wildly alive kickstart guide...for example, “i don’t want to have cellulite” should be...

Nichole Kellerman Wurth Weight Loss + Lifestyle Coach WildlyAliveWeightLoss.com All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the copyright holder, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review. My easy, fun and proven method to creating the body you desire (without dieting or grueling workouts) Kick Start

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  • Nichole Kellerman Wurth Weight Loss + Lifestyle Coach WildlyAliveWeightLoss.com

    All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the copyright holder, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

    My easy, fun and proven method to creating the body you desire 
(without dieting or grueling workouts)

    Kick Start


  • Getting Started

    First off, please print this packet, ideally front and back. Or if you don’t have a printer don’t let that be an excuse, just use a notepad!

    Okay, you’ve probably heard of the Law of Attraction. There are hundreds, maybe millions of books out there about it. The Secret is one of the most popular. In a nutshell, The Law of Attraction is; The belief that what we think about and feel at our deepest level of our being is what we get in our lives.

    You love the idea but can’t really figure out a way to apply it in your life and make it effective, right? Maybe you haven’t even thought about using these techniques to manifest your ideal body.

    When people are trying to use the Law of Attraction most people skip a few steps, leaving them to think this is a big pile of mumbo-jumbo. They think they can just put it on their vision board, do some positive thinking and BAM, the results are going to knock on their doors. Then… well, what happens? Nada, right?

    There are four parts of the formula to really get the solution you desire;

    1. Create the thought

    2. Immerse yourself in the feeling

    3. Take action

    4. Be grateful

    Today, I am going to share with you exactly how to use this formula to manifest the body you’ve always wanted. Buckle your seatbelt baby,

  • because you are going to be wildly surprised by how fun and effective these really are.

    Before we get started we need to get crystal clear about what you want. The only way to manifest is by knowing EXACTLY what you want.

    So, what do you want right now?

    When I was trying to lose weight I used to say, “I want to LOSE WEIGHT, not have cellulite and fit into my jeans!!”

    There are a few problems with this statement, but most importantly it’s missing clarity: what the day-to-day would look like to attain those ultimate goals. Without clarity, losing weight, feeling better in your body and having freedom with food will never come into fruition and will feel like a hopeless dream.

    Dreaming BIG is great, but without realistic small steps it will be very hard to attract things you want into your life.

    So first thing, what small step would you like to start doing, this week or this month, to create the body you desire? Is it moving your body at least 3 days this week? Feeling totally satisfied after dinner without dessert 3x this week? Or finding an outfit that makes you feel absolutely fabulous?

    Get UBER clear on what you want, be realistic, and write it now.




  • 4.


    Good, before we move on, let me ask you; Is it written in the negative or

    positive? Is it specific enough? Is it in the present tense?

    For example, “I don’t want to have cellulite” should be rewritten to look more like, “Moving my body 3x a week makes me feel amazing and creating even stronger legs!”

    Another thing - I need you to make sure that your goals are written in your authentic voice. If you wouldn’t say words like amazing, stoked, or excited, or phrases like, “I am so happy and grateful that…”, then don’t write them like that. Write them how YOU would actually say it if you had achieved it.

    The bottom line - You are always attracting. In this very moment you are attracting things and feelings into your life. So let me ask you; Right now are you attracting good feelings into your life, or bad? How do you know? It’s all about how you *feel* right now.

    If you feel good (most of the time) you’ll attract good, if you feel crummy (most of the time) you will attract more crummy feelings. So we want to keep these affirmations positive (and realistic) so they create good feelings when you read them.

    Alright, with all that said, please rewrite your goals below:

    As a reminder, be:



    •Present tense


  • 1.





    YES! Doesn’t that feel better when you read those verses the others? I would suggest writing those down on sticky notes and posting them around your home.

    Okay, let’s keep going and make those goals come driving to you at FULL SPEED!

    I have many, many tools that I implement regularly to put the Universe “to work” in helping me attract my deepest desires. I share every single one of them in my flagship program Wildly Alive Weight Loss where I teach my sisters how to use these creative and fun tools to lose weight and keep it off for good.

    But for now, I am going to give you 5 tools I use daily, to give you just the jump-start you’ll need…

    Oh, and one more point I want to make before you dive in; As you are doing this work, you can’t think that by you doing this you are just going to wake up and find that you lost the weight overnight. Often when people do this work and try to manifest something like money, they think a check is just going to show up in the mailbox. This is far from the truth.


