william f harrah college of hotel administration climate survey results

WILLIAM F. HARRAH COLLEGE OF HOTEL ADMINISTRATION College Climate Survey May 12, 2015 Notes: 1. To provide a basis of comparison the responses from the William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration Climate Survey were compared to the overall responses of the University of Nevada Las Vegas. 2. A total of 88 individuals were sent the survey link. Of those, 49 Administrative Faculty, Academic Faculty, and Classified staff filled out the survey. This resulted in a 57% response rate.

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College Climate Survey


WILLIAM F. HARRAH COLLEGE OF HOTEL ADMINISTRATION College Climate Survey May 12, 2015 Notes: 1.To provide a basis of comparison the responses from the William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration Climate Survey were compared to the overall responses of the University of Nevada Las Vegas. 2.A total of 88 individuals were sent the survey link. Of those, 49 Administrative Faculty, Academic Faculty, and Classified staff filled out the survey. This resulted in a 57% response rate. Section 1 Personal and Professional Satisfaction Questions 1. My college serves its mission well. Hotel CollegeUniversityDifference #%#% 5Strongly Agree36%34233% 4Agree1224%44543% 3Neutral1327%14314% 2Disagree1327%777% 1Strongly Disagree816%313% Total491038 Mean2.783.95-1.18 Agree1531%78776%-45% Disagree2143%10810%32% 2. My Colleagues treat me as a legitimate scholar/professional. Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference #%#% 5Strongly Agree816%29629% 4Agree2041%41041% 3Neutral1020%15415% 2Disagree48%949% 1Strongly Disagree714%505% Total491004 Mean3.373.80-0.44 Agree2857%70670%-13% Disagree1122%14414%8% 3. I am happy working in the Hotel College. Hotel SchoolUniversity Difference #%#% 5Strongly Agree816%28027% 4Agree1429%41039% 3Neutral510%19619% 2Disagree1327%11111% 1Strongly Disagree918%424% Total491039 Mean2.983.75-0.77 Total Agree2245%69066%-22% Total Disagree2245%15315%30% 4. I feel as though I belong here. Hotel SchoolUniversity Difference #%#% 5Strongly Agree816%28728% 4Agree1327%38537% 3Neutral1224%22021% 2Disagree1020%959% 1Strongly Disagree 612%464% Total491033 Mean3.143.75-0.60 Agree2143%67265%-22% Disagree1633%14114%19% Section 1 Personal and Professional Satisfaction Comments 1.In the last few years, the situation has become grave. Morale at an all time low, administration bullying faculty members, just sad. 2.My boss is wonderful and a great mentor. 3.We need to clarify our mission again. There is a disconnect between the Dean and the Faculty. 4.I am happy with my job because I feel like I am making a difference in the lives of students. There have been times since I've been here that I felt like people recognized what I 5.was contributing, but recently (the past two years) I have not gained any job satisfaction from being recognized, respected or rewarded by others in the college. 6.I don't think this group has a shared mission. 7.Although I am well treated by many there are a number of colleagues who seem to put self interests above the mission of the college and our students; I am less happy working at the Hotel College when I feel the minority view points actively holding us back and/or the interests of a few trying to drive the rest of us 8.While I do think my colleagues treat me as a legitimate scholar/professional and as I belong here, I answered neutral as I feel like I am constantly having to prove myself and my value. I should not consider it a constant battle, which I do. 9.Believe that the College is falling behind as a result of other institutions moving ahead as we stand still. 10.I take pride in what I do and my contributions to the College and UNLV. However, due to lack of compliance and following laws, policies and procedures on the part of some folks within the College and their influential status, performing my job has become extremely challenging. 11.Too many favoritism. Only a few get most of the funds and there is no accountability and questions how and where they spend them. The favorites also receive what they ask. 12.The dean does not treat me like I am a legitimate scholar/professional. He seems to treat a lot of people like he is better than them. several people feel disrespected or under-appreciated. 13.As an undergraduate food and beverage educator I have seen the focus on undergraduate education and student/faculty opportunities steadily decline in the last couple of years. With the push for top tier status there are many decisions that have been made that impact, in a negative way our mission of serving the undergraduate students. 14.The culture is good, but as with any organization going through change, there are challenges and the college needs to work through them listening to all voices. Some folks have created an environment where junior faculty feel less valued. 15.I'm not sure that our college as a whole agrees on the definition of a Hospitality Professional. So serving the mission is kind of hard with so many people fighting with each other. The program seems to be deviating pretty sharply from the faculty with professional experience angle as well, which I think is a disservice to students. (There should be a balance among incoming faculty) 16.I know I belong at UNLV. I have been here long enough to appreciate the national and international reputation we have gained over the years. We have been known for our outstanding alumni, educators and researchers. 17.The culture of the college has changed significantly under the Dean. He has created a toxic environment for both tenured and tenured track faculty as well as for professional and classified staff. 18.I think the College is moving in the right direction. 19.Faculty gets very little respect from administration and gets tricked out of their rights. 20.Staff/faculty are generally congenial (with one notable and influential exception on the staff team), and many are contributing well to the college's mission. The working environment overall, though, is quite poor. It often seems that the dean's office genuinely dislikes its own team.21.My opinion is there is a feeling of detachment among the faculty towards the direction of the college because most feel they are not included in areas where they should be expected to make a contribution and on the occasions when faculty input is requested their opinions are often ignored without any reasons or rationale - over the past several years this action has created a "who cares" attitude that pervades each of the critical areas of research, teaching and service. I do not envision this improving in the near future.22.I love my job and I wouldn't think of doing anything else. My colleagues treat me well and I truly feel at home here. But it's been very hard to watch the leadership of this college drive it further and further from the mission upon which it was conceived and built -- educating future industry professionals and providing the industry a source of future leaders. All goals should serve this mission. The disproportionate attention to research in this college has left the teaching mission struggling. The reputation of this college is slipping fast -- not because of the quality of our research but because of the quality of our graduates. When we regain our international reputation, it will be because the industry values our graduates funds our scholarship and research activity. It will never be because we have lots of articles in exclusive journals that very few industry professionals read. 23.Our current administration has developed a hostile work environment that is retaliatory towards anyone who speaks against their ideas and therefore faculty and staff are terrified to speak up. I've never worked under such harsh conditions -- it has lead to poor health for many of my colleagues and has many others searching for positions elsewhere. 