winter fasm ion 5 · make, •track up "hall to th* obm" aad tbe vaat crowd gave about....

THE CONSTITUTIONALIST. PLA1NFIELD. N. J- THURSDAY. F m u u r . 1. ttmm W ipoo. NO. 6. A.GREAT DAY FOR DEMOCRATS Col. B r j u s Visit to PlaiifielJ Prurd T» Be j Kg SKCBS. 2.500 HEARD HIM SPEAK IN ST1LLMAN MUSIC HALL GREETED WiTHl ENTHUSIASTIC APPLAUSE BY THE AUDIENCE. H.i Spesch O-aK With F.nanc*, Trusts and Impgriuiani- , . Hundrad* Shook Hands With Bryan aa He Orov* Along th* StrwOt-Pkmsant Tim* At Cwdor Brook Farm. Col. William Jennings Bryan has come and gone, and with him one of the biggest political meetings ever hek in 1'lainfieid. There were thousands here to greet him as believers of the same political principles, and as many more wbo, though differing with him as to the policies that should govern the Nation, were glad to see so distinguished a per sonage and to give attentive audience to what he hadtosay. a*aj Ufatw maj ajajaj u n w m D9DVB* and oredltory wealth, batweaa Jeat aod atjoet lewa. I arwaye Uk> to epeeJc before a rioh connnfilty. aad ik tbaan If they believe la nottaltty. ' en, tbev bad bettor get aetjaeaned Itb people her* hater* cmerta* DM vet to tbe otbar oUa, Tb* p*opb> FROM TRAIN TO FARM. C l William J. Bryas'a vWt to tfcl. etty li M m a t of U » port. It will P*H into bl.tory «• °o* of th* fa no- Uoot whlcB bu eer-twd to 0v» prom leeooe to Plalnfiald. Tbe ovatloa long live In th*mtoaory ot Ji Kanlne. wbo bad tb* boaor ot enier- tatsloK Mr. Bryaa. Mr. Bryan reached PlelnoeM oa the in o'clock train front Jereey Olty. BaV an boar bofor* that Ume tb* sora Avenue etattoa e TMt crowd that .filled th* waiting n o w and overflowed to UM tracks. It timbered tally 1 000 mtn. aad children. By tbe UtB* UM train palled Into UM •attoe the crowd bad grown toalarm- iMareporuoaa, Badtaxed the effort* aft** police under command of Bei •aeat Rlely. to keep order. Mr Bryan WM mn iiBpMiriitotbl* *ty by Ooogrettoan William Sulser, af Bew York, aad OoagTMeman William DilT. of Hoboksa. He we* •M at Hew Tork by J. 9 . HUlman. a Member of tbe Democratic olty oom- auRee, aod A. K. Blooey, ot Borta PUlnHold. wbo bad bees delegated to net M a neepUon oommltn Aa the train d n w Into tbe ototfcwa aalut* was Bred 07 tb* Democratic Ao»cl*aoo'a cooboa itottowd la tb* BBatl park at tb* coat end of the When Mr. Bryaa toad* aki Mca OB th* ear ulotfora UMQaaos Otry Band. Kattosod aloe make, •track up "Hall toth* ObM" aad tbe vaat crowd gave about. I&etanUy t b e n WM O nu tbe dUtlBgatebed gnaat nod tOorts Bade to eheke hand* withhim. Mr. Martin* WM the flnt r*reon to gtaap Mr. Bryts'e hood aadglv* bin a cordial m a x i m After dotxg *0 Hr M.nme linked orsw with bta faait oodeeoortad him to a carriage tn waiting. Th*y wee* foUowed bj Onogieaamen Bolaer and D*ly, It WM with difficulty that Mr. Bryan auc«eedcd la taktag blaaeot Is tne cariiM* with' Mr. Marttaa, 00 eagar wen tbe hundred* eorroandlng UM vebiet* to afaake Mr. Bryoo'a band. For a mocMOt tbelr deetraa wet* granted ood Mr. Montoe'* dio- lMttoMr. HTmaot Mr. Murlaa, wbo wws tbe prlBM ractot la aakln* It a rtW Mr. Bryaa ijL|Htw»i iraat . Bargeaat KMy aod Bouodi- «iao rnderlokeoo floallyoaae to tbe Keoua and tba crowd WM drtven bat* TtM <rl*l:on war* MOM* drlveo to Oadar Brook Farm, preceded by tbe Wweo ORy Band, «ad toUowad by himdredj of olclaeaa lo oarrta«Moad oo foot. At UM old BOOM of Mr. Marune ao tntormal reoepOoo WM bald with Mr. Bryaa u tbe oeotral Bjrore. Mr. Mar* ttna WM •astetad lo noatruiff by bit tnert. taa Mtaaas Mary,BUa aad Mrs. V*ym,ftBd about Bfiy pwwiaast «Ut!M of tbM) aad adjaoeot rtttea. Attar betos iatrodaoad aad abokloc &at>da wlib Mr Martloa-a ROMta, Mr. Bryao WM KITBO *nopponunity to re- Bwr«tlMattia of travel, while tte <T»oaU engaged to frtoadly frreeOnge. A half hour laser tba party WMM talaad by o ojUatloo. whlls tbe baod. •'atioaed on UM UWO, dknooned Katlaaal alie. and tbe Utile braaa 1 BOB continued to belob forth Ita wel- come. A d A3 o'clock Mr. Bryaa, mt Puled by Mr. kCartloe. WM drtren to MMIO Ball »a*n for a m UMB aa boar be addnawd tally i.OOO people. •Mveaato .totbe 1 4 J» Tork when Ion night be delivered on eddrcM before tbe Wtooekl Boot* Hancock Poet, Q A. B . at Oaraegle Oa tb* way to ibe Bortfc Avasa etadoa the earrriag* eootoiolag M: and Mr. MarUo* WM follow* by ao ImmonM crowd aod many took hand* with tbe Ke- brMkma, aod alao M tact that tbe eotbi ww* liable to be run down JId not In the leau deter than f roea }oa>ptag as nod graafMOg Mr. Bryan', proftered tad. By tb* urn* Mr. Bryaa m atsUoo Mvaral Okoaoaad p* preceded bi m. Tbare a** an J«n. Bat It that jrjaUed and a wild man wbo may aooolUy be tba Democratic oaadldata for tb* Preet- d*ot of U M Called Staton. It perfeot *M ot taoee aad tb* al(ht WM both Barprtotag aod plaaatwg to Bryaa. When tb* train puUed oat bavtog oo board Mr. Bryaa, aad MMBTB. Bmtew. Daly whs toll are the « ( BOetety, aod t Uke a political eoooo- lythat win aarve for tb* p*rl**M %oe kitchen, that u*a*v aiih tbe B U who drlvM a aarrUge Mwell Mtbr ~a* who rldee la tbe carriage. "We a n not oppoaed. 1 aald Col iryan.' 'to waaHH that baa b*ea boneet r «ccumul«t*d. bat w* or* oppoead tc M uroony of coperate weolU wbki DM bean obtained through ha^HHii brlb-ry ood praoUoea wbleta ebooU be prohibited and not ui mooted by low. "I want to bmv* aoBMOalao; eodartBgthaBmoaey—iioodOg-nnr- , whlcb 1* a richer inheritance oay auutoMlr* eoald lion ^ ^ . t n o H bar* wbodwaonneed my party in UM who have o*var kaown tb* BrtoelplM Of th* parry. "Tbe laeooM lax I B*JWV* la jest, ood tboee wbo oppoM It an peeato SO* wUUog to pay tbelr ahare of ruaaleg ttda OovaraaMot. Tbe poor an M Aobrr. B Um Leoaard, Samael HaJi- Oay. B»bway ; Mayor BocafeUow. Dr. E. M. Btiiaiaa. W. A. Ooddlngton, Dr. Lowrle, K a n e M. TIMM*. FUe ObM Doase. Oblaf of POIIM Grant, A-eUtaot Fin GUaC Jeaatsga, A. U Force, feer. J. P. Taylor. Jcbo Bat. •artj. BRYAN'S SPEECH. Without prooMdlog Is tta aaaal ay e» aiing 0 ttat of boaorary ofOeen, Mr. Maruow o n e s aad ts a brief n latroduoad the booored pM of tbe day. r. bT«****•* ™fc«»M«toMr. Bryaa oatag nearar aod literal ao tbe u of tbe Ametioaa people taoo SMS la tba eouatry," at whksh aeouooeot tbere WM wild apaiaoM. -While I do act wtefa to preeatne apoa too m e l t of tb* |in.we.tla<M of tbe coming Rational ooovaotloo I batten the man wbo will aiarabal ' Mstsof Democracy aad flarry d oa to vtotory lo ISM will be your Mead aad my Mead. William Jea Blng* Bryaa," exclaimed Mr. Mania* In bU floal peroradoa. that Bbe eoaU offxdtoHv* ber* foe Mt doy* I oooio. at taMt, otaad it to be ben oa* day. •Tbe me* wbo voted tb* Bsevbtt- can ticket la ISM." dectared Mr. Bryaa.caabadtTidedU.lwoclMe UMM who voted It b m t N tbey k It aot koowtog •«, tkwy dM *«. "I have ao hope of « •boaid bo«* brood aad iibaral VMW*,tbot tbeyaboald coaeMec the "«»-wal_Mtod V . B ^ M p, awaan nowdoUvgpi they did. •"We draw tb* Us* foe -Oftaar Brook" after ale arrival, tbe ctwaaj bagootoAM tbe Maeeo HeU. Tben Utey waited. engaseaud at s i | M H latervale by aad toarobedtotbe ball, beaded by a bead. At 1 o'akiak atotoptly. tbe d • e n flung opaa oad tbe little eoi ot poltee faced aba boot. Tb*a Iben ram* inch a wlM actaaiMe for piecM n Us* ball tb* nke of wblch has otcMiag opeaed •bte»««anan ot ea bear later, tbere weea tweaty-B*«baa- dred paooee le tb* balL MB) *MM provided fee Urea hun- dred lavtaad a s m * «a the ataa*. oow. oad tbey an actually afraid . will be a B >od of It. ir Kagtaod aad a baadfnl of Boen oea abase oar > would It be if Kag- «• to a real wor wi th "I have baaa eased to drop tbe eU- wrqMeOoa, ]wKMtao««hU wovM break It I dropped It It M tbe BM*t . They an: Tben ai OMOey tn It; Ood*alatt. aad we a n la Uaod eaa't O«t. KogUDd atoned s war re- 1tly aad It M coatlog bar a o n mooey tbas abe m i m i . yet b f baw sot reached H l and Ood groat tbey nerer may. " ! I " boy. Tbrwu* H- Word. Uthat Word we read thai UM 80* of Has CROWDS AT UUS»C HAU- bile Mr. MardM aad I •ryaa, were qoieuy ham "C <)er o n o t , " a vary dlOareat 1 '., betag iBflHJ «t Moal* 1 1 ml •»» iiligl 11 tbati pontoaate ebem at tbe addtuowal nTrrrsaaj tbe appointment of tbe ix-ciel Mreou will areaJe. To Hew Jereey will be eoakj «rty (our epeelal agboW. oad okMdy l.aaaiaiilli ore boteg tbe dtreeakrfew••ttaoi da- alrow* of tbe nai**Mad*a aasAtoj CENSUS CHfllCE TO AFFECT HEW JERSET 1MB believed ot tap Gaai Uutt thle cbaace wiu do art to add the acoaracy of tbe otac deetomaouraet are* that tba OoaMa Ma hopM to obtain. Tbe Tba State of l e w Jeney M »ttmmd by the order of tbe director la the WORK OF PICKPOCKETS 00 M*)>r D F. OoaU* of tb* d Kew Jeney ngltoMt W*SOM- sa tain HI tt* MCOK of tb* tmttm a f ) ~ OaBaa. Caatda « W F. Baaagaa. of Sab euy. saa i part a Ik a. teat u ta»aanaa nt t. O. Waaaa,a> «a> Totk. B» aaa » I.« Ml HAtORFISirS VISITORS AHD HIS MflHY LETTERS Orv« of aaj Foraaar Waa a Har- «xia UttlaUan WHO H*D A BIG SCHEME. MU OWT OF A JO*. aai laaaaaauafhakal t wmBafaajsajaaa. amj paaWa ibevJoaeadM be mm m} L. aataakkaa a I Aaa* a. D. D. aaa 9 ktb**hMoftb*MoTor«(I aaai «< aa, laatflr I The Constitutionalist VOL. XXXIII. HURSDAY. Fnuuv. «. WORK OF PICKPOCKETS MAYOR FISK'S VISIIQFS AND HIS IANY LETTERS Cd. Bryu's Visit ti PUiifkld Prarti T# fc a 2^00 HEARD HIM SPEAK IN STILLMAN MUSIC HALL. GREETED WITHJ ENTHUSIASTIC APPLAUSE BY THE AUDIENCE. Soosoh with Fimti. Trusts Ml ImpsrlaHsm- i . HumlrsSs Shook Hands With Biyon as Ha qreva Along tha Strast—Pleasant Tima At Cedar Brook Farm. Col. William Jennings Bryan has come and gone, and with him one of the biggest political meetings etrer held in Plainfield. There were thousands here to greet him as believers of the same political principles, and as many more who, though differing with him as to the policies that should govern the Nation, were glad to see so distinguished a per- sonage and to give attentive audience to what he had to say. INSPECTED THE i ... a—odI

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Page 1: WINTER FASM ION 5 · make, •track up "Hall to th* ObM" aad tbe vaat crowd gave about. I&etanUy tben WM O nu tbe dUtlBgatebed gnaat nod tOorts Bade to eheke hand* with him. Mr. Martin*


ttmm W

ipoo. NO. 6.

A.GREAT DAY FOR DEMOCRATSCol. Br jus Visit to PlaiifielJ Prurd T» Be j Kg

S K C B S .



H.i Spesch O-aK With F.nanc*, Trusts and Impgriuiani-, . Hundrad* Shook Hands With Bryan aa He Orov*

Along th* StrwOt-Pkmsant Tim* AtCwdor Brook Farm.

Col. William Jennings Bryan has come and gone, andwith him one of the biggest political meetings ever hekin 1'lainfieid. There were thousands here to greet him asbelievers of the same political principles, and as many morewbo, though differing with him as to the policies that shouldgovern the Nation, were glad to see so distinguished a personage and to give attentive audience to what he had to say.

a*aj Ufatw maj ajajaj u n w m D9DVB*

and oredltory wealth, batweaa Jeataod atjoet lewa. I arwaye Uk> toepeeJc before a rioh connnfilty. aad

ik tbaan If they believe la nottaltty.' en, tbev bad bettor get aetjaeanedItb people her* hater* cmerta* DMvet to tbe otbar oUa, Tb* p*opb>


Cl William J. Bryas'a vWt to tfcl.etty li M m a t of U» port. It willP*H into b l.tory «• °o* of th* f a no-Uoot whlcB b u eer-twd to 0 v » promleeooe to Plalnfiald. Tbe ovatloa

long live In th* mtoaory ot JiKanlne. wbo bad tb* boaor ot enier-tatsloK Mr. Bryaa.

Mr. Bryan reached PlelnoeM oa thein o'clock train front Jereey Olty.BaV an boar bofor* that Ume tb*sora Avenue etattoa eTMt crowd that .filled th* waitingn o w and overflowed to UM tracks.It timbered tally 1 000 mtn.aad children.

By tbe UtB* UM train palled Into UM•attoe the crowd bad grown to alarm-iMareporuoaa, Bad taxed the effort*aft** police under command of Bei•aeat Rlely. to keep order.

Mr Bryan WM mn iiBpMirii to tbl**ty by Ooogrettoan William Sulser,af Bew York, aad OoagTMemanWilliam DilT. of Hoboksa. He we*•M at Hew Tork by J. 9 . HUlman. aMember of tbe Democratic olty oom-auRee, aod A. K. Blooey, ot BortaPUlnHold. wbo bad bees delegated tonet M a neepUon oommltn

Aa the train dnw Into tbe ototfcw aaalut* was Bred 07 tb* DemocraticAo»cl*aoo'a cooboa itottowd la tb*BBatl park at tb* coat end of the

When Mr. Bryaa toad* akiMca OB th* ear ulotfora UM QaaosOtry Band. Kattosod aloemake, •track up "Hall to th* ObM"aad tbe vaat crowd gaveabout.

I&etanUy tben WM O n utbe dUtlBgatebed gnaat nod tOortsBade to eheke hand* with him.

Mr. Martin* WM the flnt r*reon togtaap Mr. Bryts'e hood aad glv* bina cordial m a x i m After dotxg *0Hr M.nme linked orsw with btafaait ood eeoortad him to a carriagetn waiting. Th*y wee* foUowed bjOnogieaamen Bolaer and D*ly,

It WM with difficulty that Mr.Bryan auc«eedcd la taktag bla aeot Istne cariiM* with' Mr. Marttaa, 00eagar wen tbe hundred* eorroandlngUM vebiet* to afaake Mr. Bryoo'aband. For a mocMOt tbelr deetraawet* granted ood Mr. Montoe'* dio-

lMttoMr.HTmaot Mr. Murlaa, wbo wws tbeprlBM ractot la aakln* It a rtW

Mr. Bryaa ijL|Htw»i iraat

. Bargeaat KMy aod Bouodi-«iao rnderlokeoo floallyoaae to tbeKeoua and tba crowd WM drtvenbat*

TtM <rl*l:on war* M O M * drlveo toOadar Brook Farm, preceded by tbeWweo ORy Band, «ad toUowad byhimdredj of olclaeaa lo oarrta«M oadoo foot. •

At UM old BOOM of Mr. Marune aotntormal reoepOoo WM bald with Mr.Bryaa u tbe oeotral Bjrore. Mr. Mar*ttna WM •astetad lo noatruiff by bittnert. taa Mtaaas Mary,BUa aad Mrs.V*ym,ftBd about Bfiy pwwiaast«Ut!M of tbM) aad adjaoeot rtttea.Attar betos iatrodaoad aad abokloc&at>da wlib Mr Martloa-a ROMta, Mr.Bryao WM KITBO *n opponunity to re-Bwr«tlMattia of travel, while tte<T»oaU engaged to frtoadly frreeOnge.A half hour laser tba party W M Mtalaad by o ojUatloo. whlls tbe baod.•'atioaed on UM UWO, dknoonedKatlaaal alie. and tbe Utile braaa 1BOB continued to belob forth Ita wel-come.

A d A3 o'clock Mr. Bryaa, mtPuled by Mr. kCartloe. WM drtren toMMIO Ball » a * n for a m UMB aaboar be addnawd tally i.OOO people.

•Mveaato . to tbe1 4 J»

Tork when Ion night be delivered oneddrcM before tbe Wtooekl Boot*Hancock Poet, Q A. B . at Oaraegle

Oa tb* way to ibe Bortfc Avasaetadoa the earrriag* eootoiolag M:

and Mr. MarUo* WM follow*by ao ImmonM crowd aod many took

hand* with tbe Ke-brMkma, aod alao Mtact that tbe eotbiww* liable to be run down J Id not Inthe leau deter than f roea }oa>ptag asnod graafMOg Mr. Bryan', proftered

tad.By tb* urn* Mr. Bryaa m

atsUoo Mvaral Okoaoaad p*preceded bi m. Tbare a** anJ«n. Bat Itthat jrjaUed anda wildman wbo may aooolUy be tbaDemocratic oaadldata for tb* Preet-d*ot of U M Called Staton. Itperfeot *M ot taoee aad tb* al(ht WMboth Barprtotag aod plaaatwg toBryaa.

