why washing your hands works - university of iowa

WHY WASHING YOUR HANDS WORKS What is a lipid bilayer? A lipid bilayer consists of several individual moleculues packed tightly together. Each molecule has two different components on each end. The end exposed on the outside loves water (hydrophilic). The inner side abhors water (hydrophobic). Due to the tightly pack nature, the hydrophilic side protects the inner hydrophobic side. Soap molecules Soap molecules also have hydrophilic and hydrophobic structures. The similar structures of the virus lipid bilayer and the soap molecules increases the attraction the virus' lipid bilayer has to the soap molecules. Meaning, the hydrophilic side sticks to the hydrophilic portion of the soap molecule, exposing the hydrophobic side. The hydrophobic side then sticks to the soap's hydrophobic side. The lipid bilayer dissolves, killing the virus. Hand Sanitizer Hand sanitizer containing 60-95% alcohol is another method to kill the virus. The alcohol is an antiseptic meaning it has the capability of killing the virus. However, if your hands are visibly dirty, you should wash your hands instead of using hand sanitizer. Structure of the virus COVID-19 has a protective covering surrounding itself called a lipid bilayer. Website Link https://www.sciencefocus.com/news/coronaviru s-can-hand-washing-really-stop-the-spread-of- covid-19/

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What is a lipid bilayer?A lipid bilayer consists of several individualmoleculues packed tightly together. Eachmolecule has two different components on eachend. The end exposed on the outside loveswater (hydrophilic). The inner side abhors water(hydrophobic). Due to the tightly pack nature,the hydrophilic side protects the innerhydrophobic side.

Soap moleculesSoap molecules also have hydrophilic andhydrophobic structures. The similar structures ofthe virus lipid bilayer and the soap moleculesincreases the attraction the virus' lipid bilayerhas to the soap molecules. Meaning, thehydrophilic side sticks to the hydrophilic portionof the soap molecule, exposing the hydrophobicside. The hydrophobic side then sticks to thesoap's hydrophobic side. The lipid bilayerdissolves, killing the virus.

Hand SanitizerHand sanitizer containing 60-95% alcohol isanother method to kill the virus. The alcohol isan antiseptic meaning it has the capability ofkilling the virus. However, if your hands arevisibly dirty, you should wash your handsinstead of using hand sanitizer.

Structure of the virusCOVID-19 has a protective covering surroundingitself called a lipid bilayer.

Website Linkhttps://www.sciencefocus.com/news/coronavirus-can-hand-washing-really-stop-the-spread-of-covid-19/

Check out this link on how to wash your hands:
