william et hatters, ii a -...

s r T m :u EDUCATIONAL. Hats and c*ap$. (Us. DAILY GAZETTE. 'm r ** - NSW GH* Iffi II. «ILE * Ml O ? U. P. JOlINSONi Editob axd PaoraiaToa. J Rttl Ittal« Agents A Auction«*«, fis. SSS Market Street aba*« Matte. WlLMIXOTOX. ^ M ADMINISTRATOR'S SALI OR H o r s e i. Carriage«, and Hameaa, Blankets and Robea, Being ih* Pej*on*J l»l» Joerph srlu.1 xi hoLD ox Tnetday, April 9th, 1872. éR'yofwïî- miaf Ion. ». follow. : Book« kub high. warranted aoand »ad kind la ail bara*H. on. of the beet family IA« JL. bon*, la «b* Hut.; baa trottad hla mita ia 2.40. N», tA and aura, "Forraal Maid,aitbt mtattoa a.If.ait. traak la It*. CA RR I AO(CS.No. l-Oneahiftloa-M« built by Thampaoa, Puehell A Co.: rtod N*. »-«hHttra-ten lu|«f. «oed Ma. N».Jf-rQa. a.w Slaitb: u#.J a f.w limaa. HARNESSUn# aat ol doubl* baraaaa, rubbar aouaUd and geld Deed, ia trat ratmmdar. Two a.ta of ,ingle baraaaa. oaa ad navar b*«a «ai, Lot et bora* blaakata and oerera. On* flua lap rob*. On* lam* afghan, Ac., Ae, Sal* poaitir*. MAHUAKRT J. RICHARDSON. A.lminialr*Oix. D. KLDR1DUB RKUARDSON. Adminiatrator, Alao, at th*aam* tim* and plao*. on. Bnotor' butta and harnam. uarÿ li SACK let mi ïhk Daily Otzxrra i. publiahad every afUrnoon. (except Sunday) at 4M Market atraat,andMiYtiby carriers to subacribera in all parta of Wilmington and .the surrounding towns an|| villages, for tig cents a week, payable weekly. Yearly aubacribaik 13, in advance. «S - ed In MMrtl Offlbfl Wlltalngwu «mR**.- «Bangtake. this method Tb# writer waa\#»uc of the Inatltutlon, îr.id'wîîl'k«. « and therefore Ite friend, but he wae not and fresh stook of w - &U be^MM*KUfh* JSSilmWaGÜlÄWpM'«• Hwwtofôr# tto*^nŒ#«Ùy*&#ft waa ^t# CHORD Gl*OC8fV Slftlü theme; the time ta# aow noma to ip«ak of oiioap UlVtWy JlOfO IT# foupdkr ARD PRINCIPAL* , F<». 46 Market Btraat, (Ninth Ward i A mau M to be hoqpred for what ta b In him- fJHV Tbrnhtertbnr waald raapeetfkn. i . ' Mlf, but an honorable auceatry I# not Unwor- U Jriende aad tha pnkHt Un, k* L.forthy of regard. To ne the Wendant of P^'i5 resnactabi*. Intelligent, and rirtuoua for» aj^TwJftfc'V« latheiTcoMtltute» a »trou* çlâlm upon publie îlUo. «.perler Wtett aid UdalTwklT..^ eeteem andsoolal consideration,moreparticu- toldtttbalowest oltr prie« •*>' ka lartytt that cibla be fortified by the exhlbl- «jak'^ïjjNfujtfc«ra.Tj----------- tton of Matter pewonnt trata 'TO?-?« * *"• Professor John C. llarkneia la the dwacnmd_______________ _____ william BWlEl ant of one of three taottara who came from Scotland to this country early in the 18th cen- tury, one of them' aettling In flMMnelnMmtta, one in Rhode Island, aad the other la the South or Wust« Th# son of the first of Ut«wand the «rand- father of Ute subject of this sketchwas born to Lunenburg, Mas#., In 1790. H# bore a lieu- tenants commission in th# Revolution, and was engaged In the battles of Bunker Hill and Tlconderoga. Ills health becoming impaired, he resigued his coinmtMloU', and Settled In Camden, Maine, where he married Miss Eliza hath OU, a lady of Gorman birth, lie was a S roiuluent citizen, and held several offices in te gift Of Ills fellow-townsmen. Ills love of adlng and hi# extraordinary perseverance are shown In thé well-attested fact that he one# read coneoauUvely day and night with- out sleep through au entire week, thus accom- plishing the perusal of RollinsAnMent History. ' These facts are derived from tha History of Camden,published at Halloweii, Me., iu Dad« k*< l.id THK fall «j ê The DELAWARE GAZETTE.*,tahM*h«J 17*4. i. the laigest aad moit flouriihing weakly ia the State, and has a larger circulation than any other •n the Peninsular, Publiahad »very Friday morn- ng at 12 a year, In ad ranee. f REPRESENTATION. What would eight or ten mpreaeatathvM from Wilmington find to do in our legulatiir* f The legislature meets iu January, and ganarally a month is passed iu doing little of no business. The representatives mostly go to Dover on Monday and leave there on Thuraday, but taka tbair pay for the whole seven days of tha week. Repre- sentation according to population would doubtleas double or treble the eapenaee ; but we doubt whether it would add anything to our libarty or reduce the taxes one way or another. The farm- ers of New Castle County are jaot aa much op- posed to lovying heavy tux« on land as are the farmers of Kent and Sussex, and hence no change could be expected in that matter, because th« votes of the agriculture! interest would neces- sarily be combined to protect their lands, which they say are now taxed as hsavily « they will bear. A 2 East Third Street, PhWtOB, us new. WII.UIHQTOX. DUL. apri-ly HUMPHREY* SANDT, RhY. J. MARSHAL HARLAlir, (Snoot, tort* Uw.'L.'RUm FASHIONABLE R O CER.I AT THE OLD STAND, NO. S S. SECOND HATTERS, ST., ^•SIGNEES* rale. The umlersignet KrniMh Moore, will II opposite the Lowar Market Hsus, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, AND DCALAKB IN ai Assignees in trust of sell at public auction, On THURSDAY, the 11th day of April, A. D. 187*4 at 11 ocleck. a. id.. at the Hotel of Isaac C. Pyle. Market street, above Second, in the City of Wilminirten. DeUwmu. 