williston lake trout project overview

W i l l i s t o n L a k e T r o u t P r o j e c t Science & Community for a Sustainable Trophy Fishery - F i n d u s o n F a c e b o o k M a c k e n z ie , B C - Synergy Applied Ecology PO Box 1176 Mackenzie BC V0J 2C0 www.synergyecology.ca www.facebook.com/WillistonLakeTrout Community-driven independent science with benefits for residents, visitors, small business, and industry in our region PHENOMENAL FISHING We want to keep it that way. You can help. Practical, solutions-oriented research to support long-term sustainability of lake trout populations in Williston Reservoir

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The Williston Lake Trout Project is collecting data to support a sustainable trophy lake trout fishery in Williston Reservoir, northern British Columbia Canada


Page 1: Williston Lake Trout Project Overview



Lake Trout Project

S c i e n c e &C o m m u n i t y

f o r a S u s t a i n a b l eT r o p h y F i s h e r y

- Find us on Facebook – Macken

zie, B


Synergy Applied Ecology PO Box 1176 Mackenzie BC V0J 2C0 www.synergyecology.ca www.facebook.com/WillistonLakeTrout

Community-driven independent science with benefits for residents, visitors, small business, and industry in our region


We want to keep it that way.

You can help.

Practical, solutions-oriented research to support long-termsustainability of lake trout populations in Williston Reservoir

Page 2: Williston Lake Trout Project Overview

Synergy Applied Ecology PO Box 1176 Mackenzie BC V0J 2C0 www.synergyecology.ca www.facebook.com/WillistonLakeTrout

Community-driven independent science with benefits for residents, visitors, small business, and industry in our region



Lake Trout ProjectS c i e n c e &C o m m u n i t y

f o r a S u s t a i n a b l eT r o p h y F i s h e r y

- Find us on Facebook – Macken

zie, B



Lake trout are a native species in northern BC and native tothe Williston watershed. They are long-lived, slow tomature, and have specific habitat requirements. This makesthem sensitive to over-fishing and habitat changes and, assuch, benefit from informed management and monitoringto remain sustainable as trophy fisheries.

In light of new industrial development, increased anglingpressure, and the lack of ecological data to supportsustainable management efforts, the Williston Lake TroutProject aims to document lake trout distribution, populationdemographics, growth rates, habitat use, spawning locations,prey selection, and angler effort/success. Data collected willinform fisheries management plans, recreational angling, andsocially-conscious industrial development in the WillistonReservoir watershed.


The Williston Lake Trout Project is a collaborative, commu-nity-driven project led by local, professional biologists. To-gether with residents, businesses, industry, and FirstNations we are working to support pro-active managementof a resource which has benefited from significant invest-ment of public funds over the past twenty years. Without alake trout research and monitoring program in place thisinvestment is at risk because long-term health of the fisheryis uncertain. We are focused on providing tangible benefitsto residents, visitors, and small business by promoting sus-tainable trophy fishing opportunities and empowering localresidents as long-term environmental stewards.


A sustainable trophy fishery can support regional economicdiversification for jobs, small business, and tourism. Theproject will also benefit industry partners by providing

relevant information for development plans and permitapplications. Community-driven, independent science willprovide greater certainty for fishery managers, resourceusers, local tourism developers, industry, and potentialspin-off businesses, that the lake trout resource issustainable in the long-term.


Local residents and businesses are well positioned to benefitfrom an attractive lake trout fishery, with anglers currentlycatching 20 - 30 lb lake trout in Williston Reservoir. Thisoffers a distinctive fishing experience in BC's northerninterior; normally people travel out of the region foropportunities to catch fish of that size. Williston’s lake troutfishing, recreational facilities, and local fishing derbies areattracting visitors from all regions of BC and northernAlberta.

Data on lake trout growth rates and angling success will helprefine regulations to support a sustainable trophy fishery. Inaddition to scientific publications, project data will becompiled in educational and promotional angling materialsfor public distribution (e.g., “How/Where, Tips/Tricks toCatch Williston Lake Trout”).

These outcomes are consistent with the direction ofthe District of Mackenzie Tourism Plan, MackenzieLand and Resource Management Plan, regional Omi-neca Beetle Action Coalition Tourism Sector Strategy,the Ministry of Environment Service Plan, and theMinistry of Environment Freshwater Fisheries Pro-gram Plan.

