winter is coming - new hope community food...

November 2014 The Newsletter of Niles Community Church Winter Is Coming Winter is coming. Not only in the fictional world of the Game of Thrones, but here in the real world of Chicagoland. As I write this I can see snow coming down. It's October 31st, Halloween. This may be some kind of record. There's no doubt that Winter is on its way. When I was young, the seasons seemed to last a long, long time. The next season seemed like a big mountain peak off in the distance. Now, the seasons seem to rush by like the telephone poles that speed by when you drive down the highway. We're all familiar with Ecclesiastes 3:1: "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. . . ." My earliest association for this passage is my mother's saying that "there is a time and place or everything." I usually heard this when I wanted to play when it was time to study or work. After becoming a minister, I frequently found myself reading this passage at funeral and memorial services. Note verse 2: there is "a time to be born, and a time to die." There is a time for everything, the beginning and the end, and everything in between: "(God) has made everything suitable for its time."(verse 11a). I understand the "Teacher's" feeling that, in the light of life's transience, "All is vanity." (1:2c). But the coming and going of the seasons and even of life itself, affect me more in terms of what I find in the New Testament. For Paul, as he addressed the Athenians, the complexity of this transient world bore witness to the existence of what was to them "an unknown god." (acts 17:23b). (continues on next page. . .)

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Page 1: Winter Is Coming - New Hope Community Food Is Coming Winter is coming. Not only in the fictional world of the

November 2014

The Newsletter of Niles Community Church

Winter Is Coming

Winter is coming. Not only in the fictional world of the Game of Thrones, but here in the real world of Chicagoland. As I write this I can see snow coming down. It's October 31st, Halloween. This may be some kind of record. There's no doubt that Winter is on its way. When I was young, the seasons seemed to last a long, long time. The next season seemed like a big mountain peak off in the distance. Now, the seasons seem to rush by like the telephone poles that speed by when you drive down the highway. We're all familiar with Ecclesiastes 3:1: "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven. . . ." My earliest association for this passage is my mother's saying that "there is a time and place or everything." I usually heard this when I wanted to play when it was time to study or work. After becoming a minister, I frequently found myself reading this passage at funeral and memorial services. Note verse 2: there is "a time to be born, and a time to die." There is a time for everything, the beginning and the end, and everything in between: "(God) has made everything suitable for its time."(verse 11a). I understand the "Teacher's" feeling that, in the light of life's transience, "All is vanity." (1:2c). But the coming and going of the seasons and even of life itself, affect me more in terms of what I find in the New Testament. For Paul, as he addressed the Athenians, the complexity of this

transient world bore witness to the existence of what was to them "an unknown god." (acts 17:23b).

(continues on next page. . .)

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Pastor's Notes (continued) What therefore you worship as unknown, this I proclaim to you. The God who made the world and everything in it, he who is Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by human hands. . . . From one ancestor he made all nations to inhabit the whole earth. . ., so that they would search for God, and perhaps grope for him and find him-- though indeed he is not far from each of us. For 'in him we live and move and have our being'; as even some of your own poets have said, "For we too are his offspring.'" (17:23- 28). He called on the Athenians to turn to this God in repentance because "he has fixed a day on which he will have the world judged in righteousness by a man whom he as appointed, and of this he has given assurance to all by raising him from the dead." (v.31). So, instructed by the Apostle, the changing of the seasons and the transience of all worldly life lead me to contemplate the eternity of our Creator "in whom we live and move and have our being" and the redemption and eternal life he has provided us in our Savior, Jesus Christ. Let the telephone poles pass by ever so quickly, I'm sure of my destination.

—Pastor Steve

Joan Kamys gave a report on the recent women's retreat - all who attended said it was a wonderful experience. Thank you notes were read from the organizations where PW donated lap

robes - 20 were taken over to the Center of Concern upon request. Bethany Terrace and Rainbow, also, were the recipients of robes. A thank you card was mailed to Sandie Friedman plus a gift card to express PW's appreciation for her dedication to the crocheting of lap robes at her home plus distributing collected stamps, soup labels and used greeting cards to designated locations. REMEMBER - PW has provided containers in the Narthex for the above mentioned items. 54 mini-floral arrangements were assembled and taken to Resurrection Nursing Center. The Director of Activities was overwhelmed with the colorful Fall colors and showed much appreciation for our donations. Thanks to those who brought flowers from their gardens and friends and to Skaya Terrace for their generosity, also.

