wiesner 1983 style and social information in kalahari san projectile points

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Ethnography, Projectile points


  • 5/28/2018 Wiesner 1983 Style and Social Information in Kalahari San Projectile Points


    Society for American Archaeology

    Style and Social Information in Kalahari San Projectile PointsAuthor(s): Polly WiessnerSource: American Antiquity, Vol. 48, No. 2 (Apr., 1983), pp. 253-276Published by: Society for American ArchaeologyStable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/280450.

    Accessed: 28/10/2013 13:50

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  • 5/28/2018 Wiesner 1983 Style and Social Information in Kalahari San Projectile Points



    The results of a studyon the relationshipbetween stylistic variation n KalahariSan projectilepointsandaspects of San social organizationare summarized.Five issues relevantto archaeologyare discussedin lightof the San data:(1)stylisticbehaviorand thedifferentaspects of style,(2)which temsofmaterialculturecarrysocial informationand why,(3)whichattributeson Sanprojectilepoints carrysocial information,4)what theresults of the analysis of stylistic variation n projectilepoints implyfor currentmethodsof stylistic analysisand interpretation,and (5) the correspondencebetween style in Sanprojectilepoints and San organization.THE SCENE IS FAMILIAR. A lonely scout outside a circle of covered wagons hears a rustle,then an arrow pierces the side of a covered wagon. He pulls it outnred with a quick professional

    glance identifies the tribe of the man who shot it. This banal Hollywood scene is the envy of ar-chaeologists-to be able to pick up an artifact, identify it at glance, and interpret its meaning. Un-fortunately, the procedure for archaeologists is more tedious. After excavating the point theymust try to place it in time, measure it from every angle, and determine if it comes from a certainpopulation of projectile points. Even if they can discern different populations of points, interpre-tation is not straightforward. The difference could be temporal, functional or stylistic, and even ifit is the latter, the information that it contains about intergroup relations is not unambiguous. Thescout has knowledge about three factors that are poorly understood by ethnographers and ar-chaeologists: (1) which items and which variables on these items carry social information, (2)what conditions bring about the use of certain items of material culture to transmit messagesabout social relations, and (3) how different patterns of stylistic variation over space correspondto intergroup and intragroup relations.Recently a number of ethnoarchaeological studies have concentrated on the above problems(Crosby 1977; David 1972; David and Henning 1972; Deetz 1965; Friedrich 1970; Hardin 1979,Hodder 1978, 1979; Hodder, ed. 1978; Stanislawski 1978; White et al. 1977; Wobst 1977). Most ofthe results indicate that although social information is contained in material culture, the cor-respondence is not straightforward (Hodder 1978), and that archaeologists need to understandmore about the principles that underly stylistic behavior. To gain some understanding of theabove three factors in a hunting and gathering society, between 1973 and 1977 I made extensiveinvestigations on Kalahari San intragroup and intergroup relations and corresponding stylisticvariation in artifacts. Research was carried out in depth among the Kung, and more superficiallyamong the peoples of two other language groups, the Xo and the Tshu-Khwe, the latter of whichcan be divided into several subgroups, among them the G/wi and the Nharo (see Figure 1). First, acomplete inventory of the material possessions of each group was made, and later more extensivedata were collected on projectile points and several items decorated with glass beads-head-bands, belts, beaded bags, tortoise shell compacts, and pubic aprons. These items were chosen formore careful study, because they were the only ones still regularly made and used by most San inthe study and were not significantly affected by the expanding handicrafts market in Botswana.Excellent current ethnographies are available for all groups studied. In this paper, I will concen-trate on the results of the projectile point study.

    Polly Wiessner, Max Planck Institut fur Humanethologie, 8131 Seewiesen, W. GermanyCopyright ? 1983 by the Society for American Archaeology0002-7316/83/020253-24$2.90/1


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  • 5/28/2018 Wiesner 1983 Style and Social Information in Kalahari San Projectile Points



    gc ?| NN,~< 3 Du * SehitwaZi /Du/da

    A Study site for Xo arrows _--Z* Study site for Kung arrows STSTo Study site for G/wi arrows ,. - I CENTRAL; KALAHARI, Study site for Nharo arrowsHISCALE: OGh kl_ _ GAME RESERVESCALE: 50km

    ~i ~~\I Xade Pan

    Bere ? A IA A * Lonetree I


    Figure 1. Map of the study area and sites at which arrows were recorded (left). Map of San linguistic groups

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    The Kung, the G/wi, the Xo and the Nharo are remarkably homogeneous in their economicbase, technological level, ideological systems and social organization, considering that they comefrom three mutually unintelligible language groups spread out over an area about half the size ofFrance. They share about 90% of each others' material culture, a fact which facilitated stylisticstudies as most items were comparable across groups. The Nharo will not be considered here asthey are largely settled on the Ghanzi farms where bow and arrow hunting is uncommon.The Kalahari San subsist on hunting and gathering and face the problem of high temporal andspatial variation in resources, as well as incongruity between the location of water and that ofother resources during the dry season. The abundance of resources decreases gradually from theKung area in the north to the Xo area in the south. The northern fringe of the Kalahari isrelatively well watered and has an abundance of protein-rich staples, such as the mongongo nut,which are absent in the south. Resources in the north are highly localized and variable from areato area, making possible the absorption of local scarcity by regional abundance (Cashdan 1981),something that becomes less possible as one moves southward (Barnard 1979).The Kalahari San have five levels of social organization-the nuclear family, the band, theband cluster or nexus, the dialect group, and the language group. In most cases, dialect groupsare no longer distinct due to the mixing of San in farming areas. The nuclear family is the unit thatis expected to provide itself with the basic daily subsistence, although it relies heavily on kinsmenin its own and other bands for assistance in food sharing, hunting, gathering, childcare, etc.The band or camp among the San is made up of one or more cores of siblings, who are linked bymarriage and their respective families (Heinz 1975; Lee 1979; Silberbauer 1972). Band size andseasonal patterns of aggregation and dispersal vary between groups according to the distributionof food and water in different areas (Barnard 1979). The Kung band has an average size of 25members (range 8-40) (Lee 1979; Marshall 1976), the G/wi band 22-60 members (Silberbauer1972), and the Xo band 35-45 members (Heinz 1975). The average Kung band inhabits an areaof 300-600 km2 (Lee 1979), the G/wi band one of 450-1,000 km2 (Silberbauer 1972), and the Xoband an area similar to that of the Kung band (estimated from Heinz [1979]). In all groups, fre-quent extended visiting brings about continuing short-term personnel changes, but a 10-yearperspective on band membership among the /Xai/Xai Kung (Wiessner 1977, 1981) indicates thatband membership is relatively stable except when demographic events make a band too large ortoo small to be viable.The major contrasts in organization take place at the level of the band cluster. The band clusteris weakly developed among the Kung, although four to 10 bands do specify certain areas in whichthey have worked out a regular pattern of land use and converge on the same permanent watersduring the dry season (Wiessner 1977). In the /Xai/Xai cluster, 42% of all exchange partnerships,which function largely to allow extended visiting (Wiessner 1977, 1981, 1982b), involved personswithin the band cluster, and 68% involved partners in other clusters.In contrast, the Xo band cluster is an almost exclusive territorial unit composed of three toseven bands and is considered to be the ideal pool for wives (Heinz 1979). Seventy to eighty per-cent of all marriages take place within the cluster in contrast to about 50% among the Kung. Xomove freely within the cluster, but would not think of asking for permission to use the land ofanother cluster (Heinz 1979). A good part of the organizational differences between the KungandXo can be attributed to the distribution of resources mentioned above, which makes it advan-tageous for the Kungto have more widespread ties and for the Xo to limit access to their areas oflandrights. The G/wi band cluster appears to be more distinct than that of the Kung,but frequentvisiting between clusters does occur (Silberbauer 1972, 1981).

