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OUR COVENANT WITH NASARAWA STATE (1) CORE MANDATE ON EDUCATION We shall declare 20-YEAR STATE OF EMERGENCY ON EDUCATION to enable us to deploy more funds of our ANNUAL BUDGET to execute the following: A. Declare 20-year State of Emergency on Education B. Declare Free Compulsory Education (Including Adult) C. Establish State University of Technology D. Build/rehabilitate More Primary/secondary/vocational Technical Schools E. Recruit Qualified Teachers (with enhanced salary & entitlements) The UNIVERSITY will admit only NASARAWA CITIZENS for 20 YEARS beginning from 2019. We need the necessary HUMAN MANPOWER to catch up with other states, and to build NASARAWA STATE OF OUR DREAM(S) that will proudly stand among the comity of PROGRESSIVE STATES in NIGERIA, AFRICA, AND THE WORLD. Within the period of 20 years, we shall excel in all spheres of human endeavours because the UNIVERSITY WILL CONCENTRATE ON PRACTICAL EDUCATION (the present standard of education in the universities do not meet the needs of industry operators) TO PREPARE THE CHAPS TO BE THE DANGOTES AND BILL GATES OF NIGERIA and NOT EMPLOYMENT SEEKERS. THEY WILL invent NIGERIA’S FACEBOOKS, GOOGLES, YAHOOS, BUILD OUR VEHICLES AND POWER NIGERIA INTO SPACE. I have the necessary exposure and international reach to PARTNER THE PROPOSED UNIVERSITY WITH LEADING INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTIONS in the AREAS OF MANPOWER, RESEARCH, and FUNDING. MY PEDIGREE Unknown to many, I was (amongst others) instrumental to the establishment of NASARAWA STATE UNIVERSITY, KEFFI in 2002, by HIS EXCELLENCY, ALH. ABULLAHI ADAMU ADMINISTRATION. I arranged visitation to U.S.A. from FEB. 24 to MAR 1, 2001 to THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF LOS ANGELES (UCLA), UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA (USC), CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY LOS ANGELES (CALSTATE LA), LOS ANGELES (PRIMARY/SECONDARY) CHATTER SCHOOL (the school came first in the entire U.S.A. as model school of excellence that year), COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES (where His Excellency was promised working cooperation, and A KEY TO LOS ANGELES COUNTY (see Pic) was given to GOVERNOR ADAMU as mark of HONOUR), and VISITATION TO CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR, where we were promised working cooperation, investments, and training of OUR HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY MEMBERS gratis (without costs to the state). JOIN THE BANDWAGON: I urge you to join the BANDWAGON. LET’S COME TOGETHER TO BUILD THE NASARAWA


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OUR COVENANT WITH NASARAWA STATE (2) CORE MANDATE GUDI INLAND DRY PORT If given the opportunity by the ELECTORATE in 2019: Our Government will declare GUDI and its environ, stretching into KOKONA LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA, A COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL NERVE CENTER. The hub of the business is the GUDI RAILWAY DEPOT which has been noted as a reference point for contacts and used for the receipt ofshipments of goods and containers by individuals and corporate bodies like JULIUS BERGER, for years. THE IDEA IS SIMPLY THAT THE AREA WILL BETTER SERVE THE NEEDS OF BUSINESSES, IN AND AROUND THE FEDERAL CAPITAL TERRITORY, who rely heavily on shipment of goods like iron and steel, cement, construction equipments, etc., from Lagos, Calabar and Port Harcourt ports, which otherwise is currently done via road transportation. This comes along with its attendant wear and tear of the road itself and the vehicles, not to talk of the high cost involved in the shipments. The argument is that shipping the goods through the rail system is by far cheaper and cost effective. The socio- economic implication also comes by way of cheaper cost of goods and services. The state will then map the area, provide access roads, water, and electricity (SITE AND SERVICES). We will do this through the ingenious way of PARTNERING WITH THE PRIVATE SECTOR AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS through the concept of BUILD-OPERATE AND HANDOVER. And lastly, the federal government will do its part by declaring the area an INLAND RAILWAY PORT and develop it as such. This is a project that, once implemented to its logical conclusion, will herald permanent socio-economic growth, empower the citizenry through readily available jobs and access to opportunities to excel and contribute their quota to the development of the state. I first initiated the idea during the GOVERNOR ABDULLAHI ADAMU administration. The government then fully accepted the proposal and quickly set up a preliminary study group to do the preliminary work with a view to approaching the appropriate federal agencies, and the federal government itself for approval. We invited experts in the relevant transportation sector, who submitted their proposals for consideration. However, somehow, the idea did not pick up after I BECAME INVOLVED IN A GHASTLY AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT that kept me away for over four years at that material time. Upon recovery, I approached the GOVERNOR ALIYU AKWE DOMA ADMINISTRATION to look into the issue and that of the present GOVERNOR AL-MAKURA. I didn’t succeed. May be I am destined to be the one to implement this ESSENTIAL GROWTH-ENHANCING PROJECT. It is one other project that we will give it all to see to its actualisation, as it will change the socio-economic fortunes of the state with the potential of making it the THIRD or FOURTH LARGEST REVENUE EARNER IN THE COUNTRY. JOIN THE BANDWAGON: I urge you to join the BANDWAGON. LET’S COME TOGETHER TO BUILD THE NASARAWA


