an assignment in each module before moving on? The course is delivered using competency based training. This means you cannot fail the course. Our assessment methods can include multiple choice questions, short answer questions, scenarios, case studies and practical demonstrations. Will I get a qualification at the end? Yes you certainly do! A Diploma of Weight Loss Consulting Certificate will be issued to you by Registered Training Australia (RTO #32403), our partner Registered Training Organisation which delivers the course on our behalf.

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What future training opportunities are available once I finish my course? When you have completed your Weight Loss Consulting course you will be able to receive Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) for the business units that you have studied which will give you credit towards the Certificate IV in Small Business Management. This is a usually a 6-12 month course, but with your credits you can obtain a business qualification in much less time. Is the course Government Accredited / Nationally Recognised? There are no government standards regulating Weight Loss Consulting. This is why the Australian Institute of Weight Loss Consultants has been established – to raise the standard and improve the profile of Weight Loss Consulting in Australia. Therefore, as a non-accredited course, FEE-HELP is not available for our students. However, the course has been designed so that you can quickly develop your skills as a Weight Loss Consultant as you learn, and start to make some money so you can pay off your course as quickly as possible over the time you are studying. Is the course internationally recognised? There are approximately 13 organisations worldwide which purport to provide international recognition of Weight Loss Consulting qualifications. These are all private organisations which market themselves well. The International Weight Loss Consulting Federation (ICF) is one of these 13. From an Australian point of view, the Australian Institute of Weight Loss Consultants is dedicated to raising the standard and improving the profile of Weight Loss Consulting in Australia. To this end our Diploma of Weight Loss Consulting, although a non-accredited course, has been developed as per the requirements of the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) in response to industry need and with input from industry experts. It includes some units of study for which students can obtain Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) should they wish to continue their learning to complete a Certificate IV in Small Business Management after graduating as a Weight Loss Consultant.

Can I make a living from Weight Loss Consulting? Yes, you can definitely make Weight Loss Consulting your business or use your Weight Loss Consulting skills to enhance your career. As your client list grows it can become your sole occupation. Alternately you can value-add to your current clients (e.g. if you are a personal trainer, hairdresser, beautician or similar occupation) and earn extra income to increase your wealth. If you are employed, Weight Loss Consulting skills are a definite advantage when you are interacting with your boss and co-workers, and indeed may lead to better promotion prospects or engagement in a section such as the Employee Relations Department. When can I start in my own business? You can start Weight Loss Consulting in your own business as soon as you have completed the Weight Loss Consulting skills units of study (ie after 6 units have been completed). How do I find Clients? There are a number of ways to find and retain clients. You will complete the course with the knowledge of how to prepare a marketing plan and then it is up to you to put it into action. To assist you putting it into action, the Australian Institute of Weight Loss Consultants conducts events in capital cities several times a year. These practical workshops will hone your skills and give you added confidence in your ability to market your business and obtain sales.

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What is the Australian Institute of Weight Loss Consultants? The Australian Institute of Weight Loss Consultants is an organisation dedicated to raising the standard and improving the profile of Weight Loss Consulting in Australia. It is a membership organisation which provides ongoing professional development and access to resources and other Weight Loss Consultants working in the industry. It assists Weight Loss Consultants in developing their skills as a Weight Loss Consultant, and shows you how to make the most of your training experience. As one of the most influential industry voices, the Australian Institute of Weight Loss Consultants offers you the opportunity to continue to develop your skills and become more confident in your ability to help others achieve their goals. As a student, you are given immediate membership of the Australian Institute of Weight Loss Consultants. This entitles you to receive our e-Newsletters and you are able to enrol at a discounted rate for workshops and events conducted in a capital city near you, to meet and network with other Weight Loss Consultants, share with them and learn from them. Industry consultation The Australian Institute of Weight Loss Consultants has been developed in response to expressed industry need for good quality training in Weight Loss Consulting focused on improving the standard and raising the profile of Weight Loss Consultants in Australia. The course has been developed by professionals in consultation with industry experts. The online course is supported by practical workshops and other industry events to improve your skills as a Weight Loss Consultant, facilitate networking and allow you to learn from other Weight Loss Consultants, thereby increasing your ability to market and grow your client base.