    Although San linguistic groups cover vast areas (Figure 1), Kung, Xo, and G/wi informants didsee themselves as members of their own respective linguistic groups and had terms for thesegroups. Several factors hold linguistic groups together-exchange networks, intermarriage, maleinitiation rites and other ceremonial events, a shared language and universal systems of kinship


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    categorization which allow San to classify any other San in their language group by a kin term(Barnard 1978). All four linguistic groups had common borders, except for the Kung and Xo(Figure 1), and had frequent contact with one another. Relations varied along the borders fromfriendly to reserved, with only a few points where conflict occurred.Kalahari San social organization can by no means be seen as being representative of huntingand gathering societies in general, as it is well recognized that hunting and gathering societieshave a wide range of organizational variation. Those that are common today were not necessarilythe most prevalent in the past (Wobst 1978). A number of recent studies have attempted to ac-count for variation in social organization in hunter-gatherer societies (Binford 1980; Fox 1969;Gardner 1966; Testart 1980; Wiessner 1982a; Woodburn 1980). Three of these schemes comple-ment each other and together cover the variation in organization that results from differentstrategies used in the productive process.Woodburn (1980) groups hunter-gatherers into those for whom returns for labor are immediateand those for whom they are delayed, according to the amount of investment put into productiveassets. The San have an immediate return system which implies that no continuity in groupmembership through time (a factor that has an important influence on style [Wiessner 1982a])would result from joint investment into productive assets that yield delayed returns.Binford (1980) sees hunter-gatherer variation as the result of strategies of organization aroundresources. On one end of a continuum are foragers who "map onto" resources through frequentmoves and adjustments in group size, and on the other, strategists, who supply themselves withspecific resources through logistically organized task groups sent out to procure resources inbulk. The San fall on the forager end of the spectrum, suggesting that neither cooperation instrategic activities nor the delayed returns of bulk storage would promote stable personnelmembership in a group. On the contrary, groups are flexible in order to distribute themselves ef-fectively over available resources.I have suggested (Wiessner 1982a) that much of the diversity in hunter-gatherer societies stemsfrom different strategies to reduce risk: (1) prevention of loss, (2) transferal of risk or loss fromone group to another during, for example, ceremonial events or warfare, (3) storage, and (4) in-dividually or centrally organized pooling of risk. The last is a social method of reducing risk inwhich risk is distributed over the broader population so that loss is made more predictable andshared by those in the pool. Strategies for reducing risk affect the continuity of personnelmembership within a group, since returns for investments are delayed. The San fall clearly at oneend of the spectrum and reduce both short-term and long-term risk primarily through individuallyorganized pooling. As a result, groups have some continuity of personnel within a core of kin whocover each other's daily losses, as well as within the population that pools risk.Finally, Fox (1969) has discussed the "enclavement" of hunter-gatherers within a widereconomic system. He attributes highly migratory individuals, residential groups lacking in formalkinship links, and lack of extensive sharing between family groups to "fragmentation of the socie-ty into individually competitive units each geared to external trade or barter exchange" (Fox1969:142). Although there are many San groups who are "enclaved," except for the San in theGhanzi area, those in this study still had their primary dependencies within their own society.

    STYLEThe definition of style that I will use here is formal variation in material culture that transmitsinformation about personal and social identity. Following Wobst (1977) and Conkey (1978, 1980a),style will be seen as a means of transmitting information; thus it is subject to selection and mayconfer an adaptive advantage on its users, as should be obvious from the opening example.However, the concept of style used here will be limited to that which transmits information aboutidentity, because formal variation in material culture can include stylistic messaging that stems

    from several behavioral sources (Wobst 1977:325), and the understanding of stylistic variationdepends heavily on understanding the behavior that generates it (Wiessner 1982c).Research centering on personal and social differentiation has provided some concepts that are

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    relevant to understanding stylistic behavior. Individuals have been shown to view themselves asentities with certain characteristics that make up their sense of identity-identity that stems fromtwo sources. Tajfel (1978) and his associates argue that sense of identity is largely derived frommembership in different groups and identification with these groups. In contrast, Codol (1981), Le-maine et al. (1978), Zavalloni (1973, 1975), and others argue that an important part of identity isestablished through individuals' striving to differentiate themselves from similar others, leadingto a strong impetus for creativity and innovation (Moscovici 1968). Advocates of both approachesagree that e mechansm by which identity is developed and altered is thei at process of social com-parison, through which the self is differentiated from others and the ingroup from the outgroup(Lemaine et al. 1978; Festinger 1954; Tajfel 1978; Turner 1978; Codol 1981). In this process, in-dividuals evaluate themselves against others in order to achieve a positive self-image and selfesteem, and they have a strong desire to project this image to others in order to attain self-recog-nition.There are many channels through which persons can project various aspects of their identitiesto others, such as dialect or nonverbal behavior; one of these is style. Style, in transmitting aspectsof personal and social identity, will be affected by the social comparison process and should besubject to the conditions that determine its outcome, leading to expressions of similarity or dif-ferentiation. In interviews with San, the social comparison process appeared to be the major fac-tor affecting stylistic choices. Most San interviewed compared not only their artifacts with thoseof others, but expanded discussions to compare themselves with others (Wiessner 1982c).As there are both personal and group facets to identity, discrete corresponding aspects of styleare appropriate for transmitting messages relating to these. Here I will suggest that at least twovery distinct aspects of style exist and that these each have a different referent, contain very dif-ferent kinds of information, may be affected by different conditions, generate a different patternof variation, and thus require different methods of analysis. Both aspects appear frequently in thearchaeological literature, but their separation has not been made explicit; explicitness isnecessary in order to derive social information from style successfully.Emblemic Style

    The first aspect of style I will call emblemic style, that is, formal variation in material culturethat has a distinct referent and transmits a clear message to a defined target population (Wobst1977) about conscious affiliation or identity, such as an emblem or a flag. Most frequently itsreferent will be a social group and the norms, values, goals or property associated with thisgroup, and thus it will be used to express objective social attributes of identity (Zavalloni 1973:253). Because it has a distinct referent, emblemic style carries information about the existence ofgroups and boundaries and not about degree of interaction across or within them. Emblems canalso be used to convey other messages such as proscription and prescription (Wobst 1977), andthese can only be separated from messages about identity by examining the realm of distributionof an emblem and its associated artifacts.

    Through time, emblemic style would be expected to change gradually only with errors in repro-duction and to undergo rapid change only when its referent changes or when it is detached fromits referent (i.e., see Cleland [1972]). Likewise, as Wobst (1977) has mentioned and Conkey (1980a)has further discussed, artifacts carrying this kind of stylistic message lose their signaling neutral-ity when some members of their class become bearers of other stylistic messages. Thus, emblemicstyle would tend to be an all or nothing occurrence which Conkey has argued should first be used"with the appearance of a non-continuous component in the human social world" or "the need fordealing with boundaries per se" (Conkey 1980a:230). Because it carries a distinct message,emblemic style should undergo strong selection for uniformity and clarity (Wobst 1977), andbecause it marks and maintains boundaries, it should be distinguishable archaeologically byuniformity within its realm of function. Finally, Wobst has predicted that this kind of stylisticsignaling will be poorly developed in hunter-gatherer societies because few messages are suffi-ciently replicative to justify the investment in energy and matter required by stylistic communi-

    Wiessner] 257

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    cation, and/or because in societies with limited social networks, most of these messages are al-ready known.

