winner of the captain john morton newsletter recognition award … · camp and a confederate...

Captain James Iredell Waddell Chapter No. 32 Military Order of the Stars & Bars Raleigh, North Carolina October/November/December 2019 Shenandoah The Winner of the Captain John Morton Newsletter Recognition Award for the best MOS&B newsletter in the Confederation for 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 Next Meeting Tuesday November 5, 2019 6:30 PM (5 bells on the evening watch) Chow Pizza & Wings 8311 Creedmoor Road Raleigh, NC 27613 919-841-4995 (See map Page 2) the northern most battle of the War between the states by Mr. Ed Westbury Ladies are always welcome Semper Fortis - Always Courageous Volume XXIX- Number 4 Winner of the Colonel Walter Hopkins Distinguished Chapter Award for 1997, 2014 and 2015 Hampton Cooper awarded Eagle Scout Captain Waddell Chapter Member Hampton James Cooper was awarded the Eagle Scout during a ceremony held August 10, 2019, at the Our Savior Lutheran Church, Raleigh. Shown from left are Joel and Carolina Cooper presenting the Eagle Scout to their son Hampton. North Carolina State Capitol Being Renovated RALEIGH–The inside of the NC State Capitol in Raleigh is currently under renovation until the Summer of 2020. The Annual Robert E. Lee Birthday Celebration, if held, will not take place at the Capitol.

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Page 1: Winner of the Captain John Morton Newsletter Recognition Award … · Camp and a Confederate Hero/Martyr, is sponsored by the Alexander H. Stephens Camp 78, Sons of Confederate Veterans,

Captain James Iredell Waddell Chapter No. 32Military Order of the Stars & Bars

Raleigh, North Carolina

October/November/December 2019


Winner of the Captain John Morton Newsletter Recognition Award for the best MOS&B newsletter in the Confederationfor 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017

Next MeetingTuesday

November 5, 20196:30 PM

(5 bells on the evening watch)

Chow Pizza & Wings8311 Creedmoor Road

Raleigh, NC 27613919-841-4995

(See map Page 2)

the northern

most battle of

the War between

the states


Mr. Ed Westbury

Ladies are always welcome

Semper Fortis - Always Courageous

Volume XXIX- Number 4

Winner of the Colonel Walter Hopkins Distinguished Chapter Award for 1997, 2014 and 2015Waddell Chapter Welcomes Three New Members

Hampton Cooper awarded Eagle Scout

Captain Waddell Chapter Member Hampton James Cooper was awarded the Eagle Scout during a ceremony held August 10, 2019, at the Our Savior Lutheran Church, Raleigh.

Shown from left are Joel and Carolina Cooper presenting the Eagle Scout to their son Hampton.

North Carolina State Capitol Being Renovated

RALEIGH–The inside of the NC State Capitol in Raleigh is currently under renovation until the Summer of 2020. The Annual Robert E. Lee Birthday Celebration, if held, will not take place at the Capitol.

Page 2: Winner of the Captain John Morton Newsletter Recognition Award … · Camp and a Confederate Hero/Martyr, is sponsored by the Alexander H. Stephens Camp 78, Sons of Confederate Veterans,






Strickland Road


Brennan Drive

Chow Pizza& Wings



Bradford Way

Official publication of the Captain James Iredell Waddell

Chapter No. 32, Military Order of the Stars and Bars, Raleigh, North Carolina since 1988

Captain James Iredell WaddellConfederate States Navy

Commander Byron E. Brady

Lt. CommanderGary Lee Hall

Adjutant & EditorByron E. Brady

[email protected]

HistorianGeorge Pearson

Chaplain David Lanier

Watch OfficerRobbie Broyles

ParliamentarianFrank B. Powell, III

The Shenandoah is printed quarterly each year. Send all news articles to the editor at the above address.

Joseph Kanaka SCV Camp 2288, Honolulu, Hawaii – Adopted by

our chapter in August 2017.


The Shenandoah, October/November/December 2019, Page 2

Semper Fortis - Always Courageous

Chapter News

Map toChow Pizza & Wings

8311 Creedmoor Road, Raleigh in the Harris Teeter Shopping Center


ris T



Congratulations to Chapter Chaplain Lanier

The Captain Waddell Chapter wishes to congratulate Chapter Chaplain David Lanier on his first grandchild. His son, Cap-tain Jonathan Lanier and his wife Kathryn, welcomed Wy-att Emory Lanier born September 6, 2019, at 7 lbs, 11 oz. Wyatt and his mother are doing fine. Congratulations David.