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OUR COVENANT WITH NASARAWA STATE (4) CORE MANDATE BUILD ABUJA-KEFFI-AKWANGA-LAFIA (possibly on to MAKURDI. BENUE STATE) COMMUTER RAIL With a population of approximately 3 million people, Nasarawa state is blossoming with people who come to the state to settle, do business, or temporarily visit on a daily basis. Experts have posited that within the next decade, the state’s population could hover around the 10 million mark in view of the state's proximity to Abuja, the federal capital territory. The towns, cities and villages around the federal capital territory will continue to witness exponential population growth never before imagined not to talk of planned. This will bring untold hardship on the citizenry, and overstretch the few available existing social amenities (access roads, water, primary healthcare, electricity, educational institutions, etc.) in the affected areas, chief among is SHORTAGE OF TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE (currently being experienced at the NYANYA MARARABA-NEW KARU-MASAKA AXIS). Before the transportation nightmare becomes unbearable to the economic wellbeing of the satellite towns and villages near the federal capital territory, we will introduce RAIL (Commuter & Cargo) TRANSPORT SYSTEM from ABUJA TO KEFFI, TRAVERSING AKWANGA and on to LAFIA, with the possibility of its being extended to MAKURDI, in BENUE STATE. This is a PRIVATE-SECTOR DRIVEN INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT. It will be EXECUTED on BUILD-OPERATE TRANSFER (B.O.T.) PARTNERSHIP WITH THE STATE GOVERNMENT. Rail delivers fast, efficient transportation so riders can save time, energy, and money. It is extremely reliable and operates in all weather conditions, with near absence of accidents. It is also not subject to congestion, so it operates on schedule every day without delay - especially during rush hour and peak travel times. The economic impact of the railway is that it links cities and creates secondary population centers along the routes, thereby stimulating economic activities and varied employment opportunities. I am aware of some existing cooperation between the state and the FCT in this regard. But the magnitude of the present situation desires a more practical solution because the burden of the TRANSPORT NIGHTMARE is felt more by the state. This is a PRIVATE-SECTOR DRIVEN INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECT that requires PARTNERSHIP WITH MULTI-NATIONAL INVESTORS, cooperation with FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, THE WORLD BANK, THE ASIAN AND AFRICAN BANKS. WE ARE CAPABLE AND DO HAVE THE VASTNATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL REACH TO BRING INVESTORS with MEANS TO POWER THE INITIATIVE TO FRUITION. JOIN THE BANDWAGON: I urge you to join the BANDWAGON. LET’S COME TOGETHER TO BUILD THE NASARAWA


