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WIRELESS ENGINEER The Journal of Radio Research & Progress Vol. XX APRIL 1943 No. 235 CONTENTS EDITORIAL. The Calculation of Aerial Capacitance . . 157 SUPERHETERODYNE TUNING. By D. Riach, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. 159 ATTENUATION AND PHASE - SHIFT EQUALISERS. By W. Saraga, Ph.D. 163 CORRESPONDENCE 181 SIMPLE QUARTZ -CRYSTAL FIL- TERS OF VARIABLE BAND- WIDTH. By Geoffrey Builder, Ph.D., and J. E. Benson, B.Sc., B.E. . . 183 WIRELESS PATENTS . 190 ABSTRACTS AND REFERENCES 191-214 Published on the first of each month SUBSCRIPTIONS (Home and Abroad) One Year 32/- 6 months 16/ - Telephone: Telegrams: Wilterloo 3333 (35 lines) Experiwyr Sedist London ILIFFE 6? SONS LTD. DORSET HOUSE STAMFORD ST. LONDON S.E.1

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WIRELESSENGINEERThe Journal of Radio Research & Progress

Vol. XX APRIL 1943 No. 235


EDITORIAL. The Calculation ofAerial Capacitance . . 157




TERS OF VARIABLE BAND-WIDTH.By Geoffrey Builder, Ph.D., andJ. E. Benson, B.Sc., B.E. . . 183


Published on the first of each monthSUBSCRIPTIONS (Home and Abroad)One Year 32/- 6 months 16/ -

Telephone: Telegrams:Wilterloo 3333 (35 lines) Experiwyr Sedist London


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is now used for practically all radio coresbeing manufactured in this country. It is an.all -British Product, the result of extensiveresearch and development work carriedout during the last 15 years.

The use of a finely divided alloy of highmagnetic quality represents a furtheradvance in the science of Magnetic Powdermetallurgy in comparison with all thevarious grades of iron powder, most ofwhich previously have been imported.

MAIN ADVANTAGESO Higher permeability.O Higher particle specific resistance.fft Lower eddy current loss.O Non -rusting.

PEEL WORKS, SALFORD, 3. Telephones: BLAckfriars 6688 (6 lines). Telegrams and Cables : "Sparkless, Manchester"


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With the VARIAC . . the right voltage every timeThousands of enthusiastic users testify to the general usefulness of the VARIAC* con-tinuously adjustable auto -transformer for use in hundreds of different applications wherethe voltage on any a.c. operated device must be set exactly right.The VARIAC is the original continuously -adjustable, manually -operated voltage controlwith the following exclusive features, which are found in no resistive control.

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SMALL SI ZE-VARIACS are much smaller than any other voltage control of equal power rating. LINEAR OUTPUT VOLTAGE-output voltages are continuously adjustable from zero by means

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voltage from zero to line voltage or from zero to 15% above line. SMALL TEMPERATURE RISE-Less than 50 degrees C. for continuous duty.

ADVANCED MECHANICAL DESIGN-Rugged construction-no delicate parts or wires.


VARIACS are stocked in fifteen models with power ratingsfrom 170 watts to 7 kw ; prices range between 70/- and£32 : 10 : 0. Instant deliveries can be arranged on 1APriority.

* Trade name V ARf AC is registered No.580,454 at The Patent Office. VARIACSare patented under British Patent 439,567issued to General Radio Company.

Write for Bulletin 424-B & 742 for Complete Data.

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(against 1 A Priorities only,of course).Reasonably early deliveries against lowerpriorities.

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April, 1943




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Full details on application

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Head Office : 22 Old Broad Street, London, E.C.2Telephone : LONdon Wall 3141



The latest and improved type, designedto extend range of measurement to

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Standard frequency ranges I to 10 and41 to 50 Megacycles. (Special ranges

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VISKRINGS " Tubular Cablemarkers are simply and speedilyfixed over the cable by hand-they shrink and they're tight.The simplicity of this systemensures a considerable andworth -while saving of vital man-(or woman) hours of labour.
















CABLE MARKERSVISCOSE DEVELOPMENT CO. LTD.Woldham Road, Bromley, Kent. 'Phone : Ravensbourne 2641

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Proving ground for the future of electronicsOn the battlefields.electronics is meet.ing its extreme test. Failure here meansdeath to men, defeat to armies. Con-versely, experience here means vastlybroadened knowledge, improvedtechniques, and progress so rapid as

to be impossible of description.The collective brains of Eimac engi-

neers are concentrated full tilt on thenew knowledge which is coming out ofthis holocaust. And are consequentlysell setting the pace in vacuum tubede-

FollowArmy -Nary "E" awarded for highachievement its production for war

the leaders to

velopments. The fruits of their effortsare going directly to Uncle Sam andour Allies to play a vital role in the war.

When the fighting stops you'll findEimac still the pre-eminent choice ofengineers throughout the world.


Evert 'Isom FRAZAR a L , D

201 Rum 5 . San Framnso, lal.fogno, U 5 A

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April, 1943



Home of Condensers

Advt. of A. H. HUNT, LTD., LONDON, S. W.18. Established 1901.

outiar,tim, eTYPE DJE

ACTUAL SIZE(Smaller Sizes Available)

PHENOMENAL POWER SENSITIVITY I dyne per sq. cm. per I micro volt amp.WEIGHS ONLY 7 GRAMMES

Range of standard detachable mouldingsFITS INTO EAR CANAL

Eliminates interfering soundsEXCEPTIONALLY SMALL SIZE

Inconspicuous and easy to wearIDEAL FOR PORTABLE RADIO SETS








Telephone: Harrow 0895


MIDGETVALVESHIVAC LIMITEDGreenhill Crescent.Harrow on the Hill. Middx.

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I & 2 Pearl Type,3 & 4 Hat Type.5 & 6 Disc Type.


bility whatever theclimatic conditions.

Type approved.


12-20 LAYSTALL ST., LONDON, E.C.1Telephone : TERminus 7383 Telegrams : Colonel, Smith, London

`Pi'ozreviv 4 lout -Coro eetawaed

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HAmoFILCONNECTING WIRESAn insulated connecting wire for the internal wiring ofElectrical and Radio apparatus. Single and stranded core.foe Government contracts rubber insulation supplied,

otherwise cotton insulation (Push.Back Wire).

SITEVIN6SAvailable in Varnished Cotton, Varnished Silk, RolledSilk and Plastic Approved to Government specifications.

All sizes and colours.

Apply for samples and prices

HAMMANSINDUSTRIES LIMITED5 Regent Parade. Brighton RoadSutton . Surrey Tel: VIG. 4472

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11111 I




GP 8794

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A 7 :



A complete descrip-

tion of this Bridge is

given in Bulletin

B -526-A, which will

be sent on request.

A Bridge for the measurement of audio frequencies-simple to

operate-direct reading-- outstandingly accurate- reasonably priced.

* Frequency range, 100 c.p.s. to 12,100 c.p.s.

* Direct reading on two decade dials and a third continuouslyvariable dial.

* Measuring accuracy ± 0.25% ± 1 c.p.s.

* Reading accuracy - better than 0.05% over the whole range.

* Accuracy unaffected by stray magnetic fields.

* Input impedance 400-1,509 ohms unbalanced.

* Telephones form a suitable detector for most measurements.

* Light and easily portable.



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April, 1943




From small Q.M.B. to heavy dutypattern switches-millions have

been supplied and havegiven complete satisfac-

tion. State the specifi-cation - give your

priority Ct. Nos.-and your order

will receiveimmediateatten-tion


180 TOTTENHAM COURT RI)., LONDON, \v.]and 76 Oldhall Street, Liverpool, 3, Lanes.

It was the develop-ment of RogersRadio Tubes thatfirst led the way tothe all -mains oper-ated wireless set.In their chosen field Rogers still lead the way. Theirproductions include all standard types of radio -receiving tubes, power tubes for radio transmission,audio frequency amplification and industrial electronicapplications generally. Government requirementscall for the entire output of the plant at the presenttime but after the war this pioneer firm will befully at the service of industry over the widestrange of electronic applications.



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The world-wide use of "AVO " Instru-ments is striking testimony to theiroutstanding versatility, precision andreliability. In every sphere of electricaltest work they are appreciated for theirdependable accuracy, which is oftenused as a standard by which otherinstruments are judged.

Some delay in delivery of Trade Orders is inevitable, butwe shall continue to do our best to fulfil your requirementsas promptly as possible.

The MODEL 7 46 -Range Universal

AvoM ETERElectrical Measuring Instrument

A self-contained, precision moving -coil instrument, conforming toB.S. 1st Grade accuracy requirements. Has 46 ranges, providingfor measuring A.C. & D.C. volts, A.C. & D.C. amperes, resistance,capacity, audio -frequency power output and decibels. Directreadings. No external shunts or series resistances. Provided withautomatic compensation for errors arising from variations intemperature, and is protected by an automatic cut-out againstdamage through overload.

Sole Proprietors and Manufacturers:THE AUTOMATIC COIL WINDER & ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT CO. LTD., Winder House, Douglas Street, London, &WI. 'Phone VICtoria 3404-7



Upon the shape of events to -day, and every day, depend the fortunes of the future.Through to -day's endeavour in research and industry already are discerned new andgreater benefits for the coming era.The name Marconi, since the earliest days of Radio, stands foremost in the fieldof communication; and Marconi Instruments Ltd., in the specialised work of instrumentproduction, maintain this pride of place.Over the horizon we see a golden age for scientist and technician. As alwaysto the fore-but in who knows what new guise ?-will be the name Marconi;-accuracy and reliability, then as now, the standard by which we judge ourselves.

Meanwhile, we concentrate on the business of to -day and endeavour to meetfully all requirements.



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April 1,i Lt

Freedom from vibration with silence and secure flexible support isavailable for radio, instruments, generators-from the standard rangeof Silentbloc Anti -Vibration Mountings. The metal and rubber de-signs are exclusive to Silentbloc, and offer the most convenientand consistently effective medium for the isolation of vibration.

Full particulars on application.




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IlizetedledllfAredkrThere is a COAX rah/threretyllePopare



As soon as the war is won we hopeto offer our usual "DAINITE" Servicefor Moulded Rubber Parts. In themeantime, enquiries for permittedessential lines will receiveevery attention.


ESSLERS, (loncion)13.Machining and Turning of Plastic Material.

Signal Lamp Caps, Screw -cutting in Bakelised FabricALBION HOUSE, 201-3, CHURCH STREET,

LONDON, N.16.Tel. CiimeU 6247





to 750 volts, A.C. orportant tests, 100

Makes 30

D.C. Used everywhere byElectricians, Wiremen, etc. From

Wholesalers or direct. Send for leaflet 'G24"RU NBAKEN -- MANCHESTER-- I

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R It

The glory of the future..

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Never has a commercial Oscillator been produced with such aperformance irrespective of price. Built to retain Its superlativeperformance indefinitely.

8 Watts with under I % totalHarmonic distortion.

2-54 dia. Nickel Dials withslow motion.

4 Output Impedances selectedby switch.

Multi -range Rectifier Outputmeter.

All stages checked by milll-ammeter.

Hum Content less than 0.16%.

Alternative R.C. Output downto 5 c.p.s.

Output within + 0.5db. 20 to15,000 c.p.s.

110/200/250 volts, 50 cycles.

E67- I 0-0.Model L0800.

BIRMINGHAM SOUND REPRODUCERS LTDCLAREMONT WORKS, OLD HILL, STAFFS. 'Phone : Cradley Heath 6212/3. 'Grams : Electronic, Old Hill.

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April, 1943



built to specificatith precision, on time-



gAe 0i9/6740L dIETERS






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Full details on request.

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Appointment VacantDirector of research and development, to takecomplete charge of these departments, required bya London firm of Electrical Engineers manufacturingradio frequency, acoustic and electrical instruments.First class qualifications in Physics or ElectricalEngineering essential, coupled with wide industrialexperience. Write, stating full particulars, to" Wireless Engineer" Box 2829.

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Electrical Standards forResearch and IndustryTesting and Measuring Apparatusfor Communication Engineering

BRIDGES CapacitanceInductanceResistance







H. W. SULLIVAN- LIMITED -London, S.E.1 5

Tel. New Cross 3225 (Private Branch Exchange)

We have over 25 years' experience

Write for particulars of any special type ofapparatus that interests you: we will for-ward details and literature when available.

in designing and manufacturing a very varied rangeof Small Electric Motors, Alternators, Generatorsand Electro-Mechanical apparatus.

Our products are known throughout the world forreliability and stability under the most exactingconditions. In addition to producing special designsin quantity at competitive prices, we are interestedin your experimental needs. As soon as they arereleased from the claims of war production ourresearch and design laboratory together with ourmanufacturing resources will be at your disposal.



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April, 1943

WHYthe Solder wire with 3 cores of non -corrosive ERSIN FLUX is preferred by the majority of firmsmanufacturing the best radio and electrical equipment under Government Contracts.

WHY THEY USE CORED SOLDERCored solder is in the form of a wire ortube containing one or more cores offlux. Its principal advantages over sticksolder and a separate flux are :

(a) it obviates need for separate flux-ing (b) if the correct proportion of fluxis contained in cored solder wire thecorrect amount is automatically ap-

plied to the joint when the solder wire is melted. This isimportant in wartime when unskilled labour is employed.WHY THEY PREFER MULTICORE SOLDER. 3 Cores-Easier MeltingMulticore Solder wire contains 3 cores of flux to ensure ffuxcontinuity. In Multicore there is alwayssufficient proportion of

flux to solder. If only twocores were filled with flux,satisfactory joints are ob-tained. In practice, the carewith which Multicore Sold-er is made means that thereare always 3 cores of fluxevenly distributed over thecross section of the solder,

so making thinner solder walls than single cored solder, thusgiving more rapid melting and speeding up soldering.

ERSIN FLUXFor soldering radio and electrical equipment non-corrosive flux should be employed. For this reason either pureresin is specified by Government Departments as the flux tobe used, or the flux residue must be pure resin. Resin is a com-paratively non -active flux and gives poor results on oxidised,dirty or " difficult " surfaces such as nickel. The flux in thecores of Multicore is "Ersin"-a pure, high-grade resin sub-jected to chemical process to increase its fluxing action with-out impairing its non -corrosive and protective properties. Theactivating agent added by this process is dissipated during thesoldering operation and the flux residue is pure resin. ErsinMulticore Solder is approved by A.I.D., G.P.O., and otherMinistries where resin cored solder is specified.

PRACTICAL SOLDERING TEST OF FLUXESThe illustration shows the result of a practical test madeusing nickel -plated spade tags and bare copper braid. Theparts were heated in air to 250° C, and to identical speci-mens were applied i" lengths of 14 S.W.G. 40/60 solder. To

sample A, single cored solder with resincert"-ICIIIC flux was applied. The solder fused only

at point of contact without spreading. AA dry joint resulted, having poor mechani-

cal strength and high electrical resistance.To sample B, Ersin Multicore Solder was

B applied, and the solder spread evenlyover both nickel and copper surfaces, giving a soundmechanical and electrical joint.ECONOMY OF USING ERSIN MULTICORE SOLDERThe initial cost of Ersin Multicore Solder per lb. or per cwt.when compared with stick solder is greater. Ordinary solderinvolves only melting and casting, whereas high chemical skillis required for the manufacture of the Ersin flux and engineer-ing skill for the Multicore Solder incorporating the 3 coresof Ersin Flux. However, for the majority of soldering pro-cesses in electrical and radio equipment Multicore Solder will

show a considerable saving in cost, both in material andlabour time, as compared either with stick solder or singlecored solder. Cored solder ensures that the solder and fluxare put just where they are required, and by choice of suitablegauge, economy in use of material is obtained. The quickwetting of the Ersin flux as compared with resin flux in singlecore resin solder ensures that with the correct temperatureand reasonably clean surface, immediate alloying will be ob-tained, and no portions of solder will drop off the job and bewaved. Even an unskilled worker, provided with irons ofcorrect temperature, is able to use every inch of MulticoreSolder without waste.

ALLOYSSoft solders are made in various alloys of tin and lead, thetin content usually being specified first, i.e. 40/60 alloy meansan alloy containining 40% tin and 60% lead. The need for con-serving tin has led the Government to restrict the propor-tion of tin in solders of all kinds. Thus, the highest tin contentpermitted for Government contracts without a special licenceis 45/55 alloy. The radio and electrical industry previouslyused large quantities of 60/40 alloy, and lowering of tin con-tent has meant that the melting point of the solder has risen.The chart below gives approximate melting points andrecommended bit temperatures.

ALLOY Equivalent Solidus Liquidus Recommended bitTemperature C.°Tin Lead B.S. Grade C.° C.°

45/55 M 183° 227° 267°40/60 C 183° 238° 278°30/70 D 183° 257° 297°

18.5/81.5 N 187° 277° 317°

VIRGIN METALS - ANTIMONY FREEThe wider use of zinc plated components in radio andelectrical equipment has made it advantageous to use solderwhich is antimony free, and thus Multicore Solder is nowmade from virgin metals to B.S. Specification 219/1942 butwithout the antimony content.

IMPORTANCE OF CORRECT GAUGEErsin Multicore Solder Wire is made in gauges from 10 S.W.G.(.1213" -3.251 m/ms) to 22 S.W.G. (.028"-.7l I m/ms). Thechoice of a suitable gauge for the majority of the solderingundertaken by a manufacturer results in considerable saving.Many firms previously using 14 S.W.G. have found they cansave approximately 331/3%, or even more by using 16 S.W.G.The table gives the approximate lengths per lb. in feet ofErsin Multicore Solder in a representative alloy, 40/60.

S.W.G. 10 13 14 16 18 22

Feet per lb. 23 44.5 58.9 92.1 163.5 481

CORRECT SOLDERING TECHNIQUEErsin Multicore Solder Wire should be applied simultane-ously with the iron, to the component. By this means maxi-mum efficiency will be obtained from the Ersin flux contained

in the 3 cores of the Ersin Multicore Solderr- ger Wire. It should only be applied directto theiron to tin it. The iron should not be usedas a means of carrying the solder to thejoints. When possible, the solder wireshould be applied to the component andthe bit placed on top, the solder shouldnot be " pushed in " to the side of the bit.

h Ohm

ht -hr

ERSIN MULTICORE SOLDER WIRE is now restricted to firms on Government Contracts and other essential HomeCivil requirements. Firms not yet using Multicore Solder are invited to write for fuller technical information and samples.

MULTICORE SOLDERS LTD., BUSH HOUSE, W.C.2. 'Phone Temple Bar 5583/4

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i 57



Editor HUGH S. POCOCK, M.I.E.E. Technical Editor Prof. G. W. 0. HOWE, D.Sc., M.I.E.E.

VOL. XX APRIL, 1943 No. 235

EditorialThe Calculation of Aerial Capacitance

ABSTRACT No. 766 on page 141 of theMarch Wireless Engineer deals with" Investigations on Umbrella Aerials "

by Rosseler and Vogt published in theGerman T.F.T. of June, 1942. It is statedthat " the capacitances were calculated byHowe's 1914/1915 method ; the calculatedresults were on the average To per cent.below the measured values-a satisfactoryagreement in view of the approximatenature of the calculation." We are in com-plete agreement with this statement, butwish to make it clear that this observeddifference between the calculated andmeasured values is not entirely accidental.The method is one which necessarily givesa result somewhat less than the measuredcapacitance, the amount of the discrepancydepending on the arrangement of the wires.It is possible to obtain a closer approximationby going a step further in the assumeddistribution of the charge, but at the ex-pense of considerably more calculation.This was explained at the time, but as it isnow nearly thirty years ago, it. is probablyfor the majority of our readers wrapped inthe mists of radio antiquity. The basis ofthe method is the assumption that the chargeis uniformly distributed over the system ofconductors and that the average potentialover the system under this condition is equalto the actual uniform potential attained whenthe same total charge is allowed to take upits natural distribution. This assumptionenormously simplifies the calculation of the

capacitance of a complicated system of wiressuch as an umbrella aerial ; in fact, wemight go further and say that it makes itpossible. Before the introduction of thismethod, the capacitance of such aerials waspredetermined by measurements on smallscale models. By immersing the model in, aconducting liquid and measuring the con-ductance of the path through the liquidfrom the aerial to the plate representing theearth, the capacitance could be determined.The method of calculation introduced in 1914did away with the necessity for such modelexperiments, and although it does not givethe capacitance with Too per cent. accuracy,one always knows that the actual capacitancewill be somewhat greater than that calcu-lated. This follows at once from the well-known fact that the charge naturally distri-butes itself in such a way that the potentialis the same at all points of the conductorand that this distribution gives a minimumof potential energy and therefore of potentialdifference between the aerial and the earth.

Capacitance of a Straight WireAs a simple illustration we may consider

the capacitance of a straight wire with alength T000 times its diameter, far removedfrom any other conducting bodies or dielec-trics. If it be assumed to carry a uniformlydistributed charge of 1 unit per cm. theaverage potential V is equal to 2 loge - 0.614

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which is 14.59. For the capacitance wetherefore have C = -/ = o.o685 / cm.

14.59As a closer approximation we may assume

the wire to be divided into four equal parts,the two inner sections being charged with

unit per cm., and the two outer sectionswith q units per cm. q must be such that allsections have the same average potential.By calculating the mean potential of eachsection due to its own charge and to thecharges on the other sections, and equatingthe values thus calculated, it is found thatq =1.10 units per cm. on the outer sections.The total charge is therefore 1.051 and asthe calculated mean potential is 15.295, thecapacitance C = o.o688 / cm. This is onlyo.5 per cent. greater than the value obtainedby the simple assumption of a uniformlydistributed charge. By dividing the wireinto six equal sections and giving chargesof 1, q1, and q2 per cm. to the inner, inter-mediate and outer sections, it is found thatfor all sections to have the same meanpotential, q1 = 1.0176 and q2 = 1.141. Thisbrings out very clearly the increased densitynear the ends, but on calculating the re-sulting mean potential and the total charge,the capacitance is still found to be o.o688 1,i.e. the same, to a high degree of accuracy,as calculated above for division into foursections. It is thus seen that for cases inwhich the non -uniformity of distribution isof the same order as in a straight wire, thesimplest assumption gives a value differingby less than 1 per cent. from the actualvalue.

Umbrella Aerials

The German paper from which we quotedabove was concerned, however, with um-brella aerials, in which the distribution maybe less uniform. In the 1915 paper* towhich the authors refer, two umbrella aerials,

* The Capacity of Aerials of the Umbrella Type.Electrician, LXXV, p. 870, also Wireless World,Oct. 1915.

April, 1943

one simple and the other more elaborate, werecalculated. The simple one consisted of avertical wire 26 metres long with 6 ribs each3o metres long, all the wire being of thesame diameter, viz. 3 mm. With uniformdistribution the calculated capacitance was802 cm., but if the vertical wire be assumedto have a slightly smaller charge per unitlength than the ribs, so as to make themboth have the same mean potential, thecalculated capacitance is only increased to807 cm., an increase of less than i per cent.A more reasonable assumption would be togive the vertical wire and the inner halvesof the ribs the same charge, but the outerhalves a greater charge per unit length.This would add considerably to the workinvolved, but would undoubtedly give aslightly greater capacitance, and thereforea closer approximation to the true value.

The other aerial that was calculated hada total height of 70 metres, and five ribs'each consisting of four wires situated at thecorners of a square of 2 metres side, thelength of the ribs being 6o metres. To makethe calculation more general it was assumedthat the ribs consisted of to mm. wire,while the vertical wire had a diameter of20 mm. It was found that to give the samemean potential on the vertical wire as onthe ribs, it was necessary to assume twicethe charge per unit length on the former,but as its diameter was twice that of theribs, this was equivalent to the assumptionof a uniform surface distribution of charge.This will apply approximately to all casesin which wires of different sizes are involved ;it is the surface density and not the chargeper unit length that should be assumeduniform.

In most cases the simplest application ofthe method gives a result within 1 or 2 percent. of the exact value, which is alwayssomewhat greater than the calculated value. Measured values will almost always be evenstill greater because of the difficulty ofexcluding extraneous objects which addsomewhat to the measured capacitance.

G. W. 0. H.

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Superheterodyne Tuning *Ganged Control of Signal and Oscillator Tuning

By D. Riach, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E.

THE most commonly employed methodof tuning both the signal and oscillatorcircuits of a superheterodyne receiver

by means of a single control takes the formshown diagrammatically in Fig. 1 (inset).The capacitances of both the signal- andoscillator -frequency tuning condensers, C,which are matched and ganged together,are the same value at any position of thetuning dial. Throughout the tuning rangethe object is to maintain the tuned frequencyof the signal circuit lower than that of theoscillator circuit by a constant differencewhich is equal to the intermediate frequency.This tracking, as it is called, of the frequenciesof these two tuned circuits is accompaniedby a certain amount of out -of -tune, theextent of which, however, is not so seriousas to detract from the practicability of thescheme.

. The algebraic equations for determiningthe values of the circuit constants to givemost accurate tracking and for assessing thetuning errors are somewhat tedious to apply.On this account the writer has worked outthe following geometrical method whichenables the said information to be obtainedmore easily and has the further advantagethat the effect of adjustment to the circuitconstants is immediately shown. The scaleon the left of Fig. I formed by lines radiatingfrom 0 on the right is for the measurementof tuning capacitance in terms of frequency,the tuning capacitance being representedby the length of any selected line drawnparallel with OB from the do (infinity) line.For instance, a capacitance range of 540/60pctiF represented on the selected line, wouldbe found by the scale to tune over a fre-quency range of 1/3 ; viz. V6o/V54o.The difference of the two lengths repre-senting this capacitance range will representCm... - Cmin. and if the capacitance con-sists of C and C, in parallel, then knowing

* MS. accepted by the Editor, November, 1942.

I 5( )

the ratio Cmax./Cmin., the separate values ofC,, Cmax. and Cm,,,. may be set out on theselected line, fixing the position of theline OA as shown.

The actual construction of the scale ispurely a matter of applying the relationthat the tuning capacitance varies as theinverse of the square of the frequency, viz.C cc i/f2. A line (not shown) is drawnparallel to OB, near the left-hand side of thesheet, to represent in length the capacitancefor the frequency indicated by line 1.Division points are marked on this line atdistances from the lower or co end pro-portionate to the capacitances to tune tothe respective frequencies indicated by thenumbers 1.2, 1.4, etc., and intermediatevalues. The distances to the numbered lineswill be in the proportion 6.944, 5.102, 3.906,3.086, 2.5, 2.066, 1.736, 1.479, 1.276 and1.111 if the distance from co to i is made To.The relative position of 0 should be chosenapproximately as shown and lines drawnfrom it to the numbered points. The linesI to 3 from 0 are shaded on each side to awidth corresponding to a frequency changeof 2 per cent.

The next stage in the development ofFig. 1 is to divide a line so that the lengthsfrom one end to points- on it correspondingto the above I, 1.2, etc., signal frequencies,are proportionate. to the capacitances re-quired to tune to the respective oscillatorfrequencies. The formula for this purposeis C cc IV f,)2 where f is the signal fre-quency and f, the intermediate frequency,which latter is constant. A set of such linesis shown in the lower figure covering a widerange of possible values of the ratio of theminimum to the maximum oscillator fre-quencies. With a signal range of 500/1500kc/s (600/200 metres) and an intermediatefrequency of 465 kc/s, this ratio is 965 : 1965,which is I :2.036 and requires a tuningcapacitance ratio, LN : LM, of 4.145 : I.The particular line is marked dotted and is

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. 1 . . 1.. . 1


1111kAA1111.1 .111.1111


the one selected for the upper part of Fig. 1,where it is shown thick and pointingobliquely upwards to the right. Ten equalincreases of the oscillator frequency aredefined by the distances from L of consecu-tive points which will be found in the pro-portion 4.145, 3.404, 2.845, 2.413, 2.072,

April, 1943

1.799, 1.577, 1.393, 1.239, 1.11 and one.The set of lines is proportioned so that thepart MN of the whole length, LN, is equal.If the lines were made all the same lengththe lower ones of the set, when applied overthe lines emanating from 0, in the mannerexplained later, would take up positions

COI . 1 . I 1 , I 1 1








. 1111 Oil


1 . lit


Fig. 1. Diagram for signalloscillator frequency tracking.





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which would not allow full advantage to betaken of the accuracy possible in carryingout measurements.

Henceforth, the line representing variationof the oscillator tuning capacitance will bereferred to as the oscillator line and the lineparallel to OB drawn through the point ofintersection of the oscillator line and OAas the signal line. The signal line is showndrawn thick like the oscillator line. Thepurpose of the two scale lines at right anglesto OB is to facilitate the drawing of linesparallel to OB.

For what follows, it should be borne inmind that, as the intermediate -frequencyamplifier is so much more selective than thesignal -frequency amplifier, the operation oftuning the receiver for optimum output,by means of the ganged variable condensercontrol, results essentially in the oscillatorcircuit tuning accurately to a frequencyhigher than the signal by the amount of theintermediate frequency. Whether the signalcircuit is simultaneously in tune with thesignal will depend on the accuracy of thetracking. The object will, therefore, benot to look for out -of -tune in the oscillatorcircuit, but in the signal circuit.

The appropriate oscillator line is tracedon tracing paper or celluloid and super-imposed on the upper part of the figure,being manoeuvred to a position where thepoints on it are as near as possible to thecorresponding lines from 0, judging theirnearness as a percentage frequency differ-ence. For example, a point situated half-way between an edge of the shaded areaand the line would indicate a difference offrequency of approximately r per cent. andso on. After having found this position ofthe oscillator line, lines from 0 are drawnthrough the points M and N on it corre-sponding to the maximum and minimumoscillator frequencies to intersect the signalline which is positioned tentatively at thisstage. The lengths from oo to the pointsof intersection are proportionate to C, inparallel with C, and Cm respectively andknowing the ratio of C..x. to (taken as25 : r for the example shown) the positionof the line OA is fixed as already explained.The signal line is then moved so that thepoints of intersection on it of OA and theoscillator line coincide.

Having determined the positions of the


oscillator and signal lines as above, therelative values of the capacitances C, C1, C2and C3 which will give the best trackingare found by simply measuring the lengthsof the lines named on the figure. C2, whichis the oscillator coil trimming capacitance,is given by the distance parallel to OB of thelower end of the oscillator line from OA.The inductances L, and L, are obtainedfrom the formula L = 2.53 x ro4/f2C, whereL and C are in microhenries and microfaradsand f is in kilocycles per second, taking thetotal tuning capacitances as indicated. Itshould be noted from the figure that L, tunesto a slightly lower frequency than the signalat the lower end of the range and its valuemust be made accordingly larger.

To prove the values of C2 and C3 shownon the figure, the lines representing C and C3are parallel. By geometry the distanceparallel to them from the intersection of thejoin of their ends by crossing, to either linejoining their ends without crossing, isCC3/(C C3) which therefore is equivalentto C and C3 in series. For C. this distanceis from OA to the top (or lowest frequency)division point of the oscillator line. ForCmin. it is the corresponding distance fromthe bottom (or highest frequency) divisionpoint and similarly for intermediate valuesof C. The capacitance C2, which is in parallel,is added by extending these distances down-wards from OA till they meet a line parallelto OA from the lower end of the oscillatorline. From similarity of triangles the figureshows that this is the only value of C2 inparallel with C and C3 which varies theoscillator circuit capacitance in the requiredratio given by the oscillator line.

