winning times - matrix astrology...

Matrix Software © 1995-2007 Matrix Software, Inc. Get ready to jump right into the exciting world of Astrology with Winning Times. Because Winning Times uses the most sophisticated calculation routines, you’ll be finding the luckiest times for you, your family, your friends, and your clients right from the start! This booklet highlights many useful features and shows how easy it is to use the one-click features from the program’s main screen. An extensive onscreen Help menu accompanies Winning Times and is always available by pressing the F1 key. Animated Tutorials are available on the Winning Times Tutorials CD. Designed and Programmed by: R. Stephen Erlewine, Johan Kruger, and Elizabeth Erlewine Graphics by: Martin Machnowski and Elizabeth Erlewine

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Post on 12-Mar-2018




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© 1995-2007 Matrix Software, Inc.

Get ready to jump right into the exciting world of Astrology with Winning Times. Because Winning Times uses the most sophisticated calculation routines, you’ll be finding the luckiest times for you, your family, your friends, and your clients right from the start!

This booklet highlights many useful features and shows how easy it is to use the one-click features from the program’s main screen. An extensive onscreen Help menu accompanies Winning Times and is always available by pressing the F1 key. Animated Tutorials are available on the Winning Times Tutorials CD.

Designed and Programmed by:

R. Stephen Erlewine, Johan Kruger, and Elizabeth Erlewine

Graphics by: Martin Machnowski and Elizabeth Erlewine


Installing Winning Times

1. Insert the CD into your CD-ROM drive. Automatic installation should

start in 7 to 10 seconds. Click Next to begin installation.

2. The next screen will ask you to select the destination location. The

default location of C:\Program Files\Matrix is the recommended

location. Click Next to continue.

3. Click Next button on the next screen and the installation will start. Files

will begin to be copied onto your computer.

4. You will then be prompted to

enter your customer ID

number which you will find at

the top left of your invoice.

Type your Customer

Number in the space

provided and select which

type of activation you want.

We recommend Internet

Activation. It is faster and

easy; you do not have to enter

any passwords.

5. You will then be notified that Adobe Acrobat Reader must also be

installed. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader if you want to create

reports of the scans, logs, and lists in the program for saving and

e-mailing to friends, family, and clients.

If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer,

click Yes. If you already have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on

your computer, click No.

6. After installing Adobe, the Winning Times installation will be finished.

Just click on the Finish button.

7. Then follow the rest of the onscreen instructions and restart your

computer for the software to operate properly. Click OK.

8. When your computer turns back on, double click on

the Winning Times icon and get started!

System Requirements: PC running Windows 98 SE, 2000, NT, XP, or Vista.128 Mb RAM. VGA/SVGA monitor. Printer. 80 Mb of hard drive space.


How do I enter a new chart?

Click on the New Chart button on the main screen of .

This will bring up the Enter Chart Data screen where you will enter the

person’s birth information.

1. Type the person’s name in the Name box.

2. Enter the person’s birth date in the date box.

You can type the full

month name, use

abbreviations, or use


You can separate the

month, day, and year by

using spaces or


You can also click the

arrow button to open the

calendar to select a


3. Enter the person’s birth time in the time box.

You can type the time in the box, using spaces or colons to separate

the hour, minutes, and seconds.

You can also click the arrow button to use the time picker to select

a time.

If you do not know the birth time, click the button to use a birth

time of noon. Please be aware that some features in the program will

not apply if the birth time is unknown. Please consult the Help Files

for more information on unknown birth times.

4. Type the city where the person was born.

Type the city name, then a comma, then a space, then the state

abbreviation or country name.

Example: Ann Arbor, MI

5. Click the Atlas button to retrieve the correct latitude, longitude, and

time zone information. For more information on the Atlas, please consult

the Help Files.

6. If you want to save this information for future use, click the button

next to the name field.

7. Click Ok to view Winning Times!

Winning Times








How do I change my current place?

Click on the Current Place button on the main screen

of Winning Times. This will open the Enter Place screen.

1. Type in the location you want to use.

All of the times displayed in Winning

Times are based on your current

location. In this box, you want to enter

the place where you will be at the time

of the event. For example, if you are

going to buy a lottery ticket in Detroit,

MI, type Detroit, MI here.

Be sure to type the city name, then a

comma, then the state abbreviation

or country name.

2. Click the Atlas button to retrieve the correct latitude, longitude, and

time zone information.

3. Click Ok to accept the current place.

How do I change the day I’m viewing?

Under the Scans tab, you can use the weekly scan to select the day you

want to view. Simply click on the day that you want. The selected day will

be highlighted in a yellow box.

Or, click on the Current Date button next to the

date on the main screen of Winning Times.

This will bring up a Date Input screen for you to

enter the desired Date. Type the month, day, and

year, or press the button to use the calendar

to select a date.


How do I read the scans?

Click on the Scans tab and you will see three bars, stretching horizontally

across the screen. These scans show you the astrological events happening

this week, day, and hour.

1. Select a day.

The first scan shows you red and green bars throughout the week.

This bar is designed to give you the impression of good and bad events

happening that week.

Green bars indicate positive, fortunate times.

Red bars indicate negative, unfortunate times.

Click on the day you want to view. If you are trying to pick a lucky time,

try a day that is predominately green. The yellow outline tells you which

day is selected.

2. Select an hour.

The aspects for the selected day are displayed in the second scan.

This scan is designed to show you which aspects are happening on

this day.

Find an hour that looks favorable (avoid red aspects), and click on it.

Note: The image above is the “Event View.” You can also display the day’s aspects “In Orb

View.” You can switch to this view by using the Options program and selecting this view

under the View tab.