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OUR COVENANT WITH NASARAWA STATE (5) CORE MANDATE A. TOURISM: ESTABLISH NASARAWA CULTURAL (HERITAGE) VILLAGE and a B. FIVE-STAR HOTEL IN ZIMBABWE (including amusement park) (Private Sector Driven) NASARAWA STATE has been winning laurels, coming first in many CULTURAL CARNIVALS organised by NAFEST in the country. We want to seize this opportunity to re-invent these FESTIVALS by declaring ZIMBABWE, noted for its hospitable tourist attraction haven, A TOURIST DESTINATION, in NASARAWA STATE. TOURISM opportunities have already been identified as rare gifts bestowed on Nasarawa state. We therefore intend to make the best use of the opportunity by not only preserving the rich cultural heritage of the state, but by making it a tourist attraction and revenue-generating venture. To this end we will engage experts to come out with a TOURISM DEVELOPMENT MASTERPLAN, for the transformation of all identifiable tourism centers in the state to complement the ZIMBABWE INITIATIVE. THE AIM IS THAT WE WANT TO TAKE FULL ADVANTAGE OF OUR PROXIMITY TO THE FEDERAL CAPITAL TERRITORY BY CAPTURING AND/OR PROVIDING ALL THE NECESSARY COMFORT AND FACILITIES REQUIRED BY THE MILLIONS OF BUSINESS PEOPLE AND TOURISTS THAT THRONG THE FEDERAL CAPITAL TERRITORY ABUJA AND BY IMPLICATION, NASARAWA STATE EVERYDAY. To this end, we shall initiate the building of NASARAWA CULTURAL VILLAGE in ZIMBABWE (A popular tourist joint at UKE along KEFFI-ABUJA ROAD). The Village shall comprise of CHALETS of all ETHNIC GROUPS IN NASARAWA STATE (GWANDARA, ALAGO, EGGON, GBAGI, EGBIRA, MIGILI, KANTANA, FULANI, HAUSA, KANURI, TIV, AFO, GADE, NYANKPA, KORO, JUKUN, MADA, NINZAM, BUH, BASA, AGATU, ARUM, KULERE, AND ALSO A HOST OF OTHER ETHNIC GROUPS IN NIGERIA), comprising of displays of artifacts, music, REPRESENTING MINIATURE NASARAWA STATE. Visitors can visit the area EVERYDAY to view Nasarawa state at a glance, and be entertained at each VILLAGE SQUARE to learn HISTORY OF THE PEOPLE and their varied musical and cultural dance and peculiarities. We will blow our trumpets loud and clear that NASARAWA STATE IS A TOURISM DESTINATION THAT MUST BE VISITED BY LOCAL AND FOREIGN TOURISTS. CHRISTMAS AND SALLAH HOLIDAYS can be celebrated in the VILLAGE, including weddings and other social engagements. Tour guides will be organised on a daily basis from the TOURISTS VILLAGE to the following natural endowments all over the state: FARIN RUWA RESORT, THE MADA HILLS/TUDUN NUMA, HUNKI LAKE, AKIRA SALT VILLAGE, AKIRA WARM SPRING, PEPERUWA LAKE, OKUAKPA ROCK, ARA ROCK, NUMAN ROCKS/HILL...and many others that abound around the state, waiting to be exploited. We will ensure that we provide all the needed attraction for our people NOT TO EVER CONSIDER going to DUBAI, LONDON, PARIS, NEW YORK, LOS ANGELES, HONG KONG for their HOLIDAYS and social engagements. All these are income-generating ventures that stimulate growths, because the hotels, restaurants, suya spots, amusement parks STRATEGICALLY EMPLOY LOTS OF WOMEN AND YOUTHS, PAY TAXES TO GOVERNMENT, AND IMPROVE THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC WELL BEING OF THE SOCIETY. There shall be: 1. AMPHITHEATRE - a purpose-built 5,000-seater auditorium/theatre hall for resident artistes to perform to public gallery, and 2. A FIVE-STAR HOTEL and an AMUSEMENT PARK to complement.

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We will engage or PARTNER tour operators and experts within Nigeria and Internationally to make it a reality. Care will be taken to protect the local MAMA PUTS and JOINTS. We will ensure that we formalise their local businesses to mix it with MODERNITY. GOVERNANCE IS ALL ABOUT THE PEOPLE, AND THE PEOPLE WE SHALL SERVE. JOIN THE BANDWAGON: I urge you to join the BANDWAGON. LET’S COME TOGETHER TO BUILD THE NASARAWA STATE OF OUR DREAM. SO HELP US GOD.

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REFORM OF THE TRADITIONAL INSTITUTION This is one area that requires surgical operation if our cherished traditional institution is to remain relevant in today's ever changing world. The institution has been so infiltrated and politicised that it has almost lost its relevance as the moderating factor between the government and the governed. What is needed is that a way most be found to utilized the wisdom of the traditional institution as the stabilising factor in the complex web of governance while insulating it completely from politics and other negative influences. WE WILL SET A HIGH-POWERED COMMITTEE TO LOOK INTO THE TRADITIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND RECOMMEND WAYS WE COULD UTILIZE THE WISDOM OF THE TRADITIONAL LEADERS TO ENGENDER PEACE, HARMONIOUS EXISTENCE AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC WELL-BEING OF THE CITIZENRY, TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION, THE 1999 CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISION OF THE INSTITUTION. We believe, the burning issues of community policing, moral standards, issues of security, religious and inter-ethnic problems, Advisory Dispute Resolution(ADR), will require the need for the empowerment of traditional rulers to effectively checkmate emerging challenges at the local level that may, if left unattended, result to social crisis OR UPHEAVAL. THE ERA OF RUNNING TO THE TRADITIONAL RULERS ONLY WHEN THERE ARE CRISES OR PROBLEMS WILL BE OVER WHEN WE GET THE NODE OF THE ELECTORATE. We shall establish a traditional council of state, build there headquarters, where they will have the opportunity to jaw-jaw about peace and harmonious existence, and tackle other issues, as assigned to them by the government, like PROBLEMS OF PEACE AND SECURITY, GIRL-CHILD EDUCATION, POLIO ERADICATION, ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION, AND TAXES. We will respect, the traditional institution, by limiting there exposure to executive functionaries to purely official matters, which shall most often emanate from their council deliberations. Traditional leaders will not visit the GOVERNOR in GOVERNMENT HOUSE and left for hours waiting to see the GOVERNOR or his DEPUTY, but rather the GOVERNOR SHALL VISIT THEM, according them their rights as MONARCHS, FATHERS and CUSTODIANS OF OUR CULTURAL HERITAGE. Mechanism will be put in place to ensure that happens. Importantly, however, the institution must be removed from politics and politically-related activities if it is to remain relevant in the scheme of things. WE SHALL ENSURE THAT HAPPENS if given the MANDATE BY THE ELECTORATE, COME 2019. GOVERNMENT IS ALL ABOUT THE PEOPLE, AND THE PEOPLE WE SHALL SERVE. JOIN THE BANDWAGON: I urge you to join the BANDWAGON. LET’S COME TOGETHER TO BUILD THE NASARAWA STATE OF OUR DREAM.SO HELP US GOD.