Chapter Dues Invoices Have Been Mailed Out

The Captain Waddell 2020 Chapter Dues Invoices have been mailed out to the membership. If you have not already sent in your dues check, please do so by December 15, 2019.

Page 3: Winner of the Captain John Morton Newsletter Recognition Award … · Camp and a Confederate Hero/Martyr, is sponsored by the Alexander H. Stephens Camp 78, Sons of Confederate Veterans,

Chapter News

The Shenandoah, October/November/December 2019, Page 3

Tommy Myers recognized for Air Force ServiceFayetteville native recalls recovery of Apollo 11 astronauts

the USS Hornet when he saw Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Al-drin and Michael Collins on the aircraft carrier. Helicopters from the Hor-net recovered the astronauts after they splashed down in the Pacific Ocean on July 24, 1969. Many of the crew on the aircraft carrier had the day off when the astronauts splashed down and came aboard, Myers said.

Many Americans who were alive when Apollo 11 landed on the moon in July 1969 know exactly where they were when Neil Armstrong took the “gi-ant leap for mankind” onto the lunar surface. Fayetteville na-tive Tommy Myers has a vivid memory of the astronauts after they returned to earth. Myers, 72, lives in the Bon-nie Doone area. He was a pet-ty officer in the Navy aboard

“The guys were cheering,” he said. “It was a great day.”The astronauts were taken to a Mobile Quarantine Facility on the aircraft carrier, where they stayed for 21 days, according to NASA’s website.Reprinted from the Fayette-ville Observer, July 27, 2019. Tommy is a member of the Captain James I. Waddell Chapter and resides in Fayette-ville.

Ahoy: I hope that most of you can at-tend our No-vember 5th meeting at Chow’s Pizza

& Wings. Ed Westbury from the Garner SCV Camp will be speaking on The Northern Most Battle of the War Be-tween the States. You will not want to miss this program.

Our November meeting will include elections. Compatriot Robbie Broyles has agreed to step up to the Commander’s position for next year. Thank you Robbie for your support of the Captain Waddell Chapter.

In case you have not heard yet, the NC State Capitol is currently under renovations until the Spring of 2020. Our 2020 Robert E. Lee Birthday Celebration will not be held.

In this edition of The Shenandoah, you will find (on Pages 7-11) pre-registration information for the upcoming MOS&B 2020 National Con-vention hosted by the North Carolina Society. This will be the closest our National Con-vention will be to you in many years. The 2020 Host Commit-tee is planning quite an event for July 2020.

The Chapter offers congrat-ulations to three of our mem-bers.

Hampton Cooper was awarded the Eagle Scout by the Boys Scouts of America on August 10th (see the front page). David Lanier became a grandfather when his grandson was born on September 6th (see Page 2). Tommy Myers was recognized for his service in the United States Navy by his local newspaper (see be-low).

I want to take this time to recognize our Veterans for their service in our country’s armed services. Veterans Day is November 11th. Thank a Veteran that day.

Byron E. BradyCommander

Page 4: Winner of the Captain John Morton Newsletter Recognition Award … · Camp and a Confederate Hero/Martyr, is sponsored by the Alexander H. Stephens Camp 78, Sons of Confederate Veterans,

Christmas 1864 aboard the CSS Shenandoah

The Shenandoah, October/November/December 2019, Page 4

How very different from the Men of the CSS Shenandoah on Christmas Day, 1864. December 24, 1864: The day before Christmas, it was blowing a gale, the rain be-ing a kind of cold sleet. Lieu-tenant Whittle opined that “If you faced into the wind, it took your breath away and your face felt as if there were prickers sticking in it….Such a night as this makes the poor mariner regret the day on which his destines were linked with the sea.” Christmas Eve, the weather continued bad. Two large waves inundated the deck. They did nor get to the Magazine, but flooded just about everything else. The Shenandoah was a very wet

ship (i.e.,water leaks down through the decks). The gale continued over night. Christmas Day: The heavy seas continued unabated. At above 7.a.m., one wave flooded the deck, to above the height of the guns and the men could only save them-selves by swimming for the ropes. The wave rushed right aft down the deck and through the Wardroom, washing even some of the officers in the up-per bunks! Although old ‘sea-dogs’, the men were well and truly frightened, but soon re-covered and worked in waist-deep cold water. William West, Captain of the Main Top, was swept overboard over the port side and was then swept back

on board! This evening the gale contin-ued unabated. But for those off-duty, there was Christmas Dinner in a wet ship. With pretty tough Tristan geese and pork, fresh potatoes, corned beef and mince pie. Cakes and other desserts there were. But one had to hold on to the plates or they would slide off the tables! Enjoy your Christmas re-past. But here is a toast to the Shenandoah!

