wit fncifir · 2015-06-02 · 1" wit fncifir if'vi,vi,r. hawaii...

1" wit f ncifir if'Vi,vi,r. Hawaii Tfnnni'pv, !!mi'poi,,h- - a,,, , ,t I Lu'f en F EB5in 'HONOLULU MILK xpfisf r U L L INSURANTS IN IMJI.L CONTROL Or IOWA MA II: CONVENTION nr LH I II II M .dl Is SriURDm SMUCCLEl pi J" JUSTACE 1 WALK U t- - tit f J CHINESE ?3 'f 1 ? St And One-Thir- d of iho dm-- , lhal Har Brcn rrotimitig II Ate Disposed. ORG A AMD MAMS MTOHT Is Reluctant to Kill Sirk Cows and Suggests System of Pasteurization. 5 i Lane Out r ts Leaves One ftOl!l(fl. ( '.l.ll l) i f iQ I,..-- Party Stronger. jjTICAL DOrESTEHS , f ( ,i It, ..I, I. ' dl.. . 0'it 0U I- as TreEsirer ,mM SUDJtSiS- - Walerhouse ans hLgnes for Board. V ' : "' fiord ' e.st!l.- - ).;,, w iilt milk j ! :hx lw .i-n.- i i. ., inf. . i . ,i v H It j i '.!;.' ru . .ir.imji . (in trjmit .if j Tr. N.M-isai.- ih;t t.-- , , ,1.0 V('."i-,- of ;i virr, i! lit ' o i i V i j.Mov.iaj afu'm.ion. it np i f) v ft of til."..' int''-lr.- :'fi1t;.' h:.-!- ' oon klilcl. mi)v f.Mt t wo ; mil nt tise rtitjv ln:.l dnit roafo.l j 1o i hi f n!nn tos-- t U;iug )mii i ;m.s ,i ;;I:iii-- t iiHit of i h.Mii It it t1 Tvoiral .. !!-- N'.n-jinai.- i i r,io!is 1,1 pvot.'ot t ,o d.iii in. n. utt y lrliitt. fit.. I. . i....t(.i i i,,,ii.i,. I.i.j !,'.. - ' r a ' n.,,1 Hrnntor I ' I'm. .h w'.'I ) .t... I.. a (,..,,.. .,..,;, pn,k f ppl rf inn f mm tko . ui c,t in r ).' l"-. it-)- ? . will 1)P m;n.' nunii.ct liim InqiiiKPtitB Viri th R'trtfl'.wr KV. TOPI'.KA, IsttifHa. Aui.t?t .t At it....,!.;;.),.. ;,;i:,r tin1 inaiii a ..il.i, i, I, gain t" t),. i on v f, ' ?,', art. j. tll.'if I i t,, i.i.'l -i ? OMt 'if ' rsl.''' M--- (t'fi'l lit Twi M'jxit HT. I.ttt'lH, MoittiiiKi, .Auj.taf 'I. ') 'Im ...rifPa5rf.- - ,:tltfl' 1i:i.' Ipi'.ii 1 1: mi iii i ii :i i, til riiHii;, M;.iii,.un, Atiu'tat t tt- p'f :'." v.-;- , t atnlpn! ! ilirli'.t ('..in I. t.i t !. . ,!, v.'t,: , lu'injr in .lmilit. the ir.v.i-p:- - - -- KftoSajr ; ,r,"rt TV 4 ,i 7 !q- - fit the !'' ' ': jiw-toa- s . b or The Mills. Tiit p; vu' m ANDERSON - " - 1 i;)ny anin:al 'f tin' TiTti T.iiirT CliUrt .". Kir--- ot :''TV :4 xv,'! Know n faot, hut that v, t:r ;s tf .i in ' htro j'ir.-M)t- ,.li.ttl.l ln u- Kovi ii i,;---- t S.',t;.rdsv. I ir.iWto.l :t gtoat MirpviM' THIRTY-SI- X HOURS jk restH being tLM ninona sl Terr scrfi-ifef- l L.mse-- i jjat el by Wfottltr fi'e irs-- t --4 of tiif citr Etmolu'.u. a r.as catix'.l a Mnnn hat otuburva i.f-r.:r- I WITHOUT RATIONS IS A "100 cue & sLcts - i ; . ... ... , Mtt?s: iin. wl.i. ii. liOcor, inttst li- fe miy o BtTOTif cutiDafcl s. !! c -- 1(J fWll.S;t rvfj, :7i ATr.ic.i It Willi in Mich a wanner lof Qsrte lirfe. ,:LX j.,,-1- . j.v !lU ..ufi.twr std . s 1s' ';-- - ihc !o:ts .'tMi..ii.r t yis dance fauca. in: t:- - r vf. 15. ., E T ... ; ?:.i .iairy o r.or. an,! at tho :imt' time pirate lis pvs fc"ftiiBLaaaurB ?olzrin?.y . r.ict fcsguBwaliM lifao -- i.tie rir: ( Mrv'd ' - n"'ll.T i!!:-''i:I'- t 2.aiii--na- : Maaure ia Milk. Wonderful Hike of Infantrymen Freemasonry Among Negroes Across the Koolau J Said to Be Helping the Range. j EscaprJ Prisoner. t'.n.n.;j'st..i.!' tiia low & UifTi.Der 01 t Pr. N'.Tsraaril alo savs that h lin.i- - ( ;,vn '.'i ivt i.w .n ".1 rtirt ; i - . : '. 1 r ll.Vlll. ""it"- - .i : i'1 i- - r.i.t--- .: ".;:a.n.L.l rlii : cail c aitit " :t n.ilk in Iloi.olulu to bo vorv jcagiiatont cf the rulrdt.t:!!:s t.i.ard ;. fci ta&wt last Tinfi, in? t nt. ;. j it: t , : s : ;::;.:.; r c ' Th n-- t that HoiH.iulu niiik. oou- - t a . i '. s a c : v " povrOilta'O of ill I t Lieut. Austin M. J'anlo.- - n'.A fifty men of cotupany ii, "tn l.iiati" sitfflv ne.itiato.l tin aili-t:"- l truil o j r: , fe; ii.;.t:.. b:i if iUMKfvi. 1,0 a. Aoeoia- - la. ti, IaSasg of ei. t'df'' tiicusw -- ; I I Mirc this wet cUtH-L-.r.- c tbp : t..h.-vi'.i- : i.lif Cie3t j 2es t,i ...nte ati;hirttios tho citizens of sxse. t ' .t in ?t ..i?. ,!L- - .1 11!,- - .in, ivtliiii I the Koniati range, from Wahiawa to ; tbor. '.;:.-- ; to b.- - L: ;..'- - ii cr z.? ix'.iv-Kahun- valley. They will arrive t- -t lulu. i sai-- i to beivr. ;o a FortSltafter this afternoon. The . ization khovrz as xlm voivii. Jii- - w;is made tjuuday at noon from Wahi- - j ti.:kvr as-- o'hsr sri , e'.:- - awa, and the head of the ditch trail j cronies of Graee. sr ii i t c- - was reached Sunday night where camp imbued with rocl-.-.-in:- iriLtii -- iii was pitched. On Mondav the Wahiawa j a line o: s .i; ers'i:i :r.5 tia.: iri; au" r;,, ,.4.r.. r a tr5-- , am 1:0: in a position to btate Low tessfflif ta-- k hmoiiz 11 ; L?','VS)r ' Vi'ir$ 'ich 'VTiif eii the inhabitant of Honolulu ab- - jtiasiB i TwtLhiatli.r Irti"r: - ; ,, 'j-'- , j,',, T.u-r.- ,;, ;f i'vi::.; ' orl per day ot tb;s eomn'.o.lity. it is ftjik,ir ciBdicble ft.r Ti.p : t-- J" .jt! uTt.t "nusMuV.ary pror-k- ) t0 .T.Lat eaen maiviJual Tt trfl iU; M.ii.r'f ' i'.f tkt- - OriM.:.. He is tararfri dearer """""."S "rrfc ana to ianurajtni. A Toiice o'cis: a:e :': river was waded for more than three hours upstream and then a rid3re was ' ir.i-- " : : ".1... 1 :i.!t.iia ic ". J:ZZ i Z llih! Vli- t- -- :i-r t4- -' 1,1. t i" .- -- i-- f : :r:-- " Tir ii-:rlr.-- "imug;i f.--it Tt-r M- -f ::iT. i:iL -- .:ie.. Cii:-r-v'-.- . t l.' ia-- t. r-- Z 37 ::.:.s i.i ie-e-- t frrpitse'L. fciMfemhe of -- iirit.; p-- -::- - "(", J of B,rHn. a'.-h- which is not- - J ' rimuu.i!Ots:Qer.i.r U.. Ttr rt - ; : f its cieaa dairies." esV raw sn-'.i.- : I.vrn:!- -, ' - ( . (Continued on Fa?e Four.) rito yoi: 6 rtti t '!','r " .y'V ' usi'i'ii, iii to rtiii to!) 01 the. Koolau ! ot union amo:2 i.ezre w fa.iiwpv, CtmiameC or. Th.ge Pi re.) L A. range where the alleged trail was lost ; roodoobm is tae s:r.;.r.r-- - ::-- and the boio squad began cutting a ! jnr eVcn tLa: of rf.i;nry. new trail along the main ridge until . 1 ; e:.sv-;-.-e i v a sour could be found that really de-- ; " tended to the vallev. negror, totner :rc-ug- . 00 Hill .UOnuilV nigiu was spent in a ui."g ; a- - i. - WILL NOT RUN rain, each of the men sleeping length- - j the ic'.iee .o the belief ! 11,- -ut u.t;t cut- bf n.fcie tow : teat ne j .vl l: "e:.:ra Trios eLureh V :r :. - A "hn: ::2? further j ' t.i:i:o; i '""T! f i ts v.',J tiiEue.. i , :.r-- :: is-a- ly Mr. i u'-i.- '. : ; ! i';iLe on ..r j .iy j ufr-riK.- or, i"Mt. iout to six. ; I! IIEfll) 1 THE HOUSE wise iu the trail, -- 400 feet above the j voo,5-i- brother here sri ex- - h.ittrim of the va levs. Kations ran ',iwcr t. i;e.i - ! V... 1. ., i ervttunir ia Ht'VAS BQES i.E EVIDENCE OF WEDEH nut nil tlio hard.aek havuiiT LH vi'.i., ; so.ldeui in the Wahiawa river," the trail from the yohee eBusiness Considerations Induce j for ltlill,s havuilr led along its bed.! Tuesday morning trail s. eking and cut- j B0R DEPARTMENT ntu it . Uim tn'Qtau Out nf Rar.P fnr a Leaders Tryinq to! ASK TO BE HEARD j EXCLUDES HINDUS -- "i. " IT City Attorney. ting was resu.'tieii. out 11 was um uum afternoon that Kahana valley was reached, many ot lie men hav.ng fast- ed for thirty six hours at.d all of them for twenty four. It was the hardest j..3.i-- . Vui ce-f- i blui- - sc-i.- sl'iitilJ-i- g e.f T.zt .v i Sf t lil. - t Chairman for the Jud' eary Committee. WASHINGTON". t; .:ees vf 3 a .re- - j f ; by Pre?; - t V i endurance hike ever imsetl out to the i ... ... 1 .... ;... i Att-- r Hifjt'tre consiiieration t..oBru ot t 1; ; ; - t f :': militarv men on tins isuui-i- . au-- . ... that. Hindus w ho app-liex5- . f.T a V. s. j .. l '? t:'iiliij this ootiutty a: Sestt'e wet :.v.Uy v ? tit-j- h:'I xar. dered deport tsi Vy A.'t.g Ne.k-rrt.r- t.y a ! t. jeta.AM .'it'.'e of tV-- de-.v.- r ;k;v;:: ;:vi;j,i : ; - ;;i -- i.? k"i.;'t Douthitt ban virt ually . oni-liole- . , , . . , ,.s , ,1U, ht. lu,th ( . Lshii.r "but 1.0 t't be taen thf t-j- t ( ; rr: t: : i' i liv-Ls- for the he wi;i r.-- t oti'nt to nave j.is name vote iluriiii; lni M i v ice in the niit as w to 1 ,'- - lieoiil lit ari eon en t io It I i I i t.i.i u.-- sttBf bI1h2 t. :tai-:i.k- i: for 9EtaLVes is ere tiit ..s ig-.-tt- - ,;i?ei w i.i.ri u- -'. T:;e .'. v .. m .;ls , f. ;?! f Z- -l't 31 l.-- ie rt.-t.- oi; of tne proj !i - eato ii. late for eitvi ' great t.tl... rtltl uo' e , ''- - ; .:.a hiiV. j- i , ii.-iI- of : In- - militarv it. t liiuoiula. a ua j,s llt, ., , ; .j;t. . ' . i ! attorn".'. iiii;),es intends wiiii-- de it i,r,.e,i .at tin- - .Aineiuan oi,ne ;i expense ilt letv-r:-.- . s,y -- t ; x?jit. i a et:At'.en sV.ewe-- :V ..: tbe K- ;- - . t .!... fcSv." io fri jusi ii j.resttt, f:r t!,.. SI ! hi ri'.jr attention and his part- - VViti, iii- - Milt pounds of aee.ut- ,erh:r. w.th Jarties t'of-- an- - the ra . w heir any other malt .'.' t.-- . iscwftiT t c- - ..'-- s : : iifT fftn s.wrf 1 r.TT- - ! u J far u- - tw ( c. i I 0. 3 pp. ; ' '3iv uim Ti-- t h. v. . EOT v u htf he eat. i. ..I afford hint Iii n:n ad vati''. i u w e : o . '' e '. ? :t er - 1; e. ir e. ' " " ; ' T S ! t i t- .7- - "tititTt eLfcirn,: z. ; : : 1 ' ;.;iv- i.t-.- ma.irt s,f the .i.-- ; LAWYERS IN JAIL FOR - t the t;o i.iiia t ;Oti . 1 i.ave t i u ihinking it over pretty V:v." said .. r. JiootioH yeht.-r-a- er;;ooi., '' and ! have about, eon CONTEMPT OF COURT 1,M! :iv, av ..I UNITED WtRELES? OFFICERS i.V?C7E?- PIPE PROVES GOOD - ti.at beat, not a ffot.f to ton f'-- r , . . N .... . N , . x , Alll.w,t I'Ltee Kie v3 xot rr:t! fer tL K T. iliwlxg , y t ; fcr , , I sot t " ' ;,!!'""' l" K've: k, r...lt".....u r.e-- -'o t hr I , i!u--- t the . bv:i.;?c ef t : WEAPON IU PINCH ' f it would . rs. t : I) - Los in tt'I t e,t:.i rv.l I, I,, ,1 I,. tl , A:i.T to IO V ! ' ' oe!, .1 Mi ' lot ll.r ,. , o! cult- i !:l:U'V :: 1 ; s - '. M.. d. f lo'i r siiiiic AIIi'Oii is A A i l. 11. 11. o e i. .ot i ei iii. ttfr l&Tk-Tr-;. r - t. t., ;..lto ti.ai tt.j.i le ?o Olio- i , ..... ! ),:.! .to oof fi.lt I. tit 1 ! , . r t . t. . i n ... . . . t ho 3 2:g'J i 3."i i0:s 12; US Kiaui "Itill! i. tgullli t to-- Ii. 1 tal All 5. 1 i .t , 1.1 I I,, I illilO.tU ....-.- : .not i' ..I a .J ...... ., .tu.ii:..! '.!: .''..ii. i ... b I a.. I. '' u petit ."' fi-o- ti. ,, ,., Ii 1 I,, 11,. 1, Cto ...I i . . I ,,f ,,tlt .... ! .ii,i ;;'ilu t 5 til - - - t it.- o.i '.' t' .''.. ANOTHER ':AT;S ,s x t,;-- . it I i Io it ii fo I to ' .t .t , .1! .,,.! ,..;.i.i.j.- j ... .f ... , -- i ,.,..f , t )),. i ,t ,. ., ! r.tid ttii cunt: i ii .j,;.;. i tin 1 1 i i v irCOCHAl. GRANIi i n , lit i (JIMI!A Ifi Ml Xir.O ,. ... iiau. ;?t -- 0 ...,.,, . - ?ttT;;;5!.;.'"' fe,."1 .vi-e- ttif. . . . . ? 5 '5hr::-- ' .( - I I. !. i o u ; ., .i , ; i i i u.,.1 I. t' , t a. . - ll-- 1 - ' ' ' ; ill ...... !' i . .' i v - f. , -- I I t . i ii.. a. t i i

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wit fncifirif'Vi,vi,r. Hawaii Tfnnni'pv, !!mi'poi,,h-- a,,, , ,t

I Lu'f en F EB5in 'HONOLULU MILK xpfisf rU L L


nr LHI


pi J"


1 WALKU t- - tit

f J CHINESE?3 'f1 ?


And One-Thir- d of iho dm-- , lhalHar Brcn rrotimitig II Ate



Is Reluctant to Kill Sirk Cows

and Suggests System of



i Lane Out rts Leaves


ftOl!l(fl. ( '.l.ll l) i f iQ


Party Stronger.

jjTICAL DOrESTEHS, f ( ,i It, ..I, I. ' dl.. . 0'it 0U I-

as TreEsirer,mM SUDJtSiS- -

Walerhouse ans hLgnes

for Board.

V ' : "' fiord '

e.st!l.- - ).;,, w iilt milkj ! :hx lw .i-n.- i i. ., inf. . i . ,i v H It

ji '.!;.' ru . .ir.imji . (in trjmit .if

j Tr. N.M-isai.- ih;t t.-- , ,

,1.0 V('."i-,- of ;i virr, i! lit ' o i i V

i j.Mov.iaj afu'm.ion. it npi f) v ft of til."..' int''-lr.-

:'fi1t;.' h:.-!- ' oon klilcl. mi)v f.Mt t wo; mil nt tise rtitjv ln:.l dnit roafo.lj 1o i hi f n!nn tos-- t U;iug )miii ;m.s ,i ;;I:iii-- t iiHit of i h.Mii It it t1

Tvoiral .. !!-- N'.n-jinai.- i

i r,io!is 1,1 pvot.'ot t ,o d.iii in. n. utt y

lrliitt. fit.. I. . i....t(.i i i,,,ii.i,. I.i.j !,'.. - ' r a '

n.,,1 Hrnntor I ' I'm. .h w'.'I ) .t... I.. a (,..,,.. .,..,;,pn,k fppl rf inn f mm tko . ui c,t in r ).' l"-. it-)- ? .

will 1)P m;n.' nunii.ct liim

InqiiiKPtitB Viri th R'trtfl'.wr KV.TOPI'.KA, IsttifHa. Aui.t?t .t At it....,!.;;.),.. ;,;i:,r

tin1 inaiii a ..il.i, i, I, gain t" t),. i on v f, ' ?,', art. j.

tll.'if I i t,, i.i.'l - i ? OMt 'if ' rsl.'''M--- (t'fi'l lit Twi M'jxit

HT. I.ttt'lH, MoittiiiKi, .Auj.taf 'I. ') 'Im ...rifPa5rf.- -

,:tltfl' 1i:i.' Ipi'.ii 1 1: mi iii i ii :i i,til riiHii;, M;.iii,.un, Atiu'tat t tt- p'f :'." v.-;-


t atnlpn! ! ilirli'.t ('..in I. t.i t !. . ,!, v.'t,: ,

lu'injr in .lmilit.

the ir.v.i-p:- - ---KftoSajr ; ,r,"rt


4 ,i 7 !q--

fit the !'' ' ':jiw-toa- s

. b or The Mills. Tiit p; vu'


- " - 1 i;)ny anin:al 'f tin' TiTtiT.iiirT CliUrt .". Kir--- ot :''TV :4 xv,'! Know n faot, hut that

v, t:r ;s tf .i in ' htro j'ir.-M)t- ,.li.ttl.l lnu- Kovi ii i,;----

t S.',t;.rdsv. I ir.iWto.l :t gtoat MirpviM'

THIRTY-SI- X HOURSjk restH being tLM ninona

sl Terr scrfi-ifef-l L.mse-- i

jjat el by Wfottltr fi'e irs-- t

--4 of tiif citr Etmolu'.u. a r.as catix'.l a Mnnn hat otuburvai.f-r.:r- IWITHOUT RATIONS IS A "100cue & sLcts - i ;

. ... ... , Mtt?s: iin. wl.i. ii. liOcor, inttst li-

fe miy o BtTOTif cutiDafcl s. !! c --1(J fWll.S;t rvfj, :7i ATr.ic.i It Willi in Mich a wanner

lof Qsrte lirfe. ,:LXj.,,-1-

. j.v !lU ..ufi.twr std . s 1s' ';-- - ihc !o:ts .'tMi..ii.r t

yis dance fauca. in: t:- -

r vf. 15. ., E T ... ; ?:.i .iairy o r.or. an,! at tho :imt' time

pirate lis pvs

fc"ftiiBLaaaurB ?olzrin?.y . r.ictfcsguBwaliM lifao --i.tie rir: (

Mrv'd ' - n"'ll.T i!!:-''i:I'- t2.aiii--na- : Maaure ia Milk.

Wonderful Hike of Infantrymen Freemasonry Among Negroes

Across the Koolau J Said to Be Helping the

Range. j EscaprJ Prisoner.t'.n.n.;j'st..i.!' tiia low & UifTi.Der 01 t Pr. N'.Tsraaril alo savs that h lin.i- -

( ;,vn '.'i ivt i.w

.n ".1 rtirt; i - . : '. 1 r

ll.Vlll. ""it"- -

.i : i'1 i- - r.i.t--- .:

".;:a.n.L.l rlii

: cail c


" :t n.ilk in Iloi.olulu to bo vorvjcagiiatont cf the rulrdt.t:!!:s t.i.ard ;.

fci ta&wt last Tinfi, in? t nt. ;. j it: t , : s : ;::;.:.; r c' Th n-- t that HoiH.iulu niiik. oou- -

t a . i '. s a c : v " povrOilta'O of ill I tLieut. Austin M. J'anlo.- - n'.A

fifty men of cotupany ii, "tn l.iiati"sitfflv ne.itiato.l tin aili-t:"- l truil o

j r: , fe;

ii.;.t:.. b:iif iUMKfvi. 1,0 a. Aoeoia- -la. ti, IaSasg of ei. t'df'' tiicusw -- ; I I

Mirc this wet cUtH-L-.r.- c tbp :t..h.-vi'.i- : i.lif Cie3t j 2es t,i ...nte ati;hirttios tho citizens of

sxse.t ' .t in ?t ..i?. ,!L-- .1 11!,- - .in, ivtliiii I

the Koniati range, from Wahiawa to ; tbor. '.;:.--; to b.-- L: ;..'-- ii cr z.? ix'.iv-Kahun-

valley. They will arrive t- -t lulu. i sai-- i to beivr. ;o a

FortSltafter this afternoon. The . ization khovrz as xlm voivii. Jii--

w;is made tjuuday at noon from Wahi- - j ti.:kvr as-- o'hsr sri , e'.:- -awa, and the head of the ditch trail j cronies of Graee. sr ii i t c- -

was reached Sunday night where camp imbued with rocl-.-.-in:- iriLtii --iiiwas pitched. On Mondav the Wahiawa j a line o: s .i; ers'i:i :r.5 tia.: iri;

au" r;,, ,.4.r.. r a tr5-- , am 1:0: in a position to btate Lowtessfflif ta-- k hmoiiz 11 ; L?','VS)r

'Vi'ir$ 'ich 'VTiif eii the inhabitant of Honolulu ab- -

jtiasiB i TwtLhiatli.r Irti"r: - ; ,, 'j-'- , j,',,T.u-r.- ,;, ;f i'vi::.; ' orl per day ot tb;s eomn'.o.lity. it is

ftjik,ir ciBdicble ft.r Ti.p :

t-- J" .jt! uTt.t "nusMuV.ary pror-k- ) t0 .T.Lat eaen maiviJualTt trfl iU; M.ii.r'f ' i'.f tkt- - OriM.:.. He is tararfri dearer """""."S "rrfc

ana to ianurajtni.A Toiice o'cis: a:e :':

river was waded for more than threehours upstream and then a rid3re was

' ir.i-- " : : ".1... 1 :i.!t.iia ic

". J:ZZ i Z llih! Vli- t-

-- :i-r t4- -' 1,1. t i"

.- -- i-- f : :r:-- "

Tir ii-:rlr.-- "imug;i

f.--it Tt-r M- -f ::iT. i:iL-- .:ie.. Cii:-r-v'-.- . t l.' ia-- t. r-- Z 37

::.:.s i.i ie-e-- t frrpitse'L.

fciMfemhe of -- iirit.; p-- -::- - "(", J of B,rHn. a'.-h- which is not- -J 'rimuu.i!Ots:Qer.i.r U.. Ttr rt - ; : f its cieaa dairies."

esV raw sn-'.i.- : I.vrn:!- -, ' -( . (Continued on Fa?e Four.)

rito yoi: 6 rtti t '!','r " .y'V ' usi'i'ii, iii to rtiii to!) 01 the. Koolau ! ot union amo:2 i.ezre wfa.iiwpv,

CtmiameC or. Th.ge Pi re.)L A.

range where the alleged trail was lost ; roodoobm is tae s:r.;.r.r-- - ::--

and the boio squad began cutting a ! jnr eVcn tLa: of rf.i;nry.new trail along the main ridge until .

1; e:.sv-;-.-e i v

a sour could be found that really de-- ; "tended to the vallev. negror, totner :rc-ug- .

00 Hill.UOnuilV nigiu was spent in a ui."g ; a- - i. -

WILL NOT RUN rain, each of the men sleeping length- - j the ic'.iee .o the belief

! 11,- -ut u.t;t cut- bf n.fcie tow : teat ne j

.vl l: "e:.:ra Trios eLurehV :r :. - A "hn: ::2? further j

' t.i:i:o; i '""T! f i ts v.',J tiiEue.. i

, :.r-- :: is-a- ly Mr.

iu'-i.- '. : ; ! i';iLe on ..r j .iy j

ufr-riK.- or, i"Mt. iout to six. ;

I! IIEfll)

1 THE HOUSEwise iu the trail, -- 400 feet above the j voo,5-i- brother here sri ex- -

h.ittrim of the va levs. Kations ran ',iwcr t. i;e.i -! V... 1. ., i ervttunir ia Ht'VAS BQES i.EEVIDENCE OF WEDEHnut nil tlio hard.aek havuiiT LH vi'.i., ;

so.ldeui in the Wahiawa river," the trail from the yoheeeBusiness Considerations Induce j for ltlill,s havuilr led along its bed.!

