why video is so powerful for business messaging (videobuzz 2015)

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    CONTENTS Why Video is SO Powerful

    Audience RetentionWhat is It?How Can I Measure It?Why Do I Need It?

    EngagementYou Need an IdeaSort out Whats ImportantBe Aware of DurationAdjust The Tone of Your VideoIt Needs to Be Visually CatchyAdd a Short Summary

    Senses Show Your Viewers What You Want Them to SeeYou Should Definitely Include Background MusicMake Them Assume How It FeelsTrigger Your Viewers MemoriesMake It Look Irresistible

    Visual RepresentationWhy is Visual Representation Important?You Should Use Charts, Infographics and Videos Instead of Text

    Consumers Love to Watch not to ReadFaceEmotionsHuman ConnectionIts Easier

    The Customers Knowledge is Your Most Powerful Tool

    Brief Review

    About Us







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    WHY VIDEO IS SO POWERFULThe key to successful communication lays in speed. Now, when were far from using letters and waiting for the response for weeks, sometimes even months, weve succeeded in perfecting the ways of communication. Thanks to technology, which we always take for granted, we can now see and talk to someone thats on the opposite side of the world easily.

    Along with the development of communication, marketing mediums changed and grew. Back when it all started, with posters, radio, and later television, marketing was difficult to manage if you wanted to be a big shot in the world of advertising, you needed to know how to make people want a product, and how to present it using these, now old marketing mediums.

    Today, you still need to be creative and witty when it comes to creating an advertisement, but some things are much easier. People now are easier to reach and communicate with (God bless the Internet), but other problems appeared everythings already seen and done. So, the question here is how to come up with something new, something what people will find interesting?

    Marketing is evolving, and if you want to be a part of it, you need to find out whats the next big thing. The answer here is obvious the era of video web advertising is coming.

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    WHAT IS IT?If youd measure the retention of a video, youd be able to find out how interesting that video is to its viewers. There are two different ways to measure the audience retention: Absolute audience retention Relative audience retentionThe first way absolute audience retention can compare the number of views at a time of your choice in the video, with the number of views in the beginning of the video. With this option, you can easily find out which part of the video your audience find most amusing, and on the other hand, which section is often skipped. Relative audience retention is actually ranking a video in its group, which means that you can compare your video with the ones of similar length.

    HOW CAN I MEASURE IT?In order to start sharing your video online, you need to upload it the unavoidable platform here is YouTube. Currently, it is the second biggest search engine in the world and it is always updated with the latest tools, so youll definitely find it more than useful. The previously mentioned ways of measuring audience retention are both available on YouTube. First and foremost, youll need to create an account. That part is more than simple, because all you need is a Gmail account you can create it in a few fast steps, or if you already have one just log in on the YouTube page.When thats done, you can upload your video. You should pay some additional attention to the name of your video. Youll want to keep it short and clear, and it needs to be a proper description of what a potential viewer will be able to see in your video, but it also needs to be inviting, interesting and catchy. Its always a good idea to find a way to connect your new video with one of the subject which is currently being talked about the latest world happenings, popular news or an innovation of some kind.Its also recommendable to connect your new video with existing material on YouTube you can do this by creating a playlist. Statistics show that a video is more watched if its a part of a playlist, or if its a reply to some other video. Now comes the sharing part. Its important to use social media to share your video because thats the fastest way for people to see it. If you do a good job representing your video, users of different social media will share it amongst themselves.Other than YouTube, you should use Facebook and Twitter with so many active users, your video should become shared, retweeted and liked in no time. If you want to make sure that happens, you need to use accounts which are already active with enough followers and friends. People often decide to use another profile to share their video, in order to gain more popularity, so you can ask someone who has a certain reputation to do it for you. The measurement of audience retention on Facebook and Twitter is manifested in likes, shares and retweets, so you cant make a mistake in judgment there.