24.It is easy to get personal, but I could be let go tomorrow and this place will still be the unhappy, unproductive, and untenable place that it is today. What mission? This place has become a fly by the seat of your pants place, with leadership who, when it does not want to deal, takes the dont bother me with this crap, way out by chopping off, disbanding, deleting, inanely questioning (wasting more time) or ignoring. There are no structured plans, no study, no research involved to see where improvement can be applied. Who's happy? Only the people who bend over. No such thing as everyone happy, but when people on and off-campus, including students, are talking about the same thing, something's wrong. For the majority, only the paycheck drives them, the students are not the added bonus as it used to be because the atmosphere here is toxic. It becomes hard not to be affected by it. Most of us wake up dreading going to work. And yeah, go somewhere else? Not as easy as it sounds in these economic times, cause that would almost be the case en masse. So if there is no happiness or even contentment, there is certainly no feeling of belonging, which is further stressed when the administration does not give a shit about his people. Section 2 Fairness Questions 6. I have been treated fairly in my college. Hotel SchoolUniversity Difference #%#% 5Strongly Agree48%29028% 4Agree1632%37937% 3Neutral816%17317% 2Disagree918%12612% 1Strongly Disagree1326%636% Total501031 Mean2.783.69-0.91 Agree2040%66965%-25% Disagree2244%18918%26% 7. People like me are treated fairly in my college. Hotel SchoolUniversity Difference #%#% 5Strongly Agree36%17819% 4Agree1326%36439% 3Neutral1020%23825% 2Disagree1530%11812% 1Strongly Disagree918%475% Total50945 Mean2.723.54-0.82 Agree1632%54257%-25% Disagree2448%16517%31% 8. The administration in my college values our job performance over personal relationships and loyalties. Hotel SchoolUniversity Difference #%#% 5Strongly Agree12%22822% 4Agree1224%31131% 3Neutral816%19719% 2Disagree1224%15816% 1Strongly Disagree1633%12212% Total491016 Mean2.393.36-0.97 Agree1327%53953%-27% Disagree2857%28028%30% 9. In the end, the right thing usually happens in my college. Hotel SchoolUniversity Difference #%#% 5Strongly Agree12%869% 4Agree613%25926% 3Neutral1021%33534% 2Disagree1634%20721% 1Strongly Disagree1430%10110% Total47988 Mean2.233.02-0.79 Agree715%34535%-20% Disagree3064%30831%33% 10. I would recommend employment in my college to any member of a historically underrepresented group Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference #%#% 5Strongly Agree919%21422% 4Agree817%36637% 3Neutral1021%24124% 2Disagree1123%10110% 1Strongly Disagree1021%677% Total48989 Mean2.903.57-0.67 Agree1735%58059%-23% Disagree2144%16817%27% 11. I would recommend enrollment in my college to a prospective student from a historically underrepresented group Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference #%#% 5Strongly Agree1122%28028% 4Agree1020%41442% 3Neutral1531%20521% 2Disagree816%616% 1Strongly Disagree510%354% Total49995 Mean3.293.85-0.56 Agree2143%69470%-27% Disagree1327%9610%17% Section 2 Fairness Comments 1.Fairness, in all honesty, fairness is not the correct word. Each person is an individual with individual interests, research area's, and teaching. Being told by administration what area to research, or how to conduct oneself, is unprofessional. 2.We need to examine our views of job performance. 3.There has been favoritism in the college under all the deans that I have worked with. But now it seems like certain people are targeted for not performing in a certain way or holding certain views. There have been multiple decisions made in the past two years that have affected our operations and faculty morale that I do not consider the right thing at all. 4.I would have selected differently a few years ago. 5.I would recommend employment or enrollment is they are from an Asian group. Not women or other underrepresented group6.favoritism is abundant in our college - current administration is passive agressive 7.I personally do not feel unfairly treated but I do see what I would consider to be unfair practices at the administrative level. For example, we have a higher standard of work experience for our graduate students than we do for our newly hired full-time educators. Some of these hires have little or no "real world" work experience and yet they have been hired and at a higher salary in some cases than those faculty hired in our leaner years with a vastly more qualified past. This is not only unfair but will in my opinion lead to a pool of faculty that will be less able to relate to our core constituency, the 2800 or so undergraduate students. Diversity in the faculty is one thing, hiring researcher with no industry experience and oftentimes little teaching experience is something else all together. I have always struggled to understand why the current administration only talks about our graduate programs, or at least primarily when we have our faculty meetings. Just last week the graduation statistic for the last year were shared and we graduated approximately 850 undergraduates, 52 masters degree students and 1 Ph. D student. While I fully understand the need for increased research and the push for top tier status, I believe that it can be done while supporting the undergraduate programs, educators and students alike. The Dean is clearly focused on the graduate programs and it appears to me that most if not all of his decisions are rooted in what is good for the graduate programs. 8.Our college lacks in cultural and ethnic diversity pretty sharply and it shows. Our student body as well, aside from international students, is the opposite of diverse. I do think that minority students here have a stronger support system in place than Minority Faculty or Staff. 9.The current administration does not appreciate teaching or service - only research. If you are not publishing you are not considered productive. I believe in UNLV and will always promote our college to prospective faculty regardless of race, color or gender and of course to any all prospective students I have the honor of speaking with. 10.The Dean has support from only a few faculty. I would not recommend employment in the hotel college to any of my colleagues or PhD students. 11.The Dean and educational administrative staff are very supportive. The financial department of the College is too fixated on what's wrong rather than with what can be done. 12.Needs more promotions/advertising for the underrepresented. 13.The dean is often aloof, and while outwardly pleasant, his asides indicate that he believes that his faculty are not up to his caliber academically. Meanwhile, the individual who works alongside him most (the Director of Budget) has a toxic, belittling, bullying attitude. This hardly makes it easy to engage this office. 14.Salary or more pointedly money is a constant issue as faculty have not had a raise in years - yet new faculty are hired at rates that approach the salaries of faculty who have been here for years - the distribution of merit is a joke - literally there is one or two administrators trying to equate the contributions of 40+ faculty to determine someones merit - when opportunities for earning extra income are suggested often the thoughts or suggestions are thwarted as far as recommending any prospective student to enroll in our college I would suggest each consider what is the expectation upon graduating and research if those expectations are realistic 15.The junior faculty members have been badly mistreated. Our administration places so little value on teaching and applied scholarship that none of our tenure-track faculty feel comfortable at all in their jobs. They have been given unequal and undefined standards for promotion and tenure and advised to seek other work. In the end, I don't think the right thing has happened in this college for a long time. And if it has, it wasn't because of any leadership or vision on the part of our administration. Since Don Snyder started and continuing today, the dean's office has usurped more and more control at the direct expense of shared governance, including most egregiously the elimination of the departments without faculty consent. But what has either dean been able to accomplish with that extra power? Alienate the faculty and staff while driving our reputation into the ground at the expense of our students and alumni. 16.Our administration has a gender bias. The last two females that went up for full professor and were supported by the faculty were denied by the Associate Dean and the Dean. They just demoted the only female in the administration from an Assistant Dean to a Director. This is an extremely poor example to set for majority of our students who are female. 