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ABUJA SATELLITE TOWNS: MARARABA-ADO-MASAKA AXIS Nasarawa State can be appropriately described as the one front-line state to Abuja which is greatly affected by the nearness of the seat of the federal government. With the dualisation of the Abuja-Keffi road, the spill-over effect of the population of workers from the federal capital puts tremendous pressure on the meagre resources of the state. It is therefore expedient to plan ahead to avoid serious developmental and social consequences which will turn the nearness of the state to Abuja into a developmental nightmare and social disadvantage for the state government. The envisaged influx (which is already telling on the State) would translate into: (a) housing accommodation requirement for staff of the federal government and corporate bodies and visitors who seek to live in Nasarawa State to avoid the high accommodation costs of Abuja; (b) additional educational institutions - primary, secondary, tertiary - to absorb the children of the affected officers; (c) increased commercial and industrial activities, with a possible competitive disadvantage on the part of the indigenes of the state; (d) pressure on existing infrastructures - road, electricity, water, health, transportation; (e) pressure on the state government's meagre resources for achieving development. THE WAY OUT: We will PARTNER with the FEDERAL CAPITAL DEV. AUTHORITY to look into the development of physical infrastructure in the SATELLITE cities of MARARABA, NEW NYANYA, ADO, AND MASAKA AXIS. Because of the state’s proximity to Abuja, the federal capital territory, these towns, cities and villages around the federal capital territory have continued to witness exponential population growth never before imagined, not to talk of planned. This has brought untold hardship on the citizenry, and overstretched the few available existing social amenities in the affected areas. I am aware of some existing cooperation between the state and the FCT. But the magnitude of the present situation desires a more practical solution like creating an ABUJA-NASARAWA DEVELOPEMENT COMMISSION to oversee the OVERALL development of the area. AS A FIRST STEP WE WILL: Reform KARU PROPERTIES AND DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (KAPDA), in charge of Physical Planning and Infrastructure Development to have more teeth in implementing TOWN PLANNING LAWS, and NASARAWA GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SERVICE (NAGIS), in charge of Land Administration, to expeditiously process all applications within a short time frame. We will then declare a TEMPORARY stop to all developments in the affected areas, or in Karu local government area in particular, while we commence census of landed properties (the state may already have population figures) in the area and mandate owners to have their papers certified through the issuance of C of Os and all BUILDING PLANS APPROVED before commencement of work. THE IDEA IS THREE-FOLD; 1. To have appropriate population figures and determine the rate of growth with a view to determining the nature and extent of social amenities, like roads, water, schools and clinics, to be provided in the area. 2. To provide for greater control over development in the area to avoid haphazard development.

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3. And to generate more revenue for the state through the collection of fees on landed properties and businesses, which hitherto is virtually nonexistent. Again, I wish to state that the projects to be executed in the area will largely be done through the cooperation of the FEDERAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTS, say in the ratio of 80 % by the federal government because the population growth is caused by the acute shortage of affordable housing accommodation in the federal capital territory and state’s share of 20% could be sourced through enhanced revenue generation drive and partnering with the private sector in areas such as refuse collection. GOVERNMENT IS ALL ABOUT THE PEOPLE, AND THE PEOPLE WE SHALL SERVE.