    WHY DO I NEED IT?Once you find out what kind of feedback people have when it comes to your video, youll know how to improve it. The majority of videos are watched for the first fifteen seconds, and then the number of viewers usually decreases. Why does that happen? The users of social media know exactly what kind of videos they want to watch if your video isnt interesting enough, theyll just click on something else. If you want to avoid that happening, you need to find out how to make an inviting video that users will want to see.

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    The making of a video isnt as simple as it sounds. As weve mentioned before, you need to come up with something innovative, so your video can become tempting to see. If you want to avoid people clicking on something else after approximately fifteen seconds, you should go through the next six things that every video should contain.

    YOU NEED AN IDEANo matter what you do, you can always find a way to make your product look interesting if you just give it some thought. Again, you can always use current news to boost up the popularity of your video, but people will appreciate it more if you do something original, something that shows you have personality. Its time to put on your thinking hat and do some brainstorming. Before you actually upload your video, its not a bad idea to share it first with your friends, family and coworkers and see the firsthand reactions for yourself.

    SORT OUT WHATS IMPORTANTDont stray away from your subject. If you want to make a video of yourself talking to your audience, you need to previously write down everything you want to talk about, so you dont wander off in the middle of your video. Digressions are the main reason why people lose interest, so try not to make any. The best way to really comprehend this is to go through the videos you like most of them are probably tied strictly to the subject you wanted to learn about.

    BE AWARE OF DURATIONThe most popular videos are the short ones. Today, no one has the time to spare and listen about things more than they need to, so your video advertisement shouldnt last for more than five minutes. The note recommended before, about the importance of a video, should help you with the duration, too. You should split your video into several parts, and you should previously determine how long each of those parts should be.

    ADJUST THE TONE OF YOUR VIDEOIt all depends on the subject of your video if youre making one for a professional advertisement, you should definitely avoid unnecessary things, like inappropriate jokes perhaps, and keep your tone professional at all times. On the other hand, if your video is more of a blog-video, you can relax a bit, and find some balance be friendly, but still keep your distance. Your video advertisement is how you represent yourself, your company and your product no one will take you seriously if youre dressed too casually, or if youre too free with your vocabulary.

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    IT NEEDS TO BE VISUALLY CATCHYKeep things moving this is why videos are better for advertisements than anything else. Youre given an option to attract your audiences attention the best way possible videos are the combination of sound and picture, so you have both at your disposal. Even if your video is mainly focused on a person talking, you should additionally edit your video with some moving content thatll appear and disappear from your video. Dont restrain from using colors and music, but make sure to harmonize the tone of your video with these two, so you dont end up with something unattractive.

    ADD A SHORT SUMMARYThis part can help you and your audience with the video. If you place a short summary in the beginning of your video, youll be able to orientate easier when recording and editing. On the other hand, your audience will be really grateful. Each time when a user clicks play, they know exactly where is subject theyre interested in. So, instead of watching the whole video just to hear a few sentences, they can rewind your video and watch only the part they wanted to. This can also be helpful when it comes to audience retention both, relative and absolute because youll know which subjects are desirable.

    Engagement and audio retention are tightly connected. If you neglect one of these two, youre videos wont be as popular as you want them to be. But, if you focus on both things at the same time, youll know exactly whats missing in your video and how to improve it. Its similar to a poll, just this way, you dont have to collect all the necessary data and then use it, because youll have these smart little things that can show you everything you need to know.

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    What makes a quality video? You probably often see a nice video, that has everything weve talked about so far included, but you feel like somethings missing, something crucial. Most people that make video ads often forget that theyre making them for people, not for YouTube or some other platform. No matter how far weve came in non-personal communication, people still crave for it. Today, its possible that you communicate with a bunch of people during your busy day without hearing a single word that comes directly from a persons mouth. In order to create a great video, you need to try and awake the human senses.


    Weve already mentioned that you should keep your viewers interested by having things fly in and out of your video. Other than that, you should use harmonized vivid colors, something that looks great combined together not too neutral and not too strong, so you dont make someones eyes hurt. If you manage to combine these effect with the subject of your video, be sure that youll be able to keep your viewers interested.


