wildlife biology monday 9 oct 2017 - steilacoom · pdf fileup the mission of the forest...

WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017

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Page 1: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode




9 Oct 2017

Page 2: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Entry TaskWhat branch of the government do we find wildlife conservation

& protection agencies?

• Executive

Which 3 departments of the above branch of government

oversee wildlife conservation & protection agencies?

• Interior

• Agriculture

• Commerce

Page 3: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Agenda Housekeeping

Government Agencies

Page 4: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

HousekeepingReturn assessments.

• If you scored less than a 2, then you need to schedule a

reassessment. All others may reassess if you wish.

• Procedures for reassessment are listed in your syllabus.

Notebooks to be collected on Thursday, 12 Oct.

Teacher professional development day, Friday, 13 Oct.

• “No School”

Parent/Teacher conferences will be next week, 16-19 Oct.

• An email will be sent for parents to sign up for a scheduled

conference time.

Page 5: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

- Established




• Gifford Pinchot, the first Chief of the Forest Service, summed

up the mission of the Forest Service - "to provide the greatest

amount of good for the greatest amount of people in the long


Federal AgenciesU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

U.S. Forest Service:

• Established in 1905 to manage public

lands in national forests & grasslands

(which encompass 191 million acres or

roughly the size of Texas).

Page 6: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Federal AgenciesU.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

• U.S. Forest Service History:

Link: https://www.fs.fed.us/learn/our-history

• U.S. Forest Service Region 6 (Pacific Northwest Region):

Link: https://www.fs.usda.gov/r6

• U.S. Forest Service National Forests:

Link: https://www.fs.fed.us/recreation/map/state_list.shtml

• U.S. Forest Service National Forest Maps:

Link: https://www.fs.fed.us/maps/

Page 7: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Federal Agencies

• Formed in 1970 when some of the oldest

agencies in the Federal Government came

together: the United States Coast & Geodetic

Survey formed in 1807 (physical science agency),

the Weather Bureau formed in 1870 (atmospheric sciences),

& the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries formed in 1871

(America’s first conservation agency).

U.S. Department of Commerce

National Oceanic & Atmospheric

Administration (NOAA):

• Formed in 1970 when some of the oldest

agencies in the Federal Government

came together: the United States Coast &

Geodetic Survey formed in 1807 (physical

Page 8: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Federal AgenciesU.S. Department of Commerce

National Oceanic & Atmospheric

Administration (NOAA) - Fisheries:

• Provide science-based conservation &

management for sustainable fisheries &

aquaculture, marine mammals,

endangered species, & their habitats.

• Two core mandates - ensure the productivity & sustainability

of fisheries & fishing communities, & to recover & conserve

protected resources including whales, turtles, & salmon.

Page 9: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Federal AgenciesU.S. Department of Commerce

• National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA):

Link: http://www.noaa.gov

• NOAA - About Us:

Link: http://www.noaa.gov/about-our-agency

• NOAA National Weather Service Washington:

Link: https://graphical.weather.gov/sectors/washington.php

• NOAA Climate Maps:

Link: https://www.climate.gov/maps-data

Page 10: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Federal AgenciesU.S. Department of Interior

Bureau of Land Management (BLM):

• Administers 245 million surface acres of

America's public lands, more than any

other agency, & located primarily in 12

Western States.

• BLM’s mission is established by the Federal Land Policy &

Management Act of 1976, mandates that we manage public

land resources for a variety of uses.

Page 11: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Federal AgenciesU.S. Department of Interior

• Bureau of Land Management (BLM):

Link: https://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en.html

• BLM History:

Link: https://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/info/About_BLM/History.html

• BLM Oregon-Washington:

Link: https://www.blm.gov/oregon-washington

• BLM Maps & Data:

Link: https://www.blm.gov/or/gis/

Page 12: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Federal AgenciesU.S. Department of Interior

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS):

• Mission is to conserve, protect, &

enhance fish, wildlife, & plants, & other

habitats for the American people.