When tb* train puUed oat bavtog ooboard Mr. Bryaa, aad MMBTB. Bmtew.Daly

whs toll are the «( BOetety, aod t Uke a political eoooo-lythat win aarve for tb* p*rl**M

%oe kitchen, that u*a*v aiih tbe B Uwho drlvM a aarrUge M well Mtbr~a* who rldee la tbe carriage.

"We a n not oppoaed.1 aald Coliryan.' 'to waaHH that baa b*ea boneetr «ccumul«t*d. bat w* or* oppoead tcM uroony of coperate weolU wbki

DM bean obtained through ha^HHiibrlb-ry ood praoUoea wbleta ebooU beprohibited and not ui mooted by low.

"I want to bmv* aoBMOalao;eodartBgthaBmoaey—iioodOg-nnr-

, whlcb 1* a richer inheritanceoay auutoMlr* eoald l i o n

^ ^ . t n o H bar* wbodwaonneed myparty in UM who have o*var kaowntb* BrtoelplM Of th* parry.

"Tbe laeooM lax I B*JWV* la jest,ood tboee wbo oppoM It a n peeato SO*wUUog to pay tbelr ahare of ruaalegttda OovaraaMot. Tbe poor a n M

Aobrr. B Um Leoaard, Samael HaJi-Oay. B»bway ; Mayor BocafeUow. Dr.E. M. Btiiaiaa. W. A. Ooddlngton,Dr. Lowrle, K a n e M. TIMM*. FUeObM Doase. Oblaf of POIIM Grant,A-eUtaot F i n GUaC Jeaatsga, A. UForce, feer. J. P. Taylor. Jcbo Bat.•artj.


Without prooMdlog Is tta aaaal

ay e» aiing 0 ttat of boaorary ofOeen,Mr. Maruow o n e s aad ts a brief

n latroduoad the booored p Mof tbe day.

r. bT «****•* ™fc«»M« to Mr. Bryaaoatag nearar aod literal ao tbeu of tbe Ametioaa people taooSMS la tba eouatry," at whksh

aeouooeot tbere WM wild apaiaoM.-While I do act wtefa to preeatne apoatoo m e l t of tb* |in.we.tla<M of tbecoming Rational ooovaotloo I batten

the man wbo will aiarabal 'Mstsof Democracy aad flarry doa to vtotory lo ISM will be yourMead aad my Mead. William JeaBlng* Bryaa," exclaimed Mr. Mania*In bU floal peroradoa.

that B be eoaU offxd to Hv* ber* foeMt doy* I oooio. at taMt, otaad it tobe ben oa* day.

•Tbe me* wbo voted tb* Bsevbtt-can ticket la ISM." dectared Mr.Bryaa.caabadtTidedU.lwoclMeUMM who voted It b m t N tbey k

It aot koowtog • « , tkwy dM *«."I have ao hope of «

•boaid bo«* brood aad iibaralVMW*,tbot tbeyaboald coaeMec the" « » - w a l _ M t o d V . B ^ M p,

awaan nowdoUvgpi• they did.•"We draw tb* Us*

foe -Oftaar Brook" after alearrival, tbe ctwaaj bagoo to AMtbe Maeeo HeU. Tben Utey waited.engaseaud at s i | M H latervale by

aad toarobed to tbe ball, beaded by abead.

At 1 o'akiak atotoptly. tbe d• e n flung opaa oad tbe little eoiot poltee faced aba boot. Tb*a Ibenram* inch a wlM actaaiMe for piecMn Us* ball tb* nke of wblch has

otcMiag opeaed •bte»««anan ot eabear later, tbere weea tweaty-B*«baa-dred paooee le tb* balL

MB) *MM provided fee Urea hun-dred lavtaad a s m * «a the ataa*.

oow. oad tbey a n actually afraid. will be a B >od of It. ir Kagtaod

aad a baadfnl of Boen oea abase oar

> would It be if Kag-« • to a real wor wi th

"I have baaa eased to drop tbe eU-wrqMeOoa, ]wKMtao««hU wovM

break It I dropped It It M tbe BM*t

. They a n : Tben ai OMOey tn It;Ood*alatt. aad we a n la U aod eaa't

O«t. KogUDd atoned s war re-1 tly aad It M coatlog bar a o n

mooey tbas abe m i m i . yet bf baw sot reached H l

and Ood groat tbey nerer may." ! I "


Tbrwu* H - Word. U thatWord we read thai UM 80* of Has


bile Mr. MardM aad I• r y a a , were qoieuy ham

"C <)er o n o t , " a vary dlOareat 1' . , betag iBflHJ «t Moal*

1 1 ml •»» i i l i g l 11 tbati

pontoaate ebem at tbe addtuowalnTrrrsaaj tbe appointment of tbeix-ciel Mreou will areaJe.To Hew Jereey will be eoakj

«rty (our epeelal agboW. oad okMdyl .aaaiai i l l i ore boteg

tbe dtreeakr few ••ttaoi da-alrow* of tbe nai**Mad*a aasAtoj


1MB believed ot tap GaaiUutt thle cbaace wiu do • art to add

the acoaracy of tbe otacdee to maouraet are* that tba OoaMa

Ma hopM to obtain. Tbe

Tba State of l e w Jeney M »ttmmdby the order of tbe director la the


• 00 M*)>r D F. OoaU* of tb*d Kew Jeney ngltoMt W*SOM-

• sa ta in HI tt* MCOKof tb*

tmttm a f ) ~ OaBaa. Caatda« W F. Baaagaa. of Sab euy. saa

i part a I k a .

teat u ta»aanaa nt t. O. Waaaa,a>«a> Totk. B» aaa » I.« Ml


Orv« of aaj Foraaar Waa a Har-«xia UttlaUan



aai laaaaaauafhakal t

wm Bafaajsajaaa. a m j paaWa

ibevJoaeadM be mm m}

L. aataakkaa a I

Aaa* a. D. D. aaa 9


aaai «< aa, laatflr I

The Constitutionalist



Cd. Bryu's Visit ti PUiifkld Prarti T# fc a


AUDIENCE. H« Soosoh with Fimti. Trusts Ml ImpsrlaHsm-

i . HumlrsSs Shook Hands With Biyon as Ha qreva Along tha Strast—Pleasant Tima At

Cedar Brook Farm. Col. William Jennings Bryan has come and gone, and

with him one of the biggest political meetings etrer held in Plainfield. There were thousands here to greet him as believers of the same political principles, and as many more who, though differing with him as to the policies that should govern the Nation, were glad to see so distinguished a per- sonage and to give attentive audience to what he had to say.


i ... a—odI

Page 2: WINTER FASM ION 5 · make, •track up "Hall to th* ObM" aad tbe vaat crowd gave about. I&etanUy tben WM O nu tbe dUtlBgatebed gnaat nod tOorts Bade to eheke hand* with him. Mr. Martin*


sBaaa and *et Ura art isd. TWy arc to be had ta aU aa-

f*t* of eUlnrmUan. from ihc almpta•earf «f dotted a*t wHh tacas or • plait-

aaadaDfrtu-cd and mOed with, tec* and tbto la

art off with Heat aad dainty rib-pink or Mue. ThU

.ml Uem ar* tb* fmTortt.tare*, and ararty all tbeand rbrmlm and Blao tb* enact «rr*narc V abapod In froat. That• a m to Indicate that dreaaea may harlower cuUara la *pJt# of ablrt wi i i i i .

Shirt walata of cotton and otbetwashable atnff ar* bow ready for tWaprlns trade. TWra to a marked leantaf toward polka dotted dealsna la allaorta of material, aarah. taftcta. per-eaJe, plqnc and town, aa wan aaaott, llsht woola. Tneoeaad

Tb* fora) of tW Ihln walrta differ*

allrb tly from tboa* of toattW principal rhaaf* betas In tb* froai

• — tber* to ocarcoiy any bacrioeabar* M * M aarf

plal ta or tatbora a l taanaufcagaarrow plat* to tbe eoatar at tWaad apreod on U>* aboaldora.

Tb* aUk ablrt walata ar* mad* witheordins and fratborboo* piping- aad

— hav* taaota ot toco


Creo l a * > W M waat vatrrt I * * * * .

• • « ooaw toaor* «- Tbla la laji.fcByi aa* [ M M w & wraaa. KW* aa*aVaytoao

to> ho* ao eaaWa. A aew BMOM ofla—t M l toacth oaat la opeo at 1 U aaai„ aWat a la-t froa tW*d«e. taoa aJ

Ml4 aad I .MH l i A ^ H I M f l N MM• M M to 4 - i w u r •»— to dollar jaw*

aatf aad to*tolMy (aataoad. AaaCaat

hardly think of aaythlas richer otptroria» to tb* eye* than to a*e •

a rtrh red tea n n aa ft caMaaoae of tW K M aUrt* W*> aa» paaa at tW •BaMa* ot aW fnat I•fc. bath baaaai babat r a

a» ton pbaav A aaawaj

aa tall* hato.foil aaaar hats, triauacd with caoaa ofhWa aad qnilK at* aaed formt aad t« « w B p m j tattor

oqara of ML meet, far arI M I fabric* are > faatar* • *

katln* aolta made of doth,tb* ribbed Trtut ina a i * trimmed ap-

propriately with fuk m 1« BO for, Etoo or otter

wild chamois akin orwith an under )er*ey nude of riderdown BanneL T W y arc I I * ht. "i n ] porous and rery warn and coavtot-table. All akatlttf aolta

. aa any aktrtnd not only Ubptdea procraam.

The moment tb* holiday,tbe fmncy thins* Intpeople Into spendingthey can afford are btld Said*

for cortala,tat tnhi I do know-that wbole Mock*

la**, B»-tal onuarsU or Ur* lowaia.A ptrtare *• *i<» «birb tkwi • bodice

af Wnmrk M M p»t> 4* oat*. A bertba ofhat* da-wad, to t b- wmi-l ta froat. foi-

W«as a r M ) — — aa t - f p a a t r fcbacaj ar aerpeatio* lara . Caaaaaafcwark to aootWr f M n l l T l i L l l gaa j hi

T W firta M t mart rated U , »f pUiaaaU ctoth. It ta loaae aaU k«a. wla* n -

PREVAILING STYLES. Hnta t n i : i r autrh (b* c«iam» withwhich they are worm. Aa atteaipt b ae-

«e ID twrin thetiav. hat it •hows B* aifa •€ a

the U I T F T U I rrrsVt Wiac

O*r* tW bipa to aa aa-TWhaaaw

l l | l I 1 r M a H i M of that of nV•ktot. t W M ia a* rako. wkfak taraH

aaa. waick « I T t i e r . b y a w « u , r .T rr TIT * t i> .a .J a. a. to for - . Uttta, atrat«h« ! - * * * « « • «J*"W knot tokoaice. Into *alra the abwrM are aewwl •>*•>"» >* * * . h*aM «-a«^ Ta« « » «• edM « -Wrh .W -ki« to (^-t^.^-r4d1e:.-^ - H

• M ctcKh. •ra-aVMe4 with l>|l l I t i H Iat Hack valrct aarl < • • < M la * laft aM*

THEATER BOWHETS.airiaa BIBM W Tery wans, bat bch*. It T v_aWahl har, a capacaia. which — j W T H E LATEST STYLES-atawa «p i<n iW bead waea tb* air la I I

WINTER FASHIO«».tW iw^^Z^n.tiJrtT M I aCos «f any *arret. TW table *< stay TIB. 1 • — tW priareaa r«*a la tW BenoaMk to MaUaved all aiaoad w i W i n U ataTa*? tW a*w*aVaaM . - a id* U *bBtt— . .d att .aed. la (MM.aad a — Ttwath » r.r < m « * V haaaa.tW oataM. of the H m w TW Mb* at «Wr* tW akin aaddaatt

latoldla-cbapUttaaadoavU. taataataa la la tW

a* aaT to a nowa*4 «baat*r wltb-ai tWaM of a atirtor aad «Kh bar l i i t i j a a iband hy afara*. aor d — «mw emjoy fcaW-

• • a w a ward ta tW potat «h«r« tW akVt

THE MUFF QUESTION. ' , ^ S . ^ J a T t - J ^ wfll £*toT_ _ , » _ _ , v - ™ - . T i m M M W . *-naM to aac ta the BIMUIC »( tW back.

^ L i l a T ^ ^ «a*r* la. aa • raW. a* oaaai taen at aa.

thatibail au tea tbeak a> Car a woav

aMAeraat tdroaaa«aaoa> tW boa u -BMtaTotwaka aW aav

r a*T*rmL are bettor. T t o a a lto natch tW taaaram *r ta*

feat *r at l«aat tW trimaUaa* of tW•own, bqt othrrwar it la Bat an .Ball Bj

lnlarir coKly.A peettr drricn b of blark *«4T«t. akir-Ml to tW atiddlr, wnh ruOaa at tW rad.

a. Oa tb* ahto to adarter of violet*. W l

la of Warrr rrlrrt. with Mad* eftW edeca. Oa th* aM*

• ( yeDow toea wit* a haa

tbat it to aaIliaa ilia aaltafcl

add that the allk walata aadth* nneat of tb* othna baatocrea will , chatelaine caff,aaWtnanhia aaaai at U a haex

wUaa aaUa awataat hBa>tk to tW waiataaal srna a ateaon M N L T W aa«a hi

atSthaC «raT cMk i W U laaaw 4*way aart or Mr It toaabaaa wA iMwii aaaaaaia

Loa» la ana aa rat a t a a a a a la aiaaaaaa, U b B a M • taaaay O* kaV

« t o t a c triaiwed afchrt. a n a naad. tat fart. «ay btber kaat at

vary Mac* mmt mt BBBML

T W akfct tockaad at aba aideS a ) a U « l gray faH has a aaft «tow» aCMack **r*a* • • ! n i iaaaii l with Mat*

*t aad aatoad wat• TW oaltor aad

m at tha wrtoa

wbatS1 «MZB ^ 'hlUT W acraaaa ar* of Maaf varaat.


B B B B B I a*e BTB raiTaam.

• - V - 1 - I I I . T ^ f T•at fahKlr taated wMk Maa aad aaaaWr

«, aiaint of a saaaa ar toea a*Mar-or a cWa of taBe. Tad w t i H a i i l .t B M baa a WL yrt it la a* BBBJ| W

Kakoa aot . M i a n tW paMie rtew.TW cotar of dorot to i r . W a *agaaaa

nr ^ ^ ! ^ rek UK ^ *

Tlay fewrtedpiaarl to tW fcreatt of tar r * i at[W atoa. TW pal aattWa tW «JaaaV

tW aaaal taw d« aa. or luaaaafI r > - f - pto** to tW ar—r a Mat a b*n«Tt*. la»rd or attk tartato-pto ta mU aad >ewru o* eaaawL

Tl(a« BRUao* — i of a«torto*a of dim • * • or t«arto are won

wtca *wfcl=i 4rraa T V r M aaaAMBBoa a baad ot I4a*k ar dark *at*«L •


Page 3: WINTER FASM ION 5 · make, •track up "Hall to th* ObM" aad tbe vaat crowd gave about. I&etanUy tben WM O nu tbe dUtlBgatebed gnaat nod tOorts Bade to eheke hand* with him. Mr. Martin*

«ti Us metropolis * oemocratic cHW* 1* theo» ***** '

-ledbyib*fcii »tl»chrm-

A TUT* not yet Initiated eaJled at ttoKiusiaa rauaUte * day *r rwa afo.Two or three clerks writ ***t*d at desksbrhmd ihe railing. Tbe visitor aakedfor not of the clerk* and began (• alalelfceob)cclof hi»eaU. Tfceelerh luttroed» w a d t coijrt*oo*lT. Then ha

B*e*k*r witk an eloquent

_ ntt I itwrc wltb your hat npoi _

-Why eas't you T™ queried the visitor.-Because, air.- responded the clerk.

- ™ are la tto presence of tfce eaar.Do you aot see bis portrait and also ttoportrait of tto e**ri**T-

A» he spoke to waved fcls hand la ttodirection of tk* portrait fcangiag high•n tk* wall over a rather tall bookcase.The itsitor saw, bat did not remove blahat. Be aaked If ke were ordered or•sly r«ju**ted to remove bis kat. Ttoclerk hega* to protest volubly.

-If it>u will make It a' request," saidtto visitor. -I wUI gladly remove mytot"

-I caa bave nothing whatever to sayI* you," tfce clerk —trtnd. "until you

A a"e»tlemao entered tke office fromss Inner room, u d to him tto clerk ca-ptained tfc* alluatio*. H*waa VladimirTeploff. the Russia* oonaul fclmnelt. Aato listened to tto at*ry to stepped for-ward to repeat tto statement that thetUitor's hat mast to removed before•ay qacxions could to answered.

-Sappoa* I declla* positively to re-mee* my tot." *nfct Ih* visitor.-wouldM S B I M oat of tto onVe or have mearmted for lack of respect to tto

-I could at least treat y*« as If youttd not exist." wsa tto reply. "If ywahave aay basis*** with ibis office. I re-• m i you aa » featlem** to limovtyear bat. I* tto nraaence of tto eaarsad mriBB t am not at liberty to traaa-act Bay Boalton with a pcrsoa whoa*sad h w w r t . "

The riuior's tot came off iastaally—as a mniiaslnn to tto custom of tto of-a«t. however, amt not us* sign of defer-eace to tto eamr sod csnHea. Ia ttoeoavenhtloa which followed M. Teploffexpnawd Burpria* toeause of tfce gen-*nl r: Mum of Americana to m u l lceverrd not o*ly "in tto prune* «* ottfcc esar" aa represented by his portrait,tot also in public offices generally.

The portraits which fcLTeploff insistsshould be rrvcrc*c*d are Urge, bril-liantly colored lithographs, displayedbehind glass, ia plain oak frame*. It Uarid by -ome who are conversant withtto circumstances that U. Teploffwould be well within fcls legal right* Ifhe should cans* tbe arrest of snyoe*abo ibcmld persist la remaining cov-ered before tfce pictures.—S. T. HeruM.


One «f the br.w.1 -atandlnir armlea-Is tbe world la dyiar M<- The GrandArmy of tbe Republic, that band offfny-bairrd warriors wboae pride an4dearest recollectioo It is that Ihrj oneiaemd their cottntry.ii »inkiofwithappalllne; •wiftaeaa to tbe point where Iwill be only a memory of good rfeediaad brave men wbo have done them.

Statistics aa to tbe membership aaddeath rate of the orgubatloa teU astory aa touching aa tke teoderert fu-neral mermos They sbow that In a fewyean more the roll call will be aa e»

I * Tain appeal t*the heroes of'lMl.

Within IS mostfca—ihe year oficordlag to • resort Just teaxea,e than 17.000 members of the grand

army died. This death rate was morethan double Ifcst of tke prevtoua year.If the put year (]*•*) has shown a cor-responding decUne la membership tbafriends of tto orgamisa.rios.tov* ampleground for tfce eosoer* tkey express aato It* futare.