You can choose which planets and aspects you want to display by using the

Options program.






3. Find a time.

The last scan displays “On the Wheel” aspects for the selected hour.

Use these bars to select the best times for your activity (placing that bet,

buying that lottery ticket, or making that phone call, etc...).

Again, green aspects indicate fortunate times, red aspects indicate

unfortunates times.

How do I read the lists?

Click on the List tab to view the data in List format.

If you choose list you will see the same information as in the Scan View,

but in a chronological list. On the left side you will see all the aspects that

happen during the day.

The right side displays the “On the Wheel” aspects that occur during the

hour you select on the left side.




E is Enter time

X is Exact time

L is Leave time


How would I use this?

1. Scroll through the list of aspects on the left and click on a desirable one.

2. Then, look at the list on the right and find fortunate moments of when to act.


You can click on the Wheel buttons to display a wheel for

the currently selected aspect.

What is On the Wheel?

On the Wheel aspects are the aspects that the Transiting House Cusps to

the Transiting Natal Planets. It is what a chart would look like if you were

to make one for any moment of time.

Add Transit to Transit scan by clicking on the Options button, then

selecting Transit to Transit under the scans tab.

How do I print the scan or list?

You can print your scans and lists by using the File menu, or the

Reports menu.

File Menu

Click on the File menu in the upper left corner of the screen and select the item

you want to print. This will send the selected scan or list directly to the printer.

Reports Menu

Click on Reports at the top of the screen to open the Reports menu.

Here you can select which PDF report you wish to generate. The reports

you create here can be saved, e-mailed, and/or printed.


About the technique

For centuries mankind has pondered the nature of luck. There are countless theories of what it is, how it is obtained, what it means, and how to hold on to it. The common explanation for luck is that it is a chance combination of circumstances that can't be controlled. Though this is undoubtedly true from a statistical point of view, it is not the explanation held by those who benefit the most from luck. Lucky people usually feel that they are doing something right and because of that they become magnets for good fortune. Doing something right can be as profound as being spiritually aligned with God and the universe, or it can be as insignificant as wearing lucky socks. Unlucky people usually do not agree with this explanation. The Book of Job explores the dynamics of the fortunate man, his relationship with God, and the jealousies of the unfortunate.

Certainly feeling good and being lucky go hand in hand and, though the simple explanation is that luck makes you happy, people who watch their own luck usually believe it is at least a two-way street. Being happy is just as likely to make you lucky as the other way around. The very word happy has the same origin as the word happenstance, so, by definition, being happy is being lucky. Good things happen to the lucky, or the lucky are always there while good things are happening. This is the famous good timing of the lucky.

Timing has always been a part of luck. There are good times and bad times, times when you’re lucky and times when you’re unlucky. Astrology has always been concerned with defining the nature of different events or moments. If you can define the times where you are more likely to be lucky then you can maximize your efforts at times when fortune smiles on you. Though gambling is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of lucky times, any effort in life can benefit from good luck – and for most of them you aren’t fighting against long odds.

Astrologers have long considered Venus and Jupiter to be the benefics, the bringers of good fortune. When either one makes a good aspect to your chart it is a time of improved fortune. These will mark out several periods in the month of one or two days that may have be luckier than others. But if you’re at a casino, at a racetrack, or playing poker you need finer divisions.

In 1980, Joyce Wehrman wrote a pamphlet called “Winning! Zodiacal Timing” where she detailed a method that was working for her. It uses the current house cusps at the place she was gambling. When these transiting house cusps (she used the Koch house system) were pointing to lucky planets or points in her chart she found she was much more likely to win.


This method involved a lot of work, but, for her and the many people she shared her technique with, it seemed to produce surprising results. She visited Matrix Software to help us design our Winning report program for DOS and taught us her techniques and all of the modifications that she was always working on.

Her main technique consisted of two absolute principles:

1 One of your natal planets must be “On the Wheel.” This means the chart for the current place and time must have a house cusp (any except the 6th or 12th) activating a natal point by conjunction, square, or opposition.

2 You must have a transiting planet activating your natal chart. The natal planet should be a gambling planet. A gambling planet is any natal planet that is in or ruling the 5th house of speculation, the 9th house of gambling and luck, the 2nd and 8th houses of money, the 11th house of dreams, or the 10th house as second house of money for the ninth cusp. Your midheaven and ascendant are always used because they represent you. Activation means making either a conjunction, opposition, or square. She used other minor aspects at times but was cautious with them.

She also cautioned against gambling when a midpoint involving Mars, Saturn, or Neptune are activating you natal chart.

Joyce worked with lists of events, like you will find under the Winning Time’s Lists tab or printout. Many people found these difficult to work with, so we’ve added some scans and winning times bar graph to make the information more accessible. First time users will probably want to stick with the Winning Times tab, that collects the positive and negative aspects and displays the count in a simple bar graph, the larger the green, the luckier the time.

Nobody wins all the time. The trick is to stop gambling before you begin losing. Many experimenters find that they begin winning during a lucky time and then don’t stop when the time turns unlucky.


HWin Star Plus


is the result of our programmer/astrologers working with the thousands of astrologers worldwide that use our software. Without this critical collaboration, and feedback from people who actually put our software to the “reality” test every day, would be just another piece of astrology software.

Win Star Plus

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© 1995-2007 Matrix Software, Inc.

Matrix Software Technical Support: (231) 527-2602126 S. Michigan Ave. [email protected] Rapids, MI 49307 Orders: (800) PLANETSFax: (231) 527-2613 (231) [email protected]

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