    Assertive StyleThe second type of stylistic variation, which corresponds more closely to the social interactionview of style in archaeology (Deetz 1965; Hill 1970; Longacre 1970; Plog 1980; Voss 1977;Whallon 1968), I will call assertive style. Assertive style is formal variation in material culturewhich is personally based and which carries information supporting individual identity, byseparating persons from similar others as well as by giving personal translations of membershipin various groups (Wiessner 1982c). It has no distinct referent as it supports, but does not directlysymbolize, individual identity and may be employed either consciously or unconsciously. For ex-ample, it can be used to transmit a message that says "I am myself" without directly saying "I amnot like you." A San girl may wear beads in a certain way to express her identity without sayingthat she is clearly looking for a spouse or committing the indiscretion of saying that she is prettierthan others. Today, San men wear a variety of store-bought hats, often buying ones of the samestyle, but giving them personal alterations so that they express affiliation with others who are"modern" and have access to cash income and yet maintain an element of personal identity.Crook (1981) has related the desire of individuals to create a positive self-image, and to presentthis to others in order to achieve social recognition, to the evolution of reciprocal altruism. Heargues that persons who could present such a positive image would induce others to engage morewillingly in reciprocal relations. It is possible that assertive style could have originated to servesuch a need, as it is a suitable means of presenting recurrent information (Wobst 1977); the exten-sive energy and matter investment associated with it would not necessarily be a drawback, but anindicator of initiative and industry. Desire to present a positive image to partners in reciprocityand to members of the opposite sex was the most frequent motive for stylistic effort given by Saninformants (Wiessner 1982c). Thus, unlike emblemic style, assertive style would be expected to bereasonably well developed among hunter-gatherers. If Crook's hypothesis is correct, one wouldexpect assertive style to appear first in the archaeological record with the origins of regular, de-layed and unbalanced reciprocal relationships.Unlike emblemic style, assertive style supports but does not directly symbolize individual identi-ty. It has no distinct referent and consequently has the potential to diffuse with acculturation andenculturation, providing a measure of interpersonal contact for archaeologists. As a result, it cancontain information that is complementary to that of emblemic style by giving a measure of con-tact within and over boundaries. Whether it carries such information, however, is a complex mat-ter that depends on a number of decisions of the maker and on the natural, functional, and socialproperties of the object such as:

    (1) realm of function and suitability for carrying stylistic messages. Whether or not an item withstylistic content is a good indicator of contact depends on its role within the society. Artifacts thatare quickly made and discarded soon after use draw little notice and would be expected to bepoor indicators of contact.(2) ease of replication and complexity of design. As Friedrich (1970) has pointed out, stylisticfeatures are good or bad indicators of contact depending on their complexity and ease of replica-tion. Replication of simple design elements over a large area may tell little more than that somecontact exists, while that of more complex design configurations will be more sensitive indicators.Natural or functional properties of an artifact may limit stylistic features to a few basic forms,making these artifacts poor indicators of contact. Likewise, social decisions may cause designs toremain simple.(3) the density of an artifact containing style in the population. If styles are to spread with en-culturation and acculturation, they will only do so if the artifacts that bear them are decoratedfrequently enough so that their styles are seen by others and can spread. The frequency ofdecoration of a given item will depend heavily on decisions made by the makers when comparing

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    the artifacts with others in their class. For example, if the outcomes of comparisons are to dif-ferentiate competitively, styles will develop rapidly, and a large number of items in a given classwill have stylistic content. However, if the outcomes of decisions are intended to avoid duplicatingobjects decorated by others, but rather, to find other vehicles for self-expression, then density ofitems that contain style in a given class will be low. The latter situation is typical for the San(Wiessner 1982c), and, as will be discussed later, appears to be attributable to socioeconomic fac-tors.Discussion

    It should be added that style in artifacts which does not meet the criteria for carrying informa-tion about contact may hold other valuable information for archaeologists. For instance, in an in-novative analysis, Conkey (1980b) recently has used designs on engraved bone and antler as oneindicator of aggregation sites.Assertive style would be expected to have a profile of change through time different from thatof emblemic style because it is not tied to a distinct referent. Because its rate of change dependson innovation and diffusion, profiles of change through time may provide important indicators ofsocioeconomic changes (Kroeber and Richardson 1940), such as the increased need to signal per-sonal differentiation or a switch to an economy in which there is economic incentive to producenew styles to sell more products. With crafts specialization, styles may be altered to serve theneeds for personal expression of both the craftsperson and buyer.In principle, assertive style should be distinguishable in the archaeological record fromemblemic style, which has a discrete distribution, while the distribution of assertive style rangesfrom random to clinal depending on the above-mentioned conditions. Needless to say, in practice,factors such as patterns of discard and multiple occupations of a site can makhethetwo difficult toseparate. Unlike emblemic style, assertive style would not be expected to be an all or nothingphenomenon, as persons can choose very different items with which to express their identities.Finally, the dividing line between the two aspects of style can be a thin one, as an element ofstyle that is found frequently in a population may become a group emblem during periods of stressor competition. Both types of style may also occur on a single item. For example, the Herero ofBotswana mark their ethnic identity by a very distinct form of long dress crowned by a turbanlikeheaddress. They stand out from Tswana women in the same village who wear knee-length, shirt-waist dresses. However, within this basic dress form, stylistic changes reflecting personal prefer-ence occur in features such as neckline and fabric. These latter undergo stylistic changes thatcrosscut ethnic boundaries, often originating in the towns and gradually spreading to moreremote cattle posts. Thus the emblemic style in basic dress form gives information about ethnicboundaries, and assertive style in other features gives a measure of degree of contact acrossboundaries.

    ITEMS CONTAINING STYLEThe literature offers two theoretical bases for choosing items for stylistic analysis. The first isbased on the assumption that an item carries a stylistic message because it is one that is naturallyimportant to social identity (Rick 1980; Wobst 1977) and/or is efficient for transmitting such amessage. The second maintains that the greater the number of transformational stages an itemgoes through, the greater its chances of bearing social information, because each stage providesan opportunity to add social expression. This view has been explicitly stated by Wilmsen for pro-jectile points: "Projectile points may serve as diagnostic items not because they perform esotericor especially significant extractive functions .. but because they are products of manufacturingprocesses that inherently amplify morphological differences" (Wilmsen and Roberts 1978:26-27).To learn which factors influence stylistic investment, items of San material culture were plot-ted according to type and frequency of stylistic content by manufacturing time and useful lifetime.Following Wilmsen's predictions, stylistic content would be expected to be correlated with manu-


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    facturing time and, according to a suggestion made by Wobst concerning the cost of stylisticmessaging, with useful lifetime. Presumably the longer the lifetime of an item, the higher the probability that its message would reach others. When stylistic content in a given item is not cor-related with these factors, then one can assume that other factors play a role. Stylistic contentwas measured in two ways: (1) whether or not an item varied in type or form over space, and (2)percentages of an item that had additional decoration (engraving, carving, or beadwork).Decorative items such as jewelry were excluded from the analysis, as they carried stylisticmessages by definition, but their manufacture time and useful lifetime varied greatly.The results of the analysis showed an association between stylistic content and both manu-facturing time and useful lifetime. Items that were manufactured within minutes and discardedsoon after use, such as stirring sticks, bark spoons, wooden forks or hammerstones, had little ifany stylistic content. Artifacts that took a number of hours to manufacture and that were kept fora year or more-spears, knives, clubs, awls, musical instruments-showed considerable varia-tion in their forms. Items that bore additional decoration more than 50% of the time were mostfrequently items of clothing as well as everyday items that were highly visible in the group-bead-ed handbags, bone pipes, tortoise shell cosmetic compacts. Interestingly, there were virtually noitems that required several hours to manufacture and had a long useful lifetime that did notmanifest style at least 5-10% of the time, even though their visibility and realm of function did notmake them particularly suitable for stylistic messages. Many San express complementarity andavoid competition by elaborately decorating some item that is decorated by few others in theirgroup.There were two categories of exceptions to the above relationship between stylistic contentand manufacturing time and useful lifetime. The first was made up of items that took a long timeto manufacture but had little stylistic content because of limitations imposed by materials and/orfunction-carrying nets, dance rattles made of cocoons. The second consisted largely of itemscarrying emblemic style which were manufactured rather quickly in comparison to other Sanitems, but nonetheless manifested stylistic content in the form of group identity markers ormarkers of religious objectification-oracle discs, arrows, and wooden forks used in the pubertyceremony. However, other items signaling group affiliation, such as public aprons, go through acomplex manufacturing process. It appears, then, that factors which make artifacts naturally im-portant to social identity are dominant in cases where an item carries a distinct emblem. To il-lustrate this point, I will discuss the role of the poisoned arrow, which has a short useful lifetime,as well as a short manufacture time relative to other San artifacts, and yet is rich in style.Kalahari San Projectile Points