The faith-water mark of the grandarmy's prosperity waa *ot reached until some time after the death of It*founder. Dr. Benjamin T. Stephen*©*.Tbe army's excellent organisation,however, is do* to Dr. Stepfaesaos'agealu* as a founder.

It fa) art down to tk* eternal credit•f the army that It origiaaledour most Umpiring holiday*— Memortalday. This ia tto most interesting netta tto history of the army a»d by allmeans tto most popular aet of Gea.,g*n*s admislstrai loa.

This holiday, which has beea ebratrd with such fervor for 30 year*,was orlgiaally the suggeatioB of a cit-Urs of German binb. whose wry earn*a*, been forgollrn. 11 was eatnhUahedby Gea. Logaa. and tfcc leaders of thearaxy, and n few years hcongress * legal fcoltfay.-

Tapa. if you will aot buy MM thatdiamond rise I aball ma away witk tkeroaefcmas."

"My dcaiMt ckiU. let me c«joat"

-I am to r*t tke rta». tWaT-Beavea fucbidl T»m | "

H t t e t n * n i H « f ^ « l * n U r aA box pislted r*aM hi four or f r*tncbea wide. Ttore are *a* or t wo-tacawide boa plaits separated by aa eaaalapace. aad la* ptaiilsg is atJirbcd ona* Iscb *r a* below tto upper edare,and i to ton *f each ptel t I* caagfcl•town.

A pretty dianer gewn ta mad* of al- *

dark __ ,baity torrid. anteUrto* aneare and -->—•— af sfcaaw* green aMriefc pi a****.

p* d* raw* and lee*. Ttostalls ar* aet do** together at ttowaist line, and gradually wide* to tfc*lower edge of tto skirt. Tto narrowpa nrta of toe* are sllgktly uanwwetat th* waist, aad also aides graduallyat the edg* of tto skirt. Tto fcedlcvI* made of alternate borlaoatol rows oitto tec* and plaited crepe also.

Toque* wilh table rrouot aad brimiof mirror velvet, trimmed with mnlla'flower., sre a fealare of millineryBoae* are tto special kind and ttosmaller slnea are m*ek saed. a wiof while roees being tbe only trim!oa a aabto tot. I

Long costs of velvet. • baif-ntllag1

loose ssrqac. I* ahapes without say iseam In the middle of ibe back, arc o*iof lb* spectelUe* 1B wiater garment*.WMe band* of stitched pana* ar* the 'trimming and distinguishing feature lathla style af garment, wfcctfccr of dothor velvet, aad tripl* reicrs, one of clo'fclike th* coat, one of wbHe sstla em-broidered with lure o* tto edg*. asdoa* of colored cloth covered wilk sUten-

Por evening a pretty w*y t* dress ttohair ts flral lo wave It with hair curler*.If nature has not done this for jou.Arrasge tto hair I* tbe revived French-twin srjle. eaned. boweeer. very loos*-ty. asd softly paffedat the top In front;MVI oat a strand that JOB rail a hipompadour, and If you wish this effecteeieutoatrd, twiat tto hair over nlgfcton rather large pina. Curl little ten-drils of short hair about tto forehead,fasten • hair wrraifa of pick or damask*re***, wlifc a delicate rosebud aigrette,aid os* or twa effective loops of blackvelvet ribbon, just back of ibe pomp*,dt m roll—and tto effect tacharmlag.

Effective evening gawas bar. actevrdreaiea warn over caatrastlog silkfoundation*, and small silk flower*.•era aa are used la millinery, ar* tacked** f be net. They are in a color to matchthe good* beneath ar In a eoalmatfagco ler. aa red tower* a* black set wear

hit* kat i a.Applique effects asd eat war* ar*

always In voff** wbe* braiding ta fashlouable. Laid over rich satia. velvetor Mies' cloth, tto elegaat piece* oltec* or silk peiaemrateri* e* appliqueshow to dlatl*ct *dv**tog*. tot It H I MB pity to see the** handsome patters*Ud over fo*M or fctrkcta of Inferiorfabric without sny apparent reason.E M te always *o beautiful ttot ttBeeuaa n w*sie to utilise It for many oltto everyday use*, for which anyamount or li is ruihlewJy applied thiswinter.—Bostoa Bad get.


BL «rv. bsfc d.•f tto B J S M CeikeM* dtoaamt ml Ver-

. . , suet, durinc Us life na—eeire higher lhaa they sfesJth. tot avawrd hk wiah t* gtvu Itb»t ar* mad* wltfc*f> aWay aW 41* a poor aw*. H. lef I anty» al ike sides aad lack,

M. Melville Han**, brutber to Bea-ST Hark A. H U M . wto tea I

•f tto toot frtaads af W*wt*nml ty. to* «f**4 m•f ma*tosJ_fcartaatreat of t

of chlffo*. etc**, pea* d* so** aaw yaamd* cjgu*.

Stork* arc a very Imponaat fnctee latbe success of fcshirt waist. Use* col-fcvs have been losing favor for a*m*• N l H and U esanot to denied thatthey look wtatry wbe* contrasted withBasnvl. A *t*rk of ribbon tke sameshad* aa tbe shin wetat. sciabed withtw* white tines or m*U tomtiitabedtabu, ta tto pewper neckwear.

•ome of in* halued watalcosta farm*a now sh*WB in Ito sman shops i nexceedingly pretty aad are moat serv-iceable (or all country sport*. An*ver-coat Is heavy and r*mberaoeM fortkai-lagor trstnpiog. but still oo* must havesome protection from tbe cold, an* UlaIs what the kaittcd wsislcoat givea. It

>r* sightly tfcaa a tweeter, and alsocomfortable, except pcrtof* in

ae**r* whather. wbe* tbe keavjribbed aweatef. with fclgk. roiled col-lar. U tto beat of all protection*, forntllder we*iher tto swe*ler eat •«•> at

•ek so as lo show tke collar andim* vary pretty asd rather smart*

looking. The** •woatcra *r* not com-

>de except al a few of the be**•hops.

Tto newest tot tow* ar* maeb lea*i mUd tto* former ly, and t s kea sap aa

gow* trimmlagB the small aad medlnmones are far more In demand than ttolarger variety, Eaamcled color to***

delicate deaig* thereon. Bltater pearl*form tto laical novelty batto* In while,gray or what might to termed a black

•1. a* well na In all tto p*:« shade*• warn|csl thi*gm !• skirts net tan-

ael are a»*d* of a aofi elastic silk *•**sortVf BBalelaas* doth, and

edged with embroidered silk runVs.Ttoy *r* very neetty, bat Is tto rreaehaadcrwear tkey are not lnexseast**.

Kew arc tto tulle ton with crea*Bowers exqnlaltety tormoalned la ante

* -OIL *] t U enid ttot tfc*** airy

overdrea* louUlued wttl«b>th applique, stitched *a urlth

gold thread. Ito design edged srltk aliny gold braid. Tbe body of Ito »v*r-Irv** Is i II 11 aid urith a small ell-overaaneta of tto cut cloth, each designsei tani dlataac* apart and aUtcfced oawith tto gold thread.— Doatoa Budget.

Week, taw • • i i -

ne cmaamlag ayatem and Ita *e-coaapaaylBg ertla are a Mtioaal criaaeat the feM of America* parent*. Nochild urdtr IS years ot age shouldbe give* any borne study whatever byhis teacher*. Be .hooW have not moretitan from unc hour to fo«r of school-ing each day. the boar* loenftilagwith hi* year*. Outside of schoolhours be abeakl fcave «i hm*a threek m of play. After IS the bralu kMaaotber period of rapid deeetopmeal.with special l»ere*a* of the higheifacnlti-*. roir hours of aehooUag,tbra. ia not too mack, provided tkecLlld-a phrakat being is capable of IVnod Is tlaaa a* fconr of Isolated siudjmay- be dded. But that ia euough.ftva hoars of brain work a day to tkemoat that we should ask ot our chil-dren, and tb* child ahould uaaa atleast two hours ft daj in tbe open *ir.Our boys and firU do not get enoughtreah air aad sunshine into theirbodies sad Datum. Tbe higher insti-tutioas of Icaralng ucdermt»nd faeed of phyuicaJ devetopmeot Ibram growth far better tfcaa do et « . T ecboobi and our boaaes aadIt ia to admit It--Edward W. Dok.L»die«- Horn* Journal.

A c l i i r i •***>»« sMaea.Tbe baby sfcould be taught to sleep

at rrgamr boars. At Irat he willalcep B»oet of the Urn* aot occupiedla feeding. At the age. of six the ehlldshould alcep 10 or II ko»n at sight**d two ko«ra during the day.twee* tbaue agaa tk* amoant ofshould gradually diminish. TW meth-od of training babtea to alee* I*ute; Be Mr* that they ar*fortabla ma to external*, and are w%U.

Hardly anything ta to* tna ts ttoway of linen and fcjraa for tto *»• •Mmdsj*. Oanterp**-** *-d •-*--Ttdual doyH** ar. an*** • * * • • •fan tawa end trimmed - i t . he.fal Bruaaete p»»*t. aatot de *•ssd point d* Bragea-—N. T. TlaW

saeech ar* not aude kf ttoone. Many n welted •-IUOW* tomcll to use *x-

prruiuns which a n a n a C i tbougfct

"Among tbe most glaring solccisnaiar*to use of tke arouf conjunction toupresa on*'*' meaning, for i&atnnee,•like sfc* was,1* Instead of -us stowuai"ito to* frequent employment of con-

-won't joaT* efce **» "am 1 sotT" or•am o oi 17" or -will not you T" etc. Tto«>• *f ifce objaetlve CM* of Ib* proooufor the subtaetlve. u d vie* versa, "a*aaked Je****nad I to accompaet her.

e.d of "She a*k*d Jetoie and B**-"bese are bm a few of la* commMerrors practiced by educated aaducaicd alike, but thv*w is ta iksanciBtiOn asd dearnes* of diction,

aside from the rule* of g»gaaraatcu oC education. Tto way ttoanal sjlUbie I* pronounced, ih« »ound-l*g of ibe i»*l letter*, full and alear.ihlaklBg. cstravagnnt. faat. for tbiak-la*. M i m i p o ' . fa*', betray* carefultraining or «M lath of It.aaoM maaaer th* us* of • .

-Whatever caa It mean" fmr-WUI oa* tt mean" bMBcste* eitherlack of training In tto speatk «f ttoedacated world or grosa **Jeapratslng on*'* tfcoogfcla.

-To tey" sad "to sei" nre _toat w -to U*** asd -to ait.- yet theyat* oft** used .ynonytsously.

-Pardo* **" or -***•*• •»**-ttonk yaa- are otker tapre^ioas ttoproper use of which stows breaulag.

-I . - gwing M tey daw* Baal real..itatfceCT-r BmZh^r.mam U

•Pu4n Wt 1 "••!••• "*^»••»-p ^ . . . -4d. » . - he . . - U . ~iion.HBlruUo. •po.o.»>»rt»k

„!,,.- •>!• « • • ! • • "T>J " "'

,_.„ | , ^tk,l«M.U<l*tk«IMN

, , ,r Jl,bi. itoaM r> wmmMnL TW„ . , =.»rii> « l U f i •»•' — " • " »_ M bj tmium • ' M T « V . •»* " •

rellgwas beliefs *f ih. Irish tor. Oataf • » b-rriat er* M faaad »3 Protsa-

t*. is* Catfcolks and oaly on* Jew;rant wen noncommittal. Oaly II

out af Mqaee*-*CO*M*I wen CatboBeaand only three of tto IS Judges.

A school for backward children wiO

wilk tto departneut of pedarog* ofIto L'alvermiiy of Ckicago. T*er* ta•uly eae -ebool ** ito fcls* la ito coan-try. It ta located I* New Tark. sad laknown aa tto PfcjilolegWal aehooL

1 met wk*n 1 waa w*th ttodowulaCubu, ••wnskaow*)**

•CoL Todd. chief of tto Mg4se*t•AT**,' **d. Blttoagb to was engBgedla -elllng red lc*a*ad* an tto plan* hi~ ana wbes I tret

title was aaaavl

__ . herd lime afH,and wen -naer see Mr t * hoars {—-aatofaMy lia,•>*>•* «•* *ih#»*-auu>|.D M < H « > w**a-*»i: *r.fca***lyton, I all n hi mrtto^ptsd tve ef i t o *

I; sad *T»» me. - * tonUna *ad » w>4*di<; tw* tove.aad af thdr wMWi. Tto Onr-IOM eve* m*r***ver*:y Th* reu-far thta were, I* my eptato*. as

rirst. tkeln dark kilts aura•"" " " rhtohis.nuji

itly frmei * belter target;then were a»a*u of tfcem. Ttoi an nay that, Dargai • • • ItoeaOsTB play tohspared lo 1MB.rvtan to my ow* dolagm, I lay

ator* I fell far abo»t tbree-qwutmf a* haav. wbe* a ao+tor came ss4 putfield dressing oa say wound gw* an*

NS* h*uady.**t a*/ helmet under myend a- a pillow, avvered BM wiffe naer baaket which fck fced taken few*dead mas and then weal lo look afterBUB* otfcee poor batftr. I si

targe* tto »Mim *f mat algfct a* bjagM l Bn. r- •ddttlfc* to tto sfasy

^JJ— J ^ , , raantSg'lut* my baek. IwMtanafced tottoahlsiknd MtterryaeM,tot had aa awfal ffclrut; Ibe torvmrt*•f ruiB never stoperA O* eae sis* of•W was a Oordas Ugilandev la rastegIrBftis and oa th« athcr a Boer Wtohaul tod fcta leg *to tiered bj a sfceH, Bsdwto gave vent«nt*st heartreaatsgvtea und greans. ITatta a faaty •**•*.satber. sad ** aa* ni l realise > M HaTto horror* are like till they ae* • taII Ha torbaroas laililjI k j l i l t a rahj ih* whale af tto

shortly before" we *eclarcd war. Well.Ito J«sto agest wto tod tto affair tatfharg* was eepeessty aaxleaa to *e*an* corps of engineer*, but h* was unablito ind asytody I* ttot Us* wto w*>witllagtego- Tto nlgfct before tto *x-aedlfio* sailed to fcappeacd to *otlc*

tve ceata s1» to daD.

aad tbe ageat had aa laopiraiian. Oer*' hard luck- A*

trilj somethlM*f a • i l i i s l l l r h l ssd • SMthemnti-cUn wss. ar <wght to to, nor. or•f aa engine**. By ttot pesatsa of•fining to arrived at tfc* t a* finals* IIto teleacop* mas wa« exactly ito perM. to at the )ob of chief e-ugtucerof th*army of Cub*. In. Iw* mlauies to hadmade hte atopusitfn asd It was aa*ed as tto spot. Tb* telescope nt i ' tname was Todd. end tb* agent Immedlatdy beevettea hto colonel and cklet•fcarpe. Atirstb*«iallttle«er*o-sand **id to waa afraid tto engineers Istto corps would kirk about being mJer fcta camnuBd. Itest easy, colosel.'•aid tto *treat, fahmdiyi 'you m tfc*•uraa.1 Ttot settted It. and b- i***r. hte uaiform oon-istliig ef a cap togot from a trolley ear coaductor. Aftci

ferred to -rbe ncwh; orguntaed e*g*«e*eorp* of Ifce patriotic irnj" they avertrealty nferringtoCoL Todd- Bbssl ~ "to retet*. s« provtaio* wua made feeat tto coucliulou of hostilities, aad towaa obliged to fal back os red bH_ _sde. Mayto en now to to< purchasedanother telescope.1"—K. O. Tlme*-D*m-

Apropos of tbe bubonic pUgue *o*creeping Isto Portugal, hanoticed In wtot ah tmlfc manner lm-mnnity from ihisdi»e*-e seems tobav*conferred upna certain r*oe» and *wTfcaa to ISM tt was noticed thaiProtestant> ot Ly*ns escaped slmaal ta• man. So did th« Jaws in aa ouibreaaatnmccwenlnltM. Boeaetfclngaftfc.sets* sort has been noticed with regardto other dtaee-e*. for wall* in tto ou*break of typau* at La*g*ea* I* la*. ItoJew* remained humane, ttoir enreoVgioutats to Poland k*v* alway* toeathe srat to catch efcoirrs. Bat th*.trsngest thing I . couectioa with Ih.g

la that In * the sof tW dlacaa. aeam I* rea»l» dorm*!In th* ayutems ol 1 boae exposed to tb<

beea ta as tsfvetedIs a town, hitherto free from It theywar* Bare to to tto tout attacked IItto staca* sgaiu visited tto^caTfler ito !••*• *f aeveral yaar*A simlter fact wua noted dsrieejTHmnass eutbn-k, wfcrr* tw* >e n . *f •*• Van Dsm

ttor* i* perfect baalth fur th-atto **d *f ttot Usm ttoto Gtoewses. and they d tot

• asm* time aa tto net ea

ad It hi th* aauaJl eaarteale* B«d theirkindly ae*a«wledgmeat last make Hf»worth living acd dealgaate •* th* werUretned. well-br*d ard *du«-s*rd per-

— Mrs. kary I- DM*, to AWerira*

a* it. tsajfts* H*H>iW Itto oatwntd *>p»*ra*e* *f tto tows,rithauN as* ctoaf* *u»aslh» ma*V

I*M *a tto Mraetn, Tata ta *N aanto tto fact ttan He* T**k ta s— atito tergeat atttaa UrrttorlsJly Is tto•ounlry. far tt fc *M. l^flaJelaail.Kcw Orta*n*. Bt. Loata and Cfciangaan aach of t t o * better aa*a relative-ly ts peovtes epaew far atrujagi rs tfcaste ic*w Turk, tot taa*> tary* a *»••< tobeta. Tfcta ta du* to ttofom-tion or Mew Tark. which ta dtfrI m t i from Iha* mk aay *4fc*r Aaairl

BtrsBgevu MiWIi In, Stew Tea*

Ba** to tto lower anrt ml town: •**-fcap* a* ansay ta UarW* *r aa tto«r*r *ato ** tlnaifcnn. They are awas•haortod la tto tfcxaag. asd tto ndaVtion af *ve* n eery terw* -ua-fcer ml

tlOB. A*oth*r n*a-a tor tfcta » — •Ik* of affntn I* fa to fawnd in ttofact that Kew YSu* ta •** *f tto few•ttta*. A a - M . *r wfcMbfcaa. aencticsily. ** Psteaf alalta- farlaoomlag toartom. A mmJarMy af ttomiaaiaia who *«ana to K*w Yark *a-anr tto dty os suflruaia IwMnc ferry

etloaa. Tto** ar* a *a***> aaefc.nad each af t t o * baa twa *rKew T<

_ . t e l lr e * nrrVesfc ta **w T a *data thraaatl*** *« fc—eta a

at t«Mr rmkmtml

atmefce* «wuy farftwny t. Motor. aJfh*agfc greea b*M

Bat tb* sammuw - awfal to th* Ntraelty *f Ha bent, TW J*sr*.yfxwj

o n . ist stotlua. tk*waa awfulb -rough, . W fWy

F me twiae; I filmed both taw«a,• seat down t* UdTsWIlh hi Th*

. Ital train: fro* Ike at.Uo* I waamveyea to (he riaptl (officer^ feawn*.tol) In u bullock mm. the Jattfana *fwhich u d a M fskiarsiB. I w*a*Velam e n W taken ta. I hrlam e n W taken ta. I w*n ihc* fartto bed. and my woaW wa. 4r*s**u ]a*tIT hours *fwr I *M ML They wham

W f to | tb* •**•The •fe-


me fc*ef ton. w|ich wfood I had had for t* fcomn

ill *nU at asMrthst :hit by a atofl. tot ttot ta IsrpouaMe.far tto enemy aate tod t w * r u C s Ww* had token tfc** toU wtoihit. >• tto daetar*, sow say

have beea a fury b*nvy *ifcullet. nnd. as aa cfcrpfcaal gvn was•sand cUue to whM I v u k l u l n -sect thry are right. It ka. m*d> a tag.tag**, bota Is my fthbuidcr. vkldkfMtwuid put yoar ton* mto. It ku btaura•an* cf tto mswla* nway. aa 1 amifraW I shall slwataWa bit stiff. Tkeyaay it will tab* aa»thcr ten week* bc-lon I am It far «u4y. asd I aam eerysnek afraid ttot taqat ef tto BaftttagwCl to over by the| tlm*. ta ipit**f tfc*present critical condition of affair*.-—Binalngtom (Bnajstd) Pot.