If the straight line drawn from 0 throughany point of division on the oscillator lineintersects the signal line higher than thecorresponding point of division on the latter,the signal circuit is tuned to a lower fre-quency than that of the signal for the par-ticular part of the tuning range. The per-centage error is found by dividing the fre-quency error represented by the distancebetween the above intersection of the signalline and the corresponding point of divisionon it, by the signal frequency representedby this point of division and multiplying byzoo. It is, however, outside the scope of thearticle to go further in this direction andconsider the effect of the distuning of the

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signal -frequency circuits on the performanceof the receiver. By the shading of the i to 3lines from 0 to a depth corresponding to afrequency variation of plus and minus 2 percent. on either side, it is hardly necessary,as described above, unless for greateraccuracy, to draw lines from 0 through theintermediate division points on the oscillatorline to see where they intersect the signalline. If a division point is found on theupper edge of the shaded area, the frequencyto which the signal circuit is tuned at theparticular point of the range is 2 per cent.lower than that of the signal. If it is half-way between the edge and the centre linethere is approximately a i per cent. tuningerror and so on.

It will be seen from the figure that thetracking error will be zero at 2.8, 2 and 1.2,





c, c,







(CmAx. C2)XC3

(CMAX. +C2)+C3


Diagram for signal/oscillator frequencytracking (C2 across C).

the sign of the error changing in passingthrough these points of the frequency range.Actually, a somewhat improved result isobtained by arranging the two outer of thesepoints nearer to the ends of the range, but it isshown as above for clarity. For all practicalpurposes we may say that for the range 3 to I,if accurate tracking is arranged at 2.9, 2 andLI, the best results will be secured. Therewill, however, be no great loss of trackingaccuracy if it is desired to have the twoouter points right at the ends of the range.


Fig. 2.

April, 1943

The oscillator line shown dotted on thefigure illustrates the effect of varying theL/C ratio of the oscillator circuit main-taining the tracking error zero at the twoouter points, 2.8 and 1.2 of the range. Theoscillator inductance, L2, is too low and thesignal circuit, for the range within the twopoints, is seen to be tuned to too low afrequency.

Instead of connecting the trimming con-denser C2 directly across the inductance,L2, as in Fig. i (inset), which is the moreusual practice, it may be connected acrossthe ganged condenser, C. In this case, therespective dimensions on Fig. 1, which givethe proportions of the various circuit con-stants, are shown separately for clarity inFig. 2, for accurate tracking at I, 2 and 3.

As a check that the framework of thefigure has been constructed correctly, anexample should be worked out from it andchecked by algebra. The particulars of theformulae can be obtained from the Appendixof W. T. Cocking's " Wireless ServicingManual."* The following example may betried :-

Range 500/1500 kc/s ; I.F. 465 kc/s ; Track-ing correct at 500, moo and 15oo kc/s.

Capacitances in poF. Inductances in µH.Cmax 500 ; C2 58.9 L.1187.6 ; L2 83.85Cmin. 20 ; C3 554C1 40

With a carefully constructed figure, itwill be found that results are obtainablewhich are sufficiently accurate for mostdesign and testing purposes.

See also M. Wald, Wireless Engineer, March,1940, p. 505, April, 1941, p. 146 ; Editorial,Wireless Engineer, April, 1942 ; A. L. Green,Wireless Engineer, June, 5942, p. 243 ; RubyPayne -Scott and A. L. Green, Wireless Engineer,July, 1942, p. 290. An extensive bibliography isgiven in Wireless Engineer, June, 5942, p. 250.

I.E.E. MeetingsSIR EDWARD APPLETON, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.,

will lecture on " Radio Exploration of the Iono-sphere " at the next meeting of the I.E.E. WirelessSection, on Wednesday, April 7th.

The subject to be discussed at the InformalMeeting of the Wireless Section on Tuesday,April loth, is " Metal Rectifiers and their Applica-tions to Radio and to Measurements."

Both meetings will begin at 5.30.

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Attenuation and Phase -Shift Equalisers*Semi -Graphical Method of Designing

Equalising Networks

By W. Saraga, Ph.D.

SUMMARY.-After a general discussion of equaliser design problems a semi -graphicaldesign method is described.

If the attenuation/frequency curve or the phase-shift/frequency curve of a telephoneline, a wave filter, etc., or of a complex communication system, does not possess the shapedesired for its most effective operation (e.g. a flat attenuation/frequency curve for a telephoneline, a rectangular attenuation characteristic for a filter), this can be corrected by adding tothe line, filter, or system in question an equalising network which is so designed that theoverall attenuation, or phase shift, of original network and equaliser, as a function of frequency,has the desired shape over a certain specified frequency range. Subtraction of the curve pro-duced by the uncorrected network from the desired overall curve gives the required equalisercurve.

In practical design problems this required curve is usually given as a graph. Thedesigner has provisionally to select a probably suitable type of network and to find suchvalues for its elements that the maximum deviation from the required curve of the curveproduced by this network becomes as small as possible. This curve approximation problemis usually solved by trial and error.

However, a trial and error procedure is often undesirable. Therefore a semi -graphicalmethod, " Visual Curve Fitting," has been developed which eliminates trial and error eithercompletely or at least to a very great extent ; in the latter case the remaining trial -and -errorprocedure is of a particularly simple kind.

A description and a mathematical discussion of this method and two design examplesare given.

1. Survey of the New Method(a) Introduction

ATTENUATION and phase -shift equal-isers are essential components of anyelectrical communication system. Or-

dinarily it is desired that any such systempossesses a flat attenuation/frequen.cy curveand that its phase shift increases proportionalto the frequency f. If this is not the case,a correcting or equalising network can beinserted into the system with such anattenuation cc or phase shift 13 that theoverall frequency characteristic of the systemincluding the equaliser has the desired shape.It is also desirable that the overall attenua-tion level of the corrected system is as lowas possible (see Fig. Ia.). Since equalisers,being passive networks, can only increase,never decrease, the overall attenuation, thetheoretically lowest possible level of acorrected flat overall curve is equal to themaximum level of the uncorrected curve ;in this case the required equaliser char-

* MS. accepted by the Editor, October, 1942.

acteristic is equal to the difference betweenthe uncorrected curve and its maximumvalue. Frequently, however, an equaliserwhich produces a curve of the same shape,but at a higher cc level, can be designed withfewer elements than if it has to produce theoriginal difference curve. On the otherhand, a higher loss level requires moreamplification. Therefore, whereas the re-quired shape is usually clearly defined, therequired level can sometimes only be fixedafter some tentative design work for differentlevels has been carried out showing therelation between level and number ofelements. t In addition to the requiredshape and level some tolerance limits haveto be given because, for producing the re-quired curve accurately, networks possessingan- uneconomically great number of elementswould often be necessary.

This article does not deal with the moregeneral questions of fixing the level of arequired curve and fixing the tolerance limits.

t Similar problems arise sometimes in phaseshift equaliser design.

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It is chiefly concerned with the design pro-blem proper, assuming that a required curveover a specified frequency range is given anda tolerance band enclosing this curve isspecified.

Zobel 1 has developed ageneral design method forcorrecting networks. Tobegin with, a " type of net-work "t probably suitablefor the required curve hasto be chosen provisionally.




-0 75




WO 4

gt I






April, 1943

network elements or design parameters, andsuch values for the n elements have to befound that the curve produced by this net-work goes through the n selected points.Between these points, and between the outer

points and the boun-daries of the specifiedfrequency range, thedesigned curve devi-ates from the requiredone, and there are atleast (n 1) deviationmaxima (see Fig. IN.The values of thesemaxima depend onthe position of the nselected points, and inorder to make the

maxima as small as possiblea number of consecutive trialshave to be made, each trialstarting from a different setof points until a satisfactoryapproximation to the requiredcurve has been obtained.









( b)f



I0 20X


Then it points on the required curve arechosen where n is the number of independent

I.5 2-5

1 This and other numbers refer to the refer-ences at the end of the article.

t " Type of network " means here : a networkfor which only its structure and the character ofits elements (resistance, inductance, capacitance),but not their numerical values, are fixed.

I.- In so-called " constant resistance " type equal-isers, the actual number of elements is usuallytwice the number of independent elements becausethe elements of the shunt arm are determined bythose of the series arm and vice -versa ; as anexample see Fig. II (the value of R, is given).


Fig. I.-In (c) the full line is therequired curve, y = x -I x 3. The approximat-ing curves y = Px Qx2 are asfollows : broken line, least max-imum deviation approxima-tion, P = 2.143, Q = 0.785,I z1,... = 0.142 ; dotted line, leastmean square deviation approxi-mation, P= 2.041, Q = - 0.751,

= 0.21; chain -dot line, ap-proximation by Taylor's theoremin A 0, P = 2, Q = - 0.75,

= 0.25, d = deviation.

(b) Visual Curve FittingSuch a trial -and -error procedure is some-

times very tedious and may lead to a ten-dency to use more elements than necessary inorder to simplify the design work. Thereforeother design methods have been developed,but none of them seems to have overcomethis difficulty in a general way. It mightbe thought that only an analytical method-like Cauer's design method for filters-would be capable of eliminating trial anderror. It is, however, possible to develop a

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non -analytical design method which doesnot proceed by trial and error, i.e. not bya number of separate trials, but by onesingle, comparatively short, visual curve -fitting process. Thismethod may conve-niently be called " vis-ual curve fitting."

If networks withmore than two inde-pendent elements haveto be designed, visualcurve fitting requiressome auxiliary me-chanical, optical or electrical equipment.If such equipment is not available, a certainamount of trial and error has to be carriedout, but it is much simpler. and, therefore,takes much less time and effort than ordinarytrial and error.

Whereas Zobel's design method is basedon n single points representing the requiredcurve, visual curve fitting is based on therequired curve as a whole and on the specifiedtolerance band enclosing this curve. Some-times no tolerance band is specified, but it isdesired to approximate the required curvewith a given type of network within thesmallest possible tolerance range ; in suchcases this band has to be roughly estimatedbeforehand for use as basis of design.

The required curve as well as the toleranceband are ordinarily given in the attenuation/frequency (or phase-shift/frequency) plane,i.e. the attenuation a is plotted as a function


of the frequency f. Usually, in order tomake the visual curve fitting method work-able, it is necessary to transfer the toleranceband from this of plane to another plane,




1 y


f2 (x)



x f3 (x)


Fig. 2. 2. -It should be noted that the standardcurves have not always an identical shape.



0 5 1.0


yi=S+gx+Tf[W(xi-U)]A)",.e( DEFORMED






Fig. 3.-Curve I is derived from standard curveby shifting and stretching. Curve 2 is derivedfrom standard curve by shifting, stretching and


a yx plane, where y as well as x are functionsof a and f which are more suitable for visualcurve fitting.

The design can be carried out in twodifferent ways :-

(a) Summation method : each type ofnetwork is characterised by a set of (n -or n " standard curves " ; the design con-sists in shifting these curves along the twoco-ordinate axes until the sum of the standardcurves (see Fig. z) fits the required toleranceband in the chosen yx plane. Then thevalues of the network elements can bederived from the position of the standardcurves.

(b) Shaping method : each type of net-work is characterised by one single " standardcurve " ; the design consists in shifting thiscurve along the two axes and in deformingit according to certain rules (see below) untilit fits the tolerance band in the selectedyx plane. The values of the network ele-ments can be derived from the position andthe deformation of the standard curve.The necessary deformation consists of (seeFig. 3) :

(I) Multiplying the ordinate and/orabscissa values of the standard curve byconstant factors T and 1/W respectively ;this may be called " stretching."

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(2) Adding a straight line gx to the curve ;this may be called " shearing."

In order to eliminate trial and error twoconditions have to be fulfilled

(I) The position of the summation methodstandard curves or the position and deforma-tion of the shaping method standard curvemust be continuously variable ;

(2) The result of any such variation, i.e.the curve representing either the sum of thestandard curves or the deformed and shiftedstandard curve, must be observable instan-taneously.

For networks with one or two independentelements only, the shaping method requiresonly shifting, but not deformation, of thestandard curve ; or even simpler : only astraight line has to be drawn through thetolerance band ; in this case, both conditionscan easily be fulfilled.

For networks with more than two ele-ments, not only curve shifting but alsoaddition of standard curves or deformationof one standard curve has to be carried out ;in order to fulfil conditions (I) and (2) someauxiliary mechanical, optical or electricalequipment is needed (see Section 6). If suchequipment is not available, curve fitting bymeans of addition and deformation con-stitutes a trial -and -error procedure. How-ever, the operations involved are the simplestpossible: addition, reading values of co-ordinates of points off some sloping scales,plotting of curves ; on the other hand inordinary trial -and -error procedure eachseparate trial frequently involves lengthycalculations. Moreover, the number oftrials necessary is considerably reduced com-pared with ordinary trial -and -error methods,because the representation of the requiredband in the yx plane makes it possible tocarry out a large part of the fitting workby visual inspection.

2. Curve Approximation

(a) Network Analysis, Synthesis and DesignA discussion of electrical networks is

usually divided into " network analysis "and network synthesis." In networkanalysis a network is given and it is requiredto find one or more characteristic networkfunctions, e.g. its attenuation as a functionof frequency. In network synthesis one or

April, 1943

more network functions are specified and itis required to find the corresponding network.The first step in network synthesis is to findout which type of functions may be pre-scribed if physically possible networks areto be obtained. It can, for example, beshown that for any physical passive linearnetwork the attenuation a in decibels asfunction of the frequency f has to be of, ortransformable into, the form

Po 4. p2f2 p4f4= ro login

Qo Q2f2 Q4f4 +. . (I)

where Po, P2. P4, Q2, Q2, Q4, . , musthave such values that for any frequency,ado.

Since, e.g., a "__=. io lo I + 6 2gio

I +512+ 4

4ff44. . (2)

is a particular case of (I), a correspondingphysical network can be found. The actualpractical synthesis of such a network canbe carried out either by means of somegeneral synthesis method (see for instanceGewertz 2), or by preparing a list of networkfunctions corresponding to given networksand using the list in the opposite directionfor finding networks corresponding to givenfunctions.

In practical network design, particularly'in equaliser design problems, the requirednetwork function, e.g. the attenuation/frequency function, is usually not given as aparticular case of equation (I) but as anarbitrary function or a graph and specifiedfor a limited frequency range only. Then thefirst step is to find an analytical expressionfor the graph in the form of equation (I).Provided the required a is Z o over thewhole specified frequency range, such anexpression can always be found by using asufficiently large number of coefficientsPo, P2 . . Qo, Q2 . . . -if necessary aninfinite number. However, for practicalpurposes a solution with a great number ofcoefficients is usually uneconomical becausethe number of network elements * increasesroughly in the same proportion as the numberof coefficients. In such cases the ideal net-

* The number of inductances and capacitancesis usually more important than the number ofresistances.

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work producing exactly the required curvehas to be replaced by an economically possiblenetwork producing an approximation to therequired curve only. The designer, thoughusing the results of network synthesis, is inpractice chiefly concerned with finding the" best possible approximation " (see below),when using a given type of network. There-fore " design method " very often means" approximation method." In this articlea new approximation method is developed.As far as network synthesis is concerned,Zobel's results are used and applied.

(b) Types of Approximation

In equaliser design " best approximation "means that the maximum absolute deviationof the designed curve from the requiredone over the specified frequency range isas small as possible for the chosen type ofnetwork. This particular type of approxi-mation is only one of various known types.In order to show their differences some typesare shown in Fig. ic. The required curvehas been., taken as y = x - ix2 overthe range x1 . . . x2 with x1 = r and x2 = 3.The approximating curve has been chosento be of the form y = Px Qx2 and P and Qhave to be determined in such a mannerthat the particular requirements of thetype of approximation in question aremet. The types of approximation shownare :

(I) A Taylor series at the (arbitrary)point A,. Such an approximation makesthe required and the approximating functionas well as their differential coefficients (upto as high an order as possible) equal toeach other at one selected point A0. Thistype of approximation is particularly goodat and near the point A 0, but ratherbad at the boundaries of the specifiedrange.

(2) Least mean square deviation. Thistype of approximation is defined by

M2 =X2 Xi ..\/ I

L12dx . (3)


being a minimum where A is the deviationfrom the required curve for any x. Themaximum deviation occurring is greater thanthat occurring in the following example,


where the maximum deviation has beenmade as small as possible.*

(3) Least maximum deviation. This typeis called Tschebyscheff-approximation ; itis the type required in network design andwill be dealt with in this article.

(4) Zobel-approximation. This type can-not be represented by one single clearlydefined curve. Zobel obtains his approxi-mating curves by choosing n points (for thisexample n = 2) of exact coincidence ofrequired and designed curve. Thus thecurves representing type (2) and type (3)which intersect the required curve in twopoints are also representing Zobel-approxi-mations. The selection of the two pointsof intersection determines the magnitude ofthe maximum deviation occurring. Onlyif A, and A 2 have been selected, the leastpossible maximum deviation is obtained.

(c) Methods of ApproximationThe ideal design method would be an

analytical method-provided that it doesnot involve too much work-which derivesfrom the required curve those values of theelements of any chosen type of networkwhich give the least possible maximumdeviation. For the design of filter networkssuch a method has been developed byCauer 4. Filter networks can be regardedas a particularly simple case of equalisernetworks for which the required of functionis o for the pass bands and oo for the stopbands. Probably Cauer's method could beextended to cover the general equalisernetwork where the required of functionmay have any shape required. At present,however, such a method seems to be notyet available t.

* If (3) is replaced by


X2 - X1

I2 dx

where n is an integer Men is much moredetermined by the larger than by the smallervalues of d. For n co the condition "11/2n, is aminimum " becomes equivalent to the condition

Amax is a minimum which defines the thirdtype of approximation described here (see alsoM. Wald 3).

t For the simple network in Pig. 11, whichpossesses two independent parameters only, ananalytical design method can easily be developed ;it is described in the appendix.

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Zobel's design method, as described inSection Ia, proceeds by trial and error :a tentative network is designed, its attenua-tion/frequency (or phase-shift/frequency)curve calculated, and compared with therequired curve ; if the result is not satis-factory, one-or more-new tentative de-signs, each starting from another set of npoints, have to be made. *

In some cases, such trial and error be-comes inconvenient and cumbersome. Thereare cases in which the " tiring " effect oftrial and error favours a tendency to usemore network elements than necessary, asany approximation can be more easilyachieved if more design parameters areavailable.

Pyrah 5-and before him in a slightlydifferent form Tucker 6- has suggestedanother design method in which a variableequaliser is adjusted until its attenuation/frequency function fits the required curve.The position of the controls. of the variablenetwork indicates the required values ofthe elements.

As it is necessary to adjust the network,to measure the attenuation, to compare itwith the required curve, to readjust thenetwork, etc., until a satisfactory approxi-mation is obtained, this method is also atrial -and -error method, but each separatetrial takes much less time and is much lesstiring than in Zobel's method. However,suitable variable networks and measuringapparatus are not always available, whenan equaliser has to be designed.

Curve charts have been frequently sug-gested for use in equaliser design. Therequired curve, on a transparent sheet,can be put on top of the curve chart inorder to find the best fitting curve of thechart. Usually a great number of chartcurves or curve families have to be plotted,

* For most networks discussed by Zobel .thenetwork elements can be derived from the co-ordinates of the selected n points by solving a setof n linear equations. For some networks theequations are not linear and instead of solvingtheme Zobel prefers to determine the value of oneelement-a resistance-beforehand and to applyhis usual linear equation method to the remaining(n - 1) elements only. In some cases the re-sistance value has to be determined by trial anderror. If so desired, this additional trial and errorcan easily he removed by applying Zobel's methodto all n points and solving the non-linear equationsgraphically.

April, 1943

in order to prevent large errors, arising frominterpolation between the curves.

Pyrah 5 has shown for two particulartypes of networks that the number of chartcurves to be plotted can be considerablyreduced by using a logarithmic frequencyscale ; a- variation of one of the parameterscan then be obtained by shifting the familyof curves, representing various values ofthe other parameter, along the logarithmicfrequency scale. This method does notseem to involve a trial -and -error procedure,but leads directly to the best value of thisparameter. The other parameters have tobe determined by interpolation betweencurves of the chart.

From this review of design methods,three facts emerge which are importantfor the development of a new method.

(t) Network designers are definitely inter-ested in a method involving no, or at leastlittle, trial and error.

(2) Design methods using variable net-works require a minimum of trial and erroronly.

(3) Shifting a chart curve until it fits arequired curve does not seem to involvetrial and error.

3. Development of the Visual Curve FittingMethod

The basic idea of the new method is tosimulate the variable network method with-out using variable networks. Two suchmethods have been developed : " summa-tion method " and " shaping method." Inthe summation method each type of networkis represented by one or more " standardcurves," the number of curves usually beingequal to the number of design parametersminus one. A variation of the elementvalues in the variable network method isrepresented in the summation method byshifting the curves along both axes. Measur-ing the network attenuation (and plottingit) is replaced in the summation methodby adding the curves (and plotting theirsum). This is shown in Fig. 2.*

* The shifting of standard curves, and theirsummation, for plotting and design purposes, hasrecently been described by Truscott 7 in an articlewhich was published after the present article hadbeen written. Truscott deals with circuit problemsfor which the use of logarithmic scales for frequencyand impedance is of particular advantage.

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In the shaping method each type of net-work is represented by a single standard curve.A variation of the network element valuesis represented in the shaping method byshifting and deforming the standard curve :the deformation consists of " stretching "and " shearing " as described in Section1(b). As the stretching of a curve cannotbe carried out physically without auxiliaryequipment, the scales are apparently com-pressed instead, by rotating them physically(see Fig. 3) ; shearing, too, can be repre-sented by means of a rotatable scale (seeFig. 3). Measuring the attenuation in thevariable network method, and plotting it,is replaced by reading the co-ordinates ofthe standard curve points off the slopingscales, and replotting it in a normal co-ordinate system.

So far practical design experience seemsto indicate that, whenever both methodscan be used for the solution of a givenproblem, the shaping method is somewhatsimpler than the summation method.

If networks with only one or two inde-pendent parameters have to be designed, aparticularly simple design method becomespossible which involves only the shiftingof one single standard curve.'

To make the summation method andshaping method workable, it is obviouslynecessary to express the attenuation/fre-quency (or phase-shift/frequency) functionof each type of equaliser network in a formwhich can be represented either as sum ofshiftable standard curves or as one singleshifted and deformed (stretched and sheared)standard curve. Moreover, it is necessarythat the characteristic frequency functionsin this special form possess only real andindependent parameters (this will be explainedin detail in the following section).

These mathematical requirements canrarely be met without transferring theof curve (or the 1f curve) from the originalof plane (or fif plane) to another plane, ayx plane, where both y and x are functions of a and f, so chosen as to meet these require-ments. For comparison of a curve tenta-tively designed in the yx plane, with arequired of curve, the required curve toohas to be transferred to the yx plane. How-ever, as the deviations in the of plane, notthose in the yx plane, are the criterionaccording to which any approximation is


judged, it is more useful to transfer a " re-quired tolerance band " enclosing the re-quired curve, instead of this curve itself,to the yx plane. If the best possible approxi-mation in the of plane is required, and there-fore no definite tolerance band specified,

probable band can be estimated. Even ifthis estimate is far out, one transferredtolerance band is usually sufficient for de-ciding which of several approximating curvesis the best. This method of comparison ismore practical than transferring each tenta-tive yx curve to the of plane for comparisonwith the original required of curve.

In the new method the network elementsare calculated only after a satisfactoryapproximating curve has been found, whereasin conventional trial -and -error procedureseach single trial ordinarily involves thecalculation of new tentative network ele-ments before the calculation of each tentativeapproximating curve and its comparisonwith the required curve.

The practical application of the newmethod results in a great saving of time andeffort ; it can be carried out by compara-tively unskilled people.

4. Mathematical Discussion

(a) Summation MethodThe attenuation cc in db. of any equaliser

section can always be expressed in the form

Ion=p+ p2f2 p4f4

QO + '22/F + Q4/4 + (5)

where the coefficients 130, P2, . . , and Q0,Q2, .. depend on the network elements

aand have always such values that roc. >

According to a fundamental theorem ofalgebra, (5) can always be written in theform



(f2 /3)V2 ± V)= p 8) (f2

, If2 13. 1.1.2 + Y1= IPI 1f2 + 8; 1f2 Ei

= 1p1 log 1f2 P,

+ logiolf2 + yl + .log10 1f2 + log10 t./.2 + el -


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where /3*, y, 8, E . . . are constants dependingon Po, 132, P4 . and Qo, Q2, Q4 In some cases it is convenient to use i/f2instead of f2 as variable. According to

equation (7), Io'

as a function of f, can be°represented graphically as sum of a con-stant log10 'p1, and a number of curves

logio 1f21, as functions of f2, shifted byamounts - - y, - 8, - e, .. along thef2 axis, provided that 13, y, 8, c ... are real. Thisis a method for quick plotting of a if 13,y, 8, E, .

are given.If it is desired to use this graphical repre-

sentation for design purposes, where therequired a is given and 13, y, 8, e, .. have tobe determined by trying out various values,it is necessary that 13, y, 8, e, . . are independentof each other.


fo-fFig. 4.

Actually, in the of plane, 13, y, 8, e, .. areneither always real nor always independent.Some examples will by discussed iiA orderto show how these difficulties can be over-come by transferring the analysis and thedesign from the of plane to a suitable yxplane.

1st example : The ladder type network inFig. 4 which corresponds to Zobel's networks5a and 5b has an attenuation

(1 R )2.1,2 4_ 47T2L2 02)2R0 R02 'a= io logio

R \2f 2 +

47721,2R0 R02 (f2 fo92

.. (8)

where fo2 =47r2LC

. (8) can be written inthe desired form of equation (6) -

* This constant p should not be confused withthe phase shift S.

a = IO log10 Pl (f2 + 81) (f2 + 1) (9)

Equation (9) has five parameters : pi, 131,

)1,, 81, el ; they cannot be independent be-cause the network has only three independentelements R, L and C. Moreover, as can bederived from (8), fly, yi, 81, el are not neces-sarily real.-From (8) we can obtain

April, 1943

(i2 /31)(f2 + vi)


- I Ro(R, + 2R)

4TAL (

"/2 fo2)2

Ro(Ro +22R) j

R2 f2

which can be written in the form

Y = P2(i2 + /32) (i2 + Y2)

.. Am)

..This is an expression with only three para-meters, as desired ; however, two of them,/32 and y2 may still be not real.

This difficulty can be overcome as follows.The meaning of equations (io) and (II) isthat a function p2(12 N2) (f + Y2) has tobe found, which falls within the toleranceband of the required of function trans-ferred to the (

f2(f2) plane. Now,

iom-p2(P I32)(f2 + y2) intersects or touches the12 axis if #2 and y2 are real, and does notintersect it if they are complex. Therefore,if the required band intersected the f2 axis,any suitable function P2(12 P2)(f2 Y2)would also have to intersect the f2 axis, asit has to be inside the tolerance band.Unfortunately, y = a can never inter-

ior. -sect the f2 axis though it may touch, it,because it is alwaysZ o, a being always o.However, by subtracting from both sidesof equation (Io) a suitable arbitrary functionof f2, the required band can always be madeto intersect the f2 axis ; the resulting right-hand side of equation (io) (after subtractionof the arbitrary function) must have realroots. If we choose as arbitrary functionKf2, we obtain from (Io)

f2 1

105 -K)

= 13(12 p)(f2 .. (12)

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P Ro(Ro + 2R) '

+E E22 f 02E

2P 4P P

R2E = KRo(Ro+ 2R)


If in (12) p or y were negative, sinh in (i6)would have to be replaced by Cosh, and(e2x 1) in (17) by (e2x I). Similarly forother types of networks f2 or i/f 2 as variablecan be replaced by x = log, f, and thestandard curves log 1121 by log ,sinh xl andlog cosh x, or log 1e2 - II and log (e2x 1).

Another representation of the of curve ofthis network, without introduction of aconstant K, can be obtained from equation(io) :


If K has been so chosen that the toleranceband for (y - Kf2) intersects the f2 axis,/3 and y must be real. From (12) follows

log ly - Kf2, = log ip, + log 1f2 - p1± log 1f2 .. (4)

which, as a function of f 2, can be representedas sum of a constant log Ip!, and two curvesrepresenting log 1121 as functions of f2 whichare shifted by + 13 and y along the f2 -axis.When values for p, # and y have been foundwhich fit the required tolerance band,L, C, R are obtained by

foe = %//3-Y, T = 4Pfo2,S = K - y - 2102),

R = Ro(S,4/S + S2),L = I %/TRo(R, + 2R),

417f o

C4172402 (i5)

By introducing a new variable, x = loge f,equation (12) can be transformed into twoother forms which can be representedgraphically as the sum of a suitable constantand two standard curves shiftable along theabscissa axis. From (13) follows that /3

and y are always positive. Therefore (12)can be written as





4 7, al- R2

Y = Ro(Ro 2R)fe +[Ro(Ro + 2R)8/027r2L2


Ro(Ro + 2R) j Ro(R0 2R) f4f +

which is of the form= A _4_ a e2 log./ + b e4 togef

Or y = A + e2(x 46) egx+

Thus the necessary standard curves aree2x and e4x.

CR02 LIF202


fo cc

Fig. 5.

2nd example : Network shown in Fig. 5.Its attenuation is

(R±R)2 07.2C2 (f2 fo2)2 +12= Io logio "R2 47,2C2 (f2 fo2)2 +12'

h2 = 47r2LC.

f ) -] 1-f %/11\-1 4 /4__ ../y\-f2 = P *%r/) (%/16 *%/Y ff2K

log a101° - I

P' = 4P ../0y

= log p' logl sinh(x - loge p)I log sinh(x -z log, y)1

Two standard curves log Isinh xl are necessary.Another form for (12) is (y - Kf2) = (pf3y)(f21# - 1)(f2ly - I)

log If 2/(I0 - 1) Kf21 = log p" log1e2 (x- loge 1/A)- logle2(z loge 1/) -I (17)

with p" = ph,. Two standard curves log je2x - r 1 are necessary.

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y = Ii(Io" --



Si f2 fo2)2b./I) --- f 2

. . . . (i8)



Ro(Ro 2R) 'b =

R0(R, 2R)47r2C2

.42 472LC . . (18a)

(18) can be written in the form of equation(6), viz.

yKp(f2 - POW Yi)

(J 2_f02)2

where K is so chosen that the required(y - K) band intersects the f2 axis, in orderto make fli and yi real. However, equation(19) has four parameters whereas the net-work has only three independent elements,L, C and R. Therefore, p, /3/, ',Div must beinterdependent, and from (i8) and (Z9)follows

b b2 bf ,2yi = fo2 -

2v -

4P2 P



and fliyy = fo4 . . (lob)Thus if equation (19) were used as basis ofdesign and the best positions for threestandard curves, log 1121, log 1f21, and 2 log1/21,had to be determined, it would be necessaryto keep the shifts of these Curves along thef2 -axis, viz., fo2, f31, yi, always in the correctrelationship given by (2ob).

No way has so far been found to eliminateone of the four parameters completely andat the same time to obtain a form suitablefor the summation method ; but by usingx = log, f instead of f2, as variable, therelation between three of the new parametersbecomes much simpler. From (19) followsy -K

sinh [x - (I logefli)] sinh [x - loge Yi)]P sinh2 [x - (log, fo)]

. . (19a)R2where p =

Ro(R, 2R)K> o. The neces-

sary standard curves arelog sinh xl , log :sinh xl,

and 2 log Isinh xl. There are four designparameters : p, (4 log, fly), (4 log, y/,(log, f 0) ; but the relation between them ismuch more convenient for design purposesthan (lob) : (log, fo) - (4 log, fly) = (I log, yi)

(log, f0). When the best values of p,yi, f, have been found, the corresponding

network elements areS = K p, R = Ro(S IS 4- S2),

%/I KlpC - , L27TR %/ 2,1'02 -f1 - yi 477.2c/02

It is, of course, possible to use (e2 (x .) -1)instead of sinh - .) in (19a).

(b) Design of Reactances by the . SummationMethod.The design of many types of attenuation

and phase shift equalisers can be reducedto the design of 'a purely reactive networkproducing a required reactance/frequencycurve.