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OUR COVENANT WITH NASARAWA STATE (8) CORE MANDATE CIVIL SERVICE REFORM The Civil Service today is but a mere shadow of its past. It has completely lost its vibrant position as the engine room of development as a result of desecration of the sacred rules of the SERVICE, through extreme politicisation. It is very unfortunate that the Service has been politicised and the rank and-file lost in the complex web of godfatherism and who-you-know-syndrome. Therefore, what is needed is a complete reform and de-politicisation of the Service. This reform should be done to include, among others: a. training b. retraining c. and regular promotion Administrative reform is therefore premised on the urgent necessity of transforming the CIVIL SERVICE into AN EFFECTIVE INSTITUTION that would foreground the state’s search for an infrastructural revolution, effectual administration, and democratic service delivery. Finally, and most importantly, a way most be found to allow every civil servant to perform his or her duties without let or hindrance. Gone should be the days when files move from the Governor’s office to the Commissioner’s and back to the Governor’s office, leaving behind the needed inputs of the other staff in the decision-making ladder, as it is commonly practised today. God willing, come 2019 if given the opportunity to serve by the ELECTORATE, the APPARATUS OF THE CIVIL SERVICE will be REFORMED and PROFESSIONALISED to serve its bidding as the ENGINE ROOM OF DEVELOPMENT. The following will be implemented with utmost alacrity: ESTABLISHMENT OF STAFF DEVELOPMENT CENTRE: We will establish STAFF DEVELOPMENT CENTRE for Manpower Development and training of Civil Service Personnel. The State needs manpower development of its civil service for efficiency and capacity building. RESTRUCTURING OF MINISTRIES, DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES (MDAS): We will restructure Ministries, Department and Agencies according to their objectives, functions, size and needs of the state with a view to eliminating duplications and overlapping of duties. APPOINTMENT OF PERMANENT SECRETARIES, SECRETARIES TO COMMISSION, BOARD AND PARASTATALS: will be made to reflect state Character, and based on merit, which include seniority, professional alignment, managerial experiences and competency, from amongst the CIVIL SERVICE as stipulated by law. MOVEMENT TO THE FEDERAL SERVICE: Nasarawa state is grossly under-represented at the Federal Service. We will therefore, as a matter of policy, encourage officers on Grade Level 12 and above to transfer their services to the FEDERAL CIVIL SERVICE. STAFF WELFARE: This will be given adequate attention. Issues like furniture and vehicle loans will be re-introduced. While arrangement will be made for owner-occupier housing programme for CIVIL SERVANTS. PENSION & GRATUITY: We will introduce pragmatic schemes to nip-in-the-bud re-current issues of non-payment of pension & gratuity on time, and as when due. We will never toy with the issue of PENSION AND GRATUITY for our patriotic retirees who have given their all-in service to the state.

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AND FINALLY, the issue of SALARY, PENSION & GRATUITY apart from being a constitutional right, it is a moral issue in an employer-employee relationship. We will ensure that a law is passed by STATE ASSEMBLY that SALARIES be made A FIRST-LINE CHARGE (for future, incoming administrations, because our Government will never toy with the issue). But before then, all issues regarding staff salaries and entitlements shall be handled expeditiously without let or hindrance by our Administration. JOIN THE BANDWAGON: I urge you to join the BANDWAGON. LET’S COME TOGETHER TO BUILD THE NASARAWA


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CORE MANDATE NASARAWA INFRASTRUCUTURE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PREAMBLE: Because of the proximity of Nasarawa state to Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory, the state’s population is estimated to grow to an alarming rate of about 10 million within the next 15-20 years. The resultant effects of such exponential rise in population will mean Government will have to be pro-active in planning for the provision of social amenities around the contiguous territories bordering the FCT. Government will also have to strategise and plan for the future by being in the forefront of economic development within the AXIS OF THE FEDERAL CAPITAL TERRITORY. Herein lies the Proposed NASARAWA INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY that we intend to introduce to replace the moribund NASARAWA INVESTMENT & PROP. DEV. CO. LTD. to POWER the envisaged socio-economic renaissance of the state into the 21st Century. It will be an autonomous (stand-alone) organisation with powers to invest and partner national and international investors in areas such as mining, agriculture, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Real Estate & Property Development, and Tourism & Hospitality industries. The proposed INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY will oversee the following core DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES: 1. ABUJA-KEFFI-AKWANGA-LAFIA (possibly Markudi, Benue State) Mono-Rail 2. Gudi-Kokona SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE (INLAND DRY PORT) 3. NASARAWA CULTURAL (HERITAGE) VILLAGE IN ZIMBABWE 4. FIVE-STAR HOTEL IN ZIMBABWE (including amusement park) (Private Sector Driven) 5. NASARAWA PEOPLES BANK 6. 30,000-SHOP CAPACITY INTERNATIONAL MARKET IN AKWANGA (Private Sector Driven) All these are designed to help stimulate both foreign and domestic investment, boost Nasarawa’s Productivity Index, grow Nasarawa Internally-Generated Revenue, and create new employment opportunities for the teeming YOUTHS. Projects like building of five-star hotels in Karu and Zimbabwe, and commercial shops and leisure spots around the Mararaba-Karu-Masaka-Keffi axis will be undertaken as a deliberate policy of government to attract businesses, cater for the needs of SMALL & MEDIUM ENTERPRISES, and attract LOCAL and INTERNATIONAL VENTURE CAPITAL INVESTORS to the state. We will build - through Public-Private initiative a modern, 30,000-SHOP CAPACITY INTERNATIONAL MARKET IN AKWANGA to take advantage of the ever-growing commercial opportunities available in the Abuja corridor, and the envisaged PROPOSED GUDI-KOKONA (Inland Dry Port) ECONOMIC ZONE. The market will serve as a hub for businesses around Benue, Taraba, Adamawa, Gombe, Bauchi, Plateau and for businesses from the Eastern and far Northern parts of the country. We will also establish NASARAWA PEOPLES BANK (micro-finance bank) to help with empowering the youths, market men/women, farmers and students through soft loans and assistance. The company has the onerous advantage of potentially assuaging the biting and harsh socio-economic environment that currently exists in the country by opening up windows for EMPLOYMENT OF YOUTHS who have BEEN let off in the wilderness of JOBLESSNESS by successive government policy of EMBARGO ON EMPLOYMENT. JOIN THE BANDWAGON: I urge you to join the BANDWAGON. LET’S COME TOGETHER TO BUILD THE NASARAWA STATE OF OUR DREAM. SO HELP US GOD.