• Vl'»H

i eery Intereallnjg fnet *fUf- ttot aeeam to b*v* eacapas M**a-tiaa.- nmarked n Kew Orlnns IjurecrIto M**r day. -l» ttot tfce wsral ha*•riped Ita teat «itr,of refuge mM ttoanpj. Tfcer* te »4 linger any ISM oa

n I flr-t faefa* I* prsctlce taw *ata erimianl af retiring afnao-

aitlo* had a wi44 *nge *f cheMl tatto matter of maMat* riaUww. stasis.Tarkey. Algten, J-f*a. BoUand, fjfcill.Bewltf. tto Fsiknujts-s. Cub* andall of Central Aatcctca. nceat fcHtahUondurs» gwrnrtsteed seeuri'y to as-sarted beaads af fugitive*.- frosn anwr-dercn 4ows. an4 th. l.u of sasarutp*B to simps* <pa»*"!*" waa- vetnucfc larger. Fo« y«*rs you n * c s h-eery runaway k « eaahkr nad*to* Un* for Can***, and tto tktafj gotta to a *t*sdkig Jot., Ilk* ttoansttTla-tew guff and tto snerry quips aboutplumbers. «Tl l i t j .!**•• tto af 'kepi *icadi:y Buaar*pUag. sad as*

tto different eountrica eulrraal**l treat!*. «»d put up ttaf ton,

so tto American crook wko wsanV "chasg* ot sir fctg*s to nnd htmla tto poalttoa of Dick Swivelle*, ato (-becked off the Laado* sir**** tocoulda-t tnvaru*w11ltoutmeetia*;*r*eVtiors. It wan mighty h.rd a*rk toIgare eat * anf* «Un*rary. f l * '

hat at te*A uto \mmmt a ta- asjasw*brlagtag stefcm pieyerty tet* fto Dn-Sas-Tthnt pnitaally e«.*d#d ttolltttnr toaher. Jspaa was oae af ttoteat at th* *a*M*t(pow*n to wtmy*. •treaty cohering wkdi an oaDad^sH*il• n l u t prapart*.' pvlao w*e a **vc»* it - _ .geuUeme* In del*** health. Itvabtodthe* of tto U t o * cflmate *f » J ~ham*, rveatssly tfclsffu aim4owu to Ce*tml Aafcrrica. and ftoa bypeace*, ef ellmlsntte* M 8**«bt> Bam*trnnm. Ttot uuj A* I M I MrqmjtoM•f ito fugiltv*. b*t ta I M tto cTef tto Mttow I

ty-tklrd *trart ts>' tto M §w*4* 4Wtriet; Wall atnet aad Ita vtcJakydow^to-B: aad .so*. *V tto masttfcldJy • • > • ' • " ' •* * • Knot shtaBtiwatB. aacfc _tka»wn*»fcr*a tosi ~

aay, aad tfc* a-r*»aa wmahiyaaM * are to to tasmd aa kucfc day* i*

Still Mother tvsaas fat tto aha .tic* of tto crowd* ta Rear Tark te toto faaad Is tto flart tfca* usUto icities there an a* *utlytag satrtawta*oa— Island e»rluajnlv *Vvotod to I f>w* whichtime* at pafctta intaremt reawh•am* to s*d to tfc* Uiwog of sigh t-•aeru. Xear York ta, 1* tsrt. tto dt ,of tfcore«ffcfa**e, and sot tfc* la

r th. i

ittae/teaaa _ .vmtton i f f ta X*w Tark tar tto«nt tim. that wtos tfcare atoald tosothisg to stOMl

kVM af th» Btttabut, * am I _ ,Wtottot*ahs*tortlyaft*ina,a*aBiC MM tat* •*« . to «ta - t o - to edtwpngn ara* • wtoaVw ta ito «

M« ewton n tasasruL IB to M Imany asato •***> the tawat •*-**.

immj&m t^ssnashj*.

of U k . fcOehanu* ta tfe* face *strong a in*. AJthouujh he -*s la par-

very hard caU. Tfcta saven I s l i •••eoaUaued uatfl. *s walktag away ( Mtto lake. It ataBfUnawd a* by mwjta.he* to k*d goae IMS ttoa JOT f 'H* them lenraed ttot kondndaru*iu*st* fcad h*Ma c*ms«lled I* •back fiom tfce *h*rv i* sssepe la«*eHe saenbea tto offset to tto IB—at_af ***** to Us. air al th* *4ge af ttolake. H* fcaa sVcm*m«il maay la-st***** *f | u i i B of nf»o*s l iaipmanrnt wto ****** stee* <*ring ito *•*>

- • \ pea**un>nra*s ta tto •»

toldouhl*. Tfc*uompa.taastarta**«lvteihto to tto anWe cf-. bat eas befsnad* *at wftha P—aTtul «aj

itrawaawa tto nattor *fleft ito stUf ta *m*a*V Tto gnat

Page 4: WINTER FASM ION 5 · make, •track up "Hall to th* ObM" aad tbe vaat crowd gave about. I&etanUy tben WM O nu tbe dUtlBgatebed gnaat nod tOorts Bade to eheke hand* with him. Mr. Martin*

The Constitutionalist4 DBMOC-UTIC W B I L T ,

A. L- Fore*. Editor and ProBrMor

IBM laiattoaa. Tbrywat

« pany Matty M nnary

U 1U b

_ _ brmad aaMalvay baa btawatdad. Ha la Edward B Hayes,Wbo waa Tbaraday appotatad oovrt*rt*r of tb* Middle**- Cootty Court.

i covatcd byBe publican*

_ thick aad tbln, aad tb*y areaot only •urprleed but wounded attba aaairUnn of a disgruntled Demo-

Jo* Italia* baod of BobcrtO-raoo. eoUactor of tba Port of lenhAa.boy, aa4 wbo la BOW regarded ajpolitical boa*cf tbaMlddlaarsO.O.P.,MBSPpoaad ta b* responsible tor tbamward of Malvay aad Hayaa. wbowill banafttK ba summarily kickedoat of aayDes-oeralicsff-Ustn wblob

Tboaa wbo follow Anwrlcao poMtk*atoaaly ban looked upon And re w iBull • • i in r Tl a moat liberaltrlbwtora to Bepabdosafuadi for a number of yean, bat ticcatb* Iron maker aad philanthropist haadiffer*! to riolaatry la bla vtawa witbtba Me I ID l*y administration ovar tba«*s*Uon of what (ball be dooa In tbaPBUlpptne*. It na* oom* to beregarded a* an aasurrd fact tbat tba

ba tiMMd rroaa tba >aw York atd*wUI ba maob gnats* tbaa oa tba Jar-aar abora beaaoai of "ft* lean*vajaa of Mittr»"iB and wblob wUI

rqaWts for a proper bparoadtb* water froaL.

It la tba oataloa af DoaptroHarOoter, of B«w York, tbat tbe

j ba oa tb* baiW cc eur-T. Itsaay b*wia* party poUey to• p t to dragoon tbi* ek-meat Into

voting for local candidate*, bat oartalaly It la opaa to doubt Tb* lad*-

voter la Jealous ot blaprtrttocaa, and balka at aaytlwhich amacks of coercion. Bo loajtaa ba la wtlUog to support tba Bapub-lloas Uekat la tba fall, tb* B*a*c*nof tbat party would beat ooeaal* tbetown Interests by letting bin aiona."

•oiled ta a Lf»w daya ago wall* tbar* wa* a flr* latba building, during wblob wtatalpupUa wera aavanly JB Jored, ernph*-atasa tba aaed of eoaataat drill ofscholars for Jaat aucb -m-rpeoelePieatdaat Probaeco, at tb* n-eetinsr i

Education, wiselyMaxaoa

dillU la tba

g pm

•adtbabaakaccovatof Mr. O*ro*gM

Tbta pceiooo of Mr. Cabaaa kwkad upoo by eooxD t m x n H m equivalentb b l l l ftV

aid to OoL Bryaal eaodtdacy brcaaaaU l

fiwiaaiia aad bomb** nault mt«biba avoided If tba Bra Owed, or anyother Incentive for a panic, abould

t tba ffhool bulidlofr* la this eltyBy Iboroagb aad -~imaf» drllll-a•vary pupil la tb* elty asboola oughtto ba adaeatad to participate 1B aaerta* of mar u-u-r** tbat will empttba rooms la rapid and ordarly maiaar, tbaa redudna to a minimum tbrhanrna of Injury durtajr. aa exdb•ea t aonb aa a ar* wUI bring aboat.

Taa n d n w i t of H*ary AbbottSteal from tb* editorship of tb* Sow

' Bwwaliaat

ortb* bUMfa anti imp-rtaUatic pro- \ "rs-y. • ' • B»al baa D M •assslataagramiB* * H-g - ^ " - T 1U«J with tb* IWgalag M*wi froai tba day

- * ™ _ _ — _ _ o-- - ertdelv elr- H n n t H - d * l u O e b u l to I b * I™0"0.anted in a* smraat!*0*1 ( t B M " • d»» Prtaelpally to bla

*by UM DeatcMd. - * • * " ^ t ° O d l"d<tia-11 * • * * * •• a* * ^ " ™ " " ™ ' _____ _ _ . • . ,-.i. ••< ik_ — • __ _ _ .

l*ef Ma *-akced frWnalyar Mr. Brywa oa tn* an te- i ^• hB-aaa.Mr.Caraegto.ays:



dng seal*, a* baa beea required latb* anatlag of eom* m e a t streetrailway ftsnchlse*. Tb* bridge c

aaaabs-ltted two eflhra. Oa* laEbat la lieu of aay direct pay meats t h*bridge at tba end of a*e*aty l~* year*•boald baaoBM tb* property of tb* eltyfraa from daot, apoa a payment by to*atty af »»DOOO.OOO. Tb*> otbarTldaa lor a alaety-alna yaar fraaablaa,at tb* aad of wblob tlm* tb* rtty -ballba-* tb* wbote piupaitf fra* of aay

Ma.Tbe NUmiK tbat Vtm Jsta-y oB.•la pot upon tbe v-lu* Of tba prtrl-

l»g-s tbat It will be naoamry tose-its commonwtaltn laordacio«»tb* beluga pro] -et baa aot yetI • a l l public. Naturally, t

will b*-e to ba an *dJu«t r*-n: of Isort tbat will ba Jaat aad < qaitable toboth ildes, for without }ot-t actiontbat wtll taff guard tba - lateraata ofboth tb* govern meat* tbat control tb*ipproaohea, tbe cooetruetloa of tb*

bridge can n«v*r ba undertaken.

AM bad been anticipated tba TUIOoL Bryan to thla elty draw oat aa

tbe awat notable political e-ent liblatory of tba toes! Democracy. Tb*greeting to OoL BryaB waa apont an*-raatoa wry graat dan**, aad waa:yplcal of tba ovation tbat ba BM*U*itb wb*r**ar ba goes ba It la Durratic or BepubUcaa atotloa*.

Tb* eflaot of OoL Bryaa'a «MtPlalnll-ld wtll probably aot b*lata*oon-renlnn of R-pobllcaoa ta

by tb* *xs>!oli*UoJar prtaalbBM la bai

apsceh at Moat* Hall yesterday *f terbooa, bat It woald b* denying Iwa* pUlnly »vld«nt to "v»n tba I

te **j Cbat tbaHcooed yastenUy will

Taa appearaaMa of Bryaa la tbetrldM wtll aadoabtedty la#pln pat

Uaaaa wbo bav* been La«gln« alaee

^ ^ y ' , 7 ' ,'jj,?. f* y , . y _ i i y ^ g* q'"^T !*L>y!--_rb-_!*;

— brMtaaM. B.| i••ini. afjSJSl^g^raliin t^^aTrb*.y."*?-"1"" * " • to«* -»•«---sarl^-^*laib-.t-ta-*.

«M a nm of "Too H « h Jotiwoo,"bnt with eoe* or UM bttaor wbjeb

.T.iwd by B*v. W aortwnmlLl . >•>•

I lattodaosd Oaptali

arnaa i aaa wwr» «n»w •> iaw< i n nA«waaa atataaa. Oa tbrir a*rt««lifeara, M dMat taba a • * . » » tec•atbaa- g r f ' " g " 1 " «*d II

to Saw Tork. BletaHudj. r**Jewltty-B«TtoBkaa-eWswa-Mr. Bryaa. w*Ua taaaB

boy* war* Hfted to tbscr faT-ar*atnalaara so tbat tbey e_Lfbt mm. Umm.Wbaa tb**;lT(oc*l traia tor Sew

Tork ***** Into tb* station tb* «owdi w n a t d o-»r tb* pUtforssi and ratotb* oars. Mr. Bryaa aad -U c

T_*atb* tr*ta parisad ovttfawM • »oftbaarowd.tb* boon of tba

aadtba a-aaleof

tbaa ewpar|e4to

Tb* prlaoipal featare of tbawaa tb* address by Marionaj Totodo, Ohio, g*aeTal aeoretery of

T.iiiuui inilOaadaj wJrnul •aanoa. Mr. Lawraeo* sclo. la b-

wm tba craauat a^acy loiH la tba world. Ittatbaaaatcboowbara tba Blbla la tba text book, asx!twaaty aiUlloaa of people e*ary Boaday atudy tba w o e lanoa. Ha abow^jaa oUatyw BiiBday-acbocH laaaoebook, aad aotspaicd IiDlBmot modern literal ore oa tbaIsuroat local

OB to abow tbat tba Sundaylia lor all, ftttad for tba llttie

eaUdaadtba adult aUk*. ft hi aot aoaJ aflair, bat la tba

Bobday-acbool eoeTcnUoo all denomlaaOoaa aoma tosatber ta parfadbarmoey.

Tba Boaday aebool la aJao a traintog aebool far woikat*. Tboaa wbolean to wot k tbara are tboaa wbo to

work in wider Odd*. It la aiaa eTaogclislaff ageocy. Even wincoaventoadoaa aot takvplaca la tlaebool. eaed la often aown wklea beanfruit 1*1* r. 1

Baaday-acbool work -tba la* Ubrarlea, blackboard* aad map.; tb* brtirbt

laalo. tba cradle roU. tb* boaM de-lMliaiaL normal tUatai.Uoaa, boya' brlgadaa, tb* Baatacm laa-aoa i/aiaai, "Baaday aebool waek.'wttfa lta Bteattaan for ail Ulac wltb "Dcoliloa Daj.'" M

• H M iTBialilli-' effort.

pla*. brtagt tba aebool latotoweb wttb tba paopta. In cavdba told eoaaacblag oftbelatamiwork aad th* graat fle4d la tbaere StatM. and than seticatrd aU

Wt to batp la Sundayw*ck wHh their praaaooe, thalr asoeeyaod tbetr prayaca.

• c ffeflnu far tba S



Th* JeS*r*onl*aa of B«*ertckcam-toPUlafield Wednesday ahaadrad stroac to attaad tba Bryan

of ooavayasos* tbat ecoJd b* profcuradla Braaawtek. Tb-y hsd -mpecsd a.Oral tbat tba meeting- was ta b* In th*evening and bad Bad* amBgelDentsto bring a band wttb tbaa Matty oftb* asaaabar* wer* unabl* to net *ff forQM af-rmooB aad ao ta* del-d*iloowaa not as l*rf,e aa tt otbatwls* woald

Tb* oomasltte* in —of Former Assembly ma* -oba F.Mal**y, Form-r Prawklaat df tb*Boaid of AMar-taa TISSIT H. FkMB-ln«. Tbosaaa H. Howtoj, iataa* ALyons, David F. McOoakey, Bmltb, Tax Vslo-r Ja-Ms Too**,Bsv. Dew O'Orady. Oottrt Orter J . B.Hayaa. Joba Harktaa, VlUaas 01

;•*• , Edward B. Baasl. WliaaaMm. JBOB- n u i n l i l l l aad

Foraear iassmWym** batby H.


Mr. Mania* aeoompaaM Mr Brjanto EUiaoafb oa bla departur* frombar*. Mr. Bryaa rxptwaaed ure-:gratification at nla r«c*ptlo« b*i-. Itwaa tb* largaet altersooa •afllaaaa. ba•sld. tbat ba had n1i1naa»il ta tbaaawtarn «tata«. Ha bad IMM tola thattba .trong KVpobtkaa ltfla laPtaataaM woald kaaptMayawwj aadtbat b* woald talk to a eaaatl boaw* aoba waa ulaaiaiaaij •aiiiHwt Otalaotbaakad Mr. MarUaa w * cotdUUrfoe tba wu m bospUaltiy attow* blmat "Oadar Brook" asd all tbroogb hla

K U Plaleflfld.

T» «etl Man* aaaa* » 4 M « W I I M (


tootmnrao neat rAil i i•»| | ui in. Hoocno opMuofk. od-

oco_ •• jiilNl 1000 Mr. Ibl'i oow

Mayor bad a algbtewra. He a*w

vtolW* tb* owtUa* of ft .-ttbj man bofclla* *ioft aa i-atomasBMtarupoa wtlob b* plainly read U*

RUN ALONG THE SHORR. CttM L L wf i«W J«_CT_ . aa* riMni M a_* Bit *ej


aaa at tba bead cf Qraa-J auewwiaEaftway. Tba aaw lla*. M yat. oalycxaada a abort dla-aae* w m i i d be-yo-jd tea etty Uamlta. CWoaail Bata,tawivaratary of tba raad. baa anwawdtba OaaamDB OoaacS of Babway ttettbaroad -1U ba oawaad tbaowgh to

aa » rule tra-ci to Boyatoasacs Is bM vy. jSow tbat tb* Ri-»m b*v* ooatrol of

tba Bah a at line, tt H Brobabt* tbatacar tutor* tb*c» will ba *

It 1* probable that at aa «*rry Jata» appUeatlot. win h* BMd* to

E aiibMb Oty Oooncal for frs-tehiaa*.Aa bM been auted. U-» pTojMt of tb*trojBaraxwspaay la to RM tb* rigbt etway t) tb* lowwr aeotlao af Els*b

tbat baa been propose*] I*thjoagk E«K Broad arreac. MaitMUa

Dtvlaloa atraa* aart Oa«n

pas* of auklag a abora road ckatwould (ak-ID Tr**-1»- Batd CiTtStM,

( wttb tb* UaloB *ad Middlaatx Uo-. and so maJt* tba root.

avtwaa* BKubetb. Wood-

Tlw fanaral of Obrto P*Ce«aoa, «bowaa f-*ood frcto to dealb oVar BaW

off* W H b*>M at bla latela Orao ford Bararday. Tba OovaityP»yitciao ba* 1I11 bit I tbat aa ln-

H aa to tb* rnmtm of i.l*aot beoepinary l t a

rwjanday tbat b* bad aot <-(>*«*«tba Booty da* bla at Baw Ofaaaj*.


