with god all things- peter-pptx

With God all things are possible A story about prayer, preaching, prison, and Peter

Upload: heather-whittenburg

Post on 06-Aug-2015




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With God all things are possible

A story about prayer, preaching,

prison, and Peter

King Herod rules the Jews

King Herod ruled the Jews, God’s chosen people. Peter and John lived in that land.

They faithfully preached God’s Word. They preached the Gospel. That Jesus died,

was buried, and he rose again! But King Herod did not want to hear this good news

spread across the land.

Peter goes to prisonPeter and John knew King

Herod did not want them to preach the Gospel, but they

had to obey God. King Herod wanted to stop the disciples from preaching so he killed

John’s brother James and had Peter thrown into prison. To make sure he did not escape

King Herod put four quaternions of soldiers to

guard his door. King Herod planned to kill Peter after


Christians prayed for Peter

Christians decided they would pray for Peter while he was in prison. They wanted him to

get out. They needed Peter to be able to preach the Gospel. They feared that King Herod would kill Peter so they met

and prayed all day and night.

The angel sets Peter free

One night while Peter was sleeping the angel of the Lord came to Peter. All of a sudden there was a shining light. The angel woke Peter up and smote Peter on his side. When the angel got Peter up his chains just fell off his hands. The angel told Peter to put on his shoes and

coat. Peter obeyed. Peter kept thinking it must be a dream, but when they came to the iron

gate, it opened by itself. Peter was free.

Peter knocks at the doorNow Peter knew that he was not

dreaming! He knew God sent the angel to set him free. Peter hurried to the

house where the Christians were praying. When he came to the door and

knocked a damsel named Rhoda answered. When she heard Peter’s

voice she was so happy she forgot to open the door. She ran to get the other Christians. They did not believe her, but Peter kept knocking. When they opened

the door they were astonished. Peter told them how the Lord brought him out

of prison.

With God all things are possible

God answers our prayers today too. The Bible says in

Matthew 7:7 “Ask and it shall be given you: seek, and ye

shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:”

Prayer is just talking to God. God wants us to talk to him. He made you and wants you to trust him and talk to him

about everything in your life.