Tuesday morning trail s. eking and cut- j B0R DEPARTMENTntu it .Uim tn'Qtau Out nf Rar.P fnr

a Leaders Tryinq to! ASK TO BE HEARD j EXCLUDES HINDUS --"i. " ITCity Attorney.

ting was resu.'tieii. out 11 was um uumafternoon that Kahana valley wasreached, many ot lie men hav.ng fast-

ed for thirty six hours at.d all of themfor twenty four. It was the hardest

j..3.i-- . Vui ce-f- i blui- -

sc-i.- sl'iitilJ-i-g

e.f T.zt .v i Sf t lil. -tChairman for the Jud'

eary Committee.WASHINGTON". t; .:eesvf 3 a .re- -


f ; by Pre?; - t

Vi endurance hike ever imsetl out to thei ... ... 1 .... ;...i Att-- r Hifjt'tre consiiierationt..oBru ott 1; ; ; - t f :': militarv men on tins isuui-i- . au-- . ...


Hindus w ho app-liex5- . f.T a V. s. j .. l '? t:'iiliijthis ootiutty a: Sestt'e wet :.v.Uy v ? tit-j- h:'I xar.dered deport tsi Vy A.'t.g Ne.k-rrt.r- t.y a ! t. jeta.AM.'it'.'e of tV-- de-.v.- r ;k;v;:: ;:vi;j,i : ; - ;;i -- i.? k"i.;'t

Douthitt ban virt ually . oni-liole-.

, , .. , ,.s , ,1U, ht. lu,th

( . Lshii.r "but 1.0 t't be taenthf t-j- t ( ; rr: t: : i' i liv-Ls- for the he wi;i r.-- t oti'nt to nave j.is name vote iluriiii; lni M i v ice in theniit as w

to 1 ,'-- lieoiil lit ari eon en t io It I i I i t.i.i u.--

sttBf bI1h2 t. :tai-:i.k- i: for

9EtaLVes is ere tiit ..s ig-.-tt--

,;i?ei w i.i.ri u- -'. T:;e .'. v .. m .;ls , f. ;?! f Z- -l't 31 l.-- iert.-t.- oi; of tne proj !i- eato ii. late for eitvi ' great t.tl... rtltl uo' e , ''- -; .:.ahiiV.j - i ,

ii.-iI- of : In- - militarv it. t liiuoiula. a ua j,s llt, ., , ; .j;t.. ' . i !attorn".'. iiii;),es intends wiiii-- de

it i,r,.e,i .at tin- - .Aineiuan oi,ne;i expense ilt letv-r:-.- . s,y --

t ; x?jit. ia et:At'.en sV.ewe-- :V ..: tbe K- ;- - . t .!... fcSv." io

fri jusi ii j.resttt, f:r t!,.. SI ! hi ri'.jr attention and his part- - VViti, iii- - Milt pounds of aee.ut-

,erh:r. w.th Jarties t'of-- an- - the ra . w heir any other malt .'.'t.-- .

iscwftiT t c- - ..'-- s : :iifT fftn s.wrf 1 r.TT-- !



faru- -









; ' '3iv uim Ti--t h. v. . EOTv u htf he eat. i. ..I afford hint Iii n:nad vati''.

i u w e : o . '' e '. ?

:t e r - 1; e. ir e.

' " " ; ' T S !t i t-

.7-- "tititTt eLfcirn,: z. ; : : 1 ' ;.;iv- i.t-.-

ma.irt s,f the .i.--;LAWYERS IN JAIL FOR

- t the t;o i.iiia t ;Oti .

1 i.ave t i u ihinking it over prettyV:v." said .. r. JiootioH yeht.-r-a-

er;;ooi., ' ' and ! have about, eonCONTEMPT OF COURT 1,M! :iv, av ..I UNITED WtRELES?

OFFICERS i.V?C7E?-PIPE PROVES GOOD- ti.at beat, not a ffot.f to ton f'-- r , . . N .... . N , . x , Alll.w,t I'Ltee

Kie v3 xot rr:t! fer tLK T. iliwlxg ,y t ;

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the .

bv:i.;?c ef t :

WEAPON IU PINCH 'f it would. rs. t : I) - Los in tt'I t e,t:.i rv.lI, I,, ,1 I,. tl

, A:i.T to IO V ! ' ' oe!, .1 Mi ' lot ll.r ,. , o! cult- i

!:l:U'V :: 1 ; s - '.M..d. f lo'i r siiiiic AIIi'Oii is A A

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Navy Officers Win in the Factional Feud With

Marine Corps New Navy Now to

Receive Impetus.

Swell Heidcaps just in from

factory in Philadelphia. Brimful A .JGoodClilU LjUailLJ



Congo Roofing will makeit so. If it's a Congo Roofit will be tis:ht'and it willstay tight. - Any rooting istight for a while, but CongoRoofing stays tight longest.It outlasts shingles andcosts less. It is easy tolay and simple to maintain.

Write for Sample, which

Grey hands and black flexible guantlets.

These are new here but worn exclusively

bv autoists on Riverside drive. v ,rwr?tA. iiOur auto coats are dust and rain-pro- of (4

we will be glad to sendyou free.

LEWERS & COOKE. LTD.177 .So. Kir ' S. and the price makes them reachable by every;;

I s. ,v MV,Ok. I I I

owner of a machine.

Wc Invite Inspection V : ,



1051 Fort St.9

Llt-ril-. II

By Ernest G. Walker.Mai! Special to The Advertiser.)

WAHIN.TOX. July 21. The big::ck swings. A jreat military arm

i't" t'.e jovoriitnenr l'eli"'ds the salutary'iis'ixiiio. These upon whom the blowstali take their punishment like militarymen. Hat a thou-an- d and ten thousand

-i- it's are set to waging. The blijiiit-i- r

j of ambitious careers stirs up coin-as-io-

But the discipline is main-

tained and in the end the service willprofit.

It has not been the President swing-'ns- r

the- h:2 stick; it has been his secre-tary of the navy. He began weeksago and since congress adjourned, atwhich date his naval appropriation billwas Kifely upon the statute books, hehas been swinging the biir stick fre- -

q;;ectiy. Eight in the closing congres-sional days he forced Paymaster-Gen- - i

eral Eustace B. Rogers, head of thebureau of supplies and accounts to re-

tire. Now he ha forced AdmiralWashington Lee Capps. chief of thegreat and very imimrtant bureau ofconduction and repair to scurry to theretired list and last but not least hehas ordered the head officers of themarine corps away to distant posts.This has all been done in the interestof discipline. It was sharp decisivework, once conclusions had been reach-ed. The navy department has knownnothing like it for many, many yearsbut apparently drastic and almost un-

precedented action was indispensable.Now Secretary of the Navy George

von L. Meyer has cleared his path of

Mo yHcOrmBtnrDyFort and Merchant Streets

REAR ADMIRAL CAPPSW ho has resi-rue- as Chief Construc

Fresh Columbia River SalnaDelicious Halibut

I Went

tor of the Navy because of his hostility '

toward Sft-retar- Meyer's plau of nav- - j

al reorganization. i

and gone ahead sawing wood. Theyhave abstained from eucouratring con-gress in one course or the other andhave not identified themselves with thepropaganda of either side. Their fel-low officers knew where these bureauchiefs stood, but there was no offensivepartisanship about it.

'Marine Corps Cases.The marine corps cases are a little

different, but involve the same ques-tion of discipline. The officers of the

Just Received

A brand-ne- line of stylish,

latest finish


That will please you in their neat ap-

pearance as well as in price.

I4K1, and lOKt.

Monograms Engraved Free.


marine corns have not been identified


The Metropolitan Market

W. F. Heilbron, Prop.Telephone 45

with some desirable assignment. Butit seems as though the very pleasantions tenures of service for the com-

mandant and staff ofiicers of the MarineCorps in Washington are at an end.

Big Shaking Up.

It has been a very tIg shaking upand the effect of it upon the marinecorps as an organization allied withthe Xavy will be great. PresidentRoosevtd: issued an order removing themarines from ships of war. The Xavyas an organization has been trying foryears to '"do'' the marine corps. Butwith a corps of old and influential of-

ficers stationed at- Washington theseefforts were frustrated. Before theRoosevelt order could be carried intoexecution, it was nullified and even-tually congress passed a provision con-

tinuing the marines on ship board.Navy Has Upper Hand.

But a new contingent of marine corpsofiicers are plainly to be brought toWashington, men who have been busywith service in many parts of thecountry and who are strange to themysterious ways of pulling legislativewires. The navy officers are not onlymore numerous but they now have dis-tinctly the upper hand and it goeswithout saying that they will takefresh courage in trying to cripple themarine corps and to reduce it to a veryminor place. They have been jealous foryears of the splendid record that themarine corps has and of the corps' greatpopularity. These officers of the navyreason that they and their jackiesshould have all the credit which goesto the marine corps. By getting intoan unseemly quarrel with their com-mandant- the old staff officers of themarine corps have been simply playinginto the hands of their ancient enemyand now they seem to be almost abso-lutely in the power of the navy. Itwill not be long before naw officerswill refuse to allow the marine officersto man any of the guns on a warshipadd will strip them of other duties.The original purpose of marines wasto police the jackies. a duty which, itis claimed, is no longer neeesarv.

with the wrangle over naval methods.They have hail their troubles in pre-venting naval officers from banishingthem and enlisted marines from onboard warships and from confiningthem strictly to service on shore.. Thecorps has had a splendid record, and,as a rule, has been pretty free fromfactional squabbles. But ihe organiza- -

tiun of the corps had become demoral-ized, quite as much as had the organ-ization of the navy department, throughwhich the marine corps is: administered.

The commandant and the staff ofiicersof the corps have been enjoying ap-pointments for service at Washingtonwith a tenure covering the remainderof their service on the active list. Thisassured very desirable berths. A com-mandant, with the rank of major-genera- l,

had one of the most desirable posi-tions in all the military service of thegovernment. lie was assured of resi-- "

dence in Washington for a long period,with aids to make his coming and go-ing easy and to make things pleasantfor his wife and for their daughters, if



i' f








I r


ii , J


! r

! litt1 ii Til


hi '

f '


oostacies. J tie cause or oppositionintrigue in the navy department isdead. Secretary Meyer walks the quar-ter deck, the undisputed master of thesituation. '

A Factional Fight.He has ideas about the administra-

tion of the navy. When he went tothe head of the department he foundtwo factions there. The existence offactions had well nigh demoralized thenaval organization. The head men ofiioth factions deplored the condition butit had sprung up. fundamental ideas ofnaval administration were at issue. Inbrief one idea was a virtual continua-tion of existing conditions: another wasreform in methods and administration.One was for the old navy of the lasttwenty years; the other was for a new-er navy, more closely following the de-

velopments of the great fighting naviesof European powers. The advocates ofthe two lines of procedure fought tothe finish and the advocates of theolder and settled conditions have beenousted.

Some good men have gone down.Rolers and Capps are two of them.Xo abler and more conscientious navalofficers have served under the flag. Asfar as the navy is concerned they areconsigned to the scrap heap, althoughthey go upon the Tetired list with therank of rear-admiral- s of the lowergrade and wbh three-fourth- s pay of thegrade. Their thirty years service ami

J, A. R. Vieira & Go. Japanese Figured Crop

20c. a yardJEWELERS.

Phone 512.113 Hotel St.

OAHU RAILWAY TIME TABLE.jthev had anv. Of course, there were

JAPANESE BAZAARinspection trips, which mean extra mile-age and alike opportunities to travelpleasantly. This good thing could notbe interrupted as long as the incum-bent was on the active list of the corps.

The staff positions have been almostequal! v eood thintrs. Awiointmeuts

1137 Fort Street, Below Convent

j there have been for the remainder ofone's active service, unless promoted,

j but the head of each statf branch was F. E. DAVIS & CO.

Merchandise BrokersNuuanu and Merchant Streets


Reorganization All Round.There will come a virtual reorganiza

ourwaro.For VTaianae, Waiarua, Kshnkn ana

Way Stations 9:15 a. m., 3:20 p. mFor Pearl City, Ewa MiU and Waj

Stations 17:30 a. m., 9.15 a. a.,11:30 a. in., 2:15 p. m., 3:20 p. nu,5:15 p m., J9:30 p. in., Ul:15 p. m.For Wahiawa Leilehus. 10:20 .,

5:15 p. m., 9:30 p. m.. t 11:15 p. m.Inward.

Arrive Honolulu from Kahukn, Waja-lu- a

and Waianae 8:36 a. nu, 5:llp. m.

Arrire Honolulu from Ewa Mill aaJPearl City 17:45 a. m., '8:36 a. m.,

11:02 a. m., 1:40 p. m., 4:26 p. m.,5:31 p. m., 7:30 p. m.

Arrive Honolulu from Wahiawa anLeilehua 9:15 a. m., tl:40 p m., 5:31p. m., 10:10 p. m.

The Haloiwa Limited, a two-ko-w

train (only first-clas- s tickets honored),leaves Honolulu every Sunday at 8:36a. m.; returniig, arrives in Honoluluat 10:10 p. m. The Limited stops onlyat Pearl City and Waianac outward,and Waianae, Waipahu and Pearl Cityinward.Daily, t Except Sunday. tSnndar Only

O. ?. DEX1SOX, F. C. SMITH,Superintendent. Q. P, A.

very likely u hold on without inter-ruption for the only promotion possi-ble for the head of a staff branch wasto commandant. The quartermaster-genera- l

ami the adjutant-general- , eachwith the rank of colonel, have severalassistants. The arrangeinen t made afew excellent berths for ofiicers whoenjoyed staying in Washington andentering upon the pleasures incident tocontinued residence in the federal city.

There has been no question of theirel'icieiiev from a purely business stand-point. They have taken good care ofthe marine corps ami have had theiracquaintances and friends in congresswhom they kept informed ami whofought their battles whenever the Xavysought !o encroach upon the corps.

Big Feud Arises.

A Little Higher Up



sis '

































-- o



in the estimation of yourprospective customer, iswhat you gain by send- -

a recent provision of congress maicesthat possible. But with all their abilityand acumen in administration and con-

struction, they were out of sorts withthe civilian head of tho department,were virtually defying his authorityand military discipline presci'bes butone remedy for such a condition. Themen had to be gotten rid of. WhetherSecretary Meyer is riuht or wrong, mat-ters not in the first instance. Theremust lie harmony in the machinery ofthe navy department. The responsibil-ity is with Secretary Meyer. If he iswrong, soner or later the country willfind it out. Congress will find it outand then Secretary Meyer and he alonewill be criven the blame.

And, on the other hand, if he is rightthe credit will all be his. The servicewill be improved materially. A neworder of things will bo established.And in anv event two distinguishedbureau chiefs will find their navy ca-

reers blemished by refusal to cooperateful'v with their superior officers. Anywav one can look at it there ha beenreprehensible insubordination. This hasbeen toward the secretary of the navydi recti r. and also indirectly in eoopernt-in- ?

with opposing forces in eongres tothe secretarv 's embarrassment. In asense, congress is superior to the navydej arrment and to secretaries of thenavy. It holds the purse strings, andthe ii aw can not be m.v'ntsined with-out money and lots of it. Congressmeaning the head men of the navalcommi'toes, who shape the appropria-tion bi"l arid fashion naval oi,-- ' 'r.i-- tni.r.n tin- - nil lias not approved of the

tion of the eorps as there is coming(in many Tespects it is alreadv underway) a reorganization of the navy. Thetransition marks the beginning" of anew epoch in naval administration. Xotonly have the forces, representing theold ideas in the department, been "oust-ed, but there has been a gradual yield-ing on the part of the opposition to thenew regime in the senate and the house.The naval leaders in the latter bodvbegan to give way first and it hasbeen easier for the department todominate at the south end of the Capi-tol for a number of years. Their wasone fortress, however, which the advo-cates of a tr'inondous naval establish-ment could not carry and that wa thesenate committee on naval affairs. Inthat committee stood Senator EugeneHale of Maine, lone chairman of thecommittee and a very well informed".an about naval matters. He stoodforth as the principal backer of

Rogers and Admiral'apps. They kept him informed of the

movements of the "other crowd'' aridenabled him to confound the secretaryof the navy in many well laid plans.Their two bureaus of the departmentwere in reality more loyal to SenatorHa'o than to the seeretnrv of fhf m vt

bttle l:ssen 10 IIS 'I'll tit Hithese officials. he- -


i.'O :eonimandant. Gen. Georgeand the members of the



ing in aperfectlysmoothedged


Leave Kahana for Punainu,Hauula, Laie, Kahuku andWay Stations at 11:00

Arrive Khuka at 1:00.P.M.Keturning:

Leave Kahuku for Laie, Han- -

ula, Punaluu, Kahana anaWav Stations at 1:45 P.M.

Arrive Kahana at 2:45 P.M.PATUEDAY. SUNDAY


:aff. general is a plain, bluntsoldier but lie was rude sometimes anddid not observe all the amenities. A

big feud resulted. The inevitablecourt of inquiry followed with the re-

sult that the commandant was repri-manded, as were Col. Charles H. Lau-cheime-

adjutant-genera- l and inspec-tor; Col. Frank L. Benny, quartermaster:

Lieut. ro!. T. C. Prince, assistantMUarterrnas er. and Col. Charles A.Iiovei;. Genera! Elliott lias been vir-tual y till he retires in Oc-

tober f'-- another oilicer has beento act as eoinmandant diir- -

Put .. nf l..i x v.." ' " " io.iir-u:c;- i ou- -

Peerless BooR Form Business Card

How you can detach a card bound in book form and)possible indication of its havine been detached mayome elements of mystery to vSu, but out patented pro

makes it possible and perfect."

Send for Sample Tab and see for yourself.There is nothing like it.


nerai s absene, from Wasa- -: tiii( Till V. ;

and agreat favor- -ton. 'el

in Wash na . ni- -

reau chiefs have t a lien and SenatorGale H also been force, to retirefrom public life. IPs retirement afterlorn; a-- -d r,mb.ibtdly patriotic service,is due to other causes than his demandf ,r less ff.'iva"ii;ce :n naval expendi-ture but the 'reform " forces.' whoXamor for more saoerdreadnoughts anilmore m l: or. for the navy, on specious

- 'hat r ;s sroo.l for theami ire.-.,- f,,r th- - ce.ur.frv are revv'.-in- e

h:v their huis vcu have loss'! n hereafer in the cnaf. For while

, caiC:d to:is:er. aquart.


- beenm; 1

Arrive Kahuku at 11:58 A.M.Ivave Kahana for Funalnu,

Hanula, Laie. Kahaku andWav Stations at 11:00 A3L

1:30 P.M8:15 PM

L ave Kahuna for Laie, Hac-ul- a,

I'unaluu, Kahana andWav Stations t 14:35 P.M

8:00 P.M.Connections are made at Kahuku

with h.e O. K. L. Co. 's :15 a. mtrain from IT nohiiu, and the 2:20 pra. 'n a, which atrnes in the itv ai


nou fancied naval ideas nor of thenaval reformers, whom Preider.t T?oo

encouraged bv verv vnnni' 'nrymo-hod-

Sided With Congress.The naval bereau chili's wh'--- head

have fallen sided with sjr'. andcave aid and eomforf o serators andrepresentative who wt-- resisting th

reforms. In the earlier a--

better dav of the l lb th navalir es? icei vifhr have

ni t,. t th with eom nam' ive- ;.- .

. T''--:- i'rienes ufontie :" Id - iv.- the" fr.en


:mer .s.. rs. v '

e er di-

nt ir: t1

!'! T;;lini;b.been

i: t : Haw'n Gazette Co., lMtar 1 o

s.mat o- - Gate lms tmatrv fofeti:o. of ttf"n has

lowers m thehis ififorma- -

: W;i-!:.',-!- i.

Rivalry for Position.fTh 7 the i155?5:

nvv ,,r his Tvthe- - h:r-b- .

Ctm Develop Away.P m.

JANUARY 1. W)9S,':eo th :'.vs of ecrctarv Whit-- I

or.v questions yT ,,vor-5-!

: bu- - he nnt-- i j.,.,t, .. . ; the Ti in.1 J. HOWLING, E. S. POLUSTE?,utTin:.-.i'1"i- f G. P. & F. A

M,dm I,.;-- ,I 'iie raw h-- f M;rf - i

'' i . .1 .

eover'-- . a.! ":'h ",..,b,t',, ce;-- i rri- - : hi V

. h r. 't-. :iI 1.

a- - to the,V' tilrimate cost. For wr

r:'7'. as hough the wav wer fV;; C";;;' 1 lor nation of a naw ' v, ...

' ' ' " 'a vear.

snrplu-'V- J. -- ,s a

:v. -on hana.

for an i3eflB" 1$- the present fo

-- 'hemes fo-b-- m

raw. V,,-"- o

laG--!- , '"Onlira ;s ina.le '."'"est of i . ..ve aerT0..,rv

ccrr-t'- to v. n'-;-

moe s:tcce5'f-.-- ,

:y men trho havethe T..1.VV

Newfangled Schemes.T' ;e ..., b'ri ' n f I

re r ve- ;.a a v.'-- h th-- ' ewf';,r.l b.- feat

the ? is not cn!relv wis-- . Bv.tth.ev ol.eved order'. evT'"eeed'teer . :s whet: these 'verc: for.


AT NEV ORLEANS: t;y a r,-- nn vstrong t '"h :"

'! rs wiipull of G

'a-- Ot nt:v oi;i.t:a: to the fac

The pacific commercial advertiser. Honolulu, tiiussday, august l 1910.

,. ,



' l''


horn ma sor.ISLAND TENNIS, RELAY the "Kill. the threeng c'c liti' I to theand Flanagan.

sWEETHEA ftTHERTON RICHARDSBT STARTS.nrgest animalstwo Lang brother

was taken out. herhe was entirely

. A forty-fiv- e footfrom seven inches

Her e: gl i e

'moved andt or this race

oppihg down


a t

1'.1 M

SWIMMING AND PONY KACES DENIES STATEMENT THAT TAKES FUST ITCHHUM E VOYAGE TODAY"lie bow to four feet at the sternput en to make her more amenable

he rudder and four tons of out-id- e

a sr vas ad led. She was given aCHINESE REWARDED AYAU

eight-loo- t rudder and then a:i tneWill Get Away on Long Cruise to . 'un she would hold was crowtedfory Sports Arrange Program of Events The report that Avail, who came nvt'r

ere from Maui ?,, take his ok! stand)1. .. 4.1 . ,

m aim siie handle. l perteciiy. iieeiare.iMare liiunnick.

Wall Cup Tennis Tournament

Will Be in Full Swing at Bere-tani- a

Courts Today.- -- inn siop mi iiu' i itinesr- - team an San Pedro With Capt. Lew

Harris in Command.mate in charge of the starboardThe

I r r . 1 tne hit that won The cries ofgames wilh the Wascdas. had

Harvest tlome resuvai ai ianuiuiNext Week Saturday. l hrec

was Fritz Whit-th- e

best knownsmall vachts in

wa'eh. cuining down.nev. who is one ' ofamareiir sailors oficen presentfd with a Purse of Two- -I

hundn'd and fifty dollars by his conn- -. ( southern California. sholer Johnson111 who holds the welterweight championThe yacht- - Sweetheart, which came

second in the transpacific race, willtrymen as a tonen of tneir appreeia- - get j of Denmark, is going back in thei t :oa. was di nicd yesterday. The state- - v'eetheart. 'He knocked out .Timmieaway at noon today on her return riptour-iaai-


..,;5land tennis meut was made on irood ."nt:horit v. com- -ho (iordon. the former champion, nust ne--to San Pedro in command of Capt. Lew"

1 1 tp1.iv stvinMu'uig rathis i wo daughters, with

will proceed on the Koreaay to place them in school.'l t lie ponv controversy ves- -

pa iiuwho-- .


Harris with a part of The crew which j.v,.",., been figliting&7- . , tv harvest home doiiu

Atherton Pic-hard- s won the firstmatch of the Wall cup tenuis tourna-

ment yesterday afternoon, defeatingIrving llurd two straight sets. Thescores were t 2, tj 4. The Bereta-ni- a

courts were pretty sloppy yester-

day early in the afternoon, but themiddle one of the three dried upenough by four o'clock to play on andthe contest started about live.

i tenia v and

ing from an oilicer of the Oahu league.It was said yesterday, however. ThatAyau received no reward whatever andthat his expenses over here from Mauiwere paid by himself.


sailed the yacht in the race. Captain j ,,.., vvweights on the Coast and he wasHarris is an old sea dog, having tra- - anxious to go up against either Covnyn

ont;i- -

said, ''There is going to; doiiiiT at Spreekels Park1 e somet hin' ..wrfpmth. Seven reams ui

the Pacific between San Diego, ij r -- rdelI and he saot yesteraay tnai

. . will leave Hono- -u- - nrghf come back in about, a monthind take a round out of some of these

!eim5 racq'": .

,tle twelfth to meet seven pairs

on .u mi st thirteenth. 'In the Fourth of July race, lie ex-

plained further, Pice's Jubilee, whichis small even for a pony, had to carrya jockey weighing over one hundred

versedCalifornia, and Honolulu in merchant j

vessels for v ears, making his first trip j

to the Hawaiian Islands in 1 7). He i

sailed the Lady Maud in the 190S


:.; .merts, and sis oi -

will plunge into competitionm

number of sharks Iroin

local wrappers. Johnson and CharleyOtterson. who is also one of the Swee-theart's crew, sailed in the Lurline twoyea's ago.

The amiable commodore and the restof the South Coast yanehtsmen will re-

main over 'until Sunday and return to

There will be four matches today.Two will start at four o'clock andtiie others at half-pas- t four. Capt. W.W. Low and A. J. Lowrey and Kich- -

rfu equal A few days after the l,ls meet, he transpacific race and was CommodorejfaniSEe UuD. j r.ontiiined. a matched race was pulledlKw tank, measuring seventy-n- t

otY v,otwoen La,ly Jane nml Juhioe- -

fcrtr feet has been installed close to The latter, this time. Mr. von Tempskv

Smith's navigator in the nice this year,bringing the little craft in less than aday behind the Hawaii. Harris saidtli'if '. V,,-- . ,.il, - !..- -

! ard Cooke and Stanley Kennedy willMr. ..... ... . 't-,- .the Coast on the steamer Korea.1

I Smith said yesterday that he had retOOXtS t Jianulul. xue uu& snu, a ii'incn i a native oy, weign- -ttuia

interisland l:'X "" seeniy jiourms. ine contestj, H consist of an

HUMDOLDT, Iowa, July 23. Frank(Jotch, champion heavyweight wrestlerof the world, has become a baseballmagnate by purchasing the Lake Cityteam, a member of a bush league inthis part of the State. The team willbe transferred to Humboldt, the wres-tler's home, on August 1. It has beenknown for some time that Gotch haswanted to get into baseball, having at-

tempted to purchase the Des Moinesteam in the Western League.

i ceived .1 cable from Washington oerti- -

btarting line at San Pedro her lee rail; fyliT ff) fhp fa(,t that rllP rcf,;strationwas under water and a number of per- -


number had been applied for at the de- -: r between the Ho- - was over a t r.ree-eishtn- s mile course.

Jubilee led all the way and won in aromp. Fven this did not settle the fer the yacht Sweetsons predicted that the coasting yacht parfment the


peiiorm tne nrst two. imeitoii liien-ard- s

will go up against AI Castle forone of the others and Theodore liieh-ard- s

will go to it with C. G. Bookusfor the fourth match.