Submitted by Chris McLarren, a member of the 2015 Last Flag Down crew, Liverpool, England

CSS Shenandoah

Lieutenant William C. Whittle, Jr.

Confederate States Navy

Page 5: Winner of the Captain John Morton Newsletter Recognition Award … · Camp and a Confederate Hero/Martyr, is sponsored by the Alexander H. Stephens Camp 78, Sons of Confederate Veterans,

The Shenandoah, October/November/December 2019, Page 5

Confederate History being restored in VirginiaThe restoration of the Claudius Crozet Blue Ridge Tunnel

AFTON, VA–During the War for Southern Independence, Confed-erate General Stonewall Jackson was known for moving his troops throughout the Shenandoah Val-ley and the Blue Ridge Mountains, at the expense of yankee enemy forces. General Jackson was very familiar with the Blue Ridge gaps and passageways. One of his favor-ite passageways was the Claudius Crozet Blue Ridge Tunnel located southeast of Waynesboro, Virginia.

Present day photo of inside the tunnel. Photo from Wikipedia

The Claudius Crozet Tunnel is 4,273 feet and was part of a sys-tem of four tunnels constructed for railroad traffic. Construction pro-ceeded from each end of the tunnel and went through solid granite rock. Workers proceeded from both ends digging the tunnel using hand drills and black powder (dynamite was

not invented until a decade later). The construction of the tunnel was completed on December 29, 1856, and was less than 6 inches off per-fect alignment. When completed the Blue Ridge Tunnel was the longest in the Unit-ed States and one of the longest tun-nels in the world when opened. The tunnel was opened in April 1858. A joint project between Nelson County and the Town of Waynes-boro has begun to restore the en-

trances of the tunnel and convert the railroad bed into a walking path. Construction is currently under way and is scheduled to be completed in 2020. Photos courtesy Don Heres from Schulyer, Virginia.

Shown above is the Afton Depot end of the tunnel.

Shown above is the Waynesboro end of the tunnel.

Page 6: Winner of the Captain John Morton Newsletter Recognition Award … · Camp and a Confederate Hero/Martyr, is sponsored by the Alexander H. Stephens Camp 78, Sons of Confederate Veterans,

The Shenandoah, October/November/December 2019, Page 6

Captain Henry Wirz Memorial Service

The 44th annual Capt. Henry Wirz Memorial Service will be held at 3:00 PM on Sunday, November 10, 2019

in the town of Andersonville, Georgia

In case of inclement weather, the service will be held in the Village Hall in Andersonville. The public is invited to attend. All SCV, MOSB, UDC, OCR, and Children of the Confederacy

members are urged to attend along with anyone who loves their Confederate heritage.

The annual Memorial Service for Captain Henry Wirz, Commandant of Andersonville Prison Camp and a Confederate Hero/Martyr, is sponsored by the Alexander H. Stephens Camp 78, Sons of Confederate Veterans, in Americus, Georgia

Guest speaker for the November 10th Memorial Service is Historian and Professor Dr. Albert Winkler from BYU and Utah Valley University. Dr. Winkler, who has Swiss ancestors, has done research on Captain Henry Wirz. He is completely convinced that Captain Wirz was innocent of the charges brought against him at his mockery of a trial.

Captain Henry Wirz, a native of Switzerland, served as the Commandant of Andersonville Prison for 14 months (until the end of the War Between the States). After the War ended, he was arrested and carried to Washington, D.C. and tried for War crimes before a U.S. Military Tribunal. In a trial that historians have called a “National Disgrace,” he was found guilty of murdering 13 Yankee prisoners, although NO body NOR any name for any of the prisoners was ever produced.Captain Wirz was hung in Washington on November 10, 1865. Afterward, the Yankees cut off his head and other body parts, and exhibited them. It took his attorney four years to collect some of the bones to have a burial at Mount Olivet Cemetery in Washington, D.C. The right forearm skeleton is still on exhibit at the National Museum of Health and Medicine in Silver Spring, Maryland.

Colonel Heinrich Wirz of Bern, Switzerland, and great grand nephew of Captain Wirz, has attended a number of the 44 Memorial Services, and plans to be present on November 10 with his son, Thomas Wirz.