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OUR COVENANT WITH NASARAWA STATE (10) CORE MANDATE AGRICULTURE/WATER RESOURCES The state is endowed with enormous, all-year round agricultural potentials. And because Nasarawa state is largely an agrarian state with little other means of livelihood for the citizenry, this will be addressed as a priority of government. All it takes is the will to propel the state to take up the gauntlet. We will optimise the operation of NASARAWA AGRICULTURAL DEV. PROJECT (NADP) to pick greater interests in agric extension services and provide support services to farmers like: A. PROVISION OF SEEDLINGS B. EMPOWERMENT OF FARMERS THROUGH AGRIC EQUIP. HIRING C. SMALL/MEDIUM/LARGE SCALE MECHANISED FARMING EQUIP D. ESTABLISHMENT OF AGRO-ALLIED INDUSTRIES E. STORAGE (SILOS) FACILITIES, WAREHOUSES F. ESTABLISHMENT OF AGRIC PROCESSING INDUSTRIES We will also encourage COOPERATIVE FARMING, to ensure large-scale commercial farming and greater returns to farmers. Crops, such as Cassava, Cowpea, Garden Egg, Ground Nut, Millet, Okro, Onion, Pepper, Potato, Rice, Sorghum, Sugarcane, Tomato, Yam, Cashew, Coconut, Cocoyam, Melon, Oil Palm, Pineapple, Soybean, Sesame can be grown in commercial quantities, using mechanized farming. We will develop Doma and River Mada Dams as part of government's programme to promote commercial scale farming in the state. We will seek the immediate support of the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, through the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources to take the issue of dredging the rivers and re-damming them through the Lower Benue River Basin Commission, as the case may be. We will ESTABLISH MARKETING BOARDS to buy excess produce as a sure way to convince the farmers to produce as much as they can. Also, storage facilities will be provided and farm inputs, e.g. seedlings and fertilizer, made available at affordable rates. Of equal importance is the ESTABLISHMENT OF AGRIC PROCESSING INDUSTRIES to absolve most of the farm produce. We will partner with investors to take up this vital aspect. Why export the raw materials when we can decide to site the processing industries here? Food processing and Household Industry GIANTS, like NASCO GROUPS, UAC, NESTLE, UNILEVER, DANGOTE will be wooed to set up industries to capture and process these products for local CONSUMPTION, and then ultimately export to other African and International countries. And lastly, the PROPOSED NASARAWA PEOPLES BANK is there to provide FARMERS with soft LOANS to buy fertlizers, lease tractors, and harvesters. At the end of the day it shall TRULY BE DADIN KOWA for the FARMERS, YOUTHS (Employment), GOVERNMENT (through Taxes), AND THE CITIZENRY (Affordable Three Square Meals for All). GOVERNANCE IS ALL ABOUT THE PEOPLE, AND THE PEOPLE WE PLEDGE TO SERVE.



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HEALTH & ENVIRONMENTAL SANITATION Health, they say, is wealth. In keeping with our resolve to conquer diseases and make life meaningful and worthy for the citizenry, we will revamp healthcare facilities across the state, and provide affordable care to all. Pregnant women, children, the physically-challenged will have free medical care, while we will subsidise treatment generally to all citizens. We will partner with donor agencies to eradicate polio, HIV/Aids and other communicable diseases. We will UPGRADE or build WORLD-CLASS GENERAL HOSPITALS in all the Local Government Areas in the State, starting with one each from the three-senatorial districts in the state. While Primary Healthcare Clinics and Hospitals will be renovated and stock with drugs to ensure quality healthcare service delivery at the grassroots Emphasis will be on disease prevention through qualitative immunization, nutrition, family planning, ante-natal services and other health programmes across the state to cut down infant and under-five mortality rates and protect our children, mothers against deadly diseases with a view to improving mother-infant mortality rate. According to UNICEF, “a woman’s chance of dying from pregnancy and childbirth in Nigeria is 1 in 13. Although many of these deaths are preventable, the coverage and quality of health care services in Nigeria continue to fail women and children.” We will work assiduously to reverse the unacceptable trend. On the Environment, we will immediately introduce environmental sanitation in the state and do away with the monthly exercise. HEALTH AND SANITATION INSPECTORS will be employed to enforce environmental cleanliness and hygiene. While Sanitation laws will be promulgated to deal with defaulters. Gone will be indiscriminate dumping of wastes on our highways, backyards, and gutters by unscrupulous elements. Authorised dumpsites will be provided in Markets, Abattoirs, Hospitals, and public places for effective evacuation at regular intervals. We will re-introduce effective Abattoir and Meat inspection across the state to prevent risk of consuming unwholesome meat. Abattoir inspection of live animals and the carcass are crucial towards ensuring the suitability of meat and its byproducts for consumption purposes. This will ensure high level of food safety, public hygiene and quality of life of the citizenry generally. In summary, we will: 1. Abolish monthly sanitation exercise 2. Introduce daily sanitation exercise 3. Introduce Health & Sanitary Inspectors 4. Build WORLD-CLASS General Hospitals in all the LGA’s, and 5. Revitalize all Primary & Secondary Health Care Centres (PHCs) to ensure effective and quality health care service delivery at the grassroots. JOIN THE BANDWAGON: I urge you to join the BANDWAGON. LET’S COME TOGETHER TO BUILD THE NASARAWA


