why quit before the finish line

Why quit before the finish line By: Sherrell Storr

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Post on 27-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Why quit before the finish line

Why quit before the finish line

By: Sherrell Storr

Page 2: Why quit before the finish line

Why quit before the finish line.

Standing at the starting line, looking in the stands at the crowd of mirrored faces; all staring straight at me. Could they hear my heart pounding? Could the color leave the face of a chocolate rich maiden? The silence was deafening and the wind bullied me to run the opposite way. Looking at my opponents they all seemed taller, with muscles and their faces were hardened with no imagery of pleasant thoughts. They all seemed ready, until a glance to my right caught the eyes of my opponent next to me and as almost to chase my heart, she said in a shaky voice “You see these girls,” and she scurried towards the stands. She quit before we even started. My first thought was, I wanted to do that but how can I leave now, she already took what seemed like the only opportunity to spare oneself the embarrassment. Suddenly, the silence thickened and the voice over the sound system echoed: “On your marks, get set, GO”.

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On your mark………In the opening story, I was about eleven and I can remember it as clear as day. I am reminded of this story because in life we often focus on the wrong things and end up quitting before the race even begins. We give up our opportunities before we even try. Like a race, what is on your mark? Being on your mark is knowing what you want. It is being prepared mentally, it is positioning yourself physically. It is grounding yourself, bracing yourself, so that what comes next doesn’t move you or startle you or ruffle you. Your starting point is wherever you are right now because only the present matters. You can not start from the past, in fact progress requires forward movement. Attempting to start from the past is a sure way to fail. It is a sure loose because there is no race to be won in your past, only lessons to be learnt and to be used as tools to be stronger, better and wiser.

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Get set………………..

Getting set for the race of life is to raise your head to the challenges, square up for the race. Your already on your mark and grounded; now its time to embrace the challenges. This stance gives you an opportunity to take in a fresh dose of wind, your lungs are elongated and full to capacity. Getting set is a reminder that the race is about to begin. If your set, there should be no thoughts of quitting at this point. My opponent in the opening story never attempted to set herself for the race and like life it seemed so much easier to follow her and quit. But why here and why now, when abilities are not determined by the size of challenges but rather challenges reveal that your abilities are always greater, by God’s infinite design.

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Once you are set, you must be ready. You can ask yourself if your ready but it comes right back to, “you better be ready”. Remember the children’s game of Hide and seek and the statement “Ready or not, here I come,” was what you yelled out just before looking for the children hiding. Life is like that, it keeps coming regardless to what your mental state is at the time, regardless to who and what you are allowing to control your emotions, despite life’s painful experiences and losses. Ready is a always present state of mind. Ready- for life’s challenges, ready- to seize opportunities; ready, ready, ready. If one is ready, he or she is definitely on the mark, set and never caught off guard by the sound of the gun.

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GOBoom!! The gun is fired and the race begins. Life is about you and your pre-destined purpose. It is not about opponents or circumstances around you; they are forms of distractions that will stagnate or take you off course. In the game of life, finishing is more important than finishing first. There are lessons to be learnt in the process that can enable you to if not finish first; finish stronger and the rewards are even greater. No matter what the delay, the accomplishments of not quitting far exceeds settling and never knowing what could have been. “Go” is active, never seizing. It is motion, never yielding. The greatest you, is falling and getting up, experiencing setbacks and never giving up. Today is the beginning of the race for your life, your happiness; why quit before the finish line?

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Sherrell Storr is a Professional Manager, Writer, Mentor, Personal & Business Coach. An appointment with Sherrell, can help you position yourself as the superior product you were created to be.

sherrellstorr@bahamasgem sherrellstorr /gems&concierge

www.gemsandconcierge.comTel: (242) 423-1514/325-8844
