wkac - roughs - page 13


Upload: chris-saunders

Post on 09-Mar-2016




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- he hits it with a thud - Pa:oomf!! CC:whooo!look!It’s the parsnip avenger! PA:greetings citizen!fear not,your city is safe while ipatrol it’s skies!(note:he cannot actually see where or who the voice is coming from...) - news report states where the parsnip avenger currently is in relation to the city (eg:the business district)- - cc swings the tarp and the captured avenger around and onto a nighbouring roof - pa:what the hell bro!? (or something similar)


Page 1: WKAC - Roughs - Page 13

- cut to the area mentioned, with the parsip avenger flying

through the buldings and above the streets, looking very

pleased with himself -

CC: whooo! look! It’s the parsnip avenger!

PA: greetings citizen! fear not, your city is safe

while i patrol it’s skies! (note: he cannot actually

see where or who the voice is coming from...)

cc: heads up!

- parsnip avenger crashes headfirst into a big tarp

the carrot crusader had put between two buildings -

it is the same colour as the night sky -

- cc swings the tarp and the captured avenger

around and onto a nighbouring roof -- he hits it with a thud -

Pa: oomf!!

pa: what the hell bro!? (or something similar)

- news report states where the parsnip

avenger currently is in relation to the

city (eg: the business district) -