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OUR COVENANT WITH NASARAWA STATE (12) CORE MANDATE SALARIES, PENSION & GRATUITIES Ordinarily, this shouldn’t be an issue for discussion. CONTRACTUALLY, it is obligatory on the part of the employer of labour to redeem all contractual agreements as regards the payment of salaries, pension and gratuities. And MORALLY, it is equally even more obligatory on the part of the employer of labour to fulfill his/her part of the contract in an EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONSHIP. Unfortunately, as of today, one has to put the issue in the front burner of governance. And after critically examining all the pros & cons of the usual issues agitating CIVIL SERVANTS and RETIREES we are determined to NIP THE ISSUE IN THE BUD, once and for all. Our covenant therefore is as follows: a. Basic salary will be paid without fail every 25th day of the month b. Pension will be paid same 25th day of every month c. Gratuity will be paid on month of retirement ON BACKLOG OF PENSION & GRATUITIES: These are accumulated debts the state is owing RETIREES going back to 1996 when the state was carved out of PLATEAU STATE to date. We will resolve these backlog of PENSION & GRATUITIES through a process of re-validation, and those confirmed will be settled through the issuance of liquid promissory notes (BONDS) phased over FOUR YEARS to minimise impact on the state’s liquidity. This will FREE THE STATE FROM ALL INDEBTEDNESS AND OBLIGATIONS as regards PENSIONS AND GRATUITIES. However, this process of debt settlement will require the ENDORSEMENT OF STATE ASSEMBLY, through the Medium Term Expenditure Framework, MTEF, we intend to submit immediately the final figures are determined. ON BACKLOG OF SALARIES, & ALLOWANCES The issues will be determined on assumption of office, as the current government is making spirited efforts at sorting the imbroglio. ON LOCAL GOVERNMENT SALARIES & ALLOWANCES The state government will absolutely allow the running of local government councils as CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED. However, we will ensure that salaries and entitlements of Local Government Workers in the State are paid in full and as when due. Any arrears on these salaries will appropriately be verified and settled in the same manner listed above. SALARIES, WAGES AND PENSION MANAGEMENT The Salaries & Pension Management in the state will be reformed to meet with the exigencies of the moment. While employees will be required to give notice of intention to retire from the Public service three (3) months before attainment of the age of 60 years or 35 years of service whichever comes first and shall be deemed to have retired with effect from the date the person attained the age of 60 years or 35 years of service or the date on the letter of voluntary retirement where he/she retires voluntarily. This will give ample time for calculation of all benefits accruable to that person, and ULTIMATELY, WITHOUT STRESS, SETTLEMENT ON TIME AT TIME OF RETIREMENT. GOVERNANCE IS ALL ABOUT THE PEOPLE, AND THE PEOPLE WE PLEDGE TO SERVE. JOIN THE BANDWAGON:

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OUR COVENANT WITH NASARAWA STATE (13) CORE MANDATE LOCAL GOVERNMENT COUNCILS The third tier of governance in the present democratic dispensation is the local government council. They are the closest government institution to the masses at the grass-root level. We will therefore ensure that all the local government councils are constitutionally constituted through transparent election. We will also guarantee total independence of the local councils, by allowing them free room to govern as constitutionally spelt out. However, where areas of convergence occur, in order to address critical issues or developmental concerns at the local level, we will work in synergy to overcome such concerns. The difficulties of having real development in the rural areas are due to: I. Political interference by State Governments II. Inability of the local governments to perform their statutory duties, and III. Inadequate revenue to effect infrastructural development and provide social amenities The THREE main source of revenue for the Local Governments are EXTERNAL, STATUTORY, & LOCAL. The External Source relates to the MONTHLY ALLOCATION FROM THE FEDERATION ACCOUNT (20.6%). While STATUTORILY THE STATE GOVERNMENT CONTRIBUTES (10%) I.G.R. State Governments are expected to pull together all funds received from the Federation Account with the 10% of the Internally Generated Revenue for the purpose of distribution to the Local Government – as per Section 162 (6) of the 1999 Constitution (as amended). While the third source of REVENUE is LOCAL, which includes PERSONAL INCOME TAX, RATES (property rate, special rate and capitation rate otherwise known as poll tax), FINES, FEES AND CHARGES. THE ISSUES: 1. OVER-BLOATED WORK-FORCE ‘Most Local Governments are in the habit of carrying out recruitment with reckless abandon and in utter violation of establishment Rules and Regulations, just to satisfy personal egos of the Leaders at the helm of affairs or for political expediency in clear violation of establishment laws’, according to report on issues bedeviling Local Government administration. No doubt, in a responsible and responsive governance system, recruitment and promotion of workers should be done in consonance with felt need of the Local Governments and as budgetary provisions allow. 2. CORRUPTION AND MISMANAGEMENT Grafts and corruption by Public Officers at the Local Government level had in the immediate past assumed a cankerworm that has almost defied a solution, according to studies, “there is probably no level and institution of government where corruption is as widespread, undiluted and unambiguous as (in the) Local Government(s)”.


