wilson joel unit_plan_lesson_1_text_and_comprehension

Jamestown Colony [Web Video Transcript] Because this was the first permanent English settlement in America these newcomers would soon find out that surviving in the New World would prove surprisingly difficult. Almost immediately upon landing, the colonists were under attack by the Algonquian natives which caused great hardships. So one of the first priorities was to build a fort. Archaeologists have recently discovered evidence of the location of the walls of the fort, as you can see. Now it is reported that over a month's time or so the newcomers were able to quote, "Bare and plant palisades". These wooden palisaded walls form a triangle around a storehouse, some homes, and a church. The Jamestown settlers chose this site for a few reasons. One major reason was the location. It was on the end of a peninsula surrounding the colonists with water on three sides making it easy to defend. Sometimes the peninsula would even flood, making it an actual island. Another reason, the location provided a port which would be valuable and essential to the settlements success. Though these were all important factors and helpful in deciding the location of the settlement, the real reason they chose Jamestown was the fact that, well, there were no Indians living there. In fact, they were so relieved that there were no Indians living there that they overlooked the sixty-four thousand dollar question, why weren't there any Indians living there? Well for starters, it was basically a swap with brackish water. Typhoid fever and dysentery were rampant among the settlers. And not to mention the fact that it was Indian hunting ground. Reference USHistorySchool. (Performer). (2012, April 02). Jamestown Colony [Web Video]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKV-WM8TYg8

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Page 1: Wilson joel unit_plan_lesson_1_text_and_comprehension

Jamestown Colony [Web Video Transcript]

Because this was the first permanent English settlement in America these newcomers would

soon find out that surviving in the New World would prove surprisingly difficult. Almost

immediately upon landing, the colonists were under attack by the Algonquian natives which

caused great hardships. So one of the first priorities was to build a fort. Archaeologists have

recently discovered evidence of the location of the walls of the fort, as you can see. Now it is

reported that over a month's time or so the newcomers were able to quote, "Bare and plant

palisades". These wooden palisaded walls form a triangle around a storehouse, some homes, and

a church. The Jamestown settlers chose this site for a few reasons. One major reason was the

location. It was on the end of a peninsula surrounding the colonists with water on three sides

making it easy to defend. Sometimes the peninsula would even flood, making it an actual island.

Another reason, the location provided a port which would be valuable and essential to the

settlement’s success. Though these were all important factors and helpful in deciding the location

of the settlement, the real reason they chose Jamestown was the fact that, well, there were no

Indians living there. In fact, they were so relieved that there were no Indians living there that

they overlooked the sixty-four thousand dollar question, why weren't there any Indians living

there? Well for starters, it was basically a swap with brackish water. Typhoid fever and

dysentery were rampant among the settlers. And not to mention the fact that it was Indian

hunting ground.


USHistorySchool. (Performer). (2012, April 02). Jamestown Colony [Web Video].

Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iKV-WM8TYg8

Page 2: Wilson joel unit_plan_lesson_1_text_and_comprehension

ESL Beginner

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Draw a line to match the word(s) with its Synonym in the Jamestown Colony transcript

Algonquian America

Water English

New World Indians

Jamestown settlement

Reasons factors

Colonists flood

Re-read the Jamestown Colony transcript and select the best answer(s)

Where was the first successful English colony in the New World?

(A) Jamestown

(B) New York

(C) Massachusetts Bay Colony

(D) Philadelphia

What was one of the first priorities for the settlers?

(A) to plant crops

(B) to build a fort

(C) to rest

(D) to go fishing

Where did the newcomers come from?

(A) Algonquian

(B) England

(C) Jamestown

(D) America

Page 3: Wilson joel unit_plan_lesson_1_text_and_comprehension

ESL Intermediate

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Re-read the Jamestown Colony transcript and complete the crossword below










1. severe suffering or privation

2. scientists who study the human past using material remains.

4. a town or city with a harbor where ships load or unload


2. the new world

3. a settler in or inhabitant of a colony

4. a piece of land almost surrounded by water or projecting out into a body of water

5. the first permanent English settlement in North America

6. a strong or fortified place occupied by troops and usually surrounded by walls, ditches,

and other defensive works

7. slightly salty, as is the mixture of river water and seawater in estuaries

8. typhoid fever and dysentery

Page 4: Wilson joel unit_plan_lesson_1_text_and_comprehension

ESL Advanced

Name: ____________________________________________________________

Re-read the Jamestown Colony transcript and use your Smartphone to complete this WebQuest.

1) Which Algonquian Princess is the subject of a 1995 Disney animated film?

2) “Sixty-four thousand dollar question” is pop culture reference to which classic American

TV Game Show?

3) If you were to visit the Historic Jamestown Visitor Center, what hours it is open, which

three days each year is it closed, and what is the street address?

4) Jamestown is the first successful English colony in North America, but it was not the first

attempt by the English at colonizing the New World. What is the name of the first

English colony in what is now the United States? What happened to its settlers?

5) Explain the significance of "CROATOAN" to American History?