For more information about the November 10 Memorial Service, contact James Gaston at 2220 Georgia Highway 30 West, Americus, GA 31719. Phone (call or text) @ 229-938-9115 and email at [email protected].

Page 7: Winner of the Captain John Morton Newsletter Recognition Award … · Camp and a Confederate Hero/Martyr, is sponsored by the Alexander H. Stephens Camp 78, Sons of Confederate Veterans,

The Shenandoah, October/November/December 2019, Page 7

Military Order of the Stars and Bars83rd Annual General Convention

Raleigh, North CarolinaJuly 9-11, 2020

Convention Registration FormName: _________________________________(members only) Title: ______________________________

Chapter Name and Number: _________________________________________________________________

Phone Number: __________________________ E-mail: ________________________________________

Spouse/Guest(s): __________________________________________________________________________

Registration (for MOS&B members only) ________ @ $75.00 $ _______________Ladies Registration: ________ @ $10.00 $ _______________Late Registration after July 1, 2020 ________ @ $85.00 $ _______________

** The deadline for all preregistrations is July 1, 2020 ** **No Refunds after July 1, 2020 **

Thursday, July 9thCommander General’s Reception ________ @ $ 50.00 $ _______________

Friday, July 10th7:30 AM - Forest Cavalry Corps Breakfast - Cost to be announced at a later date - Pay at the door

MOS&B Awards Luncheon ________ @ $ 25.00 $ _______________

Bentonville Battleground Bus Tour (limited to the first 54 to register) ________ @ $ 25.00 $ _______________

Saturday, July 11thCommander General’s Taste of the South Banquet ________ @ $ 50.00 $ _______________

Ancestor Memorial (See supplemental information sheet) ________ @ $ 5.00 $ _______________ Additional Convention Medal (if available) ________ @ $ 20.00 $ _______________

Additional Convention Program (if available) ________ @ $ 10.00 $ _______________

TOTAL ENCLOSED (check) $ _______________

Make check payable to: NC Society MOS&B and mail to: Howard Talley, 6377 Pine Grove Drive, Wilmington, NC 2840

Zebulon Baird Vance

Page 8: Winner of the Captain John Morton Newsletter Recognition Award … · Camp and a Confederate Hero/Martyr, is sponsored by the Alexander H. Stephens Camp 78, Sons of Confederate Veterans,

The Shenandoah, October/November/December 2019, Page 8

Military Order of the Stars and Bars83rd Annual General Convention

Raleigh, North Carolina - July 9-11, 2020Convention Schedule

All events will be held in the Doubletree by Hilton Raleigh Brownstone University Hotel unless otherwise noted. The host hotel is located at 1707 Hillsborough Street, Raleigh, NC 27605

Thursday, July 9th9:30 - 11 AM: Free Confederate tour of Raleigh’s historic Oakwood Cemetery including Confederate graves (transportation on your own with map to cemetery provided)12:00 - 5:00 PM: Registration - Washington Lobby (second floor) 1:00 - 3:00 PM: GEC Meeting - Roosevelt Room (second floor)6:00 - 8:00 PM: Commander General’s Reception - Washington Room (second floor)

Friday, July 10th8:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Registration - Washington Lobby (second floor)7:30 AM: Forest Cavalry Corps Breakfast - Location and cost TBA - Pay at the door9:00 AM: Opening Ceremonies - Roosevelt Room (second floor)9:30 AM: MOS&B Business Session I - Roosevelt Room (second floor)10:00 AM: Daughters of the CSA Officer Corp - Board Room (lower level)12:00 PM: Awards Luncheon - Washington Room (second floor)2:00 - 6:00 PM: Bus Tour to the Bentonville Battleground State Historic SiteSupper on your own tonight

Saturday, July 11th8:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Registration - Washington Lobby (second floor) 9:30 AM: MOS&B Business Session II - Roosevelt Room (second floor)10:00 AM: Ladies free tour of the Gregg Art Museum at NC State - Meet in hotel lobbyFinal GEC Meeting: To follow Business Session II - Roosevelt Room (second floor)2:00 PM: Free Confederate Tour of the NC State Capitol (transportation on your own with map to the State Capitol provided)6:00 PM: Commander General’s Banquet - Washington Room (second floor)

For questions regarding the 2020 MOS&B Raleigh National ConventionContact Howard Talley at: [email protected] or at: 910-395-4499

Page 9: Winner of the Captain John Morton Newsletter Recognition Award … · Camp and a Confederate Hero/Martyr, is sponsored by the Alexander H. Stephens Camp 78, Sons of Confederate Veterans,