1. All that lot of laiiiL with the dwelling house thereon «retted, situated in said city, on the eluter- ly ride of French street, between Seventh end Kighth streets, beginning at the distance offlUfeet from the southerly side of Eighth street, having a front of ,ai feet on French street, and running through ai that width to Walnut street. Terms made known et sale. YVe hope that reflection upon this subject will produce fruitful results in causing our people to settle upon some principle that may seem feasi- ble and that will lie productive of satisfactory reforms. GenfsFine Drrss Gloves, 216 MARKET ST. tebJIf Fin* Tem*, H tavra êr Limon re I p#îîîo?W~'- gfc;-«w-THOMAS M. CULBERT, No. 3 iJARKETSTRbBr, WILMINGTON, A,kialt*ation to bi, varied und w«l MlMted «took of ANr> OAP8, The Daily Gazette was given a wide circula- tion yesterday. As usual with the beginning of new enterprises there was some delay in getting to press, and our first edition did not appear at early as we desired, yet the paper went off so rapidly that we found it impossible to supply the I demand and many persons who desired to pur- ,s ..-effete during the afternoon found MJi))ly. This will be remedied in future. The Commercial calls Mr. Wm. S. Hayes, of the 5th ward, a virtuous Couucilman." The remark is not intended to be complimentary. Mr. Hayes took the liberty to atop the Commorcial and hence the sarcasm. Au extract reads thus : William, in the lofty elevation of his sublime soul, has discontinued his copy of our paper! This severe loss may be replaced by anybody elses six dollars, and as the uext new subscriber put upon our list will no doubt have the name ot . ikp heuest niitn, we shall be rather a gainer than * loser. Mr. Hayes had certainly a right to vote to keep the city work in the service of a Contract Ring,and to stop the Commercial also; but does this make him noceesarily a dishonest man F His Democratic fellow-members did not so declare, al- though they voted very properly„against him. The Proposed Siiu* Canal.If the proposed Blnp canal were cut through the Peninsula, a Ivantagcs to our foreign commerce would be greatly increased. Estimating the distance from Hu It I more to the Capes at two hundred miles, aud the run up the coast at a hundred miles, before a vessel lays her course either for our own Northern p^rts or for those of Europe, there would be a sivingin distance of a hundred and eighty-two miles, and of expense, for an ocean steamer of the larger class, ot six hundred and twenty-five dollars etch Dip, JAMS« MVIITU, No. 400 Hhiplejr 8tfe#t, Wilmington Wholixili axd Retail Dialib KVAN 0. STOTSKNBURO, ROBERT H. ROBINSON, A„i,nce,, Ac. 1899. Thomas Harkneas, the father of onr profes- sor, waa burn at Camden la 1798. For thirty years he was a school teacher, and during part ot that time had charge of the High School iu his native town, one of the Best schools In the Stale. lie afterwards retired to his farm at Northporl, Me., which he still cultivates in a vigorous old age. The respect arid esteem of bis fellow citizens has been exhibited in his elecUou to various local offices. A fin# scholar, a successful teacher, aad a thoroughly upright man; such is his character aud his history. John C. Harkuess was bom at Belfast, Me., Nov. mil, 1839. When be «vas five years old, his pareuts removed to Uaogor, through whose entire system of schools bo passed with honor, graduating from the High Schools in istio.He also served kn apprenticeship as a printer, commanding the entire respect and confidence of his employers. In 1864 he graduated from fiowdoin College, an institution founded in 1802, and number- ing among its thousands at graduates many now emieut men, among whom are the poet, Longfellow, and Gen. Howard, was a talented one, yet in sumo important respects he was an acknowledged leader. Afterward he entered the Law School of Harvard University, where he was a class- matt of Robert T. Lincoln, son of the late President. Entering upon the profession of a teacher, he taught in the Camden High School, where his father had been instructor many years be- fore. H* than took atasge of the academy at Angelica, Alleghany County, New York, at the same time being prominent in the inatrao- i of TsaehenInstiAiUs, whore bearoiated teaching hnndredsW teachars. He thus became desfd^ Interested ia the subject of At this Mriod bis attention was called to Delaware of which to beard as the "uaraeu Statt of the Unionbut as bavingao Maras! NebooL Ho casse to this city with the inten- tion of establishing such an iaatitutiou.aecur- ing for its chartcr.oUaialngan appropriation from the State, in Its bthalt, airily subscrip- tions from our citizens providing adcouate and appropriate buildings. f°î,m<>re than five yean te lias toiled ia this direction. Tha aehool, the charter, tha subscriptions-«vonrUUiuf km tha appropria- tionwere accomplished facts. In this enterprise the character of the man has been revested. With unusual seir.deniai ands.lf-relt.noe h, bal Æui effortt In the face of gre*t and fiùmeroua obstacles. n^ inherited by him. His energy and Industry are beyond question. Peaceable in disposition but unwavering in purpose, courteousln man- Sîüi.re f*1 'S?11* ®lnd. he has done more than to achtere «accesshe has deserved Rev. O. V. Wisweil, D, D., formerly at this city, recently wrote of Prof. H.: have known mach of him and his history for five /jf!nYV><11 b*1,,ar«h1» to be an honest and trothfnl man, sincerely devoted to the work w *?ïî*t,<ï?And <2n® of the ®o«t Indefattga- *"SS*?