P. P. VanArsdale.PIANO TUNER.

1*0. oriel

saara. Jlo. urt Park w-wn-»_,wtH MOarw*

l-nat aowst, eoraer Dai stz-wt. eg-*,

Lehigl Valley. Railroad.

Tlo* Tobte H U B Cre «. lao.LXATIBOCTB PUIiriH-D. I J.

ftrr»»tl SM Dooortoft ot •olio.

8O1M ol PwooooJ Vnfmy nP. O. Bern 1M, DoatlW, » J ,

K, ooDnorroB, -

Woolston & Buckle,

PAINTERS.Won Poptn. h M t n ' SorpHoo



Lehigfe Valley. Railroad.


P. P. VanArsdale. PIANO TUNER.

Woolston & Buckle, PAINTERS.

Page 5: WINTER FASM ION 5 · make, •track up "Hall to th* ObM" aad tbe vaat crowd gave about. I&etanUy tben WM O nu tbe dUtlBgatebed gnaat nod tOorts Bade to eheke hand* with him. Mr. Martin*



Want to Ba B*t»««d of P-ymgTauter Fi


( M E W . Hlae, esaretarr of tasVwC9S(d and Elizabeth Street Belt-way OMBpwr. OM asked the W«rt-

iTW^stP CjmmMtas to relieve

Tbe bill was ssat to tas railway•Mipscy by ine Township Committeema dates from tbs flnt day of Jsnuarr l*». *•» l b" flr" *** ** j M M 1 7 -1ft*. OA Hlns explained that thsn f cj bad not been running for a year;b met, only for a few months, and^g,f at be nonelrUrTi It oaly fairMat the Committee aboali aot charge

- iay tor toll wbsn It bad no t

OoKwt Bin* wantad tbs Committeetonolttlw blU eadrely. saying thatother township* along tba Una werenettderinff (be question In that nan-air udoM township ha* already re-,*u*d tbe bill.

Arm considerable discussion tbeaoamlttM decided to charge tbe com-— r tar only half Itat year, whicha»o* tba bill $77. Colonel Hloetasked tbe Committee and said thatmm* day to tbe near future oar*«oaM be running to EHiibeth, andtkto b* hoped tbe company would benaplutt ttw beoeBt It I N striving for.

OKU an now running between Craa-txdasd PUInfleid under nfteao-mla«a bawl way. Ml , notwithstandingihstitreine ooM weather, tbe road Itbeta* well patronised. Tbe crossover*lor tn* LehlKb Valley croeaiog at Aleast an expected to strive tbe 10thhMaat, and than ears will be tanningto Unrein*.

The Bikers will build an overheadMdfltatCrufonltocTosi the BaMawm and Oslo BaUroad tracks. ThebriafeeU be built eomb of the rail-rosfmnlig on Soatb aveou*, andtat tzvtkj line will be run In tbe ebapetfaawnint over private right of wayfroei Sown avenue, and will eroeeever the railroad track* about Joofeat tou:h of tbe grade croaclag TbuWtt*« wtU be built for tbe trolley lineIBJIIIIIIJ, and It la understood tbe••data of both roade haw eooM to •aetatl agretmeat on tbe question,wi ] t i tM aooa aa tbe weatber willstrait the'hrMffo will be constructed.


jew*.Tbe errvfr** were

tk T Dr. D. J. Yarkaa.neat Baptist charch, wbere Mr.Marsh wae a member aad as ataaaaVN L Att*t Dr. tetke* read spp-wptl-

Holmes, baas, ran dew d•Atlde With Me." Dr. Terkas tbeamoke at eoass eragth oa taa nassr-alnty of Ute and of tbe I H I I S H J ofbeing prepared for ths last call Bepaid ilteai Miig trlbwts to ta* Ufa oftba Jtwaasd, aad told acmethlm of

orrow that bed entered hie life Intbe toes of hie wife and four children.He spoke ot Mr. Marab M brine awbols-soukd person, very geaerotuand with a loving aad kind dUpotlUoa. H* referred to bit life Is bis

s aad ct tas highest expression ottbets manifested towards hi* slst

ten. All of these expression* werers echoed la tb* bearte of those pres-aat who knew such to be true la svaryparticular.

Attaaetoee of tbe above remarkstbs quartette sang "Hiding In Tbee,"

i Impressive manner. Tbe* aa>pportunlty was glvea those preesat

lew tbe remains. Tbe 8 raltributes were very beautiful sod were

pteeilve of the high sstesm inwhich the deceased was held by tboeewho knew aim. After the service at

Detective George D. Totten. ofBoKamlk, succeeded Buadaya capturing three alleged burf[Ur*tvase* track be bad been oa for eavenlwMka, for numerous robbwiee oora•itted along tbe line of tbe Hew Jar-MJ Central Ekllroad la tale dletriet.T*t capture wae made la a bad resorthi h o y street. Hewark. Tbe mentm taeU namee aa Frank William*.Chart* Welt and Prank Herbert,they wen armed nnd madea desper-

eompt to brain Totten witn a"Vamy," but be wae flaallj knockeddon aad nibdued at the muale of anrwlver. There were found In taseaad of Wet*1* bat a number of smallMat alee and eawa, and WlUUm* bad• hta | i Inn a chleel sad othertVKlar't tool*. On January ««•»> thstnoe ttoraot Laal* Peldman, of BoundBrook, waa robbed otalmoat IU eatlrswackoftboe*.

When amexed tbe men bad elevenpain of enoM In their rooms F<aid•an ldeoUfled tbe ahoea as pact of toewock twlen from aim A large DUD»tr ot pawn ticket, were found on tbe


O. •«••—. I—I CMM*.Despite tbe r tin. there waa n good

Kte&dasos at the tpecial ObrtetlanBBdeeror Day service), bald U tbeC agxttpuiooad church last Beadal bytat Eodearoren of that limih IntHI"•Wreteee were road* by Ber. ObartesL- Q Jodrteb. X. Wlntbrop Travail,MM* Ploreace Q. Hawkins aad Mtse* « » • T. PUb. Aa "open parllaweat" toUowed under tbe cb-rge ctthe Iseder. Mlae M. O Moree. Tbe•aging waa led by toe 8uaday-*saoo*Ur



A regular meetta* of the BoroughBoard of Health wee held last Mondaywbsn It was reported that tbe new law

quiring all physicians to report at•cs say aad all inspected eases of

contagion* disease Is now In operation.was alto reported to tbs borough

aat there was a case ot contagiousas la the borough which bad aotiptty beea reported by the physi-

cian This sort of thing has occurredbefore and tbs Board do not think thatIt la • 11111—1111 la ths Utter ease tbanew law was not la opsr*tloa aad

lag eoutd be done with tba pbyei-elan. Now It U possible to secure tb*Imposlag ot a heavy Sns on all physi-cian* woo do not report these esses,svaa la tbe euspeeted flees. There

aotbing else considered at the


Tbe lorr la tbe ease of Elmer Ban-yon agalntt the Oentrsl BaUroad tot

,tnagea for being denied permtstloaboard oae of ths ooatpaay't trains

at Jersey CUty darias tbe trouble overcarrying package* la l t t ' . brouftbt laa verdict of 91.100 for tas plaintiff

asasaaae beea decided twles.

awarded »l ,000 ths other time. It wasappealed by the dafaadaata. aad thsOourt of Errors graated e new trial oa

It looks now ss though tb* qof school accommodation forth* children at Sew Orange will be settled bya union school being built, aad eap-

| ported or tbs townships of Onto* aadGranford. In proportion to tas number

nchildren ausadlag from each towo-_j lp. A similar plan it working withentire satisfaction between Weetfleldaad Ctenrord. at Qerwood, aad West

Tbe "Hard Time Qua Club." aoavposedofell the well knew* sporting

, in the boroach, aad some fromcity, baa ]aet beea onranletd.

They will mast frequently in tn* bor-L and wbsa the hunting season

arrives they will arrange tn erj >yhunting tripe about the Stats.

•>.«'lr *-••*-• •»• Vfc«»While Qsorg* Jones, of Wet Front

day his thumb caught kttwisasprocket aad chain aad tbe msai

•rated. Dr. PitUs

sUtcwsa. Joae* win ant a a

Tbs asa*7 rates Seaday sightcaaMdaSwdU tbe Barltaa Biverand Its breach**. The North Brancawas awer known to be blcber. TasBarltaa Itsalf at ftawa** (rear ta*


Clwrtmi Pw4Twie> Waa fnmawdrKUssd U o n d a * Ntght.


•Ttpe>to OUT

laea—adM and sahiinte struck him aHie akail was fractured

sad a deep gash curia Us tit all Tbsfatality occurred oath* tracks of tbeJersey Oeatral BaUroad, awB chmood street bridge.

Psrrlas was, watll lusty, % __ _ _detetidve In the employ ot tbe LsatsjHValley BsJlroad. Otoat af smptoymsnt Hs lived withhis wife la one of tb* row < _oa Watchung avenue, hstwaao Front'treei and the bridge. Hawasamawtf forty-fv* jaaia.' Hs aad two ehll-

Bhortly before i oiowek last eveningPerrlae sad Frank Burke, a papers

~ •! ng oo Hotta avawsa)suited to visit a friend oa Cottage

They walked down thr tracktogether. They bvasa* so Interested

their eouvaraatloa that tbey fiasiHCottage place without noticing It aad

reached the Bicbmond stnetbridge.

Look oat, Ctmilj*," exclslmedBarks, **tbsrseomsa tbs cars.*' They

one tlja to allow aa ex •train to pate. Perrlne was quit*to the westbound track. He did

aot see a lootnaotlv* with caboose at-taebed tnat was ffomft west.

It Is not k BO wo exactly what struckPerrlne. There w«» *oet* prc JFetloathat caught him m tb* bank of tbeSkull cru*blog It. With a groan be

to tb* ground. He was dsadwhen Burke reached bis aids.

Cat o'clock wbsa Burkehurries: to tb*the men that* of theof his sompsaloak

led UD tbs rrelghtiafterwards trsnsfenedtaking eatsbumamat.was summoned to tae fialgkikiisaa,bat daath bad baea Instantaneous.County Physician. Wssteott arrivedduring tbs evening aad granted aburial permit.


At tale JesotJoa Edwin tas

of Mr. Orowel aad togetherthey succeeded In ttaaping oat theore. Tbe staod-doib, a sofa pillow aadtn* carpet suftWsd oosUdenbt* dam-

it for tbe promptasta aad eaergydltpUyed by Mr. Orbwell and Mr. Benaatt It ta possible the service* of the•onh Pialnflatd firedepsrtsMat would

will not exceed *M. aa« tbe loei U


Thursday nlghC January lr.h, Mr*.Oslraa, of wo West Fourth street, was

her way boats la a troUey attempting to get t ff the car aaarher bout* tbe conductor started

groottd. Ae a result abe was drac

ssversty Injured. 'The ear proa Its way. tbe mea la chargeoo * ff Jrt to lean whether Mrs. Calmswaa l&Jarad.

She was aeaMsd by «her aoaas. aad tas Plsiaaeid StreetBsllwayOooipaayBOtlBSd. The ooavpany't pbTslcian. Dr.Prltts. lespoadsa

Al ib* • ___ _ooUsetioa of Wm. IT. Evens,Bew York mat waak. tb* following

m wan |i*ii*iisirt byW McCutcbeo: -Moonrise li

«.'• by Mails a Beokat; 'Tb*Baaa*t,"bf~by w 8t. J Harper: sad "Book*

D la Autuma. Sewpon,- by 8.

Abram Tan Otasf, of BoyeaawM, kga

w __ . by C V. D.borteand ths otasr by J. E- Tawasf4.

. VanCUel ass sold bl* farm to J.B Daks, of Bsritan. aad aa soea assaate minor details are locked after bewill take up hi* reatdeeo* tn tale city.


"ObrtotlAs Eodesvor t>mj" was ap-propriately observed last Maawf atTrlnliy B»torm*d cnunb, under ta*sutplcee Of tb* society of thatoasna.Prior to tbs rsgular awartng there

a *Bort b*>l*s*s fcuriag wbsatb* vartoiM reports utiie reoslved.Two a*w BBsmbsrs were also received.An enjoyable feacnr* of tb* mHaraMiwas ib« voaal solo by F. B. Oattsjr,

ipsatsd oa tas plaso by MtaaUUtea A. Fores. Fowawlsg this.Edgrnr Baepparrl. prestdeut of ths *D-etsty. who was Is charge, saaovooedas tbs speaker of tbs eveaiag Bsv.~ B. Hamlltoe, ot •»— •—»

aim partlculady along ta*awaaavar work, and said thai

waaaOsdhasa work to be dot* beto do It. H*

that what tae church needs today HibeOBrtatlan Eadsavor Soeasty set oat i e for Carte*. Aat I* wOMag to do tae

and saytalan for Hiss,; tbs society was orgaa-

tstd to last becauss It was built oatoe* ted unity aad lbs** qasUttremake a otarah aad eoctety a powerfor caod. D* placed Streee oa Indl

~\ r**snB*iblUty on tba part olivorers, aad urged all to frown

la a Carmrlaa way apoa say who saytkaiths •octoryl.dyU^or goiag oa.

l a

Cbroale H*s»l Catarrh pomoas•ery brsatb that U daawa I a to tb*ess, Thar* is procurable from aa y

Oa Thursday 111 •!•*._ Pea. 1MB,Mr* will be gives at Bataal chape*.

Fifth and Washington atM

mami km* aesa eaayJoyadat m*riesa Works far s-a.Hai.pst..


af Eaaawtto* Trnnascta



LoveU. Probaeco and Ldunsbury ; sta-ilooery sad rnppllee, Messrs. 1side, louoabory and Prbbasoo; teseh-ers and text book*, Meters. Probtsoo.

Ppea motlaaot P»ssUin» Probssoo,ha commlUse oa naghaw reoom-Beaded las appolatavat ot Mlssj

Wbiuier School Is piacsof Mies Tom,Uaeon, who ta IU. Also Mies Plo:eaea|

Morman ScftooL aad lor]wastas ertta* is taat

-maOoa.Miss Churtoa Is a gTSdsWa of tba]

Oortlaad Motmal School, sad for tbspast month has beea ctlcBMiUy tuplying tae plas* of Miss L*ul*s Bui

at tbe Bryant Behoof whits tb*r teacher bat been UL; (ae ni|nan of Brail Jen t Pr»

aasso, the rarjHOca mada at s prs^viout meettiwt to rrirsmi Prof. E. Hi

t, af Brooklya. to deliver aof four MMiiuiu* tor .ta* beaedl

ot tae snaektrs, at a coal n*t to en•J*. wastakea fromtaataW

Iiwsatb*opUk>a of Cbtj Board

01 of all i n i l i n wao dsetrs ta«m_• Tbey will be dabsarwd at th*

FraakHn School on lbs aftoraooae otApril Ilth sad Sf--b and May W aad

I Upoa th* i s w m i s M s i h r ofnwperlaraadsnt Msxsx tbs Board

I -*w decided to •*«*•* frof a-<—uwaver aa addrsss at tn* c «

[BMaaamaat lUiiititi *t tba HigaSchool at graduation, prof. Origjrs Is

1 blgfaxy recommended by $operintMKt-<ent Msxson and many «f tbe tsacbeit:of tb* seaool who hsjva heard him

tctar* la Brooklya.Owing to the crowded] *oadltioa of

tb* Wnluler Botool, upon the reooavmeodatlon of Sapcrlaucident Msxsoa.the Board gsve permtosion to piscioce of tb* clattrt temporarily la ta*onapeL

Preeldeat Pro basso _ _ . • ^ . M »tradeet Maxaon If tbs tr* drills in ta*

• • aj 1 ' - '^

•ed tas* W.lSS Ct bad bees eo4-A aad l l | m m II tas a ty Bank

to ths credit of the Boatd.

Dr. Hamphreys*


~ THE P f O T "


Sanitary Plumbing,Brick smd Partakes

" i . W. LITTELUlo. ltt Bortfa ATC. Piils teH. H. 9.


Livery & Boarding Stable.FOURTH 9T..

" d Park*


CIGARS.And aeafer la all Unas of Beaaktaaaad 0h*wtng Tstoacpo. aad aaaswaaa*M f c C naa reakoved from an VestFroat-tm*, tsBowtaaMe f H

for mesy moasas past. H. was a• taawa person ta tale vietsJty.

wbere be lived Bar msay yearn. Dsrlas ta* past few junta af hi* Hie be

nfatoaesithtaksa from

back of Freeca'* MtN la las tswueu*ala\ watte be no 1 * rptsd the ie-1td>rotU* 4sra ta eam'art. He

was a vstersa of tas Ovll War. B s |laaesn a brotasr. Mprgaa Biie. offFaik evens*, aad several nleOvts Is

On Thursday afssrseos last at tb*osas of Mr ecdMrs William Tb=*»p->*, Boesrlllp. tb#r» took pace tb*

of tactr daschUC. 1

WwaC af tka* ek*.

kntoraMl ratwptbm westeUL Whs*)•. aad Mrs. Wikef

kon*js>ooa they wig


Th UM YN I m *Jwtj» b«M


1 4 3 NORTTH A V E .

Wm. A. WoodnS,


am Frm SL a i Fart lraw.




Sanitary Plumbing,

D. W. LITTELL, III lor* k.., ru>MI. I. 1.


rou*TH mr..






Wm. A Woodnf,


Page 6: WINTER FASM ION 5 · make, •track up "Hall to th* ObM" aad tbe vaat crowd gave about. I&etanUy tben WM O nu tbe dUtlBgatebed gnaat nod tOorts Bade to eheke hand* with him. Mr. Martin*


Ot**ctor* to Sotnmrwmt Str«wtWidaning Ma** it Impcrstrvw.


propertly BwycfcaarJ by th* borough


W W B M HIM U M * M J w»- —'viand U»t the reei-naM -a« of Df I.H. OooWy and Q t o m Klin r to • •

ana OOBBSBBW* • » • • • a—-™- —wouM aaraaftar ba found at tb*

1*1 office aad naked tboa* «bni wUttag to dadmntw tha urowarty

to rtat th* onto* aad alga for theirMr B)**na4d*dtb*t tb* taxarJoa

committee bad amo W report ad-ran*tyoa tba malm of Ohaa. Bsefc.At t m, tb* Ooaaotl ad] 3-iraad tor two

d v i . oftbeMPM. The approm! of UM Councilwtllbeairaaco the nppolntmeeta M•ooe M It la aiMrtalBed that tb* men•aat iyad b* tb* Mayor » » properly

Tb« Council did act COII• JO o'clock, but that* were0i«f«raooM before that - t l m toot net-tled Tariooi Important PUttMi. Mayor

ilnn to order. All tb*pfMeot *»oept Mi. BwaskhMbM.

