winners and finalists and finalists 2017 19 20 düzce hope homes is the result of a...

Winners and Finalists 2017

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Page 1: Winners and Finalists 2017...Winners and Finalists 2017 19 20 Düzce Hope Homes is the result of a 15 year rights-based struggle in Northern Turkey. A cooperative was set-up to fight

Winners and Finalists 2017

Page 2: Winners and Finalists 2017...Winners and Finalists 2017 19 20 Düzce Hope Homes is the result of a 15 year rights-based struggle in Northern Turkey. A cooperative was set-up to fight

The World Habitat Awards, organised in partnership with UN-Habitat, recognise andhighlight innovative, outstanding and sometimes revolutionary housing ideas, projectsand programmes from across the world. Each year, two winners receive £10,000 eachand a trophy presented at a global UN-Habitat event.

This brochure showcases the ten projects selected as winners and finalists in the 2017 competition.

David Ireland, Director of World Habitat, said: “Billions of people across the worldstill lack a safe home. These remarkable projects show that it doesn’t have to be likethat. Brilliant people and brilliant ideas have come together to show that people onlow-incomes can live safely, free from the fear of disease, natural disasters and insecurity.”

Judge of the awards, Leilani Farha, the UN Special Rapporteur on the right toadequate housing, explains: “All of this year’s World Habitat Awards finalists areinteresting and important. They are helping so many people in difficult and vulnerablecircumstances. Worldwide, the right to adequate housing is under threat. So it’sincredibly heartening to know that there are groups of people working together toensure a dignified and improved life through adequate housing.”

Full details can be found at



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Post-Haiyan Self-Recovery Housing ProgrammePhilippines

Mutual Housing at Spring LakeUnited States of America

Residential Energy Efficiency in Low Income Households (REELIH) Armenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Macedonia

Bringing light and air to homes in informal settlementsIndia

Building Malaria PreventionCameroon

How the community rescued the historic centre of San Salvador El Salvador

From Disaster to DignityEl Salvador

Empowering marginalised women through home ownership India

Düzce Hope HomesTurkey

Hemsworth Court United Kingdom












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Post-Haiyan Self-Recovery HousingProgramme helped families to self-recoverafter the widespread devastation of TyphoonHaiyan. Instead of relocating families, theproject helped people rebuild their homesusing locally available materials and debrisfrom destroyed houses. This means fewerfamilies were relocated and they have gaineduseful skills, as well as enabling people to bereached and helped more quickly.

Minet, the ExecutiveDirector of Leyte Centerfor Development, one ofthe organisations whoassisted CARE Philippines,said:

“CARE Philippines approached usand asked if we would help them toreach the survivors who were in aworse condition than us. We agreedand actually being able to dosomething positive in such a negativesituation was so empowering. Wealready knew the communities andwe had the contacts so we couldreach them. This made it quickerand easier to help people in remoteplaces. This enabled people torebuild their lives quickly and assafely as possible.”

WinnerPost-Haiyan Self-Recovery Housing ProgrammePhilippines

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Mutual Housing at Spring Lake in Woodland,California was designed to support agriculturalworkers to enjoy the benefits of ‘green living’,often only available to high-income homeowners.As the homes use around the same amount ofenergy as they produce, utility bills for residentsare extremely low. Through a range ofopportunities including leadership developmentschemes, peer lending circles and digitalliteracy classes, residents gain skills andconfidence. For many this has opened up newopportunities in education and community life.

Saul Meneses, who movedinto Mutual Housing atSpring Lake with his wifeOrfalinda in July 2015,said:

“It has been a complete one-hundred eighty degree turn sincewe’ve been living here. Housingstability has enabled me to reflecton my past. Our quality of life isbetter now. It is peaceful living inthe Mutual Housing at Spring Lakecommunity. We are proud to be apart of a community that cares forthe environment. We love ourneighbours and enjoy the harmonywe’ve developed. It is an empoweringfeeling to have our communityplay such a big part in stabilisingour lives.”

WinnerMutual Housing at Spring Lake United States of America

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The Residential Energy Efficiency in LowIncome Households (REELIH) project supportsresidents living in formerly state-ownedbuildings in Armenia, Bosnia & Herzegovinaand Macedonia to form homeownerassociations. This allows residents to borrowcollectively to carry out energy efficiencyimprovements to their homes. This makesheating homes more affordable, improvingthe health and well-being of residents.

Lile Kik, who lives in theAerodorm apartmentcomplex in Skopje,Macedonia, said:

"I heard about a new energyefficiency programme from afriend, which would help insulatethe building and cut our energybills. I went to see someone, wholives a few blocks away andhas already gone through theprocess. Now their home is warmbecause of good insulation, andboth the humidity in the walls andthe smell have gone. This hasmade me even more convincedand determined to persuade myfellow tenants to do this.”

Finalist (Special Mention)Residential Energy Efficiency forLow Income Households (REELIH)Armenia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Macedonia

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Bringing light and air to homes in informalsettlements has vastly improved conditions inover 18,000 households across seven states. Aspecially designed dormer window that fitsonto corrugated roofs used on most informallybuilt homes lets light and ventilation intopreviously dark and hot rooms. They are madeavailable through affordable loans.

