winnebago county task force · 7/10/2016  · winnebago county task force summer media campaign...

WINNEBAGO COUNTY TASK FORCE There is no such thing as a perfect parent. So just be a real one! -Sue Atkins Hidden in Plain Sight at Waldorf University Waldorf University in Forest City houses many students in their residence halls and helping to keep things smooth for those students are the resident assistant (RA) students. The RA students help to keep students safe and provide support away from home”, they have many tasks to do. Each RA has to go through training prior to the school year. This year, Winnebago County Task Force, Winnebago County Pub- lic Health and Prairie Ridge took part in the annual training. We offered Hidden In Plain Sight to the students, showing them signs to look for that could alert to a further substance abuse problem. The RAs were allowed to walk through the mock bedroom and try to determine substance abuse signs. After the RAs all participated in the mock bedroom session the group was brought together for further discussion and how to help students who may be showing signs of a problem. This was a great collaboration between many different groups who are all trying to make it a more safe community and county for our youth. Community members come together to educate, prevent and reduce youth substance use in Winnebago County. August 2017 Youth Enjoying Night in the Park at Lake Mills Waldorf University Resident Assistants Participating in Hidden in Plain Sight

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Page 1: WINNEBAGO COUNTY TASK FORCE · 7/10/2016  · Winnebago County Task Force Summer Media Campaign What To Do in a Crisis Please contact us for a magnet today! With the help of the Winnebago



“There is no such thing as

a perfect parent. So just

be a real one!

-Sue Atkins

Hidden in Plain Sight at Waldorf University Waldorf University in Forest City houses many students in their residence halls and

helping to keep things smooth for those students are the resident assistant (RA)

students. The RA students help to keep students safe and provide support away

from “home”, they have many tasks to do.

Each RA has to go through training prior to

the school year. This year, Winnebago

County Task Force, Winnebago County Pub-

lic Health and Prairie Ridge took part in the

annual training. We offered Hidden In Plain

Sight to the students, showing them signs to

look for that could alert to a further substance

abuse problem. The RA’s were allowed to

walk through the mock bedroom and try to

determine substance abuse signs. After the

RA’s all participated in the mock bedroom

session the group was brought together for

further discussion and how to help students

who may be showing signs of a problem.

This was a great collaboration between many

different groups who are all trying to make it

a more safe community and county for our


Community members come together to educate, prevent and reduce youth substance use in Winnebago County.

August 2017

Youth Enjoying Night in the Park at Lake Mills

Waldorf University Resident Assistants Participating in Hidden in Plain Sight

Page 2: WINNEBAGO COUNTY TASK FORCE · 7/10/2016  · Winnebago County Task Force Summer Media Campaign What To Do in a Crisis Please contact us for a magnet today! With the help of the Winnebago

Lake Mills National Night Out 2017 Each year Lake Mills participates in National Night Out. Families are invited to

come out to the event, which offers safety lessons for the families. Winnebago

County Task Force was invited to take part in the night. We offered educational

materials for adults that focused on marijuana and Prairie Ridge offered Hidden in

Plain Sight. While adults were learning, children we also participating in our

booth. We offered wellness activities for the youth and building of a picture frame.

We also gave each family a magnet that lists national help lines and local help

numbers. Throughout the two hour event we were able to reach 175 adults and

offer them some education. Later that evening we helped sponsor a night of

swimming at the Lake Mills Pool so that families could go and have a fun time at a

safe environment. The Lake Mills Police Department, Winnebago County Sheriff’s

Office, Lake Mills Fire Department and Lake Mills Ambulance also participated in

Underage Drinking Pre-

vention at Community

Events This summer we concentrated on

underage drinking at community

festivals. Throughout the summer

our communities held many events

that include drinking and beer gar-

dens. The Winnebago County

Task Force was available to help

these community members plan

for events and share safe practice

manuals, hang prevention posters

around venues and help to ar-

range so that those communities

wanting to use ID scanners would

have access. Each year we look

for community members to assess

events by doing a quick survey. If

you attended any local festivals

this summer please contact us and

we can email you a event scan

Forest City Farmer’s Market

During Puckerbrush Days and WIT Rally the Winnebago County Task Force,

Winnebago County Public Health and Prairie Ridge teamed up to host a booth at

the Forest City Farmer’s Market. Public Health provided information on how to

quit using tobacco products and the different help options they can provide. Prai-

