wk06-types of psyops

TYPES of PSYOPs Lt Col Ajaya Kumar, Psychological Warfare, DIS 3083 Faculty of Defence and Management Studies, National Defence University of 1 of 18

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Lt Col Ajaya Kumar,Psychological Warfare, DIS 3083Faculty of Defence and Management Studies,National Defence University of Malaysia 1 of 18

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• PSYOPs, in conjunction with other instruments of power can make important contributions towards achieving the national objectives by changing the attitudes, emotions and behaviours of hostile, neutral and friendly groups.


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• In support of military operations, PSYOPs reduce the enemy's will to fight and make him more susceptible to suggestions, persuasion and directions. To induce the enemy to surrender is one of many objectives and the results of psychological operations can rarely be evaluated by the number of prisoners. • Psychological operations are classified as follows:• Strategic.• Tactical.• Consolidation.


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These are activities exploiting the political, economic, military, sociological andpsychological vulnerabilities directed against a friendly, neutral or hostile group within thecountry or against a foreign country. The aim is to reduce the effectiveness of the target audience carried out on a long term basis outlined at the highest level.


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• Aim.• As they relate to the civil population: Support and explain the current national policies

in relation to the ambitions and aspirations of the people of the nation both civil and military.

Uplift the morale of friendly groups within enemy dominated territories.

Gain active support of neutrals.


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• As they relate to the enemy: Undermine the morale and efficiency of the enemy forces and hostile civil population. Promote and encourage disagreement and dissatisfaction within the enemy's organisations.


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• Application. Strategic psychological operations achieve its aims by means of pursuing a campaign to destroy the image and organisation of the enemy by reducing its confidence in the leaders and injecting friendly opinions. In due course it will paralyse its military aims. In campaigns may seek to exploit:

a. Enemy military and diplomatic defeats.

b. Failure of enemy agriculture, industrial and financial plans, such as shortage of food, free medical supplies, housing, clothing and other domestic needs.

c. Enemy racial or religious discrimination.

d. Dissension and dissatisfaction between enemy leaders and the people, labour and management, enemy and its satellites.

e. Enemy suppression of human rights.7

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•Effects. The effects of strategic PSYOPs are difficult to evaluate as they usually extend over a considerable period of time. The effectiveness of the results cannot be accurately evaluated because of the difficulty in procuring accurate intelligence.


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Tactical PSYOPs are prepared and executed in combat areas in direct support of tactical operations. This type of operation is based on short range objectives directed at the enemy or the civilian population or both.


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• Aim. Tactical PSYOPs are designed to achieve the following:

• Lower the morale of the enemy forces and weakens their will to fight.

• Persuade the enemy to surrender. Inform and direct friendly elements operating in areas controlled by the enemy.

• Facilitate the reestablishment of government control over disaffected or enemy dominated areas.

• Justify government aims and policies.• Give supports to strategic PSYOPs by providing

detailed and timely knowledge of local vulnerabilities.


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• Application. To achieve its aims, tactical can be employed to exploit enemy:

• Defects and unstable situations.• Inferiority and dissensions.• Physical discomfort and hardships.• Dissensions and disagreements over government

and military policies.


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• Effect. In contrast with strategic psychological operations, the results of psychological operations at the tactical level are often more readily apparent. Surrenders, weakening of enemy control in certain areas, increase in the flow of intelligence from local sources and closer cooperation of prisoners or surrendered enemy personnel provide

indications as to the effects as a tactical psychological operations campaign.


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Consolidation psychological operations are purely directed at the civil population inliberated or occupied areas to facilitate military operations and promote maximumcooperation among the civilian population.


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• Aim. The aim of consolidating psychological operations is to:

• Separate the enemy from the local population.• Weaken the morale of the enemy.• Create dissension within enemy ranks.


• Application. Consolidation psychological operations achieve its aim by:

• Countering enemy propaganda designed to cause and aggravate unrest and discontent among the population.

• Separating the population from the enemy and discrediting guerrillas and saboteurs.• Disseminating government directives and in every way attempting to gain the cooperation and goodwill of the people, especially when irksome restrictions have to be imposed.

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• Effect. The effectiveness, or otherwise, of consolidation psychological operations

• may be measured by the response of the audience. However, it should be borne in mind that

• frequently an apparent lack of cooperation will spring not so much from hostility but more of

• fear or retaliation by the enemy.


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• Awareness. This is the first and most important aspect of force preparation and PSYOPs. Personnel at all levels must be able to identify IW and PSYOPs threats/attack and be able to counter it and bring it to the attention of the higher command. • Good Leadership. Training and development of leaders on all levels is thus crucial. A higher quality of leadership and soldiers with specialised skills will be required. Leadership training on the tactical levels must be enhanced and the execution thereof monitored closely. • Discipline. Discipline and self-discipline has always been a crucial attribute of the soldier. In our current complex global environment, good discipline is of utmost importance. Many of the problems experienced in our current deployments can be curbed by discipline. Good discipline also implies adherence to policies. 16

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• A Good Research Capability. Skilled intelligence officers and members with academic training in various fields are required. We are all living in the information age and need to adapt and keep up with our changing environment. • Language Skills. PSYOPs in foreign countries will require language skills in various different languages. These skills need to be of a high level to be effective in PSYOPs. It is also important with reference to the gathering of information that can contribute to the identifying of the IW and PSYOPs threat. • Communication Skills. These skills are important for good command and control and for specific IW and PSYOPs functions (presenters, script writers, pamphlet designers, etc). These include written and verbal skills.


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