Paliben Jayantibhai Pattni,who lives with her family of six and works at homestitching clothing, said:

“It used to be very difficult to workat home. To do stitching jobs I hadto use tube lighting even duringthe daytime. The electricity bill wasvery expensive. Now withimproved natural light andventilation, I can do most of mywork without having to use tubelighting. I can work in a morecomfortable environment. Myincome has increased and I havebeen able to save money in mypension and savings account.”

Finalist (Special Mention)Bringing light and air to homes in informal settlementsIndia

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ARCHIVE Global’s Building Malaria Preventionproject helps residents of an informalsettlement in Yaoundé to plaster cracks inwalls, improve sewerage and drainage, buildand fit window and door screens, and growmosquito repellent plants. Alongside this,malaria awareness campaigns have beenintroduced in nursery school classes andthrough radio advertising. It is estimated thatthe number of mosquitoes has halved inhomes helping over 1,300 people.

Ambroisels and CatherineNgock Zanga, who livewith five of their childrenand three grandchildrenin Minkoameyos, said:

“The project helped us get a newroof, new walls, and screens for thewindows, doors and eaves. Wenow have a home that contributesto our good health, instead ofthreatening it. Our grandchildrenare no longer missing schoolbecause they are sick. It meansthat we can go to work every day,and we no longer have to spendmoney on expensive drugs or visitsto the clinic.”

FinalistBuilding Malaria PreventionCameroon

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This project has provided hope and inspiration,with people working together and supportingeach other to improve their own homes andneighbourhoods. Through their activism,collaboration and support, poor quality shackshave been replaced with safe, colourful, andpermanently affordable homes, owned by the community themselves.

Laura Margarita Molina,who is a member of theACOV-UVD cooperative,said:

“Being part of the cooperative hasgiven me strength, a new familyand a sense of belonging. It helpskeep me busy and I spend my timedoing something productive. It hashelped me learn to save and thinkabout the future. I have madegood friends who help me a lot.Each meeting is a learningprocess and can be a challenge,but we have good relationships.”

FinalistHow the community rescued thehistoric centre of San SalvadorEl Salvador

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From Disaster to Dignity repairs, rebuilds andimproves communities in rural areas. Throughthe cooperative, families access much neededcredit and funds for improving homes andone-to-one training to help them managetheir finances. By actively empowering womenthis project helps to create more genderequality in a traditionally male dominatedsociety. As well as housing, women have set up a business making environmentallysustainable building materials and they alsorun a water treatment plant.

María Angela PeñaGuerrero, who lives in rural El Salvador, said:

“Before I lived in a house built withblack plastic walls, a tin andplastic sheet roof and a dirt floor.The living conditions wereprecarious and inhumane. Whenthe project started the team visitedme at home to assess my livingconditions. With the support of thecommunity, I now have a small,decent living space which allowsme to feel fulfilled as a humanbeing.”

FinalistFrom Disaster to Dignity El Salvador

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Empowering marginalised women throughhome ownership supports women in ruralAndhra Pradesh to gain the deeds to land andhousing in their names, so they can escapepoverty and raise their social status. Once theyformally own the land, people take part inbuilding their own homes. They are alsoencouraged to take more of an active role intheir community, improving gender equalityand social inclusion.

Chittakka, who has adisability caused by aneurological disorder andlives with her husband whois also physically disabled,said:

“My life took a different turn whenI joined a self-help group fordisabled people organised by theRural Development Trust. I wasrecommended to their housingprogramme since our hut wascollapsing. My brother and somemembers of our group helpedwith clearing the site, diggingfoundations and watering theplastered walls. Our houseprovides us with security all yearround and we now have apermanent asset for the future.”

FinalistEmpowering marginalised womenthrough home ownership India

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Düzce Hope Homes is the result of a 15 yearrights-based struggle in Northern Turkey. Acooperative was set-up to fight for the right tohousing to be extended to tenants - victims ofearthquakes in 1999 - who did not receivepost-disaster support from the government.After many years of mobilisation and activism,including mass demonstrations and governmentlobbying, they eventually secured subsidisedland on which to rebuild their homes andcommunity. Groundwork on the houses hasbegun with people expecting to move intotheir new homes in 2018.

Dursun Teper, who is amember of the DüzceSolidarity HousingCooperative for Homelessand Tenant EarthquakeVictims, said:

“Following the earthquake thestate built houses and providedproperty owners with apartments.We were living in prefabricatedhouses when we discovered thatwe, tenant victims, also have rights.Our hope started to grow. Thecooperative was set up and thelegal process began. We startedto fight for our rights. We haveachieved things that we neverbelieved we would.”

FinalistDüzce Hope Homes Turkey

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Hemsworth Court provides 24-hour care withdementia-friendly facilities which help peopleavoid potential confusion and distress. Residentsare supported to live independently within theircommunity in Lower Shankhill in Belfast - adeprived area affected for many years by civilunrest - which has become the first dementia-friendly community in the city. Awareness ofdementia in the local community has increasedthrough their wider work with charities, faithgroups, schools and local businesses. This meansthat local people understand and interact morewith residents and many take part in social events.

Claire Lemon, who haslived at Hemsworth Courtfor the past three yearsfollowing a diagnosis ofvascular dementia andearly Alzheimer’s, said:

“The accommodation is brilliant, Ican come and go as I please andthere is room for my family to visitand stay over if they want. I feelsafe, secure and can relax here. Iclose the door and I know - andmy family know - I’m safe. Living atHemsworth has changed my life –even the tests at the memory clinicshow that my memory hasimproved.”

FinalistHemsworth Court United Kingdom

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