with your host mr. goodlooking!! choose a category. you will be given the answer. you must give the...

With your host Mr. Goodlookin

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Post on 19-Dec-2015




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With your hostMr.


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LDCObstacles toDevelopment


10 Point

20 Points

30 Points

40 Points

50 Points

10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point 10 Point

20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points 20 Points

30 Points

40 Points

50 Points

30 Points 30 Points 30 Points 30 Points

40 Points 40 Points 40 Points 40 Points

50 Points 50 Points 50 Points 50 Points


Improvement in material conditions

What is development?

The value of total output of goods and services in a year in a


What is GDP?

The value of a product minus the costs of raw materials and


What is value added?

Organized effort to end alcohol consumption

Approach to development thatSpreads investments through

All sectors of the economy

What is the self-sufficiency approach?

Literacy rate, years attended school, and calories per capita

Are examples of this type ofDevelopment indicator

What is social?

The difference in per capita GDP between the more

developed and less developed regions is ________.

What is widening?

On a north polar projection, less developed countries are

located in this location

What is peripheral?

Mining is a good example of this type of job

What is primary?

Processing of computer information is an example of

this type of job

What is tertiary?

GDP per capita, productivity, and access to raw materials are examples of this development


What is economic?

Job type that involves the provision of goods and services

What is tertiary?

Reason why people are more productive in MDCs

What is technology?

Region that displays the highest level of cultural homogeneity

What is Anglo-America?

The major asset of the Eastern European region

What is raw materials?

The HDI of Eastern Europe

What is .80?

Job type that dominates less developed countries

What is primary?

Reason why the Middle East show promise of becoming a


What is abundant petroleum reserves?

Area in Latin America with the highest level of


What is the Embargo Act?What is southern South America?

Less developed region with the highest percentage of people

living in urban areas

What is Latin America?

Location of Petroleum reserves in the Middle East

What is Persian (Arabian)Gulf states?

The large percentage of population involved in

agriculture in china indicates _________.

What is most people are producing food for their own


Reason why population is traditionally low in Southeast


What is inhospitable environment?

The biggest problem in promoting development

through the international trade alternative

What is unequal distribution of resources?

Traditional barrier in international investment have

Included requiring ______For importers

What is licenses?

The biggest problem facing LDCs in financing development

What is inability to repay loans?

Today, European countries obtain raw materials from


What is LDCs?

Japan’s principal asset for promoting development

What is an abundant supply of labor?

According t Rostow, the process of development begins

when _____________.

What is an elite group initiates innovative activities?

Agricultural output in South Asia depend on this

What is the arrival of the monsoon?

Country that is the leading bank center in Asia

What is Japan?

Make your wager

Final AnswerDemographic variable that is not

an indicator of the level of a country’s development

Final Question

What is crude death rate?