According to a general reactance theorem 8the reactance X of any purely reactive net-work can be expressed in thee form{

X2 _h2)(2 _f32)

-x1 - Pf (f2 fo2)(f2 _f22)

.. (22)

The number of terms in numerator anddenominator can never differ by more thanone. p, fo2, A2, are always real andindependent; therefore


±1 I = P (f2 f 0)

has the ideal form required

CR02 LIR,2



.. (23)

by the sum -

Fig. 6.

f2 CO

mation method. If desired, f2 can bereplaced by 1/f2 or by x = log, f as variable.Example : the reactance

2 f,2X- p '/

, p > 0,fif2 /02)

can be represented either byixfi 112 /121

If2 fo21

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or by

or by= ( 3ff012 ) 6622 xx I 11 gfg t: 1 I IXf I


2Pfi. I sinh (x - loge fi) Ifo2 152(x loges,)II

Phase shift equalisers. Zobel's phase shiftequalisers are lattice networks with react-ances X in the series arms and reactances

2R,2/X in the lattice arms. Their phaseshift /3 is given by tan (0) =iX/Ro.Thus, the design of a phase shift network isequivalent to the design of a reactancenetwork.

Attenuation equalisers. For the attenua-tion equalisers shown in Fig. 6 (correspondingto Zobel's network II) and Fig. 7 it has sofar not yet been possible to find equationswhich at the same time are suitable for theapplication of the summation method andpossess no interdependent parameters.(Zobel experiences a similar difficulty). If,however, the resistance R of their shuntarms is known, the remaining unknownelements of their shtmt arms form purelyreactive networks, the design of which isalways possible by means of the summationmethod, as shown above.

For the general form of these networks(see Fig. 8)

20 log10 II +R

R jX

= 10 log10(I + Ro(R 2R)Xa)

R2 +


where d is half the width of the toleranceband and o E I.

Usually, required of curves for which oneof the networks in Figs. 6 or 7 is chosen havesuch a maximum and also a narrow toler-ance band, so that R can be found by meansof (27). Then, by means of (26), a requiredXf tolerance band can be derived from therequired of band originally given. Afterthe reactance parameters p, f02; f22,

have been determined by means of thesummation method, the network elementscan always be found. (For the networksin Figs. 6 and 7 see section 4e).

If R cannot be found in this way, it hasto be determined by trial and error. Itis necessary to estimate a number of Rvalues and to design the reactance X foreach of them. Then the best value of R,i.e. the value allowing the design of Xwithin the narrowest tolerance band, can

C ,R02 L1IR.'

f, f0 f2 CO


Fig 7.

. (24) be found. In order to simplify the trial -and -error procedure we can combine equa-

so that a.= 20 log10(I R--R-, ) (if X = o) tions (22) and (26) as follows :




(25) 1( d)`Io10-I /

X2 ---Ro(R, + 2R) = [py/32) 12

- I[

R 0(R, 2R)](f2 /02) (i j22).

.. (26 . . (28)

If the of curve is required to have amaximum ce at a frequency f, within therequired frequency range (i.e. not at itsboundaries), X has to be made o at f,, andR has to be chosen in accordance with (25),i.e. so that

Ro-R - 1-F 10 Vso .rnax f Ed)] .. (27)

R2where d = R0(R, + 2R)

p N/Ro(Ro + 2R)

The left-hand side of (28) has to be approxi-mated by its right-hand side for differentvalues of the resistance parameter d until


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the best d value has been found. The re-quired band for

X2 =.a

Ro(R0 + 2R) 105 - Ican be derived from the required band for



Fig. 8.

their resistancescribed in thistheir design.

I simply bya - Ishifting the latterband along theordinate axis (seeFig. 9).

The networks inFigs. 4 and 5, dis-cussed in the pre-ceding section, alsobelong to the typeshown in Fig. 8. If

is known, the method de -section can be applied for

(c) Application of the Summation Method toFilter Design.

Cauer's method of filter design is based onthe lattice type section with reactances4X11 and 2X21 shown in Fig. io. Thoughthe best values of design parameters can befound analytically, and the results of theanalysis have been tabulated, it may be ofinterest to show the application of thesummation method to filter design.

The requirements for an ideal filter are:pass band: zo=Ro / - = I ;



X2R0 (R0 +2R)



Fig. 9.

April, 1943

stop band : V/ 42(21 = I.


Example : A low pass filter with cut-offfrequency f1 may have the reactances:

(fc2 f2)(fax f2)(fa, _f2)Xis - Ps f ( f 2 ) (f22 -J 2) 2 -f2)

andf (fb2 f2)(A2 _ f2)(h2 fi2)

A 21 - -I- P2 (fc2_f2) (fa2 _f2) (122 f2)(f42_f 2)




41,2 f(fb2 -f2)./f12 - f2PI

(fc2 f2)(fa2 f2)


J 2 J I 4

where Pi and p2 are positive constants andfb, fa, fv f2, fa, f4 are resonant and anti -

resonant frequencies the relative position ofwhich is shown in Fig. ioa.


J2X21 J2Xz1





o f f2 f3 fa c°-- f(b)

Fig. so.

All parameters occurring are independent.Thus log ly01 and log 1x,1 can easily be repre-sented by the summation method. Therequired curves are log ly01 = log I = o inthe stop band, and log 12.01 = log i = o hithe pass band. The required tolerance banddepends on the maximum loss permitted inthe pass band, the minimum loss in the stopband, etc.

(d) Design of Networks with Two DesignParameters by Means of One SingleStandard Curve

For networks with two design parametersthe following design procedures are possible :

(1) Two standard curves are shifted alongthe x axis until their sum fits the requiredtolerance band.

(2) One single standard curve ig shiftedalong both the x axis and the y axis untilit fits the tolerance band.

(3) A straight line is drawn through thetolerance band.

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1st Example : Attenuation Equaliser Net- Though two standard curves - loglof2 areioinFi in t Z b

Finally, cc can be plotted directly accordingto (29) by applying the summation method :

cc = - logio 1f2 /31 - -logff2 QIio io.. (29a)

workg. II (correspon ng o o e snetworks ia, lb)

p f2f2a = io logQ .. (29)

where P = (R, R 2 ( R ll27rL ) 2.7T.L)

I 2

or y=f

Iom- P-Q P-Q. . (3o)

with Q R2dP -Q Ro(R, + 2R)(27742

and g=P -Q Ro(R, + 2R)

(3o) is the equation of a straight line as afunction of f 2. When d and g have beenfound, R and L 'are given by

R Ro(d d d2) ,

L = - N/gR,(R, + 2R)277

Some alternatives for (29) in which onestandard curve occurs are:

(a) d e2 [x (+ g)] x = loge f,with e2r as standard curve ; (31)

(b) log y = log g+ log 1f2 dIgl, withlog 1f21 as standard curve, as a function of f2 ;

(32)(c) log (y/f) = log (2 %/g7/)

+ log cosh (x -.logeN -), x =loge f,

(33)with log cosh x as standard curve.



necessary, this representation may be useful,if the level of the required curve, i.e. the levelof cc, is not quite definite, but it is requiredto find a compromise between level andwidth of tolerance band. Then it is veryconvenient to be able to carry out thedesign in the aft plane, i.e. a plane in whichone variable is cc itself. The level becomesa third design parameter.

L 11/C21 = R02


Fig. 12.



2nd Example : Phase Shift Network inFig. I2 (corresponding to Zobel's network 13).

tan. p = alf

where /I is the phase shift and R, (34) is the equation of a straight line throughthe origin and a, its slope. When a1 has

aiR,been found, L = .7r

3rd Example : (a) Network in Fig. 13awhich consists of two sections of the networkin Fig. 12.

(b) Network in Fig. 13b (corresponding toZobel's network 14).

aiftan =1

(L. 11' + Lii")7r .where al = =R,

Tr L11 L1Ib2 = 472L11C =2 R 2

From (35) follows


7rLiia, =


I b2Fig. y f cot ifl - - f2 = d - gx (36)

a1 a1

b.with d = - g=== x= f2 . . (36a)a,' a,'(36) is the equation of a straight line and ofthe same form as equation (3o) so thateverything said about the 1st example (thenetwork in Fig. Ir) applies to this network

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also : in particular the alternatives giventhere are also applicable here. When dand g have been found, the network elements

are given by a, =

Fig. 13b : L11 - a,R0 ,

Fig. 13a:Ro

L11% L = (al ± NA/12 - 4b2)27r

b2 = and

b2C12 =



From (36) and (37) it follows that anystraight line in the yf2 plane with positiveintercept on the y axis and negative sloperepresents a physically possible. networkof the type in Fig. 13b. An additionallimitation is imposed by (38) on straight




C 2 1" -= R 02

1/2 i_"

2L(a )


I- I I IC 2 I 22/C 12 = RO2


q2 L 1,


IF 12C12Ro <


Fig. 13.


lines which represent a physically possiblenetwork of the two -section type in Fig. 13a.In order to obtain real expressions in (38)it is necessary that

6/12 - 4b, o

From (39) and (36a) it follows thatdg 1/4 .. (40)



April, 1943

is the condition for the straight liney d - gx.

Condition (4o) can be stated graphically :only those straight lines are allowed which,

y 2Fig. 14. -Line m -

network in Fig. 13 (b);line n - networks inFigs. 13 (a) or (b) ;line p- no physical




in addition to having a negative slope anda positive y axis intercept, intersect theparabola y2 = - x (see Fig. 14), becausethe ordinate yo of the point of intersectionof y = d - gx and y2 = -x is

I dYo = Tg

4g gIThus yo is real only if -2 -d or if

4g gdg 5 1/4. This shows that the conditionfor the existence of a point of intersection(y, real) is identical with the conditionfor a physiCally possible two -section net-work. Therefore only straight lines inter-secting the parabola represent a solutionfor this network.

(e) Shaping Method.The principle of the shaping method has

been described in section 3 and in Fig. 3. Astandard curve y = f(x) representing thechosen type of network is transformed, inthe most general case, into

y, =.S gx1 Tf[W(x,- U)].S,g,T,W, and U have to be chosen so as tofit the required tolerance band. By visualinspection roughly suitable values for theseparameters can be estimated. After adjust-ing the rotatable scales accordingly, andplotting y1 as a function of x, in a rectangularco-ordinate system we can compare yi withthe required band and, if necessary, thevalues of the parameters can be altereduntil a sufficiently good approximation isobtained.

1st Example : (Network in Fig. ii). Asmentioned in section 4d, this network,though having only two parameters, offersa 3 -parameter design problem, if the lev'ao of the required of curve, is taken as 3k1parameter. From (29) follows

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SW(x -U)), x =f2

where S = - cco, U = - Q, W= Q -PThus the necessary standard curve is

y = io login (1 - 1). When S, W, U havebeen found (S = oco, as small as possible),

P and Q are given by Q=-U,P-Q W.-2nd -Example : (Network in Fig. 4). From

(io) it follows thatI

I O10 -

=S +T ;inh2(x -U); x = loge f ;

R2 =with S =Ro(Ro + 2R)

, TCRo(R0 + 2R) '

U = loge fo, fo2 = 4Trq. C The necessary

standard curve is sinh2 x. When S, T, Uhave been found, L, C, R are given by

R = Ro(S + +,52),

L4 rJ o

N/eTRo(Ro 2R),1

C =47r2-Lfo2

3rd Example : (Network in. Fig. 5). From(i8) it follows that

Y = sitom - S h2 (

Tx - U)(41)

x = loge/with

R2 -S Ro(R,,+ 2R) ' T

4CRo(R,, + 2R)'

U =loge fo, =47,2Lc

The necessary standard curve is y -sinh2 x

When S, T, U have been found,

R = Ro(S +/ + S2),

L = .s/TRo(R, + 2R),for

C =47,21102.

4th Example : (Network in Fig. 6). Thereactance of the shunt arm is


(a) R is known (see section 4b). From(42) and (26) it can be shown that, with

=v/./2[ 1 R2

Y 1lo5 - 1 Ro(R, + 2R)

Ty = S + x -U 'C C,

where x = f 2, S217CC 1%1 + 2R)'

T = s(f22 - A2), U = f 22. Therefore the

necessary standard curve is y = x. When

S, T, U have been found,

122 = U, = U -

f22C1 =

277A2s + 2R)'

C Cif12

f22 - f12

(b) R is unknown.it can be shown that

L - 41r2ICf22.

From (42) and (26)

2f2 ai =gx + w 1))

loii - IR2 T = S2,x =p, with g = + 2R) '

U1 = U, W = %/T,2 ; S, U see

case (a). Thus the necessary standard curve is1. 2y = (1 .

When g, T, W, U1 have been found,

R = R,(g + / g + b2), U = U1,

S T = 1+17 C C , L see

case (a).

5th Example : (Network in Fig. 7). Itsreactance is

X= Ci + C2277C1C2


(43)(f2 A2)(f2 -f22)

f2 - f12X 271 -CC f ( f2 122)' f12 4772L(C C f 22 477.2LC

--- - ----------------------- - -------------------------------------


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with A2 -I f 22 = 2 T41"L 1C 1 41T -i,2. 2

Li + 2fo24772L1L2(C1 +' C2)

R has to be determined either from a re-quired cc,m, or by trial and error (see section




a -o sdb

a -oldb



a +0 sdb

a +OA db


5 10 II 12 13 14 IS 14

f (kc/s)

Fig. 15.

with x -= f2, p - 2 1rCiC2%/Ro(Ro 2R)

(C1 + C2)


f12 oy =J22, 8 =.42.

(x - I3)(x -x - 8

= S T[W(x - U)W(x U)i

if S = p(28 /3 -- y),

T = pN/ [PY - 8(P + ±W -T, U =8.

Since T has to be real, the necessary standard

curve is x + -or x - - depending on whether

[fly - 8(3 y) 89 > o or G o. WhenS, T, U, W have been found, p, p, y, 8 aregiven by

p WT, 8 = U,S

P = 0 -2-p

+ -p%/1.52 + T2

8 S _ S2+ T2..2p p

Then the network elements are given by

PO = 4 -0 477-P 4777= 0 P2 = 2_


P3 277,%/R0(R0 + 2R)

P3P0(Pi - P2)2 Pl(PO P2)

P, P2L, L,

17 IS 19 20 21

4b). L1, L2, C1, C2 are determined by theshaping method as follows.

From (43) and (26) it follows that


a Ro(R 0 + 2R)two - I

(x- 13)(x -7)P x - 8



21 = c2

5. Design Example.

The design of two attenua-tion equaliser networks isdescribed in Figs. 15, 16 and

17. The required curve for both networks isshown in Fig. 15. Fig. 16 shows the designof a two parameter network of the typeshown in Fig. i I for a tolerance band witha width of ± 0.5 db, according to equation(30) (straight line method). In manycases this tolerance band width'is too large.Fig. 17 shows the design of a 3 -parameternetwork of the type shown in Fig. 5 by the


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shaping method according to equation (41)for a tolerance band width of + 0.1 db (itis possible but of little practical interest toreduce this width to + 0.07 db by using a






,,ltanl 9Rio





200 300


Fig. i6.-Design of a two -parameter network.d = o.o6, g = -16o x 1°6' =0.313,

L/R,3 = 0.016 x io7-3 HIS?.

much larger scale for the graphs in the y xplane). The curves actually produced bythe two designed networks are shown inFig. 15.

6. Practical Elimination of Trial and ErrorIf a two -parameter network is designed

by drawing a straight line through therequired or estimated tolerance band, or byshifting one single standard curve untilit fits the tolerance band, it is not necessaryto make a number of separate trials, butthe fitting can be done as one single action,under visual observation.

At least from a practical point of view,this is no longer trial and error, but incom-parably more convenient. A comparison


between the summation method and directvisual fitting can easily be made by design-ing the network in Fig. zi according toeither equation (29a), or equation (30).It .is therefore desirable to extend thismethod without trial and error to networkswith more than two parameters. This canbe done by means of some auxiliary equip-ment, and in particular the shaping methodcan be used for this purpose.

As described in detail in section 3, in, theshaping method a standard curve has to beshifted and deformed until it fits the toler-ance band. Shifting can be done withoutany apparatus and the result of shiftingcan be seen immediately. However, defor-mation, viz. stretching and shearing (seeFig. 3) has to be done in two steps : (a).adjusting of rotatable scales and - readingthe curve point co-ordinates off these scales,(b) replotting these values in a rectangularco-ordinate system. Therefore continuousvariation of the stretching and shearingparameters under continuous visual observa-tion-which is essential for practical elimina-tion of trial and error is not possible ifcarried out in the manner just described.



tsI 2 2-00



SIN h-(LOGe f -3.235)\4

LiR02 CR02


R + Ro



17 2.1 2-5

=L°Ge f kcis

Fig. 17.-Design of a three -parameter network.LIR, = 11.98 x ro-6 HID, CR, = 3.274µFS2,

RIR, = 0.809.


It would become possible if the standardcurve were physically stretched and shearedinstead of only the scales being varied.

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For this purpose various kinds of mechanical,optical, or electrical equipment can be used.Only two examples may be mentioned here.

If two shift and one stretch parametershave to be determined (see e.g. the networkin Fig. 5 and equation (41)), a standardcurve cut out of hard paper can be used.The required band is plotted on a horizontalmirror surface and the standard curveshifted. and tilted above the mirror until itsprojection under vertical observation fitsthe tolerance band.

Stretching and shifting in two directionscan easily be carried out on the screen of acathode-ray oscillograph. For this purposethe standard curve has to be produced asthe trace of a cathode ray beam by meansof deviation potentials varying in accordancewith the respective standard curve. Thenstretching can be carried out by increasingthe amplification of the variable deviationpotentials, and shifting by adding constantpotentials. The cathode ray trace on thescreen has to be shifted and stretched untilit fits the tolerance band.

In this way- it has been found possibleto determine up to four design parametersin one single visual fitting operation withouttrial and error.

ConclusionAfter a general discussion of equaliser

design problems a semi -graphical designmethod is developed which either proceedswithout trial and error or uses only a par-ticularly simple form of it.

The attenuation/frequency or phase -shift/frequency curves of a great number' ofcorrecting four -terminal networks can betransformed in such a manner that they canbe represented as the sum of a number ofshiftable standard curves or as one singleshiftable and deformable (stretchable andshearable) standard curve ; the positionand deformation of the curves correspondto the values of the network elements.Thus, if the tolerance band of a requiredattenuation/frequency curve is transformedin this manner, the trial and error necessaryto find the best element values for a chosentype of network consists only in determin-ing the best position and/or deformation ofsome standard curves and is very simple.If only two design parameters have to bedetermined, trial and error seems to disappear

completely ; the best position of one singlestandard curve determines both parametersand can be found by direct visual curvefitting. This visual fitting procedure canbe extended to more than two parametersby using some auxiliary mechanical, optical,or electrical equipment.

I wish to thank the Telephone Manu-facturing Company, in whose laboratoriesthis investigation has been carried out, forthe permission to publish it.

APPENDIXExample of an Analytical Solution of the Approxi-

mation problem.For the two -parameter network in Fig. 11 thep

attenuation in nepers is A = log,Q p (see

equation (29)). Let the required curve be A = ig(f)between f = f2, and f = f2, and let us assume,that g(f) is of such a shape that maximum deviationsoccur at 3 Irequencies only : somewhere in theinterior of the range f1 . . f2, say at f, and at theboundaries A and f2 (this is true, e.g., if g(f) is astraight line, see Fig. 15). Then the best approxi-mation is defined by the following two equationsfor the deviation

p f 2(f) log, Q j2 ig(f):

(h) = a(.1.2)A (h) = 4 (A)

where f0 is defined by(d(ZI(f) ))

df f =These are three equations for three unknownmagnitudes, P, Q, and f0. From equation (44a)we obtain

[log, fl2 g(fid- [log,Q f22


Q +or (P f12) (Q f22) e fe (A) - g(f2)] = m

(P .f22) (Q f12)

or P - Qa - bcQ

a = MI 22f12

'b = A2.1.22,-M

c - Mf12 f22 M - e WO- g(h)-MFrom equatiOn (45) we obtain

[log, P f2df Q f2

g(f)] =f=fo

Or 2/0(P Q) f(P f02)- °

Substituting (46) in (47) we obtain- Q2 Q(a c) -b

(Q fo2)[Q(a fo2) (b cfo2)]

where G = g'(-4)2.fo






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This is a quadratic equation for Q in terms of accurate thana, b, c, fo, and G, the solution of which is method.


that obtained by the straight line

Q -(a c) - G[ - b +fo2(a - c) f04]

I G(a +fo2)Ea+c -G - c) .10412 Gf102 -(ccif+02) -02)b

From equation (44b) we obtain(P f 12) (P f 02)(Q A2) (Q fo.) 8-[g tfo+ g (fo]

or; using equation (46)[Q(a f12) - (b CR)] [Q(a (92) - (b cf o2)] - tg (1,) g (.4))

(Q - c)2 (Q +f12) (Q + f oi)

Equation (48) allows Q to be plotted as a functionof f0. Using this graph, the left-hand side ofequation (5o) can be plotted as a function of h.The value of h for which this graph is equal to r isthe required value. Then equation (48) gives thecorresponding Q value and equation (46) the corre-sponding P value. Instead of a purely graphicalprocedure any of the well-known numerical methodsfor the solution of equations can be used.

Though we may assume that the solution of theseequations can be simplified by previous knowledgeof the approximate values _To, P, and Q, obtainedby the "straight line method," described in section4d, the amount of work necessary is considerable-when compared with the above method - andscarcely worth while as the result is not more



References1 0. J. Zobel, " Distortion Correction in Electrical Circuits with

Constant Resistance Recurrent Networks," Bell S. Tech. Journ.,1928, p. 438.

C. M. Gewertz, " Network Synthesis," Bailliere Tyndall and Cox.M. Wald, " Ganging Superheterodyne Receivers," Wireless

Engineer, March, 1940, p. 10.See, e.g., E. A. Guillemin, " Communication Networks," Vol.

II, Ch. X.F. Pyrah, " Constant Impedance Equalisers : Simplified

Method of Design and Standardisation," P.O. Elec. Eng. Journ.,Oct. 1939, p. 204.

D. G, Tucker, " Constant Impedance Networks for LineEqualisation," P.O. Elen. Eng. Journ., Jan., 1937, p. 302.

D. N. Truscott, " Logarithmic Charts and Circuit Performance,"Electronic Engineering, May, 1942, p. 745,

See, e.g., A. T. Starr, " Electric Circuits and Wave Filters,"1st ed., p. 164.

CorrespondenceLetters of technical interest are always welcome. In publishing such communications theEditors do not necessarily endorse any technical or general statements which they may contain.

" Optimum Conditions in Class A Amplifiers "To the Editor, " Wireless Engineer "

SIR,-Professor Howe's Editorial (Wireless Engi-neer, February 1943, p. 53) on Nottingham's papershould prove useful in removing the confusion sooften found in the minds of radio engineers overthe optimum load for Class A amplification. Sometime ago I examined Nottingham's paper (Proc.I.R.E. December 1941, p. 62o) with a view toincorporating its results in lectures to students,and one or two points arose, which may be ofinterest to those similarly engaged.

Howe's formula A (Nottingham's 8) can berearranged as follows :

R - V - r0(2.4 - - e. (ra)/0 - /,i

- V00( 1,, \ r(, /,00,-/0 - /, - Imin

E /min

Let RD0 = ° , the D.C. resistance of the valve

6and r, =,

thenR = RD° - 2r. + 'min(ID0 - zo - rtnin)

. . . . (Ib)Imin= RD0 - 2r. + ru)- i,i

when c is zero.Expression rc is applicable to the case of a

pentode or tetrode valve, and a good approximationto the maker's optimum. load is obtained by takingro as the slope resistance of the tetrode characteristiccurve for Eo = o at low anode voltages, i.e., beforethe knee of the, curve is reached. RD0 is the D.C.resistance of the valve obtained from the recom-mended D.C. operating conditions and Lain canusually be taken as ro per cent. of I,,.

Nottingham's method of finding the optimumconditions for the third case of fixed anode dissipa-tion and variable D.C. anode voltage proved undulycomplicated for teaching purposes and the followinganalysis was found more suitable.

A.C. power output,Po = i(V 00 - r0(210 -I ,in) - c)(1 -

for maximum powerdP0

(3 - 4 1.0)ra -dV-711: ° dIooo 1".

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Note that V0010 = constant - Po.dVoo Po.dIo Io2


oP107 Irvin = - 3i ,,,e,)rc, E (2)

which is identical to Nottingham's equation 17.PamNow = Rpc, and by substitution, expres-

siono2 becomes4/. A_RDO - [-- .33 -t /mini, (3)

Replacing Rim in ib by 3

R = (4o 5)re rmin


3)Y,4 Yvan ra rI a I min

4Io[I min lir a ± r min

This form for the optimum load is preferable toNottingham's expression 16, since it clearly showsthe dependence on /,i and c(rmi).

A point to be stressed is that this third conditionof maximum power output found by Nottinghamrequires a much larger input grid voltage. In theexample quoted by him a grid peak input voltageof 104.5 is required for R = 2ra compared with334 volts for R = 24.4 ro, the optimum value, i.e.,an increase of 3.2 to f compared with a poweroutput increase of 1.77 to 1. Thus increasedoutput efficiency can only be obtained at the costof a very much increased grid voltage input.



To the Editor, " Wireless Engineer "SIR,-Your Editorial of February, 1943, seems

to be a demonstration that the power efficiency ofa triode is not related to the conditions for maxi-mum output for a given valve and battery voltage.The results are interpreted for ratios of R to rowhich only hold for the specific example. Itwould seem, therefore, that a method of approachnot involving direct consideration of this ratio isto be preferred, since it could be applied to anyform of generator having limiting conditions orcharacteristics (for example, a pentode valve,where it would be pointless to argue in terms ofthe ratio of the load resistance to the internalimpedance).

The method I propose, .is to relate the per-formance to the magnitude of the negative anodeswing with respect to the positive supply busbar.If the anode battery voltage be B, then let thisnegative swing be p . B, where p obviously variesbetween o and 1. Then for equal positive andnegative inputs and with choke or transformercoupling of the load resistance R, the total anodeswing is 2p . B, if the amplifier is linear. Let themaximum anode current be I., the minimumq . I. (where q is a small fraction), and the anodeD.C. dissipation D ; then

B q) 2p B2 /,(I - q) '

April, '1943

A.C. watts = wo =(1.p B)2

8Rfor sinusoidal operation.

Therefore the sinusoidal power efficiencyA.G. watts p (i - q)

D.C. watts 2 (1 q)

Also if, for the sake of example, I,,, be limitedonly by the boundary curve I = (i.e., the ideal -


ised zero grid volts, anode characteristic for atriode), then we can obtain the following twoalternative forms for B,

2D . YaB2 -(1 p)(i g)

. . (a), or

B2 4 w. Y. (b)- p(i - p)(i - g)Thus from (1) we see that any valve under any

conditions, gives greater power efficiency as p isincreased towards its limiting value of unity, pro-vided q is small or constant, which proves thecontention of your Editorial without specific refer-ence to R or r,, the valve type or the limiting con-ditions of operation.

From (2a) we can find p maximum for a givenD, ro, B and q for a triode, and we note that thereis an irreducible minimum to B, when p is o, of2D . ro. If this value of B be called Bo, then a

+ q)

curveB-= A/-(I

p)could be plotted for all

Bosuch triode valves, and by calculating Bo, andtaking the ratio of the given maximum B, it couldbe ascertained whether the general run of valvesgave p maximum values around o.8 (for the casewhen the maximum D.C. dissipation and themaximum supply voltage .are used). If so, thenthere is not much likelihood of any future im-provement in the power efficiencies of these valves(for from (1) the maximum sinusoidal efficiency is5o per cent. when p is unity), and a value of p = e.8can be generally used, with a corresponding powerefficiency.

From (2b) we see that the maximum power out-put, for a given B, r,,, and q is always obtainedfor a triode when p = 0.5 (assuming linear char-acteristics, and a zero grid volts boundary).

The same methods can be applied to a pentodeor tetrode, when I. is limited by a constant -current boundary for p values up to about o.8 ofthe screen voltage (i.e. up to the " knee " value).

The method can be expanded easily to cover themore general and practical cases where a power -law valve characteristic is assumed for the boundarycurve of I,,,, and it is hoped to publish this treatmentshortly.

Use of the above method avoids possible con-fusion between the differential impedance of thevalve, and the conditions determining a maximumof output. For the differential impedance may bemodified at will by appropriate types of feedback,but the boundary conditions which determine themaximum output remain a property of the valve:

Harrow Weald, B. M. HADFIELD.Middlesex.



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Simple Quartz -crystal Filters of VariableBandwidth*

By Geoffrey Builder, Ph.D., and J. E. Benson, B.Sc., B.E.

ABSTRACT. - To obtain, in general purpose communication receivers, a variation inthe effective received bandwidth from a few hundred cycles to several kilocycles, it is nowcommon to use a single quartz crystal in the bridge -balanced circuit described by Robinsont(1931). This paper discusses the calculation of the maximum attainable bandwidth andmethods of variation of the effective bandwidth in terms of conventional filter theory. It isshown that Robinson's circuit in its balanced condition is indistinguishable from a confluentband-pass filter, but that the latter is not directly realisable physically using a quartz crystal.On the other hand, simple m -derived sections are so realisable and these, together with thebridged -T section described by Mason, provide useful alternative detailed designs.

1. IntroductionGENERAL-PURPOSE communication

receivers are now usually designed toprovide a variation of selectivity from

a bandwidth (measured at 6 db. down) of afew hundred cycles, for the reception ofC.W. telegraphy under adverse conditions,to one of several kilocycles, for the receptionof telephony. Simple quartz -crystal filtercircuits operating at the intermediate fre-quency are suitable for this purpose and arenow widefy used. The designer is generallylimited to the use of filter -circuit com-ponents of a quality and type common inmass-produced receivers, and the quartz -crystal resonator must be suitably designedto provide the required performance withthese components.

The filter circuits in general use all seemto have been developed from the selectoror "crystal gate " described by J. Robinsont(1931) for the highly -selective tone -correctedtype of receiver exemplified by the StenodeRadiostat. Robinson's arrangement is char-acterised by the use of a bridge circuit, bywhich the effective parallel capacitance ofthe crystal resonator is balanced out, toobtain a symmetrical and highly selectiveresonance curve. A bridged -T single -crystalfilter described by Mason (1934) does not

* Reprinted from A.W.A. Technical Review,1941, Vol. 5, No. 3, p. 93.

f Since this was written we have discovered thatthe bridge -balanced circuit ascribed to Robinsonwas invented by W. A. Marrison of the Bell Tele-phone Laboratories. Patent 1,994,658, filed June7th, 1927, granted March 19th, 1935.

seem to have been used in communicationreceivers, although the arrangement is simpleand economical in components. Nor doesthere appear to have been any use of con-ventional ladder -type filter structures forthe purpose. Nevertheless, m -derived andbridged -T circuits offer some interestingalternatives to Robinson's arrangement, andthey have some characteristics that may beadvantageous to the designer. We have,therefore, in the following pages, sum-marised briefly the salient characteristics 9fthese circuits and have discussed theirpractical application in communication re-ceivers.

2. CircuitsThe circuit of Fig. I (a) represents, with

adequate accuracy for the present discussion,the electrical characteristics of a quartz -crystal resonator mounted between elec-trodes with a very small or zero air gap ;such a mounting is necessary to obtainsuitable resonator characteristics. The cir-cuit comprises a series combination LIC,in parallel with a capacitance Co ; the con-stants L1C, are determined primarily by thedesign and grinding of the crystal elementitself, but Co is made up of the effectiveparallel capacitance due to the crystal itselftogether with stray capacitances between theelectrodes and their electrical connections,and is therefore dependent on the methodof mounting the crystal and of connectingit in any specific arrangement. Neglectingdissipation, the frequency -reactance curveof the circuit takes the form shown in Fig.