17.It does not matter if you don't like me, as long as things are done, and done in a manner that benefits the college, who cares. Everyone benefits. This is an area that I could write a lot about, but I will say it seems a consensus that a reorganization of the administrative offices is necessary for the healing of our environment. A comment the other day: one of the biggest mistakes in this college administration was the choice of the business manager. Does that tell you anything? 3. Evaluation Questions 13. We have well defined written evaluation standards in my college. Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference 5Strongly Agree24%20020% 4Agree1226%37237% 3Neutral1226%20420% 2Disagree1021%14615% 1Strongly Disagree1123%788% Total471000 Mean2.663.47-0.81 Agree1430%57257%-27% Disagree2145%22422%22% 14. Annual evaluation in practice is based upon our college standards. Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference 5Strongly Agree12%22023% 4Agree1125%38940% 3Neutral1330%20221% 2Disagree1023%10711% 1Strongly Disagree920%535% Total44971 Mean2.663.63-0.98 Agree1227%60963%-35% Disagree1943%16016%27% 15. Annual evaluation is fair and equitable across all staff/faculty. Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference 5Strongly Agree12%17619% 4Agree920%27529% 3Neutral1022%21823% 2Disagree1226%17719% 1Strongly Disagree1430%9410% Total46940 Mean2.373.28-0.91 Agree1022%45148%-26% Disagree2657%27129%28% 16. Workload assignments are fair and equitable across all staff/faculty. Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference 5Strongly Agree12%11912% 4Agree1225%26727% 3Neutral1123%20821% 2Disagree1531%23724% 1Strongly Disagree919%15215% Total48983 Mean2.602.96-0.36 Agree1327%38639%-12% Disagree2450%38940%10% 3. Evaluation Comments 1.Standards are moving in the correct direction, and will be in place soon. 2.Hopefully our newly passed standards will help here. 3.Our college has very vague standards 4.We have not had strong standards approved and recognized by all faculty and the administration. The vote we just took on standards should improve this for future faculty but still leaves uncertainty for current faculty. 5.People who do not follow procedures and create issues within the college just because they can since they're influential, are not given notice for their mis-behaviors which encourages them to continue with their acts and create constant conflicts with the college and university's policies and interpersonal relationships. 6.We just voted in new performance standards, so we have them now. We did not have them before this; while the situation is improving, it does not provide standards for the untenured, tenure-track faculty. 7.Just now getting standards but we were all held to mysterious standards during our evals in April 2014. This year is was better for most, but still no standards in writing. 8.I believe that it is impossible for the Associate Dean to be able to thoughtfully and constructively evaluate the number of educators and staff that he is required to. This is my 5th institution of higher education and never before have I worked where the load is so high for a direct supervisor. The Associate Dean does his best and he meets the standard but how is it possible for him to foster relationships and take a genuine interest in his educators development with such a heavy workload? I am pleased with the roll-out of the new standards and I look forward to their implementation. This will be a good thing if they are properly applied. 9.I can clearly see some staff have significantly more work than others. Both classified and administrative staff. I also don't think the tools and methodologies used in staff evaluation are particularly meaningful. I wish that we were given more metrics to better understand and guide our own performance. 10.In the past the evaluation was not based on standards. Until last week - we did not have written standards. We have a workload document, but that was it. Now we have passed standards of excellence that go into effect for future hires. Of course we all should try to meet the standards -but someone close to tenure should not be held to them. I do not believe the annual evaluation is fair. Workload changes for each person - some who have not met workload responsibilites are still teaching less than those that do. 11.The Dean and Associate Deans have never been evaluated by faculty. When the Dean became Dean he promised to conduct a 360 degree evaluation of his performance within 6 months. Than has never happened. 12.Only one week ago faculty established and voted on standards for the first time in 48 years.13.Our current structure as a college is not effective - as we have been given to replace or add faculty lines the number of faculty and part time instructors in now so large that is exceeds a reasonable span of control to administer - add a layer of poor communications relating to the topics above and the climate is one of uncertainty and shifting goals - our current administration has not laid out or attempted to lay out fair and equitable criteria for faculty seeking promotion and tenure - there are many reasons for this confusion - lack of college by laws - very little mentoring - cloudy expectations on value of publications towards tenure - one or two administrators with responsibility to evaluate annually every faculty members performance towards individual goals - lack of timely feedback - etc. 14.We just voted for new standards for tenure and promotion, but I don't think we have written standards for annual evaluations. I know some faculty members have received "satisfactory" evaluations when they did not meet the minimal work load requirements. This includes members who have received teaching reassignments for research and then not met the required outcomes. This results in an unfair distribution of the teaching workload and even though it was addressed this year, there has been no consequence for faculty who have enjoyed an unfairly reduced workload and no compensation for those bearing their weight. 15.Our annual evaluations are based on whatever the Associate Dean and the Dean dream-up to either help or hinder the staff or faculty member they are evaluating depending on whether or not you are among the "favored." This is one of the most biased group of administrators with whom I've had the misfortune to work for. 16.Again, not me, but when I hear of colleagues getting shot down just because the evaluator is not a happy person and wants to spread that type of love, I am ashamed that this kind of thing is allowed to continue. If you don't like what and how I do things, let me know to have a fighting chance. 4. Commitment to Open and Public Discussion Questions 18. There is appropriate opportunity for discussion/input on issues affecting my College Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference 5Strongly Agree24%16216% 4Agree1225%37738% 3Neutral613%18819% 2Disagree1123%17418% 1Strongly Disagree1735%939% Total48994 Mean2.403.34-0.95 Agree1429%53954%-25% Disagree2858%26727%31% 19. Staff/Faculty input impacts decision making in my college. Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference 5Strongly Agree24%15616% 4Agree715%33134% 3Neutral1021%22423% 2Disagree1429%16017% 1Strongly Disagree1531%9410% Total48965 Mean2.313.31-0.99 Agree919%48750%-32% Disagree2960%25426%34% 20. Openly expressing your opinions in my college will not undermine your employment conditions (Evaluations, Schedules, etc). Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference 5Strongly Agree24%11012% 4Agree816%25727% 3Neutral1327%22624% 2Disagree1020%20321% 1Strongly Disagree1633%15516% Total49951 Mean2.392.96-0.57 Agree1020%36739%-18% Disagree2653%35838%15% 4. Commitment to Open and Public Discussion Comments 1.This is where the Assistant Professors are told not to talk in an "all faculty" meeting. Since there is no understanding of what people research in this college, it is hard for those to understand who could help the college move forward. Since the focus is only on research, which I agree with, I don't see an alignment with the strategy of the hotel college with the university, or even to bring into the fold actually teaching students. Students at this point are not of concern, it is the focus on publications, look at the last 4 people hired, and then tell me that faculty are being hired for the 3 legs of the stool, research, teaching, and service. 