    San projectile points combine a 10,000-year-old principle (Clark 1970)-the use of a small pointto penetrate the animal followed by a heavily poisoned shaft to kill-with new materials. The useof metal began approximately 100 years ago, reaching all groups in the study area within the last20-30 years. Consequently, present-day variation in points corresponds to recent organization. Inthe /Xai/Xai area, men in their fifties and sixties talked about their fathers' experimentation withdifferent styles of larger metal points when they first received wire through exchange networks.These men did not recall making points of other styles themselves, except for reverting to theoriginal bone points when metal was not available. Apparently then, the current Kung metal pro-jectile point was developed and stabilized rather quickly. This is supported by the fact that 16points collected by the Marshalls in 1952-1953 show no significant differences from those cur-rently used in the area. Today, hunting with guns or on horseback with spears is rapidly makingthe bow and arrow obsolete.

    Although San arrows are kept tip down in their quivers out of the reach of children, theirvisibility, and thus suitability for stylistic messaging, is greatly enhanced by their role in the Kungexchange system called "hxaro," exchange that underwrites relationships of mutual sharing,assistance, and extended visiting (Wiessner 1977, 1981). Arrows are widely exchanged, and ofsixteen hunters interviewed at /Xai/Xai, four had only their own arrows in their quivers, four their

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    own plus those from one other hunter, four had arrows from two other hunters, and the remainingfour arrows from three or more other hunters (see also Lee [1979:249]). Of 236 Kung arrowsrecorded, 57% were made by the hunter himself, 26% were received from exchange partners liv-ing 1-20 km away (including camp members), 3% were received from partners living 20-60 kmaway, 13% from partners living 60-100 km away, and 1% from partners living 100-200 kmaway. The fact that more exchanged arrows come from partners living 60-100 km away reflectsthe Kung's preference for exchange with persons in areas with complementary resources, ratherthan with persons in the closest areas (Wiessner 1977, 1982b). The G/wi and Xo also claim to ex-change arrows frequently.Socially, politically, and economically, San arrows have greater import than any other singleSan artifact. Their primary function is a positive one-procurement of meat which makes upabout 45% of the San diet (Lee 1979). Poisoned arrows also carry a negative association, as theinstruments responsible for most murders (Lee 1979). San arrows have strong social importbecause of their role in meat sharing. Among the San, the arrow maker either receives a largeportion of the meat or is responsible for the distribution; thus San give and lend arrows in waysthat fill needs and solidify socioeconomic ties (Lee 1979; Marshall 1976; Wiessner 1977). Arrowsalso havige ignificance in boundary maintenance. Because many unded animals are not pur-discuss this possibility and maintain that if foreign people with different arrows are hunting near-by, eventually they would find out. Finally, arrows play an important role in San myth and folklore(Biesele 1978) and are used for hunting the eland, the animal that is the unifying symbol in Sanculture (Lewis-Williams 1981).

    STYLISTICATTRIBUTESFor the analyst, a task perhaps even more difficult than choosing items that carry social infor-mation is isolating the stylistic attributes on these items. Voss (1977) has emphasized this problemfor lithic artifacts, stating that the study of style in lithic artifacts may be even more difficult thanin pottery because the former bear little obvious decoration. Consequently, stylistic variation isoften considered to be that variation which cannot be attributed to other factors such asmaterials, function, or technology (Binford 1965; Close 1979; Rick 1980; Voss 1977; Wilmsen andRoberts 1978). Among studies using this approach, however, the choice of stylistic attributesfollows no consistent criteria and varies from the selection of teshatu are most obviouslynonfunctional and relevant to shaping an item, such as certain types of retouch (Rick 1980; Voss1977; Wilmsen and Roberts 1978) to selection of all variables that cannot be experimentallyshown to be solely attributable to nonstylistic functionStionStiles 1979). Furthermore, Sackett (1972)has stressed that important social information in lithic artifacts can be contained in attributesthat might be perceived by the analyst as purely functional elements. In this section, I will ex-

    amine methods of identifying stylistic variables and deriving information from them in light ofstylistic variation in San projectile points over space.The San projectile point has five component parts, as shown in Figure 2. The basic form is thesame for all San groups in the study (Heinz 1975; Lee 1979; Silberbauer 1981) and was used by allgroups for the same range of game animals. Aside from the blunt wooden arrows used for birdhunting, this arrow is the only one used today and has no variation in form or size according to theanimal hunted. Of 55 Kung hunters interviewed, 7 (13%) did not know how to make arrows andreceived all of their arrows through exchange. Of the remaining, 49 (87%) said that they hadlearned to make arrows by watching their fathers or some other close relative.The tip of a projectile point is hammered into a roughly flat triangular blank from a piece ofheavy gauge fencing wire. The Kung and Xo either hammer the tip cold or heat the wire first,while the G/wi use a bellows system to heat the wire to higher temperatures (Silberbauer 1981).The blank is then filed into the desired shape with a metal file, and points are often refiled toremove rust. The gauge of wire used varies but has no effect on the final size or shape of the point.The poisoned shaft is composed of the same piece of metal wire as the tip and is wrapped with


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    A B C D El-e

    1 cmFigure 2. A Kalahari San arrow.

    sinew, coated with poison, and glued with resin to a stem joint. This unit is connected to the mainshaft by a link carved out of giraffe rib or wood. The link is inserted into the main shaft with a firmbut detachable connection, so that once the arrow is in the animal the mainshaft can fall to theground, leaving the poisoned segment to work. When all materials are assembled, each arrow re-quires about 20 minutes work, 5-10 minutes of which are used to form the tip.Poisoned arrows are shot with a bow 80-100 cm long which has a range of about 25 m (Silber-bauer 1965; Heinz 1975). When well placed, they can kill within six hours antelopes weighing 100kg (Lee 1979), but Yellen and Lee (1976) estimate that as many as 50% of animals shot are notrecovered. Arrows are retrieved when possible. For twelve arrows examined after a kill, threecould be reused directly and nine were subsequently reworked to repair the damaged tip. Since inthe vast majority of cases retrieved points are reworked and reused, most arrows left in the ar-chaeological record would be stray finds, and few points would be found on living sites.Choice of Attributes

    The attributes used in the analysis were chosen primarily according to what the Kung con-sidered to be distinguishing features. On the basis of these, all Kung felt that they could pick outtheir own arrows after careful scrutiny, and 11 out of 16 hunters interviewed felt that huntingand exchange partners could also recognize each other's arrows. Of 55 Kung interviewed in 5areas, 17 said that they could distinguish their own arrows but could not exactly say how. Of theremaining 38, the shape of the barbs was mentioned 29 times as being distinctive, and body shapewas mentioned 36 times. Shape of the distal point or tip, symmetry, sharpness, direction of filing,and length of link were each mentioned by one or two hunters. The four G/wi and six Xo huntersinterviewed gave similar distinguishing features but also included size.Nine out of 55 hunters interviewed expressed pride in their arrow making abilities and statedthat they were recognized by others as being "the professionals." They were not necessarily thebest hunters. These skilled arrow makers were much more enthusiastic than others about discuss-ing the details of their craft, concentrating their discussions on precision and quality, not on themaking of specific shapes. Other hunters readily admitted that they "just made arrows" or thatthey made arrows poorly. In separating their own arrows from those made by others in theirquivers, informants seemed to pay more attention to quality than to the above-mentioned at-tributes, despite having given shape of base and body as distinguishing features.The variables and attributes chosen to describe tip, body, and base shape are given in Tables 1and 2. Symmetry was used as a measure of quality, and other variables recorded were: length ofeach component part of an arrow, details of filing, methods of wrapping the various parts withsinew, and decoration of the link shaft. All arrows were carefully photographed in the field, and asample of one to five arrows was purchased from each hunter. The /Xai/Xai and Tsodilo sampleswere measured in the field, and Kung arrows from other areas were measured from the pur-chased sample. All observations from the larger G/wi and Xo arrows were made from thephotographs because of a taboo against women touching arrows. These coincided well withmeasurements made on the purchased sample. The taboo caused no problem among the /Xai/Xaiand Dobe Kung, who were well seasoned in dealing with anthropologists and thus eagerlyawaited the slightest drop in hunting success, so that they could come to me and collect domesticfoods in compensation for the animal they failed to kill.