O l O A - B * * d » u ajao

Altar tb* vaual preliminary butine**raatgantlr-aa ware read of Dt. JoatoaH. Ojotoi from Warren EogtM Company and Oaorga EUn*r from tb*Waal Sod Boa* Company, aad re-farrad to tb* flta oommltua. ThauM M UM oaaal batata of bUm,

Major HmmUn had aomatfaJn*. toamy officially to the OouuolL Ha had

•on, of New York, woakj b* araeeat < > t n o u land make aa addreea. Baa waa ua-1 sioth*

dwtaluadaad th* mnmbirs, peiagla praaeat w a n wry moch : fur*.

disappointed. Tnla dlaappoloLmeoiwan I*—imert to a lara* degree

preeeot had tba ptaaau:lUtaalag to a taw r*iaarka fromGoraaUaa Scbmcfe. paator,

[onllrat adTtoa . . . t ™ . , ^about the *

Tbe a

objected. He thamfore atugaated thatth* CJUDCII nboold ooaforai with tb*law aad appoint eommlaslooan to *a-mmt benefit* aad damacee. For mchiimmmwinirT ba aomtaatort B. A.aaawmas.Jr. Dr 3. HWm. b.Hmlts.

Ba bad bopad to Dad ao objectionfrom prvpany owaan to tba proponedImprovement, ao that tba work ago On without tha Ions of MBMioornaaed eipense oaoemdtatad by tb*

YaUaat onliad to mind tb* trouble*over th* Watchdog avenue Improva-auat, aad tbougbt that ta tbuBOOM anaaawuinnt should ba 1whereby toe damaftea and baoeflumigtt balason.

TbaaeaaMtb* reporta of tba Odlmotor aad tha Clerk.

Tb* raport of Collector end TraMuraiBrows, waa aa follow*: Taxea, fJ.tMtT. Internet. » isato; Board o;Baaltb. $33 M. apnolal ncnool. »i,u s «7; Watcbunft avaaua. *J j.tobtlla payable,; Ooanaaa fromooumy olark, tt ir .ca; mat, propertyat*) tot tmxaa, %3€, Frank Rowleydark. On**, l u ; Street Railroad Oxa-paay, t a w , wall Ore top, .09; amm otdirt, i l » ; e * e b on hand, Jan. 1. * l l ,1*7.70;total.tlf.715.a : disbursemanu,•la,4JT.n; onab oa hand Fab.> ! , ! • • ! Tb* Ftalmrt oa baaddivided a* fottowa: Borough hind,ta.Me 351 Watcbuoa aTaau* aooount,ftw-nm

AJ ehnlrmnn of tb* n n e t committee,Mr. CUrk reports that ta* dlnbumt-m«au for tb* autath nmouBtad to• U U . He ahw made a raport for th*entire yum •ndtag February int. Ac-cording to th* report, tbaproarlafad for the atraat *tt.aoo, whim tsM S7 bad banofor'bnt work from oatatda aouronn.

n u for tb* yaar w m

Ba pralMd tba member* for theirenmeet t ff jrta ID wtnt tbay bad alreadyaceompUabed, and urged them to do

thing*.ii boatneaa waatbM trana-

actad by th* mamban. whU* locludwdth* atectloa ot ofBonra. Mrs. F. B.Woodruff bad baan president for twoyears, whloh Ume U tba limit aa pre-acrtbed by tba ooarfltutloD. aad abatherefore bad to retire moon to tbarrerrat c r all, aa aba baa mad* a woe*?ffl?ierit and capable ofdoar. Xa elect-OR bar luwiwnr. Mia* UlUaa A.

Foree waa ohoaaa for tba ptaoa, aadraanlTud much •oeoum«*ia*Dtbar fellow members ia aotming

upon bar dutlaa. Mlm LJllisn B e n

nuwfBnVhooka, owing from aa

back aa 1»U for pacaonal propi_Thmoonld aot be ooitaotod. aad Oot-Innhw Brown •ugceatod that It wouldaot ha welt to ioclode tawm hi

that all Itaww. batfaatac la law aadtwaalaa; «p w and laelodUa; IIM,

bra then m

arttta* taih* i t i i n i of tfca o&alnnao.Mr. Swackbaiaar. Ta* booha of tha

wt r KBmL I


•C MBili • la—1 ef T'tony caorrtiVMM* i- Be

Tba annual awtdng of th* TOUDKBiad, of Trialtywaa he'd Frldav

I^t him wh* thman he kawwe ntkiax er two *be-rt ami aktnn tahebee. toet he fntt. There are SI dlm*r-eat grade* and amrJHla* wf th* far.and wnly an « p e t t » ten th*•aloe *t a *e*l *Ma at night. Th* BB.

HI hwyer hao-e what qeaUty offar be has bought oaly after h* baa<ll*c«*ered how long It will wear. Upto thai point ha must eerept the wordml the nrm that w M kim the goods.

Headed with the poorer grade of aaalakin. 1 he fallirg e*T la the Alaskaerel catch ha* mad* tbe I n * anniity

hmnnam la demaad for tb* far baacnaMd tbe nee af the lafenor grades,sine* eroogb of the beat aklna eaaaothe •applied. Some *f lh* larger farU i w r a n a w the >nmp In pricee sadlaid la Urge stock* of aanl skiaa hw-

U tant. when the far

•Br™ that aest season UM peic* *fta«Bu(.rtur«J goods trill be blgaer by40 per M l , u d UM raw u t t r U l byBT per not.

W i n (be mrdry «f seel ski*• i k n It costly end nr*. faaMM ae-crane a e*w k-we <* ' • « " 'or tb*/nr. K-erylhiag appears *• t*rw»t*B


thta. aenl nkla

. U Immune faaaaully becomlag. nan,

th i llbl

of anhaf not. for nr*«fn(

km-ure^f W past, been the fnahioaabl. rar.Z*Brl . IVrsian lamb has Men Ita aw«Mafal"°™ R 'T- rWai sad chiorhills hs . made a gaonw b o «» w | aeeoad . ftable. ot course, has •Iwuy*

[k fer th* oomlBff yaar.

i cfectod Ttea-prcaldeDt; Min

Kow. aeal nkln has tnkea a new boldupon public fa*nr. Bad the leading far-rier, of the city say that they ar*selling more seal l e s s st any Um. with-in ten years. Wlthla that time tbaprice of the fur haavmore (baa doubled.aad few of tba long cloaks and mantle*that naed to be (aahioosble are neea to-day. The cost of *uch a garment 1»greater thin BBOBC f tr»ssis. ae*e the•eif wenltky, ear* ta pay; but the abortaeal*kia « * ! • sell by tb*hundreds,andar* tha n»oat practical far garmeat oathe market. A *4-in<-b cost to-dayeasts nboat SIM sod each additionalInch add* perksp* US.

The Alaskan anal la. of oowrae. tbameet TBloabU grade of the for. Its oalyrlr»l. tke Bhellaad seal, wbk-b wm* won-derfmlly beaatifnl; bat lees durablethan tan Alaaka thr. la now almost an*

After tha Alaaka far tern**=

Miaa Harlna, ataratary; Mine AnaaBwarlac, rcaaaunr. Tb* praaidentwill aoaoaao* bar ooomUtt*** at tha•rzt •.aarlaw. Aa aa amtafaare) la

BUB* tb* oommlttcea, tb* presi-dent naked tboan praaaat to writs oaaallp at paper tba committee uponwblcb they would Uka to m*m, andthta will guld* bar. Lnxgely In her an

H Tarloai reports praaeotedabowad UM band to ba In a moat ex

•ot coodlUon flnanolaUT acdotbenriaa. aad th* new yaar to startediad«r tba moat faTorabta aaanjaaa.

Tba member* bop* to ba abla to ha**If 1M ADderaoa preaant at a maatlnc la

waar future wban aba will make anaddraaa.

solemn sir of Jodietnl grarltyaad dignity of tbe supreme court ta

i diaturbed by a Bash of hu-one occasion there wua nagoing on, and th* attomeyn

war* naiag a map to Illustrate the case.One attorney, la the coarse of kia pres-entation af th* onse. pointed ta tha

ip la question and was proceeding todilate upon the same, when JusticeGray uked hits wkat the ma* wan.

-Why. jwar boner. It ta just a bird's-eye rlew of tbe land In ooatro*ersy,"

amGray.-I wish yew

wwela brUg (be a P a Uttle Bearer; Ihavea-l got a Mrtf-acy*.-—Washlagtea

Prof- Angclo H o w of Turla. a eck-briled Italian aantat. who reeeatly vis-lied tnia coaatry, waa greatly ba-preawd by our gyatnaaJaaM and ath-Wtla .ports. He tboogkt It ripanlaTljd l b U tbat pkyalral edacaUoai wee

carriid to ao high a d«gn« here with-oat j o r military ob>«L —i r iBMliiaboy. and glri. ia point of phyw-ree. h,

tar aapeiloi to thoaa of Italy,that ha had - J ly.

ha had -a*Jy tela the itrtn" ta

Thia Meated to aim the eppertuityfor which he baa beea waiting.

-W.U.- he retaraed. I f 1 da the pre-Ilsainary taJklag yoar coaTenetiaaelabJJlty i l l: be i t l r i n l 1* enable y*«lauyTea. 'waat l ir*

After all. U cwertsklp there te aoth-ta« like getting jwar aaewer beforeye* aak the awaartaa.-Caieace INaeC

-What bans me th* waeat ef all."anil 111 s t i l i i n BjHH***lti.It i t , | LgiBti of dytag rteh."

-Dent worry anwat that." anld th*famwy hmyer. soothing:?; "1 | i i l nywu thai 111 ax things n* that fta ayeart time neither the wahOe nar ywnrheirs will hare nay ne*of thnt ywa veer" ~ a o m u - — Q m h a < rtaan Oanle*.

re decidedly (sf«rlor la quality, batre. frequently soW ne Alaska anal, fteema rather a nailuea fact tb«t theartng and coloring of seal skin it prop,rly aadentood and BccoaipUmh«d oalya England. Efforts bare been made ta

most taaralakia prrparcd aaywfccr* Hrt laKtigUod lm not wortk bnyiag. aad wiBnot k**p It* oolar ata amth*-—K. t.


heckle* baviag Very rtuble prong*.There U a diipoaltlon in toqeee «a

adopt once mere the tar baa like formwhlek Marie AatalactU wore when UBran painted har.

The briau af ftstm aaly erem to existat the aides, ta fana a fwaadatiea ferellhera fratberara booqact. Vasbiaaran* riot bctwaea the Trelawaj. ikederecteire toqu^ and the modified t a -pir. headgear.

Brims ar* breomlog more »nd worelad no ha I of

would be a U • » withf he b a d aad triaged, aad (kle

falllag drapery la nrtalaly ^lr^^•la^Mclalllc rfferta la featbera a r* be lag

largely aatraaJaad by tha btat amtaV

the ribboa gathered, ta to be aeen an'atany of the sB^naa and a* Ualaga to

ployed forWe ar* ladetad far a great many

Mean to the reveJalloaary period larraaee. sod theft*anewae woald .earnto be the moat Important element.Ugbt hie* braagenra hate the prefar-


E*ea with winter here chiffon aadsilk tacked ar* considered an smialklelement in arean.

Tnrqaolee and ateeJ *re employedtaawthcrlamaek of tar rmbrotdery tor• ilBatry perpoees.—Wnskiagtea Star.

VicT skin* nre nlawet c«rrr«4 wltksiitcaed head* of tbe material, pmedwith satin, and theae bands -- M T 7nlly form a Ultkework rownd tWaldrteither at the hem or at tbe waiat. Thebmidlag oa many af the** gown* tatruly wonderful. mtrrhtaau«4 Wtth•able, genen>y employed as anaelsand nn a ooraerlag to the «we*r7wrreead cape trlmmmg aa tbe hedlce-inch of tbe haanty ef the drew* de-


Dtfticurty hi Sakl ta A* Oum taImpaffsot Cwrtwum.



ofatm,th* report of tba maili

by ta* Ooewraar totb* aoboal laam. 8

Si. Jcam MifTaaibn a aaambar of tb*

Mm. Emily 1 .of tba mdurations and tha ctbac tn*m-ban of tba oommltta*. aalmd tha nt-tanUoe of Mr. MoOuubaa to th*irr*Mneed of a proper aompulaory adoanllnalaw. Be nnid. la reply, tsrnt be

the need ofia favor of a

tha ground. Mr*.dwalarad tbnt It waa bar opiaJoa tbat

Mr.gtaat difflonJty ta m i t t n a oompsl-aory adaoattoa mw lay wtth tb* acbool

TbeoommkMioD will b a n It* aawbill ready by February IT. W b a o l t wU p tb* *daontlaeal oommlot tb* Stale Federation will bare

With Mr. Me

Mm. Beast, ot Want Hlnth atraat,aad a aaaibar of tha member* of tba

Mn'a Aazldary of tba Board otOorerDora of tba Bohpltal, ara miereetad ta a pUo to ram* a

The American minister, t o n . EdwardBeerett. wn* *ery klad t« hia ewaatry-mew. and It man at hm bonne that Mr.maraam met a certain Mr' Marray,maater of the qneens boaeafcokl. saysSt. Xtcholne. Oa the day mUvwlng owe

set by the lard * waHmg myn L The gallery was *f g n a t

aangthTead the genUewa>n>wlth k>sf

Thmmb-a sawn teg* left him far hehmdlheftore. Beetag that.he>waa teeing

d and ma * few step*.

ground, he repeated th*ta the great amaaimrat

he royal •pedatars. The ^n«ilI aunt another •amiran, and the

general, with bla gmardlan, snade n M * .and »isit le tne palace. Wlkg reerivedbs the yellow drawl** reoak.

A third etatt wns soon paU to Bnek-laghnm palace, sad thl* time tba

' ancle, IacpuH. fcKag ef thei we* p r m s i and Waa greatlyasklag many <aaiHaa.. and

Viciorta. desiring tha general toBlag, iaqutred what song be nnfe i i in .Tankee Doodle." was the; prompt re-

£. All present UnffVed k*anUy. andasajrety said: T h a t HI a **ry nwae*

ty song, general; slag It. If^waniM 'bmwi

lagbnm p•teen's unBal cuas.


-9»y. I want to toll toe, aoasethtngthat w dead straight," amid fhiaaMmi.the caJralatisg baJ-bnr. ac**rdlag loth*

mnor ot er the fore of *•* »f h ta rtwtlnm. "Ten notice tbJa crowd h e nweJtlag to get sbaiwl well, you wtflhe •urprtaed when I t e l «w« that thcraat* nail twn of my regnlsr netomertamong the entire men i t c y . What dorsthat meaaT Well, wot t int there baabarn nn laBaz Into tow* er thnt thaetgbt men hnv* yeaa *>*>ednntghhorhood. It sbnal] a ,thnt double quartet la nnndewhw are regular ewumnBrebarber shops, bat who hare come hereto get *et of giving Christ BUS presentsla those shops, fiay, are yoa oa ?

-Ob. yau-d he • • • • • l la j aft |ne « * »bex of people who erery year performtn* ehange-of-barbrr ah*f ,• a n t do any mare bosmess hievery atrnag* rostomcr *ho

g•hop at this p n g M B g .When they again get bnek t* their •*•>alar shops after CkrlimJm waenrtaawenreirsely remark thai they ka** baa*wat af town. -Sb, *m\ talkm w I d o n * t w a n t a a y « f m y M IW H I B I I I to hear you: they m i g h t mawnnwatr* ebw next yiar. K«n grat,"wtth emphasJi on the gent, tbe Indtrht-nal belag one of tb U

i lately made it possible to•MaU good wine from <bc apple, whiahha* always beea eeverad t* eaarkBaweider. Experta baee hken d*otread la•harry, mnddrn and materae whiah

gaa la* tafnlinlaWI fumrua MtaneettsfermeDniUen. The A

Jales from the applet ta fermea teawith yuanta of diffn-mt kind* broaghitrum the grnpe-grewiaj districts of Bn-rwp* tolhuicoantry. For lamtaace, thennsw of sherry ta dae hot t* tke graae.bui to the lalaiiaelanm ~~that

the dUtrtrv | . I M J * where the*•b. laorulate tbe apple yato. *a<

•Mala a t a e wine. T ie Mm* i l i u mta followed with otherearWUen e f - i** .

Theae yeasts are obfaiae, t * m Oseilment I . tb . t f E Tfc



Oawof tha a*oat lamiisninl acta ofmm •maaah Qnawall at IU nwa*JUy

•ml munagk n ••••! n i iBar n»a..iiA. Baad. to atan prwimnrBaga lo wx^re

Ihi i i m a j a of wxtnla


list asaiiiiiH uaiaHiplj tnonm|B^mmaitormnr owner* U ai T* up BO**—m whm pay mat to tha Krnaga.Tbem nr* n aumhar ot oatwa dknt th*

hScet,wutth*T•BWd try

y yat n a x Tbey wttl bawa u> do an, how.•*mr. or ba ••Wstad Mwdi tha tuawitm.



aaewsmn*aatd* from a

iWa imi there !•orlTtty ta tba -Mini U * ot U otcyfor tb* paat wank but twoawaamal

twoU ona».ptms.rt al a aanibnr of tbayoangfe-r aooftety eat,maud ax tb* hotaa* of saamtbara oa

illiBliiaa l i l i t u n Friday_ ot thta waa*, ta* alas will be

rh**u**at at mm mma* of Mr. andMr. 3 W. B«labart M Balrlowr*

uamnUy cUboraU Bad will Innhthsmba oa* of tba moat asjoyabla of i s*

•ma.Tba third aad laat ot tfew

Amwmbaaa will ba band la Um Caelno.Frtday »Tetxlng, Fabranry UJL Itwill be tba

*-t for th* mat oawTh* grant ffseoawi of tba*a ian led to Lb* amanahi ri i|aaai 1

U Bt tba Oaateo. It wUI be ledwpendeMof tba r*a>ahv anrma of Aa-

imaa bat tfew I H i a l l a n for K


WAKT NEWARK FIRMTO m BIG DAMAGES.* Annia ,ll«thawa Bnngt

Soft Fa» S3.0OO.


•ma HWH HuaacD w a rr

MB. Mn 11 bctu us ata U d l


M H tor lltij.• t o » * x l Om. T

l»»»n<liii« h-~t

l l a t a i B I t , B«rt at Tm-l

rMT ta<a

XWOTaaaMtoa) aVTMB mangMt paiilHi m * ad

« W M J twom m»Oemntt 1


a i U a t n Mrw.R.*,:

aWafc«..iiMHi '« l l l l N H ! • • » ! » T H »



•Ar of *r».il7




! i!



*> tk* U*m of Ik* *jki C.K1. ■bfoc *. B. ■■■■it «MM Ms »fo* U Muuc M im i*«*t*r -*T *n«1«« at lb* Bnw<« Oowll FrtdTWHgbT ralMU

mu Ihmml of ik* OoowU •til b*(In* to Ik* appoints**!* a* •OOO M U is UMUlMd tb*l tk* on ■ ntl;»H by tk* M*ror*ra prop**!* If Trtu’

BW"r«*d *k*nk. -m k*U Frtd*7 aftarooo* lo tb* puton of tb* rburrh.