*? Administrators I have ever known. Whatever he undertakes be pushes to Ite lest légitimité extreme.” The reputation of Prof. Harkuess has bs- rÄSTXS* l8ÄSiJ ln* Vigorous and nr nshtng condition, ltts one of the largest Kbl*t Popular Institu- as1 P- op State qf IJelawgre. 'teguod, io long known and so highly iff,SW»j™*jwmpetent teach!?!'« n^ ed in the entertadae. Its prospeettare 'éî» ltd ,,0*e,,* ,re fréter now than WihainttOD. March 20.1872aha IX TEAS, COFFEES, SHOES AC, JiiÄWÄÄijy;:« H1"- R^!ttî!..°«fiSi 'L°v ïï «P»w. pteferiTa. *" Yotk «<* Fkiladal- Tha PBblle are r*ro«tfallr lavitad to clvt AT PRf088 THAT DEFY COMPETITION. NÎV yÔ?/m *'« wk,T of >ho Philadalpki. aad LATEST"d^YLE OF onde to oniffif, REMEMBER TUB NUMBER. nr l . , 80S MARjtET STREET. N. B.Iliokaat arloa vaid for Far,. (fstxtr àprnts, (tonveganrers without a SILK HATS on band and lyj R OCH EATMEE A MX, real estate agents, Votierten of lient», de., Conveyancer» and Collector» of Account», OFFICE-NO, 2.BRINOHUR8T RUILDINl) axrl-zaa* d«.24- HATS AN ID CAPS. a X a>a*23-tf IRlI A mpleadid BMortuieut of ul! The Latest Styles of ttstk aad Caps Fur Sprlnc and Sawiaer Wear. AT TIIIC LOWEST VASLI PRICES. PORTER A PBAIBTON. NO. 9 NORTH SECOND STRHET. Firat list Sti.ro above Market Street. mar.V! 3m PHILADELPHIA. J^EMOVAL. OGLE St HILLER, REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND AUCTIONEERS, No. 605 Market street, JHKW GKWBRY STORE. S. W.Cwr. rest« aad ■arkatEi.. .. WILMIBOTON.DKL. xrtfW saafta ts. me a Oytup, and all kiada «flloû««. üld Govern men t Java (Joffe«. LMuira. Rio. Groeu und KoAted OoffVV: thtTfinit fiKik ib M««!;!' Pura*SSva Chocolat*. VanaaeeUi, Mareroni. Walhina Si« (2 «reat variety. Toilet SoepTdUvar Olo« 8?ioV raata. Ralaiaa. Citron, Atmer., Mia« 1RÏÏ brSd Paaah« aad AM«. Creaberriaa. Bnwaa, tainted BuekeU, Bru,bei, 8|i«rm. AdataeaUn« and Tallow OaodtML and ail article# aaaally kept la a wall a,, ■ortad uroeary btura. Call and examine MJ «took *-l» JAME8 CRn*?^! CL, 1 Ms oflBMri RStOC liidrr». H is class (In tha MoCLARY BUILDING,) opposite tha Bauk of Delaware. PRRS0NAL 8ALE8 ATTENDED Tu. Harinc reiaoved from the corner of 4ih and Kinx atraata to the larze etera Wo, SU5 Market street, we eolieit order, (rom our friend, whieh will be ■Led with care and promptness. Wa have ample room and are aboat laylns la Urs* ettek of aew and elazaat Fnrnltnre, Bedding, and louerai JOHNSTON St BOGIA, BOOK - BINDERS, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. NO. 490 SHIPLEY STREET, WILMINGTON, DEL. Account B«oks ®f «T«r/ viriety «f rulin« und bind tac made tu order. MuxMimM. Mumq. Newspapers Rod Poblieuiiooi °fTu}tfck'Sit. Z1*** V ***** fi**!««. Both befog pruoticul workioen, we ere able to guarantee entire satisIRotion. Order» by luil prompt!/ attended le. aprl-lj in Houekeeplag Oeode, Ä.V«:Vfll.tbprié«0* 0U*l0"*rw*.fr^rÄÄ,biV.w.T^te,d*r- marlCtf Real Batata Atign'fl^iui W. H. ALLMOWD St BRO.,Ce.wnr 8th end Market Strnete, ud Bran- dywine Village, GHOOkiRIES TEAS, fiPICEN, Ac., dko. AIRO bOCOffV MOVMTAIM AMD WHITE At ^ % JPtstffi, Simrsrr, Rr. tufa I tie earthquake in Gaiifo-nia turn, out to be mo i more serwia than wa.at firat auppoanl.Tueacay.'s tncogia deapat h conveyed the idea tîiut but little more than the ordinary rambling a id swaying Imd occurred, but we now have it rjvHOMAn m. un««, Beere. No. 94M MARKET STREET. Will aell oheap for Caak STOVES, EAAGE8 AND HEATERS. ^ Alao. HOUSE FI.'RNISIIINU ROODS in- «raid T*V. ROOFtNa. SPOUTING, ranairia* and ax- C RpÄ3«Ü^ i>tov®# *roi**6jr attended to. m m Vihi lives have been lost, and that up to Saturday t ie time of the latest intelligence, tbe shocks still O O A. L. 2 Vater wheel, c >ntinued. o five days b ieu felt, nomenan I bis makes the unprecedented period ns that during which the shocks have I he particulars of eo curious a phe- ub this will be anxiously awaifcsd, aud f >r the sake of science it i, to be hoped the storm- aignitl stations on the Pacifie ooaat have accurate- ly noted os many attendant circumatnucas aapoa- Bible. 0r*«.f«00AL left at th. Yard la BreaSyai., VII- lîüh.* V lh«|^Ztof*, aère« r tth aa# Manat ,tr„U. H. F. PICKELS, Wwn. 1 aad « «an Fairtk kirt*l, WILHIXQTOX, DBL., Sole Manufacturer of the Celebrated Wreozbt Iron I «• «■«.SSZIhe. to the tea Mil I VOW MOMMY AND BUT YOUR Tens Cofftez and Fla« Oroonrl««, tenShFaawa i!5Srf*,**w Y0W 1 8® ro^AOKCUU^^^ 1 Gas Consuming Heaters, Ex-Uovernur Trousdale, of Tenneceee, died at his residence at liallatin last Wedneaday at the age ol 82. He was elected Ooveruor, aa the D*m- ° '™tic nominee, in 1819, and was ajmau of both integrity lie true Nntu I it. Alio, azood awortnient of Coozzio, Paauia iixiTixo Stovzs. SEND i «ant lrw-iw 4 COOK STOVES. J «ill- ^ffBllttuze al>d C*rbuB Co<,k' ^ismond Stott J parlor and heati.no stov*|. b*J*®ob Light, Sunnyside. Oaa and Magnet. Dawn Oaa Burner. Pearl, do., do Ackc ,hlPsrlor Cook. Tropic, Snn. Alao. a large auortment of ilonaekeepfna Hard- rnV'*cTln *nJ Ir"n Wurk. Roolngf Spont- NjB^-Old itdreo bought, fold or exchanged. E.tT dkaconT ' Mo. 118 MARKET STREBT, WILEISOTOE, DEL. I SifStVrteV1 o,, th* challenge parlor stove, Snparior to any in tbn market. Aire, the powerful rndteting f GOLDEN EAGLE FUBVAOE. kOnarantaed to girt morn treat with it* T*®- te»» Ml other kenter in nan. th« superior V. S. Double Own Cooking Range, b«Â".hJÏ?