2.Opportunity for discussion/input is uneven. Questions may be asked, but then we do not hear the results. Most of the faculty and administrative meetings I have attended in the past two years have been more about listening than discussion. Many things happen and people find out about them after the fact and get minimal details. I have personally been told that I can disagree with the Dean in private but have to support decisions in public even if I disagree with them and colleagues know I hold a different opinion. 3.The dean has open office hours which no one goes to because he doesn't really listen. It is as if he is doing the office hours as a front to pretend. Never asks anyone what they think unless he is giving them a promotion. 4.Dissent is not tolerated by the current administration. Some in the current administration do not have the maturity to handle constructive criticism. 5.I believe that there are opportunities to provide input if you wish to make an appointment to discuss issues with the dean or his administration. What is missing is a dialogue among educators at the all educators meetings about important issues. To me it is clear that Dr. Shoemaker has his own ideas on certain issues and no amount of discussion will influence his views. For example on the issue of International Programs/Study Abroad. We used to have a vibrant series of programs, all of which were put on hold with our new dean upon his arrival. He stated it would be under review. Faculty members worked on developing a set of guidelines with the International Programs Office on campus, as directed by the Dean and we convened a meeting to discuss the findings. After a review of the proposal, input from the IPO on how many other such programs are executed on campus, the Dean said "no" there would be no travel for our faculty and students internationally because of the risk of "bad press" during a capital campaign, and the risk that he might be "fired" if something happened. I find this odd especially when he speaks at the Las Vegas Singapore Program student graduation and talks about the value of international education and how it deepen the students perspective on the world. What is troubling is not that this program and others have been eliminated, it is how there is not a consistent and honest dialogue about the merits of these programs and an objective look at the pros and cons. In my opinion the Dean asks people for their input and ideas knowing already what the decision is that he plans to make. To me this leads to an unwillingness to contribute to anything and a higher level of dissatisfaction among the educators and staff at the college. 6.I am not faculty, and therefore have no voting rights or significant input on anything. I would like it if we felt more like members of the team who can contribute meaningfully to decision making discussions instead of just saying yes to whatever is mandated at us. 7.The Dean proposes opportunities to have discussions or input on issues. He has stopped his office hours this semester. I made sure to drop in on the previous semesters. I have been taught if you can't say something nice about someone - you shouldn't say anything at all. It hurts me to hear the conversations in the hallway and behind closed doors about the college administration. But it is true. As a full professor, I wish I could help initiate change to make a more positive culture to work in. I do not want to return to administration as I left it once and believe I can make a bigger impact in the classroom and through university service. 8.The Dean is myopic in his views about how the college should operate. He occasionally asks for "input" then does exactly what he wanted to do anyway. For example: he called a meeting for faculty who wanted to manage international opportunities (Studies in Switzerland, Cruise ships, etc.). Then summarily denied all ideas brought up. 9.Openly expressing opinions will result in punishment from the administration. 10.There is an air if intimidation that prevails especially among the junior faculty and senior faculty's comments are mostly disregarded - there is a perception that senior faculty are encouraged to retire so they can be replaced by junior faculty who will toe the line while applying for tenure leaving the current administration with the ability to "dictate" rules and regulations 11.The dean doesn't seem to care at all what the faculty think about anything. He's running this college like a dictatorship, which is why some people want the departments back. The dean is not a leader - he is a ruler. There are no leaders in the administration. I don't think I've had my employment conditions undermined; I would say openly expressing your opinions in my college is futile. 12.Right.....cause the person we would talk to would be so considerate as to take under advisement, our thoughts and concerns. Which makes perfect sense, since we are REDOING this survey and I am hearing that three and four pages are being created to explain what we think instead of going to the appropriate people to do so. 13.Given an opportunity to have a vote of confidence for the Dean, I would vote no confidence. Major reasons: 1. His autocratic leadership style 2. His demonstrated lack of management experience. 3. His approval of unacceptable faculty hires, flawed hiring criteria and incomplete interviewing process. 4. Minimal effort to insure faculty voice and governance at the college and university level. 5. Overly reliant on one individual (Director of Administration and Budget) for decision making and implementation. 6. Demonstrated lack of fund raising ability. 5. Academic Faculty Questions 22. We have well defined written standards for promotion and tenure. Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference 5Strongly Agree13%5814% 4Agree1129%15238% 3Neutral1232%8621% 2Disagree616%7118% 1Strongly Disagree821%359% Total38402 Mean2.763.32-0.55 Agree1232%21052%-21% Disagree1437%10626%10% 23. Evaluation for promotion and tenure is based upon our college standards. Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference 5Strongly Agree00%7218% 4Agree616%16942% 3Neutral1745%8421% 2Disagree821%4912% 1Strongly Disagree718%246% Total38398 Mean2.583.54-0.96 Agree616%24161%-45% Disagree1539%7318%21% 24. My colleagues considered people like me as legitimate scholars/professionals Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference 5Strongly Agree819%10626% 4Agree1638%16340% 3Neutral1126%6215% 2Disagree25%5213% 1Strongly Disagree512%266% Total42409 Mean3.483.66-0.19 Agree2457%26966%-9% Disagree717%7819%-2% 25. My college actively supports tenure-track faculty to help them achieve tenure Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference 5Strongly Agree13%9624% 4Agree1849%16141% 3Neutral514%6517% 2Disagree616%4812% 1Strongly Disagree719%236% Total37393 Mean3.003.66-0.66 Agree1951%25765%-14% Disagree1335%7118%17% 5. Academic Faculty Comments 1.There is no understanding of support and what that means. My hope is that it gets better with time or have policies in place that allow people to thrive. 2.We are sending a mixed message to tenure track faculty. Teaching is a second class activity. 3.Sorry if this is a repeat -- we recently voted on standards, but for those junior faculty who are not tenured yet, there are no standards. Feels very insecure and quite arbitrary. New, incoming faculty should have a better experience. 4.No standards for P&T. Faculty just voted on some last week 5.Support for tenure-track faculty is not equitably handled. There is favoritism towards physically attractive faculty. 6.I know that the promotion and tenure process is being rewritten, I am not sure if it is complete or not. I am not on a tenure track nor do I do research. 7.Largely not applicable to staff. 