The four survivors will meet tomor-row in the semifinals and the cham-pionship 'tussle will be reached on Sat-urday. If AI Castle pulls through,however, the cup will probably haveto hang .until Monday as Castle isscheduled to pitch for the Oahu Col

would never live to j;et half-wa- y to theIslands. She is only .","3 feet long tothe Hawaii 7n and she carried as much LOCAL ENTERPRISE.

the larger craft ev,..-- ,r for i 1 OUIlst U 11V do you call uu a vimcanvas a,s

cisandthe Puunene flounders,

dmtt each team doing twenty.

jBTjids. A handsome cup will be

mrieJ tie winning team.

c&anrpion Both Going.

13 Both is tennis champion and

violas the twenty-fiv- e yards' swim- -

thampionship of the Islands. He

fctNkei for both events, being

superiority question. Antone Ferreiraentered a claim that his Pono Moi wasnot ridden to the best advantage in theFourth of July race. At this point Mr.von Tenipsky took fourth place in theargument, claiming great things for hisquarter-mil- e track record breaker Co-

quette, and the agitation came to ahead. The time of twenty-fou- r secondsfor the quarter, Mr. von Tempsky said,

the Hawaii's square sails.W. A. Prunnick, who was mate of

j cano? I don't believe it has had aneruption for a thousand years!

j Guide Well, the hotel managers inBIG LEAGUE TEAMS

factird34 Ka-- -

I partly 1

call uilanuf'

5 of ClckiR Cf

duct b

Alumni baseball team in its finalslegewith the Wasedas on Saturdayme port waicn on rue trip uown, wiui-ji-

accompany the Sweetheart on her home- - j c..region club together and keep a

goiuc; I it it every year, during the'age. LrunnieK has been in season. Moggendorfer Pdaetter.HEADY FOR SERIESi is considered remarkable in her class. ol the yacht tor three years,Ael ip with Babbitt for the ten- -

isutotmaent. juciutru .hv M.iui onf of B.irniaill. The ante. TO STOP TIPPING SIGNALS

OF OPPOSING TEAMSfolss warning team in his college dents of the other ponies are nn-M-

von Tempsky said tha

j he said yesterday, ami designed theI remodel of the craft for this year's

race. "Slie was rigged to the limit,"National Guardsmen Segregated! he declared, -- i saibd in the jwen-- 1

dolvu 11. in the race two vears ago.From College Alumni NmeS W,' covered hundred of

i. ktttiftord said yesterday that known.(Hi vr - -


"Can be depended upon" is an ex-

pression we all like to hear, and whenit is used in connection with Chambe-rlain's Colic, Cholera and DiarrhoeaL'emcdy it means that it never failsto cure diarrhoea, dysentery or bowel

the hundred miles underWithout Hitch.

W4Htiet awav to take in the tno mtcr.sian.i tennis tournament womaharvest home festival a great

Sid ast test week. John aterj success

toae, 1 1L Xowell, A. J. Lowrey, 'would Race Unknown.and Al Castle are sai lSafely A (iroas who owns the five-year-ol-

to be pretty good with their fins and j Piestmlt gelding Maui, by Monterey out

full canvas. The boat handled badly,which was due to her short keel. The

CHICAGO, July 23. Five hundreddollars reward is offered by the Amer-

ican League for evidence tending toshow that any player or club in theleague is using or countenancing thetipping of signals of an opposing team.Any player involved will be blacklistedfrom organized baseball for all time tocome.

Lurline, which won the race two vears complaints. It is pleasant to take andago, has a long keel and she always j equally valuable for children and

Had b tentatively vesterdav by of Teresa, which won the sensational The segregation of National GuardIS!i sanea wen in neavv seas and did verv adults, i or sine oy an uraicia. ijti.... i, ; i t'nttinir an. pacing iree ior an ii iuc baseball players was accomplished yes- - ;rr)e yawing." son. Smith & Co., Ltd., agents for Ha- -

Vi.urth of Jnlv meet, is said on goodThe Sweetheart was an auxiliary waii.no.

Mad tennis fiends have sent overfe tea lineup for the interislanduak which will be run off on the

authority to be willing to match hisracer with any harness horse on theIslands, the Honolulu unknown "pref-erred."

r . : a

DOOGDOC' "'' "" " ' '- rthe . ,mag of the thirteenth, with

win remain ai i.unani.i n

terday without a hitch, and AI Castlesaid that the Oahu College Alumnilineup for the big league series, whichis to start next week, was complete.Jimmie Williams gave assurance thatthe St. Louis College Alumni team was

in line, and Manager Sumner of theNational Guard aggregation declaredthat he had mustered a satisfactorynine without crippling the other teams.

Sumner himself is at present playing

iv;n;.,. i fV.fo Uis core shoulder is&j's earning, in the afternoon. They jllM.l.il - . vw. a -

being treated by a specialist, and until j ClthssB Prank Baldwin and W. Savage,Ethtdion and Meyers, Uoseeranz anl!w. 1 Bice and A. Baldwin. W.

he recovers this horse will lie n now ento rest in long grass under shady trees. mmimWhen he is right, De Coto will use mm

fc-ru-d Thompson, w. Lougher and I

.Tently in j,u2jIV work and has hopes, itVior, and Collins and Burns. The , fs' said, to see this Hawaiian-bre- d fa- - 0rornlition next .Tulyfritai. in TittfT Correct Clothes For Men

on the Oahu College Alumni team mthe Waseda seriesbut it was decidedto have him manage the NationalGuardsmen and put Abe Lev.is, who isn Puiiahou man and played on the Stan

than he lmi ever been before. .Major

Collier, it was asserted yesterday, haswon more races on worse treatmentthan any other horse nn the Islands,and with the care and attention whichwill be given him it is impossible to

predict the limit of turf laurels thatmav fall to this s4eed.

tats to go from here are : Castle andI.'owel and Steere, Kennedy andIntey, Atherton Richards and Sonnyr'Jii, John "Waterhonse and C. G.te, Greenfield, and McKeever, and

titt aid Both.Wie all the matches 'will be hotly!te4, the rallies between Green-i-Keev-

and the Mauiites willfa Wood, 'rt was declared yesterday,

to plantation rivalry.Pony Races Arranged,

fi track meet will te to decide a

O I T is not a difficult matter to interest

careful dressing men and young men- il t 1 .1



ford Vnivcrsity team, in his place atright field. Lewis has not played fora long time, but he thinks he can comel ack." Castle and Hampton will swapoff in the box, with Winne holding uphis end as backstop. Lota will play ;

third when Hampton twirls. The line-

up will Tie the same as in the Wasedaseries, with the exception of Sumner.

Henrv Chillingworth will stick to hisnob as shortstop on the St. Louis team,johnnv Williams will pitch. Barney Joywill hold him and George P. runs willplay first bae. Leslie will quit theSaints and pitch for the National Guar"

team and Soares will catch.

m Deniamin UOines everywnere m mis"uwersv over four ponies. Pono !

, waed hv Ant fan "Ffirrtkir c!H I :Cordell is daffy. said Pat Cornyni 01C won t suueito be the fastest pon v on ?Maui J yesterday, "the publ

4e Fourth of July, and she start-- '... for a rVht a week."Ql at i

"Make it two

says Dick Sul- -vi u.oriie in the race on That o.... i.,,- - "m t.t... . . " . i weeks from

country. They're known as the best

styled garments which it is possible to


in glit be somethingbv.an, "and thererdell is satisfied with the

Saturday night, he says.doing." Go

decision lastTO SHIP BASEBALL


- Jane, a rank outsider, howas the winner of the ponv ra-- e

shekels Park meet. This ponv !

hy Anffus Mcl'lioe. C. . j

piMileecaniein second, and Ponofawite, fell back to third

jL von Tempsky has a pone.Coquette, which has d..ue tine!

.e,,yf 'et ,



l ;


I ifcuku SBi 3:20 p.

. i and WaI:. 15 a. n

' ):20 p.! ; 16 p. m.

10:2011:15 p. ltoku, Wlj a., "S:!

i Mill au:3 a. x1:28 p. ihiawa aii m., 6:i

I two-a- o

; honored' it at 8:

i Honoln,.jatopa on

t ontwais Pearl Ci

it ;

aday OnSMITH,

G. P,



11:00 M.1:00.PJ


OIJDA111:18 AJ

11:00 AJ


' f,:1,PJ

j i;Sip:t i:oo p:r t ki

1:11he 1:Whe eity

1, !,-- uISTBS. P. k T.

ling SI

. Alake:

with Cornynanother golie wantswa nfs

".it.71.1 it right away.

95Benjamin Clothes,,,,, .,. accounts Jack got the sina.,f' the dough and he had to figh'

that he claims. There were altoTo suit C or,.r Too many promoters

t r .d

has.ry.four seconds, and i onFifth Cavalryman Hit by Pitched

Ball in Practise Game Dies

of Fractured Skull.

i into the argument, so now aPeered matched rare has been

,t Tint- on y that ii'; tanev .iii-- i - i

. 1. ...... r.or men mi" jm',t one ofup b of

r.ers to put upthe winner t"apieee and

.....1 VI

ickets into his poeKet. .lackand looking after hi- -

f.ue 'the tight put him

he was all fussed up wled. j

Tempsky Bound for Coas repertedst.Till.v.lb I'itlil

.V baseball fatality was

,,m Schofield Barracks ;.

vlvester , of 'troop(to tin j"" murn to

are made in New York by the most gifted tailors in the

vvorid. Their grace and good form is recognized by the

critical men and young men the world over and their qual-

ity is an absolutely known quantity which over a third of a

century of experience has made extremely high.

Prices from

' part right.couldn't ib:

le.dy who will act having tieen nu onn- - and n.t ..i.-.-- i

the inii'lifternooii,' Moniiav

Mil' ched ball Sundayi.'avairy,by a piduring a

1V1I li1 v ' - advice, he says, to p" !'Tame, dynme t i -- e

pail H the figl'ir Tight -.

i. rt t 's comii.g to him it 1'wereI.,. .ruing. His remain

v- vr'n Tempskv arrived i

n the Cbudine fr.euZ Way to the IV,.;, .



THftheOil of Winterareen Com-Mtc- h

Is InstantlyRelieved.

rdav and will I"ulu vesteHon hipL":ortthe liai.-- ii t,, the I on

SHOOT THIRTY BUCKS which is due here fr Manila atand - sch 2Oe0O to $35.00a?'cieck tins morn in

FIRST WEEK OF SEASON;;o sail at live in the afternoon,

line of bail wasD nine and a

got Hi

i ': A practise g

Thirty b. t ween troup21.I LI'S, JulyA NG- the

from the ot ni'i u'mpt Mc;.iohis t.anamdif or nia( aicniit hern came up to the pat tokirn

r the first full weel bail wit:.vied f ! the pitcher hurled tneforce than cim"..very

uiv .1morecaught tiKdrop;-"- !.

The s'.her,eve and to

:'.n at tied that hke died tin


n' i n g.

or more bucks have already,ijt to this city from theh a Mountains; in more dis

the Tehachepi,r, -- ueli as

batter ovr therpon

tal - "a- - foilfractured and

toe sufferino; f. hosp

wasp,,sk"I ski

oru.ng.of nextrolief, with pp found, and ai

:s have beenid other less- - '

ja' ie : as beener of burl'

i an Gabriel r.iGALBRAITH WANTS TO


tr.r:,ui tri,- -

It. o- -'

..,,1,1 v W. S. Lang. J..!4" 11:1,1 ;:

' -- "'','-ntw- :- oil, f; included m

vi who left Lo' j ..r.:of tlic season. ;

i 'i :, t k . ' "i r v

OTgeh- reb;.

,C Ike-Is.-

f ..iro:is hankcrda v i

l'-- h. p:

in a ivk Thev reported .ringingoood biw ks, 'three of which

., to Los Angeles. One Pa- -


'C.nr.ri.'a hi.

is, h..' I. onv'.n-ed- .

.U Ul,:n. ' i

and ari:.r, one two-poi- H DAI

.- -Jii! . -




! : .1.-- I.mn.lnt - n a Vl HI t V -!

, . - s. i reacung auiinuis rtLivit--

ones ear-tagge-

Taking an Oath in Many Lands'

Results, Conclusions and. Reconinienda-- itions.

The results so far of the present in-- 1

vesications show that tuberculosis pre- -

Pacific Commercial AdvertiserA MORNING PAPER.

New York Herald" vails to a great extent among the, dairy

i storing of au oath in a Spanish court. , t le supplying the city of HonoluluThe witness kneels on his right knee

( w;tjj nlji;. TiJe disposition of some

$150F"r an 8xio


and places his lett hand on tne eacrcu , f()ur pmD.,ired or five hundred ot tuber-

Tin- - ceremony of taking the oath habeen known siir.ee earliest history. Theou!y changes in form which have comein thousa&d of years have been dueto the introduction of the Bible and the

The Judge then asks: Will ; i a;mais confronts the authori- -boo 'iand the elimination of the danger, i . : . t . ; ,. . ,1



SUGAR. a 6 Degree Test Centrifugals, 4.36c. Per Ton, 87.20.

88 Analysis Beets, lis. 10' d. Per Toil. 8103.47.

vou swear to God ami by ttiose uoi j

"evspels to speak the truth to all youmav be asked f The witness replies: ;

rom niuK eor.iaminaieu ur liiieeieuwith tubercle bacilli must receive imthecro-- s bv turtsttau nations. sav;

i Green Bag.! As administered in most of the Eng- -

"Yes. I swear,- to which the .magerei,-,in-- "Then if thus you do God

reward you. and if not will re-oui-

of von."In a few districts this form is varied

mediate attention.Pasteurization Recommended.

"As there does not seem at thepresent time any prospect of an appro-priation, territorial or municipal, forU. S. WEATHER BUREAU, August 3. Last 24 Hours Rainfall. .23.

Ten persture. Max. 80; ZM:n. 70. Weather, unsettled. bv the witness liiacmg ine miaaie 01his fore- - ithp reimbursement of owners of tuber- -thumb on the nnaaie or

!ish law courts the form of the oath isj practically the same as that in thej United Stares, though rather morej ceremonious. In France it is perhapsj the simplest. A crucifix above the

cx. j judge's seat is supposed to obviate theTHE DUTY OF STRAIGHT MEN.

Iculous cattle, whose animals might bej slaughtered pro bono publico, and who.j on account of public sentiment, would

Tor a 10x12


Let us show -

H..no!u!:i. iilT i from manvnot-e-sir- or tne wirne nandb.r. T eitner1'an he cross or the Bible.of the community tl

Phis is particularly triueti"!iS in Hawaii

a i.y

theTi .

i. ; e


t. than M cllvin,e- -

m- - -- oti!C is. attars on

.! ' e : with jlit ics.You swear to teil the truth, the

finger, kissing his thumb and declaringiiv this cross I swear."Tt is to be hoped that the Norwegian

winio.-- s is properly impressed with hisobligation to speak the truth or con-

siderable energv is wasted. He is tc-- f

uired to raise his thumb, forefinger

anl middle finger, these signifying theTrinitv. 'Before the oath is actuallytaken "a long exhortation is delivered,running in part:

"Whatever person is so ungodly, cor-run- t

or hostile to himself as to swear

i i wnoie truth and nothing hut the

No-;- ,

periencit is T"

of a: v

whir h

our leg

lieanto be !

truth?' asks the judge. And the wit-ness, raising his right hand, answers,"I swear it."

In Austria a Christian witness issworn before a crucifix placed betweentwo lighted candles. Holding up his

heard are petty aioii... :.:lf been formeds than a month away,f !..( .,." Su faris To or dep

IliOrt t'' ; v e !

arie- - i

matternow on

trilling, but it is over such things thatAt the present time, with the Kepub-th- e

great and burning question appears:ts any public discussions are concerned,

e certain men. i.ot because they areparticular elective positions or because

litthe ti

to beright hand the wi'rness says: "I swear- - j a tai oath or not to keep the oath

,the party tor anv


1036 Fort Street.

: !..!:'- -

known t' in favor of any particular persons for the various electiver 1

t cause they are either wanted or not wanted as "bosses."they areposith:,- -

niunity c

next two

nlu wiii have to decide, si far as the Republican portion of the com-- n

decide, within a month who is to be the mayor of the city for theyears following January 1 ne'xt. The party will be called upon to

sworn Sins m sucn a manner a arvere to say: 'If I swear falsely, thenmav God the Father. God the Son andGod the Holy Ghost, who created meand all mankind in His image, and Hisfatherly goodness, grace and meTcy,mav not profit me. but that T as a per-ver'-- e

and obstinate transgressor ands:nner may he punished eternally inhell. If I swear falsely, then may all

by God, the Almighty and All Wise,that I will speak the pure and fulltruth in answer to anything I may beasked by the Court."

If the witness is of the Jewish racehe uses the same words, but places hishand on a Bible opened at the page onwhich appears the Third Commandmentand the crucifix is removed.

Tn a Belgian court the witness savs:


-- in( t

not een have recourse to at leastpartly recover their loss through theslaughter under competent veterinarianinspection and the sale of the car-

casses for human consumption, and, asthe compulsory slaughter of the af-

fected animals without any compensa-tion, would seem inadvisable, as it hasproved a failure whenever attemptedwhere such a largepercentage of ani-

mals have reacted, it appears that theonlv other recourse would be the ren-

dering innocuous of the contaminatedmilk from all dairies where tubercu-lous cows are kept, through the meansof pasteurization. While this methodwhen effectively carried out safeguardsthe public health it is only a tempor-

izing measure as far as the eradicationof tuberculosis is concerned, and infact frequently leads to carelessness,promoting the further spread of theinfection. Pasteurization would simplyconsist in the heating of the milkto a certain temperature for a certainperiod of time, and to be effective mustbe controlled by the authorities, andthis can only be done through the es-

tablishment "of milk depots which aresubject to continuous inspection bycompetent officials. There can be littledoubt that thorough.lv pasteurized milk

have and own in thi world vp"I will speak the truth, the whole truth j I












anil nothing nut the truth, so he In meGod and all the saints." No Bible isrequired in the administering of thisoath.

The Italian witness generally takesthe oath in a dramatic manner. Rest-ing his hand on an open Bible, he ex-claimed: "I will swear to tell thetruth, the whole truth and nothing butthe truth!"

More eeremonv attends the admin- -

cursed: eurseu oe my lanu. neoi aimmeadow, so that I may never enjoy anyfruit or yield from them; cursed he mycattle, my beasts, my sheep, so thatafter this day they may never thriveor benefit me: yea. cursed may I be andeverything I possess. "

And sometimes all that and all therest of it in the matter of a suitbrought to collect for a pair of boots,perhaps. f

. . i- I . : .,

select its candidates for the board of supervisors, the hoard which will havethe expenditure of practically a million dollars of public money during itsterm. Candidates for the house and senate, and for the executive offices ofthe city will have to be chosen to represent the Republican party in the elec-

tions in November.The nominations in the various precinct clubs of those who are to he

voted for as candidates to the county convention take place on, Friday. August26. The elections in the clubs take place on Friday, September 2. The timebetween now and the nominations is short, hut it is sufficient to give Repub-

licans who have as yet taken little interest in their club matters time to postthemselves on probable candidates for the convention and probable candidatesat the convention for the party nominations. Much depends this year on havinga clean ticket that can justify the full party support and that ticket can onlybe obtained with the clean majority of the party having control of the con-

vention. It is useless for those who have the best good of the city at heartto awaken to their duty later on, after the convention delegates have beenchosen. To accomplish anything, the work for a clean ticket must begin atonce and continue until the convention comes to an end.

The business community of Honolulu is nominally Republican and a greatdeal depends upon the individual members of that community. Their interestin politics is a vital one. Much of the future of Honolulu lies in their hands,unless they choose, through negligence, to allow the power they may haveto remain in the hands of those whose interest in politics is simply to providefor themselves.

At the present time, thanks to the active work that has been going on inthe matter of party reorganization by those appointed to do the work by the

where the naa oeen u- -cIn a similar wav the I processto react so far.HONOLULU MILK Left hi Dairy, which is being constantlysupplied with fresh cows from Kona.

IC FDV niDTV "vas found to he verv slightly infected.17 V Ll I Ll r 1 1 and the two reacting animals out of

a total of 46 head were found on post-- !

mortem examination to have the diseaseto a very slight extent and in the for?nwh eh is called encapsulated or closedtuberculosis.

"On the other hand in dairies where

(Continued from Tage One.)In, spite of these facts, however, Dr.

Norgaard does not favor the slaughter

with modern macninery renueis k

from tuberculous cows absolutelysafe, and at the same time guardsagainst contamination from othersources and the spread" of other dis-

eases, such as typhoid, scarlet fever,diphtheria, and the many disorders ofthe stomach from which children suf-

fer to such a great extent when fedcontaminated milk. Until sueh milk-depot- s

can be established and the re-

quisite machinery imported and in-

stalled the kitchen pasteuriza-tion must be relied on if the milk frominfected herds is to be allowed to besold. To insure, however, that thispasteurization is carried out by eachindividual purchaser of milk it wouldbe advisable that the containers, wheth-er cans or bottles, as well as the

ing of diseased animals, in view of the lar--e n" of animals have been. . . eloselv confined for rears, and wheretact that there .aisoJis no appropriation. the lyes have bepn ;n P0.calel

from which to pav their owners for tinreeries the dUense Vina been foiiTKl inthe loss sustained. He thinks that, in- - : have extended to a verv large number

For evening wear a usnjfc.

man's studs are jusi as i-

mportant a factor in correct

dress as his collar or tic

Your studs occupy a ea,

regular partv committee, the prospect lor a good ticket tins rail is excellent. ..,.,, i rif-tii-nt h.o n.ili.-- mi.Ti.f 'of animals, in sxtme cases from fiO tobe pas- -

100 per cent, being found infected. Inttunau. v iiieu uf Liiiutis uiuia renuer one dairv for instance, that of Mr. Paulit innocuous. Then instead ot swai- - ' Iserberg. not less than 2? head have4l.... ...I.-...;. i....,:n: .,lowing livmilk drinkers ' su jar ueen lounu miecieu mz or awill onlycity t tnn v i r. t.i-- .have to assimilate dead ones. Whether t-.i- v'i -

' i.J- - .i wagons transporting the same, be con- -

spieuousiy marKea in suca a manner as spicuous position and at

always noticed. Every jto warn the purchaser that the milkis dangerous unless pasteurized. The

' J o4 reactois. A number of the smallerspores is a matter with which Dr. Nor- - -, dairies contain even higher percentagesgaard s report does not deal. He i ot !tifeced animals, as mav he seenthinks the public might be educated rroin the appended itemized list.up to boiling the milk. It might some

dav. x- Clean Dairies. tleman should have ftUp To Supervisors.

I "The following dairies were foundproper studs for OIt is now- - up to the board of super- - J when tested to be either entirely free

visors as to whether or not the work j from the disease or have since the testof testing the dairy herds shall be eon- - i disposed of the reacting animals. Thevtinued. The board of agriculture and ' must therefore be considered as entitledforestry feels that it can no longer j to a clean bill of health as lon as thev

forms of dress.

public should at the same time be edu-cated, through circular letters and pam-phlets as to the best way of carryingon this pasteurization, and should bewarned of the danger of feeding themilk, especially to children, in a

Milk Depots.It is estimated that the svm of ap-

proximately $2d,u00 wculj be requiredto at hast partly rtit.ili.rse the own-ers of reacting catt.u if compulsoryslaughter should b. decided on. Itwould therefore seeie ti;t,r the estab-lishment of one r more i.ticial milkdepots equipped v :h model i machin-ery for pasteurization and clarification,and which could be made self-sustain- -

...... .i nuu tM iiu auu cuuui- ikho iuu Jiurouuceu anv untested ani . Our large stock is efor nothing the services of Dr. Nor

There are those in the party, however, and hanging on the fringe, who opposeany attempt to present to the voters a ticket of names against which littlecan be said. The yellow dog propaganda is again preached and there is some

danger that the convention will fall into the hands of those who last timenominated Kaea and Holt and would have nominated Willie Crawford hadcertain action not been threatened.

The interest that is being taken by The Advertiser in the matter of thereorganization of the precinct clubs, the nominations to the- convention and theelection of delegates is in the interest of clean polities. The history ofthis paper is well known and throughout that history there has been no timewhen The Advertiser advocated expediency at the expense of principle. Atthe present time, The Advertiser believes that there is more than a probabilityof securing the nomination of a Republican ticket for legislature and cityoffices that can be supported in its entirety. ' The Advertiser is not a "straightticket" organ, but is anxious that there may be a ticket nominated that itcan support straight. Such, a ticket, which will secure the full party strengthand be elected by such, can, be nominated if the straight men of the partycarry out their duty toward the party and toward the city.

This year harmony means! victory and a clean tieket means harmony. Letthe business men of Honolulu find out for themselves what is being attempted;let them throw their support toward the clean tieket workers, and the partythis fall will sweep the boards, with benefit to all concerned.

In one or two of the fourth district precincts there is a disposition toresent the actions of the appointed workers of the county committee. In theManoa precinct, particularly, there appears to be a feeling that the bestinterests of the party are not being served. The Advertiser believes thisarises from a series of misunderstandings, which a little frank talk betweenthe faction leaders would smooth away. Now that the time has arrived whena united party may be had to back a ticket creditable to the party, it wouldbe good polities for the various disputants to get together and see whetherthev differ so very much in desires after all. Internal bickerings made Fernmayor last time and one lesson of that severity should be enough.

plete with a great variedgaard and his assistants and pay theirexpenses, and if the supervisors wantany further aid, thev must come

mals in their herds:Pond's Dairy, Leahi Dairy, Fred

Whitney, Lishman. Medeiros, Tumoto,Par.oa Valley, Souza, Fernandez, Rie-dell- s.

Eezants. Moannlthrough with an appropriation to pay suitable for all occasiontor it. Dr. Norgaard, it was explained i inger, Kamehameha Schools, Waialaeyesterday, has other ; Dairy (partly), Kilbv,, Kapena Eich-ire- s

his attention, ards, Mrs. Cooper, M. Robinson, Ta- -work thatluuiiii utr iias iui iu ratnuus auu vares. Antone Richards. H F rnnM,more devoted nearly all his time to the j Geo. Holt, Correa, C. J. Dav M. Kawa- -

b--v il"llug a small charge

testing of the dairv herds. However, mura s ' ' tiaiion of milk bandied, would be nv1'ampbell,if the city wants to pay for it, he will , H. M. von Holt (private) 'iiar the eneapest and safest solution otget another assistant to carry on the! As far as the Waial'ae Ranch is eon-- !

tlle l'iol:,ieia before us. The clarified- - j

tuberculin tests. Norgaard is going to ' corned, all the reacting animate" havei tiou 1,1 a11 milk wb"111!" from dairies j

the Coast August 2. for a month's va- - been setrrPcratel ti containing tuberculous cows or not ! I

f' ' f

L 151

i -


') I

hi IHi






also highly recommended, unless thecation, but will to finjsh thetry up stalls or stanchions where the aflWtn.lexamination ot trie nerds supplying the 'animals were kent have h tWK. i unitary conditions of the stables,city belore i.r ; sneds ami liiilkruom nn.1 tlio .Iron-in- , rCleaned and disinfoo . o.l . separate ', . ... .. . ...

lie goes away.455 Diseased.