•tavn anr be betted. Call ssë •xiGlfis. A oomplala aMoriuMt al Cook I ta nod Heatin. Btoraa nprSeoetM-l GEORGE PARI h «0., No. 8 North Sthrotder Mnnafhetnrera of PORTABLE AND STATIOKAKT. . bility. c of tha Hsprcssatallaa IN8IIS. Horses, Dairymen and Cattle Raisers I CHADWICKS HORSE é CATTLE POWDERS <i Ktlitor of the Gazette : During u hliort vim 4 , , , 1 .*« your delightful little <ity 1 have ikii roueh mteientutl iu tltediscussioa «on g on in the }Hi]>erri about equal Repräsenta- tion, tor it in •» nuhject that has beeu constantly uiMUHAed in the p irt of the country where 1 live during the post several years, and not to much i-mi't. Hut 1 notice quite a change ih the ele- uieiitN; with uh the part B STMuttnms* founts y am« m »Ith PATENT IMPROVED. PORTABLE. ' CIRCULAR HA XV MIIaAAütiji 0«ng, dfkdeg andEn.A Sa» Milt*, »J « n* tirent Alterative, Tonic and Bleed Rargirr, b Are mrebeooa.inga STANDARD aad UNI V«B- KKMBUY. k Own*.a *r Mama. Dairy °vî.,n£?r£S e y so bitterly opposed _ »|U1| rçprtwontetiou is bare tbe neat aUmaiou for it. The article iu Saturdays Commercial, gir- *11 as th« heading of this letter would bar* up- jiesrcl m very few if any Radical journals of the .Simili, because it would have beeu utterly incon- sistent with their practice iu thorn State* where they have almost unlimited power. When the Comme} I ,td rtqmata the oft told tale, "that gov- , •ram-uts hare only thou just powere which com* R? wirou^h the consent ol the govenied.1 "do not » Meed to hi form him or any other logician" tagt ! there ire lew JU»I ooirert lieing exercieed in tev- «r»! oretea of the Union, nor in to* eoiiMnt of th* ■#*•>1 .ed asked! Wlicn tlie Commercial says that U1* i,ndaiu«utul principle of free gov*ruiuent it "that all suite, mature, htw-abiding oitiuo* mutt be equally represented iu tbe law making bodies," why does he confine this great principle m within chimney, whtn to tad n . enjoy enlarged political influence. Jin* principle require* that all the p*opi* should ntainl equal in their relation to the government, tbat one stiould bava or ttrougsr sootnli tkiossk j ,*1rght of suitrege, than another, and that in i a ■•'bclever deyiree one citizen is repreeented in tb* -«T Legislature, all other* ahoald be repraHail in jl J1»1 exactly the same degree ; no more, no lem.- |F' Indeed, wliy hoe the Commercial been eo loth to urge bis party to adopt this juatroe, or rather to V apply thi. justice in #U that eoantry aoath national capitol. Of couree he will resta_____ I party on tbe old argument of rebelbua -»-4 tree- eon. But seven year# Lave paused since peace was declared, and tbe people of these Butes have long ago come up to all the requirement* net for them by the Commercial and Radical Titgutalm*. ' yet the disfranchisement in coutinuad. Hoorn. lag and Mill .ueplie.general acaewfor Lafera CdAnui rialoffiRs i to F m m ol E Mra, Mid# nlfcdjg, _ Organa. Di,»*** of the'Lirer, Fever. Lose of Appetite, Uenenu Debility, ai v atlv* for Gotti* Flagon. Finnin . Olnmlere. Rot ia Hbanp, and all annual- U<I, diaenua; in fast, nil dlaeneo, wnnre internal reoisdlu nr* rtgaired. By thn use of tha.* pewdara Oreaaaa, beratebaa. Farcy Roll Evil, Fistulas, Di*tampan an, aaset from any onus* nrn^nred in half tha li lima. «____ Aa a 8pring **4 F*II Ftri#*r, t fljfN Powd*ri are thn beat known, Z>, _ f T r4, tonennd.tr.ngtk tothadigeeciTCard 1 ' - J, e «ns, glow, appearance,bright ary I greet spirit and vigor to tha whole greatly oaaiN the fhttealag of •took of any kind. A trial I, nil that it naked, n* Wind. ? IVO« ». üse R PUt«l NAffiRtoetarr NATHANIEL MELCOOIR, wm* .m.0fa-li Intellectual, indus- lîEïïfÏÏ" »4Y*nteKe8 xeeruing to 5! labor# of Fref. E.?!î? he ha# nlreadr ae- Jteral.ydrlt,-which will be whan by onr cttlzena, even y.»)» children shall have thonmwBtkmSre warnen. He has Watnence r® 11 «Ik.forever after hold > / tit lit V/ I Ik •1 I a (skin U In tlie nbikdiuw of his own low friend* In of to A LECTURE AttaBr T° YOUNG MEN! JaM PakUeleJ.ia * Seeled tknelnpe. Price 9 ernte - A.LEÇTURE aajtk. Natara, ITreatmeat aad , Th* worM-renowued author, in thia admirable re^?a*W* pravaa Dorn his owa axperfanee that tb* awful eonaeaueaaM of Bell'-Abna*uvkT afeetaally removed without medieiaea, to?with ont daratren, anrgiegl mitratlena. hoagine, in.tru- BMi*> 'laga, or sordini*, painting onto mods ot earn at one. certain and afketnol hr whtta I* U SÂïJWx'Liïafsffl.ifa,4« 4 >»r raie wholly*t aa# ofn atanl# *t are SM.tunr _, -,,-re th# pnblie ZlfPn irem ail qnnrtors. -jf-RW. H. Ubnlwiok wish** to Inlbra mead, aad tb* pnblie gee.rally that h* bas «M-emlal «or aboat » ytare in artetet I ~ &:x£v«rtof , , SolW *T" •» Uonan. OntUn. fihnap, ia. *•** Jta l'tteol tail-... æîés .'KUSLr&arw Urn MVP fo 9 BU OLM mBimp oint th tr< 8 th ooi m i X '* K «Rh,; rk 407 OR mm Mm."" »A •a» bit «rtty&T ter A BOON to W nt Prolific.It U not uncommon for tk# « Island fishermen to make a haul of onn million menhaden at one drawing of the «eine. '*£■ and, from these otherwise useles# flab la ex- tracted, on an average, eight hundred geitan, of oil. Very little of this oil ia ever quoted aa fish oil.but is used ax an adulteAttoT 8 ubatItute for linseed oil or neat's foot oil. JgENJ E. CLARK. A tell assortment ef MlPerlet fiMUl Clocks, Watches, JcwelryA Rf^W Cjrajkjtten. torn! ^ for mte.tdte.i3ta DW( IU8ANI B*#t uader seal, to ana •nvelepe, on tbe.reeeTpt plain eenltd ^•«.SMBtaS ofeia nr twe peet- Im te ream. aÖÄ'pVKT I Vmk.Â?SC?ÂÎÎ%M. 0AU ON •*v.a fS r pa Wirna fo S* or tot A. M. ORfRMHAW, r«.i '1 is* J wf:- \ 1f .^te Ki \ i