8.I have served on the P&T committee for 2 years. The moving targets keep moving without any support for the changes and why they changed. The tenure track faculty have been told we tier journals - we have never voted to do that in this college. They have been told what journals to publish in and if they don't they aren't acceptable or considered an a level of acceptance. 9.The Dean and Assoc. Dean of Graduate Programs have treated our tenure track faculty horribly. They are evaluated on standards set by sr. leadership NOT what has been done historically. Sr. faculty have created written P & T guidelines that will be voted on in the future,10.Tenure-track faculty is confused about what to do to get tenure. 11.Issues that have negatively impacted the college climate We have an autocrat for a Dean who has created a climate of fear. He has never managed people prior to having the job as Dean and it shows. We teach management and yet we have a boss who has had no experience-managing people. On top of this our boss has been caught in lies over and over again. The Dean has destroyed many of the student-oriented programs we have developed over the years and were very proud of, within his first year of power. The Dean embarrasses us every time he speaks to a group of students, industry professionals or the press. We are one of the top Hotel Colleges, but dont have a top leader. The College has had no discussion or voted on anything that was prompted by the Dean. College Meetings are information delivery vehicles only. We joke about the cost savings we could have if he would just send out an information email. The only time any work/business is done is when faculty initiates it and demand it to be on the agenda. The Dean appoints faculty search committees and even puts Asst. Prof. in search committee chair positions. He then goes on to meddle in the work of the committee by telling them to add particular applicants to the final section pool. Last summer we had a search for a food and beverage prof. The Dean told the committee to interview a person that was not considered eligible for the position. The person had book knowledge of the position, but no actual hands on experience and the job is to teach our food and beverage capstone class. Hands-on experience is absolutely required to teach this class. Every time we have had a faculty member teach the class who has little experience it has been an abysmal failure. But, the Dean is an autocrat that doesnt utilize the historical knowledge and talents of his faculty to avoid such disasters. We have a Dean that seems to have never served on university faculty committees. Procedures that are well known by most faculty members our Dean seems to be completely unaware of or he chooses to ignore them. For example, he has told the College Curriculum committee to add a particular class as an elective. This is with no discussion with the faculty about the course. As we all know this Committees job is to complete the paperwork for course changes that are voted on by the faculty. Our Dean does these sorts of things on a daily basis. Many of us have told the Dean when he makes an error such as this. He is not only not thankful for us informing him but he tells us we are wrong and that it is his prerogative to make such decisions. The Dean selects all administrators in the College none are elected. None are women except the lowest administration position. The one woman continues to be given more responsibilities plus the ones she has because the Dean has no clue what is required to run our college. For example, managing the national exam our students all must pass. Currently no one is actually managing this operation; rather the one female does it because no one else even knows the work needs to be done. And for all her efforts what she has received is a change in title, which was a demotion. All but one of these appointed administrators have told us that the Dean has said the following to the them in meetings: it is okay to disagree with me in a meeting but you can never tell others that you disagree with me. Tenure track Asst. professors are being verbally beaten up and confused by the Dean. They are being held to standards for publishing that the Dean has never met himself. He has only 25 or so publications. He expects the Asst. Prof. to have almost that many and in what he calls top tier journals in order to receive tenure. Our Dean is doing everything but verbally tell them to look for another job. Instead the Assoc. Deans have told these people they are not likely to receive tenure doing the type of research they are publishing. It all looks like challenges to Academic Freedom. These fabulous junior faculty members are well respected by their peers. But due to the Deans actions several of them are looking for others jobs. One will likely be gone this summer and another will go next year. These are people with wonderful industry experience and creative new research streams. Our students love them in the classroom. As a faculty member I feel so helpless to prevent the Dean from abusing our Asst. Prof. I would go to our Ombudsperson but everyone I know that has looked for help from this position has been greatly disappointed. Specifically, the Ombudsperson has a history of telling Deans the names of their faculty that have come to his office. At this point almost all faculty have been personally damaged by the Dean and his decisions. We now have a slang word that we use when someone has been hurt by the Dean the person has been stowed. Prior to the time of our current Dean the faculty looked forward to College meetings, Holiday Parties, Retirement Parties, happy hours at our students Bistros on Thursday and Fridays, dinners at our students Chef Artists classes, etc. etc. Now we hardly have these events anymore. The Dean and his Business Manager have cancelled most of them or have made them so watered down that we dont care to attend. Faculty used to spend a lot of time in their offices, with students coming in and out, and other faculty stopping by to talk about work and the industry. Today we spend as little time in the building as possible. The place is so negative and the energy so bad that we work from home or in our offices with our door closed. Getting a new building will not change this negative climate. The first two versions of a new Hotel College building contained new laboratories that would have allowed for food and beverage related research. Many faculty were very excited for the opportunity to expand our research into areas that have the potential to attract grant funding. But, the current Dean unilaterally decided we dont need these laboratories. In a meeting he said we could utilize such labs for free in the industry in Las Vegas. When asked where these labs are he couldnt give one name. Our faculty in general are not excited to be getting a new building. We should be but we arent going to be able to do anything new in it so what is there to be excited about. Annual Reviews in the Hotel College are performed by our Assoc. Dean. That means all faculty, administrative staff and PTIs are being reviewed by one person. This equals a Span of Control of about 60:1. No one can know this many people well enough to activity supervise and evaluate them. This creates many many instances of favoritism. Our Business manager is called jokingly The Dean. None of us can think of a decision that she has made that has ever benefited a faculty member or an administrative staff member. All of her decisions impact peoples lives negatively. She is also known as the women that never smiles. Many of us have tried to gain her acceptance through warmth and friendliness. But, all of our efforts have fallen on an apparent hurt or just plan cold heart. The Deans office is the least friendly place in our building. We all avoid going in when ever possible. In one year the current Dean and Business Manager have taken a College that was like a house with many unique high quality rooms to a house with outer walls, but all rooms have been destroyed by fire lit by two people.12.We just voted for standards for promotion and tenure and I think they're fine, but I doubt the dean will follow them. Anyway, they just apply to the new faculty. I think it will help them achieve tenure because they'll be the first ones hired with clearly written standards. It's still hard for faculty who have been here a while to know what standard applies to them, since there were no written standards when they were hired. Tenure track faculty get some help from other faculty, not from the administrators. I'm very happy with the way my colleagues treat me. I think for the most part we are a relatively professional and cordial group. i don't know of anyone having their work disrespected by their colleagues. 