(b), in which the angular resonance fre-D

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quency (.0r and anti -resonance frequencyWa are given by :-

co, = (LiC,)-} ; 2(wa - C1/Co (1)

If an inductance L, in parallel with a capacit-ance C, is connected across the crystal, theequivalent circuit is that shown in Fig.

(c) and, again neglecting dissipation, hasthe reactance -frequency characteristic of

L C1

7157-1 .-°II


L, C,

+ CO




(e), Fig. I.-(a) Equivalent electrical circuit of

quartz - crystal resonator. (b) Reactance -frequency curve for (a), neglecting dissipation.(c) Equivalent circuit of crystal with induct-ance L and capacitance C connected across it.(d) Reactance -frequency curve for (c), neglect-ing dissipation. (e) Circuit equivalent to (c).

Fig. i (d). If L(C Co) = L19,, theangular frequencies Wr at resonance, andWal; Wa2 at anti -resonance, are given by :-

' co, = (LiCi)-k ; waicoa2 = air2 ;{(Wa2 (1ctiVwd2 =C1/(C+ Co)

.. (2)

The equivalent electrical constants L1,C1, Co may be determined by measuring4.0,, Wa and using equations (i), or by measur-ing Wr; Wal; Wa2 and using equations (2)(Builder, 1940).

The configuration of Fig. 1 (c) is equivalentto that of two parallel tuned circuits LaCa,LbCb connected in series as in Fig. I (e), theconstants being related by :-

L La + Lb;

Wal = (LaCa)_I ; Wa2 = (LbCb)-1'(3)

(CO C) =CaCb


April, 1943

The bridge circuit of Robinson may takethe form shown in Fig. 2 (a). The input isapplied to the primary of a transformer ofwhich the secondary is tuned to the mid -frequency of the pass -band. The two endsof the secondary are connected, one throughthe crystal, and the other through a balancingcondenser CB, to one output terminal (D).The other output terminal (B), usuallyearthed, is a tap on the tuned secondary ofthe input transformer. The balancing con-denser CB may be adjusted so that currentthrough it to the load circuit balances outthat through the effective parallel capacit-ance Co of the crystal. If, as is usual, thetap is at the mid -point of the transformersecondary, this requires CB = Co. Whenthis balance is effected, the electrical char-acteristics are indistinguishable from thoseof the circuit of Fig. 2 (b) (Colebrooke 1932),provided that L1 and C1 are the equivalentconstants of the crystal resonator and that

0 --IN C.

0-,IN g0






Fig. 2.-(a) An arrangement of Robinson'sbridge -balanced selector circuit. (b) Confluenthalf -section equivalent to (a). (c) Realisablem -derived half -section. (d) Realisable m -derived half -section that may be regarded asan arrangement in which the effective parallelcapacitance Co of the crystal is neutralised

by an inductance L..

the parallel arm, L 2C2, has the same im-pedance as the tuned secondary of the inputtransformer of Fig. 2 (a), measured betweenthe terminals AB. The circuit of Fig. 2 (b)may be treated as a half -section of a con-fluent band-pass, ladder filter after themanner of Zobel (1923, 1931), and character-

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istics so calculated may be applied to thecircuit of Fig. 2 (a) in the balanced condition.

Although the confluent half -section is notdirectly realisable physically, using a quartzcrystal in the series arm, the correspondingm -derived half -section (Zobel, ibid, orEveritt, 1937) shown in Fig. 2 (c) is so realis-able, the series arm consisting, as in theconfiguration of Fig. 1 (c), of a crystal inparallel with a capacitance C and inductanceL. The m -derived section is characterisedby two rejector frequencies (i.e. frequenciesof infinite attenuation in the dissipationlesscase) which can be located conveniently withrespect to the pass -band by appropriatechoice of constants. If L(C Co) = L1C1,the rejector frequencies are given by cuct1and wag of equation (2) and are disposed withgeometric symmetry about the centre of thepass -band. The spacing between them isdetermined by the ratio CI/(C + Co), asshown in equation (2), and is a maximumwhen C = o, i.e. when the inductance Lbecomes equal to Lo, where LoCo = L1C1.When C is very small, or zero, the rejectorfrequencies are well removed from the pass -band, in the vicinity'of which the response isclosely similar to that of the confluentsection of Fig. 2 (b). When C is zero, them -derived section has the form shown inFig. 2 (d) and the inductance Lo may beregarded as neutralising the capacitance Co,in the same way (Doherty, 1939) that in-ductance neutralisation of valve inter -electrode capacitances is now commonlyeffected in high -frequency power amplifiers.

More generally, the m -derived sectioncan be used to advantage to produce highattenuation close to, and on both sides of,the pass -band by suitable choice of therejector frequencies. In this it has an advan-tage over the bridge circuit used in itsbalanced condition, and it also offers analternative constructional arrangement. Afull m -derived 7r -section may also be usedto advantage in some designs and mayreadily be converted to Mason's bridged -Tsingle -crystal section, but the latter is moreeconomical in components » (vide Builder,1938).

3. Design ConsiderationsIn many communication receivers the

crystal selector circuit is arranged to givefacilities summarised as follows :-


(a) A maximum received bandwidth (at6 db. down) equal to or slightly less thanthat of the receiver with the crystal circuitswitched out ; this maximum width isusually about 6 kc/s.

(b) Variation of the bandwidth, by meansof a control immediately accessible to theoperator, from the maximum to a minimumof a few hundred cycles.

(c) Tuning, by means of a control imme-diately accessible to the operator, of theposition. with respect to the pass -band of atleast one rejector frequency, to obtainmaximum discrimination against any inter-fering signal.

Any of the circuits described above maybe used effectively to obtain these facilitiesand the design considerations are much thesame for all of them. In each case themaximum bandwidth may be calculatedmost readily by conventional filter formulaeusing the equivalent forms indicated in thelast section.

Maximum Bandwidth.-For the confluenthalf -section of Fig. 2 (b), the design formulaemay, for a narrow -band filter, be written inthe simple approximate form

C2 1/(R.Z10.)), LiC, = L2C2 = 1/(0,2C1 ="G.v/(R.(.0,2), C1/C2 = (zho/w,.)2

(4)where co, is the mid -frequency of the pass -band, .1.0 is the separation between cut-offfrequencies and R is the surge impedance ofthe filter.

The fractional width (da)/(0,.) of the pass -band is proportional to the square root of theratio C/Ca, so that a wide pass -band re-quires C, to be as large, and C2 as small, asother design factors permit. By way of ex-ample, the width of the pass -band is approxi-mately ro kc/s at a, mid -frequency of 455kc/s when C, = 0.05 f.tp.F and C2 = 100tli.LF. The bandwidth (at 6 db. down)obtained in practice will differ somewhatfrom the nominal width of the pass -band ;but practical experience soon shows whatallowance must be made on this account,or the actual response curve may be calcu-lated in the usual way, taking into accountdissipation and reflection losses.

Dissipation losses may usually be neg-lected, because losses in the series arm L,C,are negligible owing to the low decrementof the crystal resonator, and because losses

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in the parallel arm L2C2 may be utilised aspart of the load terminating the filter as longas they do not exceed the required load. Inpractice, reflection losses in the region of acut-off frequency chiefly determine the shapeof the response curve in this region. To main-tain a flat-topped response, the filter mustgenerally be terminated, at mid -shunt, bya resistance higher than the surge impedanceR, and, in mid -series, by a resistance lowerthan R, the insertion loss being increased inboth cases by mismatch at the centre of thepass -band. To utilise the loss in the parallelarm L2C2 as the mid -shunt termination, themagnification factor Q2 of the circuit must behigh enough to make Q2a),L2 equal to, orgreater than, the terminating resistancechosen, e.g., in a practical case Q2(.0,12 > 2Rwas required by the choice of a terminat-ing resistance equal to twice the surge re-sistance.

To obtain a wide band, the effective seriescapacitance C1 of the crystal must be madegreat enough to satisfy equations (4), oncethe value of C2 has been fixed. The choiceof C2 depends to some extent on details ofdesign, but any value much less than iooH.& is likely to introduce production diffi-culties, while a value approaching 200 pi.LFis desirable to avoid unwanted effects dueto minor changes in .capacitance, if the filteris connected directly in a valve amplifierwithout impedance transformation. In anycase, the crystal series capacitance C1 mustbe approximately 0.05 NAT' at 455 kc/s toobtain bandwidths of 5 to ro kc/s. Such ahigh value of C1 requires some care in thedesign and mounting of the crystal resonator.The crystal itself having been designed togive the maximum value of C1 consistentwith manufacturing limitations, it must bemounted between electrodes with a verysmall air gap and, if extreme bandwidth isrequired, the electrodes should be sputtereddirectly on to the appropriate faces of thecrystal. In practice the sputtered electrodespermit an increase, by a factor of about two,in the effective value of C1.

Variation of Bandwidth.-Proper varia-tion of the received bandwidth, by variationof the filter cut-off frequencies, would re-quire extensive changes in the value of thefilter constants and, in practice, the usualfilter design conditions could not be realisedfor very narrow bands owing to dissipation

April, 1943

in the parallel arm L2C2. An effectivevariation of width can, however, be attainedreadily by

(a) Drastic mismatching, obtained bylowering the resistance terminating thefilter at mid -shunt, or

(b) Detuning the parallel arm L2C2,which may be regarded as loading the filterat mid -shunt with a reactance.

In either case, when the mismatchingprocess is taken to the extreme to obtain abandwidth of a few hundred cycles, it issimplest to regard the detuned or loadedparallel arm as a relatively low impedancein series with the crystal. In either case aconsiderable variation of gain, comparedwith that at full bandwidth, occurs ; withresistive mismatching there is a considerableloss, while detuning of the parallel arm givesan appreciable gain, at a frequency slightlydifferent from tor, due to resonance of L IC,and the detuned circuit L2C2, all connectedin series. The minimum bandwidth attain-able is calculable immediately from a con-sideration of the overall decrement, at thefrequency of maximum response, of thecircuit comprising L1C1 connected in serieswith the parallel combination L2C2 andwith the input circuit of the half -section.Where a full IT -section is used both parallelarms must be detuned or loaded resistively.

Tuning of Rejector Frequencies.-In anyof the arrangements of Fig. 2, the resonancefrequency cur of the series arm is determinedby the crystal itself ; but the anti -resonancefrequency, or frequencies, may be variedby variation of the effective capacitanceacross the crystal. In the bridge circuit ofFig. 2(a), variation of the balancing capacit-ance CB may be utilised for this purpose,and the rejector frequency is above or belowthe resonance frequency according as CB isless than, or greater than, the value requiredfor balance. In the m -derived sections, thevalue of capacitance across the crystal maybe variea directly and the two rejector fre-quencies move in the same direction, butthe frequency -difference between them in-creases. In, aby case, a wide variation ofthe rejector frequencies is obtained and,in practice, this variation is, to a considerableextent, independent of the terminating con-ditions determining the effective bandwidth,so that it is useful in the rejection of inter-fering signals.

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4. Experimental ResultsThe aims of the experimental investiga-

tion were to confirm the validity of thecalculations of maximum bandwidth usingequations (4), to confirm the substantialsimilarity in performance of the bridge andm -derived sections, to confirm the variationin gain due to the effective variation ofbandwidth by mismatching, and to comparethe minimum effective bandwidth attainablewith respect to the value calculated alongthe lines indicated in the last section.


0 -Fig. 3.-Arrangement of m -derived filter.

The crystals used were all X -cut bars ofa type produced commercially and wereapproximately 20 mils thick, one -quarterof an inch wide and five -eighths of aninch long. They were entirely free fromsubsidiary resonances over a range exceedingplus and minus 3o kc/s from the mainresonance at 465 kc/s. As produced com-mercially, these crystals are mounted betweenflat electrodes and an air gap not greaterthan r .o mil and have an effective seriescapacitance of approximately 0.017 pia'and an effective series resistance not greaterthan 2,000 ohms. For the purpose of thisinvestigation a number Of these crystalswere mounted using gold electrodes sputtereddirectly on to the major faces, and for eachof these crystals the effective series capacit-ance C1 was approximately 0.035 pia', whilethe series resistance was always considerablyless than 2,000 ohms.

The measurements made are exemplifiedby the curves of Figs. 4 and 5 for an m -

derived filter, arranged as shown in Fig. 3.The input circuit comprised a transformer,tuned to the mid -frequency wr, of impedanceZ, and the constants of the crystal usedwere :-

C1 = 0.035 pg.C2 = 180 poF


Co+ C = 40 ligco,./27r = 465 kc/sL1C, = L2C2 = L(C .+ Co) = /w,.2

giving the nominal bandwidth zlw, surgeimpedance R, and rejector frequencies coaland wag as follows :-

Z1a)/2.77 = 6.5 kc/s,R = 136,000 ohms,(wag wa1)/21T = 13.8 kc/s.

With an effective load of 200,000 ohms acrossthe output circuit, consisting of the loss incoil L2, the response of the circuit was thatshown in curve A of Fig. 4. It is to be notedthat the- response in the pass -band is sub-stantially flat over a considerable range dueto the mismatch termination of 200,000ohms, and that the rejector frequencies andthe bandwidth are in good agreement withthe calculated values.

Curves B, D of Fig. 4 illustrate variationof effective bandwidth, without change ofnominal bandwidth, and without loss ofsymmetry of response, when the outputcircuit L2C2 was modified by connecting inseries in the inductive arm resistances ofzoo, r,000 and ro,000 ohms respectively.This method of varying the effective band -





25 ...../.7-






et.12 -8 -4 o 8


Fig. 4.-Characteristics of the circuit of Fig. 3,showing variation in effective bandwidth by



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width (Oram, 1938) has been used to avoidexcessive variation in the transmission lossat the centre of the pass -band ; in the presentcase the loss at mid -band for the conditionsof curves B, C, D compared with that ofcurve A were approximately 1, 3, and 5 db.respectively.

The curves D, E, and F of Fig. 5 illus-trate the tuning of the rejector fre-quencies by variation of the capacitance C




., 35

t?., 300

z 250

2 20







1 i1 I1


I '....





\ 1

\ 1



-8 -4 0 4


Fig. 5.-Characteristics of the circuit of Fig. 3,showing tuning of the rejector frequencies for

the bandwidth condition D of Fig. 4.


across the crystal. Curve D is identical withcurve D of Fig. 4 ; curve E was obtainedby reducing the value of C from its nominalto its minimum value, both rejector fre-quencies moving upwards with the lowerapproaching mid -band frequency; curve Fshows the effect of an increase in the valueof C. Corresponding curves for the bridge -balanced circuit are well known.

These, and other measurements along thesame lines, have confirmed the followingconclusions :-

(I) The maximum bandwidth attainablewith a given crystal and for given circuitcomponents is substantially the same forRobinson's bridge circuit, for an m -derivedfilter, and for Mason's bridged -T filter.

April, 1943

(2) This maximum bandwidth may becalculated in any case by the usual filterformulae for confluent or m -derived sections.

(3) The m -derived and bridged -T filtersare characterised by having two rejectorfrequencies, which may be disposed sym-metrically about the pass -band and may bespaced in accordance with design require-ments by appropriate choice of circuitconstants.

(4) The characteristics of Robinson'sbridge circuit in the balanced condition areindistinguishable from those of a confluentfilter section, characterised by absence ofrejector frequencies.

(5) The effective bandwidth may be re-duced, without change in the nominal band-width and without loss of symmetry of theresponse curve, by mismatching the filterby (a) resistive mismatch by resistive loadingof the parallel arm, (b) reactive mismatchby detuning the parallel arm, or (c) by aneffective combination of these attained byadding large values of resistance in serieswith one or other of the elements of theparallel arm. The gain decreases rapidlywith decrease of effective bandwidth for(a), increases rapidly for (b), and decreasessomewhat for (c).

(6) The minimum effective bandwidthattainable depends on the effective seriesresistance of the crystal resonator and thetotal dissipation resistance in the circuit inseries with the crystal. To obtain verynarrow bandwidth the filter circuit must befed from a source Z of low effective seriesresistance and the output circuit must bereduced to a similar circuit. The minimumeffective bandwidth attainable is substan-tially the same for the various circuit ar-rangements discussed.

(7) The rejector frequencies in the m -derived and bridged -T filters may be tunedat will by varying the capacitance across thecrystal. In Robinson's bridge circuit arejector frequency is obtained by capacitiveunbalance of the bridge, i.e. by variationof C of Fig. 2 (a), or by varying the capacit-ance across the crystal, and may be tunedto any desired point above or below thepass -band.

(8) When a full m -derived section or abridged -T section is used, mismatching atboth ends of the section is necessary to obtain

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any considerable change in effective band-width.

It is therefore to be concluded that Robin -son's bridge circuit, the m -derived section,and the bridged -T section are substantiallysimilar in general performance ; but thatthe choice of one or other of them gives somelatitude in detailed design.

References1923. Zobel, 0. J. Bell S. Tech. Journ., Vol. 2, p. 1.1931. Zobel, 0. J. Bell S. Tech. Journ.,Vol. 10, p. 284.1931. Robinson, J. Radio News, Vol. 12, p. 682.1932. Colebrook, F. M. " British Radio Research Board Special

Report No. 12," H.M. Stationery Office, London.1934. Mason, W. P. Bell S. Tech. Journ., Vol. 13, p. 405.1937. Everitt, W. L. " Communication Engineering," p. 194,

McGraw Hill : New York.1938. Builder, G. A.W.A. Tech. Rev., Vol. 3, p. 83.1938. Or -am, D. K. QST, Vol. 22, No. 12, p. 33.1939. Doherty, W. H. Pick -Ups, December, 1939, p. 3.1940. Builder, G. A.W.A. Tech. Rev., Vol. 5, p. 41.

In a subsequent issue of the " A.W.A. TechnicalReview " (Vol. 5, No. 5, 1941) the following note onthe history of piezo-electric crystal filters by J. E.Benson was published.

In a recent paper (Builder and Benson 1941)dealing with some aspects of band-pass crystalfilters, the authors ascribed the development ofthe balanced, single -frequency or " gate " filterto J. Robinson, in whose name a description ofthe Stenode Radiostat, employing this device,was published (Robinson 1931). Since writing thispaper the work of earlier investigators has beenbrought to our notice. In order to clarify thesituation, it is proposed in this note to outlinebriefly the historical development of the crystalfilter as far as we have been able to trace it.

The earliest application of piezo-electric crystalsto frequency -selective circuits seems to have beenachieved by W. G. Cady (1920), whose patentdescribes the behaviour of piezo-electric elementsin the neighbourhood of resonance and theirconsequent use in the selection and measurementof high frequencies. It appears that the earliestdisclosure of the quartz -crystal hand -pass filter,having recurrent sections, was due to L. Espenschiedwhose patent was filed Jan. 3rd, 1927. This wasfollowed by W. A. Marrison's patent (filed June7th, 1927) for a balanced crystal -gate filter designedfor sharp response at a single frequency. In thesame year (July 7th, 1927) C. W. Hansell filed apatent for a similar bridge -balanced system, inwhich the parallel capacitance of the crystal wasbalanced out by an equal capacitance suppliedfrom the input circuit in opposite phase to thecrystal. Single -frequency rejection filters of theT -section type having a piezo-electric element inthe shunt arm were described at about the sametime by I. F. Byrnes (1927).

Although Robinson had previously filed severalpatents (1926, 1928) dealing with the applicationof piezo-electric resonators in high -frequencyelectric signalling, it was not until July 26th, 1929,that he filed his patent (No. 337,049) for a balancedcrystal -filter circuit of the type exemplified in his


Stenode Radiostat. As far as the essential prin-ciples of the crystal balance circuit are concerned,Robinson's scheme appears to have been essentiallysimilar to those previously described by Marrisonand Hansell in 1927.

AcknowledgmentThe author desires to thank L. Espenschied, of

the Bell Telephone Laboratories, for some valuablecomments on the early history of quartz -crystalfilters.

References1920. Cady, W. G., U.S. Patent, 1,450,246 filed Jan. 28th, 1920;

granted April 3rd, 1923.1926. Robinson, J., British Patent, 285,108 filed Oct. 11th, 1926 ;

granted Feb. 13th, 1928.1927. Espenschied, L., U.S. Patent, 1,795,204 filed Jan. 3rd, 1927 ;

granted March 3rd, 1931.1927. Marrison, W. A., U.S. Patent, 1,994,658 filed June 7th,

1927 ; granted March 19th, 1935.1927. Hansell, C. W., British Patent, 293,446 filed (U:S.A.) July

7th, 1927.1927. Byrnes, I. F., British Patent, 294,177, filed (U.S.A.) July

19th, 1927.1928. Robinson, J., British Patent, 325,232 filed Aug. 10th, 1928 ;

granted Feb. 10th, 1930.1929. Robinson, J., British Patent, 337,049 filed July 26th, 1929;

granted Oct. 27th, 1930.1929. Robinson, J., British Patent, 337,050 filed July 26th, 1929 ;

granted Oct. 27th, 1930.1931. Robinson, J., Radio News, Vol. 12, p. 682.1941. Builder, G. and Benson, J. E., A.W.A. Tech. Rev., Vol. 5,

p. 93.

Code for the Use of ValvesWITH a view to giving guidance to the designers

of electronic equipment as to how to obtain theoptimum life and performance from valves, someinformation on their use has been collated by theBritish Radio Valve, Manufacturers' Association,and issued by the British Standards Institution as aWar Emergency British Standard Code of Practice.Sections of the Code, which is published as B.S.1106/1943, deal with valve dimensions, ratings,heater voltage regulation, mounting, heater/cathode insulation, etc. The charge for this four -page leaflet, copies of which may be obtained fromthe British Standards Institution, 28 VictoriaStreet, London, S.W.r, is Is. post free.

Institute of PhysicsAT the meeting of the Electronics Group of the

Institute of Physics on Tuesday, April 6th, Dr. J. H.Fremlin, of Standard Telephones & Cables, willdeliver a paper on " Physics and the StaticCharacteristics of Hard Vacuum Valves." Themeeting will be held at 6 o'clock in the LectureTheatre of the Royal Institution, Albemarle Street,London, W.I.

GOODS FOR EXPORTThe fact that goods made of raw ma-terials in short supply owing to warconditions are advertised in this journalshould not be taken as an indicationthat they are necessarily available for


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Wireless PatentsA Summary of Recently Accepted Specifications

[ The following abstracts are prepared, with the permission of the Controller of H.M. Stationery Office, fromSpecifications obtainable at the Patent Office, 25, Southampton Buildings, London, W .C.2, price 1- each


548 842. -Cascade filter arrangement for supplyingpower to a chain of amplifiers and for preventingundesirable inter -coupling.

The British Thomson -Houston Co. Conventiondate (U.S.A.), 12th July, 1940.


549 267. -Construction of tuning or like controlknobs comprising two concentric knobs for givingcoarse and fine adjustments.

Marconi's W. T. Co. ; G. Payne ; and H. H.Lightfoot. Application date, 9th May, 1941.549 272. -Resistance -coupled broad -band amplifierwith substantially uniform negative feed -back overthe whole frequency band.

Standard Telephones and Cables (assignees ofH. Nyquist). Convention date (U.S.A.), loth Septem-ber, 1940.

549 342. -Detector circuit for frequency -modulatedsignals and comprising linear and square -law fre-quency -responsive networks.

Hazeltine Corporation (assignees of H. A. Wheeler).Convention date (U.S.A.), 12th August, 1940.


549 008. -System for reproducing television signalsby a cathode-ray tube with a movable light -modu-lating screen which is illuminated by a sourceexternal to the tube (addition to 543 485).

Ges. Zur. Forderung, cS-c. Technischen Hochschule(Zurich). Convention date (Switzerland), sith June,1940.

549 266. -Construction of a broad -band amplifierwith high inherent stability and signal-to-noiseratio, particularly for television signals.

Standard Telephones and Cables ; P. K. Chatterjea;and P. M. Brand. Application date, iith April,1941.


549 132. -Two -wire H.F. transmission line fittedwith an auxiliary loop of wire for adjusting thecharacteristic impedance of the line.

E. W. Hayes. Application date, 18th August,1941.


549 125. -Valve circuit utilising a secondary -emission electrode for the rapid control of a load

which is in series with that electrode and whichtakes a constant current.

The British Thomson -Houston Co. Conventiondate (U.S.A.), 13th July, 1940.549 135. -Construction of a seal or cap for the lead-in wires of a high-powered electron -discharge tube.

The British Thomson -Houston Co. ; H. K.Bourne ; and E. J. G. Beeson. Application date,19th August, 1941.549 275. -Electrode assembly for a short-wavevalve comprising a solid support or carrier -framewhich also serves to screen a lead-in conductor.

Philips Lamps (communicated by N. V. Philips'Gloeilampenfabrieken). Application date, 14th Octo-ber, 1941.549 278. -Means for preventing undesired dis-charges from the edges of the accelerating anodesor wall -coatings on the glass surface of a C.R. tube.

Philips Lamps (communicated by N. V. Philips'Gloeilampenfabrieken). Application date 19thNovember, 1941.

SUBSIDIARY APPARATUS AND MATERIALS549 074. -Timing relays for responding to trainsof impulses used, say, for controlling the operationof selective devices in automatic systems of tele-phony (divided out of 549 047)

Automatic Telephone and Electric Co. ; R.Taylor; and G. T. Baker. Application date, 28thApril, 1941.549 092. -Rope -and -pulley operating gear for aganged variable -permeability tuning device.

Johnson Laboratories, Inc. (assignees of W. A.Schaper). Convention date (U.S.A.), 26th September,1940.549 110. - Electrical screening device made byspraying zinc powder over a surface of syntheticresin or other insulating material.

C. F. Lumb. Application date, 21st April, 1941.549 i86. -Frequency -measuring circuit, applicableas a field -intensity meter for directional transmittersor for testing the performance of radio receivers.

Marconi's W. T. Co. (assignees of D. S. Bond).Convention date (U.S.A.), 31st October, 1940.549 292. -Compact construction of the " stacked "type of fixed condenser designed to allow the platesto be held under constant pressure.

Sangamo Weston. Convention date (U.S.A.), 12thJune, 1941.

Waste PaperIT was recently stated by the Controller of Paper

at the Ministry of Supply that whereas before thewar less than 15 per cent. of the material used inmaking paper and board was - repulped waste, thepresent waste paper content is 5o per cent.

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Abstracts and ReferencesCompiled by the Radio Research Board and reproduced by arrangement with the Department

of Scientific and Industrial Research

For the information of new readers it is pointed out that the length of an abstract is generallyno indication of the importance of the work concerned. An important paper in English, in ajournal likely to be readily accessible, may be dealt with by a square -bracketed addition to thetitle, while a paper of similar importance in German or Russian may be given a long abstract.In addition to these factors of difficulty of language and accessibility, the nature of the work has,of course, a great influence on the useful length of its abstract.


Propagation of Waves ... 191 Directional Wireless 201

Atmospherics and Atmospheric Acoustics and Audio -Frequencies... 202

Electricity ... 194 Phototelegraphy and Television ... 203

Properties of Circuits 194 Measurements and Standards ... 204

Transmission 196 Subsidiary Apparatus and Materials 206

Reception 197 Stations, Design and Operation ... 211

Aerials and Aerial Systems 199 General Physical Articles ... 211

Valves and Thermionics . . 199 Miscellaneous 212


IN PIPES SMALLER THAN THE CRITICAL SIZE.-E. G. Linder. (Proc. I.R.E., Dec. 1942,Vol. 3o, No. 12, pp. 554-556.)

An extension, mainly mathematical, of the workof Barrow (22 of 1937) and others on the propagationof electromagnetic waves in hollow metal tubes,with particular reference to the frequency regionin which the transition from transmission toabsorption takes place.984. ULTRA -HIGH -FREQUENCY TRANSMISSION IN

WAVES GUIDES [Brief Outline of the Theoryand the Use of Transmission along HollowTubes].-L. A. Ware. (Elec. Engineering,Dec. 1942, Vol. _61, No. 12, pp. 598-603.)

985. " WAVE GUIDES "- [Book Review].-H. R. L.Lamont. (Wireless Engineer, Nov. 1942,Vol. 19, No. 230, p. 514.) See also 3183 of1942.

986. FREQUENCY MODULATION [Transmission, Pro-pagation, & Reception].-C. Tibbs. (Wire-less World, Feb. 1943, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp.47-51)

CORRECTION TO THE PAPER " ELECTRICWAVES IN.A STRATIFIED MEDIUM : ON THEQUESTION OF PARTIAL REFLECTION AND THECALCULATION OF THE APPARENT HEIGHT OFIONOSPHERIC LAYERS " [Correction to Errorsin Sign (Not affecting Final Equations orNumerical Results)].-K. Rawer. (Ann. derPhysik, 21SL Dec. 1942, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp.294-296.) See 3879 of 1939.


April, 1943



Need for a Consistent & Systematic Termino-


logy].-H. Flohn & R. Penndorf. (Physik.Berichte, ist July 1942, Vol. 23, No. 13,p. 1370: summary, from Meteorol. Zeitschr.,No. 1, Vol. 59, 1942, p. I onwards.)

According to this plan, based on vertical tempera-ture gradients, prevailing wind directions, inter-mixing, turbulence, etc., the atmosphere is dividedinto an outer atmosphere above 800 km (" dissipa-tion -sphere ") where the particles can escape fromthe gravitational and magnetic fields of the earth,and an inner atmosphere up to 800 km. The latteris composed of three spheres, troposphere, strato-sphere, and ionosphere, each being divided againinto three layers. Thus in the troposphere thereare the planetary " boundary " layer up to T km(itself subdivided into an " air -ground " layer up to2 m, a " ground " layer from 2 to roo m with linearincrease of exchange coefficient with height, and an" upper " layer from Too to moo m with constancyor decrease of coefficient with height), the " con-vection " layer from T to 8 km, and the " tropo-pause " layer from 8 to 12 km (in medium latitudes).Three types are distinguished in the tropopause,the normal type, the rising type, and the sinkingtype : the tropopause is the seat of the tropopausewaves, the maximum interdiumal or weather -related fluctuations of temperature and pressure,intensive vertical movements, compensation, andin- or out -pumping components of the flow. Thestratosphere divides into the " isothermal " layerat 12-35 km (seat of the control waves), the" warm " layer between 35 and 50 km, and theupper " intermixing " layer at 50-80 km. Finally,the ionosphere is divided into three layers also, theE layer at 8o-2oo km, the F at 200-400 km, andthe " atomic " layer between 400 and 800 km.Outside this comes the outer atmosphere or " dissi-pation -sphere " already mentioned.

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989. TEMPERATURE AND ORIGIN OF THE D REGIONOF THE IONOSPHERE.-A. Vassy & E. Vassy.(Comptes Rendus [Paris], No. 6, Vol. 214,1942, p. 282 onwards.)