Page 7: WINTER FASM ION 5 · make, •track up "Hall to th* ObM" aad tbe vaat crowd gave about. I&etanUy tben WM O nu tbe dUtlBgatebed gnaat nod tOorts Bade to eheke hand* with him. Mr. Martin*



Form* Councilman F. E. UarahDMd Thursday.



4 career begun aaa coodnoed Initu<i y f jr nearly tbtea-aaor* yeancone to an aad Thursday, wbeifnocU E Marah paaatd away after .UKcrio; Uln«M at Us residence atr-s MkiituQ avenue. Tnere bave beenlr> aMo In PUlnfleld wbo bava had amarefranetal acquaintance througb-anttha dty aad hla death will bemwameil by a large circle of friends.

H r Harsh bM base 111 for aa veraiBHStha witb Bright* dlaeeaa. Itkson that It mu.tre.alt fatally, batk«Hvtdm*ay week* attar It WM be-Urnd mat the aad WM dose at band.Tsanday be failed slowly and pa>

Mr. Mareb WM born In this dtyBovaaber X1»«. B* WM tb* son ofa* late Former Asssmbjymaa BlMoaMint), wno WM st one rim* • proml-BMt clothing merchant In PUlnfleld.Bt received bU aarly tdaoaitoa InfMlofleid private scftooU and pre-pared for college at Fiuiblng, L I.Be entered Prucetoa College aadfradsatad with tbe clan of 1MT.

Be entered to* law o CO cere of JudgeChtob Tlttwottb, lo Newark, and«m-Ucd law there. H* WM admittedto the Jeraey bar and WM then takenktto pertaerscip by Jodge Tin worth,tbe Brm name being Tltawortb, FrancisaBarah. Judge TlUwortb afterwarddie* out of the partnership aad tbebtf&l buiioeaa WM continued underthe firm nsmo of Pra&ela A Marab.Flaally Mr. Pranda went west andtbt hulniae paeeed into tbe banda ofMr. Mini) wbo continued to piaetteealone. Mr. Marab continued to prac-tice la Newark anUll 111 health keptbtwiU borne.

He waa alwaya a Republican aadtook M interest In politic* when ayoaagswa. He beoaae quite promloeat la dry affilrs and waa electedto th> Common Council for a cumberof yean where be WM wall known.Bt twd much It flueno* In tbe B-publl-eai circle*, and a s m d on tbe dty(Motive oommtttM bealdea attania* Many conventions M a delegate.

Ia 1875 be married MIM BteUe, ofhnayvlUe, III., and four cnlldi"ere born to them. Mrs. Marsh andaU the children heva elno* died, aadMarati baa made hie boat* with biseaten. Ha leave* five staters, Mrs.0. B. Leonard, of Perth Am boy; Mrs.• St. John hUUutchen, of Xorthnaiofleld: MIM Anna O Marsh, Miaanoreooe I Manh^and MIM Minniea. Marah. all of tnis dty.

Ha »Ma regular attaodant daringjood health «t the First Baptlat churcbM f t j i member of tbat churcb.

brought before tbe Board of Freeholdera again at tbclr meeting Thursdaytbeplec* of roadway WM accepted andplane will BOOo be mad* tor improi

BO that It will be a credit to tb*county. Tbe Improvement will tab* agreat deal of driving away from BooteePlaint, tut will open ap so— very

desirable real etat* la retarn.



J . D.W.MUter.orL*Orar.desw«««, ta enthaeUatio oa Iba eobjact•f toralim mlaalona and la ebalrmao of•M miat iooary coamlttM of Trinityltforavd diuroh Bnnday eebooLBaTUg u at-qualntaooe wim BBT. A.*- 8 TanDyke, of Hew Brunswick. haamttd that RMikoiai to come

Tbnnday aod glv* a free

•ad Japan. Mr. T.oDjfce wMMvacalNan ago a BBlaatooary la Anaina. and tbna had a paraoaal kaWt* of tbe one bvndnd ntotamattrowo on the can tme and irava a varytaarwtlng deacripdatt of the place*ekowa.

'ohn 8 Naeffla operated the at«*rteoo llebt and aUdw to tbe Mnwiaoof all. The attaodanoe WM not•a larm M it would haw boao had tba*aatber been mtUer, tbe U M B M COW

tny at hoaaa, bat tboaa who

•^riy pay the «ipNM l a w n d bytaaeomnUrtaa harln* th* eotrrtala•*e.i in rbarfr*. Bafora in* lecture*"• o*et. Mr. TaaPjke WM obU|v»d10 K M in order to tak* a oartalatr»i» to ala hnma Mafirr Millar tbeatoct ebarc» aad I I P W M 4 tb* reet o***• T)awa, chhtflT ot Awala, aad Japan.

Tfa* •HiprtMu d 1b, p

KCUI **«st la UM a m o(k


y«an to b a n tba Board aeeret tblaatrip wblsb baa boea tba only break

tbe Rood roade from Newark taWalaaald. X>«rta« the neat-wni

Board toproTemeot,property owoen want owe tb* aroand,

ttM reported uaftbly M tb*y oUlm«a bad ptamdent If

PrMholdar John Botriaoa eoaJd Maeeeaadty of havlac tbe road

JuatlosT. W. HMfa. who boldi tb*ffl _•• of (iran d su) J« In tba Ancient

Order of Untied Workmen, paid anIda! TUlt to th* toMl A. O. C. W.dge at EUmabethport, Tbureday

and WM preaaatad with a aolld ffoMbadge for aMurlng a eaftalo bumberof new membera to tb* order. Thebadge la suitably aad bandaotiMty «n-ffvd and la In tb* deeljrn embla-matloal of tbe order, tbe abletd wttbanchor beln£ of white enamel aua-*nded from a bar upon whim appaarsTlnosnt W.liaab" In ecrlpt Vetteriag.Che badga la «*ry bandeou* andhlRbly prised. Tbe preMntaUoo waamad* by Grand Maatar Workman


There la no better evtdenoe or th*proaperity of the dry than tbe re-maikmble and Wndf ln«raaM In tb*number of la ton hoax to be foundnrooftb tbe dty In rMldeooea. stocM.

faotorlM and offiM*. Tea number ofibtertbera to tbe local •xdwnm ofa Mew Tork and Mew Jeteay Com* y la now wall pact the fl*e ban

drad mark and Manaoer Cbarte* W.Boayoa expeeta to aee It reach sixhundred before tba and of toe eaw-Bary.

Owtag to tb* difficulty ManagerBunyoo baa had la eecurta*: inatru-

ita bat "Mmgtt, ib*r* la Mill anumber of wuiiiJ be eabacribare wboare not yet nnanintail Amonjt tboaewbo have Juat had talenhonM put In

Fran k Oortla, realdrooe, 33 Mereerwaa; Joan. ML Crane, rastdeae*.

W*at Eighth atreet | Stephen Caboone,reatdenc*. l l » Watebong avaawe;Janwa W. DeOraS. r t d d n w . M«Ootral awirn | Oeoraa B«*l.bwtdMr,

Preaob.George W. Ooddard. rsstdeaes, K*East Ninth atreet. U M. Horatac,• k u h i k Uqnors. M Somereet str**t;John K IMZW*. reatdaao*. 400 Ba«Proot etieet; David M. Moor*, rest Oeatral aveaae; Dt- H VMerrill. rMfclsnoi. 4SD Central avenueMiaa Oreoe Palmer, trained nun*.

Stillroan, lawyer. Mlatrast; Hayloc Paint,Oolor_a*d_Tarslab Oo..Book avsaae

«; A. B. Park,

« • ta***v *•Walter BmaUay. an

Paul T. Norton O J , wallsoatoad baled bay Saturday, uw-talsjed a HTM* isjary to bis righthMd by oa* of ta* hwvf bataa tocatag

th.etd.ofih* -

Perth Amboy may ha«* aaotbar_,**i»oth copper works. It was ssadthere Friday tbat Florida Orove had

by a

plant It will b* la wot yet

y^^&9 n f weesvv af a e*^a V«*TVI^MtWy mn ban a—«. • k . t . ^aaanlaa that aarty t l i lalaahiwa alaiMctaai. u d ta* la n n ennnaNal M

• Bnatloal apvUcatiM of h«r

X* o** . b . t»m • * • l i ,» ti>« Terry»la; tb* jonihfu: CfarlM* <J* yaB;»cwa• M M mm imacla* tbat .be WM a

Terry U aot ••>>•»< of b*r ax*. Shela prood of Ibe fart tbat th* haa beesable lo iltfj th* il<isfi of th* year*a* well, and ah* ovenly hoaata of tbalilt:* rrandenild wio it to he th* treataetrcw* to whaea Ihe work) will pay IUhonor* whes ah*.' Ih* gnadi

Th* >I f he: t child wha laWl»f «dormUd sp lo ibla. Meal i» Boa*Mart* Craic. mn*l «t» U U>« danfhlerOf MIM Ttrry'* «.n. Gordon. At aaw»-*al lit tic- Min Crela; to bet four jeanof ar*. tmt la afrit* i f UU. her umisiftfkaa already m n a n t f l .

Wh» ah> ettll la* la her cndl* hercharmicf frBBiliBOtbrr dedi-*at«a her Ufa to the nayi-, and her fa-ther and mother arc anxioualy ui l i l -

( «'»» Terry In earrj i n r oat th* ri-p*rlw««t. Tb»j h»»e full conUrnn laher throrr. They UeU«r« that ah* eaad« what ahe MfB i»t will Jo, and that

Oft** _Tbaraday they were • to (ri*e aa

eatertalnmaat at tb* Oalrary BaaUat

i to go to tb* efaarab sad tb* otnerH Ifca salsrislasfB Puller o>

pied a * box c ffloa and a*U tba ticket*

WM soBspaid at the door. Prof.Johnson ebew*d np tb* «laea wtth evi

1 Ml 31 aunt, and to** a mouthfulof flre to wash It down. He washedbis face aod banda In broken glass,

ban tbeUme came for Prof. Palter

tbat he WM not quite ready and tookaatehel off th* tabm. Tb* aodl-itOM op la Ita cxettement M Joha

em parfonaad bta atuhta wtth tbebroken tclaee while Pulh»r earvfuUyd aparted by th* back dope.

Jobnaoo waa th* flret lo call auraUon totb* dlaapoearano) of tb* otheracd there waa immediately frreat ex

turned upon tb* remalainfr pmtiaaardeclared that It WM a aeeen

rob tbecja. They l i m i 111 that h*a up ibe loea to them.Hxptalned that all oantaa* tar ID a*tuo« macteri

l "ill )c> b* lac areataat-'

jhla ia tb* pra.rn t.( all faalta, ana lalatal to the • nmi4 of man or iioatft>• the at«r*. tliMilJ khr to Icaralaf>e har* roa«d>*«*f la bendf. aad eaher wtrath birtbtiay *h< «ill mikt herbow lo th* pobllc- *

i» Terry t»U*+».U*t th* prrioar-f-coDKioiiut^ br(in* waa afMCnoD li•• •IHlayil lUa ej«. ani ah*

h her |rmndchlld ahall be-.-OD.r Ufcrd lo HtlDf raat aedlemra b*-or* ah* baa beroaw old * souch t* beaiatrd with thto owe gnn fault.She Wnclf app**)r«d upoa the i l > n

• be* UM WM f i(bi ye«ra of afc, aad;h«i. ab* brllrvra. Ik th* rraao* whytb aaa ajaaaj reaUaM tk»t a erewa o*P*opW had iWir •*** fix, d upoa h*r.

i to, ah* sritr U n u auaicacc. a»dn u •*• of fat**- tbat as urrltae

many pUjcn aaa *o *B*et upon her.LJtllc MiM Craig U to br (iit» th*

oif aatTaatac*.Th* ant two y**n of tb* child1* lit*

wUI b* sprat ta th* iheawr. Aa oftewaa poutbl* aba will be •pea tb* ktagwduriuff Ik* |»"€•'«•* e* the plaja. A»I n l »a» will b* fitcn • • lii»». but aWrill Uir I,.T plaolaad >lir wJB tta «•»•

[Win! IB fill It flwlHtWj. She Billalu b» rx-rmitlrd w> pla; ebeul IB ik4Hire*, bb* *lllbrc4e>* vrilacqiMiatrai

ihc «•*• of L.«a*ry «uu t-r«-e»<ii, bmraaUaUMl «!«•••»•. putoikj

n will her4W ai> old tlor) ' •n£ tfcu U P « a* aaa -•,- if «'•

lowed ta ftatlvr be*. Jwl« k* • rat»tKit be giv**. bat |i1ll<r ul •>. and •*•

I' r i-u«»l to brlH-r I«M th* dq.#• rf. a thlafj i» lo « . il •* >. aD4ritt>iSf i t . . [relDinr,

hocr.rr. her phyilisl tralainic Wtn a«Ca* urf *•!.«:. SbeMtll L.vr ,...t.ij ul• rrta .u-ncr, air.i She - i ^ fJt} •»:b*«*lil>. Sh*will«*arluo»«c.oifciBs;tt:<rri tlnof »ill brldou II>BIIL< Ur 4prrfrvl > H » " 4f b*al>t> «ow>»jaoMl. Whether ate I* at torn- or »•ibr •!«(*. •>• "HI be •ajrooadrd byJt* bni of peep** <*:-*-

Wbrv. Uttlc Mlu Cnla; !• oiar j*ar»af i f t aitraitoa will hr pa*d t* h«r er*diaar* crimtloB.. ' 8k* will l*ara t*r^d7h*b*.tbo*J». Sh*.Ub*taa«hlto M* ta* heawty ta M.ak »er.*. SaavllUlkdytbfdreaajitiaia. *h*«UIb»

taslllar wlttf tha peofrir aad caa-«f all-af*a. I Sh* win l**ra t*

list, bit .bo . , all. »h* wia a* taafht t*oba*r*. p*op>*. W**> *U thia ka. b-rt•nen.b1i.he4 ah* wUI W ready M «*hack lo th* aiaa^.-<fe«ra«* De-»**»aa.

Finally be teiagtaaoed toi fMTaaaab tossad aim kw

bat BO aMiiif hM vet be** n*c*lved.Be*. Mr. W*BM* sad DM




nrwhMorto ttmaa WM eajoysd by tb*popUaof tbe Pislnnekl High ScbooJTburaday afleraooa. Tbe last periodof the BM loo, from noon amiI'otook. WM 0«sa ap to an Ulaatnted

by Tr-||*iii A. K rom oa "Tbe] Preolatoric

Tb* tBrture WM (riven latb* Aaaembry mall of the FranUa

Mr.Xrosa avoided ta* dull ptuof tb**ah>etand kept bU aodK

la UM qn**r notUss.oaly r a n of

lanow a> be found la a "awaaasa srtta bar* aad there a

BU Mews abo-


la Uia tontTi . , ,bla trjlncaalntemub>h*rMted that eha *a*a*4

jatarta»y la* ihjiifcet betall to *u A w M (**!•»••«

•kyaanna.wer«a, wall* .»• M M »*I

pnbli* meeting- In mSMwhieh will tab* flw* o» ptbm.iy U,la Lafaycu* epera hiiMBJ Waahtagtaw,D .C

Sa «h* *«*mtnt; of ta* asm* *.y lh*v*w u e* a « W r*e*aw*w7ll* Mies An-tfc—j. at « * M ah* will aaaaiv* wmhmesa bar* ef th* MrtMif lesennmttss.

ill be ea>*«| lalerot taTlum hawlbc th* ar-

Ii-f Catt, chalr-

1 I/pttm. Ohio; MayWright Um'mn. lasmaa: Mky B. Clay,Kantacky; r—"r M. Ifitw, Tllle-Hn

•tar Wan en. Wjomlsf. Lacy tLIbony. PesaallTasla. lad Barrirt

itch, of Eajlafcd.

itMaM at womaa a work aa*t cxpwrt-• M * -«1 araawrt to MW Aath*ar•Wir f r ^ t t a c aa . w - w i theiraaawa of r t t o p l t i a of what bar la-

eflbrta. T1>*r» to not a -'ibiaB to-day.« aaatur wha* her r»HU*-, wbo haatDovhrd »«j of tbe r*a!|7'iTltal I a n•f life, wh* ha* act bat*. hc!ped te

M def^c« br tb* eftorfei W Mi*a Aa-or.T aad a*r oaeap—r*.Thto e*Wbratioa wOl fallow th* cloa*

of th* Kational Wo=«n Eaflnj^ *owVBBUO*. whleh will b* ,U aeaaio* la

a from February t-is.iaa Anthony bttfa her work

a chattel In th* ere of the~ hV f

«ato podtioa la t»* cfanfclr;ta th* narraweaa Uawta aloaf aockUHkai: aa abaolwt* >«**wlty la poBtis.To-d.y Aaxriea* weaaka.'ar* *arl*dby thoa* of other —tl*na a*4 Mude*mp*raUT«ly frM UdiiiiwUa. with,l i t T—nil • i f f i i r i " ! all•! 1*1

I* UM aoe woman la all tb* world whafi "u rfffi day of »*4 Um*. rvery

dollar af b*r E»DFT. every power ofh*uf. to aaawre theta resnlta. 8b*

__ Isawdlcd to thto wo*St troaa oo p*r-e**al grtevue*. bat •cWlr throafb a

H M of the la)o*ti<» which. *aj aid*. >h* aaw perp*trat«d «(r»initrex, and which at*, determined M

cenbat. Never for tme kbart ho«r ha*eaae* of m a m %e*> for fot in

Ut baa not b-vft 4p interest of tal*

There haa been no thcoftt of pmoaalcomfort, adnncemeat we: gwryf th*BnWeamwgattoa, the aelf-*inincc hsr*see* Btw«lnl*-th*r hnfv been wapar-

pHgf Mma AM-

fv**raUana willair of paoaVtfcoa*

wbo aot o*l7 permitted thto weaaan t*labor for humanity for H yean alnaaa*

taJoad. bwt ala* eawipalki her to bca>- aara th* wuer j with wilth to MTTT

M) bar work. Too often the** fact*e* or ignore* by Uo-a wh*met hear*l>< br her la*

hon. They ac* (lory in • • fact th**money U eaUnly their «<rta now to d*with a* they pleaa*, bot do aot know,

will not adatll, thai the atatwteah. a— ••In «*lw UW>M*. by th* rfttH

thoay aad bar aaaaaiafa. -%

That they may *xwr*n> la anaM antBdcfr«* their apwrwdatiM W hOea A*.tho-y*a Hf* of aeU-*BcrtMa« tabor. Uth*lr behalf, th* wc«aea ha** arraacc4

O*rr I.SOBIng niformi for EngiiehKhaki Is * dyes eottent bat whet it 1*' 1 with th* ajinrjajl*. esmnshk.

esnlvM 4* a*t kaftVA Tb* axai*-awsv*rv4ilkasM(Mas*rwtv«r«

a s m «a Itaelf- Ta gward e«nln*t wJ«-tm th* TCnjOeb army U*>t7t.C essr*a



man. tk-M far la th* nVtlaa *»***** a« In March, a* wkha .aMaimmmimi mWtaka taapaMa new I IllfclMaawra. ftmrtla aa . OtwB*x»». 1

Governor Voorbe** baa Jaat a*pOtBtad Dr. Wm.H.Jforrny. aaereuryatd t n c i U n ofacer of tb* PWWMMBoard of HfwJth, to be a m*m**r olthe State Board of Baattb of Xav J*r



** tb* voter* at ta* ssMUoa b) ft Isat-sw. a s n t t i that bad aasa tao«ght efvary little Mr. Baraa bM nfafls a

bar and ha* a--n»*d*d to hla dattM la a tbarwogb• a n s r . Hsbaaasrala lias far that

* thai aMjarlr*.

aacrto* of t»* *Hf ithaeoataMloaoftranV oa Patk

ecclraa*a*d Pm* lawaan. Ik m

p w rally talked of by tkoM waa aw

Mk* to tak* a baad la th* *x>*>.If they bad a rbaaa*.

laty be praatatad ttro waek* from•wnlag. atom isle expected that

the annual meedna; wwj be heal Atthe meeticR tonight It M ezpartad thn!ia adjournment to that

to b* nowd. Most af

The election which tak** aeMe aarlyla March will not b* a very laoa*«f th* ff*wanwa amaa lac

The n n l a i ei la*to U

laiportaet oo* aad U ih*

the rest of tb* *tty aowth af DM traehsTha stiamt, aaj pcoyosad, mn*jM oajy

few pesawrty oaaaia. Be *»•

few daya aaro ban«d htat*. BawM eaaKH«a,kw* WB* aa4

tb*pthMw*e wa* oat**.