13.If our Associate Dean and Dean likes you then you are treated well, if they do not then you are verbally abused, denied resources, poorly evaluated and mistreated in numerous other ways. The hostile work environment for some of our junior faculty is atrocious. 5. Administrative Faculty Questions 27. Administrative faculty are respected as professionals in my college. Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference 5Strongly Agree25%5213% 4Agree1534%19550% 3Neutral920%6517% 2Disagree1023%6316% 1Strongly Disagree818%185% Total44393 Mean2.843.51-0.67 Agree1739%24763%-24% Disagree1841%8121%20% 28. Academic and Administrative faculty are treated equally in my college. Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference 5Strongly Agree37%236% 4Agree1023%8021% 3Neutral511%7319% 2Disagree1841%14037% 1Strongly Disagree818%6216% Total44378 Mean2.592.63-0.04 Agree1330%10327%2% Disagree2659%20253%6% 29. My supervisor uses the evaluation process to support my professional development Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference 5Strongly Agree820%10728% 4Agree1229%13636% 3Neutral922%7119% 2Disagree512%4311% 1Strongly Disagree717%246% Total41381 Mean3.223.68-0.46 Agree2049%24364%-15% Disagree1229%6718%12% 5. Administrative Faculty Open Ended Questions What is the biggest issue facing Administrative Faculty? 1.Quality of instruction 2.They are all very nice individuals. My hope is that at some point the Associate Dean will not be so overworked, the Assoc. Dean of Research, will have a handle on how best to support the college, and that the Dean will become a leader with followers. Again, nice people, but something is amiss.3.Holding people accountable. 4.job security 5.Distribution of work load. 6.We have changed the language to educator, but not everyone is kept in the loop on important information. 7.Lack of respect for their contributions to the college by academic faculty 8.The biggest issue is that we have an administrative structure that was not approved by the faculty and eliminated the key avenue for faculty input and participation of departments. 9.Poor leadership skills at the Dean level. 10.Administrative Faculty is given the responsibility of making sure that the laws, policies, procedures, and protocols of UNLV and the College are followed. However, the Administrative Faculty can't accomplish this basic and important responsibility as the other members of the college believe that the laws, policies, and procedures should not be followed and as a result engage in activities that are completely against all the protocols. This creates huge problems as the AdministrativeFaculty is forced to correct those problems after the fact. 11.Lack of knowledge of others concentration and work area. Favoritism 12.NA 13.lack of leadership 14.As previously mentioned I feel that the Associate Dean has too many people, from too wide a range of disciplines to be actively involved in concentrated professional development. I am not sure that it is actually necessary but it might be nice. He is always supportive of my professional development activities. 15.Academic faculty do not trust administrative faculty. 16.I think administrative faculty are unmotivated to participate in discussions to drive the college because their voices fall on deaf ears. A mixture of the inability to vote on issues, a lack of job security, and a "Administrative Faculty do what they're told" mentality is reducing their ability to innovate, and as the front line employees, they often see the full scope of how changes effect students, faculty and other employees of the university. 17.I was asked to sign my evaluation - no discussion on goals for the next year. We have a dean who has never been in college administration. I thought he might begin to grasp the connection between the university, college, faculty, students and industry - but one day he is focused on alumni and another he is speaking only about research. He does not speak positively about teaching or service. 18.They do not have the support of faculty. They are not trusted. No one even knows what the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate studies does. He comes to work (usually) closes his door and rarely interacts with faculty. He does not inform faculty of what is going on in the Graduate College. He "hates meetings" so why is he an administrator? Useless. 19.n/a 20.Low salary 21.All administrative faculty is appointed by the dean and none of them are elected by faculty because we have no departments and no department chairs. 22.It is the lack of respect on the part of the administration for the rule of law in the College. The bylaws have been grievously ignored. Departments were disbanded without the input or vote of the faculty by a former Dean and the current one has failed to respect the will of the faculty and has refused to follow the bylaws of the College. 23.organizational structure 24.The biggest issue facing the entire college is a lack of effective leadership from our administration - the roles of our Assistant Deans are ambiguous and often changing both in scope and personnel - changes are made unilaterally without consultation or imput from the faculty - it appears our current Dean has not had experience in managing any type of academic unit or staff in the past and while most of us expected experiencing a learning curve the initial projected time table has now gone on too frustratingly long without showing any tangible results that we have an effective leader.Having a Dean that doesn't know how to manage people let alone lead them. 25.The disrespect shown to them by our Dean. 31. What is the next biggest issue facing Administrative Faculty? 1.promotion (in title and financially) 2.Pay and benefits; practices for increases favor academic faculty 3.Administrators need to show that they understand their jobs, care about them, and care about representing the college properly to the university, industry, and the community. 4.Our work seems to be conflict and error resolutions on a daily basis just because others choose not to follow the appropriate protocols. As a result, our daily work doesn't seem efficient. If we didn't have to deal with correcting the issues on a daily basis, we could function in an efficient way and actually allocate our time to improving the processes of our college as well as the University. 5.Lack of decision making ability. Being afraid of making the right decision at the right time. 6.NA 7.lack of respect by some faculty 8.There aren't opportunities for advancement among administrative faculty, if they want to get a higher position, they have to go to a different department or university. 9.The Associate Dean for Academics - wears too many hats and is spread too thin - Director of PhD program and Associate dean of faculty are 2 full time jobs. Communication from this office is non existent. 10.Retaining good faculty and attracting QUALIFIED new faculty. The new hires coming in fall 2015 have VERY limited actual experience in hospitality and in teaching. They are setting them up to fail. Publishing is fine, but our students expect excellence in the classroom. Just because you have a PHD doesn't qualify you to represent what was once a major Hotel College. 11.n/a 12.No vote in college matters. 13.No viable standards of admission for our students, and students are socially passed in courses throughout the program. We have destroyed our reputation with the industry. 14.talent 15.The rest of the administrative faculty I believe are in a quandary - assuming and attempting to perform their expect roles without specific guidelines, mandates, reporting relationships, authority for communications, resolving faculty issues and an assortment of other duties that are not clearly defined or perhaps supported from a higher authority as each tries to carry out his/her daily routine. 5. Administrative Faculty Comments 1.Administrative faculty should lose the "us" vs "them" attitude towards academic faculty. 