For other recent Comptes Rendus Notes see 362,633, & 64o of 1942. On the hypothesis that theluminous night clouds (just above the D layer,which lies at 6o -8o km) are composed of ice crystals,Humphreys arrives at r60°K as the temperatureat 8o km : this result is rejected because Hum-phreys' assumpti6n of a constant temperature,independent of height, within the stratosphere iscontradicted by other observations, and thewriters prefer the Stormer-Vestine hypothesis ofcosmic -dust clouds as the explanation of the lumi-nous night clouds, and use it later to support theirown argument. Budden, Ratcliffe, & Wilkes, fromobservations of the heights of the reflecting layerfor various zenith distances of the sun, deduced6+0.5 km as the normal value of the homogeneousheight H in the layer, this value decreasing to 4 kmafter magnetic disturbances, the temperature in thelayer changing correspondingly from 205 + 17°Kto 14o°K according to the relation T=mgH/k.These temperature changes also are rejected asimprobable, and the writers conclude that theionisation of the D layer must depend on the ionis-ing of some component in the atmosphere otherthan the main constituents, a component to whichChapman's theory does not apply. Extendingtheir earlier suggestion (362 of 1942), they attributethe normal. D -layer ionisation to atmosphericsodium and/or other easily ionisable atoms ofmeteoric or other origin, supporting their belief byciting the presence of cosmic -dust clouds at 8o km(see above), the earlier height -determinations of thesodium twilight luminescence, and the observedchanges of homogeneous height H at 8o km. Theinapplicability of the Chapman theory to the Dlayer is due to the fact that the distribution ofatmospheric sodium (or other dust clouds of cosmicorigin) with height is different from that of thenormal atmospheric gases. The hypotheses ofMartyn and his associates, and of Mitra and hiscolleagues, attributing the D -layer ionisation tothe formation of 0+ and 02+, are both rejected, on.the ground that the necessary short-wave solarradiation would have been absorbed already by thehigher atmosphere. Finally, the Wulf-Deminghypothesis (see for example 31 of 1938 and backreference) that the D -layer ions arise from anionisation of the ozone by ultra -violet sunlight isrejected as qualitatively and quantitatively un-satisfactory, Brewer's investigations being quotedin this connection.

990. THE WINTER TEMPERATURES OF THE AURORAOVER TROMSO. - R. Penndorf. (Physik.Berichte, 1st July 1942, Vol. .23, No. 13,pp. 1360-1361 : summary, from Meteorol.Zeitschr., No. 12, Vol. 58, 1941, p. 429 on-wards.)

Further .development of the work dealt with in3492 of 1942. In Part I the writer discusses thequestion whether the E -layer temperature showsa yearly variation : mean temperatures forDecember appear to be - 40°C, for March - 49°C,the whole auroral layer thus apparently sinkingby 800 m in the Spring. But these variations are

April, 1943

within the limits of accuracy of the measuringmethod : no yearly variation of the winter tem-perature in the E layer over Tromso could beestablished. The same result is given by calcula-tions of the mean height of max. ionisation of the Elayer over Washington in the months January/April.

Part II deals with the method of determiningthe temperature, based on spectroscopic investiga-tions of the negative nitrogen bands 4278 and3914 AU. The writer examines to what extentthe temperature calculated from the energy dis-tribution of the vibrational state agrees with thetrue gaseous temperature : he finds that the temper-atures given by Vegard correspond approximatelyto the true values. In Part III he discusses Harang'scontention that the part of an auroral arc whichlies in darkness has a height of ioo km, whereasthe part lying in the sun -lit region has a heightof 130-140 km (see 2161 of 194o) : he concludesthat the supposition that these displacementsindicate temperature changes is erroneous : " thelower auroral boundary in the illuminated atmo-sphere only appears to be higher than that in thedark because the excitation conditions are differentin the two cases. Further, it cannot be regardedas a uniform isobaric surface."

In Part iv the wind conditions in the E layerare considered. Meteor observations point towest winds at heights above 8o km. Quantitativeconsiderations actually suggest a pressure dropwhich would require west winds in the E layer.The velocity of the geostrophic wind for about6o°N works out at 104 m/s : the meteor observa-tions in our latitudes give westerly winds of ' 20to 6o m/s. An increase of wind towards Northagrees with the writer's views on the temperaturedistribution, for in our latitudes the temperaturecontrasts of the E layer are slighter than in highlatitudes. The writer's estimate gives an upperlimit to the wind velocity and confirms the orderof magnitude of the E -layer temperatures fromionospheric measurements in our latitudes, andthe Vegard temperatures for the Polar night.991. THE TEMPERATURE OF THE HIGH STRATO-

SPHERE. - K. Wegener. (Forschungen u.Fortschritte, No. 9, Vol. 17, 1941, p. 'oronwards.)

Pressure at roo km is now estimated at 1/loo mmHg from the results of auroral observations. Thereason for this considerably higher pressure,compared with earlier ideas, may be either (I)a relatively high temperature or (ii) the pre-dominance of radiation -dissociated gases and/orgases of small molecular weight. Against thefirst possibility are the following facts extrapola-tion of exploring -balloon observations in Abiskoyields - 35°C in summer and - 73°C in winterfor the boundary of the atmosphere : this lastvalue agrees with the minimunt value of upper -atmospheric temperature estimated at - 70°Cfrom observations of the temperature on theshadowed side of other planets. Further, Vegardand Tonsberg's spectroscopic researches on theauroral light give a mean temperature of - 38.7°C,indicating the absence of any marked temperature -effect on the part of the dissociating radiation ;while Regener's measurements show no rise intemperature due to the selective absorption pro -


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clueing, above 21 km, ozone from oxygen. Thewriter explains the occurrence of dead zones forsound waves, generally attributed to increasedtemperatures in the 25-50 km region, by theassertion that the waves in question are notordinary sound waves but pulses of the Riemanntype which are propagated more rapidly withdecreasing air pressure and are consequently bentback to earth.

The pressure of gases of low molecular weightis supported by Regener's measurements and theExplorer II observations, which gave an increasein the helium content with height : the presenceof oxygen also (molecular weight 32) in the upperatmosphere follows from the appearances of theprincipal line of atomic oxygen in the auroralspectrum. The fact that the observed splittingof the oxygen molecule in the auroral region andthe formation of ozone do not bring about thecalculated rise in temperature is attributed toerroneous assumptions in the calculation or to theweakness of the dissociating radiation.

992. THE ZENITHAL TWILIGHT BRIGHTNESS ANDTHE DENSITY OF THE ATMOSPHERE IN THEIONOSPHERE [up to 12o -45o km : RecentResults with the Writer's Theory & Tech-nique : Comparison with Density -Distribu-tion Estimates obtained by Other Methods :Slight Gradient of Density above 120 kmexplained by Turbulence Velocity less thanI km/s: etc.].-F. Link. (Meteorol. Zeitschr.,No. I, Vol. 59, 1942, p. 7 onwards.) For asummary see Physik. Berichte, 1st July 1942,Vol. 23, No. 13, p. 1380.

993. THE LIGHT OF THE NIGHT SKY [Survey ofPresent Knowledge, including Results ofSpectrum Analysis].-F. Lohle. (Zeitschr.f. angew. Meteorol., No. 7, Vol. 58, 1941,p. 201 onwards.)

(i) Geographical distribution and variation withtime : (ii) connection with magnetic disturbances,earth currents, and sunspot frequency : (iii)contributions to knowledge of the upper -atmo-spheric layers : (iv) difficulties of orientation innight -flying at great heights.

Knowledge of (i) and (ii) is based exclusivelyon Rayleigh's long series of observations. Inveiti-gations on the brightness distribution lead to theconclusion that the seat of the luminosity liespartly in the earth's atmosphere. By assumingthe existence of two, or several, luminous layers,extensive agreement is obtained between observa-tion and calculation. The absolute measurementsof brightness have not yet led to any unequivocalresults.994. AEROPLANE MEASUREMENTS OF THE INFRA-

RED RE -RADIATION FROM THE ATMOSPHERE[Disagreement with Angstrom's . Formula :at Great Heights the Air radiates MoreInfra -Red than at Ground Level : ApparentPresence of Additional Infra -Red Source(Not Water Vapour or CO2) which Increaseswith Height].-G. Falckenberg & F. Hecht.(Physik. Berichte, 1st July 1942, Vol. 23,No. 13, p. 1378: summary, from Meteorol.Zeitschr., No. II, Vol. 58, 1941, p. 415onwards.)


995. FURTHER SPRING VALUES FOR THE GROUND -LEVEL OZONE AT AROSA.-F. W. P. Gertz &R. Penndorf. (Physik. Berichte, 1st July1942, Vol. 23, No. 13, pp. 1370-1371: sum-mary, from Meteorol. Zeitschr., No. 11, Vol.58, 1941, p. 409 onwards.)

Using the optical method, with additional pre-cautions. No connection between the " upper "ozone, or the general meteorological situation, andthe ozone content of the ground -level air could betraced, but the latter appears to be linked with thelocal meteorological conditions by way of the mois-ture content of the air. The writers point out theunsuitability of wavelengths below 2576 AU forozone measurements because of the present diffi-culty in allowing for oxygen absorption.996. THE EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE AND THE CONSTI-

TUTION OF THE PLANETS [Meteors and theEarth's Upper Atmosphere].-F. L. Whipple.(Reviews of Modern Phys., April/July 1942,Vol. 14, No. 2/3, p. 139.) For a recent papersee 1607 of 1941.

997. Cosmic -RAY THEORY.- ROSS/. & Greisen.(See 1303.)

998. HYDROGEN ABUNDANCE AND TURBULENCEIN THE SUN'S ATMOSPHERE [ComprehensiveSurvey, including the Relation of the Turbu-lence Theory to the Mechanism of Forma-tion of Faculae, Protuberances, & probablyUltra -Violet Eruptions].-P. ten Bruggen-cate. (Physik. Berichte, 14th July 1942,Vol. 23, No. 14, pp. 1454-1455. summary,from Forschungen u. Fortschritte, 1942.)

999. TRAVELLING WAVES ON TRANSMISSION LINES[Use of Laplacian Transformation withTables of Fourier Integrals reduces Solutionof Transmission -Line Problems to SameStatus as evaluating Definite Integrals byTables of Integrals].-E. Weber. (Elec.Engineering, June 1942, Vol. 61, No. 6,pp. 302-309.)

r000. PROPAGATION CONSTANT AND CHARACTER-ISTIC IMPEDANCE OF HIGH -LOSS TRANS-MISSION LINES [Graphical and AnalyticalMethod for Their Determination when HighLoss results from Series Resistance].-K.Spangenberg. (Electronics, Aug. 1942, Vol.15, No. 8, pp. 57-58.)

roor. ON THE PICKUP OF BALANCED FOUR -WIRELINES.-C. W. Harrison. (Proc. I.R.E.,Nov. 1942, Vol. 30, No. II, pp. 517-518.)

Author's summary :-" It is demonstrated thatfor practical purposes the pickup of undesiredenergy by a balanced four -wire line when comparedto the pickup of a balanced two -wire line of the samespacing is so small as to be considered negligible."1002. ON THE PHYSICAL PHENOMENA OF THE SKIN

EFFECT [Flux Displacement] OF A MAGNETICFIELD PRODUCED BY INDUCTION, AS ARESULT OF THE EDDY CURRENTS IN PLATES[Straightforward Mathematical Treatment,with Curves of Penetration Depths & theRise in H.F. Resistance]. - E. Hameister,(Zeitschr. f. Fernmeldetech., 16th Jan. 1942.Vol. 23, No. I, pp. 7-9.)

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1004. THE THEORY OF OPTICAL POLARISABILITYAND THE NATURAL ROTATING POWER [andthe Calculation of the Phase Differencebetween the Electric Field of a Light Wave& the Induced Electric Moment of a Moleculeof the Body traversed : Behaviour of theComplex Components of the HermiticPolarisability Tensor at Very Long and VeryShort Wavelengths : etc.].-J. P. Mathieu.(Physik. Berichte, 15th June 1942, Vol. 23,No. 12, p. 1253: summary, from ComptesRendus [Paris], No. 9, Vol. 214, 1942,p. 42o onwards.)

1005. SIMPLIFIED DERIVATION OF THE FORMULAEFOR THE FRAUNHOFER DIFFRACTION PHE-NOMENA [Treatment avoiding Kirchhoff'sUse of the Huyghens Principle and basedonly on the Fourier Integral Theorem].-H. Scheffers. (Ann. der Physik, 3rd Dec.1942, Vol. 42, No. 2/3, pp. 211-215.)

1006. RELATION BETWEEN THE INTERFERENCEFRINGES OF TWO -WAVE [Michelson] INTER-FEROMETERS AND MULTIPLE -WAVE [Perot-Fabry] INTERFEROMETERS . -P. M. Duffieux.(Physik. Berichte, 15th June 1942, Vol. 23,No. 12, pp. 1251-1252: summary, fromComptes Rendus [Paris], No. 6, Vol. 214,1942, p. 304 onwards.)


1007. THE SEPARATION OF ELECTRICITY IN CLOUDS[Discussion of Phenomena, with SuggestedTheory of Mechanism].-J. A. Chalmers.

34, pp. 63-67.)

1008. LIGHTNING INVESTIGATIONS ON WALLEN-PAUPACK-SIEGFRIED 220 -kV LINE OF PENN-SYLVANIA POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY . -E. Bell & F. W. Packer. (Elec. Engineering,April 1942, Vol. 61, No. 4, Transactionspp. 196-201.)

1009. LIGHTNING INVESTIGATION AT HIGH ALTI-TUDES IN COLORADO [Determination of Prob-able Lightning Current at Altitudes from 6000to 13 500 Feet : Measurement of CoronaCurrent].-L. M. Robertson, W. W. Lewis,& C. M: Foust. (Elec. Engineering, April1942, Vol. 61, No. 4, Transactions pp. 201-208.)

/ 0 10. THE APPLICATION OF WIRELESS TECHNIQUETO THE STUDY OF LIGHTNING PROTECTION[High -Frequency Methods of measuringEarth -Connection Resistances].-V. Fritsch.(Funktech. Monatshefte, July 1942, No. 7,pp. 99-104.) See also, for example, 707of March, and loll, below.

ICU I. MEASUREMENTS ON LIGHTNING -CONDUCTOREARTHS : III-HIGH-FREQUENCY METHOD.-V. Fritsch. (Ara. f. Tech. Messen, Oct.1942, Part 1.36, V35192-7, Sheets T99-too.)For previous parts see 3517 of 1942.

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1012. UNUSUAL BEHAVIOUR OF THE ATMOSPHERIC -ELECTRICAL POTENTIAL DROP IN POTSDAM[at Two Observation Points (" Tower " &" Meadow "), about Ioo m apart and with25 m Difference in Altitude : on ThreeOccasions (Fine Weather) Potential Dropshowed Opposed Behaviour, so that Reduc-tion Factor between the Two Points,generally Constant, was subject to VeryLarge Fluctuations]. - M. Krestan. (Mete-orol. Zeitschr., No. 3, Vol. 59, 1942, p. 98onwards.)


1014. A HEIGHT INTEGRATOR [for AutomaticSolution of the Ideal Barometric HeightFormula], and THE " CALCULATING " THEO-DOLITE [for Use with Pilot Balloons].-J. Lugeon : K. Burkhart. (Physik. Berichte,1st July 1942, Vol. 23, No. 13, p. 1369:P 1369.)


1015. ON THE NATURAL ELECTROMAGNETIC OSCIL-LATIONS OF AN ELLIPSOIDAL CAVITY. -M. Jouguet. (Comptes Rendus [Paris], No. 5,Vol. 214, 1942, p. 214 onwards.)

Pointing out the simplification in the theoreticaltreatment of the problem of the natural oscilla-tions of a cavity bounded by a surface of rotation,when the cavity is of ellipsoidal form, elongated orflattened.I0i6. OSCILLATORY CIRCUITS FOR ULTRA -HIGH

FREQUENCIES [Outline of Calculation &Design of Coaxial & Parallel -Wire Linesas Resonators].-K. Schfissler. (Zeitschr.f. Fernmeldetech., 17th Oct. 1942, Vol. 23,No. zo, pp. 151-154.)


1018. REACTANCE TUBES IN FREQUENCY -MODULA-TION APPLICATIONS [Behaviour & PhysicalOperation].-A. Hund. (Electronics, Oct.1942, Vol. 15, No. Jo, pp. 68-71 and 143.)

1019. FREQUENCY - MODULATION DETECTOR. -Standard Telephones & Cables. (ElectronicEng:g, Oct. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 176, p. 222.)Brit. Patent No. 546 721.

I020. DISTORTIONLESS DETECTION [Discussion be- fore the Wireless Section].-(journ. I.E.E.,Part III, Sept. 1942, Vol. 89, No. 7, pp. 175-176.)

1021. A NEW SECOND DETECTOR [using a Triode -Diode with Common Cathode, and havingthe Advantages of Diode Detection, whilepresenting a High Impedance to the Pre-

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ceding Circuit].-F. C. Everett. (Com-munications, Sept. 1942, Vol. 22, No. 9,pp 20-22 and 34)

1022. RECEIVER INPUT CIRCUITS : DESIGN CON-SIDERATIONS FOR OPTIMUM SIGNAL/NOISERATIO.-R. E. Burgeis. (Wireless Engineer,Feb. 1943, Vol. 20, No. 233, pp. 6676.)

1023. THE CATHODE FOLLOWER : PART II [Per-formance at Higher Frequencies : Design,Formulae, and Data Sheets].-C. E. Lock-hart. (Electronic Eng:g, Feb. 1943, Vol. 15,No. ,8o, pp 375-382) Continued fromDec. issue, No. 178, Vol. 15, pp 287-293,where the analysis for low frequencies, andthe relevant data sheets, were given.

1024. DESIGNING A RESISTANCE -LOADED PUSH-PULL INVERTOR [Calculation of CircuitParameters]. - R. Feinberg. (ElectronicEng:g, Oct. 1942, Vol. 25, No. 176, pp. 206-207.) See also 1233, below.


1026. WAVE -FORM CIRCUITS FOR CATHODE-RAYTUBES : PART II [Amplitude and ImpedanceMethod of changing Wave Shape].-H. M.Lewis. (Electronics, Aug. 1942, Vol. 15,No. 8, pp. 48-53.) For Part I see 3690of 1942.

1027. OPTIMUM CONDITIONS IN CLASS A AMPLI-FIERS. - G.W.O.H : Nottingham. (Wire-less Engineer, Feb! 1943, Vol. 20, No. 233,pp 53-55) Editorial prompted by Notting-ham's paper, 1634 of 1942.

1028. TUNING METHOD FOR ELECTRICAL OSCIL-LATORY CIRCUITS [Phase -Change Method].-Beyerle & Schweimer. (See 1189.)

1029. AN OSCILLATOR FOR REMOTE FREQUENCYCONTROL [Single Pentode used as CombilledOscillator and Reactance Tube to vary theFrequency of Generated Oscillations overTwo Percent Range through Changes ofD.C. Voltage applied to the Tube : Dis-cussion of Design Factors affecting FrequencyStability].-H. C. Lawrence. (Electronics,Sept. 2942, Vol. 15, No. 9, PP 42-43)

1030. THERMAL -FREQUENCY -DRIFT COMPENSATION[Conditions necessary for Minimising Fre-quency Drift with Temperature Variationfor Various Types of Circuit].-T. R. W.Bushby. (Proc. I.R.E., Dec. 1942, Vol. 3o,No. 12, pp. 546-553) From AmalgamatedWireless, Australasia, Ltd.

1031. RADIO -CIRCUIT STABILITY [Summary ofPaper submitted to London Students Sec-tion, I.E.E : Types of Thermally -StableCoils and Condensers : Good Stability ofSilvered Mica or Ceramic types].-C. W.Eggleton. (Elec. Review, loth Nov. 1942,Vol. 131, No. 3391, p 656.)


1032. -FREQUENCY STABILITY OF TUNED CIRCUITS[Discussion before the Wireless Section].-(hum. I.E.E., Part III, Sept. 1942, Vol. 89,No. 7, pp 173-174)

2033. STABILISED OSCILLATOR GENERATOR [havingPositive Feedback at Oscillating Frequencyand Negative Feedback at All OtherFrequencies].-F. E. Terman. (ElectronicEng:g, Nov. 1942, V01.15, No. 177, p 249)Brit. Patent No. 541 423, S.T. & C. Ltd.

SQUEGGING OSCILLATORS [Mode of Opera-tion].-E. Hughes. (Wireless World, Feb.1943, Vol. 49, No. 2, pp 52-53)

1035. SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF A STABLE NEG-ATIVE RESISTANCE. - C. Brunetti & L.Greenough. (Proc. I.R.E., Dec. 2942, Vol.3o, No. 12, pp 542-546)

The use of positive feedback in a two -stageamplifier makes it possible to obtain an inputimpedance equal -to the impedance in the feedbackcircuit multiplied by a negative constant. Fora resistance-capacitance feedback circuit with aproper choice of circuit constants, the input impe-dance can be made to approximate closely to apure negative resistance over any given frequencyrange. In- the apparatus described, high stabilityis secured by the use of inverse feedback in additionto the positive -feedback loop.1036. A SELECTIVE CIRCUIT AND FREQUENCY

METER USING A TUNING FORK [TuningFork and Coil used as a Two -TerminalSharply -Selective Circuit].-D. G. Tucker.(Electronic Eng:g, Aug. 1942, Vol. 15, No.174, pp 98-101.)

I037. INTEGRATION IN THE COMPLEX PLANE [aMathematical Prerequisite for Work onLaplacian Transforms, Fourier Integrals,and Travelling Waves on TransmissionLines].-K. 0. Friedrichs. (Elec. Engineer-ing, March 1942, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp 139-143)

1038. LAPLACIAN TRANSFORM ANALYSIS OF CIR-CUITS WITH LINEAR LUMPED PARAMETERS.-J. Millman. (Elec. Engineering, April1942, Vol. 6,, No. 4, pp. 197-205.) Forcriticism see Lyon, 726 of March.


1039. THE STEADY-STATE RESPONSE OF CIRCUITS'[Part Two of Two -Part Paper].-D. L.Waidelich. (Communications, Nov. 1942,Vol. 22, No. II,' pp. 23-25.) Part One wasin the issue for October, 2942

2040. STEADY STATE CURRENTS IN ELECTRICALNETWORKS [Extension of Operational Cir-cuit Analysis to give the Result in Termsof the Sum Function of a Fourier Series,which is Useful in determining the WaveForm of the Current : Three Methods].-D. L. Waidelich. (Journ. Applied Phys.,Nov. 1942, Vol. 13, No. II, pp. 706-712.)


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1042. PHASE SHIFTING AND AMPLITUDE CONTROLNETWORKS [Design Charts for determiningthe Network required to deliver ProperPower to Each of Several Loads fed bythe Same Source : Phase and AmplitudeRelations of Coupling Network EasilyDetermined].-W. S. Duttera. (Electronics,Oct. 1942, Vol. 15, No. ro, pp. 53-55.)

1043. " T " TO " Pi " TRANSFORMATIONS SIIPLI-FIED [Formulae in an Easily RememberedForm, with Examples].-H. Stockman.(Electronics, Oct. 1942, Vol. 15, No. ro,pp. 72-73 and 16o.)

1044. SYMMETRICAL ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS : I [Spe-cial Method for Determining the Charac-teristics of Structurally and ElectricallySymmetrical Four -Terminal Networks]. -E. S. Purington. (Electronics, Nov. 1942,Vol. 15, No. II, pp 54-57.)

1043. CALCULATION OF INSERTION LOSS AND PHASECHANGE OF ' A 4 -TERMINAL REACTANCENETWORK [Simpler and More GeneralMethod than Usual, Capable of GreatAccuracy; Applicable to Any 4 -TerminalReactance Network operating between Con-stant Resistance Terminations, providedthe Ratio of Image Impedance to Terminat-ing Resistance is the Same at Both Ends].

Stanesby, E. R. Broad, & R. L. Corke.(P.O. Elec. Eng. Journ., Oct. 1942, Vol. 35,Part 3, pp. 88-92.) For a further paper,dealing with the use of a special slide ruleand with the correction for dissipation,see ibid., Jan. 1943, Vol. 35, Part 4, pp. II 1-114

1046. THE WIEN BRIDGE AND SOME OF ITS APPLI-CATIONS [as a Filter and in Oscillator Cir-cuits]. - J. S. Worthington. (ElectronicEng.g, Oct. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 176, pp 214-216.)

1047. NOTES ON BAND-PASS AND BAND -REJECTIONFILTERS [to Simplify the Calculation ofTheir Performance, especially when allow-ing for Dissipation in the Coils].-H.Halubow. (Electronics, Aug. 1942, Vol. 15,No. 8, pp 54-56.)

1048. NOTES ON R.F. ATTENUATOR DESIGN [At-tenuating Networks of Resistive Ele-ments].-R. E. Blakey. (Journ. of BritishI.R.E., Dec. 1942/Jan. 1943, Vol. 3.)

1049. UNSYMMETRICAL ATTENUATORS, [GraphicalMethod of designing T or Pi ResistanceAttenuators, and a Simplified Means ofConverting to a Dissymmetrical Networkwhere Impedances of Different Magnitudemust be Matched].-P. M. Honnell. (Elec-tronics, Aug. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 8, pp. 41-43)

1050. THE ACCURATE GENERATION OF SUB -FREQUENCIES FROM A STANDARD. - E.Newman. (Electronic Engrg, Nov. 1942,Vol. 15, No. 177, pp 244 and .249.)

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1051. THE GENERATION OF GROUPS OF HARMONICS[by the Use of Rectifiers and by SaturatedIron Inductors].-D. G. Tucker. (Elec-tronic Engrg, NOV. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 177,pp 232-237)

1052. FREQUENCY DIVISION WITHOUT FREEOSCILLATION [System which does Not involveLocked Oscillators].-D. G. Tucker & H. J.Marchant. (P.O. Elec. Eng. Journ., July1942, Vol. 35, Part 2, pp. 62-64.)

1053. THE HALF -WAVE VOLTAGE -DOUBLING RECTI-FIER CIRCUIT [Performance Characteristicsof Circuit determined by Analysis : Experi-mental Verification].-D. L. Waidelich &C. H. Gleason. (Proc. I.R.E., Dec. 1942,Vol. 3o, No. 12, pp. 535-541.)

1054. METHOD FOR A.C. NETWORK. ANALYSISUSING. RESISTANCE NETWORKS.-W. E. Enns.(Elec. Engineering, Dec. 1942, Vol. 61,No. 12, Transactions p. 875.)

1055. " A.C. CALCULATION CHARTS " [for ReactanceComputations : Book Review].-R. Loren-zen. (Proc. I.R.E., Dec. 1942, Vol. 3o,No. 12, p 558.)

1056. LINEAR POWER SCALES [Circle Diagramsfor Power Relationships in Electrical Ma-chines].-G. F. Freeman. (Elec. Review,12th Feb. 1943, Vol. 132, No. 3403, pp 210-2 I 2.)



f. Fernmeldetech., 15thApril 1942, Vol. 23, No. 4, PP 63-64summary, from Electrotech. Journ. [Tokyo],No. 4, 1941.)

By varying the electrical values of the quartzby the use of rectifiers, in parallel, of low electrodecapacity, whose internal resistance is modulated.The rectifiers take the form of indirectly heatedvalves, since the electrode capacities of dry -platerectifiers, and the filament capacity to earth ofdirectly heated valves, are so large that the quartzwould be practically short-circuited. The circuitand some modifications are shown in Fig. r a-f,and some modulation curves in Fig. 2.

1058. GROUNDED -PLATE F.M. AMPLIFIER NOTES.-D. Phillips : Skene. (Communications,Oct. '1942, Vol. 22, No. ro, pp. 49-50.) Seealso 2642 and 3232 of 1942

1059. AMPLITUDE, FREQUENCY, AND PHASE MODU-LATION RELATIONS [Comparison betweenthe Three Methods from the Stand-point of Mode of Operation, ModulationFactor, and Frequency Spectrum : Graphi-cal Means of determining Spectrum forF.M. and A.M : Differences between F.M.and P.M.].-A. Hund. (Electronics, Sept.1942, Vol. 15, No. 9, pp 48-54: Correc-tions, Oct. 1942, Vol. 15, No. ro, p. 142.)

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1060. REACTANCE TUBES IN. FREQUENCY -MODULA-TION APPLICATIONS [Behaviour & PhysicalOperation].-A. Hund. (Electronics, Oct.1942, Vol. 15, No. I°, pp. 68-71 and 143.)

1061. FREQUENCY MODULATION [Transmission,Propagation, & Reception]. - C. Tibbs.(Wireless World, Feb. 1943, Vol. 49, No. 2,PP. 47-51.)

1062. " FREQUENCY MODULATION " [Book Review].-K. R. Sturley. (Journ. of Scient. Instr.,Jan. 1943, VOL 20, No. I, p. 2o.) Forpapers by the same writer see 2145 of 1942and 596 of February.

1063. A LOW -POWER AIRCRAFT TRANSMITTER.-W. W. Honnor. (A.W.A. Tech. Review,No. r, Vol. 6, 1942, PP. 37-41.)

A remote -controlled ro-watt transmitter whichprovides for operation with telephony or tonetelegraphy on any one of six crystal -controlledfrequencies, three of which are in each of the 3and 6 Mc/s aircraft bands. The equipment, ex-cluding aerial and 12 -volt battery, weighs less than5o lb.

1064. QUARTZ CRYSTALS IN RADIO.-Baldwin.(See 1182.)




AND MARKER RECEIVERS FOR AIRCRAFT.-Builder & Downes. (See 1120.)


1069. REDUCTION OF BAND WIDTH IN FREQUENCY -MODULATION RECEIVERS. - D. A. Bell.(Wireless Engineer, Nov. 1942, Vol. 19,No. 230, pp. 497-502.)

A discussion of the possibility of using a highdegree of negative feedback of frequency modula-tion in the i.f. section of a frequency -modulationreceiver for the purpose of (a) minimising thenecessary i.f. band width and (b) making thedetected output independent of amplitude withoutthe use of an amplitude limiter in the i.f. amplifier.

1070. FREQUENCY MODULATION [Transmission,Propagation, & Reception]. - C. Tibbs.(Wireless World, Feb. 1943, Vol. 49, No. 2,PP. 47-51.)

1071. " FREQUENCY MODULATION " (Book Review].-Sturley. (See 1062.)

1072. FREQUENCY -MODULATION DETECTOR.-Stand-ard Telephones & Cables. (Electronic Eng:g,Oct. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 176, p. 222.) Brit.Patent No. 546 721.



1073. A NEW SECOND DETECTOR [and Its Advan-tages].-Everett. (See 1021.)

1074. DISTORTIONLESS DETECTION [Discussion be-fore the Wireless Section].-(Journ. I .E.E.,Part III, Sept. 1942, Vol. 89, No. 7, pp. 175-176.)

1075. THE NOISE OF RECEIVING APPARATUS ATVERY HIGH FREQUENCIES.-M. J. 0. Strutt& A. van der Ziel. (Philips Tech. Rundschau,No. 6, Vol. 6, 1941, p. 175 onwards : sum-mary in Physik. Berichte, ist Aug. 1942,Vol. 23, No. 15, pp. 1512-1513.)

The ratio between fluctuation currents and signalcurrents in the anode circuit of the first valve istaken as a measure of the interference : it canbe expressed as a function of the aerial, circuit,and valve properties by the equation 8/,2/./2 ={4kTilf/(Va,/2R,)}. {a/2 + R,.(r/Ryo r/R)

±1/Rr/Rio 5'6R,/Re R,.2(r/R.Lo I/R6)1},which contains in combination the contributionsof the four noise -components, namely the dis-turbance to the signal in the aerial by other wavesfrom world space (this is represented by the ex-pression given by Bakker, ibid., Vol. 6, p. 129:V1ant = a . 4kTR..tdf, where a is a numerical factor

ro), an interfering voltage v, in series with theresonance resistance of the oscillatory circuit(represented by 1;;2 = 4kTRL0,41), an interferingcurrent ik in the anode circuit, arising from spon-taneous fluctuations in number and velocity of theelectrons from the cathode, and represented byiks = 4kTR,Ssdf, where 14 is the equivalent noiseresistance, and finally the spontaneous current -fluctuations in the control -grid circuit (repre-sented by ip = 1.43 . 4kTk/R, . df, where R. isthe reciprocal of the input damping.)