  • Here is a formula I want you to remember:

    Manifestation Tools (like the ones in this packet) = Opportunities + Inspired Action = True Desire (reached your goals)

    These tools will help get you to take the next steps into the body you desire. You won’t just wake up one day down 15 lbs. (yet, I know that would be awesome). So when the opportunity shows up, TAKE ACTION my sister! Seriously — Go for it!

    The only way for you to actually manifest what you want is by doing this work and saying YES to the opportunities knocking on your door.

    Have fun!!

    One more thing - please give yourself time in between each step, don’t try to complete this entire guide in one day. That will feel entirely too overwhelming and take the fun out of it. I would suggest one secret per week for 5 weeks.

    Open up your calendar, pick a few days and schedule Step 1-5 over the next 5 weeks. I know you want to say, “Oh I’ll remember.” but you wont. Take a few minutes and set yourself up for success with this guide. Open your planner and schedule!

  • Step 1- Creating Room For More Abundance With Forgiveness

    Holding grudges only holds you hostage of toxic thoughts (not the other person). When you truly forgive, you make room for more greatness to come into your life. I know this isn’t easy and you’ll probably resist it, but please my love, do it.

    I KNOW my life wouldn’t be as amazing and abundant as it is now without forgiveness (which you will see why in the video below). Please don’t skip this, you deserve this.

    Watch the video below to see into my own healing journey (this wasn’t easiest thing to do but I am here to tell you it was TOTALLY worth it):

    Please watch one of my first steps in healing 

    a very painful part of my life

    Kick Start 


  • Forgiveness Journaling Exercise

    When we’ve carried a grudge (whether against ourselves or others) for many years, it can be hard to know how to start letting go. A good way to start is to write out exactly what it is you want to forgive. Seeing a statement of forgiveness clearly written out can be a powerful way to help you forgive when you haven't been able before. Fill in the following blanks and see if that simple act doesn’t help you start to release long-held grudges.

    Pick a topic that you feel resentment around (if you don’t have something in mind, start with self forgiveness):

    I am feeling guilty about:

    I am over feeling sorry for myself about this because:

    I am no longer going to blame ____________ for:

  • I am finished with all sadness about this because:

    I forgive _____________ for:

    Above all, I forgive myself once and for all because:

    What I feel right now, in this moment:

  • After you have completed those questions, please perform a 10 minute Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) session on this issue.

    If you have no idea what EFT is please watch this.

    Here is an example of an EFT session on forgiveness: http://youtu.be/qgWUJ4pZaiM

    Step #1 - Set your timer for 10 minutes.

    Step #2 - Say your “set up statement” three times while tapping your Karate Chop point (see pic below).

    Example: “Even though I’m upset with myself for getting my body into this condition, I still love and accept myself”

    Step #3 - While tapping around the other 8 tapping points, vent about the situation. (Just let it out sister.) As you are wrapping up try to end on a positive note.

    Step #4 - When your timer goes off, take a deep breath and thank yourself for being open to this healing.

    Example: “I know I have the ability to change and am willing to put me, my healing and self love first.”

    Pssst, you WILL resist this. I know it looks a little “out there” and weird but I am telling you it WORKS! If you really want this, and want to finally achieve the body and life you deserve, you will do this… The choice is yours. 


  • Here are the tapping points: 

  • Step 2- Turning Your Dreams Into Reality

    This is a dream day exercise. What would you like your life to look like 6 months from now? No holding back here - go BIG (minus financial restraint or physical limitations).

    How my morning looks and feels now How I want it to look like and feel like (get specific)

    How my work day looks like and feels now How I want it to look like and feel like (get specific)

    How my evening looks like and feels now How I want it to look like and feel like (get specific)

    How my bedtime routine looks and feels now How I want it to look like and feel like (get specific)

    Kick Start 

  • Next step. Write down 5 feelings you want to feel every day (extract the 5 most common feelings above) 1.





    These are your Core Desire Feelings (thank you Danielle LaPort for this beautiful concept). Write them down on a stick note (or 2) and look at them every day. Every decision you make, every word that you speak and every move you make should involve one of these feelings. Sticky notes — go! Before you move on.

    Now back to your dream day above. In the space below, write down small goals that will help you to start creating that.

    These are the goals we’re going to work on bringing into your reality.