2.The staff work year round and are the glue that holds the college together and supports the academic functions of the college. We work within the constraints of UNLV policies and practices whether they are perceived as good or not. 3.We are fortunate to have Directors of Advising and Student/Career Services that are amazing in their jobs. 4.I would like to think that all members of the College are treated equally and fairly. That everyone is provided feedback on their performance based on the way they do their jobs and work with the rest of their teams. Knowing that people are treated differently just because of their influential status and not given the constructive feedback on their inappropriate actions is rather discouraging. This ultimately does not help those individuals as they continue with their inappropriate actions, creates bigger conflicts, and ultimately damages the College and the University. 5.I am actually very very happy working here, but I can see the reasons a staff member might be unhappy and feel as though honest observation is the best way to air out some of these things. 6.I realize we are in a building campaign and needing to raise money - but even the communication about that process in non existent any more. 7.This was once a premier College of Hotel Administration, but no more. We are a shadow of what we were. 6. Classified Staff Questions 33. Classified Staff are treated respectfully in my college. Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference 5Strongly Agree38%10626% 4Agree1335%16340% 3Neutral1027%6215% 2Disagree514%5213% 1Strongly Disagree616%266% Total37409 Mean3.053.66-0.61 Agree1643%26966%-23% Disagree1130%7819%11% 34. My supervisor uses the evaluation process to support my professional development (Classified) Hotel SchoolUniversityDifference 5Strongly Agree312%3924% 4Agree728%5634% 3Neutral728%3421% 2Disagree312%159% 1Strongly Disagree520%1912% Total25163 Mean3.003.50-0.50 Agree1040%9558%-18% Disagree832%3421%11% 35. What is the biggest issue facing Classified Staff? 1.Our voice is not heard. 2.NA 3.I do not think that Classified Staff get nearly enough credit for everything they do, especially for the low pay and benefits they receive. 4.Low pay 5.I don't think that our classified staff is shown the degree of appreciation that they deserve. These jobs do not pay well, we all know that. What makes a strong leader is someone who with a little concern and compassion takes an interest in their lives, how they are doing and lets them know that they are valued. This is done in a variety of ways, few to none are used in our college. It is called genuine care and concern or sometimes emotional intelligence. This is sorely lacking in our college from the administration. 6.Frozen salaries in a scaling economy mean that job satisfaction will always diminish if they feel unappreciated. 7.The Business manager is rude to staff and treats them with indifference. No wonder so many have left or are seeking other positions. 8.Salaries 9.Salaries would have to be the biggest issue for us as classified staff. With budget cuts, insurance and retirement premium increases it makes it hard for us to make ends meet. 10.Doing furloughs, taking more $$ out in our Health Insurance and not receiving our step's. 11.Need to restore merit steps 12.Staff often share that they work in fear of the individual overseeing administration in the college. 13.The disrespect shown to them by our Dean. 14.Inequality, no matter what you call us, speaking generally, nobody really gives a damn. We are all just like rats in a maze trying to do our best, or not giving a shit at all. 36. What is the next biggest issue facing Classified Staff? 1.NA 2.We are just lucky that the classified staff have been very flexible in adapting to all the structure changes and continue to show up and do their jobs. 3.Opportunity for advancement 4.Creating opportunities for advancement in pay. It would be great if each classified staff member had a mentor in the administration to work with them to develop their professional skills and advance in their positions at the university, be it in the college or outside of it. There seems to be no interest in this sort of development for our classified staff. 5.Lack of opportunity to voice desires for change. 6.Compensation and health benefits. 7.Insurance premium increases 8.I've noticed that there have been many conferences and retreats in which the faculty attends and the college covers the expenses for professional development purposes. I have yet to come across a retreat/seminar/trip/class that was offered or for us to take for our own professional development. 9.S/A 10.The disrespect shown to them by our business manager. 11.Same thing as always, people do a lot of talking and then bail when they are needed the most. 6. Classified Staff Comments 1.We are a hospitality college that doesn't treat our students respectfully. Many classified staff behave in ways that would result in firing in a job outside the university. 2.Provide funds specifically for the classifed staff to attend personal or professional enrichment courses/seminars/retreats. 3.I would like to become an Admin 1 from Admin Aid for being here for 9 years. I love it when our Dean include us in College. Our other Deans never did. 4.I think the staff are very well respected and valued by the faculty and other staff. Not so much by their superiors. 5.The grass is not necessarily greener on the other side, but there is certainly less dead grass sometimes on the other side, without the cheating of unpaid days and increased health insurance premiums. I have no real comment because we all will continue to be treated like second class citizens, especially when admin faculty and faculty are out trying to get what they can. Where does that leave us? We have no real sounding board and lying to us or evading the truth does not help. It's the paycheck. What additional comments can you provide to help us create a more positive college climate? 1.Quality of instruction is not valued in our college. Core classes are taught by unprepared industry professionals who may or may not care. 2.I think that the university is heading in the right direction towards becoming better, it takes time. Over the last 4 or so years, this hotel college has gone from exciting to where no one really wants to be there when they do not have to be. We are not researching a cure for cancer, we are hospitality people, as faculty we should exude this to each other, between admin and faculty, and to the staff. I only can hope that the damage at this point can be reversed soon. My biggest thrill is to see hard working hospitality students graduating, being a "part" of something greater. For some reason, tearing down people comes easier than lifting them up, sad but true. I'll hang on as see what happens over the next few years. A shiney new building is not the answer, it is always the people that are in the building that make up the culture. This old building, with these faculty members, we want to be counted for something. Honestly, we are better as a group than any individual - why not praise everyone within the college, but do it on an individual basis. Most people never get a thank you, or even that those that complete the evaluations really know the research or impact. Too much hinges on perception, and we all know that get's most people into trouble. There are wonderful faculty members that go above and beyond, they are changing what hospitality education all about, and do it for the students. With that, to teach others in leadership roles to manage is essential, leaders are only leaders if they have followers. This climate survey, please make it public, do your homework and come up with a way to get your faculty and staff to follow, then and only then, should the focus be on the followers. 3.Restore academic governance. 4.Having leadership that understands the importance of producing a good product. Which comes down to having the right people educating the students. 