LEADING JFWBO.pastures and watering troughs havo .:ina "'"g "1 the nu'k, is such as

The following are some of the more l,e,1n provided for the healthy animals, j to. ,n"re aSalDst lls eontaminatioiiimoortant barasrraidi in 'nr,-r.nr,- l 'u ra. and no contact between iha afrat.l : " " " lr"s- - samiue ox ihukport to the board of " agriculture and :lni1 the well ones is allowed- - separate i receutly purchased on the open market

tor the purpose of making a bacterialforestry: milking utensils and dairv apparatuscount wi's touud to 'contain more thanhe provided n snnn 'c -- ".;v,iin rne citv ot ilonoln n nm v.ei- - "i Jnity, including Waialae. Moanalua and :ln 1 when this is done it will he safe I .

bacteria per cubic centi- -

--n'li ui iuis nature is nominu For RentUnfurnished

but rank poison and would if fed to ;

infants iu the raw-- state undoiibtpiJH- -

--Miuanu alley, mere lias been tested l" issue a permit for the sale of the32!U animals belonging to fifty-tw- milk of the healthy animals, as it isdifferent owners, as per the itemized tit owner's wish that no milk fromstatement hereto attached. This num- - reacting animals be placed on the"per includes 37 bulls and about 50 head market..i .i.,t, nunc-- ui. i ue lemaiiKier about c; u,,r,,j yi--- h

Center Streettage. Fine View.

College HUls-3-be- dreo

produce very serious results. Anothersample obtained from the same sourcetwo weeks later contained 5,400 ,0u0bacteria per cubic centimeter.

Time Is Needed.Reforms of such a sweeping nature

per cent, are drv cows and heifers.


The department of agriculture is discovering that it is the publicity attend-

ing couvb-tio- of offenders against the pure food, law that hurts, not theconviction itself. After notice has been given through the official publicationsof the department that a certain firm has been misbranding or adulteratinggoods the business rivals of that firm get hold of enough copies cf the publica-

tion to supply all their traveling men. It is, the duty of these traveling men,

under these circumstances, to see that all firms on their routes have a chanceto read the decision.

This is what hurts, and the secretary of agriculture is glad that it does,for he says it will result indeed, already has resulted in fewer violations.And iu order to help the good work along, the secretary has given orders thatthese publications be made as promptly as possible following conviction, andkept as nearly up to date as possible.

The j ure iVud law has been in force since June 30, HmjO. and in roundnun.be: s ',' deei;..ns have been had under i". all but two in l'a or of the

The aggregate number of cows indairies where there are no affected ani-mals, or where an effective segregationhas been made, is somewhat over sixhundred head, or approximately fiftvper cent of the total number tested.

as the conditions seem to call for can-not be carried out in a day and the !

policy to be decided on by the authori- - !

ties in the matter should"be given full!

tage; comfortable ana w1

Beretania Street M

cottage, centrally locate!

Furnishedroi-ti-- ; ctrppf 3 bedrofl

considerable number of thedairies may, however, be i

remaining eousiueratioii from every viewpoint,nduded in j leaving sentiment out as far as pos- -


tins list as soon as the owners have sible. An earlv of .!!lia, an n i.flrt - i reosacola Street- -3 beitI 1 iiinii to u soose ot the aetin.c ae.inia s it i,i tliopinion:er,t. and not more t nan ten ot tne number seriously et.ntesieu iu tnegov.

A total of 4."i.) head, or 35.24 per cent,of these animals have reacted to thetuberculin test. that is. have beenfound to be affected with tuberculosis.Of this number 42 head hav beendesr roved and have been found on tMst-miote-

examination to exhibit thepat hological alterations characteristicof ruberr-nlo- - is to a greater or lossextent thereby confirming the value"t tuberculin as a diagnostic agent fortuberculosis.

Prevalence of Tuberculosis."The number of animals which have

reacted to the test, that is. approxi-mately every third animal, is not

great when it is consideredtnat w:ih very few exceptions nothingha- - been don for years in the line ofcontrolling the disease. Since the at'e-jir- t ir, to eradicate tuh.-renlost-

f"y the dairy herds of Homenlu andvi a rd when in the neighborhood

Kinau Street 3 hedroo


.i.iv.my auimais ana to dtsmtect theirpremises. It must be stated that bvfar the greater majority of the dairvowners are anxious to i,.v ..t...

department of agriculture decides upon actionstions of the law. and to it the inspectors make

V special board in t lit

to ! brought for vioicourts,that ar

lirst lmi-ortau- t step and this can in!many cases not be accomplished with- - i

out providing premises for the reactinganimais. A proclamation issued by theproper authorities warning against the '

danger of using milk which" does not!come from clean dairies without pa-- - j

Hawaiiantheir reports.Discus:n owed the strict entorce- -gratifying results that have i 2tne verv

I . . j ""'ir premises, w hile some ofthose who have a higher percentage ofreactors and no facilities for se're-i-n- on

dere that they be granted timethe publicity clause of the law, one of the officials of the department

ieurizauon and especial V in familiesinert o


111 ''liUM-tat- tae atlected nnim,, as j with children, would do much to precautionslaw is wc mm Trust

H. Co., W;perfectly, and everyele--- e watch through

ruingps a tors, and it

vent, possible infection until such atime when milk depots for the olheial

o., ,le a.ue to substitute them bvheaithy ones. In only a verv limitedunmoor of cases has there been anvtendency on ,jH. ,,art uf tLe oyy 'for the dishonest manu:more diffit

Theb. C.

. -


ta!923 Fort Streetiiea c a t t ti.e reliability of the tuber- -wer-

that many of themt it is probable thatmost of the other

risKS are so gren

aw went into- is :r: 1

est.:-- andth-- re has

pasteurization ot mnk can be estab-lished. (Catalogues and Pterature per-taining to this subject are submittedherewith.) The slaughter of reactinganimals under government supervision,should be encouraged and the assist

e tu in test ai i :i desire to reir.t,, t ),..he'' io-a- destroved'i 'h ' reb.iotance

s uauyAnd

e them,canned


to ia.ld

acting animal i their herds. iu puo

urer to escape jut:o longer care tothe great majorityfood products.consumers, were

under we:j:.t :::

tinds of il..;:r. :'

and hntrb-- s

o-- t the partas of thei rvi! case only has thewe owner tone to the

i c1 l ti tne ance oi me dam- - papers shoe, id loeiei;tret est i.

m- -tlse

reacting animaisng veterinariantli ut suppres-ai- g rather than en- -


od at retail by thethere was much sellingcertain number ofhe contain that anions:

-t i.e er ca:re to ?re. l.-j- t thev are r.--

avn.g ta.;e pieju. uce against tne teto inform her that sueh"' teat a short timo

Andtain a


still i:

ti ret est. carbttit'g

ca -- esititong

of the beef from inimals which a' w on.lT

rigid inspection by competent...... i -- , . u ouoi pe ot. noand entirely ignoring th

vaiuee rule

thousands;ed to lb.:h r. Ha-ha- -

bee,,countries" ' 1 !''V" 'a a.i dairy

over, tliat an anii

after ti.eu ha evernhi.--

worhh is miceshould tiinfected

1 ue work ofouts'oi,. of the c

as soon as 1 ha

testing the animalsy wiil he continuedhad an

whichere ii ! in test


i'v one'torn the

Ranch,nt l.-iht- .

tlC. fo"

rea.-te- f,, tl;o ,u!ereafter be ot.-- i

he lo traighten out the rather neglectedBANKS MAY FORM

A CURRENCY UNIONidered as anver be ii!a, e.tlai an in pond. nee of iiiv oiiice.

ill ti - 1: th.Wit; eventest r



ot..lin-l.-- way h

r of

ugh it fails.'te.ily. This

appendeill:crd, five of

-W- i-l-.in



at the 'hisSMOKE

Mas ronsid' tlie reacting

in-- was found't:ft altlto-tg-

( "lie

rovedeviti ;r

it; eti'Ve.-t- General Arthur

in No.-- .

: 1 in thesggested or.to Tren-ur- v

e and o rfrotn the

'ommr.v0- -v bv Lard

'' tt'ith eo'nerabrthide-- s u:, j,a stid'uissi,,n fo her

' to hav, ti e

den: novetors

t r i fvCIGARS.





i KB fe3 Kn SIisLjnjBa s8 i m m m &mn L kcs eras as e3 rsr ?s? r,3i c: c-a- tv w.r v-- c- - tk--- - s:;"--- "os j -


Manhattan 'eland was once soid for about $24. It is now

worth many millions of dollars. Honolulu has a great future be-

fore it. Euy real estate now. Values are gradually increasing.

IS-- t Lots For Sale College HillsMARINE REPORT. j-- mm 3By Merchants' Exchange. FOR OTHER INVESTMENTS

..in- STOCK AND BONDvii'h-i- i lias 1 e. ii recently eu- -

ia : jj.fi !.

Ve will v. .uni'iieinl the jmreliase of.ertaia Us f.ir invest aient purposes,



Wednesday, . i ;;.S: i: Saii.'.i. V- - . ;: s s

Wiiiadaana. for JlMMokih-- ;

"'. ,,lsl, ;;. J:tK'l'i'1, '0!.t ah..ro at Paint iv.im.

.f water an. I ai.lv a tor;.!lwlr'1S "l','r I'.in.l.s snitatae tor i;aiai

on election VM in the Hawaiian lahpinO STOWAWAYS ON ..TI..I!; Sailo.l. Ai'. 2. Mv. Kuds ves'er.ta ctuv 4. a- - vevieush'

THE TRANSPORT LOGAN j On he S.er.a's -- rip- a straw vote was ovfV "

tal-u-- in the cabin ou the question Urnvs I! ; Trent Trust Company, Lt-- Sa:le;l. An;. 2.

ba idwa.-.n.- r iiawan st:on.J be wet ' ' o

5,rei yesterday Cap. am Fai ..(lrv., j..u .he r,.u,ts wore ai'i;o.a, t'.ir lii!...Ci-ay- liar!.,.; Arrive, t Auuu,

le r i'earies-- . hnu-- .lu'v li..master, receive.! wor-- l r, P- - UWiJins. sinor- - the u'mtber of Wi Wt mransport Losan that that ! v..-t- rall.t-- l oxa.rly with the numberi ' ..:.v hPre until this I 'f wumon. whi there was a snst.iein.1 --ah II not a11 C'i:ce.lrnoo bttweon th ' werftl m im m m m m mjjjg, iae .wrr .a : ue j.iinti.er cr mate passotmors. i.i

ten o'clock this morr.in an.I j j,.t the in c:i the ust woull meanMARINE TIDINGS.By Kalmku Wireless.

HjSflJi MiJWim hiw

.s a":,., i .t ifa .... i

. rr-. o'i,- - Tee.ve.t :r.- - i

ifteraooB. . U t the Terrir. rv tak. care of itself.that tnere axe 1 '

;ion V ! xrw v-- , r..-..- 5 Thfwe w: t-- sent ' - -

1'. s. TRANSPORT LOtiAX, ATSilA. Auirust :l. Viil arrive at 0 a. in.,

.,. ' very Via. I weather.S. s. Koi;!lA. AT SKA. Antrimiere and new a- - u...,., -- i

transport arrives IrornAs nextor iu,V,h l'lt,fir:lt,; oa.r wiial. expect to arrive SaUmiavat anna . ruz, while he was at a coast attenioon. 'p..rt, his VfsHl, airivod at e-- :t s. S. ASIA. AT SKA, Aii.jHt 3.

Lpanciseo. They will be returned

,23 ob that vessel. The L,gauonly asual9 thi trip.

i : ''-,.- ' lanes trien uao a a .a ve.Jaag t'ne passeuger wm i T;t.. retnaino.i at anvbot iff port a:! .lay. s. s. SIMRRA. AT SEA, Au-u- st 3.

tie Logan wi.i oe ""f"- '- ami last n;g;,t st;,i ;e lo at am-hur-. .' mile-- s from Honolulu, fresh rmrth- -

ilia: 4nr of tie torps of engineer?; j awaiting a .ke.-.i'- i to be reaeliel by ea: win-ls- . will arrive off port, at 6

2'.., urn of the Fifth Cava.ry; i the customs authorities. : a. m. Frblay.js:M i riiere was cabling ves- -

feTTin. father-in-la- ot iapramjiike, eommanuan OTOR CARSNEXT MAILS.C. H. Pe Koo

, jterdav 'oetweeu h-- re t:a.i Si.n Francisc... "or lort1. . . fTiie horo that the :ii n; doeutuetiti :nchief elerri oi Th--

. . . II l5I! :n u 1office, who will ?,n

tion in many years l'f ; c;'t he njatj: qtarteraiasterr's JCoast, Orient and ColonialHad W trst vaca

rianL and will rotarr. wi-- h ''"' 'V"1- - V

5 the Eai SCIENTIFICALLY DESIGNEDiWSTiSjo Su erintena- - that i.is ves.i I, ,1-- be able to enter Mails are due from the follov

SeSr oisahotakinavaca- - botor, El,Lt:,ll bat his hope, were -mts as follows: .Sa-.Sa- n ranciseo Per s;erra. Au?. oin many years lash. I. A iromai.tkrt iiaa 'rnz is w...rth ke'.-- ing in the ..f-- . Yokohama Per Korea. Aujf. 6.

ru-- . i.r r.icn its de- - Australia Per Zealandia, Auff. 16.Vote Was Equal.

TOivrtm .TnTr T. The r,.-.- , U tJ.p t r. ve?el from '.here ictoria Per Makura. Aug. 19.Mails will dej.art for the following.. e: , n.wnn:s I r. f iit- - r Her.-- , aba harbor.

ansip x rr. - v;. ..., . . ,,f roints as follows:fa-i- s ar r Logan, today.vni r rancisco- -asr ports, and At- -! freight b.:"h

i . Yokohama Per Mongolia Aug. 13.f h nf tin. frenr.st ar- -

r'ivhnar:tet.ec route at Vancouver Per Zealandia, Aug. 16.lariTie c.t.es.rived over tSalina Cruz. Svduev Per Makura, Aug. 19.

Brizigs Banner Cargo.

Th iare-- t c u: :o.l bvAzrec. whi.-i- i will ceiipb-t- a voyage

;i:e Lur- - from the Col.boi Cate with a earo

j'ecA yestfiday morning. All on

lwsi ri" little concerned over beat-f-

fe seamer "Wilhelmina into portVnmiVwTS. The passengers were

sotii&Jto regard the "Wilh-j-nir- ai

uneiufiTaeer. while the Wllhel-lisiH-w- i

refused to nsi ler therebJls-jnc- e at all. Bir all f,n b- th

'aj azt iahore intensely interestedj ui jssK)ii rwults of the pr- hib:- -

..r v;.-- . brf.n-'h- t aere veslire thii r i a a 'oo. Te.iai.i.j

ot Lrern-ra- i U'eu-- liei-se-

Tii" Azt."' is ui.v'er charter to Pates& ( h'.'-boruush- . Caprain Austin is anexpert navigator the Ma.-lla-

h.avin r ni'ole taauv voyages tout t s ir.-i-'li- t goes

t'rlay fro:::5.""n ten-- ,

to ohri ive I ut

The hner ar- - r,,a'e. i.v wav of theand dock- - and from .lie East .aaW UCAIi cmCB OF THE UNITED

IackfM uharf, where she - -, , ZCATIS WSATHER BUREAU. e.i at --

. e

naula, WKtMday. Aagttst ... iu-- ...v:-.-

ja.-harg- e t;-'n- owing io oa--. ,.,,ar wlieil vv operates in



Mats., a wharf choked with ear-o- . ' the service of tho San rranchsco andJati.eS Kuddea. who has been first Portland Steamship Company, on the

ei'rlet-- f r a I-- tr' --, was ini-.-e- d when Aajeles. San Franci-e- o and Port-;h- f

ve..(.t a: rived, h" having been laud inn. The Pear nla.le a recordt' the Ilroii'an. K. Madsen ajre out from Newport News. Captain

has been t d in his place. Austin is well known on the Pacific.Tiu t r' i..- - b:o:nrht a biir carjo of bavins ben in command of a number

! i Ji


irvt aatos for local ,,f ,.r iassonr;er and "freight steamers.ceme: J I: V'.cl 77! 3

alers. Ther were a'so ttr.r.y-iou- r including the Minnesota, belonging toVs con-''--n.- 'd o hu-aa- .the Hill line.KtlM'Si 72 TS .11 fiT 4 H

UK :.I6! S3


7 76! .tV :a !

4 n

aa .; 54'

74 : .(o; w i 2 sE:; m'ti 78 : t 75



w t.w; a :. 74 7e i .eel e s! e

returned with a t risoner. Tin Soon, who

r-i- ee hi- - ea:e ir:n a cnaai g"u 41 W it AVS


a four-cylind- er TouringCar embodies the dis-

tinguishing featuresand sustains the re-

markable position heldby Stevens - DuryeaVlotor Cars due to theiruniformly good

f tae prKS amiwording in or.

James Eolph Wrecked.

SAN FRANCTSCO, August 3. Theschooner James Rolph. bound from thiport to liana, Maui, with a full generalcarjo. went ashore on Point San Pedro,fifteen miles south of here. The shippiled on the rocks in the fog and will

be a total ioss. No lives were lost.

, 1 ...1or.-.-,,- - ?.a a ifo.i i u o i. . . -....... - . ,JS 5: J 80 j 62 2 ' SI 10 1,1 bv wireless, j.myhe was aprrecec

net at the whartand his pr.ner wer.W.C; ,i 71 76 3 58 10j

a; 5 j a .n i 4 se io

' al Jl 78 T '6 3 S lj


eadrfacte;34 K:f

call t:lanuf:I of tckinjduct ;




thnkn.3:20 i1 and15 a.1:20 p15 p.


. aku,

i Mill:3fl a

;'l-- 2 P

hiawai m.,

I two' bono

. it atJ Hon

topa'. 1 outi



. O.



ll:00ii 1:00.

'I i

1:45I At



; t:lf

lt.lt' 1:00t1 11 i

he t:!he eil

i y l,U8T1

. P.



if ra

, a "ro

bv High sheriff Htnry.'(ii.- - Will'-a- i:r:imlster arrued U'

take'cc-mmaa- l ,t the schooner Al'.-ro- oke.

succee'V.Tig "..lta.n Penhallow.

who i.a? l- -.n in .uirand for manyretiring from ac iveyears. and is now

The James Kolph is a four-maste- d

schooner, built in 1S00, and owned byllitid. i: Co. She sailed fromIf ana on June 11, 191o, with a cargo of

3;ja!j5i .a 73 7 ni Bfpta, y 73 7S j l T:n ' 77 Z.

WM. B. STOCKMAN,8ection Director.

' " f" ..rfV: rrtarninr from i s,IU;ir. She is reported to have sailedi i .,


from San r rancisco yes-ieru- . un.i.-- i

,n u:p "bicli too.apiain Olsen. with a general cargo tor

oertES. SUN AND MOOIff. feet.,m to I...:.d-u- . ii-"- - CJI '

schooner is lfif feet,ave Boston for Lcn-lc- to acquire thej

.nnm - feet an1 (1,1th 12

nature of an .cir to ot ; r ni.t,

uch 'T.-.- lt 'an.is at W.iulu.a ra na.-- i : v. 1 1 So tons.

317;jj J i3

fc - S. - . -- T.s ; . ; f ,1. :.. II . lit... -

The von Hamm-Youn- g Co., Ltd.a s :r. ,: ilu to Lon-io- i

a iaThe -- chootier has beer- mnKinj .r!p

Hana and the Coast for a num-

ber of months.Shakeup on Coast.

Is ,V5i . . ?re but was beaT-t-

the Eng-:,:- r

.to n rot the! CS 5 - 6.:2 5..V. 6 Jrt 1 .5,1 AGENTSlj 2.C8 2.2 1 . 17 6 ii 6 44 5.6., 2. I"RANCM t, ..;!;-- Ai SAN

p'ai.tftticn 'ior. the way

,l CT.'t 'he Sa.

r. in the h-- a;.:-:.'.

J. C. il.t .


; r " o e . -

A. H Trir'f 'ah l Ua'lwr

' 2.S1 2.S 2. Ill ;h Mexican he imnrirrati'O. -- ervi.-o ot-- hakeup in

j here to5 2 2.5


S 0:i'2 4 it

Pacific Coa--e-- c

inspect.is :!---


7 22 1' .2: 5.35 M 3 55

6.10 l;.5 5. S5 i) 3 4.16

- 57 ii..; ; e j c,e;,

S.2 11. li 5.3o .33 . 13

5 ii .49

not "CTierallv

.oer.t ot j (

a:c. i fr-.'- ;'

.T.ent larj.-l-t:,ve-- - Mi'- -l

iast that samo think!,"iri cr ai't'rcciateA c

.I boom for John IIurheSr. N.it --moon Aarust 4th - ..' ...-

r tioa -- ,; r.-- i a i ;i- -a d of sui.ervisiirs lias been.," - a " : oi C"PTa

t. Pr.Sfv" Kahului and H';ihour earlier than at Bono- - del e if Sia f :anc

llu-h- os would-prefe- to so,he but may b" "prevailed

,, re-.t nut her nom ina t ion. M.us anchor fifth district man

V WI.Kh lii- T.I -- ee OU the llOflrtl.'

a 'h u ii; an. an employe,. nod a man of

pare Time Usefully!a'o:Wa-- h 1".'"

f (!. l.O--

' "):- -.Sierr?

T. . Mar v

llere Tor.tc-rrcw- .

. "';, 'i

.. - ... -

onnl.ie in- -liio'iac

Z'"andar.i time i 10 hoursytes slower than Greenwich time.8 inat of the meridiaa of 257

The time w,.,t.er .T P- - m-- . which is the saa:r

Si, r Sre for loca! tin.. :


i want ad that b.oi.s worth a iiMvcrin; worth investigating!

find i wi! I.ct the habit "row. You will not buy everything

,,, - ."oil will not do business with everyorio whose ad yon an-vo- u

'11 -- irii. a verv e;ood average! Ymi'll had j.rotit in unox- -


he WOUl.l I'C

her efiTidhbe e

or'c-- to a ! '

t ! cm: ven- -

Tie- b,,ard'W. H. Hoos

Orf Port, .' .'uutiav .Morr..:,ir r.v

-- Jl"3". . Weather V;:vi. be an ad answerer which will be mightsv r bat

pcc'e,! ,;i,e,-- .

ilv worth wii h snion;'O jji'Orf'Bti N



'i Therv

't. I r z :

s - t :

!' I :

Vi?xr n; . i. i1 :

$r--Thaver ? their oaa.p- -trving to oppose Oar Wa l WaireOne


oiahe ritiy prclie- - Th it par'y. so a tl.v are f.:,y g- !;' appearance- - th.- - aavthing, will haw Fern and

w". ap. so far as; as tle-i- a; a n t n vs, with K:it-i!i-

t !;: is C'.neerned. aid T.ihe J..;,.! the bon-- e tights.in the a'- - f f ' ; o be gi.ea ano-h--

r to,!,...!,.-)- . is raake the bn.ard a Trent ui !in.!'"uibf-th:'- t

th.. ineombeMt. ei!v be retooa na'e-- for tr.-- r.-- r am!withdraw !i, the! ff.we :,e , r.iv sherifT. Wh-ih- -r thet

c ; ' r;

Thoav. leaving thel wiii P a' aa'c candidates again-- t

aa-- W. T. Paw j p. '.) nnd K'a la 'ink al.i n i reiiei'.r fM'ea

rfH ; i



? ''

ran a a a ft.

'the',S: T

S ? , ri. v.". ".

B. 5TTfCKMA,??et ior

' t in the (.mi vai ' b a be se.-n- If they are wise they wiilw '.I probably nomi-nat- e j s ive their powder.




VO i.-e-t o'!:On. it1 v3

I 8W 0.pll8Uni!Fraternal Meetings MONEY NOW FDR r:

v,''.':- ;

,:,.i ': v

aan a : : coi"


o' d .0 .

Jas. F, Morgan Your Kodak Film,





EnlargementsFederal uovernment

Spend S5000 in the

Territcrv .


Casino Musical Comedy Go.

.... in ....

"O'Grady's Friend"



A d

tbe a








la i :

XCB1ICS KO. I, X. O. 0. T.

t I iiJJ tv! '. ';id tit: i fVrt i'.:tt k :;:.--

i:-4 "1rK. C. HOI'i'r:'::. --VU L. U PIFRKE Se? J

S?OXT KO S. I. O. O I.rr; K'snCf ecir,g : -

Odd i!wf' Hi!'.. Fort 8iti. .:.

HUGH E. M- -( OT, N. u.I. R. EXSaT. 7

?4CmC UBSXjLE loxge ko. 1.I. O. O. T.

Vmn ! oDd ad fourth Tbpjuty.7:o 9 .. Odd ?liowi' E'l. '.ir.ng


oirn Bajurca hizsjlb so. t. ,

X. O. O. T.

Ht r7 lrti od ttird Thurdy, t ..

ff 1 Odd Teilawi' HU. vi:tic . ..'Rtfcrk r eardi!!'' tin-i'- to trnd ;



oath. t MM8ic Teasple. t 7:50.p. j

w rtia brvtcru are corcia.iy in :

w. . wit I

LMMMl CTIimi SO. . O. J5. S. uHmU twry third Mccasy ci earn

oatk. at 7:10 . a., in it Maeowe

J Tp!e. V.i:tit ie!re and brotberiu rdii;7 larited to mral i

Mi-i-j- a J s . tr nx.-'i- '. ..!ADELaJDI M. WEBSTER. j l'vSecretary.

UU 4U)U trmATTEM so. s, o. s. s.& Ki4 t the Mitonjc Temple every

--J acea ttturday of eara month, atT:SC . Viaititf iatera and broth- -

' rt are eordially U3 Tired to attend.COEA A. BLAISDEI.lt, W. M.itAKGAEET HOWARD, Secy.

CCX? CAJfOIl SO. (110. A. O. T.iMeeia every aeeend and 'oorth Tnei- -

laay ef acb atonth, at 7:30 p. a., inaaveaie Ka'A Vine7ard ttreet.

VictlBf kretkvre cordiaUy imTited toatteaA.