Most often, the Local governments are unable to generate any sizable revenue internally, generally due to unprecedented corruption, ineptitude or a combination of both, and undue interference from the state government in the management of the councils. Revenue sources for the Local Governments, such as Poll Tax, Tenement Rate, Bicycle License fee, Hackney Permit fee, Liquor License fee, and Palm Wine tapper/seller fees are there for the local councils to collect, and boost their Internal Revenue in addition to the STATUTORY FEDERAL ALLOCATION, AND STATE’S CONTRIBUTORY

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PORTION. But none of that is happening at the moment. So the PRINCIPALS at the local levels just collect their monthly allocations and share it amongst themselves with very little left for them to execute any project. The cycle repeats itself every month without end, hence the governance lethargy at the grassroots level. OUR PROMISE TO THE LOCAL GOVERNMENTS I. We will clean up the entire local government operation by instituting a COMMITTEE TO LOOK INTO THE SYSTEM CURRENTLY IN PLACE and prescribe appropriate best governance practice. II. Clean-up the workforce, by removing ghost workers III. Revamp local revenue collection, and IV. Institute Democratic Governance as constitutionality prescribed We will ensure that the Local Government Councils are given enough freedom to generate their revenue without let or hindrance to enable them perform their constitutional duties of overseeing, primary education, primary healthcare, water supply, and construction of rural feeder roads. While the State Government contributes its quota as constitutionally provided for the smooth running of the Local Councils. GOVERNANCE IS ALL ABOUT THE PEOPLE, AND THE PEOPLE WE PLEDGE TO SERVE. JOIN THE BANDWAGON: I urge you to join the BANDWAGON. LET’S COME TOGETHER TO BUILD THE NASARAWA


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Public transportation provides personal mobility and freedom for people from every walk of life. It gives people transportation options to get to work, go to school, visit friends, or in the rural areas, it provides the means to carry farm produce to market. For low-income rural dwellers, lack of affordable transportation to and from urban centres are barriers to farming, while limited transportation options also isolate the rural poor from government services and programs designed to lift them out of poverty.

To this end, God willing, upon success at the POLLS in 2019, we will introduce the following:


The NASARAWA MASS TRANSIT SERVICES is the re-introduction of the moribund NASARAWA EXPRESS SERVICES. We will reform its operation for ultimate performance. It will serve as the STATE’S FLAGSHIP TRANSPORT service for transit visitors, tourists, and investors. It’s operation will cover all the LOCAL GOVERNMENT HEADQUARTERS OF THE STATE and entire STATES OF THE FEDERATION. It will provide comfort, competitive and affordable services to the general public.

We will partner with any of the AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURING COMPANIES and use their BRANDED VEHICLES on condition that they will establish:


Government will partner with the ROAD TRANSPORT WORKERS ASSOCIATION to modernise their operation and make their acquisition of new vehicles relatively easy through the proposed NASARAWA PEOPLES’ BANK by introducing revolving loan services for them to buy new fleets of vehicles for their members. We will, in partnership with the UNION, also build new garages or rebuild old ones to accommodate shops, malls, and accommodation to cater for the needs of transporters and commuters. While also we will partner with the ASSOCIATION to introduce town services - KEKE NAPEP/MOTORCYCLES services - in the state capital and All Local Government and Development Areas Headquarters.

Additionally, in PARTNERSHIP WITH THE UNION, we will introduce RURAL COMMUNITY TRANSPORT ASSOCIATION and empower the Association to own KEKE NAPEP and MOTORCYCLES in populated villages to link the villages with the Local Government Headquarters.

The advantage here is three-fold; the Partnership will ensure vehicular longevity, provide training and employment to youths, and save cost, thereby maximising resources and financial benefits to the government, by way of fees, while also providing needed social responsibility to the citizenry. While the ROAD, TRANSPORT WORKERS ASSOCIATION will benefit immensely from government intervention. IT IS A WIN, WIN SITUATION FOR ALL.




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