5.We need to have faculty governance. We need to have a college organization that fosters communication among faculty and between faculty and staff. Right now we are "wandering in the wilderness." We need a dean who has experience. Our current dean has never led a group like ours in either academics or industry. He has made a plethora of mistakes since he as assumed the deanship of the College. Decisions are made at the top and enforced with no meaningful discussion to those of us below. His arrogance and that of his business manager are destroying us. We need to get organized, know our mission, hire the right people and remember that in addition to research this place is about teaching students and working with our industry colleagues. We are a professional college. Our teaching, research and service must be relevant. 6.I think this college has lost its way. There are clear divisions or factions of people not working toward common goals, most of whom it seems are disinterested in preparing students for the future. 7.Try to restore trust within the College. 8.Administration should try to know about all faculty members area of concentration not just those who research. All should be treated fairly and equally. Opportunities should be to all and not to only a few. 9.This is one of the worst environments I have worked in. The dean doesn't care to get input from faculty or staff and when he does ask he doesn't do anything about it. He forces change that he has not right changing by bylaws and then makes his administrators evaluate us on these. Standards that were not in place when any of us where hired or promoted in the past, were implemented from the dean last year and we were all evaluated on these phantom standards that no one knew about since he took over July 2013 and our evaluations from Jan-Dec 2013. Not even valid for most of the year, in addition to use not knowing these existed or that he was allowed to change them. The dean hires and promotes whoever he wants no matter what the job opening states (if we even have a job opening since some people get promoted from lecturer to tenure track or director level with no job posting). When positions are open he just selects who he wants for the role (such as Director of Masters programs) instead of announcing that the position will be open and find out who is interested. While we might end up with the same person, he claims transparency and is far from it. This has all caused certain faculty to start and built their own silos again. I could go on and on, but I think the point is clear and if the President and Provost are unaware of what is going on (which I doubt) then we are in more trouble than I think. 10.Why don't we evaluate our administration? All administrative posts should be held accountable to the community they serve. More transparency - not just in words but in action. 11.We need to have anonymous way to report unethical behavior. 12.Use surveys before major issues to allow Classified Staff and Administrative Faculty a chance to participate in the decision making. They probably shouldn't have voting rights on classroom standards, but issues that directly impact them, they should be brought into the discussion in a way that allows them to impact it. An ideal situation would be to provide director level administrative faculty, or the administrator over an issue a vote in the instances that something directly impacts their function. 13.We need a leader that understands how to lead. We also need someone who understands the concept of management. We need to get along with each other and respect each other. We need to learn to appreciate our differences and work with these differences to excel in research, teaching, and service. Thank you for allowing us to complete this survey for the college only. I imagine the results are going to be hard to understand and act upon - but that is what a good leader does. I look forward to our new building - hopefully we can get this college back on track soon - positive, fun place to work. 14.The Dean is an embarrassment when he interacts with industry. His suits are rumpled, he sticks his hands down the back of his pants. He does not have the personal skills required to be a fund raiser and leader. It's been said that a "true leader inspires hope" He does not. We need true leadership and support to turn this college around and fix what has been broken. 15.Administration has to respect faculty and their wishes. The span of control should be narrower and departments should re-established. Graduate students should be shared equally between faculty and not be monopolized by the appointed administrators. 16.I sincerely believe it is too late for this College. We are a shade of our former selves. If I were a young faculty member with a promising future, I would go elsewhere. 17.A "more positive campus climate" is indeed the objective, but the atmosphere in the dean's office is not informed by (or interested in) "positive" initiatives. In fact, pessimism and negative statements are the norm. The dean actually seems to dislike his team, and his lead assistant clearly does. not much can be done at this point. 18.The Budget Directors role as the keeper of the purse should be more transparent - beyond her bookkeeping responsibilities how much influence does she have on the Dean's decisions and can we be sure that those decisions are being made by him or is he just mouthing what she wants him to say? 19.How to Improve the College Climate Dean Replace the current Dean with an experienced leader that has previously managed people using a democratic style along with being transparent. This person must know how to lead people and be honest in the process. Business Manager Replace the current Business Manager with someone that knows that the beans or widgets she is counting can have different value. This person must know something about the hospitality industry or at least be willing to learn on the job. Also, this person must not believe that the faculty and staff are ALL the enemy. This person must be interested in doing what is right for the faculty and staff as individuals. The bottom-line is not to run the college with as little money used as possible but to do the very best job of teaching and research as possible. Of course this includes not wasting money but this person needs to know the concept of cost benefit analysis. The intangibles must be known and valued. Organize the college with departments or use some similar structure. Some of the leaders of this organization should be elected by the faculty and not appointed solely by the Dean. The College should take back the Stan Fulton Building and its Food and Beverage Operations, including catering. These activities were extremely valuable for our students and offered real world research opportunities. College should bring back the student international programs in cooperation with the International Programs group at UNLV. Attract and hire some middle career hospitality professors to strength the teaching base of our program. We have just hired some very young people as faculty that have no industry or teaching experience. They will be able to write manuscripts that will be published in journals. We have also just lost to the buy out several well-respected colleagues that were great teachers. Our students deserve more! 20.I think the Dean is a fine man and an excellent scholar, but he's not an effective leader of people. I don't think he can create a more positive climate in this college because his attention is not directed to the core mission or to the individuals who can help us achieve it. He has continued what Don started - to reduce faculty governance to faculty input and assume executive control. This might be tolerable if it was balanced by some significant accomplishments. The administration needs to recognize that the college needs a leader and one who will lead us back to the reputation we once enjoyed. When we are all proud of what we do and what we accomplish together, the positive climate will be natural. We have two years to prepare for our 50th and our new building. At the rate we are going, there won't be much to celebrate. 21.We must fix the hostile work environment by changes in our administration or we are going to lose more good faculty and staff. 22.Nothing that has not already been said by countless others who are no longer content with the direction the Hotel College is going. 23.Better leadership that listens more to faculty concerns. 24.Have the Dean step down as dean.