N. K. HOOPn, C. E. '


eutosi cxxcxB vo. i4o, c. o. r.Mev eery eerend and toarth Ttnre j

cay ef rach aicnth, a: 7:50 p. m., iiu A.tenie HU. Viayrd etreeiTiaitiuj cempamoB are ccrial.y in- - j


COCTII LTJltALILO KO. 600, A. 0. T.eSe er ari ana I'xj-- Wme- - .

day of each month, m 7:30 :

p. a.. In Vythian Haii. comer Fort :

and Beietania itreeta. Tia;tiEf brotb- - i

ere coidiaiiy iar L ,

F. J. ROBELLO, C. E, I r

v wtv w m mm i H itv, . v. A. -

Meet on fvid r.dfourta "VTinikdv yti- - T

.nil ef cfa aoEih. at7 :0 o'clock, in PrthiiaHaiL earaer BereUaia and Fori r.reeta. j

VmVM Uhl" w etleTw p '

a'v' iW. C. MeCOY, seey.

oAJOJ LODE MO. 1, X. of Ierry tret aad third Friday t 7:S0elek. Fj-tk- i flIl, etrw: Bereiania and?rs 'srt Viaitif r;i.ri ?eroUaiij intU to UrWM. JONES. C. C.O. HEINE, K. of E. S. a

anrn,r,ia m attuxxjET lodge wo. a

H. ef r.Xeers crerr aeeoad nd forrth fHtnrdojtaiajt at 7:10 elexk, in Prtfe;n Hall i

--omr Reretaaia aad Fort erre'te. Visiting j

artare eeriiaiiy iarited to a;indM. A. TAYLOR, C. C.E. A. JACOBSON, K. S S.

EOWOLtTLtJ " 0. 84, A. A. of M.

Mu ea ;ke irtt ignsditeenif f tacik aoBth, at 7

eieca, at Odd Fellowe5!r 411 icnr.in,rh-- j

' ttead.JZ trier Wortny Preeident.WM. E. YOUNG.FRANK C. POOR, Seev. j

mODOU BOOSZTEXiTCAMP KO. 1. 8. W. V.Meets every Second and FourthSaturday 0f 9mch month in

WaTerley Hall, corner Bethel andcmei atreeia, (I 7 :SU .

as a m v m I

Z eroer ai ui camp UOm- - WI. t-- BROWN. i


HAWALTAX TUBS 20. 1. I. O. K. M.Meets erery xet and thirdThursday ef each month, in K.of P. Hail, corner Fort andBeretania streets. Yieitinebrothers eardially Incited to!

B. V. TODD, C. of B.A. L. EAKIN, Sachem.


'IIK'A'0 In ihv M'.teht'ii towfr atI !::. . r- - f-- ' ":::.ca-.- . is !.:.!.' a

Vtal of in memory of AliveFr,-.'w-:ui l'al:r...-r- . Recently tbe?e bellsvwro rur, by a '..;!: of chanv-ricgv- r

w no t atten.-oo- vvua;

to l.e The bei--T .i":M of cliant-riBge- ri

i:i ;he I'nitf.i tat.--s or Cana :a. Ii; ;

change rir.r.g the Mis bacg freely ia j

a frame ar.d are ran.' in a succession j

i.ormiw.i niatnemaTicauv. i.j- - ,

, ;,.,) t0 .v,;. each bell. i

The tir: be; is in il:i- - couutv arranjr- -j

, ; were s(,t up in Bostonin 1 745. Paul Revere was one of th j

earlv rlr.jers of B"Ston. The art is rn-- !

ciWmor. in this country, the baci atthe Or. ron svhool heinjr the only one i

as.de lr'..-J!- the Chicago guild.


If the snr-rl- of Ohamberlain's Colic, j

( ho ana liarrnoert jttemeuy muaiuc.i.Urlv V.Pfmpp limited, manv homesTrn;!,! consider a oi nr,Ticelef t-- It is sola in al- -

mnt everv civi:zfa countrv. ana never j

fail? to rive satisfaction. For saleall dealers. Benson. Smith & Co.. Ltd

conts for Hawaii.


(to Jones, who has misled h';3 ne ' 1 Try it ;

. I5oton Transcript, jji


JgS. W. Pfattj




125 Merchant St.

AT AUCTIONAt our salesroom. 15 Merchant St.

rnlUAT AUUUil 0 l IUir, ,.',-,,.-!.

H Q U S 6 ll D I tl FUmit UfB

Silver Plated Ware

One National

Cash RegisterALSO

A Choice Lot of Chickens



Leases at Auction

At 12 o'clock eooe,


xt Citr Auction Rooms, 125 Merchantsrretn. l wiii offer at auction leases of


Lot No. . . i pset annual rental $10" j

lyft .mi. !... I annual rentalLot No. .

. .T't set annual rental $1(

Tertn of leases, ten years from Aujrv.stt.. I'.'iv.

The-- e lots are EACH OVER ONEH ALF A i; K irea and have fromON K ill'XDREI' TO ONE HUNDREDAND THIRTY-TW- FEET FRONTAvK ,.x a.hore.

to le ;a:.i semi-annua- l ly ina:van

For fy.rther t art ion; a r- -, form of lease.et?- - nrT ' ro L:l:r.okalar.i Trust or theuntie:



AT AUCTIONFor ai w a:ay concern.she BRH K. IRON. WOOD and GLASSre:r.a r ef .e dRPHKrv Wj'vr

i tiRPHKl'M TH KATE R. Fverv- -

wi'l V.e of- -


WEDNESDAY. AUG. 17, 1910.

: ::t' .r;r F: : s

. lit- - i. I


as ajtpr-.ve- of The ex-- .

....i. rt' (ji ivr a water s .rvevr::; :iu-.i;- o; o

Tho 0 , t : : . r ;at lit- - exi-ct- s;

cr&.!iic urvo- - ap; roi-r.at-

snotiitr on .:nusr teni.s. towardi

'. . V . , , i

Jif.-fic-i re ii.r itrr.icrv r.a na-- to;

rvev tnathave rn rcaae. :be autl.f.:::ie. at

aniiirton no; a '!': r."-r-

not con;e i .e (: states andJr""-''- ( ent: eu jn ta! aidSjuEj.' these ;;i 5. A i:cw- - rni wk?r,cr. v never, wita the result

at Hawaii now to v'et ioral as- !





Breckons Finds Strange Case of!

Moral Obliquity on j

!!!;One oi tj.e iir.niuraTits rovr i

Matti is under an on T n : : !

....... TT .I

-aiid w;J t- - .o. iu muw-a.- a;

trial i.l: a cnar.'e ot n'a i, rr in. . , '"",!Tlu w-i- :e tracie. :.is arrest i.i- - ;

lowir-- eV.v.-.l- ti f.,.M- - r,f-- "

i -- s lustrje: Attrut-- Ereck-Vaile- v

r With thei

K;:S'i,-;- w'il L'K'UJtit to lionoh;,;; j

S.iteci)-vt-a- r o'.-- daughter, and a........ ; w. . ..

, :friri and who Las been T.fddli.-.j-; her j

v;rtr'e abox;t TLo coustr--v


A'-j"- to statements made Ly a!Korean, the rather tried fiist to sellthe eirl to him aad he nearlv succumb- -

ed. but the deal foil through aad the;father then of his daughter to

tbV&7:ted the Japanese produced i

n arnace lieei:einsurance aaint bei:i ; inched, l.u- -

didn't work.



John Patterson of Hamakuapoko.

LharaefJ Witn uttenria...- - - -

False Check.

John Patterson, manager of the Ha- - i

niakiiapoko store and assistant postnia- - j

ter at that place, was yesterday heldT'nltPl .t-,t- f r,.ntTi:r.Pr .1 old to

the r tenn of the courtunder io'!ii bors'Ss to answer to thecharge of forgery.

Patterson - Ti e ninn whe cached t':o1.7m cheek for J. A. Garcia who,

'.';rne 1 out be the wrung liareOan-:- him -- elf wf-i:- t hack to l'at'ersin

. . , ,- ' ; ', ' i

:i:i!oo'o i'ir anoraer. ana ;;eth- - in.oiov f B.itra d." o !ei--.-v-

t i'a i:t:fu otted ate, the :

! an 1

he r



;:li. j..; Skirtir: j:a r.- j.,n

ilia)i:a- - di-- -

e i ., O

'i :- .- MeNi

jwiy mi;.1 S'rar!,- - v,

hae t.;:rch: a Jw; Thvv;,- -t a ' --I r '

' ' o.- - ti e,j ..::,iy:i i

. v. ! -M, be:- ii.e i'eld :


No. 857 Kaahumanu St,


For a few days only we will

, - u; - !..,unci dJinc tirjt-u- iuio ai a iuii

figure and BaSV teriTSS.

We wart to call yo'jr atiention to

our list of improved and nn improved

properties. Our prices and terms are

such that anybody can own their own

home. Call at our ofSee.

For Rent

Manoa A three-bedroo- house.

Kaimuki A tvc-lieiroo- house.


Mr. and Mrs.Hashimoto


Rheumatism.Bruises,and otherAilmentsQuicklyRelieved.Telephone 637.


Pure Hawaiian GreamScrupulous eleanlineaa, plenty

of ice and constant care aakeour cream satisfactorily. Ourcustomer appreciate, it, as oinbelieve CHEMICAL PEESEB-VATIVE- S

icjuriou.Call up



PiOEpr CWV0 .-- ---- aai urjranirerot the EAGLE DYEINC ivn r--r t-- .LNG WORKS.

Special attention rail to SHVV. i.

TS- - rs tasen for EmbroiderFORT STREET. Eelow Chaplain Lane

Formerly Oecupiei hr Mrs. Pars.






Ladies' Khaki SuitsTwo P:- - ".; XV. SFft p.5-- - r. ' ." a L,

Price. SS.Oj.


French laundry i

las thebest.




F r: ?tre ar Hoti





EveAll varieties of Fresn BreadPlain Crackers marnrf9i5

jaily at our Baker,, ,134S

Patrons and interested Ko

ds& week

ire cordially invited to cJm lowing

vitness the process of msss?.'ture from the opening oft I

sacks of flour to the paefcJi"

the manufactured Icases, tins and cartons. I

Love's BakeryTh

1134 Nuuanu Street SOYj

takesROMAN & FRIETaT 4th,



Felt and Straw Hats PA(

Panamas todrufnuis


McCHXSNEY COFFZS 00,16 Merchant Bt




Good Cold BeerAnd Other Tuingt


Fitzpatrick Brothers



I a

Brown & Lyon


Popular Fiction. Travels. SattSfc

Young Building.

Wing Tai & Co.

Contractors and Builders.

ruruitore, WaH Paper, PiisSs

1216 Nuuanu Ave.


The Car that foes the route Etainr down hill s




In beautiful Jewelry bits

BO WOHotel St. bet. Mannaket and



in" Street.

ichlr.-r- E,- -. aired. . ..Vtf.and Ge-er-



Fine Wines and Liquor



Hnnrlorn X

For Real tsiaie.

S2 '"erchant St- -

EverythingNew Songs New Scenery


Admission 25c. All Reserved.

Evening Prices 3c, 50c, 75c


:(.f :

Prof. Antonio's Trained

Dogs and MonkeysLast Matinee Saturday at 3 p. m.



Prices 10c and 15c.

MISS ETHEL MAY,Soprano Soloist from Keith's.

GEORGE GARDNER,America's favorite Irish dialect

Comedian.The Great

CROTTONS,Marvels of Strength.

DYSO.Worlds Great Ventriloquist.


MOTION PICTURES.Admission 5c 10c.



Returning from tuceefsful tcur cf Aus-

tralia and New Zealar. L




Admission 5c. 10c, 15c



2 Changes a Week 2

Admission 15c-10c-- 5c

Honolulu Athletic Park


C. A. C. vs. J. A. C.O. C. ALUMNI vs. WASEDA


U. S. M. C. vs. C. A. C.P. A. C. vs. WASEDA

ADMISSION 75c, 50c, 25c

Box Plan for Season Tickets at Cham-bers Drug Co.


C. II. BROWN. M a.',-r- .

HaJekauwiia trcet.Highest Price Paid for Old Bra-- -, Scrap

Iron and all Metals.T'ealer in Record hnn.l Maehiiierv.


Tel. 642. i'. (i. Box "4 7.




SanitarySteam Laundry

W. D. McINTYRE. Superintendent.

Phor.e 73.








f 1'


ill. ! g


8 t

b . si i ! i


11; 'If



5 .3!

!. i

Mi t



i 1

! t(:';'; t

rt ?





















will Beet la their ha!l, , ,.King street, neer Fort, every '.Fridsy eTenicg. Vigmrgbrothers are cordially in-

vited to attend.JAMES D. DOUGHERTY .'

E. R.'


aOfcOLOLU COTTISa THISTLE cxuKets oa Ind and 4th Frdv in tbe tnontlj8 s!ock, ia nioomi 11 ud 1 i, Alfjnor

Yencc oaildi.JAS. H. F1DDES, Ch;ef;JAS. C. MeGILL, Secy,

DAMXEJi VOUVCTL, HO. 663 T. M. I.,meets eeery aeeaad and fonrth Wednesday at7:(0 o'clock p. as. ia St. Lonis CileeAluani Hall iDreier Hall), Union streetViiitiag raMiiaers are sIwsts welcome

T. D. CREEDON, President.E. P. O'BCXLIVA. Secretary.

THXO8OFHI0AL SOCIETY.Honolulu Braneh, No. 1162, Miller!

street, ground floor. Kilohana Art ,

Leajrue building. iPirtt Tuesday ofevery montn, at 7:45 p. m. PublieMeetinr. Yisiton weieome OtherTuesdays at 7:10 p. m., Lodge Meetingfor .Members. JAS. J. YOUNG,

President. !

Pau Ka lianaAnd the dirt moved.

Get it from vour trro.'er.


at. -- t Bonk r.

hvcrv Mail.

:. Kiov: Iktel 'St.

.! I!

' CLEAN-J30UT"SA1J- !; 20 tO 50 pef CCIlt

-- ft READ THE ADVERTISER, Company, Ltd. t." verything Cheap. SAVINu; if-- . WORLD'S NEWS DAILY KING STREET. I A : a- -e.!

M : -- JAS. W. PRATT- - CHAN KEE Sale.









FtVou Will FindMl i.;r"

IT t.a (

ill K. ,i .

cv,OU LL be pleased to see the new colors and swell

patterns which are shown this season in ourofranch ;


T(IE DONNA I t ii 1'

Calamity Discourages SailorsTrim Vessel on Eve of


1. T. (j. i;. m.h.'H at half past

.h !,u,n--o No. .

in 'l.l Followstins evening.

Terdav .,Sf7ir..'l- - ; 1. i ii n Chunga! inn over inon- -

alt- -r.ivi: at' '!:::

r-- 11 an11:;- :- S ti

.'. lew i inA


;.! 1,,ntnientsare pent-.- .

approved a' He Who .liiu

trash, l.ut he windemijohn of pur.

tie afF

our .',,;,. , j:

tups away with tiiatwhisky that costs a

and service i!"nat:on of a .'.-- !

' known ... (,uvt Loileauaot Fot-s-t. rs small fortune in L iisr'lc is an iu- - nhow li we have our privatelinn

awa:'iern.ni tlnef an.opinion of him.'

ii. :i.

h a in l:- -r

' who has beenu woman, wasint last night

' the house andMcCarthy. Prop.

c. J. 111s is tilt unr ot the cr.nr. or Trying to torJtS.r tin'

awfulyacht sweetheart, which fa thehone H -

si'a Toi'ay w'tiioiir' .1 01111 1 y or l,o; n

tke pride of itsit1- - eye. a prize d


awaiiun En:held t

a ti.- ii. S.

cart an the apple ofmi iohn of whisk v thatw.!l 1.

gu.ar meeting of''.'"ii .j iea Socio! v

T : Hum at hall' pn-- 't

i A. entomological can notwhere eh, cream and Deserts ought for io o .ii-- jMthi a ny- - j

A l the Sweetheart i

! oom-- . iveeauuioii a st: ot.Mi

tT mill WMy . Sjjll-ag- . JUL; , tfe 'J (' j

r wis:-- in o taides f,,v u,., .1;..Tvrtrr

.r.TVR IIwere eonatinjfillip trill ,;u-- l

Hart Schaffner &Marx

clothes. It's go-ns-j to be another lively

season; with many smart fashions in

weave and model; new ideas in young

men's styles; new snappy pockets, anlfinish of sleeves.

Many men who are older will , want

this younger stuff; some of it is a little

extreme, but we Lave good stylos for


We want you soon to see the new

tans, grays, olives, browns; the fine

blue serges, and dressier fabrics; want

to show yon the new ideas in fall over-


Suits $20 to $35. Overcoats $16.50 to $30.

This store is the home of

Hart Schaffner & Msrx Clothes

on that den.ijoht; 01; ti

as a solace in their miat the I'tuveivity c;ubreaeste.l to seoid notification toc!ab todav. Keser vat ions ,M,,m,,t

tfSUIBS WITH Atieraretilt?be !Star Freezer made alter this evening.

X ae Juno Aia L will climh .. x : - .1

in constructionSf,l:Lt failure to pet thefeu. ..:" u an impossibility.9 ' J""

child can use iti i

urn 01; Saturday taoining next, weathorpermittia- -. Kendvzvous is ut maukaterniiiiiis ,,f ;,t:,ia treft oar liue attwenty niimitcs after sevfn.

A. A. Isbfll, who made a report onThe local wireless, with reference totuning up f.i- Iei; sendingand leceivinir, is t lie operator aboardthe Pacific Mail e.-usl-:p Mongolia.

V'overiior Fr. r has signed a lardon

Ocean lotieiiiiess.Last ni-- ht two liicmVcrs of the sweet-

heart eiew e ilowu to the i.ol restation ami .ie.-lare.- l that 1hy .litln'twant Mm jicrjietrator of the tlifft

lait that they eli.l want thatdemijohn awful bail.

'l'liey claim that the violator of thesweetheart hoiy of hoY.es was Marry

". V. line!;, erstwhile bos '11 of theyacht Hawaii.

"We didn't care alioiit liitu cen'-- i

down and st-- t t i n all tin- - hooe hewanted, tun we do think that it wasa dirty trick to walk off with thatdemijohn. Xow, we don't want, anypublicity 011 this, beeauso. von see,we're compotino crews and we're in adelicate, position. ITe wouldn't havedone it if he had been sober, and wedon 't want him ton died or n'tvtliin.S

lor lvea --Nai of ilanalei. who!was convicted many y(uis ao of lar- -

! t

X "v 1

fo experience is neeaearor the Hot Weather Sale

, mm" and' which will last this


0e-Qr- t Size

TwQuart w

f,W.Dimond &Go,,Ltd.

53.57 King St., Honolulu.



ac-U- ii



Copyright Hart ScharTner & Marx Bj?"

cety, servea l.:s sentmce and therebvlost his civil rights. The pardon re-

stores to him the franchise.(Governor Frear Las appointed two

new members of the Hawaii board ofregistration. Vleiia succeeds f.'iiai-ma- n

II. O. Eo-- e, and .lohu

. .

'MS1 SiL WA'Sr,t th nu- -VP 0.0 walire titaf, hut il adm.' Etc.iaiae tan.es ti;e 1 la of M. S. i'a- -

diatelvnociieco. wiio recen Teudeied Lis rcsijj- - Phone 65 iThedropped n case ofo'.-.- l To look no f' H Elks' Building, King Streetstaff

-- am! b'u:at !:!(1 irecti ifoad. but

nation.Manager Eamsay of the Cone ranch

and startedoka. F.uek,. r- -- i atas nttn'lvrs

i.pr to theot led l.Iuti, .aiilorn,iii, who sent auji-- - melibowliLiiuai Miii'iut'u n jieii-K.ru- uuiis iiirij, T;() n0(1 fl our cltv. thev were

Andinr .ciu.ii aim u, iii''.y nun c nere la out nl' ni'ilit and are still, hrntin-jr- .

they're hunting pretty hard., too.

DANCElit first quarterly dance of the


tfes place Thursday Evening, August

tat eight o'clock, Odd Fellows' Ilall.5m3 music and a good time. unini twin uniu



b lp josr sealp free from the dan-fc- igeim and the dandruff scale


eadrJfactird34 to1 partescall 3

of Cjckiitjcfduct b



the near future for a vacation. Whilehere he will be looked after by cattle-men generally.

llattie K. Vivicbnves versus Y. Akauon defendant's exceptions from thecircuit court was argued yesterday inthe supreme couit aud submitted,

S. Curry argued on behalf ofthe plaintiff and A. L. (J. Atkinsou forthe defendant.

Ide, a Japanese, was arrested on awarrant yesterday and charged withthe use of threatening language. lone,the Japanese woman who swore to thecomplaint, accuses him of promisingto end her career by the pistol routeand objected by .gal proceedings.There Lave been more cases of threat- -


You will avoir

travel-fun- annoyances if youcarry the American Bankers' As-


Travelers' Cheques

The Cheques that ar.- - alwaysand everywhere good. They es-

tablish at once the identity andcredit of the holder and facili-tate his dealings with strangers.


TITLO. August 1. Fvva plantation'snew enoinoer, Norman O. Campion ofFapaik-on- . said his farewell visit toMadame Tele on Saturday night andSunday. He had been the guest, of Mr.

and Mrs. A. G. Curtis, at Kurtistown.to dinner 01T Saturday evening withGeorge Cool of the Tribune. Theyplanned a surprise for their hosts, hav-

ing an auto call for them after dinner,when the big bachelors of the Big Is-

land antoed Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, MissF.dna Curtis and Miss Hazel Bucklandup to the Yolcano House, arriving thereat half-pas- t eleven, and being quarter-

ed in the congressional cottage. Theymade a jolly breakfast party next morn-

ing, the more so because it includedC.R. Buckland. who did not know of

City Trnsfer:

Knte saehioes eared for at theM Haraian Garage, Hotel St., opp-

osite Srtiiian Hotel. Kent serviceas.

Better shoes are not made than those we sell.

The best leather, perfect workmanship, absolute

support to the arch, good style and toe room.

if-cr- y

0I' "1

enir.g language on the police calendarof late tiian ever befoii.

Some practical joker managed to getthe police excited last night when hetelephoned that a man had fallen onKing street and cut his head open. Thefast wagon made record time to spotand was very much disgusted to findone V. Rogers paralyzed drunk butsuffering from nothing else. He had


ON WILHELMINASank tif Hawaii, Ltd.

Capital and Surplus $1,000,0.00. 5a card in his pocket addressed to Him-

self care of the Y. M. C. A.

M. C. King, a mechanic at the Asso-

ciated Garage was fined $10 by JudgeAndrade yesterday for heedless driv- -

JAN FEAXQSCO, July 27. W. II.Perkis of Chicago, a passenger in thesterner Willelmina from Honolulu,

His fiancee at the dock yesterdaytpc'i landing with the bail news that he

Mclnerny Shoe Store TAIL

his daughter's arrival until then. Atterautoing'to (lie crater the visitors

Engineer Campion tookwith him a lock of Pole's hair.

About thirty visitors found their wayto the volcano on Saturday and Sun-

day, the list including: C. II. Leipfestof Yirginia. Sydney F. Hoben of Syd-nev- ,

G? Aflague and Mrs. Wm. Fernan-dez' Hdo; F.lenore Harpster, ColunfbnsOhio- - Juliet Guerin and Edith John- -

For Sale Fort Street Above King 15ihukn m

ing. lie was arresreu oy umcei iua--u

S.'uurdav after a chase of severalblocks, "the man refusing to come to ahalt. He was driving past the policestation on Merchant street and wastold to slow down but refused. Thetestimonv of three who saw himproved him to fie drunk. This was notLis first appearance and he was repri-

manded bv the court,

Wbtea robbed of $240 in cash on thef n? from the Islands. Then I'er-aa- d

his fiancee left the dock, te-ic- rt

tit newspaper men or anybody elseesii learn more about the affair.

Porkins went to Honolulu to lookit'er tie affairs of an automatic tele-pior- e

tompany. When two davs out

One of the most beautiful homes inManoa! Valley. Contains three large,airy bedrooms, den, dining-room- , par

son, Santa Cruz, aliiornia; tvo'i-rigues

and Bernard II. Kelekolio. Hilo;W S. Ogg. Pahaia: Henry Da vies. Ho-'noinl-

Ceo. A. Cool. Hilo: Norman G.lor and roomy Kitcnen.

Has gag and electric lights and hotwater heater. Rooms mosquito proof.Campion. Pa pa ikon: Miss Hazel Buck- -

. , IT, U I ' OtTit ICC f 1 II. 1 111 ir

and Mrs! A. G. Curtis. Kurtistown; Mr. 'Sanitary plumbing throughoutJOHNSON'S.i Airs 4 Grossi. HaLtiniore. .uar- -


Governor Frear and his farrwly have

Dwelling is in large lot and com-- !

mands both marine and unobstructedview of the mountains from its elevatedposition.

Grounds planted in ornamental shadeand fruit trees. Servants' house and

gone to Tantalus to spend a lew weehs.

land: S. Mnrtinelli, New York: Herberts' Hewson, San Fnwicisco; II. "W. Gra-

ham. Master Rav M. G. Graham Ho-

nolulu: J. Watt. Mrs. J. Watt M.

K. Watt. Miss A. Ward. John M. Ward.Ola a; J." B. McSwanson. Honolulu.

WHAT THE PRESS AGENTS SAYchicken yards at an agreeable distance

t ' 3:20 p.i and WI X5 a. ij 1:20 p. 1

t 15 p. m.f 10:20J ll:15p.f -


j Jim., 5:

i , 1 MLU a:3 a,

;: : 1:28 p.'!

, hiawa 1

1 m6ft. I two-k-i

! honoreiy at 8

5 Honolstops o:


' outwai '; Pearl CJ


' nday Oi. 8JDTB

1 .; G.P,



Charles II. Hitchcock returned on tneLurline yesterday after an absence ofnearly five venrs in Cuba and the main-land." He will go to his old home inHilo to remain permanently.

Judce Andrews has so far recoveredfrom The effects of the operation at theOueer's hre-pa- l some time ago that

fen Honolulu, on the way to this city,k missed his purse, which he remem-Jre- d

as having placed beneath his pil-fewf- te

night before. Upon going tostateroom, however, he was unablefcdany trace of the purse or its

Wests, nor could the search that Cap- -Johnson and therew began lead

jMtyelew. Whenhe Wilhelmina ar-se- u

at the dock yesterdav Folicemani:ey went aboard and made a closeRation of the room and several

tars of the steward's depaflment,K without success.

It is said that Perkins expected toRt married as soon as he arrived here,"afnends 0f the voting man said that

nof a "little old 2i.V wouldn'twthe wedding one minute.'


from the dt elhng.

Lot faces a well-buil- t and well-kep- t

street ami is within short elistance ofcar line. This is one of the most de-

sirable homes in the valley and one of


BENSON, SMITH & CO., Ltd.Corner of Fort and Motel

hist weeK to resume the best offerings in real estate withinwa af.uemagistrate of SouthUistr;duties

Hilo.the last twelve months.

For particulars apply to

Will Repeat Successes.