Page 8: WINTER FASM ION 5 · make, •track up "Hall to th* ObM" aad tbe vaat crowd gave about. I&etanUy tben WM O nu tbe dUtlBgatebed gnaat nod tOorts Bade to eheke hand* with him. Mr. Martin*



The Kind You HaveAlways Bought

Bears theSignature


It tocktba eoaWMd effort* of O Tudga Baayoe, Oblat Qnat a*4 Pa

Irolmaa Toltao u d Baffraa td karportar la tba CUT "»art Moa»taJ a. m.

. W K * o O . ~ t o . ^ T»U aboal bacbaartac.HaJaal Wlla—.•awaoaDTad, Hd all «ba *M|aarr aflai] • • toald act pnnax tec bom taUlac

at bar o"n


for OverThirty Years


(ag down hi* ertpp:adByaadMnotappaafla oout. ao tae'mint ilaajlaaiit tha otwaplaiat.OONATIONS AT THE HOSPITAL

Tta followin* ara tba do&ailoea IDiba Mahlaeban. Hoapltal durta« iba

Arthur BoUaaoa. dallr pacasa:n.l.OWB.iJiipw": Mi*

1-B.Paal. Utaranra: • Maaa). aa(mlm, 1 Jar. rr«l' aad 1*7. Hal-' - atrv T. ».HOOB. 8«IMU7 pafara; Mta» Olaa*.


..f tbSfalFoof Hour* Hard Work In Four TftT|r futm n ffctrajatm Wblla ovary

W M k l ' L«O.«.ativa S«uion «,«h1w IBM would »Ot« u d workfor ttw ttefcat at tba f»n cteettoa u *

STILL PLUMS ARE FALLING- ••"•* °* ••«••. • «' a.iirbt pravall M to tba aetloa of tte

OOVERMOft OO»» HOT KEEP Of FICI l « * » » l * i * •"ba.BBt Bt tba poUa.

W w T Tboa. Manor*.lUlba.ooSaa; Nn, Von*. draaalaa;gom;OrruA. Kb*1 U WadMortbtA. B. aawball. I slant

1 _ —- - — -— ' - J laton woaM aa botatad oy tbalr

• petard A ad tba daaffr ot race ai. , itting haimialrtli rkt __

i , . . . „ . promlaeot B«tia.illiia Mil n a nTb* Ltgtatetur* baa baan la

•aaaloo foar waakc, B&hoBgh lathat i«rtod ol ttma aot ovac fourkoan

troduoed la both now—I, aot avcaot>« of watch baa bcco&M a law. Tbiaraaotd U aothlBS Daw la Tlaw of thapaifoinanoM of prcTtooa L'gialataraa on almiUr Uaaa. Xt la aot expotted tbat aotlTa baataeaa will be

I tor two waaka yat. An-rrnptloa to tba refluUr pco-cuit ntfaarUy taka ptaea

wwaa tba Hobtwt nMmjtUl aarrleaawWtebntd. That wiu teas a n a t ofalmost ur.prtKVdeirad Impotiaoea,and. cf cotuaa, will attract mUXmptraaattanUoe. Itwlllba a treat, tadoed.toUataatotha oratory of Attorney-Gmoral Ortgsa oa that ceo—I oa, aedthen wlU ba a graa. demand tor aaaUla tte Aawmbiy chamber, whan i teasTTlcea will b* bald. 8kouM Preal-

Cor c Oc« a•tdw. by d

o t t b*ad or troub tron ttooOo* aaekora aad tn*lr anpporterawho would aaaka nMa oa btm aUthroaira tba ia—Ion had ba aottha bertha wbl.h they aougbt. Tbaraare Uvr*a or toor important ofBoea yat

r HoaaMBtbat bta diapoaaL Tha •OoutyJodjtabaa aotyatPraaecator WUbac ft, Heialay, wbo la• Hi.aT.ri for that piatw aad baa tbatmpaort of Baaaior FnMM, will prob-ably te favorad by iba Oomnor.

ia Etarx county at tba batluacy oftba Oovarnor to TB nomloaU CircuitCourt Jadga FiaoeU Obltd fortarn of o fflta. laarty all tba

Sia ib . aff«ir. Wl«a tld.avaat aa. J ^ "

aptlaaad and baad«d do«o J h ^ bto hlatory tbaa It la expeetart tbat thaI*a|tuutur* wtlt naka aa i m m t•ataft to wnatla with tba probtama• M a ) haw b m mbnlnad for i

botalooc that

a EopubU^ao would no* gat tha pUoa.Bec«sUy Uta naoM of Jodfa Von haabaae manOooad In ooooaoOoa wltb

• tha appolptmaBt. bat •till tt la aot ba-i Ua«c<l that ba aaika It

win I Otter appotBtooaota yat to baof tha tlma of tha law-1 by tha Oovaraor ara two

"" ~ for tn«8tata Board oftrack, m i te B>b*rt 8.

I* mawa that tte Mil dtawlmlaaiea ta I tha W O B M ' I Battaf Garpa of thtate«or of tte Laakffc T alley aa I otter airy haaMad* aa aaalaw tte Pwaaay;ttw. i M M .lwfawww aaTaB opf oatttoa aad tha* la- boaaa at Ylaalaad. K. J. Each oorpap

to tb* 8tat* promUart IORITW a oartalato tb* 8tat* promUart IORITW a oartala•MtbaaaawlMlaa»«anltaBonaBC|u»(M U . taBdUuu aariH la furatahiacPMW TMawUl haap tha rahV tba rooaMlathahaaBa. Tata laatlta-road tawyw» k^ay aad tha lobhrlaia

J N W < l a d M i e k l l M - p M i t II mil 11 mwaa aoaatttii-1 bHy, aad tha acbaasa may ba oai

t u o cttret dariac tba ooaUa« i


UniQUw Affair In pMhioowWwSoctwty Ctrafcaa.


Wll t . WAHHGFUHCTIOliS Of »«•••

tfta atablB at Vwraww MaVwr Owartaa J.-WK.0C Waat Savaatt atMf, Toaa-day. Tta», thrra w*ra ao te^"tsara, b«t tbftt was ot Httk momBooMy toaad tbara ah oM form of

pco»ada«»»«li iai| ,m i nalqaa aocul n w ajfaa bi

MavOnacla. i . Wat aal tec WOlaMtaa O. flak, tna uraaad r

aoma a -dasoa U tte ten." Bat Itdlffarad from tba onatoBwrr "bam

four aoora ot tha•at wblta a f|w of tbalr aldara

aatarooad to waiciTlte t»a.waa tha ofdar ot tba avaalacooUOtoa, bot mdarolrMMafiBwan tar out of u>aordloary.

BO..WI * x taoalra rrpalra to ForajarMayor riak'a laraa

• Jaatbof tha

. Ufa. T. 8.H I M U»rat«ra; lira t.O. Lolsaao.bbL aaaaM; Mr*. A. H.L»wla, aabbajfcBacordac; Mem. Pbcrr Vaoilratj

.MM H. B. Bakat. Utaca-


Tbedaathat Mlai A—Ha Thoap-)B. aoad 91 «aan, tot BO Marcar a*«-

• M , ooearrad laot Sunday. 8haol tha oldaat taaldaata ot tha bor>n, wtera ate UTad tha moat part

ot tec Ufa. Sba waa a nvmbar ot tbaB. oharoh aad waa aa

BBB. Sba bad a boat offrtaada wbo lo*ad aad adi

waa a aathra'ot thht Btaia aad «T aTa»

two aMaam, wbo n i U a la tlM batotajh.Tba tuaaral waa |wl ia» T i n

twaa In HllUida

Ttecataaaaysthata . ,Tioteda«tteaaaMbypoatfaut-UlaoD

" lpu Bul_ _ _ • • a»»Otlt

tte towa by tha Voaai ' i Oub far all

Ml« b a a * Bbaeatw,__ _ _ Jf«a. Mtaa With Flak,Mlaa-BBByC. C M . Mlaa Lydla •aiukafaa, Mlaa Efwft ptroac. Iba

.."fi-1. Mkw Mary AadanwB

-'• Mtaa WUlla, Mtari Blobar . otTnatoa. Thookaa R. TaaJkaharaw,O«oc«a TaaBoakatek.Waa»ay AbbotFraak Bebooaaukar. Baward BoaIII wl i l A. Z. Kaattaifoa. B. M.

Wood, of M«w Tot*. G U f d a-Oaa. Hoary U McOaa, ' H. E.

"AH obiklraa nadaf thirty yaan ot•a aaaooowipatitad by tbalr aanaa

trill te aaal boaw promptly at 1*retook. Byordar oftbaatyJodca.'

a blot at tba Ourtaw Idaaa of tba otty• •111 11 i l l nil i h ippwi . te t a o n i

I ii i I f Aaotbar tmportant noUeawaa -Mo caoUac " " '

aaalotba ptaoo wara two ai .-Mvtata by Joha I* tvad Arthv BotB-

th," aad "Doat tbraw brick* at tba-abaatra, ttey are daing tteir bo*.An IntaraaUnff ItaM of «—aral lo-

rormatloo waa proraiDaotly i mali ta tba atabia ara » u nd,

ktadand all rtgbt aad wamatad todrtTa alngle or doobla." Bararalblata ragardlBR Uw ooadoot of tha

as wara - D i a t bothar tba «i*«iTbay ara ualy." and "FlMaa talkB»I«|I—B Tba boraaa ara atkraBB.** "If

waat Uka your partaata, aoUTyaoaahauLB." Tba oaly

qaotadoa waa "My kln«doa. lot~ ana."

I s aaothar cornar wara to ba fooad»ra choloa biu of adrtoa. "Any par-

•oa oaoafat *ttaHn< will ba ahoc"•Any lady wbo apUU daaoaa ta a lob-tar." Orar tha aotraooa to tba atabla

waa tha btlaht aaytac. "Doat kk*.

U ot awortny phyatciaa waa a-AfleraatlBa.«a Dr. Baa'a OaOnUe Oota," oaa ho*» C balac atUaadfar all thraa wofda.

Bat t te aieataat woi* ot art waa tbamitiaaima of tba -Hona Show,'

All aatriaa m.M ba baadad tom M i n n batM* t a. B . a>

hlbltoca aay ba bartaa treai tha «nad

By t a-w»atr. tw»> awaal wata baaja-l l in • " whUa ao o*ahaatra

at wMwa bae)« aad

aadatn . Bowtaad Oft . pm,fUk, Mr u d K ra. W. T. »—f—w,Mf. tad Kn. J. 7. Baka*. Mr. aa*M ra. a B. Brocks, Mr*. B. IV Bobooo-mater. Mr aad Mia. K. M.VauBaraa.Mr. aad Mra. Howard W. (Baaba. Mf.aad Mia. L. O. TlaVh-aaL Mr. aadMrs. William Bafcar, of M*w Tork.Mtaa IJOOB Low«, tha lOtoaa Holly.Mtaa O«rtrud« Aadrawa. kfta* KamaBoboooiBakar. MJM Mary WbMoa,Hlaa Wartn*. Mtai Kawry Lawwoa, af

C rtwok, J. B.a Dwwfrat, FraakmUg. -WUIUmn.

I. alaaaab Myata, Dt. B Taa D., Jot-apb Waawwayth, i n k a i

Baate, Dr. r . a Ar4. " « d W. Ood->ao* Ptacaoa, tanrfaa H. VaavJ. Q I i i l B M ot «*w T a * .


t o t e aWecadnext aanoal meatlB» Topaa •akoXd

:twt aoatmiaaa a n William T.I u ( u a a , B M. Bbwpard andBaaba.

Tfaa ataeOoB ot oOomn tor tha otabraanltad aa folio w»:

J. rtaki aaoratarr. Aibart H. Attar-bttty. traaaaiar. Jan TaaHi rwaritaa;cbalnnao of tha booaaOaors* P. MalUck . aacraftry for «oU,'awlaB. WartaaV

Tba elab daddad toawftw** BtawaraIvmmy aad M. B. Blown,

flottoar yalbaao «-ary , .of UM vfaaias waa

davotml to diaoiiaaioa abd>Ur | U M for tba oanhW

irM. Itoanootyat be dacidad Oftoawbaa tba link* will ba opaoad, bat tbaproapacu ara tbat tbaiw wU ba amaarly opaoioc If tha praaaet klad ofnaibir t - ^ - - * - * * " - * - " rr

raportad to oa IB a Rood

attalra wata fouad » ba 4mvaUy m.


apcaaaataropct k» oa tba Med of tha PTi.lfcM\_Um aad Ootd

p f yof Swaday eWtat taay eWtat ta faapiaalbU far It.

that flaw tha lea waa aajbt

of tha dirt• i i r t n wtll oaty rraaaa tha dapoaitUto tba tea aad ttaraby rats « aor

r ao*d vif i , la ,


anafaoaVoetad•t-af t tedl*f tte *eU «»oitUaf for a tlaarp wlaos aad fitai coIo. md. *hea•oaar* to ooid «lr U waantidable, rad-i «te>(C« Irom a aaal, to a warmer

temperatnrt. C*atW alMt{« .bonld• practiced, aatl a^waDtwtloaaof a Uia

M J be sude. ft>llow*d by i hat at aewM•impb powtjer aarh. aa fUc «r cteik.W . the WM a* a tea U «nmnry. liotetvld aot cxtnd tel»w lbe»aul art-

m, •» M to atrrmft thf eoraa* of • « •r Vapor. F«rtb«jr, lbtheufc! mot beheavy, mar akooltl ii be to» t i»-h

a t W * aof oaaatderabltt ea>*vy aadIt ta aotfc.a* —ore ar kt>> taaa

for iat> ata> ef thooawho h*«l a s i u It ta «p-

j j ay u » Itaa |>arlaaUy ta tha«bapa «f

•ajn—H"€ >t ak aU aatauaatl_ _ * m* Um* la ••»» aa MIS *• i»«1 apltawj ar wrapped baaaac«*v ta

O af tba air. a*4 la ihi> waycoaU'iWtca ta tk* •••ady baaHitc *>f

UM lajaraa awmker. Tba aapport «f-fordet! by tkU aattsrany elaMM ba>d-ac* 1. • « » lba.1 I* aOrtata* thrity of n n i l r t i l la tea wijariea W U N «t t* tl»ot«f»t ata rat|alr» —ck m b r t r j i i t . It Uof »trroac. keary wAval. ar la anon

Everythingfor theGarden ,

Swett Ptms tha choiretrt.Fancy Lawn OTVJB Setdt

hnd odorless Lawn Drc«

not atmly •• a teaclt to Ite lajtirrt]. bala alaa xrjlag to tatradaeti ika knittin(of U « * b u J t p i tvt •

i l r W t b b.16.1 ar

MM*. Eic-caes-a WOTEN 6 * M > * O L

>atrh Oeimaa*who wUtea to kan h«* t* hait ttebiDdicti proper!/. Tk i» 1» a •p«il«lititeh required -au* toamatelaetaiboth.irocr tntl etaati«.a»d:tte«alaaof tteavwotioa I* aelaf m*r» ••« mpreeiatrd d»il*. Tte l i m b f:tet her t a c i i f n will tvloa proe»bl» u •ireaCtheaer» of t t etor tenoia plajer*. aa »raU aa belli forB e u i u i clitabvn, otlar Ligitt aad

•troag. and far belter, thaa t te •taattvrr briu wuallj won. rorUc;ridars. too, wha wish tp have a froa —of their ted»e«. aad at tb* «ama tltsoMl look -dowdy," «k# oaajMta * i t i uwtnea la thta way. *• T l i haabe.wi ued with (rest . M O M by Qmr-

tvad I«fi, of a**, n a n aad ekiUreiaad <*ea of a i M l t , f«r wMch it ta aot•Mr diaWlt to Bad a, rood aplUt thaiwtH atawja plaar. Tin. M d i p nmj,•mietly wtera It ta p«t.aai tkla ta oatof it* n " t ad*Mtar«(. B a d c k t t e arood U«a far aoma AkMrwaa

n ••nr.likit fil» ikta . a l i | . hall Haa. that abata%ht tracb tt oetr here.

They ekoaid be bald ia a a i s fpovtloa aa t±. hmiUhmtj aad tatwwibtw-kofti-d mad forward la « •tine*a Baa aa pa—ibK which will p m tUM Hrratchea M ofies aaaa « • theaDa not pwt too mock poanfer aa tteboard, a> :k*t la H>|k ta t m t t h tte^Itiiln Tte tward tvhoaM be l>tJopinr poaltiot*. oaa atd* Bkicker thaa tte • ! • • Tte ykudl«* cteailtl be }at* «1ppe*l (aatlaft 'o n i i l ) ia prarwj water aadwuhrd sith a aaapf Cawarl. anal iteawiped «traw aad dry; Blafln atr<a tea-dlra ihoaid te •ajkltt tvparmtely.Eboay ba^lca «b«y te ilaaaii with apt*» of Uaea atippojl la ail aad tteawell dried. K*rp a aet *f d t t e f


Vick'sCarden and Floral


A.M.QRIFFEN'S,119 Eut Frort rt.


Savings Institution,Of rUiifieH. I. I .

all van. tnm ts to IMKJ. P u n HcmftuB, rnaMaaf.Oao. W. SMBrHxov.Tlaa.rna.J.O.FI

IfOB«7 ilaanalail oa or bataa Jaaa-arrtaaAVrjudr»»Mlrfaal »!•• « •


Part I.—Diaaaiaa ofPaul IL-Plaaaaaa of Cattia,Part IIL-Dtaataaaa of SfcaapPaut 1" T*1i II i T" ot Hoo.Part V.—Plaiaaia of Dog*.Part Vt.-







Sayings Institution, \


hildren •—s Teething