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    Table 1. Stylistic Variation in Kung San Projectile Points by Individual.

    Distal PointPerson Size (mm)a Shape0 Body ShapeCL W W/L 1 2 3 cv cv st st cc st asy sy index sd x sd x sd st cv cc 1.0 0.

    A/ Kumsa 11.0 0.0 7.3 .5 .67 .04 7 7 7 7N=7B/ G/au 9.8 1.0 7.3 .6 .75 .06 6 7 1 9 2 3 6 8 3N = 14C/ Debe 10.0 1.1 7.7 .7 .76 .06 1 6 2 1 5 3 1 8 2 7N=9D/ Kaishe 7.6 1.7 7.1 .9 .97 .15 1 7 1 1 6 2 8 1N=9E/ T/ashe 8.8 1.7 6.9 .7 .80 .12 4 7 1 5 2 1 1 1 6 5 2 5N = 11F/ G/untaN =8 9.0 1.3 7.4 .5 .84 .13 1 7 1 2 5 2 6 1 6N =10 8.4 1.4 7.3 .7 .88 .07 2 6 2 2 8 2 8 2 5N = 6 9.0 0.6 7.2 .4 .80 .07 2 4 1 2 3 6 2 3G/ KrauN = 10 10.1 1.1 7.0 .7 .70 .09 5 5 2 3 5 2 8 3N = 6 9.7 1.2 7.3 .8 .77 .10 5 1 1 2 3 3 3a L = maximum length, W = maximum width.b Distal point shape equals (1) very sharp, (2) sharp, (3) rounded.c Body shape equals cv = convex, st = straight, cc = concave, cv/st = upper body convex and lower body concav

    metric.d Base shape equals indented, straight, convex, degree of indentation measured from a base line drawn between

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    Table 2. Stylistic Variation in San Projectile Points by Band Cluster and Linguistic Gr

    Tip Distal PointGroup Size (mm)a Widthb Shapec Body ShapedL W W/L cv cv st st cv cv ccx sd x sd x sd x sd 1 2 3 4 st cv cc cc st 1.

    #1 #2KungTsodilo 9.9 1.4 7.5 1.2 .76 .10 7 10 3 5 10 1 4n =20Dobe 9.7 1.3 7.2 0.8 .75 .09 7 9 4 8 7 3 2 4n = 20/Xai/Xai 9.7 1.1 7.3 0.7 .77 .11 8 10 2 5 9 3 1 2n= 20Xo

    Bere 22.4 3.1 14.8 1.6 .67 .08 6.0 .5 8 16 3 17 4n= 24Lonetree 24.3 3.7 15.8 1.6 .66 .11 6.8 .9 4 5 8 13 3 1n = 17Kung 9.8 1.3 7.3 1.0 .75 .09 22 29 9 18 26 7 5 4n = 60Xo 23.2 3.4 15.2 1.6 .67 .09 6.3 .8 12 21 8 13 6 18 4n= 41G/wi 24.6 4.9 13.5*2.3 .56* .08 3.1* .7 21* 7 1 3 2 1 21*n = 28

    a L = maximum length. W = maximum width.b Tip width: measured 5 mm down from distal point.c Distal point shape: (1) very sharp, (2) sharp, (3) rounded, (4) very rounded.d Body shape: cv = convex, st = straight, cc = concave, cv/cc # 1 = slightly convex upper body and concave lowervex upper body and concave lower body.e Base shape: indented, straight, convex; indented (mm):number of mm indented from a base line drawn betwee* Statistically significant difference between G/wi and Xo points at the .05 level.

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    Stylistic Variation at the Level of the IndividualThe upper half of Table 1 gives variation in projectile points by individual for five Kung fromdifferent bands at /Xai/Xai. Individuals A through E are listed according to their abilities in arrowmaking as estimated by themselves and others. Two results stand out in Table 1. First, the arrowsof a skilled craftsman like Kumsa (A) are much more uniform and symmetrical than are those ofan unskilled one like Tashe (E),with the arrows of the average Kunghunter falling between theseextremes. Second, each hunter's arrows have certain characteristics that make them slightly dif-ferent from those of other hunters, but there is enough variation within each hunter's set so thatat least a third of the arrows could fit easily into that of another.In the other attributes screened, there were no statistically significant differences betweensets due to the wide range of variation within each set. The Kung say that this variation is impor-tant, as they remember each arrow by its individual characteristics as well as by the shape of thepoint.On 18 of 236 arrows recorded at /Xai/Xai (8%), the link shaft was decorated with one of three

    engravings-circles extending around the link, short parallel lines extending down the link, andall arrows, but not on those from other San language groups. Interviews about these marks re-vealed that they had no particular meaning but were put on an arrow when the maker thoughtthat it was beautiful, lucky, or when he was entertaining others who were watching him make ar-rows. These engravings did not carry information about degree of interpersonal contact becauseof their infrequent occurrence.To see if individuals had regular styles of making arrows over time, sets of arrows made by thesame person at different times were compared. The results for two hunters are given in the bot-tom half of Table 1. When asked if they always made their arrows in the same way, both hunterssaid that when making a new set, they tried to make all points like the first onehey made thatpleased them that day. Subsequent observations of arrow making supported this. Of G/unta'sthree sets, all made within six months, the first and the second are similar, but the third has veryasymmetric sides. In contrast, base shape of the arrows in Krau's (D)two sets are different. In thefollowing year I observed Kumsa (A) making a set of 23 very regular arrows, but this time withstraight bases. He said that he had forgotten what those in his last set were like. Thus a huntertries to make the arrows in each set alike but does not maintain a characteristic style throughtime.Stylistic Variation at the Level of the Band

    To look at stylistic variation at the level of the band, three to four arrows were randomly chosenfrom hunters in each of three bands at /Xai/Xai, combined into one sample, and compared to thosefrom the other bands. T-tests and chi-square tests showed no significant differences betweenbands at the .05 level. The sample of points from each band then represented the sum of in-dividual differences of hunters in that band, with no outstanding features being shared by allmembers. These data are not included in the tables as they yield no significant results.Stylistic Variation at the Level of the Band Cluster

    For analysis of stylistic variation by band cluster, a sample of 20 points was randomly selectedfrom three clusters-Tsodilo (8 hunters), Dobe-Qangwa (17 hunters), and /Xai/Xai (13 hunters) (seeFigure 1). The results are given in the upper half of Table 2. T-tests run on length, width, andwidth/length ratio for the Dobe; /Xai/Xai and Tsodilo samples showed no significant differences atthe .05 level. Chi-square tests to test for differences in attributes describing tip, body, and baseshape (categories were collapsed in a number of different combinations) also yielded no signifi-cant differences. Subsequently, the 16 arrows collected by the Marshalls in 1953 in the NyaeNyae area, the 17 arrows collected from three hunters in the Sehitwa area, and the 6 arrows from