Project Goals

Sustaining and promoting a trophy-sized lake trout fishery in Williston Reservoir isa unique opportunity to meet conservation and tourism-related goals consistentwith local community objectives and provincial government mandates.

Page 3: Williston Lake Trout Project Overview

Synergy Applied Ecology PO Box 1176 Mackenzie BC V0J 2C0 www.synergyecology.ca www.facebook.com/WillistonLakeTrout

Community-driven independent science with benefits for residents, visitors, small business, and industry in our region



Lake Trout ProjectS c i e n c e &C o m m u n i t y

f o r a S u s t a i n a b l eT r o p h y F i s h e r y

- Find us on Facebook – Macken

zie, B


1 KEEP IN TOUCHFind us on Facebook. Accessproject information, link to onlineresources, and contribute todiscussions on lake trout ecology,research, conservation concerns,and management plans. All contentis public, no account needed.

Sign up for our newsletter. You’ll bethe first to hear about project plans,progress, and special events.Click on ‘Get Our Newsletter’ atwww.fb.com/WillistonLakeTrout.

2 SHARE YOUR DATAKeep a fishing log. You can helpcollect data on Williston lake troutby submitting data on catch rates,size structure of your catch, andother population indices - we’llshow you how. All you need is avalid fishing license.

Have you caught a tagged lake trout?Record the tag number, date,location, and fish length/weight, thensend us the details. Contact us formore information.

How You Can Help

3 SPREAD THE WORDLet others know that you supportindependent, community-drivenresearch initiatives like the WillistonLake Trout Project. Encourage yourfamily, friends, colleagues, and localpoliticians to browse our website,and spread the word about laketrout conservation concerns.

4 FINANCIAL SUPPORT &COLLABORATIONSWe are actively soliciting funding onan on-going basis. If you are able tocontribute, or know of fundingsources that we can apply to, we'dappreciate hearing from you. Weare also interested in developingcommunity partnerships, resourceindustry partnerships and researchcollaborations. Contact us for moreinformation.


We want to keep it that way.

You can help.

Donations payable to Williston Lake Trout Project can be mailed toSynergy Applied Ecology, PO Box 1176 Mackenzie BC V0J 2C0

Page 4: Williston Lake Trout Project Overview



Lake Trout Project

S c i e n c e &C o m m u n i t y

f o r a S u s t a i n a b l eT r o p h y F i s h e r y

- Find us on Facebook – Macken

zie, B



We want to keep it that way.

You can help.NOTABLE “QUOTES“

"For fishing enthusiasts you should thinkabout Williston Lake where the REALLY bigones are."

- Pat Bell, MLA for Prince George-Mackenzieand BC Minister of Jobs, Tourism and SkillsTraining, Top Ten Report July 2012

"Despite their reputation for attaining great size, mostlake trout are slow-growing, rarely weigh more than10 lbs, and rarely measure more than 25 inches, evenafter reaching 20 years of age or older. Some of thesefish have been known to live to 62 years old."

 - BC Sport Fishing Magazine Sept/Oct 2012

"To create a more sustainable industry andattract visitors year round Mackenzieneeds more products, particularly in thesummer. Enhancing summer activities andattractions are a priority for theDistrict of Mackenzie."

- Mackenzie Tourism Plan 2008

The Fourth Annual Duz Cho Logging Fishing Derby at CutThumb Bay had nearly 300 participants, August 18-19 2012.

- Mackenzie Times, September 2012

“The major anthropogenic impact on lake trout appears to beharvest by anglers, particularly in road-accessible lakes. Anglingregulations have not adequately considered lake trout populationcharacteristics and there has been little monitoring of exploitedpopulations.”

- Dr. Ted Down, BC Ministry of Environment ConservationScience Section Manager, 2008

“Conserving fish and fish habitats requires thecombined efforts of land and water managers,resource developers and those involved incommunity stewardship.”

- BC Freshwater Fisheries Program Plan, 2007

“The potential of the Williston Reservoir tosupport sustainable sport fisheries can only beachieved if the appropriate information iscollected and sound decisions are made basedon credible scientific practices… There is littleknowledge or data on lake trout; theirdistribution within the watershed is unknown;and the interaction(s) and importance to otherspecies is unknown.”

- Peace/Williston Fish & Wildlife CompensationProgram Operational Plan, 2001 – 2006.