• Manage national wildlife refuges located

throughout the U.S.

• There are currently over 500 refuges encompassing ~ 92

million acres

Page 13: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Federal AgenciesU.S. Department of Interior

• U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS):

Link: https://www.fws.gov

• USFWS History:

Link: https://training.fws.gov/history/USFWS-history.html

• USFWS Washington:

Link: https://www.fws.gov/wafwo/

• USFWS National Wildlife Refuge System:

Link: https://www.fws.gov/refuges/?ref=topbar

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Washington NWRsEarth Day (1970).

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Billy Frank Jr. NisquallyEarth Day (1970).

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10 Oct 2017

Page 17: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Entry TaskHow many agencies report to the Department of Agriculture?

What are those agencies?

• One

• U.S. Forest Service

How many agencies came together to form NOAA in 1970?

What are those agencies?

• Coast & Geodetic Survey

• Weather

• Bureau of Commercial Fisheries

Page 18: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Agenda Housekeeping

Government Agencies

Page 19: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

HousekeepingNotebooks to be collected on Thursday, 12 Oct.

Teacher professional development day, Friday, 13 Oct.

• “No School”

Parent/Teacher conferences will be next week, 16-19 Oct.

• An email will be sent for parents to sign up for a scheduled

conference time.

Page 20: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Federal AgenciesU.S. Department of Interior

Bureau of Land Management (BLM):

• Administers 245 million surface acres of

America's public lands, more than any

other agency, & located primarily in 12

Western States.

• BLM’s mission is established by the Federal Land Policy &

Management Act of 1976, mandates that we manage public

land resources for a variety of uses.

Page 21: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Federal AgenciesU.S. Department of Interior

• Bureau of Land Management (BLM):

Link: https://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en.html

• BLM History:

Link: https://www.blm.gov/wo/st/en/info/About_BLM/History.html

• BLM Oregon-Washington:

Link: https://www.blm.gov/oregon-washington

• BLM Maps & Data:

Link: https://www.blm.gov/or/gis/

Page 22: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Federal AgenciesU.S. Department of Interior

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS):

• Mission is to conserve, protect, &

enhance fish, wildlife, & plants, & other

habitats for the American people.

• Manage national wildlife refuges located

throughout the U.S.

• There are currently over 500 refuges encompassing ~ 92

million acres

Page 23: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Federal AgenciesU.S. Department of Interior

• U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS):

Link: https://www.fws.gov

• USFWS History:

Link: https://training.fws.gov/history/USFWS-history.html

• USFWS Washington:

Link: https://www.fws.gov/wafwo/

• USFWS National Wildlife Refuge System:

Link: https://www.fws.gov/refuges/?ref=topbar

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Washington NWRsEarth Day (1970).

Page 25: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Billy Frank Jr. NisquallyEarth Day (1970).

Page 26: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Federal AgenciesU.S. Department of Interior

U.S. National Park Service:

• March 1, 1872, Congress established

Yellowstone National Park in the Montana

& Wyoming "as a public park or pleasuring

ground for the benefit & enjoyment of the

people” & placed it "under exclusive control

of the Secretary of the Interior."

• On August 25, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson signed the

act creating the National Park Service.

U.S. Department of Interior

U.S. National Park Service:

• March 1, 1872, Congress established

Yellowstone National Park in the Montana

& Wyoming "as a public park or pleasuring

ground for the benefit & enjoyment of the

people” & placed it “under exclusive control

Page 27: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Federal AgenciesU.S. Department of Interior

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS):

• Created by an act of Congress in 1879.

• USGS is the science provider of choice in accessing the

information & understanding to help resolve complex natural

resource problems across the nation & around the world.

• Makes maps

Page 28: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife

• Mission to preserve, protect & perpetuate

fish, wildlife & ecosystems while providing

sustainable fish & wildlife recreational &

commercial opportunities.

