windfield scott vawter old family photos part 1

Windfield Scott Vawter Old Family Photos Part 1 Sent in by Ivy Smith Great granddaughter of Windfield Scott and Amanda Holt Vawter

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Windfield Scott Vawter Old Family Photos Part 1. Sent in by Ivy Smith Great granddaughter of Windfield Scott and Amanda Holt Vawter. Four brothers – Top- Clyde Vawter and Windfield Scott Vawter Bottom – Christopher Columbus Vawter and Frances Marion Vawter. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Windfield Scott Vawter Old Family Photos  Part 1

Windfield Scott VawterOld Family Photos

Part 1Sent in by Ivy Smith

Great granddaughter of Windfield Scott and Amanda Holt Vawter

Page 2: Windfield Scott Vawter Old Family Photos  Part 1

Four brothers – Top- Clyde Vawter and Windfield Scott VawterBottom – Christopher Columbus Vawter and Frances Marion Vawter

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Ada Catherine Vawter and Arthur Ballard Skinnerperhaps their wedding picture

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The Vawter family in Lincoln Arkansas, 1905Clyde, Travis, Addie, Helen, Will, Pearl, Hattie, Amanda, Belle, William, Aunt,

Windfield, Leonard, Children in front, Ada, Earnest, and Dessie.

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Not identified

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Arthur Ballard Skinner and son Clarence Arthur Skinner Clarence Arthur Skinner, son of Ada and Arthur

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Dessie, Hattie, Will and Belle

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Cheryl Kirk, 2 years and Donny (Danny?) Swetlik, 22 months,

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Vawter family homestead, Lincoln, Arkansas 1885. L to R ..Addie, Travis, Leonard, Clyde, Windfield Scott Vawter sitting in middle, Amanda (Holt) Vawter holding Dessie, Helen, Hattie, Pearl

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Lincoln, Ark 1908 School Picture. Ada C Vawter far right with “me” written above her. Dessie leaning against building with

book open and mark on her face.

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Amanda (Holt Vawter, Ada Catherine Vawter and

“Buster” Elwin Vawter (son of Leonard)

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Amanda (Holt) Vawter

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Ada C Vawter and ? Maybe Vada?Notation on back says ‘Aunt Ada and me’

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Leonard Vawter

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Travis Long Vawter, wife Hattie B (Rich) and children

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Vawter family homestead, Lincoln, Arkansas 1885. L to RAddie, Travis, Leonard, Clyde, Windfield Scott Vawter sitting in middle,

Amanda (Holt) Vawter holding Dessie, Helen, Hattie, Pearl

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Dorothy Skinner

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Clarence and Dorothy Skinner

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Clarence and Dorothy Skinner

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Ada C Skinner with Wade Bennett

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Ada C Vawter

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Back – Hattie and HelenFront – Clyde, Dessie and Leonard

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Louise Reagan, age18 (born 1-19-1913)

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