Food donations will be collected on November 16th to be taken to Maine Township Food Pantry prior to the Thanksgiving holiday. The congregation is asked to watch for sales on staple items popular at this season. DECEMBER 14TH IS THE DATE OF THE ANNUAL COOKIE WALK. A poster will be placed in the Narthex as a reminder. This is a fund raiser and PW has always been grateful for the cooperation of the congregation. Motion made to donate $300.00 to the Presbyterian Women of Chicago. This is an annual pledge. A letter was written to Linda Hoppe for her continued contributions to PW's mission work Also, the Second Time Around resale shop in Skokie has made donations of yarn which are always welcome. Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful for our blessings which for all of us are many.

—Barb Leske, Moderator

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Message from Mission and Outreach

Thank you for your support of the annual Church World Service Niles-Park Ridge Crop Walk!

The Riggio’s, Wendy’s and Chipotle restaurant events were very successful this year netting $1,612.41 for the Crop Walk, a 28% increase from last year. Our NCC team 2014 goals were to increase our fundraising and the number of participants. On Sunday, October 19th we had nine walkers representing Niles Community Church, and while the numbers aren’t final, it appears our team donations also exceeded our 2013 total. As a reminder, with this mission, 25% of the funds raised support the Maine Township Emergency Food Pantry. Other collected funds support local, regional and global Church World Service efforts to ensure food, water and medical supplies reach those who are in need every day and during disaster response. Please continue to bring in your non-perishable food, food storage (Ziplok and Baggies, for example) and personal care items (shampoo, body wash, toothpaste, toothbrushes) for the Food Pantry. All contributions are greatly appreciated. Looking ahead, we will continue our tradition of sending Christmas gifts to the children at Kemmerer Village. A list of the children and gift ideas will be available later this month at church.

—Joyce White and Marsha Caulkins

Thank you for your support and prayers during my hip replacement.

—Geri Thoma

Women's Retreat 2014

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Stewardship Message The thought of another Stewardship message invokes fear and trepidation in the hearts of church-goers. We think we are going to hear (again) about how poor our church is, with a focus on financial matters and red ink. Not this year. At Niles Community Church, our glass is not half empty – it is in fact running over. We are truly blessed that God continues to look after our church through good times and bad. And we do not merely exist – we are thriving in the things that are

most important. God has bestowed many blessings on Niles Community Church and we are sharing those blessings. We support many mission projects, both large and small. Our Presbyterian Women’s group supports local nursing homes and health facilities with lap robes, floral arrangements, and other construction projects. PW supports our church through cookie walks, candy and bake sales, and other fundraising

activities. PW supports the Rogers Park Presbyterian Church with school supplies collections and Lutheran General Hospital with knitted baby blankets. Church members have collected Jewel coupons to support the mission work of the Shepherd of the Prairie Lutheran Church, and others have supported mission trips by young people to India, Ecuador, and other places. Niles Community Church has a strong connection with two local food pantries – the Maine Township Food Pantry and the New Hope Food Pantry, both which are part of Greater Chicago Food Depository. Besides regular donations of food, our church has provided support by transporting and packing supplies for those in need, and provided administrative support by addressing envelopes to New Hope supporters. Our Deacon Hunger Fund provides additional cash support to those in need. During Christmas season, Niles Community Church collects toys for donation to New Hope. We

have had many years of our “angel tree”, providing Christmas gifts the young residents of Kemmerer Village, a Presbyterian Child Care Agency providing services to children, youth, and their families. We collect for One Great Hour of Sharing, supporting disaster relief, refugee assistance, development aid, and more.

The annual CROP Hunger Walk is supported by Niles Community Church with several walkers and donations from many within our congregation. The Crop Walk supports Church World Service by "ending hunger one step at a time". Not only does our church building bring us together, but during the week, we provide low cost space to several groups. Along with several self-help groups, we also provide facilities to Oakton Community College for the English as a Second Language program. On Sundays, our building is also the church home to the Hosanna Korean Church for many years.