    Its in human nature to react to different sounds, familiar and those weve never heard before. The best example you can possibly find are movie trailers how many times has it it happened that youre disappointed when you saw a movie, and you thought that it had a great trailer? Try out this test on the next movie trailer you see watch it first with the sound off, and compare that impression to the one youve felt watching it after, with the sound on. The difference is amazing, because carefully edited music of every good trailer is made to keep you on the edge of your seat and biting your nails.

    MAKE THEM ASSUME HOW IT FEELSThis part is potentially problematic because its the only thing you cant do with a video allow the viewers to feel something material with their own two hands. But, this problem isnt bigger than any other you can show them how other people feel when in they have a chance to touch the product youre selling. Just think about it every time you watch an ad for a fabric softener, for example, you almost always identify yourself with a person thats putting on that fresh soft sweater that smells like vanilla.

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    TRIGGER YOUR VIEWERS MEMORIESIts equally hard like evoking the sense of touch, but not impossible. You should go through some perfume ads, created by some of the biggest brands. Its a scientific fact that the sense of smell is the most powerful memory trigger to the human mind, so you should definitely use this information to your advantage. If you make your viewers remember a certain smell that reminds them of someone special, their childhood or something they havent remembered for years, theyll probably click replay more than once.

    MAKE IT LOOK IRRESISTIBLE Probably the best example for explaining how something evokes the sense of taste is McDonalds. Their advertisements cost a fortune, but it brings them a lot more money than theyve invested. Most people, immediately after watching a McDonalds ad, get a certain craving for their food. Sure, the food looks a lot better on the commercials, but that isnt stopping anyone from spending money, once they hear the sound of the Coca-Cola bottle opening and the French fries crunching.

    The video ad youre making needs to make people desperately want your product. Back in the beginning of the last century, when marketing was developing, the most manipulative ways for evoking secretly buried human desires and animal instincts were used. For example, women began to smoke when they were told that a cigarette was a symbol of power every woman who considered herself independent simply had to start smoking.

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    In order to create a circle of loyal customers, you need to show them what exactly are they buying and how is that being made. Now, dont get me wrong, you dont need to make a documentary about whats happening in the kitchen, but you should give your potential customers a glance of whats going on back there. The visual representation will help you create a brand, something that people can find familiar and trustworthy. There are different ways for you to attract viewers and customers, but whatever you decide to use, it needs to have a personal touch.

    Look at these two examples, Starbucks and Coca-Cola. Starbucks is always trying to show that team atmosphere while theyre working. Its obvious why people are attracted to them they appear to be a huge family, and how not to trust a happy hardworking family? On the other hand, theres Coca-Cola with their famous commercials that are being broadcast during winter holidays did you know that Coca-Cola was the first to come up with Santa? Before them, he didnt even have a red suit.


    INSTEAD OF TEXTThe human minds works in its own way, and theres nothing we can do to stop it. If you havent had a chance to pay attention to how you avoid reading bare text, but you always stop to see whats written on a photo, you should start now, because that can bring you some serious money. The evolution of marketing showed its ingenuity when infographics were born basically, its visualized text that people are attracted to because theres no too much reading. Knowing this, you should turn every percentage into a chart by doing this, youre not changing the information you want to present; youre simply changing the package it comes with.

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    We want all information and we want it now. Not so long ago (it feels like a whole millennia had past), people actually had to go to the library and look for that small paragraph they need for hours, but now we dont have to strain our brains so much we can simply play a video, watch and listen.

    There are a few things that people, consciously and subconsciously, like to see in a video. You should be aware of them because a customer knows best you need to give them what they want to see (or at least make them think its like that).

    FACEThe first thing that a baby sees after it is born is a face. All of our lives are filled with faces of people who are dear to us, and those who are not so much. Its a scientific fact that all people have a different, more positive, attitude when theyre confronted with a human face, compared to just being overflown with faceless information. Its definitely a great idea to have a host in your video if not you, than someone who people find pleasant. Believe it or not, itll boost up the number of views, shares and tweets.