“The freshwater sport fishery is an important but little known engine of theeconomy, especially in rural areas.”

- Freshwater Sport Fishing in British Columbia, 2009

“Lake trout should do very well in the reservoir given its deep, cold nature andabundant forage base. Reproduction will be severely restricted because ofreservoir drawdown.”

- Williston Lake Fisheries Compensation Program Management Plan, 1990

Synergy Applied Ecology PO Box 1176 Mackenzie BC V0J 2C0 www.synergyecology.ca www.facebook.com/WillistonLakeTrout

Community-driven independent science with benefits for residents, visitors, small business, and industry in our region

Page 5: Williston Lake Trout Project Overview



Lake Trout Project

S c i e n c e &C o m m u n i t y

f o r a S u s t a i n a b l eT r o p h y F i s h e r y

- Find us on Facebook – Macken

zie, B



We want to keep it that way.

You can help.NOTABLE “QUOTES““Lake trout are an important game fish in northern BC.Overly liberal catch quotas and increased angling forthis slow growing and late maturing species haveresulted in significant stock declines, precipitating theneed for conservative, proactive northern lake troutmanagement.”

- BC Ministry of Environment, 1991: Lake TroutManagement Strategy for Northern British Columbia

“Boasting 20,000 kilometres of coastline, 25,000lakes and tens of thousands kilometres of riversand streams, the town of Mackenzie’s motto, TheSky’s the Limit, definitely comes to life on the wa-ter.”

- RV West Magazine, January 2013

Lake trout “are a key indicator species of aquatic ecosystem health;it is vital that we identify habitat concerns….To develop effectiveand defensible management strategies, we must have reliable dataon the distribution, genetics, life history and habitat requirementsof char. This information is largely lacking.”

- BC Ministry of Environment, 1994. A Strategic Plan for theConservation and Management of Char in British Columbia.

“Recreational fishing is a vitalcontributor to the economic health ofcommunities in every corner of BritishColumbia. It is especially important torural and remote communities affectedby challenges in the forestry andcommercial fishing sectors, whereincreased fishing-related tourism offerstremendous potential for economicdiversification and growth.”

- BC Angler Market Development Plan,2007-2008

“Little is known about the life history of native lake trout inBritish Columbia… Lake trout habitat use has not been studiedin native B.C. populations.”

- Dr. J. D. McPhail, 2007: The Freshwater Fishes of BritishColumbia

“Strong shared stewardship of our fisheries resource is dependent onincreasing awareness and accountability for fish and fish habitat amongall British Columbians.”- BC Ministry of Environment Freshwater Fisheries Program Plan,2007

We “must develop new opportunities and more effectively market the B.C.sport fishing brand at home and abroad.”

- BC Freshwater Fisheries Society, 2009: Freshwater Sport Fishing in BC

“BC's Angler Market Development Plan aims to increase sport fishing participation by 30%over 10 years.” [2005 - 2015] - BC Angler Market Development Plan, 2007-2008

Synergy Applied Ecology PO Box 1176 Mackenzie BC V0J 2C0 www.synergyecology.ca www.facebook.com/WillistonLakeTrout

Community-driven independent science with benefits for residents, visitors, small business, and industry in our region

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Page 7: Williston Lake Trout Project Overview
Page 8: Williston Lake Trout Project Overview



Lake Trout Project

S c i e n c e &C o m m u n i t y

f o r a S u s t a i n a b l eT r o p h y F i s h e r y

- Find us on Facebook – Macken

zie, B


Phone [email protected]


www.facebook.com/WillistonLakeTroutClick on ‘Get Our Newsletter’ at fb.com/WillistonLakeTrout to receiveupdates on project plans and progress. No facebook account needed

Donations payable to Williston Lake Trout Project can be mailed toSynergy Applied Ecology, PO Box 1176 Mackenzie BC V0J 2C0

We gratefully acknowledge financial support from the Omineca BeetleAction Coalition and the Province of British Columbia through the Minis-try of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training. Photos courtesy of Jim Wiens,Jason Brousseau, Shawna Grouchy, Sam Davis, Dwight Bohn, Paige Bohn.


We want to keep it that way.

You can help.

Synergy Applied Ecology PO Box 1176 Mackenzie BC V0J 2C0 www.synergyecology.ca www.facebook.com/WillistonLakeTrout

Community-driven independent science with benefits for residents, visitors, small business, and industry in our region