This equation shows that apart from the "cosmic "noise (for which the 'receiver is not responsible)the ratio between fluctuation current and signalcurrent at " low " frequencies such as those of thebroadcast band is determined almost entirely bythe ratio 141140, so that if the circuit resistanceR50 is large enough the receiver can amplify evenvery weak signals practically without troublefrom fluctuation noise. With high frequencies theeffect of the circuit damping has added to it theelectronic input damping, and the ratio betweenfluctuation and signal currents is then governedby R,11?;, the ratio of the equivalent noise resist-ance to the electronic input resistance of the valve.The damping due to the self-inductance of thecathode lead has no effect on the fluctuation/signal ratio.

The above treatment is then applied to pentodes,whose behaviour is found not to differ in principlefrom that of triodes. Fluctuations in distribu-tion can be compensated by the insertion of asuitable self-inductance in the screen -grid lead.

1076. RECEIVER INPUT CIRCUITS : DESIGN CON-SIDERATIONS FOR OPTIMUM SIGNAL/NOISERATIO.-R. E. Burgess. (Wireless Engineer,Feb. 1943, Vol. 20, No. 233, pp. 66-76.)

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1077. RECEIVER INPUT CIRCUITS.-H. Behling.(Funktech. Monatshefte, July 1942, No. 7,pp. 89-96.)

The two main, points about a receiver are itsselectivity and its sensitivity. In a previous paper(ibid., No. 5, 1940) the writer dealt with methods ofraising, by comparatively simple means, theselectivity of a receiver, and the present workdeals with the design calculations for input circuitswith respect to their effect, within certain limits,in increasing the sensitivity. Other workers (forexample Franz, 3126 of 1939) have shown that theoptimum signal/noise ratio would be obtained fromany aerial by connecting it directly to the grid ofthe first valve, provided that there were no valvenoise : a voltage transformation of the wantedsignal is only required because of valve noise.In the case where the over-all amplification of thereceiver is so low that even at the output there isno noticeable noise level, a voltage transformationat the input circuit leads to an increase in thereceiver amplification. " The following considera-tions and calculations are thus intended to leadto the obtaining of the greatest possible ratio ofthe voltage E., controlling the grid of the firstvalve, to the available voltage E. delivered by theaerial through an internal resistance 9i, = jX,(Fig. 3). Whether, or to what extent, the highestattainable input value agrees with the highestattainable sensitivity, is shown for a single circuitin Franz's paper (loc.cit.). For band -filter inputcircuits this question will be calculated in a furtherwork " [presumably that dealt with in 49 ofJanuary].

The present paper is divided into two main parts.The first considers input arrangementg comprisinga single circuit only : its first section deals withthe case where the active component Ri of the" generator " internal resistance is not smallcompared with the resonance resistance of theinput circuit, when the reactive component of thegenerator internal resistance is (a) capacitive, (b)inductive, and (c) zero (for example, a quarter -wave aerial). Its second section (case where theactive component Ri is small compared with theresonance resistance of the input circuit) considersonly arrangements with capacitive reactive com-ponent of the generator internal resistance, sincethe first section showed that the results for thiscase could be applied directly to cases where thereactive component was inductive or zero : in fact,eqn. 19 for the optimum value of a(= E,/E,) appliesin all three cases a, b, and c : it is 'al.,' =1VR,,,//?,,on certain assumptions which are justifiable onmost occasions. Here R, is the parallel resistanceinto which the losses of the oscillatory circuit areconsidered as concentrated.

The second part of the paper deals with inputarrangements comprising a two -circuit band filter.As before, the first section considers the casewhen R, is not small compared with the resonanceresistance of (here) the individual circuits of thefilter. Eqn. 48 now replaces the simpler eqn. 19for the optimum value of a : for a given R, thisdepends not only on R, as before but also on k'/d,that is, on the coupling of the band -filter circuits.If k'/d>> I, eqn. 19 is obtained again, but inpractice a compromise between input value and

April, 1943

selectivity is chosen : for instance, if k'/d = 1, then= 1/V2 x V /4//?,, smaller by the factor

I/ V2 than for the single circuit of eqn. 19. Inthe case dealt with in the second section, where Riis small compared with the resonance resistanceof the band -filter circuits, the result is as follows :-for an input consisting of a two -circuit band filter,with a generator whose internal resistance ispurely reactive, there is (with respect to the couplingof the two filter circuits) an optimum input value(the term " input value " here again represents a,the ratio E,/.E.) which is attained when thesecircuits are critically coupled. With respect tothe coupling k between the generator and theinput circuit, there is no optimum value of a :this ratio increases linearly with k and reaches itsmaximum for C1 = o, that is, when the first filtercircuit is tuned entirely by Ck. This maximumvalue is 1/2d, half as large as with a single circuitas input (eqn. 36).

The paper ends with examples in the designcalculations of the 15-6o m arrangements of abroadcast receiver to fulfil certain requirements :a single -circuit input is dealt with first, eqn. 16for 'al being used : finally a critically coupled bandfilter is considered as input, table 2 being calculatedfrom eqns. 46/48.



1080. DIODE AS A FREQUENCY-CHANGER.-F. M.& G. H. Aston. (Wireless En-

gineer, Jan. 1943, Vol. 20, No. 232,PP. 5-14.)The behaviour of the diode as a frequency -

changer is analysed with particular reference tothe so-called " television " type. The dependenceof the conversion ratio on circuit conditions andthe decrease' in conversion ratio involved in theuse of harmonics of the diode -current pulses areinvestigated. Values are found for the effectiveinput resistances at signal and oscillator frequenciesand the internal resistance at beat frequency.

1081. DIODE FREQUENCY-CHANGERS.-E. G. James& J. E. Houldin. ' (Wireless Engineer, Jan.1943, VOL 20, No. 232, pp 15-27.)

A general analysis of a two -element frequency -changer is given and the results are applied todiodes having (1) a three -halves power characteris-tic and (z) an exponential characteristic. Theoptimum ratio of output power to input power iscalculated both for negligible circuit losses and foran input circuit with appreciable loss.


1083. VIBRATOR CIRCUIT [to Provide High Tensionfor Noise -Free Operation of Sensitive Re-civers at All Frequencies].-Masteradio.



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( Journ. of Scient. Instr., Jan. 1943, Vol. zo,No. 1, p. 18.) For previous work see 2094of 1942.

ION. NOTES ON TRACKING CIRCUITS [includingTracking with Constant Difference of Wave-length]. - A. Bloch. (Wireless Engineer,Nov. 1942, Vol. 19, No. 23o, pp. 508-514.)

1085. SUPERHETERODYNE TRACKING SIMPLIFIED[Chart for determining Series and ShuntCapacities for Tuned Circuits in Single -Control Superheterodyne Receivers].-P. C.Gardiner. (Electronics, Nov. 1942, Vol. 15,No. II, pp. 74-75.)


1087. VALVE REPLACEMENT IN PUSH-PULL STAGFS[now that Matched Replacement is Difficult :Ways of obtaining Least Possible Distortion,by Circuit Arrangements]. - F. Kunze.(Physik. Berichte, 15th June 1942, Vol. 23,No. 12, p. 1268: summary, from Funkschau,No. 4, Vol. 15, 1942, p. 49 onwards.)

I088. STANDARDS FOR REPLACEMENT PARTS FORCIVILIAN RADIO IN WAR TIME [AmericanStandards Association Project].-O. H.Caldwell. (Industrial Standardisation, Dec.1942, Vol. 13, No. II, pp. 312-313.)

1089. TROPICAL RECEIVER DESIGN [Design ofReceiver particularly for Use in India].-M. J. H. Lemmon. (Journ. I.E.E., Part I,July 1942, Vol. 89, No. 19, pp. 321-322.)See also 1348 of 1942.



-M. W. Scheldorf & L. M. Leeds. (Com-munications, July 1942, VOL 22, No. 7,

PP. 36-37.)In this antenna the upper and lower circularElements are each effectively a quarter -wavelengthlong, being shortened from a physical quarter -wave-length by an adjustable end capacity. It providessimple horizontal polarisation with only two ter-minals and has uniform horizontal radiating pro-perties. The gain characteristic shows an improve-ment, due to large spacing, over systems whichrequire a closer spacing for the highest gain. Seealso 762 of March.

1092. LECHER SYSTEMS [including Use as'Feeders].-von Lindern &- de Vries. (See 1178.)

1093. ON RADIATION FROM ANTENNAS.-S. A.Schelkunoff & C. B. Feldman. (Proc. I.R.E.,

- Nov. 1942, VOL 30, No. II, pp. 511-516.)Authors' summary :-" This paper presents some

theoretical remarks and experimental data relatingto application of transmission -line theory toantennas. It is emphasised that the voltage,current, and the charge are affected by radiation


in different ways, a fact which should be con-sidered in any adaptation of line equations toantennas.

" It is shown experimentally and theoreticallythat in an antenna of length equal to an integralnumber of half - wavelengths, which is energisedat a current antinode, the effect of radiation on thecurrent and the charge (but not on the voltage)can roughly be represented by adding to theresistance of the wires another fairly simple term."


1095 THE SENSITIVITY OF AERIALS TO LOCALINTERFERENCE [Advantages of Frame Aerialsover " Indoor " & " Mains " Aerials :Classification of Interference Sources asElectric & Magnetic Radiators, and ofReceiving Aerials as Capa6itive & Inductive :

Action of Various Types of Source on VariousTypes of Aerial].-P. Cornelius. (Physik.Berichte, 15th June 1942, Vol. 23, 'No. I2,pp. 1264-1265: summary, from PhiliPSTech. Rundschau, No. 10, Vol. 6, 1941,p. 307 onwards.)



IN THE ULTRA -SHORT-WAVE REGION, ANDTRANSIT -TIME PHENOMENA.-E. Hameister.(Zeitschr. f. Fernmeldetech., 17th Oct. 1942,Vol. 23, No. ro, pp. 145-151.)

Author's summary :-' The properties of valvesin the ordinary wave regions are outlined. After ashort theoretical treatment of the space -chargeregion, forming the foundations for the calculationof valve properties, the properties are presentedas admittances, from the viewpoint of four -terminal -network theory, for the ultra -short-wave regionalso ; the properties and behaviour in the regimeof transit -time phenomena are considered, and theproblems of the setting -up of oscillations are dis-cussed. Particular attention is given, all throughthe paper, to bringing out clearly the -methods ofcalculation."1098. SOME TECHNOLOGICAL PROBLEMS IN THE

DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW SERIES OF TRANS-MITTING VALVES [Ultra -Short -Wave Triodes& Pentodes, for 5-7 m Band].-E. G.Dorgelo. (Philips Tech. Rundschau, No. 9,Vol. 6, 1941, p. 257 onwards.)

The various considerations which guided thedesign of this series of valves are discussed : theobject in view was to satisfy recent demands foru.s.w. valves of increased output with efficienciescomparable with those of medium -wave valves,and the constructional points necessary to attainthis object are described. Molybdenum is usedexclusively for the grids and anodes, on account ofits high heat -resisting powers. All joints are madeeither with molybdenum rivets or else by directwelding. Thoriated tungsten is used for thecathodes, with a specific emission of 70111.A /NV

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compared with the 6 mA/w of plain tungsten.A newly developed type of glass is employed forthe bulbs, the sealing technique being borrowedfrom the field of quartz lamp manufacture. Thismatter of seals, and also the oxide -free leading -inconnections of tungsten and molybdenum (whichremain vacuum -tight even at working tempera-tures of 400° C.), are specially mentioned. A zir-conium getter in powder form is used, and secondaryemission is avoided by zirconising the electrodes.1099. VACUUM MEASUREMENT IN A MAGNETRON

BY MEANS OF THE IONIC CURRENT.-E.Djakoff & A. Rajeff. (Physik. Berichte,1st July 1942, Vol. 23, No. 13, p. 1327:summary, from a Bulgarian publication.)

In a magnetron deprived of its magnetic fieldthere is a proportional relation between ioniccurrent on the one hand and gas -pressure andelectronic current on the other, as there is intriodes. In a two -slit magnetron the ionic currentwas measured with one half -anode as positiveelectrode and the other as negative. WithU+ = 250 v and U_ = 2 to 4 v, the ionic currentreached a ihaximum, and values of 8.8 and 7.6were arrived at for the residual -gas constant Cofor two -slit and four -slit magnetrons respectively.Accuracy of measurement was within 5%.

Iloo. THE DETERMINATION OF THE RESIDUAL -GAS PRESSURE IN COMMERCIAL VALVES BYGRID -CURRENT MEASUREMENT.-G. Herr-mann & 0. Krieg. (Telefunken-Rohre, No.21/22, 1941, p. 219 onwards.)

Amplifying valves of various types were con-nected to a pumping system and filled with carbonmonoxide or oxygen at measured pressures. Keep-ing the anode current constant, measurementswere made of the ionic current flowing to thenegatively biased grid (in multi -grid valves thegrids were connected together in parallel, so asto take all the ions formed into account). Afilament -heating voltage raised by 25% above thenormal value served to correct for the cooling ofthe cathode by the gas, and also for a small amountof poisoning of the cathode., .Comparison betweenthe results thus obtained and those given by mass-produced valves led to the conclusion that theaverage residual -gas pressure in the latter was10-5 mm, sinking to 10-6 or io-7 mm, or even lower,during service : values which agree with estimatespreviously made.

II0I. DIODE AS A FREQUENCY -CHANGER, andDIODE FREQUENCY-CHANGERS.-Colebrook& Aston: James & Houldin. (See 1080& 1081.)

1102. WHAT QUANTITIES REPRESENT THE SUIT-ABILITY OF A VALVE FOR THE AMPLIFICATIONOF THE SMALLEST SIGNALS ? -W. Engbert :M. J. 0. Strutt & A. van der Ziel. (Physica,No. 8, Vol. 8, 1941, p. 903 onwards.)

From the Telefunken laboratories. In replyto a remark in Strutt & van der Ziel's paper (ibid.,Vol. 8, p. 424) on the definition of a number torepresent the noise -resistance of a valve, Engbertmaintains that in valve questions in general it isparticularly desirable to give valve magnitudeswhich are not dependent on circuit effects.

April, 1943

I I03. CORRECTION TO DISCUSSION ON " THE DIS-TRIBUTION OF AMPLITUDE WITH TIME INFLUCTUATION NOISE." - V. D. Landon.(Proc. I.R.E., NOV. 1942, VOL 30, No. II,p. 526.) See 2129 of 1941 and 389 ofFebruary.

1104. VALVE NOISE, A PHYSICAL LIMIT IN THEDESIGN OF COMMUNICATIONS APPARATUS[Survey for the Practical Man, based onWork of Schottky, Spenke, & others].-E. Hameister. (Zeitschr. f. Fernmeldetech.,15th April 1942, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 59-62.)Another work referred to in the list at theend is that of Borgnis, 694 of 1942.


1106. VALVE REPLACEMENT IN PUSH-PULL STAGES[now that Matched Replacement is Difficult].-Kunze. (See 1087.)


1108. METHODS OF MEASURING THE SLOPE OFAMPLIFIER VALVES [Review of Methodsdue to Appleton, Eccles, Schottky, Graf-funder, Ballantine, Everitt, & Steimel].-J. Basisch. (Zeitschr. f. Fernmeldetech.,16th Feb. 1942, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 37-41.)

1109. TECHNOLOGICAL POINTS IN THE DESIGN OFRADIO VALVES [including Various Seal -Making Techniques, the Pros & Cons ofMetal & Glass Envelopes, and a Descriptionof the Development of the Philips " KeyValve (" Schliissekohre ")].-Th. P. Tromp.(Philips Tech. Rundschau, No. II, Vol. 6,1941, p. 32x onwards.)

IRON -TO -GLASS SEALS [for Vacuum Tubes].-(Electronics, Aug. 1942, VOL 15, No. 8,P. 97.)

Iiri. SOME ASPECTS OF RADIO VALVE MANU-FACTURE [General Description of Process].-T. F. B. Hall & A. H. Howe. (ElectronicEngrg, Sept. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 175, pp. 140-146.)

1112. RECENT R.C.A. VALVES : TENTATIVE DATA.-(Electronic Engrg, Nov. 1942, Vol. 15,No. 177, pp. 254-255.)

1113. RECEIVING -TRANSMITTING TUBE MANUALS[Notice of R.C.A. 1942 Handbooks].-(Communications, Sept. 1942, Vol. 22, No. 9,P. 39.)

1114. " INTRODUCTION TO VALVES " [Book Re-view].-F. E. Henderson. (Elec. Review,19th Feb. 1943, Vol. 132, No. 3404, p. 262.)

1115. OPERATION OF A TH YRATRON AS A RECTIFIER[Theoretical and Experimental Treatmentof Half -Wave Thyratron Rectifier Circuittaking into account Difference between

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Firing Potential and Tube Drop duringConduction].-L. A. Ware. (Proc. I.R.E.,Nov. 1942, Vol. 3o, No. 11, pp. 500-502.)

16. MEASUREMENT OF THE ANODE-CATHODEVOLTAGE DROP OF AN A.G. DISCHARGETUBE [Method of measuring Voltage betweenAnode and Cathode of Alternating -CurrentDischarge Tube during Interval whenCurrent is Flowing].-R. H. Baulk. (Elec-tronic Eng:g, Jan. 1943, Vol. 15, No. 179,pp. 324-326.)

I117. THE MANUFACTURE AND PROPERTIES OFTUNGSTEN AND MOLYBDENUM.-G. A. Perci-val. (Electronic Eng:g, Aug. 1942, Vol. 15,No. 174, pp. 104.-Io8.)

1118. THE USE OF SECONDARY ELECTRON EMISSIONTO OBTAIN TRIGGER OR RELAY ACTION.-A. M. Skellett. (Journ. Applied Phys.,Aug. 1942, Vol. 13, No. 8, pp. 519-523.) Asummary was dealt with in 442 of February.

1119. OBSERVATIONS ON THE SECONDARY -ELECTRONRADIATION FROM NON-CONDUCTORS [bya Method applicable also to PhotoelectronMeasurements].-K. H. Geyer. (Ann. derPhysik, 21st Dec. 1942, Vol. 42, No. 4, pp.241-253.)

Previous measurements of the secondary emissionfrom non-conductors have been obtained almostexclusively with thin films (Bruining & de Boer,4456 of 1939) : by such methods it is impossibleto separate the surface properties from the volumeproperties, particularly as films of material undergotransformations in their structure as their thicknessis increased (see 1974 of 1942, a previous paper bythe present writer). The work now describedcontributes to our knowledge of the secondaryradiation from non-conductors as a volume pro-perty of the latter. Also, the usual method ofmeasuring the s.e. coefficient 8 has in the pastbeen applied to non-conductors without regard tothe fact that in this case the s.e. current which canleave the body is not controlled by the p.d. withrespect to the surrounding cage (forming thecounter -electrode) but by a potential minimumwhich is formed in front of the non-conductor asa result of the space charge arising from the second-ary electrons already emitted. A discontinuityin the angular dependence of the s.e. output fromnon -conducting bodies, due to this space -chargemechanism, has already been pointed out by Salow(3432 of 1941).

The writer therefore uses an apparatus (Fig. 1)in which the difference between the incident primaryelectrons and the released secondary electrons isobtained from the, displacement current throughthe non -conducting plate from its backing elec-trode : dependence on the displacement currentmakes it necessary to use an oscillograph toobserve the instantaneous values.: The methodused is an improvement of that employed pre-viously by the writer & Heimann (2594 of 1940).and also by Salow, in that instead of velocity -modulation or intensity -modulation of the primaryray (which was found to lead to experimentaltroubles) it is the collector voltage, the " draining -


off " voltage on the dual collector -electrode systemZ, M, that is modulated : the method might betermed the " intermittent collector -voltage "method, but because of its fundamental idea it isbetter called the " intermittent displacement -current " method. It may well be found usefulfor the measurement of other electron -emissioneffects from non-conductors, their photoelectricbehaviour for example.

The present investigations lead to the followingconclusions :-alkaline -earth oxides, A1203, andcolourless glasses have values of 8 from z to 3 :alkali halides rather more, about 3 to 4. Inclusionsof foreign -metal atoms produce, in crystalline mater-ials as well as in glasses, an increase of secondaryemission up to about twice the original value, pro-vided that they cause no conductivity. The varia-tion with thickness of the s.e. output from thinfilms shows the presence of maxima, indicating theparticipation of electrons released by field actionfrom the metal carrier. Thus it is deduced finallythat the high output of commercial artificial films(depending often on a definite thickness) is due toco-operation by a non -self-sustaining discharge :it is a surface effect rather than a volume effect.


1120. ULTRA -HIGH -FREQUENCY RADIO -RANGE ANDMARKER RECEIVERS FOR AIRCRAFT.-G.Builder & J. G. Downes. (A.W.A. Tech.Review, No. 1, Vol. 6, 1942, pp. 1-15.)

Description of a receiver and associated equip-ment for use in aircraft to give visual and auralreception of radio -range and marker -beacon signalsin the Australian system of u.h.f. (33.3-34.2 and38.o Mc/s) navigation aids.

;121. AIRCRAFT RADIO COMPASS AND COMMUNICA-TION RECEIVER.-A. L. Green & J. G.Walton. (A.W.A. Tech. Review, No. 1,Vol. 6, 1942, pp. 17-35.)

A description of a complete aircraft communica-tion receiver with frequency range 275-1700 kc/s,2.3-3.3 Mc/s, and 6-7 Mc/s, with facilities for bothaural and visual indications of homing and directionfinding in the first band, and complete remotecontrol of both communication and direction -finding facilities. An explanation of the operationof the radio compass is given in which the loopsystem is considered as a suppressed -carrier modu-lator with the carrier re -supplied at a later stage .

by the fixed aerial. The theory leads to the pre-diction and achievement of sharper bearings andelimination of overload of the left/right visualindicator.

I I22. THEORY OF REVERSED HOMING.-A. L.Green. (A.W.A. Tech. Review, No. x, Vol.6, 1942, pp. 43-58.)

The radio compass is considered as a navi-gational aid when flying away from a transmitter.The theory indicates the conditions- to be observedin order to restrict the errors in flight.

1123. AIRCRAFT COMMUNICATIONS [Description ofBendix Communication Unit No. 504-C. W. McKee. (Communications, Sept.1942, Vol. 22, No. 9, pp t2-15 and 30, 34.)

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The first of a spries of analyses of aircraftcommunication Equipment and components.

1124. TYPICAL EQUIPMENT IN AIRCRAFT COM-MUNICATIONS [General Description].-C. W.McKee. (Communications, Oct. 1942, Vol.22, No. 10, pp. 12-13 and 47, 48.)


1125. LOUDSPEAKER DIAPHRAGMS COMPOSEDCHIEFLY OR WHOLLY OF MICA.-A.(Zeitschr. f. Fernmeldetech., 16th Feb. 1942,Vol. 23, No. 2, p. 29.) Telefunken patent,D.R.P. 705 441 : especially good for lownotes.

.1126. LOUDSPEAKERS AND FREQUENCY -MODULA-TION DISTORTION.-G. L. Beers & FI. Belar.(Communications, July 1942, Vol. 22, No. 7,pp. 18 and 2o.)

See also 800 of March. Mathematical analysisand measurements indicate the possibility of fre-quency -modulation distortion in loudspeakers whenreproducing a complex wave. To ,reduce f.m.distortion four methods are suggested : (I) reductionof amplitude by loading with horn, (2) reductionof amplitude by increasing cone diameter, (3)limitation of power input at low frequencies, and(4) use of separate speakers for low and high fre-quencies.

1127. A DISTORTION METER [Frequency Range 3oto ro 000 c/s].-J. E. Hayes. (Communica-tions, July 1942, Vol. 22, No. 7, pp. 12-13.)See also 798 of March.

1128. HARMONIC DISTORTION IN AUDIO -FREQUENCYTRANSFORMERS: PART 3 [Influence inPractice of Facts set out in Parts I and 2].-N. Partridge. ( Wireless Engineer, Nov.'1942, Vol. 19, No. 23o, pp. 503-507.) ForParts I and z see 3288 of 1942.

1129. " AUDIO -TRANSFORMER DISTORTION " [Re-view of 18 -page Booklet].-N. Partridge.(Elec. Review, 8th Jan. 1943, Vol. 132, No.3398, p. 58.) See also 3288/9 of 1942, and1128, above.

1130. RADIO LOUDSPEAKER TESTS PAVE WAY FORBETTER RECEPTION.-A. N. Goldsmith.(Industrial Standardisation, Dec. 1942, Vol.13, NO. I I, pp. 306-308.)

II31. AUDIO -FREQUENCY COMPENSATING CIRCUITS[to make Sound Reproduction seem MoreRealistic]. -$. Cutler. (Electronics, Sept.1942, Vol. 15, No. 9, pp. 63 and 66..70.)

1132. SOUND REPRODUCTION [Summary of Paperread to British Instn. Rad. Eng : Resultsof Experience as Technical Adviser toCentral Council for School Broadcasting :Reliability of Subjective Estimates ofQuality].-L. E. C. Hughes. (Elec. Review,irth Dec. 1942, Vol. 131, No. 3394, pp.749-750.) See also 452 of February.

1133. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS [History andDevelopment of Public Address Systems

April, 1943

traced from First Appearance to the PresentDay].-S. Hill. (Journ. I.E.E., Part HT,Sept. 1942, Vol. 89, No. 7, pp. 124-134.)

1134. SMALL -DIMENSIONAL RADIATING AND RE-CEIVING SYSTEMS OF HIGH DIRECTIVITY.-S. A. Makov. (Physik. Berichte, 1st Aug.1942, Vol. 23, No. 15, p. 1510: summary ofpaper from the Moscow Acoustic Division.)

" If two systems, each possessing only aweakly directional characteristic, are used togetherin phase -opposition, the combination has a muchstronger directional effect. Such combinationshave the advantages of preserving their directionalcharacteristic over a wide range of frequencies andof occupying a comparatively small space. Someexamples are given : a straight-line system withradiation at right angles to it, a similar system withparallel beam, and small two- and three-dimensionalsystems with strongly directional action. Thetreatment includes also the acoustic problems."

1135. A FREQUENCY -MODULATED CONTROL -TRACKFOR MOVIETONE PRINTS [located betweenSound and Picture Areas : proposed forControl of Intensity Level of ReproducedSound].-J. G. Frayne & F. P. Herrnfeld.(Bell S. Tech. Journ., June 1942, Vol. 21,No. I, p. 75-76: abstract only.) See also454 of February.

1136. A DISCUSSION OF SEVERAL FACTORS CON-TRIBUTING TO GOOD RECORDING.-R. A.Lynn. (R.C.A. Review, April 1942, Vol. 6,No. 4, PP. 463-472.)

1137. A STUDY OF " WOWS " [Equipment todetermine " Wow " Content, i.e. Effectsdue to Speed Fluctuations of a ReproducingTurntable : Signal from Magnetic ToneWheel applied across Tuned Circuits].-H. E. Roys. (Communications, July 1942,Vol. 22, No. 7, pp. 42-43.) Cf. 4148 of 1937and 1947 of 1939.

1138. CONSTRUCTION, MODE OF ACTION, ANDPROPERTIES OF THE CRYSTAL PICK-UP.-P. Beerwald & H. Keller. (Funktech.Monatshefte, July 1942, No. 7, pp. 97-99.)See 75 of January for a longer paper.

1139. A PIEZOELECTRIC DEVICE OF VERY GREATSENSITIVITY [using a Very Thin CrystalDiaphragm fixed at the Edges and slightlyBulged].-S. Szalay. (Zeitschr. f. Fern-meldetech., 16th Jail. 1942, Vol. 23, No. r,p. 12.) 704 649.

1140. THE MASS RATIO BETWEEN MEMBRANE ANDFLUID IN THE INNER EAR [and the Questionof Resonance]. -0. F. Ranke. (Akust.Zeitschr., No. r, Vol. 7, 1942, pp. 1.)

Irv. SUBJECTIVE DETERMINATION OF THE QUALITYOF TELEPHONE SYSTEMS : II-STATISTICALOBSERVATIONS ON QUERIES [Requests forRepetition, etc.] : THE TECHNICAL PRO-CEDURE.-H. Panzerbieter & A. Rechten.(Arch. f. Tech. Messen, Sept. 1942, Part 135,V3719-2, Sheets T90-91.)

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1142. THE FUTURE OF TRANSOCEANIC TELEPHONY[Thirty - Third Kelvin Lecture]. - O. F.Buckley. (Journ. I.E.E., Part I, Oct. 1942,Vol. 89, No. 22, pp. 454-461 : Bell S. Tech.Journ:, June 1942, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 1-19.)Summaries have been dealt with in 1995 [seealso' 3282] of 1942.


THE MEASUREMENT OF VOLTAGE PEAKS INA STUDIO EQUIPMENT [Philips Peak -Indi-cator for Broadcast Programme Control].-de Fremery & Wenk. (See 1297.)

1145. A MECHANICAL OSCILLATOR FOR RECORDINGCOMPOUNDED LINEAR WAVES [a' TeachingDevice for Demonstrating Various WavePhenomena].-A. D. Bulman. (Journ. ofScient. Instr., Jan. 1943, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp.10-12.)

1146. WAVE ANALYSIS [Part I-General Review :Part II-Analysis of Semi -Periodic Wave-Forms].-Bourne. (See 1320.)

36 and 72 ORDINATE SCHEDULES FOR GENERALHARMONIC ANALYSIS [to facilitate Calcula-tions : Applicable to Odd and Even Har-monics].-R. P. G. Denman. (Electronics,Sept. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 9, PP. 44-47.)

1148. SOUND.-W. Mikelson. (Gen. Elec. Review,Dec. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 12, pp. 685-694.)A survey of the technique of the measure-ment and analysis of sound, and a usefuldiscussion of terminology.

AN ANALYSIS OF AUDIO -FREQUENCY RES-PONSE CHARTS [with Charts giving InsertionLoss due to Series and Parallel Reactances].-H. Holubow. (Communications, Oct. 1942,Vol. 22, No. 1o, pp. 5-7.)


I I 51. THE DETERMINATION OF AN UNKNOWNFREQUENCY FROM A PHOTOGRAPHIC RECORD.-M. Scott. (Electronic Eng:g, Nov. 1942,Vol. 15, No. 177, p. 243.)

1152. SOUND INSULATION [Reduction of Noise inBuildings by Planning and Improved Struc-tural Technique].-W. Allen. (Journ. Roy.Soc. Arts, 5th Feb. 1943, Vol. 91, No. 4632,PP. 135-147.)

1153. THE NEW D.I.N. NOISEMETER [based onGerman Acoustics Committee's Recom-mendations].-H. Kalden. (Zeitschr. f.Fernmeldetech., 16th Jan. 1942, Vol. 23, No. 1,pp. 10-12.) For a correction see issue for16th February, No. 2, p. 32.

THE NOISE REDUCTION IN PRECISION -MADEGEARS [as. in Film Cameras, Alarm Clocks,etc.].-R. Berger. (Akust. Zeitschr., No. I,






Vol. 7, 1942, pp. 18-29.)


1155. RECORDING MACHINERY -NOISE CHARACTER-isncs.-Brailsford. (See 1356.)


1157. SOME EXPERIMENTS WITH SOUND WAVESGENERATED BY PERIODIC SUCKING IMPULSES[in Powdered Substances]. - F. Bruns.(Akust. Zeitschr., No. I, Vol. 7,1942, pp. 29-32.)



1160. ON THE BIREFRINGENCE PRODUCED INLIQUIDS BY SUPERSONIC WAVES [Experi-mental Investigation].-S. Petralia. (Physik.

. Berichte, 15th July 1942, Vol. 23, No. 14,P. 1440.)


1161. COLOUR TELEVISION. - Goldmark, Dyer,Piore, & Hollywood. (Journ. Applied Phys.,Nov. 1942, Vol. 13, No. II, pp. 666-677.)Refers to snore detailed paper by the sameauthors-see 481 of February. For anothercondensed version see Electronic Eng:g, Oct.1942, Vol. 15, No. 176, pp. 195-200 and 213.

