winnie dunn, ph.d., otr, faota caregiver questionnaire · 2015. 12. 9. · winnie dunn, ph.d., otr,...

Winnie Dunn, Ph.D., OTR, FAOTA Caregiver Questionnaire Child's Name: Birth Date: Date: _ Completed by: Relationship to Child: _ Service Provider's Name: Discipline: _ PEARSON .---------- , INSTRUCTIONS Please check the box that best describes the frequency with which your child does the following behaviors. Please answer all of the statements. If you are unable to comment because you have not observed the behavior or believe that it does not apply to your child, please draw an X through the number for that item. Write any comments at the end of each section. Please do not write in the Section Raw Score Total row. Use the following key to mark your responses: When presented with the opportunity, your child always responds in this manner, 100% of the time. When presented with the opportunity, your child frequently responds in this manner, about 75% of the time. When presented with the opportunity, your child occasionally responds in this manner, about 50% of the time. When presented with the opportunity, your child seldom responds in this manner, about 25% of the time. When presented with the opportunity, your child never responds in this manner, 0% of the time. ALWAYS FREQUENTLY OCCASIONALLY SELDOM NEVER ®PsychCorp ISBN 076-1638-05-9 Copyright © 1999 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved. Warning: No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, Including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. Pearson, the PSI logo, and PsychCorp are trademarks, in the U.S. and/or other countries, of Pearson Education, Inc., or its affiliate(s). Printed in the United States of America. 25 26 27 28 29 30 ABC DE 9 780761 638056

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  • Winnie Dunn, Ph.D., OTR, FAOTA

    Caregiver Questionnaire

    Child's Name: Birth Date: Date: _

    Completed by: Relationship to Child: _

    Service Provider's Name: Discipline: _



    Please check the box that best describes the frequency with which your childdoes the following behaviors. Please answer all of the statements. If you areunable to comment because you have not observed the behavior or believe thatit does not apply to your child, please draw an X through the number for thatitem. Write any comments at the end of each section. Please do not write in theSection Raw Score Total row.

    Use the following key to mark your responses:When presented with the opportunity, your child always respondsin this manner, 100% of the time.

    When presented with the opportunity, your child frequently respondsin this manner, about 75% of the time.

    When presented with the opportunity, your child occasionally respondsin this manner, about 50% of the time.

    When presented with the opportunity, your child seldom respondsin this manner, about 25% of the time.

    When presented with the opportunity, your child never responds inthis manner, 0% of the time.






    ®PsychCorpISBN 076-1638-05-9

    Copyright © 1999 NCS Pearson, Inc. All rights reserved.Warning: No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by anymeans, electronic or mechanical, Including photocopy, recording, or any information storageand retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Pearson, the PSI logo, and PsychCorp are trademarks, in the U.S. and/or other countries, ofPearson Education, Inc., or its affiliate(s).

    Printed in the United States of America. 25 26 27 28 29 30 ABC D E 9 780761 638056

  • Responds negatively to unexpected or loud noises (for example, cries or hides atnoise from vacuum cleaner, dog barking, hair dryer)

    Holds hands over ears to protect ears from sound

    Has trouble completing tasks when the radio is on

    Is distracted or has trouble functioning if there is a lot of noise around

    Can't work with background noise (tor example, fan, refrigerator)

    Appears to not hear what you say (lor example, does not "tune-in' to what yousay, appears to ignore you)

    Doesn't respond when name is called but you know the child's hearing is OK

    Enjoys strange noises/seeks to make noise for noise's sake

    Section Raw Score Total


    Expresses discomfort with or avoids bright lights (for example, hides from sunlightthrough window in car)

    Happy to be in the dark

    Becomes frustrated when trying to find objects in competing backgrounds(for example, a cluttered drawer)

    Has difficulty putting puzzles together (as compared to same age children)

    Is bothered by bright lights after others have adapted to the light

    Covers eyes or squints to protect eyes from light

    looks carefully or intensely at objects/people {for example, stares}

    Has a hard time finding objects in competing backgrounds (ior example, shoes in amessy room, favorite toy in the "junk drawer")

    Section Raw Score Total



  • ~

    ~ L 19

    ~ L 20~ L 21

    ~ L 22

    ~ L 23

    ~ H 24

    ~ H 25

    ~ H 26~ H 27--7 H 28


    Dislikes activities where head is upside down (for example, somersaults, roughhousing)

    Avoids playground equipment or moving toys (for example, swing set, merry-go-round)

    Dislikes riding in a car

    Holds head upright, even when bending over or leaning (for example, maintains arigid position/posture during activity)

    Becomes disoriented after bending over sink or table (for example, falls or gets dizzy)

    Seeks all kinds of movement and this interferes with daily routines (for example,can't sit still, fidgets)

    Seeks out all kinds of movement activities (for example, being whirled by adult,merry-go-rounds, playground equipment, moving toys)

    Twirls/spins self frequently throughout the day (for example, likes dizzy feeling)

    Rocks unconsciously (for example, while watching TV)