    For each goal above I want you to write down an Feeling Manifestation Card.

    Make the manifestation card:

    •VERY clear

    •Specific feelings you want to feel

    • In the present tense

    • In your authentic voice

    •And is short & stays on topic (you can always create another card for the

    other topic)

  • Examples: (feelings are highlighted)

    I am so happy and grateful that I am now waking up without an alarm, excited

    to get dressed every morning, and go to work with a positive attitude ready to

    bring my best.

    I have a man who treats me like a queen. He helps around the house, loves

    being active and healthy with me, and we have a great line of communication.

    I can tell him anything. I’m falling deeply in love.

    NAME! You are doing it! You have a successful business that is changing lives

    and making an impact! You love your job and it feels so good being well

    compensated for all hard work.

    I feel so connected. Connected to myself, to my body, to my family and to my

    life. It feels blissful.

    HOLY COW! Working out regularly has made such a difference in my life. I

    have so much more energy, confidence and I am finding a new found love for

    my body.

    When it rains it pours! I feel so abundant. My money is being well managed,

    my bank account is growing, and I feel this understanding and connection to

    money like never before. Money is energy, I need it to thrive and to be my

    best self. I can have as much of it as I want of, I just need to be open and

    just ask :)

  • [this page was intentionally left blank (printing purposes) 

  • Okay your turn, write your Feeling Manifestation Affirmation below:







  • Feeling Manifestation Card Feeling Manifestation Card

    Goal Due Date: When it’s meant to be (turn this card around)

    Goal Due Date: When it’s meant to be (turn this card around)

    Feeling Manifestation Card Feeling Manifestation Card

    Goal Due Date: When it’s meant to be (turn this card around)

    Goal Due Date: When it’s meant to be (turn this card around)

    Feeling Manifestation Card Feeling Manifestation Card

    Goal Due Date: When it’s meant to be (turn this card around)

    Goal Due Date: When it’s meant to be (turn this card around)

    Now, write them down on these cards to read daily (or create your own version similar to these).

  • Back of Manifestation Card Back of Manifestation Card

    1. What does this look like, exactly? 2. What does it *feel* like? Be specific! 3. What will you say when you reach it? 4. What will you do when you reach it 
 (ahem, how will you celebrate)? 5. “What must I change about myself + 
 actions I must take in order to 
 achieve this goal?”- be honest. 6. Protect your goals from naysayers. 7. Trust, believe & know that life is 
 MEANT to be abundant... always.

    1. What does this look like, exactly? 2. What does it *feel* like? Be specific! 3. What will you say when you reach it? 4. What will you do when you reach it 
 (ahem, how will you celebrate)? 5. “What must I change about myself + 
 actions I must take in order to 
 achieve this goal?”- be honest. 6. Protect your goals from naysayers. 7. Trust, believe & know that life is 
 MEANT to be abundant... always.

    Back of Manifestation Card Back of Manifestation Card

    1. What does this look like, exactly? 2. What does it *feel* like? Be specific! 3. What will you say when you reach it? 4. What will you do when you reach it 
 (ahem, how will you celebrate)? 5. “What must I change about myself + 
 actions I must take in order to 
 achieve this goal?”- be honest. 6. Protect your goals from naysayers. 7. Trust, believe & know that life is 
 MEANT to be abundant... always.

    1. What does this look like, exactly? 2. What does it *feel* like? Be specific! 3. What will you say when you reach it? 4. What will you do when you reach it 
 (ahem, how will you celebrate)? 5. “What must I change about myself + 
 actions I must take in order to 
 achieve this goal?”- be honest. 6. Protect your goals from naysayers. 7. Trust, believe & know that life is 
 MEANT to be abundant... always.

    Back of Manifestation Card Back of Manifestation Card

    1. What does this look like, exactly? 2. What does it *feel* like? Be specific! 3. What will you say when you reach it? 4. What will you do when you reach it 
 (ahem, how will you celebrate)? 5. “What must I change about myself + 
 actions I must take in order to 
 achieve this goal?”- be honest. 6. Protect your goals from naysayers. 7. Trust, believe & know that life is 
 MEANT to be abundant... always.