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EDUCATIONAL.Hats and c*ap$. (Us.DAILY GAZETTE. ' m r **-


IffiII.«ILE * MlO ?U. P. JOlINSONi Editob axd PaoraiaToa.

JRttl Ittal« Agents A Auction«*«, fis. SSS Market Street aba*« Matte.


ADMINISTRATOR'S SALI ORH o r s e i. Carriage«, and Hameaa,

Blankets and Robea,Being ih* Pej*on*J l»l» Joerph

srlu.1 xi hoLD ox

Tnetday, April 9th, 1872.éR'yofwïî-

miaf Ion. ». follow. :

Book«kub high. warranted aoand »ad kind la ail bara*H. on. of the beet family IA« JL. bon*, la «b* Hut.; baa trottad hla mita ia 2.40.

N», t—A and aura, "Forraal Maid,” aitbt

mtattoa a.If.ait. traak la It*.CA RR I AO (CS.—No. l-Oneahiftloa-M«

built by Thampaoa, Puehell A Co.: rtod N*. »-«hHttra-ten lu|«f. «oed Ma.N».Jf-rQa. a.w Slaitb: u#.J a f.w limaa. HARNESS—Un# aat ol doubl* baraaaa, rubbar

aouaUd and geld Deed, ia trat ratmmdar.Two a.ta of ,ingle baraaaa. oaa ad navar b*«a

«ai,Lot et bora* blaakata and oerera.On* flua lap rob*.On* lam* afghan, Ac., Ae,Sal* poaitir*.


D. KLDR1DUB RKUARDSON.Adminiatrator,

Alao, at th*aam* tim* and plao*. on. Bnotor' butta and harnam. uarÿ li

SACKlet mi

ïhk Daily Otzxrra i. publiahad every afUrnoon. (except Sunday) at 4M Market atraat,andMiYtiby carriers to subacribera in all parta of Wilmington and .the surrounding towns an|| villages, for tig cents a week, payable weekly. Yearly aubacribaik 13, in advance.

«S- ed In MMrtl Offlbfl Wlltalngwu «mR**.- «Bangtake. this method Tb# writer waa\#»uc of the Inatltutlon, îr.id'wîîl'k«. «

and therefore Ite friend, but he wae not and fresh stook of w ™ -

&U be^MM*KUfh* JSSilmWaGÜlÄWpM'«•Hwwtofôr# tto*^nŒ#«Ùy*&#ft waa ^t# CHORD Gl*OC8fV Slftlü

theme; the time ta# aow noma to ip«ak of oiioap UlVtWy JlOfO

IT# foupdkr ARD PRINCIPAL* , F<». 46 Market Btraat, (Ninth Ward iA mau M to be hoqpred for what ta b In him- fJHV Tbrnhtertbnr waald raapeetfkn. i . ' Mlf, but an honorable auceatry I# not Unwor- U *» Jriende aad tha pnkHt Un, k* L.for“ thy of regard. To ne the Wendant of P^'i“ 5resnactabi*. Intelligent, and rirtuoua for» aj^TwJftfc'V«latheiTcoMtltute» a »trou* çlâlm upon publie îlUo. «.perler Wtett aid UdalTwklT.. ̂eeteem andsoolal consideration,moreparticu- toldtttbalowest oltr prie« •*>' kalartytt that cibla be fortified by the exhlbl- «jak'^ïjjNfujtfc«ra.Tj-----------tton of Matter pewonnt trata 'TO?-?« ”* *"•

Professor John C. llarkneia la the dwacnmd_______________ _____ william BWlElant of one of three taottara who came from Scotland to this country early in the 18th cen­tury, one of them' aettling In flMMnelnMmtta, one in Rhode Island, aad the other la the South or Wust«

Th# son of the first of Ut«w—and the «rand- father of Ute subject of this sketch—was born to Lunenburg, Mas#., In 1790. H# bore a lieu­tenant’s commission in th# Revolution, and was engaged In the battles of Bunker Hill and Tlconderoga. Ills health becoming impaired, he resigued his coinmtMloU', and Settled In Camden, Maine, where he married Miss Eliza hath OU, a lady of Gorman birth, lie was a

Sroiuluent citizen, and held several offices in te gift Of Ills fellow-townsmen. Ills love of adlng and hi# extraordinary perseverance

are shown In thé well-attested fact that he one# read coneoauUvely day and night with­out sleep through au entire week, thus accom­plishing the perusal of Rollins’ AnMent History. '

These facts are derived from tha “History of Camden,” published at Halloweii, Me., iu

Dad«k*< l.idTHK fall «j

êThe DELAWARE G A ZETTE.’*,tahM*h« J 17*4.

i. the laigest aad moit flouriihing weakly ia the State, and has a larger circulation than any other •n the Peninsular, Publiahad »very Friday morn- ng at 12 a year, In ad ranee.


REPRESENTATION.What would eight or ten mpreaeatathvM from

Wilmington find to do in our legulatiir* f The legislature meets iu January, and ganarally a month is passed iu doing little of no business. The

representatives mostly go to Dover on Monday and leave there on Thuraday, but taka tbair pay for the whole seven days of tha week. Repre­sentation according to population would doubtleas double or treble the eapenaee ; but we doubt whether it would add anything to our libarty or reduce the taxes one way or another. The farm- ers of New Castle County are jaot aa much op­posed to lovying heavy tux« on land as are the farmers of Kent and Sussex, and hence no change could be expected in that matter, because th« votes of the agriculture! interest would neces­sarily be combined to protect their lands, which they say are now taxed as hsavily « they will bear.


2East Third Street,

PhWtOB, us new.



J. MARSHAL HARLAlir,(Snoot, tort* Uw.'L.'RUm



^•SIGNEES* rale.

The umlersignet KrniMh Moore, will II opposite the Lowar Market Hsus,


ai Assignees in trust of sell at public auction,

On THURSDAY, the 11th day of April, A. D. 187*4 at 11 o’cleck. a. id..

at the Hotel of Isaac C. Pyle. Market street, above Second, in the City of Wilminirten. DeUwmu.