The Shenandoah, October/November/December 2019, Page 9

Description of Convention Events

Thursday, July 9th

6:00 - 8:00 PM - Commander General’s Reception: The Commander General’s Reception will be held in the Washington Room. The program will be A Mother’s Story by Mrs. Peggy Johnson, immediate Past President of the North Carolina UDC, portraying Elizabeth Blackwell Frazier, her third great grandmother. Sug-gested attire - casual. Menu: Carolina Hors D’Oeuvres selections of cheeses, vegeta-bles, fruits and nuts served with grilled pita bread and homemade hummus, mini

beef wellington, tomato and farmstead mozzarella crostini topped with a balsamic glaze, vegetable spring rolls served with sweet and sour sauce, swedish meatballs and a carving station of prime rib of beef. Cash bar.

Friday, July 10th7:30 AM - Forest Cavalry Corps Breakfast: Sponsored by the Forrest Cavalry Corps, the break-fast will be held in the Jefferson Room at the host hotel. Price will be announced later. Suggested attire - coat & tie.

9:00 AM - Opening Ceremonies: Roosevelt Room of the host hotel. Suggested attire - coat & tie.

9:30 - 11:30 AM - MOS&B Business Session I: Roosevelt Room of the host hotel - Presided over by MOS&B Commander General Byron E. Brady. Suggested attire - coat & tie.

Noon - 1:30 PM - MOS&B Awards Luncheon: Washington Room of the host hotel - Presided over by MOS&B Awards Chairman Gary Lee Hall. Suggested at-tire - coat & tie. Menu: Turkey Club Wrap - Roasted turkey breast, provolone cheese and thick cut applewood bacon topped with shredded lettuce and tomatoes wrapped in a grilled sun dried tomato tortilla served with a pickle spear and kettle chips.

9:30 - 11:00 AM - Free tour of Oakwood Cemetery: Darwin Roseman of Holly Springs will be giving a free tour of Confederate Oakwood Cemetery, the largest Confederate Cemetery between Petersburg, Virginia and Atlanta, Georgia. Light refreshments will be provided in the UDC’s House of Memory sponsored by the Col. Leonidas L. Polk SCV Camp, Garner. Suggested attire - comfortable casual.

1:00 - 3:00 PM - MOS&B GEC Meeting: The MOS&B General Executive Council will meet in the Roosevelt Room at the host hotel. Suggested attire - coat & tie.

10:00 AM - Daughters of the CSA Officer Corp: Board Room, lower level of the host hotel. This will be the annual meeting of the Daughters of the CSA Officer Corp. Prospective members are welcome. Suggested attire - Business casual.

Page 10: Winner of the Captain John Morton Newsletter Recognition Award … · Camp and a Confederate Hero/Martyr, is sponsored by the Alexander H. Stephens Camp 78, Sons of Confederate Veterans,

The Shenandoah, October/November/December 2019, Page 10

Saturday, July 11th

2:00 - 3:30 PM - Free tour of North Carolina’s War Capitol: Darwin Rose-man of Holly Springs will be giving a free tour of the historic NC State Capitol, where North Carolina seceded from the Union on May 20, 1861. Transporta-tion on your own and free parking is available adjacent to the Capitol. Maps will be provided. Tour and light refreshments will be sponsored by the Col. Leonidas L. Polk SCV Camp, Garner. Suggested attire - comfortable casual.

9:00 AM - Noon - MOS&B Business Session II: Roosevelt Room of the host hotel - Presided over by MOS&B CG Byron E. Brady. Suggested attire - coat & tie.

2:00 PM - Bus Tour to Bentonville: A 60-min bus trip to the Bentonville Battleground State Historic Site and tour of the battlefield. Mr. Raymond V. King III, will describe the Carolinas history and events leading up to the Bat-tle of Bentonville on March 19-21, 1865. On the return trip to the hotel, he will explain the events leading up to the occupation of North Carolina’s War Capital, Raleigh. This event is limited to the first 54 people to register. Sug-

Friday, July 10th (continued from previous page)

6:00 PM - Commander General’s Banquet - Host hotel: The event includes a social hour with a cash bar beginning at 6:00 PM and supper beginning at 7:00 PM. The program for the evening will describe the surrender of Raleigh - North Carolina’s War Capital and the occupation including the lone defender of Raleigh. Suggested attire - Formal, coat and tie or Confederate uniform for the men and formal or period attire for the women. Menu: Garden salad-mixed seasonal greens topped with tomatoes, yukon gold mashed potatoes and coleslaw, honey corn bread and cheese biscuits, southern fried chicken, Carolina BBQ pulled pork, Southern style green beans, homemade macaroni and cheese, local buttered kernal corn, homemade bread pudding and strawberry shortcake. Cash bar.