1162. COLOUR TELEVISION DEVELOPMENT [Receiverwithout Moving Parts].-(Wireless World,Feb. I943, Vol. 49, No. 2, p. 41.) See also83o of March.

1163.. COLOUR AND STEREOSCOPIC TELEVISION[Editorial].-(Electronic Eng:g, Aug. 1942,Vol. 15, No. 174, pp. 96-97.)


1165. THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS ON A NEWMETHOD OF LARGE -SCREEN TELEVISIONPROJECTION : PART IV [the Heat Productionby Electron Bombardment].-F. Fischer,H. Thiemann, & E. Baldinger. (SchweizerArch: f. angew. Wiss. u. Tech., Oct. 1942,Vol. 8, No. io, pp. 299-307.)

In Parts I & it (for all previous parts see 3308 of1942 and back reference) the theory of the " eido-phor " was limited to the immediate problem ofimage production by surface deformation : solidand liquid eidophors were considered, and amongother things the necessary ray -current densitieswere calculated. Part III considered the con-comitant effects in liquid eidophors, in order toarrive at the conditions necessary for the productionof faultless images : means and ways were givenfor the realisation of these conditions so that

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disturbances of the eidophor surface might bereduced to negligible proportions. But no attentionwas paid to possible effects of electron bombard-ment on the surface. These might be chemical(polymerisation, etc : footnote ' 3 " gives sonereferences) or thermal. The possibility of the firsttype occurring can only be decided experimentally,but the thermal problem can be dealt with bycalculation. This is done in the present part, andit is concluded that for a current density of3 X i0-2A/cm2 the temperature rises produced inthe course of normal working would be somewhereround the harmless value of o.3°. Larger riseswould occur if the line -frequency deflecting unit fellout of action, but even these would not be dangerousto the surface. Provision would have to be made,however, to switch off the ray at once if both deflect-ing systems failed simultaneously.

1166. TELEVISION TRANSMISSION ON HIGH POWER[Description of Transmitter].-H. B. Fancher.(Communications, July 1942, Vol. 22, No.pp. 20, 30, and 34.) See also 826 of March.

1167. TELEVISION STUDIO LIGHTING [at GeneralElectric Company's Studios, Schenectady].-C. A. Breeding. (Communications, July 1942,Vol. 22, No. 7, p. 36 : paragraph only.) Seealso 827 of March.

1168. REMOVABLE CATHODE -RAY -TUBE SCREENS[for Replacement when Worn Out].-J. L.Baird. (Electronic Eng:g, Aug. 1942, Vol. 15,No. 174, p. 128.) Brit. Pafent No. 544 413.


The ordinary resistance -coupled amplifier does notfaithfully reproduce frequencies below about200 c/s. The form of compensation usually em-ployed to improve the low -frequency response is aresistance-capacity anode filter circuit. Curves aregiven for multi -stage as well as single -stageamplifiers showing the effect of changes in thecircuit constants on the transient and steady-statecharacteristics. These facilitate the choice ofcircuit constants to meet a specific low -frequencyrequirement. The curves are of value in the designof audio resistance -coupled amplifiers as well asvideo amplifiers.

117e. A PHOTOCELL WITH AMPLIFICATION BYSECONDARY EMISSION.-M. C. Teves, (Zeit-schr. f. Fernmeldetech., 16th Jan. 1942,Vol. 23, No. I, pp. 13-14 : summary only.)An Italian summary was dealt with in 2765of 1941.

1171. OBSERVATIONS ON THE SECONDARY -ELECTRONRADIATION FROM NON-CONDUCTORS [by aMethod applicable also to PhotoelectronMeasurements].-Geyer. (See 1119.)

1172. SEMICONDUCTOR PHOTOELEMENTS AND REC-TIFIERS [Experimental Investigation ofCuprous -Oxide Cells].-C. G. Fink & E.Adler. (Physik. Berichte, 15th July 1942,

April, 1943

Vol. 23, No. 14, p. 1420: from Trans.Electrochemical Soc., Preprint 1, 1941,Vol. 79.)

By preparing the Cu20 layers not thermally, asusual, but electrolytically, it was possible to obtainvery thin films of exactly controllable thickness andthus to have reproducible specimens. " Therectification and photoelectric e.m.f. of Cu20/metalcells is independent of the nature of the carriermetal (not necessarily copper) : this is in contra-diction to previous observations by other writers.The writers conclude that rectification and photo -effect are not bound up with the presence of aninsulating barrier layer. A method of preparinghomogeneous oxide films of io-5 to io-2 cmthickness is given. The optical transparency ofsuch oxide films in the near infra -red is measured."

1173. CONTRIBUTION TO OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THEVARIATION OF TRANSPARENCY OF COLLOIDALIRON IN A MAGNETIC FIELD [and an In-version analogous to That of the DoubleRefraction & Dichroism in a MagneticField].-G. Frongia & M. Agus. (Physik.Berichte, ist July 1942, Vol. 23, No. 13, p.1327: summary of an Italian paper.)



MAGNETRON OSCILLATOR [of Stabilised Fre-quency : Drude's Second Method formeasuring Dispersion & Absorption].-Cavallaro. (See 1353.)

1175. ANOMALOUS DISPERSION OF DIPOLAR IONS[and " a New Method of Measuring theDielectric Constant & Dielectric Absorption "at Ultra - High Frequencies]. - Marcy &Wyman. (See 1354.)

I176. APPLICATION OF WAVE -GUIDES TO THEMEASUREMENT OF DIELECTRIC CONSTANTSIN THE REGION OF CENTIMETRIC WAVES.-G. Fejer & P. Scherrer. (Physik. Berichte,1st Aug. 1942, Vol. 23, No. 15, pp. 1511-1512.)

Summary of the paper referred to in 3436 of1941. Wavelengths down to I cm are obtainedfrom a, magnetron with anode diameter 0.4 mmand length about 4 mm, whose connections form aplane three -wire system tuned by a reflecting disc.A cylindrical wave guide is used to measure thedielectric constant of a solid material in the form ofa plate laid on one end -disc of the cylinder. TheHo,m wave is specially suitable, owing to its elec-trical lines of force being parallel to the axis. Theformulae for calculating the dielectric constantsare given in the actual paper.

1177. THE MEASUREMENT OF DECIMETRIC, CENTI-METRIC, AND MILLIMETRIC WAVES [Wave-length Measurement using Resonant Con-centric Lines and Resonant Wave Guides].A. G.' Clavier. (Communications, Sept. 1942,Vol. 22, No. 9, pp. 5-9 and 19, 35, 36.) Seealso 489 of February.

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1178. LECHER SYSTEMS.-C. G. A. von Lindern& G. de Vries. (Philips Tech. Rundschau,No. 8, Vol. 6, 1941, p. 241 onwards.)

The behaviour of Lecher systems can be ex-pressed to a certain extent in quasi -stationaryterms, although the Lecher system does not repre-sent a quasi -stationary structure. The writerscalculate the capacitance, inductance, propagationvelocity, and characteristic impedance, and in-vestigate the behaviour to progressive and standingwaves : practical conclusions are deduced. Suchsystems are then considered as feeders for trans-mitting aerials and as frequency -stabilising elementsfor oscillatory circuits. Various practical forms areillustrated by photographs.

1179. RECEIVER INPUT CONNECTIONS FOR ULTRA-HIGH -FREQUENCY MEASUREMENTS [ThreeMethods of obtaining Push -Pull OutputVoltage from Signal Generator with Single -Sided Output].-J. A. Rankin. (R.C.A. Re-view, April 1942, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 473-481.)

r 180. RADIO -FREQUENCY POWER MEASUREMENT[Convenient Bolometric Method] .-W.. Bacon.(Electronic Eng:g, Jan. 1943, Vol. 15, No. 179,PP. 344-345.)

81. RADIO -CIRCUIT STABILITY.-Eggleton. (See1031.)

1182. QUARTZ CRYSTALS IN RADIO [Source, Nature,Properties, & Applications].-C. F. Baldwin.(Communications, Oct. 1942, Vol. 22, No. io,PP. 20..25 and 37, 4o.)



1185. THE TECHNIQUE OF FREQUENCY MEASURE-MENT, AND ITS APPLICATION TO TELE-COMMUNICATIONS [Improvement in Fre-quency Standards briefly Outlined : Methodsused to obtain Accurate Measurements interms of Improved Standards.]-J. E.Thwaites & F. J. M. Laver. (Journ. I.E.E.,Part III, Sept. 1942, Vol. 89, No. 7, pp.139-165.)

1186. THE ACCURATE GENERATION OF SUB -FRE-QUENCIES FROM A STANDARD.-E. Newman.(Electronic Eng:g, Nov. 1942, Vol. 15, No.177, pp. 244 and, 249.)

1187. NEW REFERENCE -FREQUENCY EQUIPMENT[provides Frequencies, accurate to 2 Partsin ro7, of roo, 10, i.o and o.i kc/s, withApparatus to detect Errors and to operateAlarm if Error exceeds Limit].-V. J. Weber.(Bell Lab. Record, Nov. 1942, Vol. 21, No. 3,PP. 73-76.)



II89. TUNING METHOD FOR ELECTRICAL OSCIL-LATORY CIRCUITS.-K. Beyerle & K. P.Schweimer. (Arch. f. Tech. Messen, Sept.1942, Part 135, V373-4, Sheet T92.)

The common way of tuning a circuit to a givenfrequency is to alter its inductance or capacitanceuntil an indicator shows the maximum or mini-mum valuee of current or voltage. But the changein value of the impedance is particularly smalljust in the neighbourhood of its maximum orminimum, so that the optimum tuning point(especially for highly damped circuits such as areencountered in 1.f. technique) is often poorlymarked and hard to recognise. The change of phaseangle, on the other hand, is especially large, as thezero point is passed through, and therefore pro-vides a sharper indication of tuning. A tuningdevice (circuit Fig. 5) based on this principle, andembodying a bridge circuit and a cathode-rayoscilloscope with its associated circuits, is shown inFig. 6: it was designed for the frequency rangezoo-moo c/s. For circuits of factor of meritaround ioo the accuracy of adjustment is withinabout 0.5% : for deviations of this order thestraight-line trace becomes an elongated ellipseor two adjacent lines. Besides its primary use intuning a parallel circuit (a similar arrangement ispossible for series circuits) the device is valuablefor adjusting a number of equal circuits so that thephase characteristic in each is the same, and alsofor determining the temperature characteristicsof coils and condensers.

1190. THE MAGIC EYE AS A RESONANCE INDICATOR.-J. M. A. Lenihan. (Electronic Eng:g,Sept. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 175, p. 164.)

1191. THE WIEN BRIDGE AND SOME OF ITS APPLI-CATIONS [as a Filter and. in Oscillator Cir-cuits].-J. S. Worthington. (ElectronicEng:g, Oct. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 176, pp.214-216.)

1192. A CARRIER -FREQUENCY HETERODYNE OSCIL-LATOR [having Frequency Range 5o c/sto 170 kc/s : developed on Similar Lines toEarlier Ryall-Sullivan Oscillator].-K. W.Bourne. (P.O. Elec. Eng. ,Journ., July 1942,Vol. 35, Part 2, pp. 65-68.)

1193. FORMULAS FOR THE INDUCTANCE OF RECT-ANGtLAR TUBULAR CONDUCTORS [using G.Stein's H(x) Function, a Table of, which isIncluded].-T. J. Higgins. (J °Urn. AppliedPhys., NOV. 1942, Vol. 13, No. II, pp.712-715.) Cf. 3657 of "1942.

1194. FORMULAS FOR THE MAGNETIC -FIELDSTRENGTH NEAR A CYLINDRICAL COIL.-H. B. Dwight. (Elec. Engineering, June1942, Vol. ,6i, No. 6, Transactions pp.327-333.)

1195. STANDARDS FOR REPLACEMENT PARTS FORCIVILIAN RADIO IN WAR TIME [AmericanStandards Association Project]. -0. H.Caldwell. (Industrial Standardisation, Dec.1942, Vol. 13, No. II, pp. 312-313.)

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1196. MICA CAPACITOR STANDARD, FIRST AMERICANWAR STANDARD ON RADIO.-H. P. Westman.(Industrial Standardisation, Dec. 1942, Vol.13, No. II, pp. 297-299.)

" The object was to prepare a purchase specifica-tion which could be approved by all branches of the(American) Services, and which would permitinterchangeability in manufacture and in service."

1197. FIXED CONDENSERS [New British StandardSpecification for Fixed Capacitors]:-(Wire-less World, Feb. 1943, Vol. 49, No. 2, p. 53.)

1198. STANDARD RESISTANCE VALUES [Manufac-turers and Government Decision].-(Elec.Review, 29th Jan. 1943, Vol. 132, No. 3401,P. 146.)

1199. SILVER ALLOYS AS RESISTANCE MATERIALS :I & H [Tin -Free Ag-Mn and " NBW "Alloys : Advantages in resisting Corrosion,and in Compensation Circuits to give Inde-pendence of Temperature].-A. Schulze.(Arch. f. Tech. Messen, Sept. & Oct. 1942,Parts 135 & 136, Z931-7 & 8, Sheets T97-98& 0). For previous work see 2134 of1942.

1200. A SIMPLE METHOD OF MEASURING THESPECIFIC RESISTANCE OF THE MATERIAL OFA CIRCULAR Disc [based on Formula in-volving Resistances between Two Pointson Periphery & Two Points on Surface].-B. J. Filippowitsch. (Physik. B,erichte, 1stJuly 1942, Vol. 23, No. 13, p. 1321 : sum-mary of Russian paper.)

1201. THE MEASUREMENT. OF THE Loss COEFFI-CIENTS OF MAGNETIC DUST CORE MATERIALS.-V. G. Welsby. (P.O. Elec. Eng. Journ.,July 1942, Vol. 35, Part 2, pp. 46-49.)

A method is described by which the losses in atoroidal dust -cored coil may be measured and thoseassociated with the winding eliminated. Splittingup the core losses into three components, thehysteresis and eddy -current coefficients can beevaluated with possible error of ± 5 per cent, but theerror in the residual coefficients may reach ± ioper cent. These coefficients are of considerableimportance in the development of core materials.


1203. AN IMPROVED INTER -ELECTRODE -CAPACIT-ANCE METER.-(Electronic Eng:g, Oct. 1942,V61. 15, No. 176, pp. 212-213: summary,from R.C.A. Review, April 19421

1204. THE Q METER AND ITS THEORY [Theory ofDirect -Reading Instruments including Cor-rections to increase Accuracy of Measur-ments].-V. V. L. RAo. (Proc. I.R.E.,Nov. 1942, Vol. 30, No. II, pp. 502-505.)See also 112 of January.

1205. A DISTORTION METER.-Hayes. (See 1127.)

April, 1943

1206. A VERSATILE VALVE - VOLTMETER. - O.I,imann. (Physik. Berichte, 15th June 1942,Vol. 23, No. 12, p. 1244.)

. From Funkschau, No. 4, Vol. 15, 1942, P. 55onwards. A triode is connected as a d.c. amplifier,and supplied with various auxiliary units fbrdifferent applications : a resistance-capacitancefilter for d.c. measurements, a similar filter pre-ceded by a Sirutor rectifier for a.c. measurements,and a diode pick-up unit for high frequencies.The whole is mains -fed, and in spite of its simplicityis notably unaffected by mains fluctuations.

1207. A MULTI -RANGE DIRECT -CURRENT AND VOLT-METER CIRCUIT [making Use of a " Multi -Stage " Shunt and Multiplier Circuit toReduce the Number of Shunt and SeriesResistors Required].-G. E. Roth. (Journ.of Scient. Instr., Jan. 1943, Vol. 20, No. I,pp. 12-15.)

1208. RECTIFIER INSTRUMENTS [Characteristics,Possibilities, & Limitations].-F. R. Ax -worthy.. (Elec. Review, 18th Dec. 1942,Vol. 131, No. 3395, pp. 791-793.) " Ageneral appreciation of the characteristicsof rectifier instruments will enable users toobtain the maximum benefit from themand may in some cases explain apparentlyanomalous readings."

1209. DESIGN OF LONG -SCALE INDICATING INSTRU-MENTS.-A. J. Corson, R. M. Rowell, &S. C. Hoare. (Elec. Engineering, June 1942,Vol. 61, No. 6, Transactions pp. 318-327.)


1210. APPLICATIONS OF CATHODE-RAY TUBES [inUltra -High -Frequency Technique: Survey].-Dudley. (Electronics, Oct. 1942, Vol. 15,No. ro, pp. 49-52 and 154, 155.)

12rr. THE CATHODE-RAY TUBE USED STROBO-SCOPICALLY [Beam Quenched except atRegular Intervals].-Bocking. (ElectronicEng:g, Aug. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 174, pp.102-103.) Cf. 436 of February.

1212. AN AUXILIARY CIRCUIT FOR CATHODE-RAYPHOTOGRAPHY [of Transient Phenomena].-Roberts. (Electronics, Sept. 1942, Vol. 15,No. 9, pp. 59-60 and 144.)

1213. A SIMPLE ELECTRONIC SWITCH [for ViewingTwo Phenomena Simultaneously on aSingle -Beam C.R. Tube].-Russell. (Elec-tronic Eng:g, Dec. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 178,pp. 284-285.)


1215. CALCULATION OF AXIALLY SYMMETRICALFIELDS [in particular, the Potential Distribu-tion of a Simple Electron Lens : Comparisonwith Plot made in an Electrolytic PlottingTank].-Bertram. (Journ. Applied Phys.,Aug. 1942, Vol. 13, No. 8, pp. 496-502.)For a previous paper see 451 of 1941.


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1216. ELECTROSTATIC ELECTRON LENSES WITH AMINIMUM OF SPHERICAL ABERRATION :ERRATA [Correction of Errors in " NoteAdded in Proof "].-Plass. (Journ. AppliedPhys., Aug. 1942, Vol. 13, No. 8, p. 524.)See 2774 of 1942.

1217. ELECTRON OPTICS [Lecture before the Elec-tronics Groups, Institute of Physics].-Gabor. (Electronic Eng:g, Dec. 1942 andJan. & Feb. 1943, Vol. 15, Nos. 178/180,pp. 295-299, 328-331 and 337, & 372-274.)Part of this ,paper was dealt with in 526 ofFebruary.

1218. A SIMPLIFIED ELECTRON MICROSCOPE.-Bachmari & Ramo. (Phys. Review, 1st/15th Nov. 1942, Vol. 62, No. 9/ro, p. 494.)

1219. THE MEASUREMENT OF DEPTH IN LECTRON-MICROSCOPIC OBJECTS [Long Account ofWriter's Technique, using the StereoscopicMethod and also the " Oblique Bedusting "Method (Silver -Vapour Particles incident atan Angle to the Carrier Foil: a Shadow -Effect Method) : the Necessary PreciseDetermination of the Electron -MicroscopicMagnification] (Kolloid-Zeitschr.,No. I, Vol. 99, 1942, p. 6 onwards.) Thisis the work mentioned by Gotthardt, 3082of 1942. For a long summary see Physik.Berichte, 1st Aug. 1942, VOL 23, No. 15, pp.1476-1477.

1220. OBSERVATIONS ON THE SECONDARY -ELECTRONRADIATION FROM NON-CONDUCTORS [by aMethod applicable also to PhotoelectronMeasurements] .-Geyer. (See I I 19.)

1221. ACTION OF RED LIGHT DURING THE EXCITA-TION OF PHOSPHORESCENT SUBSTANCES [Ex-perimental Investigation].-Bertolino. (Phy-sik. Berichte, 1st Aug. 1942, Vol. 23, No. 15,pp. 1504-1505 : summary of Italian paper.)

1222. ON THE DESTRUCTION OF THE PHOSPHORES-CENCE OF ZnS-CU PHOSPHORS. --Becker &Schaper. (Ann. der Physik, list Dec. 1942, -Vol. 42, No. 4, PP 297-336.)

The present investigation, based on extensiveand important new experimental results, shows"that the findings hitherto set out in the literaturerequire correction in many ways and are also sus-ceptible to extension," and that the influenceswhich more or less destroy luminescence may leadto new properties of the phosphor which can beconsidered to be, positive results of the disinte-grating action. While the latter is to he considereda desirable phenomenon for particular purposes,on the other hand a way is shown in which, incertain cases, it can be eliminated : a result forwhich up to now no possibility seemed to exist.For previous work on the subject, some of it carriedout in the same laboratories (Philipp LenardInstitute, Heidelberg University) see for instanceGoos, 2714 of 194o [for later work, 2468 of 1941],Bandow, 2068 of 1942, and Streck, 1147 & 3295of 1939.

Practically the whole of the long section A dealswith the disintegrating action of alpha rays. Sub -


section III investigates at length Goos's discoverythat the long -wave extinguishing effect is greatlyincreased by radioactive disintegration of ZnSphosphors : ' the relation between the height ofthe extinction and the intensity of the excitingand quenching light is thoroughly examined. Therise in the extinguishing action is especially steepin the region of low quenching intensities, the moreso the further the phosphor -disintegrating actionhas progressed. Thus the extinguishing action isparticularly well adapted to the detection andmeasurement of very small infra -red intensities."The quenching action sets in without appreciableinertia, stretches widely into the infra -red band,and in strongly disintegrated phosphors can effecta complete extinction of an existing excitation.It affects only the photoluminescence : alpha -luminescence is not appreciably quenched by infra-red irradiation of the phosphor.

Subsection Av deals with the temperaturedependence of the alpha -red disintegration : " thedisintegration, of a phosphor by alpha rays can becompletely prevented by a temperature rise toseveral hundred degrees." Subsection Avi dealswith beta and gamma irradiation : even high valuesproduced no signs of disintegration.

Finally, the much shorter Section B comparesthe alpha -ray results with the disintegration pro-duced by light : the behaviours are so differentthat the internal mechanisms cannot be the same.Disintegration by light requires a definite wave-band and the cooperation of moisture : alpha -raydisintegration is at least approximately independentof moisture. And in every case disintegration bylight was found to decrease the quenching effectinstead of increasing it. On the other hand, dis-integration produced by pressure (in a hydraulicpress) increases the quenching effeot, like alpha -ray disintegration : the action is considerablygreater than can be explained merely as due tothe resulting decrease in excitability. But it isincorrect to deduce that alpha -ray disintegrationis a pressure effect due to the kinetic energy of theray atoms, and the alpha -ray disintegration givesa better ratio of increase of quenching effect todecrease of phosphorescence, and is thus morefavourable to infra -red investigations.1223. SPECTRUM ANALYSIS OF THE FLUORESCENCE

OF CRYSTALLINE PLATINOCYANIDES. -Genard & others. (Physik. Berichte, 15thJuly 1942, Vol. 23, No. 14, p. 1435 : sum-mary of Belgian paper.)

1224. PRESERVING THE D.C. LEVEL IN OSCILLO-GRAPH AMPLIFIERS. - Russell. (ElectronicEng:g, Sept. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 175, p. 173.)Vibrator used to convert direct voltageinto square -topped wave with any alter-nating component superimposed on theflat tops. This can be handled by mostoscillograph amplifiers.

1225. PRECISE VOLTAGE STABILISER [Summary OfPaper. on Minimisation of Mains Fluctua-tions by a Stabilising Metal -Filament LampBridge coupled to Thermionic Amplifier].-Glynne. (Elec. Review, loth Nov. 1942,

Vol. 131, No. 339r, pp. 655-656.) See also519 of February.

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1226. VOLTAGE -REGULATING TRANSFORMERS [Re-view of Applications of Saturation]. -Lambert. (Electronic Engrg, Feb. 1943,Vol. 15, No. 18o, pp. 384-387.)

1227. A NEW INSTRUMENT FOR RECORDING TRAN-SIENT PHENOMENA [employing Magnetic -Tape Recording] .-Begun. (Elec. Engin-eering, April 1942, Vol. 61, No. 4, Transac-tions pp. 175-177.)

1228. NOTES ON HIGH -VACUUM TECHNIQUE.-Burrows. (Journ. of Scient. Instr., Feb.1943, yol. 20, No. 2, pp. 21-28.)

1229. THE CURE OF BUMPING IN MERCURY-GLASSDIFFUSION PUMPS [by Passage of a FewHundred C.C. of Sulphuretted Hydrogenthrough Pump before Use].-Adam &Balson. (Journ. Chemical Soc. [London],Sept. 1941, p. 62o.)

1230. IRON -TO -GLASS SEALS [for, Vacuum Tubes].-(Electronics, Aug. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 8,P. 974

1231. PERMEABILITY OF METALS TO GASES [Diffu-sion depends Not Only on GeometricalConditions in Metal Lattice but also on a" Chemical " Affinity between Gas & MetalAtoms : etc.].-Fast. (Philips Tech. Rund-schau, No. 12, Vol. 6, 1941, p. 369 onwards.)For summary see Physik. Berichte, 15th July1942, Vol. 23, No. 14, p. 1387.

1232. AN " ANODE -CHANNEL " SOURCE OF BEAMSOF POSITIVE CARRIERS [New Design, withover 8 mA Output].-Schmitthenner. (Ann.der Physik, 21st Dec. 1942, Vol. 42, No. 4,pp. 273-286.)


1234. A NEW METHOD OF DETERMINING THETEMPERATURE OF A HIGH-PRESSURE DIS-CHARGE.-Elenbaas. (Physica, No. z, Vol.9, 1942, p. 53 onwards.) For a summarysee Physik. Berichte, ist July 1942, Vol. 23,No. 13, p. 1324.


1236. THE CALCULATION OF THE TOWNSENDCOEFFICIENT OF IONISATION. - Zaitzev.(Physik. Berichte, 15th June 1942, Vol. 23,No. 12, p. 1240.)

From Journ. of Exp. & Theoret. Phys. [inRussian], No. 4, Vol. 9, p. 469 onwards. Calcula-tion of the number of atoms per cm path ionisedby electrons, for two different velocity distribu-tions. Comparison with measurements on a glowdischarge in neon shows that a Maxwellian 'distri-bution yields too high values for these coefficients.

April, 1943

1237. ON THE DISCHARGE OF POSITIVE POINTS[Investigation of Mechanism of Point Dis-charges & Electrical Wind : Discovery ofa Hysteresis Effect in. Wind from Positive(Not from Negative). Charge].-Yadoff &Yadoff. (Physik. Berichte, ist July 1942,Vol. 23, No. 13, p. : summary, fromComptes Rendus [Paris], No. 4, Vol. 214,1942, p. 158 onwards.)


1239. SEMICONDUCTOR PHOTOELEMENTS AND REC-TIFIERS [and Some New Conclusionsregarding Cuprous -Oxide Cells].- Fink &Adler. (See 1172.)


PP. 534-535-)Improvements in the processing of copper used

in copper -oxide rectifiers make practical the useof this type of rectifier in broadcast transmitters.Forced -draught cooling greatly increases theoutput allowable.

1241. METAL RECTIFIERS [Discussion of I.E.E.Paper].-Williams & Thompson. (Journ.I.E.E., Part I, Aug. 1942, Vol. 89, No. zo,PP. 357-362.) See 248 of 1942.

1242. CONTACT NON -LINEARITY, WITH REFERENCETO THE METAL RECTIFIER AND THE CAR-BORUNDUM CERAMIC NON-LINEAR RESISTOR[Experimental Analysis designed to correlate,and formulate the Behaviour of the VariousStructures possessing Contact Non -Linearity] .-Fairweather. (Journ. I.E.E., Part I, Nov.1942, Vol. 89, No. 23, pp. 499-518.)

1243. THE HALF -WAVE VOLTAGE -DOUBLING RECTI-FIER CIRCUIT.-Waidelich & Gleason. (See1053.)

1244. THE ELECTROTECHNICAL FOUNDATIONS OFTHE CONTACT CONVERTER : Part II. -Koppelmann. (Elektrot. u. Masch:bau, 24thApril 1942, Vol. 6o, No. 17/18, pp. 189-194.) For this " K -Converter " see 178o of1942.

1245. VIBRATOR CIRCUIT.-Masteradio. (See 1083.)

1246. LOW -CAPACITANCE A.C. POWER SUPPLIES[Need for Economy of Material, particularlyAluminium : Design of Power Filters withMinimum of Capacitance].-Mountjoy &Finnigan. (R.C.A. Review, April 1942,Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 455-462.)

1247. SOME PECULIARITIES OF THE LEAD ACCUMU-LATOR WORKING AT LOW TEMPERATURES.-Briner & Yalda. (Physik. Berichte, 15th July1942, Vol. 23, No. 14, p. 1423.) Summary of

. a report on some Geneva University re-searches.


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I249. THE DIELECTRIC CONSTANTS OF HIGHERALCOHOLS AT THE SOLIDIFYING POINT [andthe Reason for Their High Values].-Frosch.(Ann. der Physik, 21st Dec. 1942, Vol. 42,No. 4, pp. 254-272.)

Experimental investigation of recently solidifiedn-C14H240H and n-C2611330H. " It is the objectof this work to explain the high capacitance values,possessed by a condenser with a dielectric which hasjust solidified, by a stratification (layers of dielectricalready solidified and of dielectric still in the liquidstate), and to confirm this explanation by measure-ments. The question why such a stratificationshould occur is discussed [section va, pp. 263-264].By this explanation it is no longer necessary toattribute to the solid material just after solidifica-tion a high para-electric polarisation." Thestratification hypothesis can reasonably be appliedto explain also Damkohler's high dielectric constantfor HBr at its transition point of 89° absolute,Wintsch's results with ice, and other experimentalfindings. An added footnote calls attention toStachowiak's recent measurement (2317 of 1941) ofdielectric constants up to 17 000 in biologicalsubstances, in the wave -range 400-10 000 m : hereagain it is not a matter of high para-electricpolarisation but a structural effect (stratification ofcell elements).

1250. DIELECTRIC RELAXATION AS A CHEMICALRATE PROCESS .-Kauzmann. (Reviews ofModern Phys., Jan. 1942, Vol. 14, No. 1,pp. 12-44.)

This comprehensive survey is in two parts.Part i is theoretical and deals with the derivation ofthe differential equation for the relaxation of thedielectric polarisation. It then gives the solutionof this equation for static and oscillating fields.The physical nature of the energy losses in di-electrics is discussed and the factors determiningthe transition probabilities are given. Part II is acomparison of theory with experiment, including theinterpretation of observed data on relaxation ratesin terms of molecular processes.

1251. MODERN MATERIALS IN TELECOMMUNICA-TIONS : PART VI IA - NON - CONDUCTORS :INSULATION RESISTANCE AND ELECTRICALSTRENGTH [the Relationship betweenStructure and Electrical Properties inUnidirectional Fields].-Radley, Speight,Richards, & Walker. (P.O. Elec. Eng. Journ.,Oct. 1942, Vol. 35, Part 3, pp. 84-87.) Forprevious pakIs see 2500 of 1942.

I 252 . ELECTRICAL INSULATING MATERIALS FROMBENTONITE CLAYS [Dehydrating Processyielding Films with Dielectric Strength of90 kV/mm : Elastic & Non-Hygroscopic].-Wolkowa. (Physik. Berichte, 1st July 1942,Vol. 23, No. 13, p. 1346: summary ofRussian paper.)

I253. ' ' NEUZEITLICHE VERWENDUNG FEINKERA-MISCHER WERKSTOFFE IN DER TECHNIK[Recent Application of Fine -CeramicMaterials : Book Review].-Assoc. of Ger-man Electrotech. Porcelain Manufacturers.(Zeitschr. f. Fernmeldetech., i7th Oct. 1942,Vol. 23, No. 1o, p. 16o.)



EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS ON THE FINESTRUCTURE OF THE RONTGEN ABSORPTIONEDGES [including Results for Rutile, Anatas,& Brookite Modifications of Ti02].-Saur.(Ann. der Physik, 3rd Dec. 1942, Vol. 42,No. 2/3, pp. 223-24o.)