1. All that lot of laiiiL with the dwelling house thereon «retted, situated in said city, on the eluter- ly ride of French street, between Seventh end Kighth streets, beginning at the distance offlUfeet from the southerly side of Eighth street, having a front of ,ai feet on French street, and running through ai that width to Walnut street.

Terms made known et sale.

YV e hope that reflection upon this subject will produce fruitful results in causing our people to settle upon some principle that may seem feasi­ble and that will lie productive of satisfactory reforms.

Genfs’ Fine Drrss Gloves,

216 MARKET ST.tebJIf

Fin* Tem*, H tavra êr Limon


I 8Ïp#îîîo?W~'- gfc;-«w‘-’


A,kialt*ation to bi, varied und w«l MlMted «took of

ANr> OAP8,

The Daily Gazette was given a wide circula­tion yesterday. As usual with the beginning of new enterprises there was some delay in getting to press, and our first edition did not appear at early as we desired, yet the paper went off so rapidly that we found it impossible to supply the

I demand and many persons who desired to pur- ,s ..-effete during the afternoon found

MJi))ly. This will be remedied in future.

The Commercial calls Mr. Wm. S. Hayes, of the 5th ward, “a virtuous Couucilman." The remark is not intended to be complimentary. Mr. Hayes took the liberty to atop the Com morcial and hence the sarcasm. Au extract reads thus :

William, in the lofty elevation of his sublime soul, has discontinued his copy of our paper! — This severe loss may be replaced by anybody else’s six dollars, and as the uext new subscriber put upon our list will no doubt have the name ot

. ikp heuest niitn, we shall be rather a gainer than * loser.

Mr. Hayes had certainly a right to vote to keep the city work in the “service of a Contract Ring,” and to stop the Commercial also; but does this make him noceesarily a dishonest man F His Democratic fellow-members did not so declare, al­though they voted very properly „against him.

The Proposed Siiu* Canal.—If the proposed Blnp canal were cut through the Peninsula, a Ivantagcs to our foreign commerce would be greatly increased. Estimating the distance from Hu It I more to the Capes at two hundred miles, aud the run up the coast at a hundred miles, before a vessel lays her course either for our own Northern p^rts or for those of Europe, there would be a sivingin distance of a hundred and eighty-two miles, and of expense, for an ocean steamer of the larger class, ot six hundred and twenty-five dollars etch Dip,


No. 400 Hhiplejr 8tfe#t, WilmingtonWholixili axd Retail Dialib


A„i,nce,, Ac.1899.

Thomas Harkneas, the father of onr profes­sor, waa burn at Camden la 1798. For thirty years he was a school teacher, and during part ot that time had charge of the High School iu his native town, one of the Best schools In the Stale. lie afterwards retired to his farm at Northporl, Me., which he still cultivates in a vigorous old age. The respect arid esteem of bis fellow citizens has been exhibited in his elecUou to various local offices. A fin# scholar, a successful teacher, aad a thoroughly upright man; such is his character aud his history.

John C. Harkuess was bom at Belfast, Me., Nov. mil, 1839. When be «vas five years old, his pareuts removed to Uaogor, through whose entire system of schools bo passed with honor, graduating from the High Schools in istio.— He also served kn apprenticeship as a printer, commanding the entire respect and confidence of his employers.

In 1864 he graduated from fiowdoin College, an institution founded in 1802, and number­ing among its thousands at graduates many now emieut men, among whom are the poet, Longfellow, and Gen. Howard, was a talented one, yet in sumo important respects he was an acknowledged leader.

Afterward he entered the Law School of Harvard University, where he was a class- matt of Robert T. Lincoln, son of the late President.

Entering upon the profession of a teacher, he taught in the Camden High School, where his father had been instructor many years be­fore. H* than took atasge of the academy at Angelica, Alleghany County, New York, at the same time being prominent in the inatrao-

i of Tsaehen’ InstiAiUs, whore bearoiated teaching hnndredsW tea chars. He thus

became desfd^ Interested ia the subject of

At this Mriod bis attention was called to Delaware of which to beard as the "uaraeu Statt of the Union” but as bavingao Maras! NebooL Ho casse to this city with the inten­

tion of establishing such an iaatitutiou.aecur- ing for its chartcr.oUaialngan appropriation from the State, in Its bthalt, airily subscrip­tions from our citizens providing adcouate and appropriate buildings.

f°î,m<>re than five yean te lias toiled ia this direction. Tha aehool, the charter, tha subscriptions-«vonrUUiuf km tha appropria­tion—were accomplished facts.

In this enterprise the character of the man has been revested. With unusual seir.deniai ands.lf-relt.noe h, bal Æui effortt

In the face of gre*t and fiùmeroua obstacles.

$Ä‘n^inherited by him. His energy and Industry are beyond question. Peaceable in disposition but unwavering in purpose, courteousln man- Sîüi.re “f*1 'S?1“1* I® ®lnd. he has done more than to achtere «access—he has deserved

Rev. O. V. Wisweil, D, D., formerly at this city, recently wrote of Prof. H.: haveknown mach of him and his history for five /jf!nYV><11 b*1,,ar«h1» to be an honest and trothfnl man, sincerely devoted to the work w *?ïî*t,<ï?A“nd <2n® of the ®o«t Indefattga- y®“*"SS*?*? Administrators I have ever known. Whatever he undertakes be pushes to Ite lest légitimité extreme.”

The reputation of Prof. Harkuess has bs-

rÄSTXS* l8Ä“’SiJ

ln* Vigorous and nr nshtng condition, ltts one of the largestKb“l*t Popular Institu­as1 P- op State qf IJelawgre.

’ 'teguod, io long known and so highly iff,SW »j™*jwmpetent teach!?!'« n^ ed in the entertadae. Its prospeettare b« ’'éî» ltd ,,0*e,,* ,re fréter now than

WihainttOD. March 20.1872—ahaIX

TEAS, COFFEES, SHOES AC,JiiÄWÄÄijy;:«Hpä“1"’ -R^!ttî!“..°«fiSi 'L°v ïï «P» w.

pteferiTa. *" Yotk «<* Fkiladal-

Tha PBblle are r*ro«tfallr lavitad to clvt

AT PRf088 THAT DEFY COMPETITION. NÎV yÔ?/m *'« w“k,T of >ho Philadalpki. aad


onde to oniffif,REMEMBER TUB NUMBER. nr ■ l . , 80S MARjtET STREET.N. B.—Iliokaat arloa vaid for Far,.