    EMOTIONSIt was very interesting in the beginning, when the whole world went virtual, but now, were all starting to understand how empty it really is. This is the second reason why you should have a person talking in your video people connect to emotions, and the best way to show emotions is with facial expressions. You shouldnt force or overstate them, but you should insert a fine dose of expressions in your video. That kind of video usually feels like a real live conversation, which makes it a lot more personal.

    HUMAN CONNECTIONIf you decide to have videos like this, which have a tone thats more personal, youll have subscribers, fans and followers thatll stay loyal to you. Once your viewers see an actual face, they connect the whole story youre telling with that face. This means a viewers more likely to remember the whole video, which is very important if you want to have your customers trusting you. Other than that, your second video wont have a tough time breaking through like your first one people will see a familiar face and theyll become curious.

    ITS EASIERWhen youre reading a book, you need to focus and try to visualize that text in front of you. When youre watching a video, a big part of the job is already done. Theres no difficulty with some potential distractions, because the viewers can click play and concentrate on the video when it gets interesting for them when they hear that key word theyve been waiting for. Watching a video is actually considered relaxing, thats something you do when you come home after a lot of long work hours and youre ready to unwind.

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    These five subjects weve been through include some great pointers about how to make a successful video and how to have people watching it. When you start getting a certain number of views or followers each day, youll start getting feedback. That type of review you get in the form of comments is the most valuable thing there is you should know about your video.

    Its more than simple to realize youve created a bad video you wont get any shares, likes, views or retweets. All other popularity ranks are a bit more difficult to interpret and manage, because once you start posting videos, you should have enough content material that your viewers can find satisfying, but you should adopt and adjust future videos to the reviews youve gotten. You should also know that theres a thin line between someone whos regularly posting interesting things and a spammer someone who doesnt know where to stop with sharing different types of content.

    Its not a bad idea to combine the video material with other types of content photos, text, charts and infographics, because chances are youll need to use Facebook and Twitter, and you cant manage those accounts with videos only. It all depends on how much time and other resources youre willing to invest into this campaign of yours, but be confident that your success will be proportional to the amount of resources you decide to invest.

    Its not a bad idea to hire someone to keep your social media profiles working properly, because it will be difficult to manage each and every one of them thoroughly. The minute you start getting feedback, youll need to sort it out so you can make a personal chart that can help you improve your video and other content.

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    BRIEF REVIEWAll in all, theres more to this last step in marketing evolution than it seemed in the first place. You need to have active accounts so you can post your video content, but not any kind of videos just the quality ones. Then, you need to find a way to improve your videos, and theres nothing better to help you manage that than audience retention see how your videos look like to your viewers, the boring and interesting parts, those crucial and perhaps some unnecessary, and use that knowledge well in your future videos. The most important thing really is your audience if they dont like it, youve wasted your time. Listen to your audience carefully, and they will lead you to the path of success. But first, you need to earn their respect, by showing how hardworking you are (a facial expression here and there could help you make a great first impression). Also, try to keep up with the latest information about this subject, because itll help you make better videos, and other content in general.

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    ABOUT USToday, anyone can create a video. Just point and shoot with a Smartphone. But if youre wanting to create an amazing, tailored, bespoke video, then youve come to the right place.

    VideoBuzz work in partnership with you to create magic. We have a unique way of drawing out the essence of what you are trying to say and turning it into a visually stunning, highly influential message that your customers will understand and love you for!

    Unlike our competitors, we come from a strong background in sales, marketing and business communications. We are messaging maestros with a keen eye for creative design that find the heart of what our clients are trying to say and turning that into a compelling story that resonates deeply.

    It can be daunting even just thinking about how your video will come together, to get across the message you need to. Thats our job. All we need from you is to know where you want to get to and the message you are trying to convey to solve your problem.

    Go on, give us a go, were confident you will be pleasantly surprised.

  • 7 Key Ingredients of an Engaging Video VideoBuzz & Jules Blundell 12

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