Only four more performances, in-

cluding Saturday's matinee, are to be

given by the Casino Musical Comedy

company, the New Orpheum positively

closing Saturday night with "C-Grady'- s

Friend." Beginning tonight

a change in the musical program will

be made ami all of the best numbers1 . ,,........s ,,f vMi ioas pieces which

Ml t 1


GOKimfitFort and Merchant Sts.FOR ROYAL ACADEMY BALL and

Towels.1 : ' l v -

have been put 1:1. will bo introduced,tether change will be FINEFriday night

made with the idea to be invokeda meEoyal Academy of Dancing will

.its st quarterly ball this even-J- t

the Odd Fellows hall, commenc- -

fi t tight O'clock. A n.m-re- clr.brbowing a choiceTurkish Towels.

This week we ai-- :

I;,,., of s11:00 M.; l:O0.P.en encash a;.,... .,

Li Jen and Cotton Towels, eouiprising:loilv onnA n....,wt nuie ia assurer a.i

FRINGED TURKISH TOWELSfeatnres of t,e even. eg will be

Saturday. This a rrn pro.nisesplenteous fun and variety for Orpheum

which terminaie-SaTurdn- vpatrons. The -i!i

lias in eveiy way been a suc-

cess and the popular Ca-in- o MusicalConiedv il:iyers hae more than ful-

filled tin' promises made for them.


ALAMEDA. July 2'k A. V. Fisher

of Alameda Parlor of Native Sons kepta cigai r u ruing in h - f- -r $" -

;, '.t a smokeis' Marathon i

To Order

And In Stock.-- 2. To. and $.".50 per1.5!i.an'-blnf- f

dies other at !'":dozen.T t ..lsTifEt

V 6 , - s:nt refresh: Ts wJi... "ur.cg tne intern

Have you ever heard of the two-da- y trip to Haleiwa?

Have you ever been through a sugar mill?

Have you ever seen pineapples growing in great areas?

Have you ever been to Wahiawa?


Ten dollars for a two-da- y trip via Oahu Railway

all expenses and you see all of these.

Coupon tickets at Oahu Railway Depot, King street.


' 1:P.I:tfP.

OLIDA'11:18 A.


I 11:00 A.

'., . 1:10 P.


DIAERHOEA REMEDY..ere is probably i;0 me iieire !

Ie'ieJ opon with more i::.,l!,-i-

at. .tJ.-i-.'- , $4.'-- and $4..0 per doz.


i sj.-.."-. and $2.T5 per dozen.



patl.-- night, and was j

I ' na in p.oi, su i, as ti.., si OA v.m. '

!lV ti,.'a wi'-de.- l tne

1 T -

."a ; ! 1'auia-A-

:t s:.:.('!!, $3.o", -"'

11:51 P.j 1:00 P.t KaBi1:11h :0he city


H7tac than Chimbe-hr- r 'sd Diarrhoea Remedv.

" rd of accturv Y, vV?V- - i--i : b.iveS'V tne."e remedy tha'.t;Wa .r Pain iu the sro,., ,

"r'.v.a ar Tt ''as been v.-- l i.and dangerou, c,-,- -,

to fnll. ;

1. 0.1c,D;r-

-- .rne.tic Vt "

i h s

n re- -

,;.--o. n:, I 1.'." I'er u-- '

WHITE SEDSPREADS tA' 11 iA ' 1 f rA F ix - ?ife, si I KM v V

so ,M and - fcWfm Honolulu Institute For PhysiotherapyCorner Beretania and Richards Streets.

Open from 8 a. in. to 7 p. m. except Sunday,

.inds of Electric Eight Paths (blue, red, white and violet). Steara

P. A P.and svFor r,l

Allnith tv. CoHawaii.' i H St

- Alalse:1 '


Hath?. Turkish. Russian. Pine Needle, Nauheim, Carbonic Acid and Oxvcjenor Medicated Bath. Massage. s and High Frequency, etc., etc.

Special Attendant for Ladies.f'r We wnnl--

. ,c! a .

lohn D. Roci:ar?' ; .1 "ci". sir, hEET

IACHS DRY GOODS CO. wort', the gamble'.what he thinks

,vi"i.t to know. Tt is upa "Tossabout it be;

to vou to livo , READ THE ADVERTISERPf, toro U o i t -

mi-- an vor w

Pop.'B af! t

1 m- -

tnnch like 0 c, ,?e that , . - w'


Read the "Advertiser," World's News Daily i

Limited. ar 1 P' Tetania Sts.

"::c Station.WORLD'S NEWS DAILYV'si-v- . J. OSWALD LETTED. For

street, next to convent. Phone 1 ':R,

4l DAI--




THE PACITIO COJOnaCIAl. AJJTESTOE ,wc rn ;ii?:n: . ..r'C ! w' mmm WilianOOCEANIC STEAMSHIP COMPANY TIMETABLEDirect Service to San Francisco.


Stock Brokersra Hor.,. I

The favorite S. S. SIE2KA. .. i:H

V:lulu Attest 10. 31. e, il. O..--: r vr:;.l t: -- 3. ltee:t'.c-:- r 4.

lirst-ela-- - :rl-:-r t ari Frar. v';P--;.- ; rcur.-- trip. direct St''3from Saa Frarciu ;.. Talit: :;r.ret irh T'. . Co. to v


Zealand. C. EP.EWEF. & CO., LTD.. General Agents.St0CllS'B11 .. CifBB'3 V HONOLULU STOCK EXCHANGEi fifiiSfA' , rnous sa' EsbhCANADIAN-AUSTRALIA- N ROYAL MAIL LINE.



MA RAM Tl'LY o: a. if--


ZEALANDIA - E?TEMBEE :u .a, r yfeor HrVjAViES & CO.. LTD. General Agents.



i Mertn::.e.j C. Brtittr k Co.... t: nr.- -

Ew 5'j.:. 2C UI Haw. Agricuitaral. . 1 3 OCC -

'Haw Coin & Sue Co 2 iiZ-Vt-- . & ';s lI Haw Sugsr Co iff.- -. 2: .

' Honomu 10 IV ...

HoEoka 2,'Xv.C - H l- -Haiku .... l.VX'.'Oj It:

i Hatchisson SagarFisnsatiOD Co tAHfi. ic5 .. 1;

I Khuki i :,ix t ....i Ktkalia Sugar Co .. .:."': l'-- 1 . . zi ccK-- 0.fC: i:ci MciJryde Su Co Ltd 2C

i Oaiia Sur Co...., ',rX'.Ojj 20 SI

A c .i. STOCKS and to!ee. fverv j:ta aaj.iart. Fortv-firs- : street.

FBOM NEW YOEK TO HONOLULI.Freieht received at a'.i tie a: the

For Sale

The only available Beach Property on the car line.

We have for sale at Waikiki 400 feet of Beach Property,

a portion well improved with a large and comfortable house.

We are authorized to offer this property as a whole or

in fifty or a hundred-foo- t strips to suit the purchasers.

Particulars and terms at our office.



August 6S. S. MEXICAN, to -- ailFor further informatics arr'v to

H. HACKFELD & CO., LTD., Agents, Honolulu.C. P. MOESE, General Freignt Agent.

Represented on

b' seph Andradt

Onosaea 10,S tfi -0:a Sazar Co Lt.i . . 5. t J if iS f

IXOiowalu ..: -Paauhaa Sue Plan Co 5.'j.- K

ICC i- -Pacific ; 0U0

Pifc 2.250.0CO UC

Pepeekeo 'WX IX .f '..... .

VT,Ju ATl Co.;.-W- K'iJu,vrin,n!o 'C k: i- -:

Wssfflts Sagar MO. 12.SX .. .MiseeQaoeosa

Inter-Isia- n S X Co. 2 ZV0.VX. IX li2Haw Electric Co ". 1- -0 - -

w T St-- t r.--i Pf,l . ... w'




Steamers cf tee above con:pan- - wi".' al! at Hoo:alu aa3 leave this port

OB or about the- date? nieatiosed beow:FOE THE CEIENT. FOE SAN FRANCISCO.





H. MACKFELD & CO., LTD., Agents.


Mutual Tel Co 25c 000 I: 15- uhO R t L Co t.ycjyjc te--

2012 s !2C Why?

e are selHng toal a.Ut. es3 price.

Corner Fort and Merchant Streets,

Honolulu, T. H,2: 2ti

Hilo K R Co Pfl..' :t,S4.r.HiJo R R Co Com..-- 2 9X.00CHono!a!a Brewir.s ft

Ma:t-!- g Co Ltd..;Kw Piaji:! Co..; 500.X'fTsnfoBx OJok Eab

''o (Paid up) Ul.Zx:Tnfot Oiok RobCa-

fAss pc Pd) . .': K.2KPak-- s Rnh Co

'Paid i 1S2C

2: The Waterfiouss CiAgents National CaAtPahsT-z- - Rnb Co

I 30 pePd).t&aiinz' Classified Adver- h-


Direct Service Between San Francisco and Honolulu.Arrive from Sari Francisco. Sail for San Francisco.

Lnrlice Au;a?t 3 Lurline August 9Wilaelmiaa August 0 Wilhelmin3 Aogast ITIrurline. August 31 i Lurline September 6

The S. S. HILONIAN cf this Use sails from SEATTLE for HONOLULUdirect, on or about Acgtisr 1919.

S. S. NEYADAN cf this lire sails from SAN FRANCISCO for HONO-LULU direct, on or abont Attest 10. 1SI0.

For farther particulars aptdr toCASTLE & COOKE, LTD., Agents, Honolulu.

EondaHaw Xer 4 p e (Firs

Claims )

Haw ITiT i d ctEfad;r.e 1S03)

235, :.xTHE PACIFIC War--t Ads., to lines, oae u,)

) i F0fTmTCommercial Advertiser I i i Haw Ter 3Upe.. l.:4 ::Cai Beet Sag E- -

( )l r.:r s Co 6st..Hasiikna Di:ch;;XC K'-- i

.:: yyi i

HITCHCOCK'S "Btm&ULcanoes- ,- the rnort enJJlS'tion is existence beansiaClogical formation cf tk?T . .

i Eaw IrrisatioB Co! 6s ' pe Pd ....

Entered at the PostofSee at Honolulu,T. H., S3 second-clas- s matter.


Advertising Rates on Application.


it rentes to voieaao iS??Haw Irris-atin- Co13 YYII KIKSS li cs tnl:r F1. . . .if 1 1:5 ustratei 2.00 at HawiiZ!I Co-- Lti, s2 bvc f.; ; :

.tot.i4 '.m a.1 f


Hustace-Fec- k Company, Ltd. : - secf 190H : tec .Joe. ... .. vs. i::

HHa R R Co RofYon Holt Block, No. 65 South King St. J viri.I JK-- ete. Jost n.:LSi il 63 QUEEN STREET. PHONE 293.3 We crash yr.r roes r.-- d deliver to a'.i part of the citv. Esti- -

1 raates driven oa si I kids cf roa i work as I cradiuz. Reasonable prices.C. S. CRANE : : : r : Manager j i EstB Cats 6 . . i

i H5,-)k.- Sstc a pcI F.its R T t !. Ci 6 5 ' -- it. .

i J i. i Mme-eKe- r; Dar2a:

VBrrd St Co Ss. ' .....y,,,i Ti c ic,.;.-c


AMERICAN GOODS! !; 1st hosse kidft R t !, Ci f r. r ... 3..v"y . . UtK f

ccveat.I On Snndav morninsrs the oce r r VtC-t-- X

jA i:S'1-- L b-- 1 strorg fonMajaiajitX wiS finished iaiMtsaiii: I", i tnmmei with russet fail W

I Sis open from eight until ten. P r tt 13: .::-'-;British Shipping Journal Says Big1... i


Telephone 281V00D and COAL SAND and CORAL


Office, Queen Street Next to Inter-Islan- d Co.

orjv to-moBth- s aadasMMBjnijJ

Lines uperate at Loss Little

Money in Business.23.125 cn fit) paii. JEieemable ZfJ?'

at 103 at mataritv. i 270 shares treas. i

, muC auxp

aBOTJXD Tolumes Agricultural ai hSTOCK AND BONDS 5tar?s treas. st-ek- .

Sessiort Sales.135 lleErvde. " O&Ls Ss Co , i ia iiversified indastrfa qtm

f n .. T i . .which are eontinu- - j Tretstatements JrUSt CO., Ltd.i.v be:Eir rnaae t-- Lnitea states sen- - i i; Haw. C. i S. K 4!.

Eet-jree- n Eoar-ii-

?a .fprvde. I6.iy TTaialuaators and others, one would imaginethat British and other shipowners xaade !


CHAS. a. HEISER. J?.JFOUS cjr.cder Ford ruaakhtoi class ccn-iition- . PhoB ss mI''L7": Kv.a; ICv: 73 Oahu 'OUR NEW PHONE NUMBER WILL BE arrv:c2 cargoes to a ested and ask Mr. Kellrtew

i stu.iv of the bal::. the stratioa; or ad.lrea Ford, as aII Classified Advertisements pst-er- ..... - ' Tvhi.--c t .

are e&g;igc:: in the cargo-carryin- g traae -- - -wouij; however, convince them that j SITUATION WANTED

i S


' tit




i i

.1 !

f !


- I


f i -

5 1

it H



I'M1 1 ! I

r ; i

f.tt ;

- '.

i i

.. 1

M r

s ! ?

1 T !

I 'I


I COTTAGE, ilakitii 'fatrietj tea' he arranged to salt paretucjaiti parr of Kocoluln. AddreJ.i

tox 527. ; a

Albert F. Afongi TO: 7 STREET.

STOCK ASb 30ND BROKERwsta pnvate tar

teen carrsed at an aiIunefcbow!.

I DIAMONDS ml jeweby hnfc mard exchanged. J. Ciria,liS3t

Such was the answer of Fain-lay- thewell-know- n shipping journal of GreatBritain, to the charge of Americanlegislators, and .esreeial'v those cf Con- - I PROFESSIONAL CARDS.

A Fairbanks-Mors- e gasoEaBailpressman Will E. Humphrey of Wash- - j --

tEzton State. ag3i2t i:-rei- shipping" UTW Arnt? i ttittt j gi condition; 16 faonepovr,

fnrSi,S; I Classified Advertisements!; smt Ads two Unci, one time. 10 nt f t'.-,--- . .. ..

ropo-iis- t aci masseuse.Street.

COMMIT THIS NUMBER TO MEMORY, lti will always come inhandy when you want to" phone a reliable Transfer Company. f ovl.mj volumes iriznxen mmmi

rTTTr rvr tttiti complete ia its detsili apt ifindustrj wherever tatHawaiian Gazette Co, Lti 88

companies.Refers to Investigation Proposed.Speaking of the t roposed investiga-

tion. Fairpiay says:'Mr. Hutr.phrev, oti the fourteenth of

June, also ir.troJp.eed resolutions in thehouse of representatives for the ap-

pointment of a committee to investi-gate certain foreign hipping rings,pool, combinations, and cenferenee.and other matters connected therewith.

K. A. KUBILLUS. Krn 2. Waitv Bid- - THE A VHT1 " "


. ' - time- f OEiv. ile-- sCity Transfer Go. VOCAL. I ' 'i'.-.r- e "s .wua Uk:s-- " Hose Co FOR RENT.panxon. 1 rear .2 My r rices areHUGO HEK2EE. Teacher of singing.!lowest.JAS. H. LOVE COTTAGE. 3 bedrooms; tMTi jifS

2." month. Applv HiSEsu"iove iicg. t on St., opposite Convent FKEE. Til E H. FPE"!

"vi Catalog. P. O.fHe out that ninetv-fou- r per DEAMATIC.eert of the exports and import of the ' VIABIE KENNT; private lessons; set oo i Hi uxFirrrpivn to.-- ,' mL nited states was carnea in iore:gu ing, elocution vandeville fongtstage and ballroom daneins?

j ;i elect rie" lights; BoWJi At ply 235 King.ships which belong to conrerence. etc..

are fixed by , enltnre. 175 Beretania. Fhone S3.WANTED.

SYSTEMATIC A Iset of book? f keer--

wnereov treir.t rate,tJTO'"r ."'!: I '.. S59&tnee toreign wants a i rpk USBlRVES-,hosi- se at Ks9

and rn- -shit'S give rebate- - regti-a- r I for siw&tin; that these foreign shirs discrimi- - L vET2EIXABIA3fS. tfurs of emplyxent; Address P. O. I r.tedrrate r -- .ir.s the rrodr.ets of the United Dag E. CAsE. of5c Hawaiian Stock i


fir3 I- . . l Yards Co J.tA r. a t r a.iian a atonis.-- withoat Jiw... Ste service given rv tnese i; x 623.iy inade-paate- ; that speeial ir. b okkeer;n -- 5. '

this orilee.SHEBA FELL UNDERit,. gre eiven to ti:e groat trr.ts: tr.at ;

:ot '"'f ti'.ei3 forest! shirs are receiv- - ;

tr.er a:d irom tnemix or


of three room? &s-- i te"- -twart in privatef.--- two or tare 'pen

: tVt-.iv- . Apply i 1

MAN and w.fe j r, -- -p.uin-ri- e ?o wb.K-- a tnev oeionc. and are

We have movedto larger and finer quarters in our new home on King street

next Alexander Young Hotel. Larger storage facilities and

better accommodations throughout.

Union Pacific Transfer Go.

n'sfced eotts j.--cnrr-'it?'- bv stsch

in desivesteraav. Trhen -- v .t.,.!.a at! rasie .oa::..:inxiihtrv ::ee strike was at its height, a murder- -

;t"d tnatto the eo-n-

- - rt. !be ;n sood cAddress." D. M. THE HAU TKEE oa tie

t t'-.-e United State.Committee cf Twelve.

vis as-san-lt was made t:poti S. Sheba. j

edi-o- of the Hawaii Shinto. Thev o: ; he wou'd-- assassin in !

go--- some, kind treatment andsma.i wage win t..-."- '.

2!:--v Ealia Utl tzlers road. -- ; 'i--y a tare traction rrom l to iT i .r- - tI A

L. i V i verre x,r- - from the etYect of .-.! j SHADY nook; BeretasiKcare Advertise-- .

Last STOKACEWfi Naver Fail I'Phone 58.

u . art re3. T-

-;ubi :r at ;

i..t't. LOST.. . vnr hi's r

''"'d. Mr. S tfr:fra;..u h; :: -- U elaboratebanquet at the Moohirtrki

j ,

J s r" .:J:!pai:;0Ci:;b. at

HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. f tf" nea.t?. was toas'ed i CtX"1!..it retted to D,aE':;s cpre sse-.- i for hi t-- . ! nce trctti tow;;

Ti'..ght-Seein- g Autos Ae oo-- '. $ wife attiwere Airor-.e- vTi,, ' COOL.


i-- s-" ' x a ? 2 Hotelv - , ?.r i5 aa- -, v.'--- r Libera! rei4--

r. v.-.- i Mrs. r. F. , ..!;. .5rv. Ur-.te- Sta-- e K:geckors. M M-,i- i

I Mts.ro-- v v. ' -v .

'iiU t V: o--

'. O Mat :

Leave Hawaii Promotion Committee Headquarters:Hoaday. Wednesday and Friday 10:30 a. m., Pali; 3 p. m MonaIaaor Pnnctbowl.Tuesday, Thnxsday and Saturday 10:30 a. m., around Diamond Head-- 3

p. rn, Pali.Sunday 10:30 a. mu Pali; 3 p. m around Diamond Head,

CHAEGE PES PASSENGER, II.Cars can be hired for special occasions. S'.oo per hour. For particulars

.it--. M- - DESIK VRT V- - ....i

cc xor .nror-ar-.- e:

' li iith. FOUND.

'feS Y-- :PJ --Triiik: :: rer cml.

at tlis , ":e as-- psji1"?7JS

Hawaii Promotion Committeeutnee and 'iarage. South OFFICES FOR RENT

t - wr yr. y? r EMBROIDERY- -

,,.v...,:.tt. hssi V .'eS SAVES.

wster. ar.i "g..CHEAP AT THAT. Ai- S7S1--e v on iiamm Yonrx y

A SONS7 S- STEINWAYE:''e irt.--





PAGES 9 TO 12.




We have todav ex S. S. Lurlineml


Fruits and VegetablesIN SEASON

Peaches, Plums, Grapes, Nutmeg Melons, Pears, Apples,

Oranges, Lemons, Grape-Frui- t, Celery

and Cauliflower. Also

Puritan Creamery Butter

JviS--ft -- 1 iya I ) J

SyVv J im


i i IhiThe Lanai Ranch Company Is Preparing to Henry May St Co., Ltd

FOR RENTDo Big Work on the Little

Island. Phone 22 p

Ha Hawes Bungalow, on Hill- -

r 4Bda Avenue, Manoa, presently what water may be there. Heretoforethe ranges has been limited to whatwnpied'bv Major Long.

eadsrJfactird34 Ka--

:could be fed over within reach of water 1

t4Famished or unfurnished. bu: the new water system will allow

tpasturing on what is the best partsPontwion August 10th, or earlier


0 nof the island. The water piping will

The initial importation f purebredcattle for the Lanai Rruieh Company,

arrived yesterday on the Lurline from

the Cone Ranch Company of Red Bluff.

California, the shipment comprisingsix pure Hereford buils, which arrivedin splendid shape. The bulls will beheld here for a few days and will thenbe shfpped direct to Lanai where theywill be put out on the range. Theywill mix with a herd of fine Durhambeef cattle to be brought over from

! rail n4 Ehave a total of 100 miles when finished.by arrangement.

Theranch company has about 100 ianuf I000 acres for its operations. About

Jl Jl$000 acres of forest land are being THE of D

ckinj cf

duct bfenced in and fencing generally overthe island, to separate herds, will beIMP TRUST GO,,

Niihau and will be used to breed the!!

extensive.Among those interested in the ranch

proposition are Colonel Parker. JohnMcCrosson and Frank Thompson.

Limited go., LW.lite Steam Laundrybest type of beef cattle for the island

markets.One hundred purebred Merino rams.

cryBethel Street ,1 1

5b ci.LOOKINGSEJAPANEwhich were expected on he Lurline,

failed to arrive, but will probably be j

shipped on the Xevadan..; These will

FORWARD TO BONUSbe mixed with several thousand Meri-

no ewes which will also be brought a, n iI


PAWMt JUNCTION STOREover from Niihau the expectation be-in- c

that they will produce the finest 1First Rewards for Steady Work!

Will take oyer the Sanitary-Stea- m

Laundry Plant

as of August 1, 1910f be closed during the next

TABLE.Are Payable Soon Volcano

Is Growing Bigger.(no weeks.

Structure to be entirely re- -5

kind of mutton for the local market.The Lanai Ranch Company, which

recently acquired almost the entireacreage on the Island of Lanai. is go-

ing into the cattle and sheep business

on an extensive seale, and is sparing

no expense to put the ranges in the

best possible condition to develop their

interests.Not the least of the business to be

developed will be the breeding of mules

for plantation work. A big lot of

8 and will reopen about O.



(Special to The Advertiser.)

HILO, July 30. Interest in the August

bonus payment day for Japanese plan-

tation laborers is increasing, here as

well as on the plantations. There is

keen competition among some of the

men as to which one will get the big-

gest bonus, wliile much of the money

will come into town for circulation at

SORE SHOULDERSQuickly Cored l&apiolani Building


stores, for exchange into money orders'

horses will be brought to Lanai from

California and the mule market ex-

ploited. At present plantation mules

are imported from the Coast, almost

every freighter of the Matson line

bringing a large deck load.

The six bulls arriving yesterday are

,.nriin, and are big, strong and


Hotel and Union.

1 M. AYEE8, Manager.

itaoka u43:20 P-- Iand WJ

15 .1:20 p.15 p. m.

10:20 a. w

11:15 p. m.

xkn, Wai- -n., 5:U

Mill ui:3 a. mn1:28 p. m,

hiawa aliit m., S-.-

. : two-ko- u

, 1 honored),; j at 8:86

'Honololn(,!atop only1 outward,,; Pearl City

aday Only.SMITH,

, , O. P. A.

to be sent to Japan, and for deposit in

the local banks as the Japanese are

large depositors with many and valua-

ble accounts.KPLICAS o

Ascending Mauna Loa.

The Swiss geological explorer, ' Mr. j

A. Bruns. came here from Kilauea to

secure horses and guide for a trip to Phones Office 147Works 73the summit of Mauna Loa. He haj

much difficulty in doing this for the


W$ AND CRAFTS SHOPfftrt 8t, below King.

ODD BITSProm the

ORIENT.bazar Nippon

Street, Xst to Advertiser

"healthy, having passed all governmentwithout" a marktests in California

all bred byagainst them. They were

Fn-- W. Carter, while he was super

iutendent of the Cone ranch, and he

yesterday to receive them.wa, on handthat the bulls

He expressed no surprisehealthy. Four of themandwore o big

wre sired by Mario, a bull which Mr.

irer paid '$1100 for while he was with

th, Cone ranch. It was through hi

that the Lanai Ranch

Comnanv has entered into negotiations

purebred stock for its ranch. An-oth- .r

Lord Cray andbull was sired by

,,JI( her bv Bob Wade. They are all

Laundering in all its branches done in the most

trip is a hani one. guntes not ueuignumerous or anxious. He has. how-

ever, got both man and beast and ex-

pects to make a from the Vol-

cano House tomorrow.Quick Delivery.

Under the Mauna Kea's new run-

ning schedule, mail now reaches the

Volcano House in less than twenty-fou- r

hours from the time it leaves Honolulu,

being whirled up from ly



; i

11:00 M.

. l:00PJi

UICQMOBILEup-to-da- te manner.

Best BuQt Car in America." W. D. McINTYRE,Superintendent.


auto.The splendid, fine weather is play-

ing havoc with the water supply at.vZ Trmi. esneeiallv as the

the loi -- .v,.wn as Berendo.n an old Spanish grant of that

n;i"ne. The h-- of six was carefully

hv Manager Ramsay.

On i ranch at present are

of the old herds.Lt ir.uo.. sheep. . , ...ill be weeded out gradual- -




AGEXTS FOR THEprance Co., of Liverr,o'.. Y.,:-- '

4?r Horatio,.



IrtfPJi- -


iI. '

i H:00 AJLt. 10 P

: 1:11 PJL

Merinosi . u t. herd of 3000

tveu Niihau will

prison camp is supplied with abouteight barrels of water daily from the

hotel tank-- .

Fires Are Rising.

The fire at the volcano is increasingdaily and nightly, also rising consid-

erably. It has gained much in forceand strength as as in size and

the same people, going down night alt

1 kept in separaieis only a small herd JOCZDOCDOa...hi-M-k--- . There


: 3 r. ? I fVr.i t 0t KrtmVv.i. r.

(ferine U,,,.. ,.