(fstxtr àprnts, (tonveganrerswithout a

SILK HATS on band and lyj R OCH E ATM EE A MX,

‘real estate agents,Votierten of lient», de., Conveyancer» and

Collector» of Account», OFFICE-NO, 2.BRINOHUR8T RUILDINl) axrl-zaa*


HATS AN ID CAPS.a Xa>a*23-tf

IRlIA m plead id BMortuieut of ul!

The Latest Styles of ttstk aad Caps

Fur Sprlnc and Sawiaer Wear.AT TIIIC LOWEST VAS LI PRICES.


Firat list Sti.ro above Market Street. mar.V! 3m PHILADELPHIA.




AUCTIONEERS,No. 605 Market street,


S. W.Cwr. rest« aad ■arkatEi.... WILMIBOTON.DKL.

xrtfW saafta ts.

me a Oytup, and all kiada «flloû««. üld Govern men t Java (Joffe«. LMuira.Rio. Groeu und KoAted OoffVV: thtTfinit fiKik ib

M««!;!' Pura*SSva

Chocolat*. VanaaeeUi, Mareroni. Walhina Si« (2 «reat variety. Toilet SoepTdUvar Olo« 8?ioV raata. Ralaiaa. Citron, Atmer.’, Mia« 1RÏÏ brSd Paaah« aad AM«. Creaberriaa. Bnwaa, tainted BuekeU, B ru, bei, 8|i«rm. AdataeaUn« and Tallow OaodtML and ail article# aaaally kept la a wall a,, ■ortad uroeary btura. Call and examine MJ «took

*-l» JAME8 CRn*?^!

CL, 1MsoflBMri RStOC

liidrr». H is class

(In tha MoCLARY BUILDING,) opposite tha Bauk of Delaware.


Harinc reiaoved from the corner of 4ih and Kinx atraata to the larze etera Wo, SU5 Market street, we eolieit order, (rom our friend, whieh will be ■Led with care and promptness.

Wa have ample room and are aboat laylns la Urs* ettek of aew and elazaat

Fnrnltnre, Bedding,and louerai





Account B«oks ®f «T«r/ viriety «f rulin« und bind tac made tu order.

MuxMimM. Mumq. Newspapers Rod Poblieuiiooi°fTu}tfck'Sit. Z1*** V ***** fi**!««.

Both befog pruoticul workioen, we ere able to guarantee entire satisIRotion.

Order» by luil prompt!/ attended le. aprl-lj


Houekeeplag Oeode,Ä.V«:Vfll.tb4Ä prié«0* “ 0U*l0"*r‘

w*.fr^rÄÄ,biV.w.T^te,d*r‘-marlCtf Real Batata Atign'fl^iui

W. H. ALLMOWD St BRO.,’ Ce.wnr 8th end Market Strnete, ud Bran­

dywine Village,




%JPtstffi, Simrsrr, Rr. tufa

I tie earthquake in Gaiifo-nia turn, out to be mo i more serwia than wa.at firat auppoanl.— Tueacay.'s tncogia deapat h conveyed the idea tîiut but little more than the ordinary rambling a id swaying Imd occurred, but we now have it

rjvHOMAn m. un««, Beere.No. 94M MARKET STREET.

Will aell oheap for Caak STOVES, EAAGE8 AND HEATERS.


T*V. ROOFtNa. SPOUTING, ranairia* and ax- C RpÄ3«Ü^ i>tov®# *roi**6jr attended to.

mmVihi lives have been lost, and that up to Saturday t ie time of the latest intelligence, tbe shocks still

O O A. L.2Vater wheel,

c >ntinued. o five days b ieu felt,

nom en an

I bis makes the unprecedented period ns that during which the shocks have

I he particulars of eo curious a phe- ub this will be anxiously awaifcsd, aud

f >r the sake of science it i, to be hoped the storm- aignitl stations on the Pacifie ooaat have accurate­ly noted os many attendant circumatnucas aapoa-Bible.

0r*«.f«00AL left at th. Yard la BreaSyai., VII- lîüh.* V lh«|^Ztof*, aère« r tth aa# Manat ,tr„U.

H. F. PICKELS,Wwn. 1 aad « «an Fairtk kirt*l,

WILHIXQTOX, DBL.,Sole Manufacturer of the Celebrated Wreozbt Iron

I«• «■—«.SSZIhe. to the teaMilIVOW MOMMY


Tens Cofftez and Fla« Oroonrl««,

tenShFaawa i!5Srf*,**w Y0W

18®ro^AOKCUU^^^ 1Gas Consuming Heaters,Ex-Uovernur Trousdale, of Tenneceee, died at

his residence at liallatin last Wedneaday at the age ol 82. He was elected Ooveruor, aa the D*m- ° '™tic nominee, in 1819, and was ajmau of both integrity

• lie true Nntu

Iit.Alio, azood awortnient of Coozzio, Paauia iixiTixo Stovzs. SEND i

«ant lrw-iw 4COOK STOVES.J«ill-

^ffBllttuze al>d C*rbuB Co<,k' ^ismond Stott

J parlor and heati.no stov*|.

b*J*®ob Light, Sunnyside. Oaa and Magnet. Dawn Oaa Burner. Pearl, do., do Ac’ kc ,hl‘ Psrlor Cook. Tropic, Snn.

Alao. a large auortment of ilonaekeepfna Hard- rnV'*cTln *nJ Ir"n Wurk. Roolngf Spont-

NjB^-Old itdreo bought, fold or exchanged.

E.tT dkaconT 'Mo. 118 MARKET STREBT,


I SifStVrteV1 o,, th*challenge parlor stove,

Snparior to any in tbn market.