    Rocks in desk/chair/on floor

    Section Raw Score Total


  • Ct Avoids getting "messy' (lor example, in paste, sand, finger paint, glue, tape)Ct I.. 30 Expresses distress during grooming (for example, figh·s or cries during haircutting,face washing, fingernail cutting)Ct L 31 Prefers long-sleeved clothing when it is warm or short sleeves when it is coldCt I. 32 Expresses discomfort at dental work. or toothbrushing (for example,cries or fights)Ct I.. 33 Is sensitive to certain fabrics (for example, is particular about certain clothes or bedsheets)Ct L 34 Becomes irritated by shoes or socksCt I.. 35 Avoids going barefoot, especially in sand or grassCt L 36 Reacts emotionally or aggressively to touchCt L 37 Withdraws from splashing waterCt I- 38 Has difficulty standing in line or close io other peopleCt L 39 Rubs or scratches out a spot that has been touchedCt H Touches people and objects to the point of irritating othersCt H Displays unusual need for touching certain toys, surfaces, or textures {for example,constantly touching objects}Ct H Decreased awareness OJ pain and temperatureCl H Doesn't seem to notice when someone touches arm or back (ior example, unaware)Ct H 44 Avoids wearing shoes; loves to be barefootCt H 45 Touches people and objectsCt H 46 Doesn't seem to notice when face or hands are messy

    Section Raw Score Total


    Item I E. Multisensory Processing 47

    ~ 48

    L 49

    3' H 50A H 51A H 52Ct H 53


    Gels lost easily (even in familiar places}

    Has difficulty paying attention

    Looks away from tasks to notice all actions in the room

    Seems oblivious within an active environment (tor example, unaware of activity)

    Hangs on people, furniture, or objects even in familiar situations

    Walks on toes

    Leaves clothing twisted on body

    Section Raw Score Total


  • ct~~ L 55~ L 56

    ~ L 57

    ~ L 58~ H 59~ H 60~ H 61~ H 62~ H 63~ H 64~ H 65


    Avoids certain tastes or food smells that are typically part of children's diets

    Will only eat certain tastes (list:

    Limits self to particular food textures/temperatures (list:

    Picky eater, especially regarding food textures

    Routinely smells nonfood objects

    Shows strong preference for certain smells (list:

    Shows strong preference for certain tastes (list:

    Craves certain foods (list:

    Seeks out certain tastes or smells (list:

    Chews or licks on nonfood objects

    Mouths objects (for example, pencil, hands)

    Section Raw Score Total

    tt H 67t H 68t H 69t H 70t H 71t H 72-7 H 73-7 H 74


    Tires easily, especially when standing or holding particular body position

    Locks joints (for example, elbows, knees) for stability

    Seems to have weak muscles

    Has a weak grasp

    Can't lift heavy objects (for example, weak in comparison to same age children)

    Props to support self (even during activity)

    Poor endurance/tires easily

    Appears lethargic (for example, has no energy, is sluggish)

    Section Raw Score Total


  • 76,~ L 77

    ~ L 78-7 L 79~ H 80

    ~ H 81

    ~ H 82

    1: H -831: H 84


    Hesitates going up or down curbs or steps (for example, is cautious, slops before moving)

    Fears falling or heights

    Avoids climbing/jumping or avoids bumpy/uneven ground

    Holds onto walls or banisters (for example clings)

    Takes excessive risks during play (for example, climbs high into a tree, jumps off tall furniture)

    Takes movement or climbing risks during play that compromise personal safeiy

    Tums whole body to look at you

    Seeks opportunities to fall without regard to personal safeiy

    Appears to enjoy falling

    Section Raw Score Total

    ~ L 85

    ~ I. 86

    ~ L 87-7 L 88~ H 89

    ~ H 90

    ~ H 91


    Spends most of the day in sedentary play (for example. does quiet things)

    Prefers quiet, sedentary play (for example, watching TV, books, computers)

    Seeks sedentary play options

    Prefers sedentary activities

    Becomes overly excitable during movement activity

    "On the go'

    Avoids quiet play activities

    Section Raw Score Total

    C?(f- LC? H 94C? H 95


    Needs more protection from life than other children (for example, defenselessphysically or emotionally)

    Rigid rituals in personal hygiene

    Is overly affectionate with others

    Doesn't perceive body language or facial expressions (for example, unable to interpret)

    Section Raw Score Total


  • H 98 Watches everyone when they move around the room

    H 97 Stares intensively at objects or people

    H 99 Doesn't notice when people come into the room

    Section Raw Score Total


    C? Seems to have difficulty liking self (for example, low self-esteem)C? 101 Has trouble "growing up" (for example, reacts immaturely to situations)C? 102 Is sensitive to criticismsC? 103 Has definite fears (for example, fears are predictable)C? 104 Seems anxiousC? 105 Displays excessive emotional outbursts when unsuccessful at a taskC? 106 Expresses feeling like a failureC? 107 Is stubborn or uncooperativeC? 108 Has temper tantrumsC? 109 Poor frustration toleranceC? 110 Cries easilyC? 111 Overly seriousC? 112 Has difficulty making friends (for example, does not interact or participate in group play)C? 113 Has nightmaresC? 114 Has fears that interfere with daily routineC? 115 Doesn't have a sense of humorC? 116 Doesn't express emotions

    Section Raw Score Total



  • Writing is illegible




    Has trouble staying between the lines when coloring or when writing

    H 124 Deliberately smells objects

    120Uses inefficient ways oi doing things (for example. wastes time, moves slowly,does things a harder way than is needed)

    Has difficulp} tolerating changes in plans and expectations

    Has difficulty tolerating changes in routines

    Section Raw Score Total


    H 125 Does not seem to smell strong odors

    Section Raw Score Total









    NeHher low nor high

    L low

    H High


    1 Always

    2 Frequently

    3 OccaSIOnally

    4 Seldom

    5 Never

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