rie Ridge had community members walk through a mock bedroom and participate

in Hidden in Plain Sight and Winnebago County Task Force had a booth that

shared information about drug prevention and trends around our area. Many

community members stopped by the booth to gather information and learn more

about what their youth may be hearing or seeing and how to help them make the

right decisions.

Page 3: WINNEBAGO COUNTY TASK FORCE · 7/10/2016  · Winnebago County Task Force Summer Media Campaign What To Do in a Crisis Please contact us for a magnet today! With the help of the Winnebago



September 21—

Coalition Meeting

September 26—LM K9

Presentation (WCSO)

October 1—FC YMCA

Family Day

October 17-18—AC4C

October 19—Coalition


Oct. 22-31—Red Ribbon


October 28—Drug Take

Back Day

November 3—FC YMCA

Family Day

November 16—

Coalition Meeting

Our Executive Board:

President—Jason Ra-

maker (Waldorf College)

Vice President—Adam

Sauer (County Attorney)


Bergeson (NIHS princi-



Director—Libby Myer



Winnebago County Task Force Seeks Help Winnebago County Task Force serves the County of Winnebago, focusing on

School Districts of Forest City, Lake Mills and North Iowa. The Coalition is made up

of volunteers from 12 different sectors in the community: Youth, Parents, Business

Community, Media, Schools, Youth Service Organizations, Local Law Enforcement,

Spiritual Organizations, Civic/Volunteer Groups, Healthcare, Local Government

Agencies and others that are concerned about our youth. The Coalition is set up for

each sector to retain their own identity but agree to work together towards a com-

mon goal of building safe, healthy and drug-free communities.

Our Coalition is set up for each sector to retain their own identity but agree to work

together towards a common goal of building safe, healthy and drug-free communi-

ties. Each coalition member decides how much time and which projects that they

would like to contribute to. There are numerous opportunities for involvement.

Please contact us today if you would like to join the coalition at: winneba-

[email protected].

Working Hand-in-Hand with Buffalo

Center Ministerial Association

The Winnebago County Task Force and Buffalo Center Ministerial Associa-

tion are working together to help plan an activity in the community that offers

families an environment that is safe and promotes positive decisions. On

August 13 the two groups will combine forces and offer and Families and

Friend Fun Night at Buffalo Center Heritage Town Center from 3:00-6:00.

The event will offer different games, including Bear Creek Archery Tag and

scatter dodgeball. Food will also be offered (hot dog, chips, and a bar). This

event will be free for all to attend. For those who come, register and partici-

pate we will be giving away an activity pass for the North Iowa School Dis-

trict along with other smaller prizes.

Page 4: WINNEBAGO COUNTY TASK FORCE · 7/10/2016  · Winnebago County Task Force Summer Media Campaign What To Do in a Crisis Please contact us for a magnet today! With the help of the Winnebago

Contact Us

Please Contact us for more infor-

mation about our coalition or what

we are achieving to do.

Winnebago County Task Force

111 3rd Ave NW

Buffalo Center, IA 50424

(641) 562-2525

[email protected]

Visit us on the web at

Or Facebook:

Winnebago County Task Force

Summer Media Campaign

What To Do in a Crisis

Please contact us for a magnet today!

With the help of the Winnebago County Attorney, Adam Sauer the Winnebago

County Task Force developed a mailing that was sent out to all county residents.

The campaign reminded county citizens about the county ordinance on social host.

Adults should not be providing minors with alcohol and this summer we tried to re-

mind parents of all the consequences associated with providing alcohol to minors.

We believe that if all sectors of our communities work together we can help youth

stay on the right tract and out of trouble or danger. Remind others that hosting par-

ties or providing alcohol for youth is not safe and can have serious consequences.

We thank you for your help!