gested attire - comfortable casual. Light refreshments will be provided on the tour and sponsored by the Major General William Henry Chase Whiting MOS&B Chapter 305, Wilmington. The bus is scheduled to arrive at the hotel at 6:00 PM

10:00 AM - Women’s Free Tour: While the men are in their Business Session II, the women will walk one block from the hotel to be given a guided tour of the Gregg Art Museum on the campus of NC State University. Participants will meet in the hotel lobby at 10:00 AM - Suggested attire - comfortable casual.

Page 11: Winner of the Captain John Morton Newsletter Recognition Award … · Camp and a Confederate Hero/Martyr, is sponsored by the Alexander H. Stephens Camp 78, Sons of Confederate Veterans,

The Shenandoah, October/November/December 2019, Page 11

Supplemental Registration Information Sheet83rd Annual General Convention

Ancestor Memorial ________ @ $5.00 = $ ______________Limited to 3 lines per Confederate ancestor. (Attached to Registration Form)

Please print legibly - Use additional sheet if necessaryDeadline Submittal Date - June 15, 2020

Ancestor’s Name _____________________________________________________________

Ancestor’s Rank _____________________________________________________________

Ancestor’s Unit _____________________________________________________________

Ancestor’s Name _____________________________________________________________

Ancestor’s Rank _____________________________________________________________

Ancestor’s Unit _____________________________________________________________

Ancestor’s Name _____________________________________________________________

Ancestor’s Rank _____________________________________________________________

Ancestor’s Unit _____________________________________________________________

Ancestor’s Name _____________________________________________________________

Ancestor’s Rank _____________________________________________________________

Ancestor’s Unit _____________________________________________________________

2020 MOS&B Raleigh Convention Commemorative Program Advertising Rates

Full Page - $100.00 Half Page - $50.00 Quarter Page - $25.00Ancestor Memorial - $5.00

Advertising deadline submittal date - June 15, 2020

Page 12: Winner of the Captain John Morton Newsletter Recognition Award … · Camp and a Confederate Hero/Martyr, is sponsored by the Alexander H. Stephens Camp 78, Sons of Confederate Veterans,

The Shenandoah, October/November/December 2019, Page 12

International Headquarters NewsPost Office Box 18901, Raleigh, North Carolina 27619-8901

MOS&B GEC meets in TennesseeCOUNCE, TN–The Military Order of the Stars and Bars held their Fall 2019 GEC Meeting October 18-20, 2019, at Pickwick Landing State Park, adjacent to the Shiloh National Battlefield Park. On Friday evening, 38 members and guest gathered together for supper at Hagy’s Catfish Hotel. Following supper, the Raleigh 2020 MOS&B Convention Committee hosted an After Dessert Reception at the Pickwick Landing Inn.

The GEC Meeting convened at 9:00 AM at the Pickwick Inn with 24 members present. During the GEC meet-ing, a Confederate Tea was hosted by Laura Moore, wife of Adjutant General William Michael Moore, which included 14 women. The program for the tea was given by Mrs. Pamela Mauldin, Mississippi Division UDC President.

That evening, Texas Society Commander Johnnie L. Holley, Jr., and the Texas Society hosted a cookout for those staying over Saturday evening. On Sunday, many members traveled to Boligee, Alabama, to attend a Me-morial Service at the Bethsalem Church. Following the service, Tuscaloosa member Paul W. Bryant, Jr., hosted his Annual Fish Fry at his Thisldu Plantation featuring the 5th Alabama Regimental Band. This Fall GEC meeting was one of the best attended meetings in the history of the Order.

The Daughters of the CSA Officer Corp also held their Fall Board Meeting at the Pickwick the afternoon of October 19th.

Members of the MOS&B General Executive Council are shown following their October 19, 2019, meeting at the Pickwick Landing State Park Inn.

The Raleigh 2020 National Convention Committee hosted an After Supper Dessert Reception October 18th, and the Pickwick Landing State Park Inn.

Spring 2020 GEC Meeting set for Alabama The Spring 2020 MOS&B GEC Meeting is set for April 25, 2020, in the Montgomery, Alabama area. Full details will be released in early 2020.