(continues on next page. . . )

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Adult Education Offering

Our new adult education class entitled Sacred Place, Sacred Role: Finding our Rightful Place in Creation will continue for five more weeks. This class is concerned with Christian responses to some of the environmental challenges facing our world. Join us for a study on Wednesday evenings that brings the teachings of science and faith together to address one of the major ways we imagine our human place in nature: that of being the “Stewards of Nature”. The study is authored by Pastor and Professor Paul J. Kirbas (First Presbyterian Church Wheaton), and we will also hear from some of the leading experts in the bridging of science and religion by DVD presentations. Join us for a fresh new way of considering the relationship between God, Nature, and Us! Upcoming sessions will be on Wednesdays November 5, 12, 19 and December 3 and10 at 7:30 P.M.

Stewardship (continued)

Our congregation also has fellowship activities, including a coffee hour after service every week staffed with dedicated volunteers. Our annual Fall Kickoff is always a good time. The men have a fellowship breakfast once per month, and the Presbyterian Women meet regularly for fellowship and mission projects. And we regularly participate in the Niles July 4 parade. Pastor Steve gives us an insightful message every week. We have Sunday School for the children. Niles Community Church has a strong music focus. Along with our choir, we

also have the Branches, a contemporary music group with guitars, keyboard, vocals, and occasionally, other instruments. We also consider our congregation an important part of the church's music ministry.

Our church is not afraid to try new things, such as Community Day in 2012 that included participation from other local churches, and a special prayer vigil in January. We hosted a special music program to support the work of our church, and we've had special visitors, such as Leslie Lee and Steve Gretz, friends of our pastor Steve, and Laura Bretan, 12 year old student Cristian Dumitrana. In our nearly 63 years, Niles Community Church has been an important part of the local community, and a place where faith and friendship are found. In this season of giving thanks and considering stewardship, we need to first give thanks to God for his generosity and ours. We do so much with little – just imagine what we could do with more.

—Jim Oates

Thumbs Up! Session members Jan Anderson and Mary Marusek of the Finance and Administration committee should be commended for their extra efforts in

finding ways to augment our finances. Jan was super involved in getting the Union Open Bible as a lessee (despite losing them because of a technical problem), worked closely with Cook County to get the rented Manse's real estate taxes reduced by at least $1000 every year from now on,worked out a employment/benefit/pension package with Barb Labno that projects to over $ 6600 savings starting in 2015 plus other projects that are saving us dollars. Mary has been active in securing refund from the federal government via a rather obscure Small Employer Health Care Tax Credit. We have received $ 6006 from her efforts. Thumbs up to Jan and Mary!

—Jack Leske (Treasurer)

Stewardship Sunday is November 30. Please generously support our church.

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November 2014

Birthdays 1 Dorothy Kretschmer 2 Bill Weinman 3 Mary Marusek 4 Emma Halley 4 Ghida Neukirch 5 Lisa Oates 6 Kevin Balwierz 16 Renee Means 18 Marsha Caulkins 19 Linda Pearson 23 Marvine Bodzewski 25 Jack Lisafeld 30 Alania Gracen Ashcroft Anniversaries 1 Joan & Chester Kamys 25 Marge & Bill Broms

December 2014 Birthdays 1 Richard Mueller 1 Doris Culver 1 Leslie White 2 Deborah Doering 7 Ed Pearson 13 Julie Halley 15 Lorraine Bahde 16 Valerie Doering Crisman 16 Pam Foley 17 Mildred Miller 20 Tom Enright Sr. 24 Thomas McGavin 26 Chris Foley 27 Sarah Megan Howery 27 Angel Seitz 28 Shirley Odahowski Anniversary 7 Lorraine & Jack Lisafeld

NCC News is published for the members and friends of Niles Community Church.

Request a subscription to the electronic version—it is FREE and IN

COLOR, by sending an email to [email protected]. Each month, you will receive a link to the PDF version.

THANKS to the Newsletter contributors this month!