,tTl on the island at present.. w;it,r supply John MC'rosson

eilJinef.rs have looked into the

thoroughly. The present plan

hednck dam in Mauna-,:i,- h

put in athe water -- f Ma

to prevent.1 -- tream from sweeping "t. A

n r ,,!ant is being estal.iisi.e.l


; Pitt Kntm:ll m-b-e

8:10 p.he eity

A slice of bread, a cupof coffee, a salad, and

thou beside me"in the

er night, notice Hie cnange. wmcMr. Alexander orturesome men such as

Kauai and Demosthenes Lycurgus do

the six-mil- walk to the pit by the

new auto road, and Mis McLean. Mrs.I.vc-irau- and Miss Murphy walked

the six miles hono. It was a clearnio-ht- . not too cold and very enjoy-.7.- v

T viimik is a L'reat walker, as his

Mil 1 Company, ltdoed all aroundanil water Will oe pipAND M.'. i i ; ' .

whose windows or doors were open andwho were not accustomed to such in-

fernal, nocturnal perfume.

Volcano House Guests.

Week-en- visitors at the VolcanoHouse caitw from California. Arizona.Wisconsin. Colorado, Honolulu andU iR and included: Mabel Sailor andFannie Luhrman of San Jose. AlbertHood of Berkeley. Beatrice Putxmanof Alameda. California: Dr. J. XicollVroom, La Veta Bertschy and Mrs. F.

P. Bertschy of Denver, Colorado: MaryKiHian and Etta Ay res of Los Angeles,J. D. Reed and wife of Phoenix, A. T.:Mrs. I. M. Cox and Lizzie She.dian oftro.i'olulu. Mrs. C. E. Wrioht, Willie

intoi ..tvnirr fit intervalsan'l South Sta. KV ' ' 1... rliiTu he is known

t t Y 1, 1M-- .

P. k T. A.

; ling Shop'

; Alalsea,

ri,s Tunnels are yei m " Young Cafet rou father is in r(

throughout the villages and mountaindevelopr)i the range- -"Z' a char.,:,l; Genial '?), t. W).

w herein he lives- ti,o .TUtnetjas the greatest Creek pedestrian.I Wrhthf1 thermometer at 71 degrees

i 1 ... .,,, be said to V0

Well what more in needed

to make life rosy?COLDS CAUSE HEADACHEI Rubber1 ar nu.ioa , v...o

,.,1 at Kilauea. Even in the earKorn:ng the register is seldom below

tiicrhf this week, w:i-- a Wright, Annie L. Akiu. Lniilia Wrightf Hilo. Mrs. Kebi Knhana and Mrs.

G. Kahanu and grandchild of



IK?7'579 MarketV-e"-

Inti.erK- - wind was blowing, the sulphur ,

.XATlVr. BROMO-QriNINi- -.re-- ,,

. i tc world over

, .j- - a in one day-- .

vl.A'i: S signature 0:1 each box. Made

SiS MEDICINE CO.. Saint LouU. V. A.

READ THE ADVERTISERthtfrom Jtaleniaumau riMtnitunx sruesHouse, awakening someleaiio DAIlt



1,y --J J - -- f Jf

PAYESINI'T, Princess Kawananakoa. Mrs. J. MeAn- - INCA, Am. seer., at i ort lownsend,,

,;r,.vv. M F Ouj.i.v. Mis rustle. Mr. from Hon., July IS.

,v ,1 Mfi F. I). Lu.-a's- . Mrs. M. Creinh- - IRMGARD. Am. bkt.. from Port Lud- -

i tor I) F Sullivan. Miss L. B. Pditz- -' low. for Hon.. July 27.

3 i man Mi.--s Rvan. Mrs. M. P. Hon on. J. L. STANFORD, Am. bkt., ar. Port


AEBIYED.V." i 5 n e - d a v . August IT D

p ,n F H Within 'ton. Miss bailor. M'.-- s 1 ownsend from lion., juu 14. j

' Luhrman. E. A. .Tone. Miss J. Cole- - JAMES H. BRUCE, Am. achr., fromS. S. Lurline, from San12:15 p. m.

no;ier, .Mi:-- . "v voa. -- is lcf. i'i'lm'i x. iui xhhn .'uuc a.Ii S. S Vir iuSan. irom eatrie. i

Vrooni. Mrs. Bertschy. Miss Bertsohy. J. M. WEATHERW AX. Am. schr., fromp. Ml.

Str. Claudia from Maui ports. Mr. an ! Mrs. F. M. Fultz, A. F. Dredge, Eureka for Hon., July 20.Mi--- - T. .1. SalisV.urr. Miss Potter. Miss WM. T. LEWIS, ep., from Cardiff for

i HoIIa.-- Mrs. J. DvVr. Miss Marv Gunn. S. F. for Sound. Dec. 18.i pr. and Mrs. F. D. FairchiM, Miss J LAN BABTISTE. Fr. bk., ar. Hon.

a. m.Str. W. G. Hall, from Kauai ports

Hawaii5 a. in.

S,-h- Moi Waliine. iron;port, 7:?" a. in.

Fane Mis- - E. Dutot. Miss Si. v. ook, , irom Jenn. Aug. i.Mis Ella Roll. W. D. Alexander, Mrs. JAMES ROLPII. Am. schr.. from S. F.s. iVbnm. Mrs. J. Colburn, Miss M. for Hana, Aug. 1. ("Wrecked andI. Miss I. You n e. Miss S. ' lost Aug. 3.)

10:30Kauai port?Str. NiiLau. 1

Fran- -;

Williams. Miss E. Malonev, J. Wagner. JOHN EN A, Am. sp., ar. Del. Break- -a. w.Am. sfhr. Transit, from

oiseo (arrive:! off port S p. m."S.-hr- . Ka Mc-i-. for Hawaii ports. 4:4o

' Mr and Mrs. J. K. uonnen. .ur. ana j waier, juiv ii.Mrs. Ort.-- . Oss. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. KAIULANI, Am. bk., Colly, ar. S. T.

iKin-- ' Victor Hurd, D. Yardbroush. Col. ; from Hon.. Jan. 18: C. Mile. Mrs. Mary Smith. C. F. Sack- - KTYO MARU. Jap. S. S., from Hon. for"wit?.. A. Y. Good. F. L. Hill, Wm. Hoop- - j Yokohama, July 10.' er. J. R. Douglas. Hamamoro. M. KOREA, Am. S. S., from Yokohama for

DUE TODAY.T. Losran. from Manila.

p. m.

u. s.a. m. Parn.enter. Mrs. Oojrgshall. Air. ana Hon.. Julv 25.

KONA, Am. schr., from S. F. for'Hon.,June 7.

The parts of a BURROUGHS ADDER are so carefully adjusted that

the machine as a whole seldom gets out of order. The same is true of

the great business help, the NATIONAL CASH REGISTER. They are

recognized by machinist experts as the most perfectly constructed ma-chin- es

in the world. This makes it unprofitable for any but the authorized

agents for the companies to have in their employ an expert exclusively

for this work. We have one because every machine of either make is

adjusted by us before it leaves our sales room. It has previous and simi-

lar attention before it leaves the factory.

Owners of BURROUGHS and NATIONALS have the assurance that in

the event of the disorganization of a part in either machine it can be cor-rect- ed

by us and there will be little or no delay in the use of the machine.

If you have one that is not just right we invite information. If you do

not have one notify us and one of the sales staff will call on you and show

you why and where you are losing money by not having one.

SAIL TODAY. j Mr- -. J. P. Reed. Dr. and Mrs. C. lv.

A T Lof an for San, Francisco, p. m. McLean.'


S. S. Sierra, from San Francisco, a. m. (Army and Navy.)LADY ELIZABETH, Nor. bk., from

Bremerhaven for Hon., March 8.L'AVENIR, Belg. sp., from Hon. for

RATI, TOMORROW. Thetis, L. 5. xv. V... ocnrane.t r t tt rr TT :

Str Mauna Loa for Kona and Kau ; um, l. . ru x., a grr. i LANSINO, Am. S. S., ar. Port Harfordrts

' i (Merchant Vessels.) j fr0m Hon., May 23.

DUE SATURDAY. j Alden Besse, Am. bk., Miller, San j LAHAINA, Am. bktn., from Newcastleredro, May is. i"r nvu., njnu o.

P. M. S. S. Korea, from Yokohama. A1; Cooke Am. schr., Port Ludlow, jui KLi.vt, Am. r., ar. lion from S.F.. Aug. 3.

M. TURNER, schr., ar. S. F. from Ka-hulu- i,

June 10.MAKURA. Br. S. S., ar. Victoria from

a. m. Julv 18.Str. Mauna Kea. from. Hilo, a. m. ! Jean "Baptiste, Fr. bk., Leith. Aug. 1.

SAIL SATURDAY. Lurline, Am. s.s., Weeden, San Fran- -

P. M. S. S. Korea? for San Francisco, i

? (Ven.Am. schr.. Fort Bragg, Julyp. m. j Ye.

PASSENGERS. Virginian, Am. s.s., Seattle, Aug. 3.

Arrived. j TRANSPORT SERVICE.t t v 5 T nrline from San . --,in- e rr

Hon.. Julv 26.MANUKA," Br. S. S., ar. Sydney from

Hon.. Julv 12.MA KAWELL Am. bk., Neilsen, from

Newcastle for Hon., June 27.rt--i - . " , -- - lit. irom ieaxtie lor duu.. ii tr4Tkir t o c, j, tt- - j

.Francisco, August 3 --Mrs. J. 11. 'iaP' Logan, from Manila for Hon. Jury 15. i - Iorlin. J. Little, Mrs. Little and child, A. ; Shridan at San rno. Ur?vmrRT(h Tiotnn Mrs. Tarleton. Miss Erna , , ,. u K , i 4 Am. S. S., ar. lokoha- -... --- ' Merman, ar. --oima num u.,Mrs. Cora I ma from Hon.. July 29.Tarleton, Master C. Tarleton,

-- . . "r illllllllllll 111 " W HU I UU1 Kill r - 111. If A TTT T O Q TT" ,Freeman G. S. Young, Lr. w . K. sogers, taumauiniB " i jia.ohu jianu, jap. o., ar. roooMrs. II . B. Tretheway, (.apt. wm. cur-- P mATES Kchr.. ar. from Hon. iron, non., jay o.

meister. H. A. Gunter. W. B. Mclnnes. fof port Gambie Juiy 9. TillMEXICAN, Am. S. S., ar. San Diegofrom Salina Cruz, Julv 21.

MONGOLIA. Am. S. S.,"from Hon. forAVm. Wood, D. L. itUington,


.viissii-;1 - M BAXTER, Am. schr., ar. Port

Tjuira Sftxi ti. B. AlCL.ean.T A.,

. - .fr- -. fa) TllfrtTlQ Jin W ft MTE urainmibur, Mrs. Wilbur and child, J Opfer-- 1

ADMIRAL. Am. schr., ar. Port Town-gel- t,

J. C Hitchman Mrs. Hitchman, fr Hon JuH. Vanhoevenberg, J. M''Lr,ac, e' j ALDEN BESSE, Am. bk., ar. Hon. fromMiss Ida roston, --mis. V" San Pedro, May 18.Hitchcoek, D. Quill, O. B. Smith, Mrs. , ALDEN Er' g S j from Hon. for PortSmith. Allen, July 9.

S. F.. Jul 30.MISSOURIAN, Am. S. S., from Salina

Cruz, for San Diego. July 27.MARY E. FOSTER, Am. schr., ar. Hon.

from Port Ludlow, June 15.MARION CHILCOTT. Am. sp., from

Hon. for Gaviota, Julv 13.MARY WINKLEMAN. Am. bk., from

Eureka for Hon., July 30.MURIEL. Am. schr., from S. F. for Ho- -

noipu. July 29. .NEVADAN, Am. S. S., from Kaana- -

HarborDisplay Rooms and Repair Department

Queen Near Nuuanu

Office First Floor, Judd Building.

From Hilo and way pon, . sir.S.eorg e erne. I &T

Clau- .ne Augus, f Honolulu, May 31.B. Simock. Mrs. Deas. B C. A Ah

COOKE, Am. schr.,and wife Miss A A nong iss Iong from port LaoWi Jul lg

K.ona Mr,. K ana andS. .Toomey. ALBERT Am fckt frQm Hilo

ar. non.

for Portihi dren. --Mrs. c. ruimfin. . T..i o

pali for S. F., July 2S.NINFA, Ital. sp., ar. Portland from

Hon., June 3.NIPPON MARU, Jap. S. S., ar. Yoko-

hama from Hon., July 9.NUUANU, Am. bk.. Josselyn, ar. Del.

Breakwater from Kaanapali, June 26.OLYMPIC, Am. bk., ar. S. F. from

Kaanapali, April 7.OMEGA, Am. schr., from Hon. for Aber-

deen, Julv 20.O. M. KELLOGG, Am. schr., from Hana

. luwnseuu, ui y i.--

von Tempsky, Miss W odehouse M.ssALOHA A ar. Redondo from

v,.n Tempsky. S. von Tempsiy. J. A. , Hon A ., 29Oilman. A. F. G'lman. S:ster 1 .onana, AMARANTH Am. bKtlu ar. GraysMiss M. See. Miss J. See. Miss H. La . narbor from Honolulu, Mav 30.Miss M. Lay, E. E. Battelle. Master ARIZONAN, Am. S. S., from Hon. forBatteile, H. B. Penhallow, Mrs. S. M. j Kahuiui; Julv 26.Kamakau. Mrs. J. F. Colburn and tw),mGO) Am. bkt., ar. Gray's Harborchildren. Miss S. Colburn. Miss P. Col-- 1

from g R April 14burn. Miss A. Colburn, H. W . Kimball, ; ARIELj Am sehT ar port TownsendMaster Colburn. F. I. Kosecrans. Mrs.; from pearl Harbor, April 15.C A. Wright anl six children. Mrs. A. ; AsiA, Am. S. S., from Hon. for Yoko- -

Ro-;- 4 and two children. A. M. Good, i hama. Aug. 2.

A. M. Brown. Mrs. M. Kekaliewa and , ASTRAL, Am. sp., Dunham, from Wil-chil- d

John Robinson, Nap Kee. Mrs. mington for S. F., March 24.

Dickens and three children, J. Ti. ! ATLAS. Am. sp., ar. N. Y. from Manila,Souza Jr W. D. Wilder, Master E. J 'March 6.Son' Master K. Sons. W. Ziegler. C j ANNIE JOHNSON, Am. bk., ar. S. F.T Chnenin" and son, Mrs. W. Hen-- ; from Hon., May 31.

n- - and children. Miss S. Taka- - j ANDREW WELCH, Am. bk., ar. S. F.

for S. F.. July 5.PROMETHEUS, Am. S. S., from Hon.

for S. F., Julv 23.RENEE RICKMER8, Ger. sp., from

Hon. for Seattle, July 10.R. P. RITHET, Am. bk., Drew, from

Hon. for S. F., July 21.ROBERT LEWERS, Am. schr., ar. Port

There is scarcely any limitation to the growth of

vama. Master Takayama and . ivuui-- i irom xaou., maygjj' 'BALBOA, Am. .schr., ar. Redondo from

From Kauai ports, per str . W. G. j Hilo, June 3.

Hal! August 3. Major Willis. Col. i BENIC1A. Am. bk., from Grays Har-Mile- s

L Kuhlmann. W. H. Rice Sr., j bor for Hon., July 31.

P Pi'ee '3 Mahina and Mrs. Mahina. j BOREALIS, Am. schr., ar. Seattle fromaVtendants Kauai Polo Club. G. Kahului, July 2.

T H pSer M H.rTern. J. Hackett, BUYO MARU, Jap. S. S., from Hon.

KeHev Mrs? Josephine Perry, F. A.J for So. Amer. ports, May 28W.

j L Flem-'C- . S. HOLMES, Am. schr., ar. Ahukini,

STrvT'K r."- - fLll- - .. ....

Loose Leaf Casestwo cniiaren. ?

(iamh o from Hnn IiiTia 3fl1. GorBooked, to Depart. j CARR1ER dqvE, Am. schr., a'r. Grays

Per M. N. S. S. Lurline for San Fran- - , Harbor from s. F Feb- - 7t ACno "P TTltOn. 311SS ! OTT7T f" K TTT K XT "- O- O CS "V- T-

GamMe from Hon., July 25.ROBERT SEARLES, Am. schr., ar. S.

F. from Hilo, Julv 21.ROKEBY, Br. S. S., from Hon. for

Ocean Island. June 1.ROSEORANS, Am. S. S., from Gaviota

for Kaanapali, Julv 31.ROSEBANK, Br. S. 'S., from Hon. for

Ocean Island, Mav 17.SAN GABRIEL, Port, cr., from Hon.

for Yokohama, June 3. .

SANTA MARIA, Am. S. S., ar. PortSan Luis from Hon., July 12.

SANTA RITA, Am. S. S., ar. Port SanLuis from Hon.. Jnne 6.

SEQUOIA, Am. sohr., from Grays Har-bor for Hon., Aug. 2.

SELSDON, Br. S. S., from Norfolk forHon., June 30.

S. G. WILDER. Am. bk., from Mahu-kona for S. F., July 30.

S. T. ALEXANDEk, Am. senr., ar. PortTownsend from Hilo, June 16.

SIBERIA. Am. S. S., ar. Yokohamafrom Hon., Julv 15.

SIERRA. Am. si S., from S. F. forHon., July 30.

STIMSON, Am. schr., ar. Port Townsend from Hon., April 5.

J. Atherton, Miss Leslie luimcu. folt for Horj-- ) Julv 2i.Tulloch. Mrs. ir v iui.c ........Martha GHIXA Am S. S., ar. Yokohama from

and Mrs. Pratt, Miss n. udu, , s R Juv 25C. Linn. W. T. Carder,. J. J. e" CIIIYO MARU, Jap. S. S., from Hon.

SalinaJr., I. H. tfeaaie. for Yokohama, Julv 26.Prime. Mrs. Geo. A. Martin and two

C0LTJiIBIAX Am 's g archildren. , Miss E. Mack,

Afnw smithf1- -

fllltl' CrUz from Hilo, July 26.

Mack and cmm. Mi ' CORONADO, Am. bkt., from Hon. forchild. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Smith g p

T. Curtis. .w. aG. E. Parsons. Miss

Wallner A. Parish DEMARA, S. 8., from Norfolk for Hon.,Mrs. M. Fagan Carl June 28;H. Parish. A. T'

Ridcut and DANMARK, Dan. bk., from Lith for. tt a- v r 1 One case will grow with a business and keep growing.

As fast as an account page is filled move it into thetransfer case and keep on renewing. The transfer growsalong with the ledger and an account number is always

ST. DUNSTAN, Br. S. 8., ar. PortTownsend from Hon., June 21.

ST. KATHERINE, Am. bk., S. F. forHilo, Julv 4.

STRATH GYLE, Br. S. S., from Hon.for Newcastle, May 21.

TAMON MARU, No. (5, from Hon. foiMoji, April 2.

TAURUS, Am. schr., from Port Allenfor Sound, April 28.

cnu.i, --u. -j DAUNTLESS, Am. schr., Jonsien,

Cassidy.Mawa ivoa f KoIJa and j ar. Port Townsend from Hon., Jan. 9.

Per str. DUMFRIESSHIRE, Br. sp., from LeithKau ports. Aug ;. is' W. H for Hon., April 27.W. Farrington.

nlrv NI rs. W. E. K. WOOD, Am. schr., from Gray's.Mrs. J. t -- le .-- 'Sproule Harbor for 20.Ta5 Hon., July3andR. Farrington Ter! EDWARD SEW ALL. Am. .p.. Quick,

G. F Mavdwell, V. FernaTi- - from Hilo for Philadelphia; May 29.

Mr . Fernandez. J. P. Mendonca, j ENTERPRISE, Am. S. S, from Hilo

M W TsVhudi Mrs. Tschudi. for S. I., July 2o.

PerFrancisco, i ' , F Alderson. A. C.'ESPADA, Am. schr., from Hon. forAlderson

TENYO MARU, Jap S. S.. from Hon.for S. F., July 31.

TORSDAL. Nor. S. S., from Hon. foiAustralian ports, July 2.

TRANSIT, Am. schr.. ar. Hon. from S.F.. August 3.

TYMER1C, Br. S. S., ar. Newcastlefrom Hon., May 30.

VANCOUVER, Br. S. S., from Hon. foi

Coburn, D. T. Fullaway. Gen. Gardner

.las. K. Jarrett, S. C. Kennedy, Mr andinfant. H. A. w

Mrs. A. Hurtt and

11 Jd 1 3 lia.i'Vi, ouivEVA, Am. schr., ar. S. F. from Mahn- -

kona, Jan. 28.EXPANSION. Am. schr., Jacobsen,

from Hilo for S. F., July 4.FALLS OF CLYDE, Am. sp., from Hon.

Tiiompson.ii- - rn;t. irorner.J. V Mrs Alex. Lind- -

.... ,v,;id Mrs. L. C,. Marshall,for Gaviota, Julv 5

fro Hon. forMiss Lvdia K. Aholo. Miss R. Rap1' FEARLESS, Am. schr.,Mrs. A! E. Lee, Mr. and Mrs C. A. le, Gravs IIarbor Jul 6

" Muke, June o.VIRGINIAN, J.m. S. S., ar. lion, from

Seattle, Ar.tr. 3.WM. OLSEN. Am. schr., ar. Gray

Harbor from Hon., March 22.WILITELMTNA, Am. S. S.. from S. F.

Cew Miss Vida Ross. .Mrs. 1 a ia i.u-- ,FIjArEEN-C- B WARD, Am. schr., from

tie Mr- -. Robert Scott. Miss Dene. Mi(lwav isiand for Hon., July 20.Yo'un" Miss Louise McCarthy. Mi?: pooHNO SUEY, Am. bk.. Wlllett.

If'for Hon.. A1- 1- 3.W. F. BABCOCK. Am. sp.. Harris, ar.

Svdnev from Hon., June 30.WM. P.'FRYE. Am. sp., from Kahnlni

for Delaware Breakwater. April 23.W. n. MARSTON, Am. schr., ar. Hilf

frora Hon.. June 29.ZAMBESI, Br. S. S., from Newcastle

for Hon., Julv 22.

ToenT'hine Pr;tt, .Miss.viarj -t .mwu, from Port AUen for Delaware IJreait-Mr- s'

A. E. Spinney. Miss M. de P.ret-- j waterj April 8.teville.'j. B. Cox.'W. II. Baugh Miss, GAMBLE Am scbr (

port Gamble forE T'e-n- u nd. Mrs. Desmond, w . A-- j jron. juv 16.P.ailev. Dr. J. N. Vroom, Miss Jesie GOLDEN SHORE. Am. schr., from Hon.

Mr-- . J. A. Kennedy. Mrs. L. j ffr Av.erdeen, Julv 25.Y rrobl. infant and maid. Master L. G w WATSON. Am. schr.. ar. Grays

"rr,..M M'-- L Arnold. Miss Butschy, Harbor, from Hilo, July IS.Mr- - p.'it-cv-

.v Mr and Mts. A. W. Car- - n. HACKFELD, Gr. sp., ar. SydneyZEALAND! A. Br. S. S.. from Sydney

for Hon. Aug. 1.

the same. Fussing over indexes may be avoided after aloose system has been in use for a short time. Wemake these sets in any style, and at any price, to suit thepurse of the customer. Se.s in stock from $5 to $20.

We would like to talk it over with you.

HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., Ltd.Telephone 88

"And now. Jimmy N..rton,'? askeda Bronx school roacher the other dav.''how many kinds of twh are there ? ' "

"Two. mania." r.'j.liel Jimmy;

t. r 'fid ch'ld M. II. Inmsen. Ij. it. from Hon., .March b.RiVnardon. Tori L. Clark, Miss II. Hob-- ; HAWAII. Am. bkt., from Mahukona forTf,'r. "m- - tnd Mr. J. C. Hitchman. R. S. F.. Julv 0.

H "ilyir.an. Dr. J. S. P.. Pra't. Mrs. M. U. B. BENDIXEN. Am. schr.. ar. Grays; ","( rJ H W llvman. E. D. Ten-- Harbor from Hon., May 13.

r;V iUs' c. nichardson. Miss K.H. C. WRIGnT, Am. schr., ar. 8. F.if.',-.v-m- r. Mi-- s D R'chardson. Mrs.i from Hana, April 26.

I. 'c, Rihard-op.- . Mr. and Mrs. A. D. HEATH DENE, Br. S. S.. from Hon. forMr and Mrs. Hutchinson. Mnranan, June 15.

fCln'-- s i,.rra ft.rs:in Frar.cisco, nELENE, Am. schr.. nr. Port Town- -

..'.. 1 a Mr- - Coo. Kei.von. M- - E. send from Hon.. July 14.

t, Ui v Hai,bro' k. Dr. an 1 HERZOGIN CECILLE, Ger. sP., from" Al- ... .. f :v r tt. t n

"quinines and cuspidorv. ' New Yorklork Tress. .

u rii ir y nd.T.-n- . Mi-s Si. win ior nun., juur v.


to cure any case of Itching, Blind.Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to14 days or money refunded. Made 1 vPARIS MEDICINE CO.. Saint Lcm-- U.

S. of A.

HIIiONTAN, Am. S. S., ar. S. F. fromHi'o. Julv 20.

HONGKONG MARU, Jap S. S., fromHon. for Salina Cruz. Julv 25.

HVADEs. Am. S. S., fromPort Allenf.ir San Francisco. Auc. 1- -

Mr i. router. Mr. H. S. PatriOK, A.R. Patrick. Miss F. B.n.-fi- . Mi E.

Adam. Miss N. Center. Mis H. Cen-

ter. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hill. Mrs. Harmon. Miss Colburn. Mr. Colburn. MrsM. E. Townsend. Miss L. F. M- - arthy



One Hundred Years Since War for Liberty Was


Of odds and Ends inBegun elaborate Program Has

Been Worked Out.wrated Crockery Add safety and practise real economy by attaching thegenuine HARR0UN Bumper to your machine.

It improves the appearance, too.MKXICO CITV The program of the, I er ii, ; apotheosis of ,he ,.hif ,

-- ie.ieau centennial eelebration, which sohiiers ot the war of indeiiendeneoaccompanied bvdu ring September this great patriotic festi-th- e

commission Sn.is to be heldyear, includes0ffee Cups and NPHBI.. .. . ' rsome event lor almost .... -

edicntiiHi of tin. i..everv iinv-- of tha ,.,...n, ti .:n i . i

in iiapime tee 'ark ...,n..ptu fire- -

works and illuminations under thenumerous dedications of public buildinirs anil institutions ..,.r,,r...,...,..o ; auspices ot the hoard of improvementstarv maneuver, parades, dances and

or napuirepec, Septembereiaua in tne ,r en Tioi.tnr

oisi minion oi premiums to the w niiprain the historic iterary anil musit al con-b- v

the deoartment of $1 8.5 O Completetests conduct?