• Overseen by a commission of nine


• Washington state is broken into 6 WDFW


WA State AgenciesWashington Department of Fish & Wildlife (WDFW)

Page 29: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

WA State Agencies

• Also manages 2,600,000 acres

(11,000 km2) of aquatic areas which include shorelines,

tidelands, lands under Puget Sound and the coast, and

navigable lakes and rivers.

• Works toward conservation, in the form of Aquatic Reserves.

Washington State Department of Natural

• Formed in 1957

• Manages over 3,000,000 acres

(12,000 km2) of forest, range, agricultural,

& commercial lands.

• Also manages 2,600,000 acres

Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR)

Page 30: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

WA State AgenciesWashington State Department of Ecology

• Created in 1970 in response to the rise in

environmental concerns.

• Environmental regulatory agency that

administers laws & regulations pertaining

to water quality, water rights & water

resources, shoreline management,

clean-up, nuclear waste, hazardous waste & air quality.

• Overseen by a director, appointed by the Governor & subject

to confirmation by the state Senate.

Washington State Department of Ecology

• Created in 1970 in response to the rise in

environmental concerns.

• Environmental regulatory agency that

administers laws & regulations pertaining

to water quality, water rights & water

resources, shoreline management,

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Exit TaskExit Ticket.


• List the executive departments & the wildlife agencies that

report to each of the departments.


• (This section is where you answer the question.)

Reflection: Nothing at this time

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11 Oct 2017

Page 33: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Entry TaskList the Washington state agencies involved in wildlife protection

& management.

• Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife (WDFW)

• Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR)

• Washington State Department of Ecology

Page 34: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Agenda Housekeeping

Government Agencies

Page 35: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

HousekeepingNotebooks to be collected tomorrow, 12 Oct.

Teacher professional development day, Friday, 13 Oct.

• “No School”

Parent/Teacher conferences will be next week, 16-19 Oct.

• An email will be sent for parents to sign up for a scheduled

conference time.

• Arena conferencing in the gym from 5:30 to 7:00pm on

Thursday, 12 Oct.

Page 36: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Federal AgenciesUS Forestry History: "Roots of the Nation" 1975 US Forest

Service – USDA (28:24):

Synopsis: A history of forestry & logging in America.

Link @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rr_fT8lBLDk

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12 Oct 2017

Page 38: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Established in 1905, the U.S.

Forest Service manages public

lands in national forests &that?

• 191 million acres, roughly

Who summed up the mission

of the Forest Service - "to

provide the greatest amount of

good for the greatest amount of

people in the long run.“

• Gifford Pinchot

Entry TaskEstablished in 1905, the U.S. Forest Service manages public

lands in national forests & grasslands. How much lands do they

manage & how big is that?

• 191 million acres, roughly the size of Texas

Page 39: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Agenda Housekeeping

Great Migrations

Page 40: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

HousekeepingNotebooks to be collected at the end of the period.

Teacher professional development tomorrow, Friday, 13 Oct.

• “No School”

Parent/Teacher conferences will be next week, 16-19 Oct.

• An email has been sent out.

• Remind your parents/guardians about arena conferencing in

the gym from 5:30 to 7:00pm on Thursday, 19 Oct.

Page 41: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Wildlife BiologyNational Geographic’s Great Migrations - “Born to Move”


Synopsis: Great Migrations is a seven-episode nature

documentary television miniseries featuring the great migrations

of animals around the globe.

Link @

Page 42: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

Wildlife BiologyNational Geographic’s Great Migrations - “Born to Move”


Question to be answered while watching the video:

• What animal species were featured during “Born to Move?”

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13 Oct 2017

Page 44: WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Monday 9 Oct 2017 - Steilacoom · PDF fileup the mission of the Forest Service ... Reflection: Nothing at this time. WILDLIFE ... Great Migrations is a seven-episode

No SchoolTeacher Professional Development Day