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    A B C D E F G1cm

    Figure 3. Range of variation in central Kung San projectile points.hunters in the Ghanzi area were compared to a random sample of arrows drawn from thepresent-day /Xai/Xai collection and were not found to be statistically different.The above results indicate that there are no regionally specific stylistic features in Kung ar-rows. In variables that set off Kung arrows from G/wi and Xo arrows, namely length and widthof point, Kung points are remarkably homogeneous. For instance, difference in mean length ofpoints between band clusters is extremely small, from .2 to .3 mm, and the standard deviation ofpoints within band clusters varies from 1.1 to 1.4 mm. To see if differences of 1 mm to 3 mm inlength and width of points could be perceived by the San, seven hunters were individuallypresented with two points of different widths and lengths. They were allowed to handle them aslong as they pleased, but were given only one at a time, so that they could not compare them sideby side. They were then asked which was longer, wider, etc. For length, all informants answered"no difference" or "do not know" for a 1-mm difference, four out of seven correctly identified a2-mm difference, and all informants could recognize a 3-mm difference. For width, results weresimilar. For tip and body shape, informants could discriminate between basic category dif-ferences with accuracy (i.e., sharp or rounded tip, concave, straight or convex sides), but not in-termediate ones. For base shape, even the most minor differences, such as that between a .2-mmindentation and a straight base, could be recognized. For attributes other than size, there appearsto be a greater range of perceived variation in points, although the different forms were not foundin significantly different proportions between either bands or band clusters.It is not possible to determine if there is a stylistic division between central and southern Kungdialect speakers, as the latter are settled where bow and arrow hunting is obsolete. There does,however, appear to be a minor stylistic division between the central Kung and the northernKung in Angola, with the latter having arrows with a 1:1 length/width ratio and extremelymarked base indentations of 2-3 mm. I showed Guerreiro's illustrations (1968) to the /Xai/XaiKung, and two older hunters said that that was the way some men in their fathers' generationmade arrows, indicating that they recognized the arrows as Kung, but ones that differed fromthose made in the region today.Sample sizes of arrows collected in Xo and G/wi areas are smaller than those from the Kungdue to the fact that G/wi and Xo have an average of four arrows per quiver in contrast with theKung's twelve, and because of the decline of bow and arrow hunting in these areas. Samplesgiven for the Xo and G/wi in Table 2 thus represent all arrows recorded, not a random sample of

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    A B C D E F1 cm

    Figure 4. Range of variation in Xo San projectile points.arrows. Adequate samples could only be obtained to compare two band clusters among the Xo,that at Bere (twenty-four arrows from seven hunters) and that at Lonetree (seventeen arrowsfrom four hunters).Statistical tests on variables (Student's t) and attributes (chi-square) yielded one significant dif-ference at the .05 level between the two band clusters-a difference in body shape (Table 2). Ar-rows from the Bere cluster have largely convex upper portions and concave lower ones, yielding abell-shaped point (Figure 4a-b), while those from the Lonetree cluster have convex or convex-and-straight body shapes (Figure 4c-f), with only four cases overlapping. The Bere Xo recognized theLonetree points as coming from Xo "who are not our people," a phrase commonly used for Xo ofanother band cluster (Heinz 1975). These results suggest that the first stylistic division occurs atthe level of the band cluster among the Xo and that of the dialect group among the Kung.Stylistic Variation at the Level of the Language Group

    The bottom half of Table 2 shows the marked differences that occur in San projectile points be-tween language groups. The Kung arrows (Figure 3) differ from G/wi (Figure 5) and Xo arrows(Figure 4) by size, the latter two being twice as large as the former with no overlap in range ofvariation. Because of this outstanding difference, other attributes were not comparble. Of theother attributes screened, each was highly variable and not significantly different from that ofthe Kung except that the G/wi and the Xo had wooden, uncarved link shafts and a wider varietyof reeds used for the mainshaft, as these often have to be obtained through trade in G/wi and Xoareas (Heinz 1975; Silberbauer 1972).To compare G/wi and Xo points, t-tests were run on all variables and chi-square tests on all at-tributes. Results that are statistically significant are marked with an asterisk in Table 2. For bodyshape, categories were collapsed in a variety of different ways, all yielding similar results.Significant differences between Xo and G/wi points occur in tip, body, and base shape to make

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    B C D E1I

    A B C D E F1 cm

    Figure 5. Range of variation in G/wi San projectile points.the points of each language group distinct even to the casual observer. Of these differences, twowere particularly marked and had discrete distributions. The first was tip width, which had a3.2-mm difference between the G/wi and Xo with no overlap in the ranges of variation in the twopopulations. The wide tips and blunt points are compensated for by their razorlike thinness of .2mm(sd = .09, n = 7) compared to that of G/wi (x = .7 mm. sd = .17, n = 17) and Kungpoints (x =.4 mm, sd = .11, n = 7), tip thickness being measured at 1 mm from the tip. The second attributewhich is discretely distributed is body shape, with that of G/wi points ranging from straight to con-cave and that of Xo points from concave to convex/concave. Only 2 of the 61 points fell outside ofthis spatially distinct distribution of the two types. It seems reasonable to conclude that the Kung,G/wi, and Xo linguistic groups are separated stylistically on the basis of attributes that are readi-ly observable and discretely distributed within their group boundaries.

    It was not possible to generalize about what happens to stylistic differences at boundaries be-tween linguistic groups because most of these occur in farming areas. I was only able to observethree places in which linguistic groups intersected and bows and arrows were still used. The firstwas at Bere (Figure 1) where two Nharo families live on the Xo settlement scheme. They hadbecome predominantly Xo both linguistically and stylistically and made Xo style arrows. At thesecond place the G/wi and Xo boundaries meet, and most G/wi and Xo live in separate camps5-25 km apart during the dry season. Here G/wi and Xo maintain their own styles, although theyclaim to exchange arrows. Three Xo informants said that they liked to get G/wi arrows whichwere sharper and better. When I asked why they did not make them that way they gave the stan-dard reply, "because they were Xo and did not know how." Since G/wi and Xo engage in impor-tant exchanges of meat and skin for access to water and store-bought goods, this stylistic dif-ference may help maintain formal relations and thus promote smoother interaction (Barth 1969;Wobst 1977). However, arrow exchange appeared to be only occasional and I found no Xo ar-rows in G/wi quivers or vice versa. The third intersection point was on a farm in N.W. Ghanziwhere two Kung and one G/wi still had quivers. Each returned to his respective region to hunt

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    and maintained his own group's style of arrow making. Thus mixing or blending of styles in borderareas would be minimal, despite frequent interaction. A much greater source of mixing of styleswould result from wounded animals crossing these boundaries and dying in another area.Ethnographic Perspective