After Umner size, tuuitc ui jformerly $2.25 doz., now 10c

5: $i.20doz.lineal Dishes

public instructionprizes to winners

and distribution ofin the contests con- -

theatrical performances.September lo is the anniversary of

the day on which the insurrection ledby Hidalgo and Allende was precipi-tated. The grand civic function cele-brating this historical event begins thepreceding day with a parade, partici-pated in by all classes of society. Theprocession will march from the Iron

lucted bv the national centennial eoin.mission, uio r the ausoiees of tll min

i .... ......ister of pal instruct ion, Septem- -ber "!. ASSOCIATED GARAGE, Ltd.4

Always sold at $1.75 doz., now Horse through Avenida Juarez and San,! GIVE WATER TQ

0c each. 5 1 .O aoz.HOMESTEADERS


I rancisco, passing iu front of the na-

tional palace for review by the Presi-dent and cabinet. A committee willplace floral wreaths on the memorials tothe heroes of the struggle for independ-ence; the reconstructed municipal pal-

ace will be dedicated and a receptionand concert will be held by the superiorcouicil of the federal district.

On the morning of September 15 agreat historical parade, organized bythe national centennial commission, will

Retailed at doz., reduced

70c doz.Million Gallons a Day in

Return for a Right

of Way. j One Cernlt Perto

Squuatne (Footjsei Plates I



8 inch, . pink and white and gold,usual price $2.00 doz., your choice

iOceach. $1 .20 doz.

The Hawaii Irrigation Company hasagreed to give the government half amillion gallons of water a day for theuse of settlers along the projnised ex-

tension of the lower Hamakua ditch,in return for a right of way for fiftyyears over the government land throughwhich it must pass.

Governor Frear stated yesterdayafternoon that he had approved thegiving of the right of way on theseterms. This will help to solve one of

form 'in the Paseo de la lieforma andmarch through Avenidas Juarez andSail Francisco to the stage in front ofthe national palace, where various his-

torical scenes will be reenacted. Atfour o'clock iu the afternoon there willbe a celebration and entertainments invarious buildings of the Beneticia I'ub-lic- a.

The theatrical performances andother spectacles at that hour will be

Soup Plated free. At nine o'clock, in, the evening the serious liomesteading problems orthe Big Tsland. water being absolutelyessential to secure the success of

there will be fireworks on the Zocaloor public square and in other parts of

Or a trifle over for home sites of more thanone arce each, adjoining the celebrated Pu-ke- le

Homesteads in PAL0L0 VALLEY, ten

minutes' walk from the car line.

These lots are adjoining the beautifulhomes of Owen Williams, William A. Rideout,

Charles J. Schoening, Edward F. Patten, andothers.

The rear of these lots extends to the hill

slopes, from which grand views are to bt had.Correct soil for all kinds of fruit.

Let me show you this property.

$500 per acre and up.

Map in my window.

10 inch, white and gold decoration,reduced from $2.60 doz., to

$1 .75 doz.







Sauce Tureens

the city and a concert in front of thenational palace with singing of thecentennial hymn by a ehorus of severalhundred voices.

Proclamation of Independence.

On September l'i. in the morning, theproclamation of independence will beread, as it was read one hundred yearsago, and the monument of independenceon the Paseo de Eeforma will be dedi-

cated by President Diaz. An hour later10.000 troops, the flower of the Mexicanarmy, will be paraded through thestreets of the capital to the national

Comparative crime, as defined by Ho-

nolulu district courts, is a strange andwonderful thins?. Jov Yamada and

Complete with ladle and stand, al-

ways retailed at $1.50, half price, ISaito, the two Japanese charged withthrowing soila water bottles at AthleticPark Sunday during the impromptu riot,,were yesterday fined $10O each andcosts. The dav before a gentleman j Ghas. S. Dskypalace, there to be reviewed by Presi

That evening there will be charged with beating up a chauffeurdent Diaz.FORT STREETfree functions in the theaters and con

certs in the parks and gardens underthe auspices of Governor Landa y n

of the federal distrk-t- .

Dedications and Receptions.

The other features include the dedi

0. HALL & SON, Ltd.

while "lnving a macnine, anu aiso un-

officially charged with a worse assaulton a woman, was fined $30.

Even at that the two Japanese be-

tween them only managed to heave onebottle that hit anything, that somethingbeing the devoted head of Police OflicerSpencer. Therefore police Oflicer Spen-

cer's head is adjudged to be worth $200,while Jim Quinn's eyes are only worth


Toast Without Fire i$1.1 apiece, with a finger free. Again,therefore, if you feel in a militantmood, get out and beat up a Super-visor. It's cheaper than throwing sodawater bottles around a park.

Neither of the Japanese could raisethe cash and are serving out a hundreddays in j3- -

Make your toast and cook your breakfast in comfort

right on the dining table No need to bother with a kitchen

fire these hot mornings. The

cation of the new seismological stationby "the minister of fomento and of theamphitheater of the national prepara-tory school by President Diaz and Min-

ister of Education Justo isierra, Sep-

tember o; a flag parade by the schoolchildren, September 6; the dedication

of the two new high schools in the Plaz3

de Villamil, by the minister of educa-

tion, September 7; opening of the con-

gress of Americanists by- - MinisterSierra j the dedication of the new build-

ing of the foreign relations department


is a table toaster and cooker combined. Has two TOPS, a

grid for toasting and a hot plate for hot cakes, bacon andin Avenida Juarez iy ie minister uj.

foreign relations and" reception to theLau Lang, one of the highest stand-

ing graduates of the 1910 class of OahuCollege, will leave for the mainlandon the Cth of this month. There he



Only sound nerfect niives are used in makina Njcelle

will enter the Massachusetts Institute eggs, etc.

YOU NEED A TOASTER WHILE THE WEATHER IS HOT.nf TechnoloiTv and pursue the engineer

diplomatic corps, September o; ueuica-tio- n

of the new normal school forwomen and the placing of commemo-

rative tablets in the houses formerlyoccupied by Andres Quintana Koo and

the heroine, Leona Yicario, under theauspices of the governor of the federaldistrict, September 9; excursion of dele-

gates to the congress of AmericanistsTVotihnacan: dedication or

ing course."

Mr. Lau stands high inmathematics and science, and will,.,n.--o a crood nnmp for Punahon bv- -iu".- -

splectinsr this course. The young coli a brother of Lau Tang at

Hackfeld &.Co.. who will see him off

on the steamer Korea.' The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd.the new war department building lyMinister Gonzalez Cosio, September 11;

dedication of new normal school formen bv President Diaz, and placing of

.,;.. toilet in Mineria Pal- -

iritis absolutely pure with a most exquisite flavor.






DO IT NOWice in honor of students wno parnci-pate- d

in the war for independence by,,f fo,lml district and city


Your Grocer Has It in y4, y2 and 1 Gallon Tins.

! Mandarin Silk Coatscouncil, September 12; inauguration of

citv water works bvCorral and the Junta de Provision de

guas and inaugural session of peda-muric-

congress of primary instructionbvMinister Sierra. September IS; ded,-(;:,ti..- ii

f Balbuena Park and a grand

serenade, September 17; dedicatum of

monument to P.-n- ito Jnarez on the A .

meda bv Vice-Predic- t 'orral. S.Ttenv

Honolulu People Should Not Walt UntilIt Is Too Iiate.

The appalling death-rat- e from kid-ne- v

disease is due. in most cases to thefact that the little kidney troubles areusually neglected until they becomeserious. The slight symptoms give



PIN CUSHIONS.Iweight's and in the departmentof foment... and a ,rand ball tcn.lered(,v President Mia. September 1J.

, .. ii... TlifMter dedicated



place to chronic disorders and the suf-

ferer goes gradually into the grasp ofdiabetes, dropsy, Bright '8 disease,gravel or some other serious form ofkidnev complaint.

If "you suffer from backache, head-

aches," diz?y spells; if the kidney seere- -

ions are irregular of passage and un-

natural in appearance, do not delay.

....l.i.lo 1M t" lit'.'' ... .. .

otv...,-..,-- .- ..nd other societies i SAYEGUSAto tne i.i. .

1.- t l.n i nmces ot the

hxtoTTl Kok Head Ereeio, Sufficient Rainfall, Excellent toll. LevNuuanu Street Above Hoteli

oi i' ' i . it lie ri'pu .

national commision. September y ; the

Uil.nir of a commemorative tablet at

b. ,.,7a,lel where the patriotconfined, and a uraml ton-nhgl-

as'ole rev.ewed by the president ami

!.,-.- . Septemlier ' 1 : .ledieation o

s..,; I fniversitv. with a -- em rai

ismend ev"yne an invitation to gee our property and the extent!itl-,?int-

swe are making for the development of a residential di

. o . . , . . n nnnn VOW5tll f ueuit to anv cuv. lase tne waiaiae cr,

.aimuki eall t y, ; v rTB nf onr reiresenttivi.

Help the kidneys at once.Doan's KidneV Tills are especially for

kidney disorders they cure whereothers fail. Over one hundred thou-

sand people have recommended them.Here's a case at home:

James C. L. Armstrong, Nuuann Val-li-- v.

Honolulu, Hawaii, says: "I was asufferer from kidney trouble for three

nnd Doan 's Backache Kidney

Wi .Vf , ed t0 8how the property and supply yon with maps,

t l the Wormaf.on v,u may require. Our fxed pneei are

H rn"t and 00 for in?ide lots, siw 75ft.xl50ft. or 11,250..aca- - Onr tPTm. ,i ,v. j j tiAM r.r month on eaen

.l,larlv and literary test.va,. 1

.lent Diaz and Mini-to- r S.erra part.M-- l

laying the corner-c!eH;.- f

the new legislative p.'.lt.ee

President Diaz and the minister of p.ib. :.,,-;r..ti- ball- - in variou?rep- -

tithe? ephone 659 aad Iu'lke n appointment with on of ourin- - wor i -- . ii.i..... irin Pills completely cured me. I have bad

no return of the complaint during thevmt T cannot recommend this

,id popular bails m tneiigs under aiwpi'-e- ottheaters a

ket btiildi thebv

r.lo- -


RUBBER STAMPSany kind, made promptly, at the


September tan.pi ' . vi i .! remedy too highly. "commission

. .' f..,-,.t,ri- ii ;i - i"tl . mini-te- i 'i 'r-- ' ,if(1l,i .. o i . , .nut I, a

,Vi,. al " Jderth, .y-c-tioni. -

of rho

Co., Ltd. secretary ot war. -nn el of

Doan s Backache Kidney mis aresold bv all druggists and storekeepersr,t 50 cents per box (six boxes $2.50)

,,r will he mailed on receipt of price by

the HoHister Drug Co.. Honolulu, whole-

sale agents for the Hawaiian Islands.Ttemember the name, Doan's, and

take no substitute.

. r .,. mist riicteo I

t ion'UIIIIUIU o l I i , eiiCi 1 1 LI con- -ud of new works m

IeMu,s,pua .

of xhW U M tin- -ti ect ionomcE 'undent he anT'"'" nfBEANCH OFFICE


the minister of Mi; works, septem-putPHO'E 59


12 THE

A Tonic Free from Army and

Alcohol Navy News NEXT?--ft-


It may be your turn. List to the voice of the Badger man. The

fire at Paia Thursday night meant a loss of one hundred thousand dollars

worth of property independent of the time lost to the business. If it is

? Badger's Fire Extinguishers,your next are you prepaid Chemical

Engine and a watchman with a watchman's clock will afford you protec-

tion fiom loss by fire. It is cheap insurance. Do not delay. Maybe the V

fire will not wait as long as you are willing to. Buy now and install these

appliances before ycu go up in smoke and have little left but regrets.

7 &S&& m"

Are you pale, weak, easily tired,and do you lack nerve power?Ask your doctor if Ayer's Sar-saparil- la

would not be good foryou. He knows, and will ad-

vise you wisely. Not a drop ofalcohol in this medicine. Itputs red corpuscles into theblood, gives steady, even powerto the nerves; and all withoutstimulation. Make no mistake.Take only those medicines thebest doctors endorse. Ask yourown doctor.

Ayer's SarsapariUaPrepared by Dr. J. C. A,er & Co.. Lowell, Kan., U. S. A.

, Ao (GDLfVQANo StHonolulu. TelephFort Street. one 0.

Hotel ManxTOM SHARP, The Painter

Elite BuildingPhone 397

wi em Kinds, f

Scenic Work, Decors"- -

Graining Paper Hangup

REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS. By Authority! William O. Smith.

j Trust DepartmentSEALED TENDERS:

SAN FRANCISCOArmy and Navy Headquarter.

San Franeitto's neweit hotelcontaining 300 rooms, eaeh withcirculating ice water and eachconnecting with bath. Half ablock from Union Square andconvenient to all the principalhope, theaters, railroad ticket

offieea and points of interest.Meals table d' bote or a la earte.

Sates: Without bath 11.60 frday mod up.With bath, 92.00 er Aay axl ay.

Under the management ofQua. G. Lara.

Honolulu Representative, M. F.Peter. Phone 31.

Capital (Paid up)

Reserve Fund ...

Entered of Record August 3, 1910.

M Koizumi to Y Shimamoto EelK Hirata to K Yoshimura BSN Kubota to K Yoshimura PAMarv L Porter to Charles Williams RelEarl" H Williams to Charlotte L

Overend DMrs Adeline M Clark et al to Lam




Wio will conduct the school of in-

struction at Fort Shafter for officersof the First Regiment, National Guardof Hawaii.

HEAD OFFICE YOC!The bank bays ud ntamt)

lection bills of ewkuRiliand Letters of CredTSgeneral banking bosinea

The Bapk receive ij Jand Head Office DtTn

Fire InsuranceOn

American Bd of Comrs F M byTrs to A J Campbell

Annie W Akong to Fred Harrison..


Sealed tenders will be received bythe Superintendent of Public Worksuntil 12 o'clock noon of Tuesday, Au-

gust 9, 1910, for furnishing the Hono-

lulu Water Works with 766 feet, moreor less of IS-inc- h Cast Iron Bell andSpigot Pipe, 200 feet head, deliveredf. o. b. wharf, Honolulu.

Proposal blanks on file in the Depart-ment of Public Works.

The Superintendent of Public Worksreserves the right to reject any or allbids.

MARSTOX CAMPBELL,Superintendent of Public Works.

Honolulu, July 29, 1910. S729


May Acquire Aeroplanes.

WASHINGTON, July 26. That con-

gress will be asked to appropriate$75,000 during its nest session for thepurchase of six aeroplanes for navaland military use is the report in officialcircles today. It is said the requestwill be joined in by Mr. Dickinson, thesecretary of war, and Mr. Merer, the

oneLocal Deposits $25 W

year at rate of 4 per JTJnum. i

Yung Mon Sum to Lam Quon BSPokii (w) to Lilv Crabbe DWilliam K Castle'to Tr of J II Ray-

mond and wf LHonolulu Plantn Co to Oahu Rail-

way & Lani Co ParSurLBank of Hawaii Ltd to A S Hum-

phreys Rel

Head Office Deporitalag Jwards for one-hal- f ytt,0MnJyears or three years at nt nf4iicent, per annum.. Particulars to be obtain! (Jcation.

Honolulu Office BetW J J

secretary of the navy.Real Estate



The six aeroplanes, if provided forby congress, will be used bv the armvaud navy in cooperation to determineI .1 fi A.

Recorded July 23, 1910.

Akala P Lum'Nui (Mrs) to Ah Nui,P A; special powers. B 3'!6, p 173.Dated July 12, 1910.

Henrv Awong and wf to .TacinthaAwong." D; of R P S91: love and

STEWARTSAN FRANCISCOGeary Street, above Union Squat e

just opposite Hotel St-- FrancisEarpean Plan SI .60 a day upAmerican Pjan $3.00 a day up

Steel and brick structure, furnish-ings ct $200,000. High class hotelatmoderate rates. Center of theatreand retail district. Oncarlines trans-ferring all over city. Omnibus meetsall .rains and steamers. Send forbooklet with map of San Francisco.Bftel Stewart now recognized as

the exact value of the air cratt asweapons of ofl'ens and destruction.

Clifford B. Harmon of New York isanxious to fiv from Washington to



Mid-Pacifi- c In-- !p 16". Dated Julyaffection. B

19. 1910.New York, and arrangements are nowunder way to settle upon a date for stitute. Mc-- j

Kinley HighSchool, St. An--!drew 's Cathe-- !dral; 250 sub--!

Fire Insula



In the Matter of the Estate of. ChoyNgock, otherwise known as ChoyMau Sung, late of Honolulu, Cityand County of Honolulu, Deceased.

A document purporting to be theLast Will and Testament of the saidChoy Xgoek, otherwise known as ChoyM au Sung, deceased, having on thesixth day of July, A. D. 1910, beenpresented to said Probate Court, and a

HAWAII &Jiawaii&nlslandheadquarers. Cableaddress, Trawets." ABC Code.


General Agents fw Hmc:

Atlas Assurance Company of bfc

New York Underwriter!' Am;Province Washington

pany.Distilled Water Ice

For lee, Distilled Water andCold Storage, consult the

Ji'etition lor .frobate tbereor. praying i

for the issuance of Letters Testamen-- 1

tary to Hee Fat, of Kapaa, Kauai, hav-- 1

ing been filed by the petitioner: I

Apartments, Cuisine and ServiceHighest Standard

PLEA5ANT0N HOTEL Renear Co., liIt is Ordered, that Monday, tl c rjoki, rp . C0p:neighth day of August, A. D. 1910, at 10 00.o'clock a. of said day, at the Court I Box 60- - Phone 1123Wilaer At and Punaaou



hoom of said Court in the JudiciaryBuilding in the City and County ofHonolulu, be and the same is herebyappointed the time and place for prov Regal Shoes



ing said Will and hearing said appli-- 1

cation.Dated Honolulu, July 6, 1910.By the Court: IVhitc Frosi

the event. Harmon js desjrous ol'mak-in- g

a notable cross-countr- flight, andhe prefers to start from the WhiteHouse grounds and land at the Batteryin New York.

Trouble in Winsbip Home.SAN KAFAEL, July 26. As the re-

sult of a domestic insurrection in thehousehold of Lieutenant Emery Win-shi-

U. S. N., William S. Hamilton,gardener, today filed a $10,000 slandersuit against Anna Byrne, housekeeper.Both are employed by the Winships attheir home in Koss Valley.

The specific allegations against thedefendant are that she telephoned tothe Winsbip agent, Morris Casey, inSan Francisco, and told him that Ham-ilton "had stolen the bedding fromthe place." The other allegation dealswith cbiekens and the housekeeper ischarged with saying "that certain-chicken- s

had disappeared from thepremises of Emery Winship and thatHamilton, the gardener, had takenthem."

The last charge, which, together withthe first is declared to be false, is al-

leged to have been made in the pres-ence of B. Endo, Anna Moiler and Joseph Masero.

As a result of the suit it is reportedthat the Winship domain resembles theNicaraguan territory of Madriz duringa truce. Gardener Hamilton holds thelawns, hedges and greenhouse, andHousekeeper Byrne is entrenched inthe house and holds all of the com-missary supplies.



The stock market's stagnation wasnot improved by yesterday's trading,the bear influence still greatly in evi-

dence, with the result that Oahu Sugar

A. K. AONA,SEAL Asst. Clerk.Douthitt & Coke, attorneys for Peti

tioner.S709 July 7, 14, 21, 2S, Aug. 8

THE NUUANU1631 Buuann Ave., sear School St.

Large and airy furnished rooms andcottages, with board. $2.00 a day;speeial rates by the month.

Hotel Monroea bigh -- class, American plan, family hotel,

irtoiitfd in the heart of the city, where one canlimte the comfort of home life o essential to anenjoyable visit to the city. Special rates for themBiner months.

Sacramento and Franklin Sts.


55Yamatoya RefrigeratesNOTICE TO CREDITORS.


1230 Fort St., just above Orpheum.A Complete Assortment So

Estate Charles W. Gray. Hand at

gggiQUINH, REIS & QUINN Coyne FurnitnreCi.il!

. B Kaoao (k) to Hong Kwai. L: RPs 1294 and 3510. Punaluu. Koolauloa,Oahu; 10 vrs; 2 vrs for $10, S vrs at$110 per 'vr. P" 330. p 163. DatedMarch 14, 1910.

Carrie Ringer et al by Cdn to Allen& Robinson Ltd. D: 7 '' q ft land.,Honolulu. Oahu; $210. B 340, p 32.Dated July 19. 1910.

J II Schnaek and wf to Territory ofHawaii, 1); 2- - ft strip through R P604, kul o3. ap 7, Culick ave, Hono-lulu, Oahu; 1. B 340, ,p 34. DatedJuly 20, 1910.

Poo Wo Tong Co by High Slier toMa Song, Slier Sale; int in 2 leaseholdsand bldgs. Liliha st. Honolulu. Oahu;$137.50. B 336. p 174. Dated Julv 14,1910.

Ma Song to Lau Quon. B S; int in2 leasehold and bldgs. Liliha st, Ho-nolulu, Oahu; $200. B 336. p 176. Da-

ted July 23, 1910.

Bank of Hawaii Ltd to A H Don-der- o

et al. Par Rel: lots 4 and "Walalae Heights," Honolulu, Oahu; $300.B 334, p 232. Dated April 29. 1910.

Minamina (w) et al to Aki. L; R P1071, kul 3114. Lehanonui. Waianat.Oahu: 10 vrs at $60 per vr. B 330, p164. Dated May 27. 1908.

Henry Louisson to A L Louisson. PA; general powers. B 336. p 177. Da-

ted July 21. 1910.Charles K Maguire and wf to Earl

Jl Williams. P: int in grs 1339 and 941

and H P 727S and por gr 940, rents. etAhualoa. Hamaktia. Hawaii: $2"). B:.37, p llv Dated July 21, 1910.

Ear! H Williams to Abbie K Maguir(MrsL I); int in gr 1339 and 941 andR P 727 and por gr 940. rents, etc.Ahualoa. Hamakna. Hawaii: $2-"i- . B3.".7. p 150. Dated July 21, 1910.

Pilipo Kumalae and wf to Abbie KMaguire (Mrs'). P: int in purs gr 940and IM! and U P 727. vent, etc. Ahua-loa. Hamakna. Hawaii: $775. li 337. p151 Dated July 21. 1910.

Kane Tomi-liim- a and hsb to S Shima-moto. D: snbdiv 3 of lot . ldk 1. Olaa.Puna. Hawaii: $soo. ! 332. 166. Da-

ted July 20, 1910.

Samuel Kauhane and wf to Henry CBertelmann. 1; int in propertv in libls. fol 17. Kan. Hawaii: 15".' B 332.

K.. Date.! July 1. 1910.County of Hawaii by Tr to T'ounty

of Hawaii. I; int in a of K P16. kul 117. rent-- , etc. King sr. IT'lo.Hawaii: 7immi. B 332. p 17"'. PatedJulv 21. U'lo.

S 1 Shaw and wf to "onntv of Ha-

waii. D; int in a land. Houunpo.Kau. Hawaii; $100. B 340. 30. Da-

ted April 2. 1910.T Mo';uioliai (k) to Kalaliiki (Mrs).

D: 4a land. Kaueleau. Puna. HawaM;$1. etc. B 310. p 31. Dated July. T.lo.

.1 Keaau to ' Ail Kui et al. I; 7 !'""'aof K P 7i".17. kul 11176.. rents, etc. Xapooooo, S K.'na. Hawaii: stVi. 1! 332.

171 Dated July 16. 1910.Edwin Kaleiaka To C Mari1a." D:

land, Laiiaina. Alaui : $t7". B 332.K0. 1 1ntel JulV 21. 1910.

MUIU-LIVLK- TAlex Young Buildup.

0A. BLOMProprietors.

ROUND THE ISLAND TRIPS.Telephone order to


Audit Company

of HawaiiP. 0. Box 646. 924 Bethel St.

Telephone 708.

California, deceased, hereby gives noticeto all arsons having claims against the!said estate to present the same to the'undersigned at his office, Judd Building,Honolulu, within six months from date j

of publication of this notice or thevwill be forever barred. " i

WILLIAM O. SMITH.Administrator. Will Annexed, Estate

Charles W. Gray, Deceased. '

Honolulu. July '20, 1910.Smith, Warren & Hemenway, attor-- ;

neys for Administrator.S72I duly 21. 2v. Aug. 4. 11, IS


jcandinavia Beltinlort st. opposite ca& , .

Honolulu iron" WORKS CO., CASTLE 4 COOlPiAGENTS.

ca,t off its last remaining fraction andslumped to Ml rial, with bidding suchthat further decreases seem to be in j

store for it. Trading in it was con !


Conducts all classes of Auditsand Investigations, and furnishesReports on all kinds of financialwork.

Suggestions given for simphtying or systematizing officework. All business confidential.

MERCHANTS.Select Lumber



fined to a little over a hundred shares,transferred off and on board.

McBryde figured extensively in thetrading at most of the blocks l.e- -

ing small. Hawaiian Commercial alsofelt the depression and dropped to 41flat, a seven-eighth- s decrease from the:it previous sale.

The transfer of $16,000 Waialua 6sat 11.7." lent a tone of optimism tothe market that was welcome, proving


Sujzar Fa-dor- ;ind Commission mer-- 1

chants. I


E. F. BISHOP PresidentCEO. F. RoKEKTson

and Manager'

W. W. NORTH Tr.aSu7er.RICHARD 1VERS Secretirr1J- - K- - ;ALT '..A-.;d.'to-

GEO. R. CARTER Dire, nrV; ,(,OKK Direct1

A- - "K! Director i





Telephone Lines Installed.KEPBESESTlSe

money nut altogether dead. Money isgoing into oil stocks to a great extent,which may explain partly whv localstocks are so little in demand.

Sale? vesterdav were:



No. 0,) R.y-.r- , R;. . r.y

The Star Dyeing and Cleaning Shop221 Eeretania Street, near Alakea.

New England Mntnal W

i (,, 0.2.--; 10 rt? 6.; in Aetna Fire Insurance ComP

Nations! Fire Insurance Cofflgt

Citizens insurance Com

jo !;; 6.2."; 1") 0i

.11 ; 2Z (,y. 31 ; 10

'n '.!'; .".0 (,i

.!! U Sugarc, r.i.



Telephone 557,I2f,3 Miihr St

MAKAI SIPE op TREET11 awn an C mmere : n 41. Loudon AnncaWfl" ''n.'.-- t ion with f e i'M across the

UNION ELECTRIC CO.Harrison B'Jg., Beretaaia Ave.

Double" Keyboard : Visible Writing







K !H0N0LuurwsTcTfj;:- -r bKrK.rr m

Bonds,a lt?."'" (ii 101.7".iU iptnO at P'O.

did y.inr t take, am11' ...w wupy rore m the lYlUbLIN UNDERWEAR

A GOOD INVESTMENT.It Im- - a small amount to

's 'oii. Cii-der- and ' :

rii". a b'medy nlwavs or. hand, and i

) econun.-- ir. the end. fr sale bv alde-tb-r- . Ben-..- n. Sm'th & Co.. Lt 1

HijfnT'i f..r Hawa:i.

:nigh' ? ' When T sa:: -reatveiled 'Fit and s rA NG enwald buCENTRAL BUILDING

King and Fort Streetsiir-1- . vcre Tiieywhen I sing the

M 4K. L. WONG DRY GOODSnext they ye'led 'Ini- -

Bait im re sua. AUGUST 1, iPio"2 H"tel t, oi.p. Pethrl No. 263. VB

P. O