November 2014

Branches Rehearsal.……………………………. Sat Nov 8 at 10:30 AM

Worship (Branches).…………………………….. Sun Nov 9 at 10:00 AM

Adult Education…………...………………………. Wed Nov 12 at 7:30 PM

Men's Breakfast at Seven Brothers……….. Sat Nov 15 at 8:30 AM

Worship……………………………………………….. Sun Nov 16 at 10:00 AM

PW Meeting…………………………………………. Wed Nov 19 at 10:00 AM

Adult Education…………...………………………. Wed Nov 19 at 7:30 PM

Branches Rehearsal.……………………………. Sat Nov 22 at 10:30 AM

Worship (Choir)…,……………………………….. Sun Nov 23 at 10:00 AM

Thanksgiving…..………………………………….. Thursday November 27

Worship, Baptism (Branches)……………….. Sun Nov 30 at 10:00 AM

December 2014

Session……………………………………………….. Tues Dec 2 at 7:00 PM

Adult Education…………...………………………. Wed Oct 29 at 7:30 PM

Christmas Eve……………………………………… Wed Dec 24 at 7:30 PM

Christmas Day……………………………………….Thur Dec 25

Congregational Committee Coffee Hour

Please consider hosting our so-cial time. Bring some store bought or test a new recipe to be enjoyed by all. Contact Gloryana or Julie.

Be an Usher

Or a Greeter. Or a Lector. It is easy and helps the church. Sign up on the clipboard in the Narthex.

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COMMUNITY CHURCH 7401 W Oakton Street

Niles, IL 60714

Worship: Sundays 10 AM

Facebook Group:

Niles Community Church

Office: 847-967-6921 (M, W, F: 9 AM to 3 PM Email: [email protected] Pastor: Rev. Steve Howery (847-903-6492) Parish Associate: Rev. Marilyn K. Doering Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Dr. Douglas Seleen Keyboardist & Choir Director: Vacancy Part-Time Office Manager: Barb Labno Session of Niles Community Church

Clerk of Session: Tom Foley Administration and Stewardship: Jan Anderson, ‘14, Mary Marusek ‘16, Jim Oates ‘16 Programs: Debbie Oates ‘14, B.J. Weinman ‘16, Pam Foley ‘14 Congregational Life: Gloryana Angus ‘14, Julie Halley ‘15 Mission: Marsha Caulkins ‘15, Joyce White, ‘15 Properties: Tom Foley ‘16, VACANCY ‘16,

President of the Corporation: Guy Huff Presbyterian Women Moderator: Barb Leske Recorders: Cathy Dunlap, Julie Halley, Debbie Oates Treasurer: Jack Leske

November Session Notes

Meeting opened with prayer and

prayer concerns.

Pastor's Report: Steve reported on some interesting

training he attended for the Presbytery.

Administration: Property insurance payment amount corrected. Office blinds installed. Have been approached by another Korean congregation for use

of our facilities. Computer issues resolved.

Programs: 11 women attended the Women's Retreat in October. About a dozen people attended the adult class, which continues for five more sessions. Work underway on choral program for Dec. 22. Session reluctantly accepted the resignation of

Cristian Dumitrana.

Properties: Carpet ordered for manse, various minor repairs completed. Snow removal contract approved

that will include all sidewalks and lots.

Congregational Life: Donations of food and funds

has been good. Pot luck planning underway.

Mission: $177 collected for Peacemaking. CROP walk successful, had large number of walkers this year from our church (9), over $1000 raised.

Approved Christmas Joy offering.

Other Business: Jim and Marsha on nominating

committee. Stewardship Sunday Nov. 30.

Contact a session member for more information.

What do you think? At the Nov 4 Session meeting, we discussed the possibility of replacing the carpeting in the sanctuary. This could include replacing the pews with chairs. The chairs would have a place to store bibles and hymnals and would interlock together. Most or all of this could be done at a low cost to the church. Why? The pews need a costly refinishing. Chairs would allow more flexibility in seating arrangements. What do you think about replacing the pews with chairs? Let a Session member know what you think.

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Niles Community Church Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) “Where Faith and Friendship in Christ Are Found” 7401 Oakton Street Niles, IL 60714

Address Correction requested

Dated Material: Please Rush!