    1. What does this look like, exactly? 2. What does it *feel* like? Be specific! 3. What will you say when you reach it? 4. What will you do when you reach it 
 (ahem, how will you celebrate)? 5. “What must I change about myself + 
 actions I must take in order to 
 achieve this goal?”- be honest. 6. Protect your goals from naysayers. 7. Trust, believe & know that life is 
 MEANT to be abundant... always.

  • Keep these goal cards on your nightstand and every night before you go to bed, and

    when you wake up you read them (if you can say them out loud, even better). As you

    are reading them you get lost in the visualization and the feelings you feel as you say


    As these goals start becoming your reality say, “Thank you”, discard them and create

    a new ones! Add new ones by doing this worksheet over again if stuck — just keep

    reaching for more. That’s what you deserve!

    I am living proof that this works. With this exercise I have manifested:

    • A husband who is literally *perfect* for me (he is most definitely a soul mate of mine)

    • A life beyond my wildest dreams

    • I live in one of the most majestic parts of the world (Vail, Colorado)

    • I work from home (and freakin’ LOVE it)

    • I create my own schedule

    • I am changing hundreds of women’s lives, daily

    • I have a job that supports a lifestyle I never thought was possible

    • I have friends and family who fully support me (this wasn’t always the case)

    • I absolutely LOVE my body (this most definitely wasn’t always the case and it’s

    no where perfect)

    • I LOVE eating healthily, exercising and taking care of myself (I see my worth)

    • I have a healthy relationship with money (this most wasn’t always the case +

    took a lot of work)

    • I love my car, my house, my dogs, my wardrobe...

    To sum it up LIFE FREAKING ROCKS and I have this exercise + all my hard work

    (“inner-work”) to thank for it.

    If this feels a little out there, who cares. What would it hurt to just try? Fake it till’

    you make it!

    Get to manifesting sister!

  • Step 3 - Who I AM Movie Manifestation

    Please watch video for instructions



    Wow, so I just re-watched that video (in 2015 and I created it in 2012) and I’m

    blown away how many of those dreams have came true. I don’t find that

    coincidental and just validates that making time to do this is worth it!

    Watch the video - now check this out…

    Kick Start 


  • Since making this video here are some dreams that have came true, that are

    actually in this video:

    • I volunteered in Zambia, Africa and got to hang out with the most

    amazing people ever (a huge dream I’ve had since I was young).

    • Bungee jumped

    • Went white water rafting in one of the best places in the world to do so

    • Was treated like a queen at one of the nicest hotels I’ve ever been (and

    had our own pool)

    • Chilled with a Cheetah

    • Saw the Victoria Falls (one of the natural wonders of the world)

    • Met Steven Tyler (yes, from Aerosmith)

    • I eloped and married my best friend

    • We bought our first house together (which is a home I have been

    dreaming up since I was a young girl)

    • And now we have a little one on the way

    • Oh AND business is THRIVING — changing lives and making a difference :)

If that isn’t enough convincing that you should make the time to do this, I

    don’t know what is!

    Oh, and one other thing I forgot to mention in this video. When you find a

    song for your video, make it your ringtone on your phone. Then every time you

    get a phone call you are reminded of all these incredible images and feelings!

    This is a video I made for my clients in the Wildly Alive Weight Loss

    Program (which was once call Successful Weight Loss School back in the day).

    When your done post it on my Facebook wall wall. I’d LOVE to see it!


  • Step 4 - Letter From Future You

    Write a letter from Future You to Present You.

    Make the date today’s date, one year from now. In the letter, tell yourself about the status of your life, your health, your relationships and your “red carpet dream.” * What did you do to get there? * What is a typical day like for you? * What do you *feel* every day? * What obstacles disappeared once you started making you a priority? * What is the most important piece of advice Present You needs from Future You? Let Future You lavish praise upon Present You; kindness, sweetness, compassion and honest recognition of all your hard work. Because you deserve it. Read this every morning before you begin work; it’s a great way to load you up with positivity.

    When you get done with the letter, go to http://www.futureme.org and have the letter scheduled to send to you in a month, a year… however long you feel is best for you - a few times this year would be best.

    Want your results even faster? Create a letter for 3 months, 6 months, and 9 months, breaking down your year goal into smaller steps and schedule it to be sent to you. 

    Kick Start 


  • Step 5 - From Resistance to ROCKIN’ OUT!

    This is something you whip out any time you are feeling resistance, around anything really. But when you come up against the resistance you have to figure out the DEEPER limiting belief behind it.