1255. INSULATOR GLAZES [Effect of Glazing on theInsulating Properties (especially in Relationto Humidity) and on the Mechanical Strengthof Porcelain Insulators : Microphotographsof Surfaces].-Rosenthal. (Elec. Review,27th NOV. 1942, VOI. 131, No. 3392,pp. 675-678.) From Hullers, Ltd.

256. FIBROUS GLASS INSULATION [Properties &Applications].-Robertson. (Elec. Review,19th Feb. 1943, Vol. 132, No. 3404, PP.247-248.) For other recent papers on thesubject see 228/9 of 1942 and back references.

1257. INSULATING MATERIALS FOR ELECTRICALCONDUCTORS [" Surprising " Improvementof Polyvinyl Chloride by mixing with Sili-cates (Quartz, Glass, or Mica)].-I.G. Farben-industrie A.G. (Zeitschr. f. Fernmeldetech.,i6th Jan. 1942, Vol. 23, No. r, p: 12.)D.R.P. 704 361.

1258. MORE MICA FROM THE WESTERN HEMI-SPHERE [Survey of Mica Supply for UnitedStates Industry].-(Elec. Engineering, Dec.1942, Vol. 61, No. I2, pp. 607-609.) Forother recent references to the mica situationsee 2818 & 3369 of 1942.


1260. INSULATING WooD [Experimental Develop-ment of Improved Qualities for ElectricalPurposes].-Jervis. (Elec. Review, 6th Nov.1942, Vol. 131, No. 3389, pp. 581-583.)For a previous article see issue of 27th March,1942.

I 26 I . THE USE OF WOOD, DRIED IN A HIGH -FRE-QUENCY (PARTICULARLY AN ULTRA -HIGH -FREQUENCY) FIELD, FOR ELECTRICAL INSU-LATION -Siemens-Schuckert. (Zeitschr. f.Fernmeldetech., 16th Feb. 1942, Vol. 23, No. 2,p. 28.) D.R.P. 704 667.

1262. PAPER DIELECTRICS CONTAINING CHLORIN-ATED IMPREGNANTS [Deterioration underCertain Conditions due to Chemical Decom-position].-McLean* others. (Bell S. Tech.Journ., June 1942, Vol. 2 I , No. 1, p. 77abstract only.) For another summary see847 of 1942.

1263. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OF RESIN SOLUTIONS:PART I [Anomalous Solubility of Shellac& Other Resins in 'Organic Solvents] :PARTS II & III.-Palit. (Physik. Berichte,1St July 1942, Vol. 23, No. 13, p. 1305:p. 1305: pp. 1305-1306: summaries ofIndian papers.)

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1264. INFRA -RED HEATING [Report of Lecture :Application of Infra -Red Lamps to Dryingor Softening of Synthetic Resin Materials].-Rowland. (Elec. Review, 2oth Nov. 1942,Vol. 131, No. 3391, p. 655.) See also 665of February.

1265. THE PRE -HEATING OF MOULDING MATERIALS[to Shorten the Compression Process :Use of Temperatures above r oo°C byUniform Heating, particularly by Radia-tion]. - Brandenburger. (Physik. Berichte,1st July 1942, Vol. 23, No. 13, p. 1345.)

1266. " PHYSICS IN THE U.S.S.R." (Review ofSeries of Ten Articles, including Study ofInsulation].-Pilot Press, Ltd. (See 1309.)

1267. CONDUCTING SILVER FILMS ON REFRACTORYMATERIALS [Non - Inflammable Base forSilver -Oxide Paint used to produce SilverFilms on Reduction by Heating].-King.(Electronic Eng:g, Oct. 1942, Vol. 15, No.176, p. 216.)

1268. ELECTRO - PLATING [Application to Non -Conducting Materials].-(Electrician, 29thJan. 1943, Vol. 13o, No. 3374, p. 122.)

1269. THE PROPERTIES OF MATERIALS [TheirClassified Description as an Aid to TheirSelection for Particular Applications].-Owen. (BEA MA Journ., Jan. 1943, Vol.5o, No. 67, pp. 6-1o.).


1271. ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY AND TRANSI-TION POINT OF Fe304 [and the Reasonof Its High Conductivity compared withFe,03 and Co304]. -Verwey. (Physik.Berichte, 15th July 1942, Vol. 23, No. 14,p. 142o : summary of a Philips' Companypaper.)

I 2 7 2 . THE MAGNETIC STRUCTURE OF IRON CRY-STALS.-Elmore. (Phys. Review, 1st115thNov. 1942, Vol. 62, No. 9/1o, pp. 486-493.)

1273. THE MAGNETIC PROPERTIES AND USES OFIRON ALLOYS [Properties and Uses ofIron Alloys for Communication Engineering].-Haigh. (Journ. I.E.E., Part I, Oct.1942, Vol. 89, No. 22, pp. 473-475.)


1275. MAGNET WINDINGS OF TUBULAR CON-DUCTORS WITH LIQUID COOLING [and TheirDesign for Minimum Volume & ExcitingInput]. - Plechl. (Elektrot. u. Masch:bau,3rd July 1942, Vol. 6o, No. 27/28, pp. 289-293.)

April, 1943

1276. PERMANENT MAGNETS [Recommendation ofHysteresis Loop rather than B/H Curveas Basis of Design].-Hamilton-Adams.(Elec. Review, 13th NOV. 1942, Vol. 131,No. 339o, 622.)

1277. ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY OF GRAPHITEFiLms.-Acheson, Ltd. (Electronic Eng:g,Aug. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 174, p. 124.) Forapplication to electrical screening see 153oof 1942.

1278. HIGH -FREQUENCY RESISTANCE OF PLATEDCONDUCTORS [Mathematical Analysis withExamples, including the Use of Copper -Plated Iron Conductors for Coaxial Cables].-Proctor. (Wireless Engineer, Feb. 1943,Vol. 20, No. 233, pp. 56-65.) Cf. Klein& others, 910/Ii of March.


1280. ELECTRICAL - RESISTANCE PROPERTIES OFDILUTE BINARY ALLOYS OF COPPER, SILVER,AND GOLD [including a Silver-ManganeseAlloy very suitable for the Measurementof Pressure].-Linde. (Zeitschr. f. Instr:kunde, Oct. 1941, Vol. 6r, No. 10. pp. 353-355: .e.ummary only.)

1281. THE RELAY IN COMMUNICATIONS [TopicalReview of Many Types of Relay in EffectiveUse To -day]. -Peters. (Communications,Nova 1942, Vol. 22, No. II, pp. 10-12.)

1282. ON THE RESPONSE TIMES OF TELECOMMUNI-CATION RELAYS [and Electrical, Mechanical& Thermal Methods of Delay : CompressedSurvey].-Schilssler. (Zeitschr. f. Fernmelde-tech., 16th Jan. 1942, Vol. 23, No. 1,pp. 9-1o.)

1283. ANTI -VIBRATION MATERIAL [New TextileMaterial for Use in Shock Absorption].-(Electrician, 12th Feb. 1943, Vol. 13o, No.3376, p. 164.)

1284. THE " TUCHEL " CONTACT [" Wiping Self -Cleaning Contact Design for Small or Large,Single or Multiple Plugs & Sockets, CableConnectors, etc : replacing Banana Plugs,Knife -Blade Contacts, & Other Devices forCommunications or Power Purposes].-Dewald. (Zeitschr. f. Fernmeldetech., 15thApril 1942, Vol. 23, No. 4, PP. 55-59.)

The dagger -shaped plug is cleaned and grippedas it forces its Way along successive sections ofthree (or more) pairs of edges formed by slittingan eccentric nest of tubes spot-welded togetheralong a line diametrically opposite to the slits,and by division into sections by slots at intervalsalong the axial length of the tubes.

1285. THE MANUFACTURE AND PROPERTIES OFTUNGSTEN AND MOLYBDENUM.-Percival.(Electronic Eng:g, Aug. 1942, Vol.. 15, No.174, J. 104-108.)

1286. BERYLLIUM -COPPER : A HIGH -STRENGTHALLOY FOR ELECTRICAL AND INSTRUMENTSPRINGS.-Hunt. (Electronic Eng:g, Dec.1942, Vol. 15, No. 178, pp. 276-279.)

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1287. BERYLLIUM -COPPER AND ITS APPLICATIONS[also Its Production, Properties, and Avail-ability].-Crossley. (Journ. of Scient. Instr.,Jan. 1943, Vol. 20, No. I, pp. 7-9.)

1288. DIAMOND DIES FOR THE HIGH-SPEED DRAW-ING OF COPPER WIRE.-Padowicz. . (BellS. Tech. Journ., June 1942, Vol. 2 I , No. 1,pp. 20-36.)

1289. THE SOLDERING OF ALUMINIUM [Advantagesof Hard and Soft Methods].-Einerl : Neu-rath. (Electronic Engrg, Feb. 1943, Vol. 15,No. 180, p. 388.)

1290. SOLDER ALLOYS [Tin Conservation & Solder-ing -Iron Temperature : Editorial].-(Elec.Review, 18th Dec. 1942, Vol. 131, No. 3395,P 771.)

1291. WARTIME SOLDERING [Cored Solder & Emerg-ency Alloys : Correct Method of Use ofCored Solders].-Arbib. (Elec. Review, P8thDec. 1942, Vol. 131, No. 3395, pp. 777-779.)

1292. THE MECHANICAL DESIGN OF GERMAN ARMYWIRELESS COMPONENTS [Description of theMore Unusual Designs].-Hull. (ElectronicEngrg, Nov. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 177, pp. 238-241.)


in American Army Camps].-Frank &Phillips. (Communications, July 1942, Vol.22, No. 7, pp. 5-10.)

As contrasted with earlier wired systems that usedlow frequencies, reception is obtained with any radioset plugged into the power line and tuned to theappropriate broadcast frequency. Details are given

transmitting system and of the method ofcoupling to 4000 -volt power lines.


1295. POST-WAR PLANNING IN RADIO COMMUNICA-TIONS [Discussion before the Wireless Sec-tion].-(Journ. I.E.E., Part III, Sept. 1942,Vol. 89, No. 7, pp. 168-173.)

120. AUSTRALIA-NEW EMPIRE RADIO NETWORKPLAN [Proposals, accepted by AustralianCabinet, for a Network linking All Parts ofEmpire].-(Elec. Review, 22nd Jan. 1943,Vol. 132, No. 3400, p. 127.)

1297. THE MEASUREMENT OF VOLTAGE PEAKS INA STUDIO EQUIPMENT [and the Philips Peak -Indicator for Broadcasting TransmissionControl].-de Fremery & Wenk. (PhilipsTech. Rundschau, No. 1, Vol. 7, 1942, p. 20onwards.)

The indicator consists of two push-pull amplifierstages followed by a rectifier and an output stage.The anode current .from the latter is read off the-45 to +45 db scale of a line -of -light instrument,zero corresponding to an input alternating voltageof 1.55 V,11, which for broadcasting transmissionsover lines with a zoo -ohms impedance serves as thestandard level (12 mw). A resistance -capacitance


time circuit makes the peaks reach their final deflec-tion within 5 ms, whilst recovery takes place witha speed of at most 20 dbis : this renders observa-tion more simple and less tiring. The grid -leakof the output valve takes the form of the non-linear resistance of a dry -plate rectifier (kept accu-rately at a constant temperature because of thetemperature -dependence of its characteristic) toprovide a linear scale.1298. SUBJECTIVE DETERMINATION OF THE QUALITY

OF TELEPHONE SYSTEMS.-Panzerbieter &Rechten. (See 1141.)

1299: AIRCRAFT COMMUNICATIONS [Description ofBendix Communication Unit No. 508].-McKee. (Communications, Sept. 1942, Vol.22, No. 9, pp. 12-15, 3o, 34.) The first of aseries of analyses of aircraft communicationequipment and components.

1300. TYPICAL EQUIPMENT IN AIRCRAFT COMMU-NICATIONS [General Description].-McKee.(Communications, Oct. 1942, Vol. 22, No. To,pp. 12-13 and 47, 487)--

1301. NAZI AIRCRAFT RADIO [Equipment in Ju. 88,He. IIIH, Me. 109°: also Forced LandingSets].-Jupe. (Electronics, Nov. 1942, Vol..15, No. II, pp. 58-59, 167-J69.) See also3015 & 3016 of 1942 and 598 of February.


Vi ENERGY -FLOW POSTULATE. -(Elec. Engineering, Dec. 1942, Vol. 61, No.12, Transactions pp. 835-840.)

Author's summary :-' The conditions which avalid postulated electric -energy flow must satisfyare given and are stated to be insufficient for its unique determination. The commonly used Vienergy -flow postulate is shown by examples to benot generally valid, but by adding a simple term itcan be made equally valid with other valid energy -flow postulates. Various examples are given of theapplication of this corrected energy -flow postulate.On power systems the engineer commonly limitshis use of the uncorrected Vi postulate to applica-tions where the correcting term should have anegligible net effect. Various examples of such useare discussed." Cf. 1311, below.

1303. Cosmic - RAY THEORY. - Rossi & Greisen.(Reviews ofModern Phys., Oct. 1941, Vol. 13,No. 4, pp. 240-309.)

The interaction of cosmic rays with matter givesrise to' a great variety of secondary effects. Thepresent article gives a very comprehensive surveyof the more theoretical aspects of -the - subject.Part I deals with collision processes, radiationprocesses, the production of pairs and scattering.Part II deals with the theory of multiplicativeshowers.

1304. A NEW TABLE OF VALUES OF THE GENERALPHYSICAL CONSTANTS [as of August, 1941].-Birge. (Reviews of Modern Phys., Oct. 1941,Vol. 13, No: 4, pp. 233-239.)

A discrepancy between the value o,f the electroniccharge e obtained from oil -drop work, and that

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obtained by a later method involving wavelengthsof X-rays determined by ruled gratings, madepreviously accepted values of the general physicalconstants wrong. It has been shown definitely thatthe value assumed for the viscosity of air byMillikan in his oil -drop work was seriously in error.Numerous recent determinations of the viscosity ofair, together with new oil -drop work, have nowbrought the two values of e into satisfactory agree-ment. The present grating value appears, however,to be much more accurate than the oil -drop value,and is therefore adopted in the present tables. Thequantity obtained in this method is primarilyAvogadro's number. This now becomes a funda-mental constant and e becomes a derived constant.

The earlier value of e was roughly 4.77 X toe.s.u. ; the new value is about 4.80 to -1° e.s.u.This large change gives rise to a whole new set ofdiscrepancies, affecting chiefly the radiation con-stants. Cf. Laby, 610 of March.

1305. ON THE THEORY OF THE METALLIC CONDUC-TION OF ELECTRICITY, and THE ELECTRICALAND THERMAL PROPERTIES OF METALS IN AMAGNETIC FIELD.-Sauter : Kohler. (Ann.der, Physik, 3rd Dec. 1942, Vol. 42, No. 2/3,pp. 110-141 : pp. 142-164.)

1306. A DEVELOPMENT OF LONDON'S THEORY OFSUPERCONDUCTIVITY.-V0/1 Laue. (Ann. derPhysik, 3rd Dec. 1942, Vol. 42, No. 2/3,pp. 65-83.) Followed by other papers onsuperconductivity (Justi : Steiner & Ger-schlauer).

1307. THE THEORY OF UNITS.-Bedford. (Journ.of British I.R.E., Dec. 1942/Jan. 1943,Vol. 3, pp. 82-103.)

Author's summary :-" In the formulation ofelectromagnetic theory, there are four stages atwhich arbitrary constants are conveniently intro-duced for the purpose of defining units. It iscustomary to assign immediately the value unityto certain of these constants, after which they arelost sight of and have often at a later stage to bepainfully resuscitated. In the present treatment asketch of electromagnetic theory is given in whichthe suppression of these fundamental constants(k1, k2, k3, k4) does not occur. Maxwell's theory isshown to lead to a certain relationship between thek's involving the velocity of light. Subject to thisand to one other restriction, the assignment ofk -values is an arbitrary matter, the process offormulating a unit system being one of two degreesof freedom.

" A table is constructed showing the assignmentof k -values corresponding to the various known unitsystems. This table can, amongst other things, beused to derive the numerical relationships betweenthe unit quantities of the various systems. Onenecessary example of this is given, but it is pointedout that the (advocated) use of a generalised systemof units (k's unspecified) eliminates once and for allthe tiresome and inelegant process of unit changing.Moreover, this generalised system of units is freeof the dimensional inconsistencies which charac-terise the known systems, at least in their moreusual modes of expression.

" Examples are given of the direct use of the

generalised system of units ; a particular problemwhich would normally present the most tiresomeprocess of unit changing is solved straight out ingeneralised units from which the numerical answersare written down at once in practical units.

" Serious inconsistencies of method nomenclaturein connection with the practical system of units arebrought to light and proposals for rationalisationare considered." For a short summary see Elec.Review, 6th Nov. 1942, p. 592.

1308. ON THE DIMENSIONS OF PHYSICAL QUAN-TITIES [Editorial Discussion of Recent Papersin Phil. Mag. and Proc. Phys. Soc.].-G.W.O.H. (Wireless Engineer, Jan. 1943,Vol. 20, No. 232, pp. 1-3.) See for example132 & 239 of January.

1309. " PHYSICS IN THE U.S.S.R." [Review ofSeries of Ten Articles by Various Authors,published by the Pilot Press Ltd : Study .ofInsulation : Electrification in the U.S.S.R.].-(Elec. Review, 2oth Nov. 1942, Vol. 131,No. 3391, p. 646.)

1310. " INTRODUCTION TO MODERN PHYSICS "[Third Edition : Book Review].-Richtmyer& Kennard. (Journ. Applied Phys., Nov.1942, Vol. 13, No. II, p. 687.)


131I. ENERGY AND ENERGY FLOW IN THE ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FIELD [a New Derivation ofPoynting's Vector, which also yields OtherEnergy -Flow Vectors].-Slepian.Applied Phys., Aug. 1942, Vol. 13, No. 8,pp. 512-518.) A. summary was referred toin 3259 of 1942. Cf. 1302, above.

1312. STEADY STATE CURRENTS IN ELECTRICALNETWORKS [Extension of Operational CircuitAnalysis].-Waidelich. (See 1039 & 1040.)

1313. THE OPERATIONAL THEORY OF LONGITU-DINAL IMPACT [by Analogy with Theory ofElectrical Transmission Lines]. -Pipes.(Journ. Applied Phys., Aug. 1942, Vol. 13,No. 8, pp. 503-511.)

1314. THE ELECTRO-MECHANICAL ANALOGY INOSCILLATION THEORY. - Manley. (Journ.Roy. Aeron. Soc., Jan. 1943, Vol. 47, No.385, pp. 22-26.)

1315. HEAVISIDE'S DIRECT OPERATIONAL CAL-CULUS [Application to the Solution ofEngineering Problems]. - Russell. (Elec.Engineering, Feb. 1942, Vol. 61, No. 2,pp. 84-88.)

1316. INVERSE FUNCTIONS OF COMPLEX QUANTI-TIES [Explicit Formulae for Such Func-tions].-Dwight. (Elec. Engineering, Dec.1942, Vol. 61, No. 12, TransaCtions pp.850-853.)

1317. THE TERM " VECTOR " [Letter indicatingAmbiguity in the Present Use of the Term].-Feinberg. (Electrician, 12th Feb. 1943,Vol. 130, No. 3376, p. 172.)

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1318. INTEGRATION IN THE COMPLEX PLANE [aMathematical Pierequisite for Work onLaplacian Transforms, Fourier Integrals,and Travelling Waves on TransmissionLines]. - Friedrichs. (Elec. Engineering,March 1942, Vol. 61, No. 3, pp. 139-143.)


1320. WAVE ANALYSIS [Part I-General Review :Part II-Analysis of Semi -Periodic Wave-Forms].-Bourne. (Electronic Eng:g, Sept.& Dec. 1942, Vol. 15, Nos. 175 & f78,pp. 149-151 & 280-282.)

1321. 36 AND 72 ORDINATE SCHEDULES FORGENERAL HARMONIC ANALYSIS [to facilitateCalculations : Applicable to Odd and EvenHarmonics].-Denman. (Electronics, Sept.1942, Vol. 15, No. 9, pp. 44-47-)

1322. SIX -FIGURE TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES [Re-ference to Recently Published Tables].-(Engineer, ioth Oct. 1942, Vol. 174,No. 4529, p. 368.)

1323. PRODUCTION TESTING. -Summers. (Gen.Elec. Review, Dec. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 12,pp. 701-703.)

A description of the application of cathode-raytubes and reflecting galvanometers to the testingof mass-produced electrical products. See also3668 of 1942 and back reference.

1324. AN EXTENSION OF NOMOGRAPHY.-Hansel.(Phil. Mag., Jan. 1943, Vol. 34, No. 228,pp. 1-26.)

The author considers that the possible scopeof nomographic methods is not generally appre-ciated. The generalised application of thesemethods includes the numerical solution of differen-tial equations, the reduction of observations, andthe determination of laws. Nomographic calcu-lation should find a place in elementary mathe-matical training and nomographic paper withprinted scales should be available cheaply.1325. GOVERNMENT AND SCIENCE IN GREAT

BRITAIN [Organisation of Scientific Effortfor War Purposes]. -Cripps. (Nature, 6thFeb. 1943, Vol. 151, PP. 152-153.)

1326. THE PLANNING OF SCIENCE [Conferenceof Association of Scientific Workers]. -(Nature, 6th Feb. 1943, Vol. 151, pp. 153-157.) A summary was referred to in 93oof March.

1327. INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH IN GREAT BRITAIN[Atkinson Memorial Lecture].-Dunsheath.(Electrician, 5th Feb. 1943, Vol. 13o,pp. 131 and 148: Engineer, 5th Feb. 1943,Vol. 175, No. 4543, pp. 106-109 and 1'2.)

1328. WARTIME ENGINEERING. - Goldsmith.(R.C.A. Review, April 1942, Vol. 6, No. 4,pp. 395-415.) Already dealt with in 642of February.


1329. SCIENCE IN THE U.S.S.R.-Crowther. (Journ.Applied Phys., Aug. 1942, Vol. 13, No. 8,PP. 472-477-)

1330. A REVIEW OF TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENTS INBROADCASTING [Wireless Section, I.E.E :Chairman's Address]. - Bishop. (Journ.I.E.E., Part I, Jan. 1942, Vol. 89, No. 13,pp. 35-51.) Reproduced also in Part III(3756 of 1942).

1331. POST-WAR PLANNING IN RADIO COMMU-NICATION [Discussion before the WirelessSection].-(Journ. I.E.E., Part III, Sept.1942, Vol. 89, No. 7, pp. 168-173.)

1332. TELECOMMUNICATION : UNIVERSITY EDUCA-TION AND INDUSTRIAL TRAINING OF ENGI-NEERS [Paper read to Wireless Section ofI.E.E.].-Jackson. (Electrician, 19th Feb.1943, Vol. 130, p. 194.)

1333. TRAINING THE BOYS [Review of EducationalScheme. undertaken by W. T. Henley'sTelegraph Works Co., Ltd.].-(BEAMAJourn., Jan. 1943, Vol. 5o, No. 67, p. 5.)

1334. LABORATORY SLANG [Correspondence criticis-ing the Use of Undefined Unfamiliar Terms].-Ipfeed : Puckle. (Electronic Eng:g, Oct.1942, Vol. 15, No. 176, p. 217.)

1335. PREPARATION OF TECHNICAL ARTICLES.-Dudley. (Proc. I.R.E., Dec. 1942, Vol. 3o,No. 12, pp. 529-534.)

1336. " NUEVO DICCIONARIO TECNICO COMERCIAL,ESPAROL -INGLES " [Book Review].-Guer-rero (Edited by). (Industrial Standardisa-tion, Dec. 1942, Vol. 13, No. II, p. 299.)

1337. " RADIO REFERENCE DATA " [Review ofBooklet].-Standard Telephones & Cables.(Electronic Eng:g, Sept. 1942, Vol. 15, 'No.175, P. 174.)

1338. " AIRCRAFT RADIO " [Book Reviewl. -Surgeoner. (Journ. Roy. Aeon. Soc., Jan.1943, Vol. 47, No. 385, P. 27.)

1339. " THE TELEPHONE HANDBOOX " . [BookReview].-Poole. (Elec. Review, 1st Jan.1943, Vol. 132, No. 3397, p. 6.)

1340. " HANDBOOK OF TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONFOR WIRELESS TELEGRAPHISTS " [BookReview].-Dowsett & Walker. (Proc. I.R.E.,Dec. 1942, Vol. 3o, No. 12, p. 558.)

1341. " THE RADIO AMATEUR'S HANDBOOK (NINE-TEENTH EDITION) 1942 " [Book Review].-American Itadio Relay League. (Proc.I.R.E., Dec. 1942, Vol. 3o, No. 12, p. 558.)

1342. " BASIC ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM "[BO'Ok Review].-Frid. (Electrician, 19thFeb. 1943, Vol. 230, p. 193.)

1343. " TEACH YOURSELF ELECTRICITY " [BookReview].-Wilman. (Electrician, 29th Jan.1943, Vol. 130, No. 3374, p. 122.) .

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TELEPHONE DEVELOPMENT [Use of CoaxialCables for Multichannel Communication].-(Engineer, 30th Oct. 1942, Vol. 174, No. 4529,

. P. 359.)AN EMERGENCY ALERT SYSTEM(Communications, Nov. 1942, Vol. 22, No. II,pp. 22 and 46.)

1347. O.C.D. [Office of Civilian. Defence] CARRIER -CURRENT TESTS [of the Practicability ofusing Power -Distribution Lines for givingPreliminary Air -Raid Warnings to C.D.Personnel].-(Electronies, Aug. 1942, Vol. 15,No. 8, pp. 59 and 13o.)

ELECTRONIC SWITCHING SIMPLIFIES POWER -LINE COMMUNICATIONS [Voice -StimulatedSequence Operations to provide Rapid andAutomatio Conversations on High -VoltagePower -Transmission Lines': the Outline ofOne Highly Successful Design].-Booth.(Electronics, Aug. 1942, Vol. 15, No. 8,

PP. 44-47.)THE APPLICATION OF CARRIER. SYSTEMS TOSUBMARINE CABLES: PART I [GeneralAnalysis of Problem of providing theMaximum Number of Carrier Circuits] :PART II [Design of Terminal Equipment].-Halsey. (P.O. Elec. Eng. Journ., Oct. 1942,Vol. 35, Part 3, PP. 79-83 : Jan. 1943,Vol. 35, Part 4, pp. 121-125.)

1350. INFRA -RED HEATING.-Rowland. (See 1264.)


RADIATION INSTRUMENTS USING GEIGER-Mt)LLER TUBES [for measuring Intensity ofRadiation].-Weisz. (Electronics, Oct. 1942,Vol. 15,No. to, pp. 44-48 and 118.) For otherrecent work by the same writer see 2224,2585, & 2920 of 1942.

1353. THE OPERATION OF PROPQRTIONAL COUNTERS[Use of Geiger Counters in which Magnitudeof Pulse observed on Collecting Electrode isProportional to Size of Initial Ionising Event].-Korff. (Reviews of Modern Phys., Jan.1942, Vol. 14, No. t, pp.

HERTZIAN WAVE SPECTROSCOPY WITH AMAGNETRON OSCILLATOR [Physico-Chemical& Technical Importance of Dispersion &Absorption Measurements at' High & Ultra -High Frequencies; Equipment usingMagnetron Oscillator of Stabilised Fre-quency in Wave Range 0.70-1.80 m, andDrude's Second Method for .measuringDispersion & Absorption : Results withAlcohols]. -Cavallaro. (Physik. Berichte,1st Aug. 1942, Vol. 23, No. 15, p. 1485.)

ANOMALOUS DISPERSION OF, DIPOLAR IONS[and " a New- Method of Measuring the






April, 1943

Dielectric Constant & Dielectric Absorption"at Ultra -High Frequencies, using C.R.Oscillograph to determine Phase -Displace-ment' of Test Field in Two Similar Cells,One containing Water & the Other theLiquid under Test].-Marcy & Wyman.(Physik. Berichte, 1st Aug. 1942, Vol. 23,No. 15, p. 1486: summary of paper in,Journ. Am. Chem. Soc., Vol. 63.)

1356. THE PRODUCTION OF SINUSOIDAL ALTER-NATING CURRENTS IN THE INFRA -SONICFREQUENCY BAND [and Their Penetrationinto the Ground : Use in Radio Prospect-ing].-Miiller. (Physik. Berichte, 1st Oct.1942, Vol. 23, No. 19, p. 1811 : summary,from Zeitschr. f. Geophys., No. 5/6, Vol. 17,1942, p. 181 onwards.)

The penetration depth of a current of frequency vis approximately s = ItA/ ilv ; depths are calcu-lated for frequencies between tom and o.1 cfsfor grounds of various conductivities, and it isseen that it is often necessary to use frequenciesbelow to c/s if large depths are required. Ordinarygenerators are not suitable for such low frequencies,especially since pure sine waves are required.The writer describes two suitable circuits, bothcontaining only condensers and ohmic resistances.The range of the oscillation period is from severalhours to I /too 000 second. The calculation ofthe oscillatory circuits is given and the conditionsfor the setting -up of oscillations are discussed.By the variation of these conditions, selectiveeffects may be produced ; for example, the percen-tage of silicic-acid content in a gold seam was thusdetermined. The circuits 'are suitable for allpurposes where a small output is sufficient.1357. RECORDING MACHINERY -NOISE CHARACTER-

ISTICS [Apparatus & Technique, includingSuggestions for Subsequent LaboratoryAnalysis by Oscillographic Means].-Brails-ford. (Electronics, Nov. 1942, VOL 15,No. II, pp. 46-51.)

1358. THE APPLICATION OF SOUND WAVES INMETALLURGY [Difficulties in Improvingthe Workability of Aluminium, Zinc, etc.,by Addition of Lead, removed by High -Frequency Sound Treatment which ensuresUniform Dispersion].-Becker. (Physik.Berichte, 15th July 1942, Vol. 23, No. 14,p. 1445 : summary of Russian report.)

1359. RECENT RESEARCHES ON THE PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND SIMILAR EFFECTS PRODUCEDBY SUPERSONIC WAVES [Actions on Suspen-sions, Smokes, etc : Local Thermal Actions(Acceleration of Reactions, etc.) : Cavita-tion (Outgassing, Activation of Gases,Luminescent Phenomena, etc.)].-Lovera.(Physik. Berichte, 15th July 1942, Vol. 23,No. 14, pp. 1440-1441.)

1360. AN ACOUSTIC MEASURING METHOD FORDETERMINING THE DYNAMIC COMPRESSI-BILITY AND LOSS FACTOR OF ELASTICMATERIALS [Method employing a WaterColumn excited to Resonance].-Meyer &Tamm. (Akust. Zeitschr., No. 2, Vol. 7,1942, pp. 45-5o.)

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It was just a coil of wire .. 0

. now it is an inductance coil which has to meet the stern demands of acommunication system that goes on day and night. One more example

of Rediffusion products used in Redi ffuscommunicationion equipment.

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April, 1943




A great truth ; and equally true in other ways for it is from thefunction of a resistance in an electrical circuit that millions ofcomplex instruments, upon which we are so dependant, derivetheir results. It is essential however, that the quality of theresistance in all cases shall be of the highest.In a world where the use of electrical and radio devices hasreached an unprecedented peak, the many and varied conditionsin which resistances are required can be but inadequatelyimagined. Somebody must know about such things however,and who better than we whose care and privilege it. is to developand manufacture all kinds of dependable resistances to satisfy themost exacting modern operating demands.What a wealth of technical excellence in resistances will beavailable to industry when better times arrive.



Printed in England for the Publishers, airre & Sons LTD., Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S.E.1,by The Cornwall Press Ltd., Paris Garden, Stamford Street, London, S.E.1.