• Aire, the powerful rndtetingf GOLDEN EAGLE FUBVAOE.

kOnarantaed to girt morn treat with it*T*®- te»» Ml other kenter in nan.th« superiorV. S. Double Own Cooking Range,

b«Â".hJÏ?“ •tavn anr be betted.Call ssë •xiGlfis. A oomplala aMoriuMt al

Cook I ta nod Heat in. Btoraa nprSeoetM-l

GEORGE PARI h «0.,No. 8 North Sthrotder

Mnnafhetnrera of


bility. 3»c

of tha HsprcssatallaaIN8IIS. Horses, Dairymen and Cattle Raisers I



<iKtlitor of the Gazette : During u hliort vim4 , , , 1 .*« your delightful little

<‘ity 1 have ik*«ii roueh mteientutl iu tltediscussioa «on g on in the }Hi]>erri about equal Repräsenta­tion, tor it in •» nuhject that has beeu constantly uiM’UHAed in the p irt of the country where 1 live during the post several years, and not to much i-mi't. Hut 1 notice quite a change ih the ele- uieiitN; with uh the part


STMuttnms* founts yam«m»IthPATENT IMPROVED. PORTABLE. '


0«ng, dfkdeg and En. A Sa» Milt*, i» »J

«n* tirent Alterative, Tonic and Bleed Rargirr, bAre mrebeooa.inga STANDARD aad UNI V«B- —KKM BUY.

kOwn*.a *r Mama. Dairy


ey so bitterly opposed _ »|U1| rçprtwontetiou is bare tbe neat aUmaiou for it. The article iu Saturday’s Commercial, gir- *11 as th« heading of this letter would bar* up- jiesrcl m very few if any Radical journals of the .Simili, because it would have beeu utterly incon­sistent with their practice iu thorn State* where they have almost unlimited power. When the Comme} I ,td rtqmata the oft told tale, "that gov-

, •ram-uts hare only thou just powere which com* R? wirou^h the consent ol the govenied.” 1 "do not

» Meed to hi form him or any other logician" tagt ! there ire lew JU»I ooirert lieing exercieed in tev-

«r»! oretea of the Union, nor in to* eoiiMnt of th* ■#*•>1 .ed asked! Wlicn tlie Commercial says that U1* i,ndaiu«utul principle of free gov*ruiuent it "that all suite, mature, htw-abiding oitiuo* mutt be equally represented iu tbe law making bodies," why does he confine this great principle m within

chimney, whtn to tad n . enjoy enlarged political influence.

Jin* principle require* that all the p*opi* should ntainl equal in their relation to the government, tbat one stiould bava or ttrougsr sootnli tkiossk

j ,*1“ r‘ght of suitrege, than another, and that in i a ’■•'bclever deyiree one citizen is repreeented in tb*

-«T Legislature, all other* ahoald be repra—Hail in jl J1»1 exactly the same degree ; no more, no lem.- |F' ■ Indeed, wliy hoe the Commercial been eo loth to

urge bis party to adopt this juatroe, or rather to V apply thi. justice in #U that eoantry aoath

national capitol. Of couree he will resta_____I party on tbe old argument of rebelbua -»-4 tree-

eon. But seven year# Lave paused since peace was declared, and tbe people of these Butes have long ago come up to all the requirement* net for them by the Commercial and Radical Titgutalm*.

■ ' yet the disfranchisement in coutinuad. Hoorn.

lag and Mill .ueplie.general acaewfor Lafera CdAnui

rialoffiRs i

toFmm ol

EMra, Mid#nlfcdjg, _

Organa. Di,»*** of the'Lirer, Fever.Lose of Appetite, Uenenu Debility, ai v atlv* for Gotti* Flagon. Finnin .Olnmlere. Rot ia Hbanp, and all annual- U<I, diaenua; in fast, nil dlaeneo, wnnre internal reoisdlu nr* rtgaired. By thn use of tha.* pewdara Oreaaaa, berate baa.Farcy Roll Evil, Fistulas, Di*tampan an, aaset from any onus* nrn^nred in half tha li lima.«____ Aa a 8pring **4 F*II Ftri#*r, tfljfN Powd*ri are thn beat known, Z>, _

f T r4, tonennd.tr.ngtk tothadigeeciTCard 1 ' - ■ J, e «ns, glow, appearance,bright ary I

greet spirit and vigor to tha whole —

greatly oaaiN the fhttealag of •took of any kind. A trial I, nil that it naked, n*


?W« • IVO«». üse R PUt«l NAffiRtoetarrNATHANIEL MELCOOIR,

wm*.m.0fa-li Intellectual, indus-

lîEïïfÏÏ" »4Y*nteKe8 xeeruing to 5! labor# of Fref.E.?!î? he ha# nlreadr ae-

Jteral.ydrlt,-which will be whan — by onr cttlzena, eveny.”“ “»)» children shall havethonmwBtkmSre warnen. He has

Watnence r® 11 «Ik.forever after hold> / tit lit V/

I ”Ik•1


U In

tlie nbikdiuw of his own low friend*



JaM PakUeleJ.ia * Seeled tknelnpe. Price 9 ernte - A.LEÇTURE aajtk. Natara, ITreatmeat aad

, Th* worM-renowued author, in thia admirable re^?a*’ ’W* pravaa Dorn his owa axperfanee that tb* awful eonaeaueaaM of Bell'-Abna*uvkT afeetaally removed without medieiaea, to?with ont daratren, anrgiegl mitratlena. hoagine, in.tru- BMi*> 'laga, or sordini*, painting onto mods ot earn at one. certain and afketnol hr whtta



“4 >»r raie wholly*’

taa# ofn atanl#*t are SM.tunr_, -,,-re th# pnblieZlfPn irem ail qnnrtors.-jf-R—W. H. Ubnlwiok wish** to Inlbra

mead, aad tb* pnblie gee .rally that h* bas «M-emlal «or aboat » y tare in artetet I ~

&:x£v«rtof , ,

SolW*T" •» Uonan. OntUn. fihnap, ia. ’*•** Jta l'tteol tail-...æîés‘.'KUSLr&arw

Urn MVPfo9 BU OLMmBimpoint th


8 thooimi

X '* K«Rh,; U«


407 OR■mm Mm."" »A•a» bit«rtty&T ter

A BOON toWnt

Prolific.—It U not uncommon for tk# H»“« Island fishermen to make a haul of onn million menhaden at one drawing of the «eine.

'*£■ and, from these otherwise useles# flab la ex­tracted, on an average, eight hundred geitan, of oil. Very little of this oil ia ever quoted aa “fish oil.” but is used ax an adulteAttoT

8 ubatItute for linseed oil or neat's foot oil.


A tell assortment ef Ml Perlet fiMUl

Clocks, Watches, JcwelryA Rf^WCjrajkjtten. torn! ^ for mte.tdte.i3ta


B*#t uader seal, to ana •nvelepe, on tbe.reeeTpt plain eenltd

^•«.SMBtaSofeia nr twe peet-Imte ream. aÖÄ'pVKT

I Vmk.‘Â?SC?ÂÎÎ%M.0AU ON •*v.a

fSr pa Wirna fo S*or tot A. M. ORfRMHAW,r«.i

'1is* J wf:-