    Kalahari San arrows contain both emblemic and assertive style as indicated by their profiles ofvariation over space. The former clearly marks differences between language groups and mayalso function at the level of the dialect group and/or band cluster. The latter was present in at-tributes relating to body shape, base shape, quality, and other features such as link shaft engrav-ings.The occurrence of these two types of style, as they could be inferred from their profiles ofspatial variation, was cross-checked ethnographically. The two to five arrows which had beencollected from each hunter were kept for approximately a year, mixed with those of others, andpresented for identification. First, 10 Kung were individually shown samples of 5 to 10 arrows,which included one or more of their own arrows, an arrow of an exchange partner and at leastone arrow from a Kung in a distant area. Interestingly, only two could correctly identify theirown arrows, and one thought that the arrow of an exchange partner was his own. No Kungregarded arrows from other areas as different. They were surprised by this and found it hilariousthat they could not identify their own arrows long after they had left their quivers.The Kung then do not use style to clearly signal ownership of arrows, although while makingthem they do include some elements of personal expression which aid in identification. Forhunters who make arrows together or exchange arrows, similarities in certain aspects of their ar-rows may serve to express shared ideas or friendship at the time, while other aspects express in-dividuality. Unlike features relating to linguistic group identity, these more casual features ap-pear to be the result of momentary decisions and display little continuity through time. For ar-chaeologists, these features hold little information about degree of contact other than perhapsthat contact does exist, for reasons which will be discussed later.Next, arrows from the three linguistic groups were presented to the above-mentioned Kung aswell as to three G/wi and three Xo hunters. Informants were encouraged to discuss the arrowswith others. The Kung reacted to the G/wi and Xo arrows with surprise and anxiety. A discus-sion ensued from one small group about what they would do if they found a dead animal with suchan arrow embedded in it in their own area, saying that they would be worried about the possibili-ty that a stranger was nearby about whom they knew nothing at all. Although afraid of Kungstrangers as well, they said that if a man makes arrows in the same way, one could be fairly surethat he shares similar values around hunting, landrights, and general conduct. Otherwise theKung were impressed by the large sharp G/wi arrows, said that they must have been made bypeople who "know things," and suggested that the larger tip might be more accurate than theirown. They were dubious about the effectiveness of the blunter, thin Xo points.The G/wi and Xo informants who had never seen Kungarrows before first laughed saying thatthey were pathetic and could not kill anything, but after careful consideration mentioned that thesmall tip might allow the poison to enter more effectively. Because the G/wi and Xo interviewedhad contact with one another in the dry season, they could correctly identify each other's arrows.They attributed the stylistic differences to the fact that the arrows were made by different peoplewho did things in a different way. Both Xo and G/wi admitted that the G/wi point was probably amore effective design.Thus for the San, the emblemic style carries a clear message to members of a linguistic groupas to whether arrows come from their own group or a foreign one. In the former case it signalsthat the maker also holds similar values. In the latter case, the stylistic difference may eithersignal another set of values and practices, if the two groups are known to each other, or if not,that its maker is foreign and his behavior is unpredictable. For archaeologists, these stylistic dif-ferences could be used to delimit the boundaries between language groups, but they give no fur-ther information about degree of contact across them.

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    DiscussionAlthough the above analysis was carried out on metal projectile points, a number of findingsshould be relevant for lithic points as well. First, San projectile points, which like many lithic toolshave a limited number of alternative designs due to restrictions imposed by materials, technologyand function, are suitable for carrying style as an emblem to mark boundaries. But they appear tobe less appropriate for bearing style that contains information about contact between groups,probably because: (1) the ease with which each simple alternative design can be remembered andduplicated makes it a poor indicator of contact and (2) given a common material, technology, andpurpose and restrictions imposed by other stylistic attributes, individuals are likely to arrive ateach of a number of possible designs independently. Consequently, the diffusion of style may notbe dependent on degree of contact. Under these circumstances, when stylistic variation does oc-cur, it becomes very difficult to interpret. This point is illustrated in the study of White et al.(1977) among the Duna of Papua New Guinea. After a careful study of formal variation in Dunamultipurpose flake tools, they conclude that if materials and purpose are one, then a rather con-

    sistent form will result among all groups despite differences in degrees of contact. The significantvariation that they did find in one out of five communities was difficult to explain. Before stylisticvariation is interpreted in terms of differential contact, then, the following properties that mightmake it an indicator of contact should be considered: (1) complexity of design and ease with whichit can be replicated and/or achieved independently, (2) possible range of variation given restric-tions imposed by materials, technology, and function as well as other stylistic features (i.e., sizeamong the Kung),and (3) the frequency of stylistic investment on a given type of artifact and thusthe signal density within the population.Secondly, of potential importance for studies of lithic artifacts is the fact that the choice ofstylistic attributes on projectile points follows no regular pattern. For instance, no single attributeconsistently carried information about linguistic group affiliation. The Kunguse size for this pur-pose, and the G/wi and Xo tip and body shape. Size, a variable that carries information aboutlinguistic group identity among the Kung, is one contributing factor to individual identification ofarrows made among the G/wi and Xo. Attributes that contain emblemic and assertive style varyfrom those that are detached from function and technology and are used largely to shape a point,such as shape of sides and barbs, to others that play an important role in the functional perfor-mance of an arrow-size, tip shape, and thickness. These results support the proposal of Stiles(1979), that in choosing stylistic attributes, one should omit only attributes whose variation can beproven by experiment to be exclusively caused by function. Until such variables are establishedby experiment, the method proposed by Close (1979) is effective if carried out conservatively.That is, items and attributes on these items which vary over space are selected as potential car-riers of social information, and then functional hypotheses that might explain this variation aresystematically excluded. Since homogeneity can be as important a social indicator as variability,this method should not be restricted to attributes that vary, but extended also to those that havemany possible alternate forms, but that are homogeneous over space.Thirdly, the San results bring to light the possibility that different attributes on a given item cansimultaneously carry different social messages. For instance, on Kung points, size carries clearinformation about linguistic group affiliation while other attributes such as tip, body, and baseshape contain individual expression. Among the Xo, tip and body shape distinguish G/wi from Xopoints, shape of sides signals band cluster membership, while shape of base signals individual ex-pression. Close (1979:234) has proposed that "aspects of the typology which do not co-vary withstylistic attributes may be those which were primarily functionally determined," but the San dataindicate that stylistic features that do not co-vary may be ones that have different referents. Con-sequently, profiles of variation in single attributes should be screened before stylistic types aredefined.

    Finally, the San results underscore the importance of employing spatial perspectives as broadas possible in stylistic analyses. The variation present in the points from any San camp could beused in a variety of hypotheses about San organization, ranging from the presence of different

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    bands at different times at one site (Rick 1980) to the presence of one band with several hunters,to the hypothesis that the differences in points indicate that members of the band were onlytogether for part of the year (Voss 1977).STYLISTICVARIATION AND SAN ORGANIZATION

    The final goal of the study was to look at (1) conditions that evoke the use of style to signal per-sonal and social similarity or differentiation and (2) the combination of these conditions operatingin a given form of organization, to learn whether it generates a characteristic pattern of stylisticvariation over space. With respect to the first question, research concerning the conditions thatpromote interpersonal differentiation has shown that both situations that lead to extreme unifor-mity between individuals and those that promote competition cause individuals to differentiatethemselves from others in order to establish their own identities (Lemaine et al. 1978; Turner1978). Among the San, both factors play a role and result in an interesting stylistic pattern at thelevel of the individual. On the one hand, a lack of overt interindividual competition among the Sanmanifests itself in the absence of ownership marks or highly developed personal styles in arrows.The lack of competition can be largely attributed to the risk-sharing strategy of the San (Wiessner1982b), a strategy that is only effective if an individual can receive access to goods and resourcesin periods of both high and low productivity. It is the San's egalitarian norms that allow each fami-ly to maintain the status of equal citizen entitled to a share of meat or resources regardless of re-cent economic success. San constantly work at reinforcing this norm with a code of extrememodesty (Lee 1979; Marshall 1976), particularly with regard to hunting. As Marshall says, "thesociety seems to want to extinguish in every possible way the concept of the meat belonging to thehunter" (1976:297).On the other hand, San also react stylistically against uniformity in their egalitarian societyand strive to differentiate themselves from others by choosing different objects or art forms forpersonal expression. In this way they find their own niches and express complementarity ratherthan competitiveness. This has two stylistic effects: (1) most curated artifacts are decorated by atleast 5-10% of the population and (2) there is a wide range of quality in many artifacts becauselimited numbers of persons put individual expression into them. For example, in San arrows only3-8% of all link shafts were decorated, and only 9 out of 55 (16%) arrow makers were consideredto be experts producing arrow sets of excellent quality, quality being measured by symmetry andsimilarity of arrows in a set. In the Dobe and Tsodilo areas, of 40 randomly chosen arrows,30% were symmetric and carefully made, 43% slightly asymmetric and moderately well made,and the remaining 27% asymmetric and poorly made. Although quality may be difficult tomeasure archaeologically by fixed standards, changes in the range of quality might be detectedthrough time, and the effect of competition on quality could be tested by an experiment in whichknappers are asked to make a set of projectile points under a variety of competitive and non-competitive conditions.Research on group differentiation also yields results pertinent to style. Numerous experimentshave shown that classification of persons into groups, even on a completely arbitrary basis,results in discrimination at a high level of significance (Tajfel 1978). Apparently this effect is dueto the role that identification with a group plays in establishing identity. However, only in situa-tions where other conditions such as stress and competition are present does this differentiationbecome marked. Style would be most appropriate for expressing group affiliation under stressfulconditions because of its efficiency for transferring recurrent messages to a socially distant seg-ment of a population (Wobst 1977). It also is a tactful means of communication which allows infor-mation exchange to take place prior to interaction. It is not surprising, then, that Hodder (1979)has found that style is accentuated by socioeconomic stress.Among the San, the lack of competition between bands and the efforts of each family to blenditself into the larger population in order to obtain access to the resources of others in the pool mayexplain the lack of stylistic expression at the level of the band. At the level of the language group,however, stylistic divisions clearly occur. There is, however, no evidence of socioeconomic