    For example:

    Excuse/Resistance Possible Deeper Limiting Beliefs

    Working out is too much of a time commitment.

    My partner will be threatened by my new healthy body.

    I’m not a person who “works out”. If I have a fit body I’ll get arrogant attention from men.

    I can’t lose weight — that means I can’t go out with my friends.

    My friends won’t accept me if I am healthy. I will feel left out when they’re eating junk.

    Soda pop just taste too good to give up, I NEED IT!

    I don’t love myself enough to drink water regularly — because water makes me feel

    great!I've royally screwed up my metabolism,

    what’s the point?I’m afraid I can keep off the weight off.

    Making time for myself is selfish — what about my kids.

    I don’t believe toned, sexy women can be good, grounded, spiritual mothers.

    I am too tired to make love to my partner. I’m too ashamed of my body to make love

    Kick Start 

  • What does resistance look like exactly? Well to name a few it can show up as a feeling of: Irritation Contracted (tightness in your chest or belly) Tired Spacing out Grumpy Confused Overwhelm

    And when you’re really resisting something remember this:

    ***Your degree of resistance around a certain area is proportional and equal to the amount of power on the other side of that resistance.***

    WOW. Talk about motivation to move through it, right? So let these feelings of resistance be an exciting time! This means that once you move through this block the other side is going to be INCREDIBLE!

    This step-by-step guide shows you how to overcome that block, pronto!

    This assignment was inspired by this interview with Cathy Collautt. I have worked with both Cathy and Marie on a 1:1 level. These ladies know what’s up!

    Cathy is also a bonus guest expert the Wildly Alive Weight Loss Program. Where she shares so much more of her amazing wisdom.

    Please be sure to watch this interview for a great example on how to use this worksheet. It will make A LOT more sense when you do.


  • From Resistance to ROCKIN’ OUT Worksheet

    Step 1 - What are you resisting right now? After you notice the resistance, stay humble and don’t assume you know it all. Trust that your subconscious has something of value to say. There are little nuggets of wisdom within the feelings of resistance.

    I am resisting:



    Step 2 - Interview your subconscious with curiosity and compassion. What are your fears, exactly? Let it make its case so you can find those priceless gems of wisdom. Get details, very specific, then applaud them before you judge.

    For the next 15 minutes, without stopping, do a stream of consciousness on this topic. No thinking, just dig deep into the feelings that come up. This will help you find the deeper limiting belief. Set a timer - GO!












  • __________________________________________________________







    Step 3 - Make a promise to work with your subconscious instead of against it.

    Listen friend, I hear you, I understand what you are saying and I really

    appreciate you looking out for me. If ___________________________






    I won’t do it. I will only do it if that’s not the case, I promise.

    After you have written that put your hand on your heart and say it out loud.

    Step 4 - Get positive examples and case studies about why this belief isn’t true. Prove to your subconscious that it’s got it all wrong, and there is another way. These people in the examples can be people you know or people you don’t know, doesn’t matter. But the driving force is a solid example so you can start shifting the perspective.

  • Here are some examples that this belief is not the truth. These examples prove that it is possible:


















    MUY MUY IMPORTANTE - When these case studies and examples show up in your life, it is VITAL that you applaud them and say to yourself, “Thank you for showing me that it’s possible.” Instead of feeling jealous of that person.

    Jealousy merely means you want something they have and is such a great way to figure out your deepest desires.

  • In most cases, people often feel negative feelings towards the person they’re jealous of, which actually pushes that thing that they really desire further and further away from them. We don’t want that!

    We want you reaching your goals faster, which means applauding and giving praise (even if it’s just in your own mind) every time you see someone that has something you want (i.e. a fit, confident woman).

    This is so important. Do not forget this! When you feel jealousy, applaud + thank!

    Step 5 - Solidify and affirm. Create a few affirmations around this new belief.





    Write these on a sticky note and post in places you often feel discouraged (kitchen, office, etc).

    Here are some examples:

    “Losing weight is fun exploration of what works well for my body. I am open to trying new things.”

    “Having a healthy relationship with my body feels easy, enjoyable and effortless.”

    “Being able to look at food as fuel that energizes and empowers me is makes me feel free.”

    “I love being ME, as I am in this moment and no longer yearning for perfection.”

    Again, these would be great to put on your Feeling Manifestation Cards or just sticky notes around the house, office and even in your car!