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    competition between groups. To the contrary, most San living in the center of linguistic groups areonly vaguely aware of the existence of other San. Kung informants in the Dobe-/Xai/Xai area didnot make their arrows within a certain size range to consciously express linguistic affiliation vis-a-vis others. Rather, they claimed to make them just as they pleased. Only when confronted withsuggestions that they make them 10-20 cm larger did they respond that it would never occur tothem to do so, as other Kung would not know what to expect of a hunter who made points thatway. The use of style by populations that pool risk among the San, then, does not appear to be theresult of social stress, but rather of environmental stress in the Kalahari. Style helps to overcomeintergroup discrimination which might result from residential arrangements and unites the largerpopulation that pools risk.A second factor that appears to be important in promoting stylistic expression is one proposedby White and Modjeska (1978)-the correspondence between the formal group, the group towhich persons see themselves belonging, and the local group, that in which they actually live.White and Modjeska have proposed that people would not want to express formal group member-ship stylistically if it would inhibit their ability to fit into their local groups. Interestingly, amongthe San stylistic expression of group membership first occurs at the level of the population thatpools risk, which is also the first level in which the formal and local group coincide. This popula-tion would also be the first group, in such a highly mobile population, with enough continuitythrough time to allow stylistic differences that mark boundaries to show up in the archaeologicalrecord.The above results then suggest that San organization, which combines a foraging strategy forresource procurement (Binford 1980) with risk pooling strategies involving widespread reciproci-ty on a regional scale (Wiessner 1977, 1982b), does appear to generate a characteristic pattern ofstylistic variation. That is, within the population that pools risk, style is homogeneous for some at-tributes, and no attributes are used as emblems of individual, band, or, for the Kung,band clusteridentity. In attributes that vary, there are no significantly different percentages of different stylesbetween either bands or band clusters when the latter is not the population that pools risk. Thereis also considerable variation in the quality of projectile points and a low percentage of arrowswith additional decoration, such as link shaft carvings, as a result of individuals finding differentmodes of self-expression to express complementarity rather than competitiveness.Finally, it is interesting that the population that pools risk and expresses itself stylistically is, inthe Kung case, much larger (1,500-2,000 persons) than Wobst's (1976) estimated minimal breed-ing population of 475 persons, and in the Xo case, smaller (120-300 persons). When it is smaller,its members use intralinguistic group ties to find mates but do not develop these ties into socialalliances that would extinguish the band cluster's almost exclusive territorial rights (Heinz 1979).The need to expand or limit access to resources appears to be the predominant factor in determ-ining the size of these groupings, with the arrangements for marriage worked out accordingly.

    CONCLUSIONThe aim of this study was to gain understanding about three factors: (1) items and attributes onthese items that carry social information, (2) conditions that bring about the use of certain items ofmaterial culture to transmit messages about social relations, (3) the means by which different pat-terns of stylistic variation over space correspond to different intergroup and intragroup relations.The San data have shed light on some of these issues with both positive and negative findings.On the positive side, the San data suggest that the choice of artifacts in which stylistic informa-tion is invested follows some basic principles and thus is predictable to some degree for the vastmajority of San artifacts. The projectile point, an artifact that is present in many lithic assem-blages, was found to be well suited for carrying information about groups and boundariesbecause of its widespread social, economic, political, and symbolic import. This should be par-ticularly true for projectile points used in large game hunting because, due to the highly variablereturns, the meat sharing that ensues is often used to solidify socioeconomic ties. The stylistic in-formation contained in San projectile points was a good indicator of linguistic group boundaries.

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    However, I would like to emphasize that the projectile point is only a single item, and is capable ofyielding information only about some aspects of San organization-this information should besupplemented by looking at stylistic variation in other items. For example, the assertive style con-tained in other San items adds to the picture presented by projectile points (Wiessner 1982c) bygiving some measure of degree of contact over the boundaries so defined.

    On the negative side, a number of factors that can add to the complexity of stylistic analysisand interpretation became apparent. Style was contained in a wide range of attributes on projec-tile points including those of shape as well as others that might have important functional proper-ties, such as size and tip thickness. The choice of attributes in which to invest style appeared to bethe result of historical events, rather than following coherent principles. To further complicatematters, different attributes on projectile points simultaneously carried different kinds of socialinformation. Although I have made some suggestions as to how these problems could be handled, Ifound no simple solutions.Perhaps the greatest difficulty in working up the San data was the lack of any coherent theory

    of stylistic behavior in the archaeological literature. The two most widely used approaches, infor-mation theory and social interaction theory, provided some guidelines but on the whole were in-adequate to explain many of the results (Wiessner 1982c). Plog (1980) has come to a similar con-clusion. Information theory was indispensible for explaining why style in material culture, as op-posed to other forms of verbal and nonverbal communication, was appropriate for transmittingcertain messages, but it could not be used to predict under which conditions personal and socialdifferentiation take place. Social interaction theory (Deetz 1965; Hill 1970, Longacre 1970; Voss1977; Whallon 1968) emphasizes the importance of learning and interaction in the transmission ofstyle, factors that are important, but alone insufficient to explain decisions to simulate or dif-ferentiate stylistically. As Hodder has found in his study of the Baringo, "The distribution ofmaterial culture traits, and the maintenance of group identity in terms of material culture, are notnecessarily and wholly structured y patterns of interaction. It is quite possible to have distinctgroups with distinct material cultures but who have very strong and frequentintnteraction" (Hod-der 1977:269).In working towards a better understanding of stylistic behavior I have found a combination oftwo approaches promising. The first is to view style as a means of expressing personal and socialidentity, which has different aspects according to the nature of its referent and the level oforganization that generates it. These aspects may have quite different points of origin in the past,may be evoked by different conditions, and may require different methods of analysis. The secondapproach is to try to see how the combination of conditions operating in a given form of organiza-tion together generate a characteristic pattern of stylistic variation over space and through time.These approaches will certainly not make stylistic prediction and interpretation less complex,particularly with our current understanding of the use of style for social simulation and differen-tiation, but then, it has become clear by now that stylistic behavior is not uncomplicated. For-tunately, the various aspects of style and strategies of social organization are present in manysocieties, and thus our understanding of them can be obtained from many sources, not just fromthe few remaining hunter-gatherers.Acknowledgments. Thisprojectwas madepossiblethrough undsgrantedbythe FordFoundation nd theMax Planck Institut fur Humanethologie. The Botswana Government generously granted me permission towork with the Kung from 1973-1977.I wouldlike to thankLornaMarshall formakingavailableto meher sampleof arrows from1952 andto Dr.H. J. Heinz for collecting supplementary information on Xo arrows. Edwin Wilmsen, Dwight Read, Alan Bar-nard, Charles Rotshart, and Lloyd Wilmot gave me assistance in the field and I am grateful to them. Studentsand colleagues at Moesgaard Museum, Aarhus University, Denmark, provided many discussions that weremost helpful to the development of ideas presented in this paper. Edwin Wilmsen and the reviewers forAmerican Antiquity made extensive and helpful comments on this manuscript. The San exhibited great pa-tience and cheerfulness with my seemingly endless questions, particularly my assistant Tsao ?Toma whooften suggested the right questionsto ask.


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